Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 23 Jul 1925, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1925 As Mr. O Leary turned_ to answer the telephone, one s_mind instinctive- ly recalled the Inc_11an messenger or the military courrier of other days bowing low before the Governor in this very room and departing upon errands which often took months to perform. The sturdy walls of the old Chateau keep intact many precious mementoes of the old regime. THE KISER SISTERS {At Chautauqua Here c` Page Seven sta.ntJy. It's just fine. Don t stay stuffed-upl with 9. cold or nasty catnnh--Reliet comes so quickly. 1_\ , .1.u., 1 .v_-1. Radenhurst & Hammond, Solicitors for the Administratrix. 19-3. Tells How To Get Quick Relief from Head-Colds. It's Splendid! (CREAM F0h CATARRH OPENS Ur NOSTRILS NOTICE TO .CREDITORS If you are building let us help you! Our engineers will be glad to co-operate with you, Without charge, in determining how tele~ phone Wires can be installed to best meet your requirements. Their experience and services are at your disposal. Telephone Wires should be concealed in the walls, as are electric wiring and plumbing. { By providing for them in your plans youmay be spared the necessity of making alterations after the building is completed. L In the Matter of the Estate of Con-` srtantine 1\`I.cLaugth1in, late of the: Townusahip of Vespra, in the County of Simcoe, Retired Farmer. Notice is `hereby given pursuant to Section 56 of `the Trustee Act that all creditors and others having; claims against the estate of the said Constantine McLau;rhlin, who died on or about the 26th day of April, 1925, at the Township of Vespra, are required on or before the 25th day of July, A.D., 1925, to send or de- liver to the umlorsigned, solicitors . for -the administra.tri.\: of rt.he isaid de- ceased, their names, addresses and particulars of their claims. A...,l 4..1.,. ....+:..,. H...-.+ n+'.+m. sunk 9 Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station ., Au...-1. , Stewart & Stewart, Barrie_, Ontario, 1 Splicitors for Executors. `V. E. BREVVSTER, Manager I About 8000 people axttended the 12tI`n of July cele-bration at Bradford on Safcurday, 11-`ch. There were 35 O`1'amg'e lodges in the procession. F. W. Jecry, ex-Mayor of Mid- ulaml, died at his home on S3.-turday, July 11. He had been ide-ntied with the business life of 'Mi for the `last forty years. ' Penetang remevn will be all deck- ed out in namty new blue uniforms at the annual tournament in Midland this year. The uinifomrnis were pro- cured by volunmary sul_)sc1'iption from the business men of the town and the . town council. I Mr. W. Graham of Alliston has a lemon g'ro.wn by him that measures 9 inches around one way and 101.32 inches the other way. It took the lemon one year to mature after the blossom appeared. At present there -.11-f foum little lemons on the tree. The tree was grown from a seed planted by Mr. Graham. I SHOULD USE POSTAL NOTES IN REMITTING SMALL SUMS Accor to advices received by ))O.'~`zt111`Z1$'t(':1`S from Ottawa, he1'eaft(~1' postage sztanxps may not be used for Imakingr smazll 1-emi`tt.ancc.-;<. The use of postage srtznnps in payment. for .-mall accounts is svtatml to be con- Lrary to post office 1'e_L'u1ations. Postal notes, it is pointed out, may be obtlained for 20, 2.3, 30, 40, 50, nn H: on --B nn ...\..;. .....1 4`..,...,. v\. uuvuun.u ;x.u av, tau, uv, .v, uv, 70, 75, 80 and 90 cents, and from $1 up to $10 in even g'ures. Odd cents are made up by attaching st.an1p.: `to the po;~2tz11 notes, and their Iuse for 1-emittin_ smzxll zm1ounat.s is l;~rt.1'.c11:1_v 1'ec0mmend.ed as being: most lconvenient for semlc-1` and reeciver. , 'VL c.......- And take nwoitice tli-at after such last mentioned (late the said admin- ist1'a.trix will (li.~rtril)utc `the assets of the said (l0COZLSC(l, having` 1'e_2`ar(l' only to the claims of which she `shall then have "had notice. 1-` . u . n, L`,f., 11,.` ,1... -1 The SaIh:m=a Desert is 3,100 miles loml and 600 miles wide. It covers 3111 area equal to two-t`-hirtls of Eur- ope. ` Notice is he2'eb,v given thzrt all Cl'Cll`ltOl`.s` and 0t.l1(:l`Sl11\'lI1`,' claims u;;`aiii.~ut tshe Esltzite of Chzlrles H. Bosuuiko, late of tlhe Town of BZLl'lVlC, in tlll(` Counvty of Simcoe, Dentist, le- <:ea. are i'equi1'e(l on or before the 'l`wentitl1 lay of Au3:u.~'.t, .-\.D., 1925, Ibo send by post [)1'(,"]).llll or to deliver to the Lxn(lei': wt BkLl'l'l(.`, On- l_:u~io, S0ll(."ll)0l`$ for said Estzute, their full wames and :ulml1'c~.<:s0.<, 21 full state- ment of their claims, duly vesric~(l, vmul the nature of the security, if my, held by tlhc-.m, and th-wt a.ter .~':aitl (late the Executors will proceed to (list1'lbu the assets of the SE1ll(l r.~.<:tate nmom: the parties onwtii-tletl lfl1(!l`0Y/0, hiavin-9' regurll only to the claims of which ~the_v shall then have ll:-ml notice. n...+,, .:n.e n......:,. +14: oma. rlnv nf mut noucc. Dame (laut I3zu'riL-. this 20th day of July, .-\.D., 1925. Stewart & Stewart. District News NOTICE TO cR1:DrroRs , Luzn. Stewart Stewart, Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for Executors. TSBME STATISTICS 0Nj gGREATWAR SMAlMED Legs, 1675 Grave One Leg, 47 Canadians Lost Both` 476 Lost One Eye. i ` Fonty-seven Canadian soldiers lost both legs at the front, acco1'ding' to the first .volume of the official his- tory of _Canada s part in the war, written by Sir Andrew Macp11ai1.` One man lost both arms and both feet. 1 n W, ,, ,,,L- I__.L 4.... LCUL. The number of men who lost one leg was 1,675. The number who lost one arm was 667. It will be seen tha L the leg casualties greatly out- numbered those to the arms. I LIICII ll(IVC 'll(|Il IIULKLL. Date-I at Barrie, this 3rd day of` July, .-\.D.. 1925. D_.l-._L...._n. D. Ll................I 1 1,356 Were Gassed The number of men who were casualties from gas numbered 11,356, including 368 ofcers. T1110 number of self-inicted wounds was 729. mu um W; ,,___:,;.:-_ -1.` ...-..-..1.u L'1 >L`1.L'A11uH;I.I:u wuuuuo was I-41]. I The varieties of wounds received were as follows: Head and neck ................... .. 22,284 Chest ........................................... .. 3,780 Abdomen 1,395 Pelvis .......................................... .. 53 Upper extreimdties 51,508 Lower extrem-ities 43,652 Remained at duty ............ .. 7,602 .-\cci wounds .. 2,247 Gassed 11,356 4'76 Lost One Eye Sixty-six 1nen were blinded in both eyes, including four officers. Those losing one eye numbered 476. Ten others lost an eye as part of a more general injury. One man blinded himself wilfully. There were 6,54 ! cases of eye disease. By .'-\ug'u.<.t, 1917, the French had 2,400 totally blind men and the Briftish 700. A School of Virtue The army was a school of sexual vintue. The Ge1`mans, wi.t.h their passion for statistics, investigated the effects of prolong'e~d continence and found nothing evil in it. The men varied in age from 30 to 45 in one Landwehrbattalion and the majojrity were niarnied. Their chastity was absolute for the battalion remained for a whole year in 21 place from which the civilian population had been complertely evacuated. Cases Numbered 66,083 In the Canadian army overse-as during` `the whole period of the war there were 66,083 cases of venereal disease, of which 18,612 were syp.hilis. This yields a rate of 158 per thousand for all types spread over four years. The German army had 20.2 per thousand for the last year of the war. A report made in 1917 claimed that the Canadian cases at the time averaged only 2.46 per thousand. nu m-1--. uu 1:17 vAA.v out-uuu. l`he ofcial history adds: Ven- areal disease `never contracted within an army; it is always contract- ed from civilians outside the army. This disease is many times as pre- is valen-t amongst the civilian male population as it is -amongst the troops. There was much apprehen- sion amongst these same civilians in Canada lest they might become in- fected by the demobilized troops. Txhe medical service did what it could. To allay the alarm, efforts were made to forbid the discharg'e of infected soldiers, but it was not feasible to keep such cases on pay and allowances for an inde-nite per- iod. The men were disrpersed and warned and their names were sent in condence to the provincial oiee-rs of health. l l IWARDEN OF DUFFERIN AFTER ` CONSERVATIVE NOMINATION T. S. Parkinson, Warden of Duff- erin couty, has announced his in- tention of contesting` the Conserva- tive nomination for Dufferin and South Simcoe. Mr. Parkinson has been in municipal life for the past ten years as councillor, nle:put.y- ree_ve, reeve and mayor of Orange- ville. As Warden of DufT'erin he is well known from one end of the county to the other. He is :1 L'00rl gthter and orgvaniizer an`d has been an active Conservzxtive worker hoLh on the plaitfonn and on canvass. He` is 21 strong` temperance man and took the stump for the O.T.A. at the dec- Lion lasrt :['aIl.~-She]burne Free Press. Total wounded . Commcnuting oh the Enrt-ranice exam- iimtion results in Elmvale, the Lance says : Of a class of seve'nitee`n from l school only three passed and one was rccomnlemled. Not :1 pupil from our school obtained first or secoml class honors. This is a (le- plorablc state of z'1 for a gratletl school. Over half the failures at Elmvale cen-tre were from `Elmvale school. Notice is hereby 5,-'iven thalt all] c1'e and otihers liavimg cluinisi agaiiist the Estate of Isabella` Boszmko, late of the Town of Ba1`1`l(:, in the County of Simcoe, Z\`Ij.u'rie Woman, (leceased, are required on or bet'o2'e the Twenitievh day of Au,,;'u.~wt., .-\.D., 1925, to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the under- signexl at Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for :`Z`xl(l Estate, their full names and a a full ;~Itateme.n of their claiim.=, luly \'0rir.-(I, -aml the nature of the security, if any, held by them, and that after .~'a-id (ii:-ITO the l`lxc-cutor;< will proceeil to the zissets of the saitl estate 2m1on;;' the 1)a:`tie.= entitled tl101`Pt0, liz1\'in`_-4` 1'e;:a2'(l only to the claims of which tlu'-_v.~|l1z1lltrlionl have had notice. Dated at Bzu`i~ie, this 20th (lay of -r 1 A Y\ -nun: READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. The Northern Advance 144,606 43,652 !RESULTS or RACES or TRINITY s.s. PICNIC, HELD ON JULY 15 Boys, 5 "years- Herbert Carley. Gizqls, 5 years-] Dorothy Rose Ma3 Boys, 6 years `Emerson Osborne. ru- 1 n 1 .u....mV.. yew.-. Girls, 6 yea1's-Mariun Vair, Edith I-Iuse. 1. ~ 1`! 1' m n.uu_-ru . avu;:..:u_y. Gxrls, 7 years- -1\'la1'f.;:-wet Mays,- ..la1`;7,`a`-rot Tideman. l Boys, 9 years-l\Io~.'1c;.' Oaks, Don- a`.r' Beverley. Girls, 8 ;ve:1rs-D1i.a Hanr.`.cr, Mabel Sugg. Boys, 9 years-Ernest Wolfemlen, Pete Penny. Girls, 9 Rowe, Beat- rice Fivtzell. Boys, 10 years--Hen-ry Sims, Maurice McBrid.e Girls, 10 yeaa1's-Elizabet11 Huse, Irene Storey. Boys, 11 yuars.-Sydney Skinner, I Seymour JO]1n~S01]. (`*:..l.. 11 ..,.....~ 1...... 17...... `l'\.-..... up; IIAU u; u uuuvavu. Girls, 11 years--J~oan Mays, Doro- bhy Jolmson. DA..- 10 ..,\....-. r~1:4x.\..,1 13nI.]un'nl- uu._y uiuuvuiauu. Boys, 12 years C1iord Baldwick, `Ernest Baldiwin. Girls, 12 yea1'.=-M-arjo1'ie Mc- Bride. Boys, 13 years--Herb. Dyment, Bob Dyment. Ginls, 13 yea1`s-Viola Guest, Eliz- abeth Lewis. Boys, 14 years-Geo1`g;c Spanis, `Bill Dyment. Girls, 14 _ve2u's--Auttrey Foster, Ruby Hounisome. Boys, 16 _ve:a1~s--Si(l11ey Bell, Ted Dyme.n-t. DIIVV G..,."-Ln 'I"n,l hunsupxnt Wuannnf AJu|.\ `I w. .4... . Jul) , .-\.D., 15125.` n 1.13 uncuu: Boy ScQ,11t.s-Te(l Dyment, Ernest Baldwin. 1: - xx n - 1 Yr , ,,,, LI\all\|`VVllI. Cubs-Maurice McBride, Hem-_\' Sims. ' r1- 1 r\ -u . A, 1, ,, YT_,L_,, \.`rA__ U1 u: `um.-1.;1 Auu. B1`ownies-Bemty Carley, Elizznbetlh Husc. .,.....a. Girl Guides`--Audrey Foster, Mar- jorie M~c.B1'i(le. D..........:..~ D,..u." r`*....1m. 1'.` Swimming Races Mr. Ford s C 1ass---Ge:ov1'g*e Penny, Bob Powell, Ernest. Baldwin. 1n .....1 ..._.l-.. `DH! T`\.n--,\..4- I1.-...1n LIUU 1U'vvl:u, 141u\:oL- JJcIl\lVVlAl- 12 and umle1'-Bi]1 D_vmc-nt, Herb. I Dyment. ' 1/! .....1 ......'I.... 0:,ln,\" Dnn 'I"m1 u_) Ilnunu. 16 and unde.r-Si Bell, Ted Dyment. FIRE IN COLLINGWOOD I STORE, $100,000 DAMAGE The ground floor of R. S. Brown s| general store, Colrling'wood, was gut- ted by re on Sunday morning`. The re was not discovered till it had made considerable headway and damage to the stock of about $75,00 and to the building` of $25,000 re- sulfted. An inspection of the premises after the re was got under control reveal- ed -the fact that the fire had been started by bur;.>;l:rs. A window up- ztairs had been forced, several iron bars having been sawn througli. A large number of ladies costumes had been carriecl away and a pile of men's clothe-S was g`zLt.hered for re- moval, but the re must have gain- ed headway before the robbers were! able to remove all the booty. I nu... Boys, 7 years---Clnarlie Sc-agram, Lioyd ."attersby. I`.._!.. n ..-...... 4. 11 -..,. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS What we suspect ofute/n affects our conduct more than what we know. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O Leary, who recently celebrated their Golden Wedding, have been for practically their whole married life custodians of the treasures in the historic Chateau de Ramezay in downtown Montreal. In H-e: arm-ind huHrHno_ smid downtown Montreal. In this storied building, said Mr. O'Leary recently, erected in 1705 by Claude de Ramezay, Gover- 'yea1's--H0war(l Penny, years-Patv:icia Lawrence, V Mays. years-Teddie Ineson, .. f\..L........_ X Link With The A few new potatoes were o'ered at the market on SLtlll`(1'a_V. In mak- ing; their debut fohe spuds sold at 60c a peck. They were of fair size aaul fairly rm in qura1ni:t._v. rn1.~ 1Pu:1It]:P\ru -..,. ~1.....l.. ..n.\.:~4.-...:n..~ The biddies are slowly `1'e:_:'iste.1'i11:: a strike; consequently the price 01' eggs is a(1vzmci11g' from week Ito week. On Saturday 1;he_v jumped to 36c and 38c a dozen, an i11c1'ea; of from one to three cents over last week's quoutlartzionus. Buwtvter was quoted gem-1'a1ly art 38 cents a pound. .\.. ..1v.n...I..-.y...,. A4` 4-`uzmh \7r\:\- nkhm W....... An abumleance of fresh ve_:c:t.abIe`s was on dis4p1`:1y. Can`-obs, beerts, green onions -and lettuce sold at ve cents a bunch. Peas brought 35c and 40c 21 qu`a1`t shelled and 80 cents a basket unshelletl. Tomatoes sold at 25c a pound. G.....1:`l +'..nb.- (`IIIMI1 ...- un.~nk.uuu'..v.< 5. yuuuu. Sma1'1 fruits such as ra.=.pbe1'1'ics, black and red cu1'1wa.11Ats and goose- bevrries were offered freely. Rasp- berries b1'.oug'h-t 20c and 25c 21 box, as coanpanred wi`t.h 30c and 35c the week before. Black currannts sold at 25c 21 box and red cux'.1'ants at 20c 21 box. Gooseberries b1*oug`ht 15c a I i quant. 13.3.... -. . In one minute; your clogged nostrils] will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breatlle fnzely. No more hawking, snullling, blowing, headnc-he. dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or cnta.II'h will be gone. Get :1 small bottle of E`l'v s Cream I `Eggs ........................ .. Spring Chickens , Fowl . Ra.vspberr.1e=s ....... .. Black Curran/cs ..'rie~s Red Cur1'_ants Peas, shelled Peas, unsheillerl Lettuce .................... .. Head Lettuce .... .. Tomatoes ............. .. New Ponaa: coe's ..... .. Potatoes ..... .. Carrots .... .. Beets ................ .. . .... .. Green Onions .... .. Flowers ................ .. Cream ..... .. ~ Young Pigs ......... .. SATURDAY S MARKET A stubborn person is without a head; hard to either d.irec.ti0n. nor of Montreal, there have been entertained many men and women Hse names shall. live forever. . eral Amherst, Benedict Ax_'nol_d, Mariuis de la Fayette, Bemannn Fran 'lin, Jenny Lind and Charles Dickens have been among its visitors. 1"1`anK11n, Jenny mnu anu uzxarlua Dickens have been among visitors, and for half a` century it was the oicial home of successive Govern- nru" '1`1`L E3 STAN DARD BANK rxtn 1* xTA1'\A Dl'\I\I\II'4 I3l\l'\l`\.l'l*l\. I\. IV LIILC, nLuuuyu: Branches at Bradford, Bondhend. Crnighurat, Hawkestone. Lefroy, Keswick, Stroud, Hillsdnle and Elmvale A LA. `JJA. .$.n.\I.-j -us-- 1- ` OF CANADA BARRIE BRANCH-R. R. White, Illanager ,,__,u.,_ _- n_-,u-__| n-_,u_-....I l`-..:..l......o "nIubnlIn A Joint Savings Account is a Real Convenience [AK 1 l\a\J'a-nI`I`l4 I as a matter OI family convenience does the joint account demonstrate its value. All funds deposited are subject to with- drawal at any time by either of the persons in whose names the joint ac- count is opened. In case of the de- cease of one of the parties holding a joint account, all money may be with- drawn by the other. A joint savings account in the Standard Bank is a real convenience where two people desire access to the same funds. wm he Get E1-y Balm from our druggist now. App! 9. little of this fragrant, antiseptic, heal): inn (-man) in vour nostrils. It Dene- ......... H 38c L 36-38c don .......... m 45c lb. H 26-28c lb. W 25c box .m. 80c bask. .... N 5c bunch ._ 2 for 15 ...... N 25cIb. W 60c peck . 50c bag W 5c bunch ...... U 5c bunch ..... N 5c-bunch 15c bunch WWW 30c ph _mmm $5 each} I like 21 pin Dead Past ARTlCULARLY as a matter of C-_.:I . . . _ _ . . . ._:......A ' ..l...... AL- :.....c Through many seasons of appear- ances in musical entertainment work, the well-known Kiser Sisters, who will be heard at the Dominion Chau- tauqua here, have become one of the most talented companies appearing on the platform. I"hnir nrncrnm nnnuiafg nf vnnnl LLIU pIhl.l.U1'Ll.|. ' ` Their program consists of vocal duets, violin solos, readings and cos- tume numbers. Their record for re- turn engagements is probably exceed- ed by no duo and their visit to your town will mark an advanced step in Chautauqua entertainment. cheques issued for sums of $5 or less. In some cases recently incon- venience is reported to have a:Ii.:m1 lCll1'OU_L`,l1 banks refusing to accept these small cheques without the two- cent stla-mp, but this has been due to misunders t`amling' or throup;l1 the branch managers of the banks not having received circular instructions from their head oflice in time. Any cheque (la-ted July 2nd or later for $5 or less lees not require a s~tzLm}). \ No stamps are now requ"-ed on NO STAMPS NEEDED ON SMALLER CHEQUES Chautauqua, August 15-19 Hulk: 0! mus Imgmnn, antiseptic, nexu- ing cream in your ene- trates through every air passage the head, soothes the mamed or swollen mucous munbrane and relief comes in- stantly. iust ne. stay stuffed-up

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