Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 17 Dec 1925, p. 1

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B.C.T. Ch1'i.< t.mzxsa Fc. '1`uc.~'., Dec. 22, afternoon and evening See special announcement in this V01. LXXIV. No. 43. -Dc-,Witt Donnclly of Vcspra. was acquitted in the Police Court Tues- day morning of the theft of a buggy robe from the Vespra Hotel yards on I.r'a -\_. : mu- 1\,1'.....:.~+....+,. ,1:m.1..,......\.: IUUI: JLUJII un: v\.oya.u JLUVLA _vu.4u.: uu "'fDec. 5. The Magistrate (lischargrod the case without hearing` any (le- fence. UA uuc Axun, .uu-qua. 1154!: um our nual installation of oicers last Fri- Mount` Calvary Preceptory, No. ` of the Knights Templar, held its 4 ___...I :....J..I1..b.`.... ll` .~3-n-n `nub `I1 I;.'>n"t l.'o1";.'(`-`.' the 1' the .~\mnou1'i0.< Coming Events 11; dance to be hm-M Bnrric-, on .\'c\v Special orclmstra. @lij` E?`zmri`@ REM Exhmtm Working on the belief that you cannot rehabilitate a criminal while he is behind bars, Ontario has de- veloped 11. system of treating" her 1aw-breakers that is second to none the would over, said Capt. J. A. '. McE1'heney, .'-kssristant Parole Oicer it` for Ontario, in effect when speak- , iI1'_L" to the Kiwanis Club at its week- i_v luncheon last Friday. `Wm. Craig` \vas chairman of the day and Roy Merrick the booster. The 1z1`tter's prize, a box of _c_hocoiate, fell to A.` Moffat. .\`Ieeting' for the last. time in the _Ve'.i.r, the Board of Etlucation bid a .quiet farewell to 1925 on Mon ni_-.>'ht, when little but routine busi- IIOSS confronted it. A favorable re- port. from Inspector J. B. Damlcno on the course in a_e;1`icL1ltuml being given at the B.C.I., notication from Principal A. R. Gi1`(l.\\'O0(l of the purchase of agrricult-ural supplies, a complaint from two Collegiate stud- ents about the destruction of their g'_\'mnasiu1n outts, the announce- ment that all schools would close Dec. 22ml and re-open Jan. 41th, W. R. I{ng"s request for three months` leave of absence, and the a.ppoi`nt- ment of Dr. Richardson in his place Chairman of Finance, were the chief items of interest. As Christmas Day approaches once again prepara1;ions are going` on to observe the day, as has been (lone for so many years. Christmas will mean much to many, less to others. The day will (lawn on homes where sadness reigns, as well as to those where gjladness abides. While trees will be trimmed and toys ar1'ang'e in the homes of many as the mid- night bells tell of the new (lay ; in the homes of others no tree nor toys will be found. .\':,, L ,, 1,_,,1, 1 1 . ll :- u .u uc ;uuuu. INinetL-en hundred and twent-ve years'ag'o a voice was heard, the echo of which has never (lied. Let it now play up on the key-boards of our hearts and bring: forth harmon- ics of he1p~fu1ne. and happiness for t.h0: who are in need or dist1'ess. Then will we nd that enduring` re- wzml in the eonsci0usnes.<; of know- ing" that we have (lone somet`hin_2' to other hearts happier l)c:c;1u; 'of our s_\'mpath_V. 1 3R9U'!`!NE BUSENESS 1 AT SC:-iB_{);i_. BGARME ! Agriculture Course Introduced Principal Girdwood wrote that in October last Dr. Dandeno, represent- ing` the Department of Education, had visited the B.C.I. and suyrzgesteul that as Mr. Cockburn was a _e:rar.l- uate of the Ontario C0ll(e',',"J of a._e-riculture in the new, and as the sul)stituted in the Lower School for the Elementary Science callrse. .-\s the o_n`l_\' difference between the two cour:~:es is that the Bo`..1n:.' and Zoology of the old Cf)L17.'w'- ) is griven a direct and practical application to agriculture n the new, and as the two are inte1'cl1an'.-'eable ix. all courses of study, 311'. Girdwood made the change in the .`ir. year with the intention of extending: -it into the second forms .'1(`:_\:t ye-ar.v Mr. Girdwood personally considered a:._tricultu1'e far the bet`r--_- course of the two and Mr. Cockburn had been cap,-er to teach it. The Departzmem, Mr. Girdwood wrote further, gave a :,-`rant of $100 a year to cover the cost of any extra equipment. Learn- , ing of Dr. Dandeno s intended visit of inspection thre weeks ago, Mr. Girdwood had taken the liberty of purchasing the necessary equipment before his arrival. The amount ex- pended had been about $85, includ- mmnll n.....1\..nn.X Fu.u~.x lnnnl | NOW FOR THE WORLD S I `GLADDEST CHRISTMASI .\.`;'!'i('l{H'111':ll 13.0.1. (`u>u1'.<<- 21 w`11<-<-(-ss: (.`mn1.a|z1in1.\' aw T-Tozwd. yv..uu\,u uuu upx... ....uvu-4 -yuu, .........u r imp; small purchased from local (Ix.-u1m'.< of ower pots, bulbs and potting: earth. Tn mv.nn nu7.. TJ.nnw4- puuung, LKLLUII: Insrpector s Report Dr. Dandeno s report of the new- ly iimtitutecl course was also before the Board. Its general content was ithe course, to which two periods iof class instructon and two periods of practical instruction were aiioted H'21L`i`l \\`('(`i\'. The teacher, A. B. i(`oei:hurn, `..S..~\., was capzihiu and, 7.-:11mx.<. In . of the eia.<:~'e.~' thn-1 PUl`i1i)l'i' oi` lnlpiis \\';1.< too l211'5:<: for 1.-iiiCi('I".i. i:1bn1`i1t01'}' work, but if cup- ho:1rd.< for storiny.-; equipment were built in the room: more practical work could be czu'ried on, evenxvith the Iarr:e cIa.: Thus far, weed seed collections were the only home projects being` undertaken. Ruined in Washing` A complaint was received by the Board, signed by Stewart Bryson and Chester C. Carson, of the way in which Mr. Girdwood has spoiled our sweaters, gym. suits, rugrby pads, etc. The letter stated that on Friday aternoon, Dec. 4, Mr. Girdwood had notied: the boys to take their `belongings out of the (Continued on page four) as follows: There were 128 taking; _ iTown` Council Winds Up | Business Of The Yeari _`}'L'FlSHlNG WITHOUT ANGLING .imme(lia`.(: action \\'a.< Consiclemfble discussion, some of it rather warm in spots, attended` the statutor_v meeting` of the town; council held on Tuesday evening` fori the presentation of the year's `re-i ports. Quite a urry was cauedi by two letters, one from the Chiefi of Police, the other from A. MofTa t,; stziitiiig that there was i.mminent: (ialLL`Cl' of the \vz1.lls of the Old; Que-en s Hotel prope1't_v falling: down." Chief Ste\\'a1't s letter st-ate(lt.l1ut` the walls, floo1'.<, "etc" of the builnl-5 ings on both sides of the old Quee:i s Hotel pi'0pert_\ were in the vr,-r_'.' lzi. .=t-4:.-`L,-.< of settlin_2`. 'I`hc.-re \vz1s _'_"l`:lV'(` (i1l`l_Q'(!l` of their falling` down unless taken. u. 1! m . .1 The statement of the Town Treas- urer shows `that durnwg 1925 up to Dec. 15, expendtures amounrted to| $194,126.02, and the receipts amounted to $193,921.25, so that} ` expenditures were kept well within! the 1`ece.iptS. The year started with] an overdraft of $51,375.85, and on] Dec. 1st there was an overdrzift of' $51,580.60. ']`axes, includimc; .s*treet oiling`, dog` taxes, etc., collected dur- -ing: 1925 amounted to $17~ 1,491.12,w ` ,,_v.:1- _... ..!.X 4....-7. ,....1 5...... lA\lVI\V\4Lo Another vexatious matter was 3 letter from the Town Foreman, la`. Shuter, whom the council dismissed: summarily at their last meeting.` Mr. Shuter stated that he could not; accept the month .~' notice . ,'l\ 011 him} -on Dec. 8th, as the conditions of his appointment were dated from thei rst of each month. A further; communication from him contained; his -1`esi;;'nation, ,:i\'ing' a month s: notice from Jan. 1st. Considerablci discussion rose out of the lettc1's, ;but it \\'u.< finally decided that noi action be taken on them. ; Aid. Lower inquired why it was] [that : $ll`(,-r-t oiling; rates were? :l`.'lll2lillllLL` unpaid for a number of; _\'(:z11'_<. .-\ld. 'I`_vre1' interjccted that trenunt;< had no 1'ie'l1t to sign petitions: to the council for the oiling` of! .. and then refuse to pay the} l 1 to ( st1'eets 2 rates. The Clerk explained that the: street oiling` rate was 21 (lifcult one; to collect, p2u'ticuIa1-1y where ten-| ants occupied the property. The| owner always felt the tenant was| ;getting' the benet of the oiling` 9.n.l[ therefore, should pay the Ch2\l`.1'(:.| ;\.-.u..u ling` his px-opvrty on Dunlop Stv., he ifountl thelt the upper part of the wall on the west side of the adjoin- I115; propc-rt_v was in :1 \'e1'_v dang`L-r- ous condition. He askc-I to be :11- }10wL-tl to re-:~m\'c it, :11 his own I.`.\- i an... 4vA.\/Iluuu -v;u~\, unnctv nu pr-n.~:e. `. The council l)(`(`Lll1l(* qllliu .t.u1'l)r,-d o\'<.-1- the question of l.l(`lli.`l_'.1' ]\'.'l`.ll tho l`m.1t1.(.'1' quickly. Ald. Walk- wanted to _:1':\iit Mi`. .\1o{i'ut .< ru- quosl, and inrt.1`oduccd a motion, socondx,-d by Mr. I.o\\ o, that council i'(-quest the ownvr of the p1'opc1'L_\' to 1'c-niow the wall 02' out it in :1 safe condition. An zimr:n.l- rm`,-nt was put fo1'wa1'd by .-\ld. Mc- Cuuiv: and Lower that the Chief of Police take llTll1l(L'(llE1t(3 .<.`.;-pa to have the pro-peity put in a safe condition, and that, in the nu-zmtimu, 1': pro- tect the pctlc-st1`ians on the street. The amendment ca1`1'icd, but Aid. Walker, protesting against the town being run by the Chief of Police, demanded a division on his motion. Only four supported it, however. A .1 .- .. [)[I|`_ {he = I WWw-& ' 1 Treasurer s Statement ' I i Of The T0wn s Financesl :u.,.. ;u...u u-nun...-xu vv .,..-x,'au !whi1c unpaid taxes and taxes in 211'- rmu-.< umount to $(i7,25S.51. Police Court nes and `fees this _\'r:a1' zunountcd to $4,115.65, as com- pared with $800 last year. The .lnnnu+.~nnn+n Trnvw `uni-I ...Hh -.....,. i\':11'iou:~* (l<'p:1l`Ll`l101`lLS kept. Wvll with-I in the e. during" the year in the matter of expenditures. For indigents only "$1244.39 was spent, Dconiparcd to $1894.95 in 1924. The I Public Works Committee spent $12,- 554.71, compared with $19,975.92 last; year. Debcnrtures redeemed during the year, $27,253.18, and coupons paid $18,752.91. Interest on loan during the year was $2789,- 31. If all the taxes were paid up the town would be in good nancial standing, but we nd the overdraft sl'ig`l'.tl) inc1'c:2.seil oveg; last year. TELLS OF BENEFLTS 0F PAROLE SYSTEM} l rop.-y-(5 for Nomination. and Elm-1 im1 ; Reeve Rusk Will Not Sock Ro-El(,-<-ti(n1; .\la_\'m- (.`rr;1111`(\(1 ]T01101'a1'i11m . u.un.u-u.x, Lnwylvnl nun uuuu. IM1: I\Io"zLt wrote that in rubui] . n u nu. Barrie,` Ontario, 1925 The street oiling`, however, was `authorized by the council, not neces- isarily by petition, and the tax ifor street oilng was a tax cl1a1`:eu~l)le l`21_Q':'.llI1SiI the proprietor solely in ex~ gactly the same way as the .<.e\ve1' 5:: nor pavement rates. The Clerk sai-1 lhe had gone out of his way to try {to collect these rates from tenan*.-. LThe reason the street oilinjg` cimi-_;'-'2 \\'a\T not put in the tax roll uloii-J: `with the other taxc-.<, he said, \\'z1:~: ;that the 1-:1t.e.< for street oiling` wen.- lnot known at the time the othr,-1' taxex: xvere levied and when the tax roll was ])1'('] )'d1`L'(l in April of e-ucn yezux The Clerk also stated `.1111: any >`t1`(3et, oiling" Clll1'_;'.`C. ~1 reinain` ._\ in the in the 1112? tax roll as Z1l`l'(;`E11'.\` taxes and would be collected saine as all other:<. unpaid next .-\p1~il would be enterml` .-\l(l. Hill sug'g`(:ste to the council [that .~:om(- action should be taken to u11:;o the ratepayers to vote. [ A by-law was passed })1'ovi(lin;`i ;that all future pavement and curb-I in_q' work should be (lone as local im-J lprovement, ot`he1-wise charg'eablc to` lthu lands ubuttin_2' dirc-ctly upon the 1 work. I l I l I l l l : Another by-law was passed auth-" ;orizin_2' the holding` of nominations Efor the municipal and Board of; }F.(h1cation ofcers on Dec. 28th, in? `the Town Hall, and for the election` jon 1\`Ionda_v, Jan. 4th. The follow- i11;r`1)o]lin.'; bo0th.'< and deputy 1`etu1"r1- .: iI`._L" o'1eer:< were set out: ` t - Ward 1, A and B, J. A. R. Cam-'1 ,eron s 1`(.'Si(l(:11C(,`, Charlotte St., J. LL`; rMoore and T. 'W. Willers; 2A and B, 3,Po1ice Court Chambers, H. C. Chan-` `r I I jmm and A. M. Hunter; 3A, A. F. ?Dobson s shop, A. F. Dobson; 3B, J. !Be1e.=k_V s shop, 0. G. Hart; 4, Ai `and B, Chevrolet Garage, H. A. Len-j :nox and J. W. Merrick; 5A, A.| |Meekum'.s` . Thos. Pearce; 5B,| [L:uvlor s shop, S. N. Hurst; 6, AI -_. nu. y.,..~.. \ E Re0\'(: Rusk bade the council fare-{ `well, in1.in1atin,Q' that he would not| :he 21 member in 1926. He thankedi the council for its . of him: chairman of the Board of VVorks. I The Bo;11'd s work had been very Ihzgrxnonious and he hoped his suc- `C0950! would receive similar assist~ Statcmtznt of Assets and Liabilities Exclusive of sewers, road im- ! ijarovcment and Water and Lig'h1; Dc- ipartnlonts, as of Dec. 15, 1925 : In 21n.<.wo1' to an inquiry of D2 . _Wallwin as to the success of the I . . . , gtlcputsltlon that was to lntm,-1'\'1<:w )lv. llVIuir, "lLL'ln(-4"!` of CO'.lY`lt}' Hi_!.':l1\vr1_\::<,` Iwth 1'0-_>'u1'ul to the _o,'1':mt for I z1_V(-lxl lSt., the ;\`In_\'o1' stair-(l that M1`. Mult- had been out of the city and the itleputation xvorc unable to see him. }'I`h(- nmttor would likely be taken iup at the bC_IlX lIlln_L' of next week. : VT`L,. 11.. l Costs Less and Makes Good` Citizens ;- Few Break Faith. ofcizxls for t`m~i1' made mention of port _Ljivc.-n the 'b_\' the press. 'L....`l. i Taxes, ' Taxes, Street 4 Street ` up uu us-.. uL_.uuuu_~. v; AA\..xu n\.\_n. The )`Iayo1- was voted the usual` honomrium of $300. I-Iv thank<.>:I` `.1~.o'n1r.-mI)0r.~' of council and other" co-operation and; the e.\:ce11ent Su))! F ":-n t0\\'n ;~' cnte1'p1'i. i g'2':1nt ..................................... .. Parks Commission, balance of levy Debentures and Coupons not presented .....-._.. Payment on Wood ..p..n.-.4 "X; I` "v"" count ....................... .. Mayor's Honorariuxm ` Accounts payable Surplus ........................ .. Bzmk of Toronto, over- (h':1.f'. ..................................... Salaries ..................................... .. 13:12-1'ie Band, balance of .4- (Cont.inuc on page -four) Oiling, 1925 .... .. Oi`1in_s:', zu'1'en1's ~ C:12`1i1lfJ(.` C0. 1925, unpaid Liubilitiosx lAl\.ll|J ll\a LULUAVUKK IVIIJIKZ All }-Ll|/ULl_y'u With the desperate, hardened criminal there was only one feasible method of treat1nent-scg1'eg`a.tion. But it was wrong to put the minor tleliliquc-ms and especially the young, ist o'onde1's in with a rotten lot of old, kiln~t1ric(I criminals. The 1'0- sult would be that the_\',too, would ._come out nz1s t_\' and Llanj_>'crou:<, with an idea that it, was it glorious thing to be a law-breaker. `r1,,1 , .1 1-w,. yr, 1 A . .s ` Assets ..`....$32033 2 ..... .. 27587 1 441 4 ..... .. 2436 5 $67258 .s515x0 113:2. :- * -725(hs1 ` 2414 40 300 00 800 Q0 5899 31 1244 3434 450 00g \.uu.~;.uu..u.. chzxirman and H. C. Channcn secre- tzugv. In past yozu's>` this work was umlemxken by St. GL2o1`_L'e's Society, 'but as that orgrzmizution has cez1:~'ed to function, the V.O.N. have t:.11 it up. 1\ Iis.s Munro is in close touch {with the m3e of many homes, and {all con't.1'ibut.ions will be wisely lis- 3L..:L...L-.I ..-..Jv. A-..`........ In 5.-;rzu1'tin;;` parole, the inrlividual cases were rst liagnosetl by the Board from the standpoint of homo education, moral outlook and mental and physical capacity. E\'orything that had to do with the home, the church and the school were carefully i1{vcstig'ateI. Those were the three (Continucrl on page three) the auspices of the Victorian Order of Nurses in Barrie. At 21 meeting held in the Police Court Chambers ion Monday night, :1 number of the Executive of the V.O.N., tp:2,'etlier with otlu.-1` interested citizens`, made a1'ruI1::cme11t.< to collect. fumls and C011-t`1'ib11ti0n.=<. Major l\'n0\\'l(.-.~: is ... .. . T1 ("V I"l...... .. l `l7 n i Christmas cheer will be brought to lthe needy in Barrie this year, under` I I l uuvuo ' 1 ' The schedule d1'z1w11 up _\'c.=te1'd:1_\'1 `gives each team ten 53111103, as fol-E lows : - , Doc. 28-Bz11'1`ie at Orillizl. 'Jzm. 4--O1*iI*Iiz1 at Pa1'1`_\' Sound. 1 .9 Midlzmd at CoIIing'woo t i--Cz1mp Borden at Barrie. S---P:11'1'_\' Sound at Midland. 11--C01-1i1LL{'\\'00(1 at Orillia. 11--Bzm'io at P:11'1',\, Sound. ]3--Camp Borden at Midland. 15-O1'illiz1 at Ba1'1'ic. i 15-P:11'1'_\' Sound at Colln5:\v d.; ' ]S'l--Midlz1111l at Pa1'1`_\' Sound. I 20-Ba1'1`ie :11 Cz1m1) Borden. ] ""-C0lIi11::woo at I\'Iidlz1nd. } 1 1 --C;1mp Bordr.-11 at Orillia. `[7,. ..L. r1-1I:_, , , 1 -- \4\J .L\AAlL4Vp\lll .... . 1 ]t1`ibut.c ' nu .. .. ~.. J1n1im' and ln1-rnlt-dime '_l' ':m1s; (`}>. I3m' 'I |:1_\' ]Imm- (,i-z1nw.\' Ilvro. i Intcrmedi:-ltc teams IILXYC been on- 'tc1'0tl by Bzirrie and Camp Borden, and both will play their home games at the Barrie rink. The `,L>,'1`oupi11_<,>' is: Co1]ing'wo0d, Camp Borden, Bar- x`:/\ (\\-H11" NIZ,lI...-,'l .\....1 ... . ric, S n- h 9 .4 -./uu-u_~,n uuu, Orillia, Midlzmrl ound. Barrie will ame at Orillia on 81:11. \/u,|u1J 1)UL\|L'll, J)cI1`} I and Pa1*r_v play its 1'st9 M0n(lz1_\', Dec. i ;CHRISTMAS CHEER FOR THE i NEEDY FAMILIES OF TOWN 'l`he C0-01)(.`l`21l,l0!1 of all citi'/.0113: is (_-m'n<.-stl_\' solicited. Help to bring`. some cln.-:1- to the m-<.- at '.~l1i;.-1 5Clzristmzis.season, and you will (-11-: gjoy your own festive all the The coming` winter 1>romi.~:u.< to `have all the hockey in B2u'1'ie that lthc most zmlr.-nt fan could want. Thrx B..~\..-\..-\. luu'r.- (:ni(`1`Orl 21 juniori `team in the O.H.A. race that 11:15; lbor.-n gzrou-prl with C0l]l11{$\\'0o zuul` l;`\Icz11'onl. A .' section of tvl1r:" gjrroup iwcluxlc-.< Brz1lfo1' .\'r-wm:u'- `Rel, .`\ur0ra and Willowdzxlr.-. A sclmemlulowus (lrawn up and I3v.1'1`io s'j 'first _2'a1ne will be with \Iea.fo1' on Dec. 30th. . Vu-..-.._.,n u uu 11.1.11) uuuuu 5---Bar1'ie at Midland. 8--Parr_\~' Sound at C1). Borden S--MidIand at Orillia. I 10-C0l1lin_:wood at Barrie. ]0--C. Borden at Parry Sound 12---C. Borden at Gollingrwood. Both Barrie temns have had prac- tices on ice this week and there was plenity of action at both (l2'il1i11;L`s. Though only .e;etting: used to "the fer} of the ice the nineteen juniors that turned out all zLppea1'cd in fine fettle. Devine was in the nets and Carson and Doyle worked on the de- fen~ce. McKniL'ht., Meredth, Ken- nedy, Smith of A1=liston, Ranc_\', An- derton, Hart of Uxbriurze, Twi: and many others came out for the for- ward po. White.~ide.< of .\]li.<-. ton was 1ni.<;`. hr-11ned_V, Cz1r: `and Doyle showed tin lwst in the iiue of >'-iiCi{i1Z111(iiiH_'.. '. . The int<-rn1ediute.~: in uciion in- cluded inlw .-\dum.<, Jim and i'JH.<- \'.`01`ii1 (`i-u\'.'i'ord 01' .\1ine. Lou `Vain-, 'I`in_v I~I<-elm-_\', Dobson, Fran~I< and Al). Simon, Fox and M:u'k. Bob. Dales showed 21 lot of speed, doubtie; picked up during.-' his ex- perience as traic cop. Cecil Tuck was present with the goal pads, op- posite Jian Crawford. L]'....1.,... A A u ._._ A. 1_____ _._z,, , 1 vu U5 u. Actvv u:.\.ou\L.A. Under the E.\:tra-Mural Act these men were being` let out on parole. The Board of Parole did not in tho lc-ast cliango the sentence of the court. The men were still prisoners of the Province, but; were under suipcrvision outside the institution 'uthr.-1* than in it. ' v u .1 - u--. .i ms 0? i9CE{;%E;Y mt mama `$323 lJ\.ln.\,\, u uu ul uvvJ_uA\I. Hockey seems to have gainml a more solid footing` in Barrie this year. How formitlasble the teams will he remains to be seen. That depends largely on the support they Vget and the fans `are sure to see Ylnnty of action. k/lllllll LJlll\lUH (ll: \JllII|i.l. 25--I .:u'1`i'.- at CoHin:4'\voo(l. 2G-O1'i11iu at Uidlzlml. 27--Co1lin2wood at Cp. Bordvn 29--Par1'_\' Sound at Orillia. i 29---Midl:1n(l at Bzu'1'io. i n -n- . rs no I | ..u -vAA\L1I.o1uI un. 4:Lu1|L'. 1-Orillia at C01Iin_Q-woorl. 1---Pz11'1`_\' Sound at B:11'1'ie. 3---Mi at Camp Borden. 4--C0I`i11_L',`\V'(] at Pu1'1'y Sound K `D......:n ..+ *n,r:,n.. ,1 Waite ; 7 and the two adjoinin_<: lots on 'conce~;~'.~:ion 8 of F103. These lands; had been acquired at great expense V `aiiil :1 clear deed of the p1'ope1`t_\ was iin their hands, according to the iseveral \\'iwtnesse.=. It was essential Ithat the st.z1i1(li11g timber be pre- i. for landscape effects and < )'_iliaza1'ds. In the fall of 1924, or " learly in 1925, the defendants, Long- :llLll'St and Webster, `had gone into lithe propevty, and witihou-ti, -the Club's lknowledge or penmission, had Wrong- 'ifully cut and converted into lumber _iand fuel large quantities of stand.- ' ;ing' ti.mbei'. They had also left be- iihind them la1';;'e quantities of brush jand rubbish, the clearing: up of iwhich would entail heavy expense. `iThe defendants dep1'erlat.ions had ill|'.'>',i .l'O_\ (.`(l much of the scenic value iof the land, with the result that its iutillty as a golf course had greatly j dete1'io1'a-ted. _i 'l`he witnesses for the Golf Club `in the c:1: Daniel J. Cofl'e_\`, _;'l`. A. ;\IcL(-an, Alex. Howie, Chas. A ..___ ,A,_...._ .. `r,I_., 11-..! The case of Alex. Dorion of 'I`in_v :\`*'. Paul Dupius of Tiny, 3. claim "of 3039500 for (la.mz1g`es for t1'e; was inot pres;~se(l. The action of the i`vVzi.s:a:_-`a Beach Golf and Country `Club to recover $2,000, the value 01' l timber cut on their property, from {John F. L0ll_L`,'l1u)'.~.'i. of Flos and Jesse l\Ve1).~`te1` of l!ll111\'illO, \va;~' heard by "J1ulg'e \";1nee on Tl1U1`S(l2l_\ and Fri- " Judgnnent in the ca.~se was re- ..<<:1'vo(l. The case of Sarali Mc- Arthy of Toronto vs. Chas. Me.-\1'thy of Brentwootl h:1.~,: not yet been con- iclmled. The `case, which is an ac- ition to rec.ove1' land (lOC(l(.`(l by the E pl:iimiIl"s` D10ll1l')` to hm` son, the iulefemlztnt, while of un. mind `zuul 11n his influence, for $2,500, r was be`;-'un on Friday 1no1'11in{._.-' be- fore Ju(l_':e. VViS!l`1'l(1l`. When the plaintiff s case had not been closed `on Satu1` uftcmnoon. it was ml~ _lUUl`HCll until to-mo1'1'o\\' (F1`l(ll) ). W. A. Boys '.lD))C'2l1'L*(l for the plain- tiff and R. G. .'-\g`new for the dc- " `fendant. BRENTWOODWOMAN ;SEE?rS AID 0F C,0URT No <`.<;~cisio11 was reached in either 01' the civil cases 1'' on the docket of Sessions of the Peace, which started in the Court House ilust I`ues(La_V. l The defemlants tln'ou:g'l1 their own` `ievidence and that of W. J. Holden, iJ. ll. Westcote and Geo. I-I. Finl:-1_v,. 'jin tlu.-ir b(~h21lf, claimed that Long'- !1m1'. who had been :1 former won- irrr of the p1'ope1t_\', had sold the ilands on Sept. 15, 1924, to Irene $12. Coffey. By the agreement at the time qf sale certain pieces of timber had been reserved to Long. -:l1`urst for his use at :1 later date. Long'hru1'st claimed that the Golf Club officials (Continued on page twelve) Chaxzu-'e(l Wibh shing without ang'1in;:, or as the case was, with (l_V'n2l1niti11f;' sh, Russel Arkey, Lorne Fz11'1'ag`}1e1' and Keith Rumble, of Hillsdalo, and Carlyle Downs, of Brampton, were each ned $75 and $4.25 Costs in Cohlwater .\'c. The CZ1. ~.`(3 was h<:anl by RM. Grover. Two othc-rs cases set down for the clzly xv:-re wit.hrl1'zuvn. John D. Campbell, known to Bar- rio people throug'h his connection with the Brennan Pavin-gr Co. last summer, was z11'1`ai,s:`i1o.(l in the police court this ('I`l1u1's(la_v) morning; be- fore P.M. Joffs on :1 cl1a1'_q'e of as- saulting: M. D. Cubitt-Nichols, caus- ing: bodily injury. He was rem-and- ed till next Wetlnesday without pleading. H. Creswicke appeared for tho Ir-f`(-ndan: and D. Ross for the private prosecutor. - (`znnpln-11, 1110 police, 2111053, was in Mr. Cubitt-Nich0l.< lmu. ,in}." :1 llvht hr- owml the lnttc-r. Mr. :C`nmpbcll did not \vi.' to pay it just then. An .'1r:u1nont resulted mu! Mr. C`:1n1plmll ; Mr. Cu'btt- T\'ichovl.< in the face twice, 100>'t'lllll'g' some of the 1atte1"s teeth. I . . !S0ss10ns of tho Pom-0 Ilas ' Two C21S(.`.\` Still N91. \`vH](` } In the W-a.=a::a Beach (lisputv, the jGoH' and Country Club claimed to .br: tha: owner of two lots on conces- \ I .. ,.I. .... .l. ._.l . }n. .x. .u-..-nun, .;u..x. 4 ;A1`m.~'t1`0n:;', John Hood. It is quite l.1l1]`ikC1:' that the trial" of ~Jz1mc-s Booth of Stroud for the' shooting of A`]Jbe1't Woods of Craig vale last Haillowden will proceed to" mofrow, the date set at the last ad'- journzment. The b0'Y S T1dm."L=`i3. sti`-ll critical and he Will H015 be 8551*`? to attend mun till late in Jan-uary. QUARREL ov1-:12 DEBT LEADS } TO ASSAULT AND COURT CASE ADJOURNMENT LIKELY Twelve P-ag Year's Eve. Spc Eve:-yborly welcome.

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