Give Brother or Friend Mm- O\'m'sl10es, Sl Hunts, Spills m- Slimwrs. .ll.v \\'<>11l al- 54 :1}>|m--i:1l(~ :1 pair of ().\'l'm' or L-`mols. He will m,~<*(1 them soon. ll 1l1(-_\' do nuf l we will ('ll:lll_,"(3 llmm to t nr .~ his (l(`Sll'(`S. Give Father : A comfy pair of good easy boots that are made 011 wide tting last to assure ample room for his foot com- fort. Also Overshoes or Slippers are always fi1V01'ii'(`S for his Chris`:- nms gift. Our prices are 1'(.'i1SOI1`.1b1C and the assm-txnont large. Jlllof u: 1;. sub nu-uruuu. Successis usualIyaccom- panied by good health. If the physical part of yo r body are not working non ` mally do not try to sub- .stitute them or have them itaken away, promote them to function by tak1'ngChi- `ropractic adiustments, DR. BURNS. ` nz.:..,....-.....4__, ` l Have you some ailment! !that seems to hang on, no matterwhat you have pre-. eviouslytricd`.- If so you owe it to yoursclfand thoseg {around you to investigate` I Chiropractic. if . vm... ..u:n:,.--A-- V -- - I guy: v11: um./'9`: u`. | g Your efnctency as awork-I icr etc., etc. is lzamperedzif =y0u are in ill-health. l `II o 4.1-n......-.. -_._..__ up uv, wuao (1 ye Kn that ?-Toronto Mail and that year. In ,. The only school north of To.1'011 r0 that is a member of The Business Educators .\ss0c-iation of Czmuda REOPENS JANUARY 4th. Graduates assisted to positions. Catalogue VV1'ife for Rates. Phone 445. W... wxu uu uu summer next. We predict that there will: So, what: d ye know about Empire. Take Us, For Instance The fellow who insdsts that 8. W0-I LA The world considers eccentricity man can t keep a secret has never` in great things genius, in small asked 9. woman her age.-BroakvilIe things folIy.---Princc Albert I!r.~,:':2Y:?. T?~:-:-rd~r mu! Times. I Washing'ton scientist predicts there will be no summer nex In 1-.n/Hn+ LL..L LL,.,, `H aJIJ.l.\AV\J, Chiropractor \\.lUlI.l and LIOPB When (lid you return from the mountains Robinson? 3 UKXIL-.. A-L- 1..._.n-__.\ ,,, 1 n ...v, uuuunuuu ; When the landlord and the mos- quitoes sent in their biJl1s.-St. J ohm Times-Star. A concerted move in certain politcul circles to secure the parole of Peter Smith, former Provincial `|T1'easu1'c1', who is now in the Kin_1,-'- |ston Peniitentiary, resulted in an appointment being rnade Tue;~: lwith the Minister of Justice at Ot- ltaxva by Hon. W. E. Raney, former {Liberal lemler Welliimton Hay, and `Senator Rankin. Whatever success may attend the ple:ulin,g's of tliese in(livi before Hon. Mr. La- ` Pointe, it is highly doubtful if the Provincial Governemnt will view with favor any proposition for the release of Mr. Smith which does not )`V'|!Il(n Vxv-nu-:~u'n`. .1`-.. n,,, hr ....-...,. Ll). nu. ounui V\ l1lCI1 (IOCS not make provision for the payment to the public t1'ez1vsrury of the $100,000 ne which the court imposed upon him. SEEK TO FREE PETER SMITH FROM THE PENITENTIARY (Gold and Gore Free. Lond9n s magistrate says it is not the b,usine'ss of police to inrterfere with girls who expose their knees by rolling their socks. The police have too many other skin games to watch. ~-London Adverhirm-. A rector and his wife who rosiclol at liilforcl, Pa., expected a boy, and had a name all 1-ezuly. The stork loft three girls, but no name was rczuly for even one. However, the problem was temporarily solved by the rector who _said Grace-th1`ee timos.-Ottawa J ou~1'na]. Exceeding anything before shown in the Dominion of Canada and in the world, figures of marketing of all grains and of car loadings in the month of November furnish a dou- ble record for Canadian Pacific Rail- way westrern lines, for Canada and for the world. Marlceting of all grains totalled 69,310,780 bushels and car loadings were 39,522 cars For figures even distantly approach- ing the above. the statistician must go back to November 1.023, when 57,608,000 bushels of all grains were marlmtcd and 36,870 cars were loaded. The first Christmas holiday spec- ial over the Canadian Pacific Rail- way bearing three hundred happy VVesterners bound for the Old Coun- try arrived at St. John, N.B. in time to connect with the Canadian Pacific liner Montrose which will land them in Great Britain in time for the Christmas holidays. The special, travelling as the second section of the Imperial Limited, was composed of eight sleepers, one from Edmon- ton, Calgary, Moose Jaw, Kerrobert, Sask., Shaunavon, Sask., and two from Winnipeg. nu... uu: aauuuuunugly rupxu GE- spatch of wheat, money is steadily coming in to farmers, giving them an opportunity to clear off debts and leaving them enough to extend their pufchases. According to advices from a re- liable source, conditions in the West have shown consistent improvement this year. The crop has been gath- er_ed, threshing is finished, and the grain has been stored in elevators. With the astoundingly rapid de- gnnfr-}1 nf u'i\nr)O` mn...\.. .- ..;-...::1__ I With Canadian ensign flying and jail her g`:-Ila bunting aloft, the Ca- } nzulian Pacific liner Empress of EScotland left the harbor of New 1 York sharp at noon on December 3 on the first part of her jour- ney in the course of which she will completely ci1'('L11nnm'ig::te the globe, covering apprnxiznately 30,000 miles, visiting nineteen different countries `and making twenty-four ports of call. Canadian Pacific Railway gross earnings for the month of October were $9,569,188.43 an increase of $216,847.93 over the sum for the corresponding period of 1024. Net profits were $7,444.027.08 or an in- crease of $421,849.85 over $7,022,- 177.23 for October 1924. Net pro- fits for the ten months ending Oc- tober 31 were $29,079,949.01 an in- crease of $1,611,889.52 over the sum of $27,468.059.49 for the same pe- riod of 1924. The Emztern International Dog Derby will be run at Quebec on Feb- ruary 18, 19 and 20. The course pl`OVldC'3 for a distance of 45 miles `a day for three days. irrespective of irnin, snow or storm. The winner `will receive $1.000 and a gold cup. ,Othe1' cnmpetitors will be awarded prizes a;:_2,`1`eg-uting $2,200. Immigration to Canada for the .six months from April 1 to Septem- ber 30, 1925 totalled 57,086. Of this number 25,072 were from Great Britain and Irclmxd, 11,199 from the United States and 20.815 from other L-ountric;<. In the same period 18,- 232 Czmudizms returned from the United States. ?J Timber exported from British Co- lumbia during the nine months end- ing September 30, 1925 was 3G,663,~ fan? (|I\Yv1r\nv-n11 ...-LL P!` P'`'` """ Give Mother : A pair of our Cllshion Soled Oxfords and :1 Overshoes; :1 pair of 1)air of 3, -1 01' 5-.bu<.-kle cosy, warm slippers. Our goods are on dis- play and easy to choose from. The apple crop in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, this yeir is estimated at 2,300,000 boxes. At is. fair estimate of a dollar and a half in box, the return to growers in this district will be approximately four million dollars. A project is under way at Toronto for the construction of the hrgest hotel in Canada, which also means the largest hotel in the British Em- pire. It is understood that the new structure will be even larger than the Roosevelt in New York. ..;v..yu.unuu1 ou, .1360 3U,UUv3,~ feet, compared with 50,500,00 t fa} 199/1. A2131-3 nnn -_A - [ere a;1aT1.ere' Have They ? .u..-`nu cu wuu ou,-3UU,Uk 1924; 46,643,000 feet i 1 49,820,000 feet in 1922. _.._ Amen vvuun CIALI All LULUll|JU- Merv_\;'n Parker sustained serious inuries by falling and is in the hos- pibal at Barrie. We understand he is doing well. Give Sister or Friend : A nice pair of Satin, Pafont 01' Kid Strap S]l or ()_\'fm'ds, or a pair of Kid Padded ]3()lld()i1 Slippers with H1l>h(-1: 11m,-l;s', in sovc-ml mlr>r.<. \\'C l1:1vo just ihc ]](`\\ t"s1` yet`, and aim in ])](`.`lS(`. IF Hwy dm1'1 t` we `will ox<]1a11g' g`()O(1S a'F t01' Christmas. _.... ..... nu... nu-o _-,v.un5_ uu auu 1. was working` eleven and twelve hours per day, and then when tvhinegs slacken up to kick me out in the (i("1(l of winter. 1 suippose it is what they will call ECONOMY. Of course, Mr. Edtor, I have handed in` my resignation, and may I say this was o`e1-ed to them- several times` in the summer. They seem to want some one who will be led around by the nose, who must have no initiative of hs own, but be pulled? by one and pushed by another, and still say notln'ne;. I fact, Mr. Edi tor, it is not a foreman they want; it is a tool, and not being one of those useful articles, I am not wanted. I am sorry to take up so much space in your valuable paper, but feel that the ratepayers of this town are enititled to know the rea- son for the headline and in justice to mysezlzf. Yours truly, `D C1YYTYrT\17~n I Mr. and 1\/Lrs. H. Priest spenvt the` week end in Toronto. 1r,,, 1-: 1 ..v mu. LJ\.ll|IUL . I notice that one of our weekly papers has the above heading in Largse print, and being the party mostly concerned, I would very much like to know if the TOWN COUN- CIL did this or was it just two or three of that body who had this all arranged and then rushed it through before the Town Council could have anything` to say against it. Is it not- the usual custom in any municipality` for `these I-himgs to come -before the Committee '2 Or are these select few allowed to do as they like ? In the first place, shounld I not have been asked for my 1'esi-ignauon 3",;- so have given me a chance to speak for myself, instead of having to take this means of getting` a little justice ? According to the conditions of my appointment I am employed from the first of each month, and therefore, cannot take notice from the eighth. Did any of those coun- cillors trouble themselves to nd out the conditions of my appoint- ment, and am I going` to get any ,2-'ood reason for casting` me off like an old shoe, simply because I have dared to raise my voice to suggest how certain work should be done.. I am told the reason for my dis- IIIISSZII is that I did not do as I was told. If wasting: public money is do- in.,e' as I am told, then I am certain- ly gruilty. Anyway, it is a glorious thing` for :1 dying council to do af- ter keeping,` me on all summer when all the work was _2'` on and I uvnn nu-...1-!.~~ ,.l .... .. ...~ I A V 1" `lB\4U\l ..... u J(ll nu. uuuc. ;J:L: It T0!" lumbago, neuritis. backache, sti` neck, sore muscles, colds in chest. Almost instant relief awaits you. Be sure to get the genuine. with the name Rowles on each package. \\'hcn you are suffering with rheu- nmtism so you can hardly get around just try Red Pepper Rub and you will hm-e the quickest relief known. .\'nthing has such concentrated, pend-r {rating llcili. as red peppers. Instant relief. Just as soon as"you apply Red Pepper huh you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot tlirongli and through. Frees the blood circul:1`.im1, breaks up the congestion-v and 1110. oilzl rheumatism torture is gone. R0\`.'lCS Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a jar at once. Use it for muscles. mid: in rllncf Al.-.-.-.-o To the Editor: TOWN FOREMAN FIRED BY THE` ICOUNCIL 137 Dunlap St. Phone 1017- BREAD & CONFECTIONERY Christmas Cakes Shop Where you are Invited to Shop during the Christmas Season 3510? HHEUMEIEH H WIIH HEB PEPPE PLAIN OR ALMOND PASTE ICED AND DECORATED PLUM PUDDING Smiles_ n HILL S BAKERY 1; uni, E. SHUTER. Page Nine V. D. ABEARDSKEI: One Door West of Wellington A VERY MERE? fi-I1.IS:I'MAS To All Our Customers