By 0111121" of the Board all oc- counts must be paid on or before): Dect.-mbcr 31, 1925, or scrvice_ma.y' be discontinued. 1 1 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS STROUD TELEPHONE CO. AN'I`HEMS- Collier St. United Church ANTHEMS- For Unto Us a Child is Born" Ax-ise! Shine! Carol Anthem Come Ye Lofty I:ift Up Your Heads ., uwlvj Christians Awake MM; Quzwtette--Sl0cp, Holy Babe. Messrs. E. C. Codling and J. H. Cooper, Mrs. H. Wilson and Mrs. E. C. Conl`ling' Joy to the world, the` Lord is come, Lot earth receive hor King: Lot every h(~:n't prepare Him room, And Heaven and nature sing`! Qlhriatmaz vrnirw SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20th Rev. S. H. Groensladc, B.A. Rev. A. D. Cornett, M.A. COME AND WORSHIP. -.-......... \.uu.\_\( n;nuL\;II, nu: (111110 succo:<':~:fLil. The p1'oc(.-erI:~: amountotl` to about $60. ']`hoso in clm1'5:,`e of; the t.z1bIcs were : Homemz.ulc baking`. 1\/Iss 'l{in_u'. M1-;<,. A. 1`). Bell, Mrs. J. D.,Ro'_>'or.<, .\`Ir.=. .\'<.-Ilr~.<; afternoon tva, M1':<. C. M. G. Smith, zissisttetl by M1'.~'. A. Sarjezint, Mrs. Donald- son, .VI1'.<. .\`Iz11'tin and llrs. Billings-j Joy; candy, Mrs. Jos. Hewitt, M1':<. C. Jeffs. Mrs. A. Burton was in Ci121l`_`.*.`(`.' of the music and 21 number` of pleasinj.-: selections` were furni-En-vi riH`OU_L"i10Lli3 the afternoon. A hot supper was served to :1 numb.21' of. business men and others. 'I`ho;~:-:- in cha1'_:;v \\'m'o .\I1'.~:. :a1l21nt_\ 11c Zlhtil` .Mrs. Turner. 3 P.M.--Sunday School 5?` "EXR ] The mom`. `;cm'ol.< and b the . I - . u;unn.vnr:u||. I Oakwood Games (T. R. B`uac`:<[ Cup)--G. 0. Cameron, A. D. Simon,| W. H. I{ennel_\', W. A. Lewis. i ! T) .. ._. nu-,. IV "- n. :1. n\\.uu\_\I_\, n. .1. uuwvzts. Bon.>'pio1--Oli\`o1' Cameron. VV. H. `Konnc C. H. Beclby, S. I\'Io1'(-dith, llHa1'1`_v Hook, W. A. Lewis, P. Lovo. . . . . . u . - .. Tankz11`d-~C. H. Bee1b_\' and S. Meredith. Dist1'icft~-P. Love and F. W. 0`- ton. V Ba1`1'i0-O1`il`1ia Cu`p-S. ;VIe1'0.'lith, 'G. 0. Cameron, C. H. Beolby, R. lI\/Ialcomson. n 1 v (`I IV"! -.- -\. CENTRAL PANTIACS GIVE ` PLEASING ENTERTAINMENT I -...\,u..\.. ._~; un. if M 5.; K i nu`. T\ 1'! . u.u...;- - - A u - - u ~ L v ~ v nu uuu. 9'11`. _ ' vI_e5c.` Brownlee presented the report of the Ontario Curling` Association and presented the president, Dr. W. A. Lewis, with _the banner won b_v the'Tanl winners last year. GC #0. Cameron and H. Dyment were appointed as 21 Bonspiel Committee. The following` skips were elected . Club Skip.=_-W. A. Lewis, C. H. Beelby, S. Mredith, R. Lowe, G 0. Cameron, G. D. Hubbard, R. Mal- eomson. H. I\'enned_\', D. McNiVen, VV. A. '1`u1`ner, H. Hook, A. Brown- lee, C. Dior, E. C. Codlin_2' and H. Arnold. :11 u V I 77 .. .. . _. Thirty-six` follokwers of t "[ game, members of th ` Curl" mg` Club, met law 3 `ght 1.01` the election 05 11):. Mr. James Patterson_}vaS"111:1l]C hono1'a1'y skip and 71,-19 lembcr of the club. Mr. I '..1n{-,.n Y\\-rx.-vnr\5'r.:" n-- Christmas Music, Sunday, Dec. `(Run CURLING ;CLUB MAKES] READY To START THE SEASON l\ ANDREW S PRESBYTERIAN CHOIR , ...\,......__, .~.,. v|\.L/ : trmlitional . cent ....Messiah-Handel ....................... ..Elvey ....,..Messiah ._..Maundo1- ` will con.~'i.~,' n1e]mli0;< 1 1 C0n.=ide1`inf; the inclement weather` of last Satur afternoon, the; -bazaar of the W.C.T.U., held in thr,-If CL~nt1'z1l [fnitml church, w:x.< quite HI The. 1`\vr\r-r.n:]:u;,..1 [E harp stop 1 thn or:_','2u1| this occ21.<- Cln'i.stn1as- :. Mr. Ed-I Twr-nnx-| :uA\,.1 u L In the Iv\v It wits a very real Christmas` thought o-f the above splendid on` Lranization to approach the Barrie! Kwanis Club and ask to be given the} nzunesef twenty-ve kiddies to pro- ,vde~Cl1rstn1as cheer for. The young] ilzulies were accoimnodatud and are! fmoro ,lese1'ving' of public esteem" th'\.n thev are of nubile mention. ...-.,.. \J -.u._y AVASJID Mrs. DcGee1-`W-`_ Offertor_v---Mcmorics ....... .. St. Clair Anthr.-m-There Were Shepherds ....................................................... ..Buck ..,...t1(lE.UD1 So1o........_........ ...Harry Barron Post1u(Ie-Festa1 March"........Kroeger Mrs. Rich-ardson, Organist. Harry Barron, Choir Leader. TRINITY ?T\44 -.v., .,..,, Mr. Singer Po:'t1lu(Ic--Ch1-istmas March. Evening PreIu(le-Chorus of Angels. Anthem-`C1n`is1In1as ............. .;Sl1 SoLo-O Holy Night 1|/I :-av T'\..r`.... . .................................. ...'Ve1u1111g`e1` I IO`e1'to1'y-~Mcditation . So1o--.Ho1y City .......... .` M 0: N-.. Rev. A. J. G. Carsczultlen will preach; at both servcies. I rVIr`n1ornn,r A an \I"v~r:vru I ` CHRIsTM,xS Mlc l Morning |Pro]LuIc--Alo1'at.ion" (Holy ( L I.~\nthcm--Birthday of :1 King- l '\T,.5,112.. .;u.uu\,n A) . Because the Muskoka Hospital rpatients had been able to leave that institution sooner than expected, the lndiyrent Committee had only spent $l,2=1-1.39 of its $1,800 levy. I . . . ,.vv'a.1LL:l' D[)HHlL`_\v'i Evenin_2' Pre1u(lc--(a) Nocturne ` .......... .. ._.....Gena1'i ]{a1'g`z1nof`f (b) WzLlt.her s Prize Song , from Dir: Mcistersiny.-;e1" .... ..Wag`ner Ofl'ertoire--Emmaus-- I ............. ..J. Frank I1`_\'. Po.~ntlu(lc--.\Ia1'cl1 01" the Mugri l o l{i11::s ..... ...... ..'[`l1eo(lo1'c Dul)oi.~:- L(:z1Ilet.s containinix the woruls of all the st.-lr.~cti<)n.-2 to be .~;un,;' will be? placed in tho pr,-ws for the l110)`l]l1l_'.1 ;zm cve11in_g' ; { l . ..u. u. uL'uy 1 0:s'tIudc--A Royal Procession i ............ .........W'a1tc1` Spinney` Wvru1u'nn- T7:-nlunln t..\ \YA"" .3111]. Kill IIUHHID Of1`e'1'toi1'e--.-"l.;1' arpc Celeste Pn;-Hn.I.._ A 1>m,.,1 T-)\ur\n/\- \ t y CENTRAL ILAAII b ir CHURCH GIRL GUIDES! UNITED 214- N orthrn Advance v vvvvv -- I Sorry He Spoke Ald. Walker demanded to know `how this ycar s police court nes tgompared with last year s. The Clerk answered that last year the returns had been $800. Public Works The Public Works Board report :.l CX-pTl(lltl.Il`C amounting to $12,- 554'.71. Of this amount $568.86 is returnztble to the town for street oiling, leaving` a not expenditure of $11,975.99. The Board was unable; to fu1'ni: a full detailed account as, L- LI. .__,._L ,L ,1: Al | CHURCH ..u`\ ...Neidlinp:er 2 o+..`.A.- __l UNDERWEAR A PAIR OF SUSPENDERS A SWEATER COAT LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS A TIE A SILK SCARF A WOOL SCARF A PAIR or INTERWOVEN HOSE A PAIR or GLOVES A SHIRT A SUIT or PYJAMAS _ A SUIT or TURNBULL S The Serviceable Gift is the Gift Most Appreciated Some of the things that will please HEM T.`?9#_G?f*J%5irefr Men and Boys 'io.< : 3:<.u Bum-. =,u.s) 12215,- O A. You `lat rl Hollins Ste" . J. Grey` ' _ '.sion`` : Spinney :t'u1`nc {a1`f:z111ofT| .' 111:, `- -_ , Ha`: :She1ley ..,...Adarm The Water and Light Committee! A debating team of three cooks. had been rig.-;ht in its estimates re- town Tuxis boys was bested in a g;1r(lin`g' hydrant 1'eI1t3~1, but 10W vevbal battle with three Cen'~ cral in the Street l`if-h`th1.`-1' Stl`h13t9- The 1 church Tuxis `boys last Frid-ay night, latter state was because 11 higher when the Pontiac Square put on an rate W3-S Ch3-1`l3.' f0? the lights 0 entertainment in the Central Sun- the new Stan(laI'(l`S- There '33 hiday School rooms. A debate, Re-' possibility that these rates, which 501,,-ed that the moving picture is, seemed rather excessive, mhlht be detrimental to the best inuterests of revised, the report stated. The rate the community, was m.g.ued out by for standards using 100 watt ligrhtslgehh Dihwoody, `G,e0,-ee-e Bake, am]. W215 $15, and for 200 Watt lights: Nonman Baker of Cookstown for the $13 affirmative and three Pontiacs, Ar- Printing and advertising had costjthup ce,~5ea(h1ehy Roy Houghton and more than Was 0Stlm'E1'8(l. but 3- tW%Jack Walsh, for the l1(`,`1`ZltlV'C. The- Year SU`l>I>IY Of S t3-tl0h0l'.V had heehulecision was awarded to the i1e_<..>'a- procured and the tax bills had beenitjve Side hy the jude-e_;, N['i;jg(\_c mall-S in-*t0i1fl Of h0lhi~" h5fHe11ry and E. St.rang:e and Mr. Chas. f0IT1 Y'lC1'l_\'. Bake}-_ H0-'*`l3lt31;' John Weldon, member-elect of thatlthe older Boys- pm`-;heia1 pa,ha_ Iinent, occupied the chair and gave an i zuliliw-.<.=. An orche. under .Vli.<.< :I`ll`_\'."0ll rendered several numbers. :)Ii.~'.=e.= Stranfxe and Clifton ,u':1ve` w_C,T_u. BAZAAR .~:olo,4 and )lis~.= Shepherd 1`L'Clt('Il. City. I``.. IVIEN S- AND BOYS CLOTHING AND FURNIS HINGS E-PHONE 82.` v\l -........-u u ;uu ~u...u-n_u u\.v.,uuuu urv to the <>:\'z1ct cost of the variourzl wonks (lone (lurin_;' the your. The) labor chu1'_9,'c-S had been fliStl'ibut(3(l[ by the foreman against the various] jobs, but not the charges for ma-| torial. Because of the paving`, work of an unforeseen nature had come up, with the result that the Board had exceeded its estimates. I .... `YY: .-... ,. I The Big Furniture House ESTABLISHED 1869 m3 -mVr ~._ ?-,`.`~\'\ . \\\`-~_.__ *aJ17f3e&;`?}f?:%$:\%;?71fI:f . L-;;M_gcu .A.* w; ;/'f[r"~z4,, /g ` ` .;\_ FOR THE BOY A Tie THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 1925. nun \.zu,-.\,u\.u Ana p.~uuuuu\,o. Committee estimate. The` on was a lights 1ig`hits,i I T)..!_.LZ..... 4,, 1 1,, I ued from page one) range Hall, E. Whitebreacl E, Knight; Advance Poll, .A., Gordon Brunton. Fire and Police e Fire and Police Committee eported that they would almostgc able to keep within their esti-`R`E395: not.withstan(ling some h_ __ 3 UN! 3- seen xpenditures. If3 \V'a1~' 11 F0l1'-"50 of gratication that the 1`(:tu1`Y1S f1-qm the Police Court Departmunt .nn!0unt.etl to 3-1115.65, and the earnin_9,`s of the town team L0 $623.34. ,