Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 23 Jul 1925, p. 8

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Page Eight The W.M.S. ladies of the P1`esb,\'-! terian Unionist _2jrou1) met for the last time :1 separate unit on Tues- (lray 2:1`-te1mio.on at the home of ;\Ii's. H. M. Lay, Blake St., when a very inte1'eisting' and helpful ineenting was, held. Two interestin-g` papers were given, one by Mrs. Ti]l0111 on Home Mi;~'sion=a1'y Wo1'k, and tlhe other by Mrs. Robertson, the persi(lc-nit, on The Clash of Colour. A 1';-tterl from Miss Christina l\IacDoug'al1, a n:i.s: supported by the W..\I.S.[ in China, was read by her .'\.'iSt(_`1',` L\I`i.5 MaeD0ug':11l_. and _9;a\'e an inter-` esting account of Miss MacDou:ra1l s work there, zmtl also told so1neatrhing' of the YCCC-llit disturbance in Honan.l 1 nu. mu. x\.\,\.-um \u._<..u..uuu.,\. ... .-... Ater the pro5.n=amme the spacious` rooms and porches of aulderfell were thrown open and 3. social hour ape-nm during` which light refreshments were served by Mrs. Lay. Over Ee\`enxt_V were preszent, among whoa were Rev. zmd 1\'Irs. Greemsladc and a number of the Co11g'1'eg;af.iona1 v.-;roiup. Plans were made to have the .-\11g'ust n1ec.ting take the form of a picnic. In September the re-org'ani- zation and amalgamation of the two. s0cict.ies will take place. IOFFICERS OF BARRIE LODGE 1 NO. 63, l.0.0.F., INSTALLED` I ` ( On Tuesday evening of last week the 0fco1's.0f Barrie Lod_:;`e, No. 63, l.0.0.F., were insrtalled by the new D.D.G.M. of this district, Bro. John Cauthevs of Co1vi1`ng'woo(1, assisted by his ofcers, which he b1'oug'ht with him. The ofce-rs insmlled were : P.G.-Bro. R. Dunnett. .\'.G.--B=1`o. A. Pugh. V.G.-Bi"o. N. .\`Iz11'.=.haH Rc-c. Sec.-Bro. J. E. Chown. Fin. Sr:c.---Brn. 'G Co1c=, S1`. T1'eas.-B1'o. W. D C1ift:0!1 T Con.--Bro. F:er;ru.~:on. Wax-la-11--Bvn. R. John.~:t.on. C-h-uplain--B1~o. W. M. Blakeley. O.G.--B1'o. R. M. D1;-Gen-1'. LG.-B1'o. H. C0195. R.S.N.G.--B1'o. .~\. Pz1 L.S.I\'.`G,.-Bro. A. Lowe. R.S.V.G.-~B1'o. T. Gray. L.S.V.G.~-Bro. E. L. .VIcMi11in. R.S.S.---Bro. R. Dobson. L.S.S.-B1'o. F. Rowe. SIMCOE VOLUNTEER Firemen s Tournament AT J MIDLAND MONDAY, AUGUST 3rd Hose Contest `T n.-1:-'ln-vv 'D111nn STEWARDS ELECTED FOR ' COLLHZR ST. UNITED CHURCH I A delegation of prominent news- paper proprietors and journalists `;t'ro1n. Great Britain passed through Canada recently on their Way to Ht- tgnd the Third Imperial Press Con- 'ference to be htvlzl at Melbourne, Australia, during September. Be- sides the delegates from the British Isles, representatives of Canada and the other Dominions have been in- vited and will attend the conference. Those elected to the Board of Si0\v;11'ds for Collier St. United cI`I11`ch are : H. .-\1'1n.~:tmn_g', 1 . Brom- :-er, A. I h'y;~t0n, J. F. C1`ai:.-,', J. T.{ Dnu_2'a11, D`.-\1'c_\' Guulrsy, A. H. Good- zzli, Ii. J. llz_-utuh, W. C. How, F. H. y 2. n.. ur \ 1 \.I These g=z11'dc~ns are among" Ontario .s best and the o1'che.~`1tra is in a class by `itself. Be sure and make _Vou1' a1`ra.n>g'en1cn-ts so that you can stay for the dance. N. K. twagg, `Chief. i Peter Grigg, Asst. Chief. Geo Richardson, Sec.-Treas., 1VIid1a,nd. 2111, u. u. nu-cu, n. V. Hun-lburt, W. R. King`, Dr. W. A. Kcxvis, S. VV. Mom`;-. D. F. )'IcC=1:1`..:.-.`, F. W. Otbon, D1`. W. H. Richzutlson, F. W. Sk1l'jL'dlli. Dr. L. J. Simpson, W. F. Stone, W. C. Walls. .~\tt]1<- r>1`_2`:u1`i/.:\1'=.v11 m(rut'm'; on ;\Eond;1y ni:_v`ht Dr`. W. A. L~.\`."..s was (:1:-cunl c`n:111-mun uul W. C. Wall: sccrc-ta1'_\'. MUSIC PUPILS OF MRS. EADE PASS MIDSUMMER EXAMS. 'lh(- f01`l0\\":n;: pupils of Mrs. G. I1`.ml \\'(>1'(: ;-11ccc-.s.~II'L1l at the mid- szummor 'l`o1'onto (`.o11.<<-1-\'z1`t.or_\' of Mush-.F.xu1n.~`.: I'}1t:1nm1~L.m`y Piano, Maud ';\IcDoug`zx1l; I1m'oluct.o2'_v Piano, Helen Bowlcs; Vera Wise- man, Gmwlon Tom-linus-on. One more chance to gut His Mas1t;e)"s Voice Victor Reconls, reg`- ular 75 cc-n~.', for 55 cents, at J. G. l\'cen~an s. R(:membe1' the place, 01)- posite Post Ofco. IIisses :an Children's Wnhitc Can- vas Oxfords anal Straps. Regxular $1.50 and $1.75 value at Carey- Hurlburt Shoe Store for 75 a pair. LUDU ...u5w. .. ..... .... . ..-..,....E, \.l\nu.uvr. `Ladder Runs Firemen s Races BALL GAME-Ori1lia vs. Midland Band Competition for Bands of the_ County of Simcoe In Casino Gardens, commencing at 9 o clock Two automobile accidents occurred in Montreal over the week-end at railway crossings, in hoth of which it was proven that the car struck the train. In the first accident the car ran into the first car behind the engine and in the secqnd s_t_rg the side of the engine itself. Public at- tention has been directed to these accidents as illustrative of the re- sults of negligent driving. . A. ...,......u... . W. Blakeley . . 11' -...uu..~ 'Pz1 . . DANCE Do your suffer from rupture `? If so, your big` opportunity h:v..`~: now ar- rived. Mr. Re:Wel_\', the noted rup- ture expert, will be at the NEW WELLINGTON HOTEL, for one day only FRIDAY, JULY 24th `and will be pleased to give free ex- iamination to any sufferer and to llemonstrate his famous appliance. This appliance will contract the open- ing` in 10 to 15 (lZ1_\-`S and will cure cases in from three to six months. This appliance is positively (lemon- St1". 1tC`(i to you right on your own person without any cliargre. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully sat.ise that it is the right. ap- pliance for you. A consultation with 311`. Reavely will cost you nothing`. Don't let this oppont.unit_\' get away from you. Remember the (late. COLLIER HENRY & COWAN Rupture Expert Here THE MAN OF MANY TALENTS Will Be Here at Chautauqua I _..r .-x.~<-.~.'r-.'r,'.'r~ tired French-Canadiaius associated with the University of Montreal de- parted from Windsor station on a three-weeks educational tour of the country under tb' auspices of the University. Mayor Duqette of Montreal, Monsignor A. V. J. Piette, rector of the University and Profes- sor E. Montpetit one of his asso- ciates accompanied the party. They were seen off at the station by E. W. Beatty, K.C., chairman and pres- ident of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way and other officials. Summer Properties `THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1925 Instructions to refuse sonable offer. All Will exchange good house in 'J`:n'o111 <> fun.` a Jmnw in Ba1'T1'ie. It is seldom that we nd in one man such a great variety of talents as possessed by Pietro La Verdi. An impersonator, singer, crayon artist, ventriloquist and musician, playing a great variety of instruments, includ- ing the Piano Accordion. Pietro La Verdi even produces music from an ordinary saw, obtaining wonderfuly sweet tones with the aid of a violin. bow. MULCASTER AND DUNLOP. DLLIER `ST. UNITED CHUR4 MINISTERS : Rex`. S. H. Grccnslade, B.A. Em . A. D. Cornett, )I.A., B.D. A MODERN COTTAGE p.m.- I If we waste to-day we can never make it up, for each day will bring its duties as it comes. Coupling Contest \-rv|r\In ,1: Dnnnn Phone 31. Barrie. Barrie, August 15- 1 9 Sunday, July 1 9th 1.-Sumla_\' Scho n.---R G. R. '] n.-Rev. S. H. C Welcome 1 and prices. for rent. CHAUTAUQUA LOTS Barrie School. . Turk. ` Greenslzulc. Red Pcppc_r Rub.takcs the "ouch" from sore, stuff, aclnng joints. It can- not hurt you, and it certainly stops that old rheumatism torture at once. \\/hon vnu are suffcrma so vou can A few CHURCH old rneumausm torture at once. \Vhen you are suffering you hardly gct around, just try Red Pcpper Rub and you will have the quickest relief known. Nothing has such con- centrated, pcnctrating heat as red cp- pers. Just as soon as you apply (ed Pepper Rub you will feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Pain and soreness are gone. _ _ _ Ac]: anv wood drunmst for a war 0! get the genuine. \` on each package. and -\sk any good druggist jar r. Rowles Red Pepper Rub. Be surc 1 the genuine. with ma 11';::;c Im-.-.-:. on each nackaqe. HEDPEPPEHHEAI | ENHSHAHEUMAIIEEVE1 Edie SALE For Sa1e-Chev1`o1ct half-ton truck,` in rsrt-class condition. E. Bolton, Barrie. Phone 577 or 484. TO LET he ' L`d1`1', he Furness at} Orilli 356 tel`, J. 'mond, 1 N. SIM an. PLA7 ted It is O1-illia 1 3 }.o1*t.h round 3y 0 \V. rim: rtte, :1. 10 reg` haw 2 55` l:.1:r`.L `hey I'm` -'1 I ' W '.'|u K) res' _-um<-.~'. '.ai1- All . 21ml 1) lc`.L.,l. hzwo ` Tom Paton of Toronto is visiting in Toronto. ` Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gracey were in Toronto on Wdnesday. William Toolc of St. Thomas is visiting with Reg`. Goclden. Half of Allamlal-3 moved to Couoliichinig Park yesterday. .`-\rc.lm'e Campbell of Toronto is spending a few days in town. I mt... r'1n..,m.-n 1113+:-Japlll n-f` 'I`m'nntn $[)(:llll.ll1`),' "cl .LU\V ua_v: Au wvvvnn. Mrs. Clarence Mitohehl of Toronto is visiting Mr.and Mrs. L. Spearn. CO11'iI1*_g'W0O(l Schrieber of Toronto is \'isiti`n.g' his b1'ot.he1`, Alex. So'hrie- be~1'. -nr- ,;y_ r\I`\r\V'\(`x1l Ina!- dIl.Ct3. The Orillia bowlinvg; t.o-urnmnent has been pcnsttponed until next Wed- nesday. xv. \ 1..1,,... um) ann n+` nah. U C L I Mi nAeut s n ght with nesuuy. Mrs. A. Luker and son of Oak- ville are visiting` M1`. and Mrs. W. Looker. Irv u ,, 17,14... IR f`1,.un'l.-.n.I | LOUKEF. Mr. Waluter Kelcey of Cleveland, Ohio, visited in town for a few days this week. at ,,, I \t..,. !'rV1...,. DnnH11 .1n.nv.~. I-ll`.l.$ \VUUl\. W1 . and .\I1`s. Thos. Bootlh nleave on an extended visit to the Old Coun- try t.o-d-21 y. \I'.. T A F1~r\|-\1r\:'n)`\ 11-.1: 1-mhn-hm] L.1'_V LU-uvz1_y. Mr. J. A. Thompson has 1'e,u1'x1etl to Prescortlt afte.1' spcmling a few days at J. S. B1`unIton s. ' I Mr. and Mrs. E. Russell of To- ron4t.o \'iSit(}'(1 Mr. and M-rs. F. W. Dobson over the week end. -r v 1r_,_ Kn.-- rw........1.,.1:1 at To Le on corner of Peel and Sophia Sts. Apply to Miss Bird, 88 Sophia St. ) |}UU.~.Uu U\'k.1 unr W\.\.n -.uu. Mr. aml Mrs. Wm. Cam.pbeH of Fort William are v`is~iting` the form- `:-r s mother, Mrs. M. Campbell. " -u .....,`l 1\`T3,~- rru YT L`1'S HIUL-u\':1, Auxa. .u. \JuIIA1JukA|- Mrs. Tvhos.` Hamilton and Miss Ruby Hamilt.on of Toronfco are visit- ging Mr. and 1\ Albert Fleentham. | Hugh G'c11`S`i(1e is home from De- itroit for :1 shovt ho-lid-ay with hisl I 1)a1`ewts, Mr. and Mns. S. `Ga1'side. 11.. rru\vr\V\IIr\ `D?/I.1n1 -1111` N332: F]nI~- `[1111 illlkl LULLIIMLU LUL I.-up Vv\.\.I\ \.;.u. Mr. and Mrs. Sm-nr1e_\' Horseld of Toronto visited -the forme1"s pare11t.s, M1`. and Hrs. C. Horseld, over the week end. xv n.r,, hr... n..-1. .....I 11.. [.":lH:H'L:., J11. auu AVLJ`Ou u. `u.u;.uu\,. ` M1`. Clarence Riddel and Ms Flor- `ence Bruniton 1ndto1'e ff-o Richmond ||Hil:1 and Toronto for the week and. a. u `I :~u,,_1,__ `l T..`.._.1.1 -1`. .UK_"Il' IUIIC :4U(t`L AH uuh) u|uLA.o E Camp Bo1'den-Ca1'r, Cameron, `_Croome, Kc_-,)7h1ey, Robentlson, Vince. 1&3-arr, Raven, Chambers, Bourns, , lFu1'n0ss. I\ -u- 1-1 ,,,L_f (nn1, ` Wccn C`IlKI. ` Mr. amL\'Irs. Wm. Rusk and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Spearn 1'e"t,u1'ned from a two weeks visit at G1'a\'en- hu1'.~:t to-lay. W. J. Campbell, former en`g'-ineer at .-\1la`nda1c-, has re-turnctl Lo Fort W i11`iam ater visiting his wife anu1~ . . I famxly 1n` town. p 1-).` . ~.m,.M:11:.. r1,m..n-.-. M..\t:IHn I Liunuy Au_ L-unu. . Parker McMi11in, George McMillin, Earl liarshal-1 and Roy Semmcns have |i`eurned from a vacation spent at 1the boys camp at Beausoiiel Is1anv.1. i Mr. and Mrs. E. Shear and family iare speluling; a two weeks vholiiday at Temagami. Mr. Shear is intend- ing to make an inspection of t.'i`ie- imincs there. ` icAMp BORDEN DEFEATS ORILLXA 5.1 AT .5OCCER Camp Borden had little difculty in :1cefa.ting` Orillia 5-1 in a soccer _:;'ame playetl at the C.N.R. picnic yester- day. The Camp nailed two tnies in `.he 0])C-11iI`1_L `half, holtling O1-illia. score-1esv.=, and in the second half `scored three `more. Orilrlia grabbed ` their lone goal in this half. ~n_.__1-.. f`.-nu. f`1\\I\o\r\\`I\"`I E I.` U1'l1 SS. O)'i]1ia---Fount.a,i11, Valcmtine, Coul- Her, Smith, Parr, Ashton, Ham- `mond, Pattc-'rscm., Graham, Russell. SIMCOE 0.B.A. CHAMPIONS , PLAY AT HUNTSVILLE AUG. 1 , . . .._ - To Led:--Five roomed cottage, furn- ished, at Big` Bay Point; also two cottages to let from August 1st. Very reasonable. A few choice lots at the Point, for sale. Inquire at Advance Ofce. Phone 53. l a toss up whether Bill'l`lf?, or Midlannl will 1`ep1'es<:nL the Simcoc I.-:~a:;;uc in the first of the lnte1'mmliut': 0.B..-`\. Orillia left-zxtilug Mivilaml on ` :lm2;:tla,V all ll'.`\'(.` won tl1n:c galne: cm lost tlwerg. '1"): three '.enm.< to play two _3`mne:< _\'c-t, bu? has to pl-.1_v l. )1 'n _L'a1nr:.~r am` 3' I 117, I. ALLANDALE `-i'J.lIll'.`- p1:1_\'01*s takin'.:' l)?11`t in thi- . must. have amateur canls be signed before July 1:3, and taken park; in at least three games. Plan--i.\7 not eligible umlou` the Janu:u'_\' lst resridencu rule will not be z1llow(.-l in O.B.A. pla_V-oll":~'. BIRTHS BARNl*IS----.-`mt the R.\ . Hospital, on S:Lm)`ul:1_\`, July 18, ]925, to M1`. anal .\Ir.<. F. B2u'nus, :1 son. (Died Jul_\' 19th.) G.L'l1IS'l`---At tahe T{.V. Ho. on Sumlzxy, July 19, 1925, to M1`. and 311's. A. E. GllC:'~`It, :1 son. DEATHS ;\IcI\I.-\l1ON-Su(l 1'us11lt. of ac- citlenm at C-luicugro, Wc(l.ncs July 22, 1\`Iar_;'zu'et. Noble, wife of the late Joshua McM:1l1~0n. erlmlcst lz1u:__-`lxtcr of the lab. Mr. mul .\Ir.<. Jolm Noble, of Tnnlsl, On.t., 21ml motlaer of Mrs. W. J. Pyno, Win- ona, Ont. Telephone subscribers in Canada now total over 1,037,550, more than one in nine of the population. 1 u.. the b>o_\~'.< Point pavilo-n opened last 1 a good crowd in attenti- ) play VVO `)u`.icve. however, r-3 ,;u.\l for both lee During July thousands of osteo- paths and members of allied profes- sions gzltlierexl in Toronto from all parts of the United States and Can- ada to attend the International Con- vention of Osteopaths. Several of the visitors toured the country in the interests of osteopathy. \ Men's Straw Hats. Clearing sale. `Simmons *& :Co. Women's Canvas One-Strap House Shoes for $1.00 a pan`, at Carey- Hurlwburrt Shoe Co. ` 5 Boys Cap Secial. Caps from $1.00 to _~$l.50 regular. This week end-75c. Simmons & Co. Twelve motor vehicle c`ha1'.g'\es have been settled this week. The nds varied from $1 to $10, plus costs. One charge was \vrih11drz1wn. A clmltge of wi-Lfwl damage pre- fe1'i'e(1 by H. R. Pa.-lmc-1' agaimst G. G. 1\`I:oo1'e' was zu1jo`u1'ned from to-(lay (T`hu1`s(1`a-_v) until Tuesday, July 28, at 9.30. One more chance to get His s Voice" Victor Records, reg- ular 75 cents, for 55 cents, at J. G. Kee-man s. Remember the place, op- posite Post Office. D'I`>iS1SC'S, Straps and Oxfo1-(ls i1_1 Pzcenst, M-a-h;ogany Calf and Gun Mental Cali`. Mostly H`u1'1bu1wt,Cush- ion Soles. All sizes, 11-2. `Alt Ca1'e_v- i Hunlbunt Shoe Store for $2.50 a pair. A charge of reck1es.s driving vlaid ag'ainwst Mrs. Wm. Hog`: of Torrmrto was witzhrlraxvn last Friday. M `s. 'r'r_...... ..-.... ..n/I 4-A I-snug ~+vnr-1: '|\/T1`: \\'El.\T \'V`lL1llll1`d.V\/ll luau. ; .LAuu.`) . .u..-. ; Hogg was said to have struck Mr: GU01' . Moore with her car. A set- t-lememt was ef fe-otcd. The harm of Jolm Ennig, Cou1son,l was struck by 1ig'ht11vin~g' on July 6` land the bui1din~g` as well as a horse, 1 100 hens and 500 bu`s`1m`]:.= of grain was dest1'oye(l by re. Mr. Ennis was badly cvusihed trying to gert the horse out. Final figures showing the total live lobster catch on the Nova Sco- tia coasts, for the season ending June 1st., show a total of 8,585,900 lbs. valued at $1,364,141, an increase over the 1924 season of 3,687,400 lbs., in quzmtity and approximately half a million dollars in value. Mr. A. Cowan was elected to the Board of General Purpose at the Masonic Grand Lodge lnceting in Hami1`to11 last. week. T4ho~.~:e besides Ma`. Cowan who a.bten(1c(l were W. N. Duff, Dr. R. J. Spa-ot.t, E. McFad- __,,1 \ r< 11.1 ,.n.... n. uuu, an den and A. The Bren-nan Paving Co. are now` ion the last lap of completing" the work on the P1'o\=inci-al Hisgvhway It-ln'oug'l1 B-arrie. 'I`he asplialt is be- ing laid on Dunlop easrb and Louise, and this will be I1IlS.l1e(l in a couple of (lays. Work stzmtc- on Owen be- tween Dunlop and Collier to(lay. Several farmers in the district -around Barrie startc- to cut fal-l wlheat to-Llay. Had it not been for blie unfavorable xveatlier cutting` would have srltarteil 0:l1`l_\' in the xv-'.=el<. With settle vvea`ahe1' cubtiiig will be g'ene.1`:.1l on Momlay" next. Bailey is also ready for the binder, and farm- ers will have a busy time for the lnext few weeks. Sometime between Satrurdzxy night` and Monday morning bu1:g`la1`s ent.e1'- ` ed the oice of the Sarjezmt Co.,l Dun-lop St., and rifled the safe. Mr. Sa1'jeam:t and Mr. Laidman were both away on SatL11'tl`ay n`ig'ht and about was left in rbhe safe. This was t-alien and also the key of the back door, which had been let in the` `door. The police are workin-g` on the I cause, but no clue has ycwt been found. IBURGLARS TAKE $50.00 1 FROM SARJEANT1CO. S SAFE (`THE R. A. STEPHENS` CUP CHANGES HANDS AT LAST I At the bowling` green on Wednes- day 'e\'enin_2' Mrs. Hewitt iiu)1`f," a chal- lenge-'(: at R. A. Stuphenns for the Stephens Cup, and with a pick-up team ; by 21 score of 20 to 10 in landing` the mug. The 1-.inl:< \\'ei`(.- composed of Mrs. Hewitt, Hurry 'l`i(lom;m, Miss Warren, W. R. i{in:,>', and I\/Ins. W`0if(?I1(1U, A. F. A. Malcomson, `Mrs. Douglzis and R. A. Sh2})l1<:i1.s. VVr-, understand that Mrs. Hewitt will imve to tlefeml the cup `.0-night. TRANSPORTATION DOUBLES I SCORE ON MOTIVE POWER 'l`mnspo1'tution took Motive Power into camp by a 10-5 score in the softball tussle stap;ed at the C.N.R.4 picnic yes*..e1'day. 'Dhey opened up a lcwl of four runs in the mt, s-pasm and were never headed. During his tour of Western Can- ada over the Canadian Paci"ic lines, Field Marshal Earl Haig; was re- ccived on all sides by cheering and enthusiastic crowds. At towns in northern Ontario and elsewhere he shook hands and exchanged remini- scences with local ex-service men, many of whom he recognized. Score by in-ning`-s: 'I`rzu1-s1Jo1wtatio11 .... .. Motive Power .............. `. I`1".ms1)o1'ation--B. 'l`ravis c, E. Colos p, E. W. liearns lb, I). Moore 2b, A. Schrio-ber 3b, B. 'I`homp.:on ss, H. Hammond If, F. Martin cf, J. Wilton rf. .VIot~ive Powes)`--G. Bird lb, C. Tuck cf, J. Kivoll p, R. Johnson 21), A. F(51`_LUSOI1 c, E. Cheesman If, S. .\IcCau`<`.aml 31), J. Webb rf. E. Car- LOCALS U11. w..~..~, I\'I cLe1 1.21.11. The Nor.the1'n Adance IEARACAS `];.X'I'TLE_ s'r. `MARY'S T0 TIE sconm Poumlin-g" out four runs i11 the last. two ixmimgs, Baracas tied St. M`a1`.y s in the second g; of the chaunpionsllmip series played last Fri- day nigtht, aft-er St. Ma-1-_v s 11-ad ap- pzwently got off to an -un=be-arable start in the early frames. The tussle was one of tihe tigvlmtest and snappie-st '::tuag'e(l in the Suvmlay School lea.g'ue this year and kept a goodly crowd of fans on edpge all the way. mi. mr_.....!.. 1-.x I\q. ...:1-1 H 1-ncllx OLL 121115 Uvn cuigr: an um uu_,. Sf. Ma1y .s led off with a rush, Doyle and Moore crossing the pan in the opening spasm. Cuff and Lang increasetl the lead in the see- oml to four. Umtil the sixth both sides failed to get xvi/nliiln striking` but in the simh Baraeas slipped a trio A'oLLn(l the circuit, Hart, Mclienzie and Meredith scor- ing`. The tussle wa.\:e furious, with St. 'Mary s holding on like dear life to their one run lead. bum Buracas were not to be denied and Hart was pushed avouiml in the nial stanzzz to tie the score at four all. This leaves Barac-as with one win to t.'hei1` ere-.lit and a tie gmne. Anoither g;an1c- is to be plziyed to settle the honours. Score by ixminIg`s: Baraoas ................... .. St. Mary s ............. .. tvv n 1 uu. 4.-.u.u_, ..- ............... ._ _ Baracas `;VIe1'e~dit\h, Tribblc, Cooper, Thomp- son, P. Tribblc, Pd11'C1'i(l_L'C. _._v_ I11 0.... `\'| ....,~. uzuxg, U. 1.l(llll\`2_y'- Umpires- Ed. K831`-11$ at the plate and A. Moffatrt on the bases. HUI], 1'. J.1lUuu:, ;cu-un:__L. St. .VIa1'_\"s-Do_\'1e, T. Saso, l\'Ioorc, B. Hanley, Byrno, Cuff, J. Saso, Lang, G. Hanley. T1 - 1.1.1 1.'.\........ ..+ thn n1u+n I 112. WOLFENDEN WAS HIGHEST I AT TORONTO TRAP SH00'1' At a 1'cgi;~:tc-red shoot at clay h:nvks held by .',h-: Toronto Gun C`uL:`u on '1`hu1'sda:.' 1215:`, R. \Vo11'en- den of Barrie was the big noi.<.e, bx`:-zxkixmg 941 out of 100. T -_1`.1'ty-ve sho:)te-rs were 1)1'es:om. and included :'_~))r(\'es from Hamilton, C>s1`.;`.\va, B211-vie an! Toronto. The ~ -~-~ T) \xr,.mm_ 1 -.L bllU'JL-t:1'.5 VVL'1r: llu-.;.v~uu uA.\| ..n.....u\.-.. :'_~`,)r(::_-11z r.ati\'o.=. prizo winnc`1'.= were : 1:-at, R. Wo1f(:n- (Ion. Barrie; 2, W. Cleme-m:., Toronto; 3 Nelson Long`, HzLm";to1:; 4. W. A. Si1'.~.mo11s, Toronto. .VIx'. \Vo1Eenr.`:--n 9.15.0 won the high average pri/.0. '1`.here were ve re`p1'ese-n4tavt.ives of the Barrie Club at the shoot and all made good scores, which were: Shot at Broke R. \Vo1fenden 100 {)1 Dr. Rogers 100 '79 E. Williams .. 100 86 W. Crossland ....... .. 100 75 T. Rodgers 100 83,; In the double sco-res three Barrie men took part: Dnh. R1-nL'n I ----- ` `PURCHASE or UNION BANK BY ` ROYAL BANK IS RATIFIED i At a special incutiiii-g; of the Royal Bank of Canada, held in Montreal on 'l`ues= the af.;'1'ee1nen-t to pur- Cl`lZ1>'C t`l1e Union Bank of Canada was ratied. In moving the resolution, Sir Hembent: Holt, p1'esi:len.t, said that alblioimli the Roj~'a.1 had branch- es in Canada and the Union Bank hurl 309 l)1'anches,- t.he1'e are on*ly 51 Llu1)licaIt.ion+:, and these were in bhe |la1'g'e1' centres. The number of (lir- ectors will be increaseil from twcmzy to t\\'en:ty-seven, and the au-tthorized capital from $25,000,000 to $30,000,- 000. 1`:he inc-.i'ease will be made by the issue of 50,000 sliares of $100 par value. I `MIDLAND CHILD FALLS ' } OFF SHIP AND IS LOST The (:l_!1`l1i}('Cl] months old child of Dalton Hul.<.on, Miillaml, captain of the 1'11-i:;'l1t Glcrncairn, fell ow,-.1` hozml on Sumlay lzlst. .\Irs. l'lL1(lSOIl, with lu-1' two little, ho_\'.<, wzis on hoard the .~hip and when a f(:\\' mil~:< \\'<-st. of lIll( S00, Lhr: :icci t l1z1p~ pa-nml. 'l`l1(-, water at. this point is 230 feet (loop uml little lmpcs zn`(.- on- ttzrtaim.-il of H,-co\'<>1'in,u; tihv bml_\'. M(m .< White Y2lOl1i,ll1.j_," O:x'L'm` all +i'/.::.~=. for $1.00 :1 pair, at; Czuc-_\'- Hur`J`.)u1 Shoe Co. THIEVES ARMED WITH AXES FAIQ TO OPEN REGISTER N<.~nt.leton .< (l1'Ll_g` sto1'u at Mlnllzmtl was l)\n::l:n-i7.- early Mon~dwa_v morn- ing`, U110 ivl1ic\'o.~' 10-tt.in_u` th(`.`n1S(`l]\'C1S in t.l11'ou;;'l1 21 side wvimlow, from whicll `.1103 cut Lhv 5_~'raL-in-gr. A l`211'2'r>-.wi7.rl ca..~*lv-1'r.-3.-:l.~1t,M` W215 cur1'i(-(l to the base- ment and b21lt. witih an axe, hut. tlm l)ur_L`lar.<. failwl to get it open. A quzmtity of alcohol was taken. ..-... Having concluiled his visit to the 1 Pacific Coast, His Excellency Lord Byng, Governor~Genera1 of Canada, has Feturned East. Before leaving the West His Excellency stayed off for a few days at Banff to meet Earl Haig, and the two famous soldiers spent some time together talking over old times. 1 Ladies Felt and Kid Sport Hats from $1.75 to $3.50. Simmons & Big Game Why do you call yours mom.-1 car ? u n- :4. ....A.~. ........ nn. lIIU'I\.A wt; . Cause it get: more pod than any other :y,pe of car." . Rogers . ...... .. Wolfenden Wihliams V ...000003 Pair `\'1CSt1`i1nS no Broke a s'po`:ts PRESBYTERIAN UNIONIST W.M.S. AT FINAL MEETING Considerable interest has been aroused in London, England, over the arrival there of 8,000 peony ` blooms for exhibition in the Cana- dian Pacific pavilion at Wembley. The peonies were grown by W. Or- miston Roy of Montreal, and have been sent to England to dispel the belief that Canada s climate is ex- zessively cold. _ .,_, 1~;...,._ .

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