Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 9 Jul 1925, p. 7

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THURSDAY. JULY 9, "1925 umuw. yuu. \1J.u.A\ .u._, u...........u . Mrs. Thompson-No, of course not! It was labelled, `Not to be taken. The Council adjourned to meet on` Aug. 3rd at 10 am. | A `D f`....$4. f`1;u.1y STROUD HOLLY V Gun. ` A. B. Coutts, Clerk. 'LJU`Li1l.UUU Llll: VVCCIX. Quite a heavy storm passed over this vicin'nt.y on l\Ionda_v night. 1.r:-- \`r....u-.. 1?`!\I\I n4` 'F1\n\-n+nI'1 The farmers are very busy loading: potatoes this week. r'\'n:o-A .-. hnnvu a+n1-an nn::ml nvm' yum: VALIIIUL-`V un .uuuuu_v ...:,..... Miss 1\Iartha Elson of Tho1'nton visited f1'ien`(1s here last week. nu 1- 111 1v,_u,-__ _,_,1 \1__ c Ten men are 1'egL1i2'e(1 from this district for the active force in Mani- toba. The period of service 12 months, the pay $13 a month, with free kit and 3-ations, and 21 ;:rant of 160 acres of laml on the ex1)ira.tion of the term. vnzuu.-u 1An:uu.\ u\;_L\; Luau n....... Mr. J. W. Hudson` and Mr. Sain- ley of Toron-to visited M. Elson last week. as 1- ur `r1._.I...... -4` Vnunnn Wt5L X\. Mrs. J. W. Hudson of Toronto spent a few days at Mrs. M. Elson s lam week. ru 1 L, _ _ `I \.. DA". ,4? +.l~.n \Vnc.+ mas: wccrx. Glad to see Dr. Ross of the \Ves-t back on a visit to his mother, Mrs. Archie Ross. 7111 q u , y |:1 -c cu \ ;~ 'T`he Lamas Aid of St. .-\n(lrew s church intend holding a g:ar party in the near future. The \veabhe1' has been very hot these last few days. The cotvt.a.g;ers are about all back in their C0tltA21. ,'(.`S at Oro Beach. A number from here attemled the divine service of L.O.L. N0. 904 at the Anglican church at Hawkeshonc on Sunday afternoon. ' VVILJI HUI un.m.|u:L, AVLLC. \J\.\1- u~......V... Miss E.~:-ther Burrows i-s s1)em1im.1' a few days with Miss Marjorie Can-l Miss Mmgamt Bzuteman is visitin-5.7 at her gram]-pa1'ent s, Mr. Ralston. I. xv, -~/`i. .. I.] ......\,- .,,.,, `cu 110:1` g1i.l11w11u1-snw 2, .u.u. u....v... Mrs. Weeks and son Harry are with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Wallace. 11' ~h,u_,.. a .2- 4~1'\nn:]:I 1lI' cu ning. `LI'.. Ilxlrg. Mr. Kitchen of Schomber5;' has pur- chased the store owned by G.. C. Allan. .,,u .:,_.., 1.. 11.. l\VI1] ?\,`l ..:- ."\ll(.llIu Co1Ig'1~z1tul21tiox1~s to Mr. 1 Jack Blackmoru on the :.jift 1 -girl, July 4. m.. H... r:..,. \';..1m1 (From the Advancc.-, July 5, 1900) Mr. B. Coutts of Midhurst Iet on Tm-. for Winnipeg`, where he has sccurml a position. '__'u`1, uuL_\ >1. ` M1`. and .\'Il':.`. GL-0. Nichol and I\I1`s.% Gardhouse spent. the holiday with Mr. Noalx Grose. war 11 ,1 T`I.._._... L... ..,\t.n.n.~..l Gn `.\Ud.`H \J1'Ubl.`. M1`. Earl Brown has returnetl to the city after ;~tpcmling :1 \ve0k ~.> va- catxon at his home. `I u 11,,, mL..,. C4r\r\'l\r.1`\'< ..n.l KHLLIUII 21.1. 111.3 uUu|L:. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stephens and family are .=pen a couple of months at `thc-ir czlvbtzage. -. \v 1 r1 I . ,. _..,....l HlUllz.ll.i wt `L~llL.'lL \,uvuu.|;5-v... M1`. Noah Grosc has gone to spend a month wish hi`-s dau-_2`htc-1', Mrs. Bailey, at her co`t-age in North Bay. Johp Do:b.son has -put the nishing: touches with paint on his new resi- (lence at `this place and now has the nift~iest looking place in town. ...1__..,. -1 1 nt \vn 7'2 nu, , _.. , luuuucm. IUUHAAI5 lJAu.\.\. .., The members of L.O.L. No. 73,l .'-Xngus, attended service at, St. George s church on Sunday evening.` There was 3. good turn out of mem-} bers. rm , ,,,1__ _L._L:A.....l ...:...",u. 1\`T.. UL`l`.S. The newly stzntioned minister, Mr. Roach, preziched his first `sermon in the union chu1ch last Sabbath and made a good impression. at is hoped that union `of `the -three churches will UU it ouuucna. The strawbc-m'y festival held on the goumls of St. Geonge s church last week was 21 grand success. The program consisted p1'incipa1]_v of music furnished by the Ivy brass band, which was much app1`eciate Miss Crog'an of Aiilamlale is visit- ing with Miss Mary Jennett. \.r.... 1. \ Tn\wv1nI.' n4-` Rm-.-En HIE. W1'|A1 AILIED .'.ucu_y u\.AILA\.vv- Mrs. Jas. A. Lennox of Barrie spent the week end wit-11 friends here. Mr.` and Mrs. S.` Ca1'rut;he1's of Guelph called on fviemls here last Friday. 11.. .. .1 1.1.... \..o-.1..... (En-...~m-H nf The corner stone of the new Metl1o(l.i. chu1'c.l1 at Holly \vus laid on 'l`uc;< last by .\lrs. Jas. L. Bur-H l'1l\|(\) Mr. and Mrs. Artxhur Coxworth of Barrie visited with f1'ien hr.-re on Sunday. \.r:~-h~ T)..41. .....I 1PIA..,.n..n ouuuuy. Misses Ruth and Florence Hannah of Toronuto are \'isiting' with a\I1`. <. L. Banting. \/r,\,..; .. l.)....... C..,.,\...- rd` '1'.-nu?-n 1)C1lIbIll'b`- M:1.s'te1' ]E Speers of Toronto is h01i(layi11g' \vi~th his cousin, .\lu:4Lcr Boyd Arnold. XII A-111:] R/fun TRY T Mi1.1m- nf '_)u_yu Ill. Hutu. Mr. an VV. J. Miler of Ufco-pia spent Sunday at the home of I. F. Lennox. n A1114-.. :_ ........l I a L`. L4L'l|ll\Ja\. .VIr.s. Murphy of A1li. is spe11 `.119: a few days with her 1\I1's. Geo. Czu'ruther.=. xv - 01,, L..- ...A......_ 1 LVLLD. \.l\.'Uc \.lLA1lk4\.Ll\.A.'u Miss Nessie Spears 111 home from her school at for the summer holidays. are ,, \1_. LUL un; nulluuul. nu.u.u_,_. M-i's`s )Izu'i~an Arnoltl V\'t`I1xt to To- ronto on Sa`turlray where she int;-ml.< to take the summer course in Art. 'r\ rn 1- 1-\ I 1'L ,,_ 17_..I_,__ 4., LU u<.u\L mu; auuuuu; \.uu...-\. ... ..... Rev. T. J. Dew left on Momlay to attend the annual conference for An5;lic:n1 cle-1'g,'y held at Sparrow Lake. cIJ\K.- M1`. and Mrs. M. Martin zmtl sons of Beerton visited at the home of th 1'o1*me1"s sister, Mrs. R. F. Lowrie, on Sumlay. A ... .-.L,.. ..l` ..,J..L:n,.r. -`.1:/\\\V Ln`... >J\LIl\I(|_\ . A number of 1'e1a=tives from here at-tenrleml the picnic and reunion of the Lennox-Sproulo `families held at l{i11a1'nc_v Be-uch last Satu1'tlu_\' `after- ton. I say, doctor, din`. you ever doctor another doctor ? Oh, _v<.s. Well, does a doctor doctor a doc- tor the way the rfoctorcd F-octor xvants to b_e rloctorerl, or (loos the doctor do- ing"the doctorimr doctor -the other rloctor in his own way? Unless you have fruit trees don t be a g'1*ate1'. ORO STATION LEFROY UTOPIA Poor Doctor IVY has returned P;_\'11j. ,' Inlet and Mrs. : of 21 baby INEW MINISTER AT [BURTON AVE. CHURCH Rev. Canon Hcincr was ])1'(.`F(.`IIt(.`ll with :1 pocket communion set and a humlsome t1'2L\'(-llim: Inn: on 'I`ue.s4lz1_v ni_9,'ht prior to his for Europu. Hm`. C`roor_,>`e Co11H`cr Makes ]i`in(- ]`n1}_)r(rssim1 111 ]n:111guI':11 Sm-111011. That. the soluition of world ills lies in a vision that wil>1 cause mankind to obey the new conmiandment-1ove one another, was the subject of Rev. George Cou1tc1"s ix1au;;;L_1r:1I addrc;-ss to the members of Burton Ave. United Church on Sunday morning`. Mr. Coulter, who last week assumed clial-ge of the Burton Ave. pztstorate, made 21 deep iniprewsion in the open- inrr en)-Viva JG: VIILIL `\LI.\,l. ... .....,... l J\lIlAI who came nea1'es:t to Jesus heart, believed the new com1mm(l~mcn-t to `be the c1'o\\'xring' one, one that cm- `braced all the others in its widencss of scope. V7. .` Lu VJ .,...1.e. The traig`e(l_v of religious hisuory, the :~:pez1ke1` cowtinued, is that the new commzmdment has not been lived up to. The average church member loes not ubiile by it, he does not take it into aecoum; when con- fessiiig his sins. We do not seem to have felt the divine authority of this word, His nal comniaml. 111.! ,, I, , L., ._ ._ i.......... .1 `T 41... LILAJ VVUILI, Alla IIIKLAA \,vAnA.AusnAn\n Why has it been so ignored `I the speziker asked. Is it because minis.- ters have not preached it often enough? A divine in reviewing 200 se1'mon.~: found only one on the new commandunent and that by a man dead for seven years. Chris- tian scholans have not delve-d into this command, they livave not explored its inner meaninc`. If the church, throuf.-`l1 the 1900 years that have passed, had kept this commzxndniemz at the i'0ref1'ont, what a differenit world it would be, Mr. Coulter point- ed out. ~ V n pm .,,,,vx Lkl vuuo One of the troubles may have been that the construction is a trie difl'1- cult. A semi-colon preceding the words Even as I love you makes them appear as an at'tent:l1oL1g'.l1t and the word love has so many (lifferenn: meanings in the present day sense. However, love dened by Jesus is exemplied by His life. Cllristian-s, t.here1'o1'e, are to love another as Jesus did. We are to love all hu- manity by begi1min_<,-' with loving rst our Christian fellowmen. Love is one of the finest arts learned in the schoolof Christ and we must become brothers with Him to be brother:~: of our fellowmen. Loving only in the mamier that Jesus did will bring sul-~ vat-ion; this exalted, puried love practised on each other will alone . the world. n u u ruux. mu. u u;;u- Our churches are unzfolfbunately measured by their members-hip and wealth, but what is the use when we are imli`e1-ent to the only tl1ing' that is worth while, love one anothe1'. Only by our love for one another (lo we show our love for God, and our negflect of the new co1nn3amln1enIt leaves us with problems to face that are beyond our ;~vt1'enr,<:'tl1. It is in the local churches that the hez11"Ls 01' the people must be broad- enetl and S\V(}(?Il.Ul1(.'(l. Then their in- fluence will S]J l'0i\(l from town to town, from land to land, until the earth is /\~n.. "VI... A.......'L.I.. Z. A.1...L LL... ... -1. ;;v.u AuIA\| ..-V nuuu, uuull nu. \.uLvu 1.; one. The trouble is that there is not suicient Cln'is1,ianity in our hearts to s'uppl+_\' the \voi'l The \`VOYlll is \vz1imin_u' for men who will love across political, social and mlig;ious lines. All men must learn to he fellow workers, willing" to sz1c1'ice for one ..... ALL-.. another. So heavy \vas the traic on the G. I`.R. on Sutunlay that the .\ Iu.~:koka flyer went north tloublo-hczulor and '- - ~-- ... um: In cloeing: the speaker pointed out that the new commamlment was C111'iSIt"S desire, His pas- sionate Iom.~,'ix1.g in His last hour,` the one supreme petition that the world might be one. His prayer was thait we mig*ht be made perfect in Him. Canadian Platinum Output Final 1'c\'i.~7ed statlisztics for 1924 on the proluction of platinum, as re- pohted by the Bureau of Statistics, show that except for a small amount of ve 0unco.~.:, which was 1`c~cove1'ed from British Columbia. placcrs, the total output of 9,186 ounces was de- rived from the copper-nickel ores of the Sudbury district. A gauge has been i pe1' attached bile tire to show its 1 times. M Page Seven invented to be ` to an automo- pressure at all Ll .. _... the mgxht section.-'. Mr. A. W. Smith, who has in in chargro of the fth form in 1 Contml school, iuft on .\Ion Toronto to take a position with ` Grip Printing` and Publishing` Co. Womou .< clubs have become num- erous in Turkey. A few _\'o-ars :15;-0 they were unknown. I.=z1ac-You should pull the cur- tains down van you kiss your wife. I saw you last night. Abbk--Tl1e choko s on you; I! 1. I ,L _.!...LL !Y P. P20, Esq, starts for the old sod next Sut.u1'|a_v. We wish him a pl;-u;~:u11t time and a safe vo_vu5;'c. I cun .vvu Iutav -5.... < vasn t home last night-. In Days of Yore (From the Advance, July 8, 1875) TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Turkish Women Join C|ubs FIFTY YEARS AGO TI-IE STAN DARD BAN K an r*A`Y\TAT'1A been, A .u Dru! p_.._ :_ .1,,\I L. uunuu uuuuu. .........,. ....~.l ex.pres.'< came up in two L4 LL `LIL .l..l. \l.l; .-z.-. :_ `.- OF CANADA BARRIE BRANCI-1-R. R. White, Manager Branches at Bradford. Bondhead. Cruighurst, Hawkeslone. Lefroy. Keswick, Slroud, Hillsdnle and Elmvale early all the burnt block is being built on with tGl}1})01`11`_V frame build- ings, which thou;`11 they look ug'l_v, are \'ery sc1'vicca~b10. .-`tono of the new An- Innisl, was laid by G. W. .-\1l;u1 on Dom- en a silver trowel was Travelling In Canada or Abroad N ESSENTIAL requisite for an A extended trip in Canada or abroad is a letter of credit. The details of obtaining funds en route as desired are reduced to a minimum by the pos- session of a `personal letter of credit from the Standard Bank. It may be written to cover any amount you wish to arrange for and is immediately negotiable by hotels, steamship com- ,,_,,:__ ___J L....l.- -,.nuu:l-an-rn annriecl negoname Dy nuuna, kcaluannnr ....... panies and banks anywhere specied throughout the world. the for the MUSICAL COMPETITIONS AT CAN. NATIONAL EXHIBITION The following" are the test pieces to be rendered in the musical com- ,_ petition at the Canadian `.\ at.iona1 |Exhibiti0n this fall : Vocal Department Class 1---D1'amat.ic Soprano, Hear Ye, Israel (from E1ijah), key B minor and majo1'.........Memlelssohn IT\3L-,.. f\\4 f`l.......L\ r\\._\, u Jlcvv ........................................ -.._,.... (John Church) Note-An_v edition will do. Clz1ss .`)--B`as`.=,, The VVzmdcre1', key D, in E11P,`iiS]1 . .Schube1't /c,,,1'\ We are glad to see that the Coun- ty Atwto1'ne_\', J. R. Cotter, is fast re- covering from the hurt his ankle rc- ceivcd in the late re. Piano Department Class 19--Piano, under 16 years, G:rmz1n Dances, No. 1 in C ....... ..BcethoVen-Sc-is;~: ,n.. \ It-"INED $10.00 AND COSTS I FOR NEGLIGENT DRIVING A ne of $10 and costs, $18.25 in all, or one month in jail, was im- posed on O. G. Eplett of Victoria Havbour in Tues s police court. It will be rcmemzbcred that on the Tuesday previous Eple/ct was tried on a charge of veckvloss and nr.=5.>,'1i_9.'e11t :l1'iving' resulting` in injury to Salva- zlor Giorg'iann=i, gar-a;;'e man on Eliza- beth St. At. thafr. time ju(l~g'ment was i`0sei'\'ed for 21 week. Mag'istrate Jeffs imposed the niinimum ne. Eplett b_v pe1'mi.~`si0n (lid not -appear in court. F011-:~wts cover `owo-fths of the total arc-3. of Russia. The plant of the Gra\'enhu:`st .Crush(_- Grani-to Company was com- `pl y gutted by re on .VIonda_v Ila. A The loss is estimated at 830,- | When God would educate a man `He compels him to learn bitter les- sons. He sends him to school to the necessities rzntlier than to the ;;'1-aces, that, by knowing` all suffer- in:;', he may know also the eiternlal conso1artion.--Ce1ia Burleigh. u .......u (Di-t son or Church ) Note--Any edition will do. Ilzzss 2---Lyric Soprano, With Ver- dure Clad (from Creation), key, B at ..................................... .iHa_Vln I T (`L -. \ Hush your kidneys by drinking a quztrt of water each day, also take salts occusiuuztlly, says a noted authority, who tells us that too much rich food forms :leid.~` which almost paralyze the kidneys in their efforts to expel it from the hlood. They become sluggish and wt-nlten; then you may suffer with a dull Inisery in the kidney region, sharp pllllln` in the l)llCl\' or sick headache, dizzi- ll(`>i.<. your stomach sonrs. tongue is t`I:.'rlL'tl, and when the weather is bad yuu l1. l\`C` rltenmatic twinges. The urine _L`,(`l.< cloudy, full of sediment. the chan- nels often get sore and irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. To help neutralize these irritating acids, to help cleanse the kidneys and flush ofT the body's urinous waste, get four ounces of Jud Salts from any phar- m:tc_\' here: take a tablespoonful in a ;:l.-t.=,s of \\'.'1ter before breakfast for a few tl:t_\'s, and your kidneys may then act fmc. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon iuice, combined with lithia, and has been used for years to help ush and stimulate sltiggisli kidneys; also to neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer irritate. thus often relieving bladder weakness. _ _ `I-\.l Qnlt: in inc-xnon.=i\'e: can not in- gTs;..m;;,V) Note-S~hou1r1 be Frederick Har- ris edition. (Q 113' p{{i;n._l13e{$" .\Iote-Shou1~d be in B minor and D. On Szxbbzxth nigxht last the Rev. McDowell ))l`C`lChC`tl his farewell ; mon to the c0ng`1'egz1wt.io11 of the. I\Iert.hotl'L. -~t church, Collier St. weakness. Jud Salts is inexpensive; in- jurc '1n\'i makes :1 delightful e'erves- cent lithia-writer drink. By all means have your physician examine your kid- ineys at least twice a year. 8,000 astten-ded New1narket :' big` day of sports and races on July 1, and in the ervening' between 5.000 and 6,000 witnessed or pa1' in the street dance. On Tuesday, June 30, about mid- nght, re broke out in the basement ,.u \.u n r`<, 5]-unn a.+m-n Donn- l5`_`:',llL, JLLC U1Ul\LZ vuu. Ill I.-Ink. uu.:x.Au\.A-v of W. C. Gem1ron s\shoe store, Pene- tang, and did considerable damage to the lower pan`-t of the building` and to the stock of shoes, rubbers, etc. Norman A. Sidesy, a young man, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sidey, River Road, near Collzingwood, met a tragic death on June 24 when he was killed by the explosion of `a shot gun which he was liandilinxg in the orc-ha:1'd of his home. New-market rateupayers on July 20 will vote on a by-law for the pur- pose of raising $15,000 for a grant to the York County Hospital Board to pay for the purchase of lands and buildings to be used as a public hos- pital in the town of Ncwmarket. Appli'cat.ion is being made by Mrs. Armie Rathbone, N01`t.'l1 York, through her solicitors, for adminis- tration of the estate of her husband, Nod W. Rathbone, who (lied in North York on June 1, 1eavin._; no will. Real pro-pe1'ty to the Value of $172,000 is involve Orillia s centenarian, Mr. John Peters, passed peacefully away about 6.30 on Wednesday morninz; last. He had `been g'ro\vin~g g1'a WL`Z1l\- er and slipped away without pain or z4t.ru_;';:le so quietly it was scarcely known he was gone. John Peters was born in Ballina, County Mayo, Ireland, on Jzinuary G, 1818, the year before the binth of Queen Victoria. He came to Canada about 1853, set- '1.ling at Perth. From there he went to Buffalo for :1 few years, and to- wards the close of the American civil war he moved to North Orillia, and had. been a residenlt of Orillia town- ship ever since. Of a family of nine, three vsurvive. They are his eldest diaug'l1~ter, Mrs. ;\IcPhee, of Morri- son, who is a widow, and nearly eighty years of age; his son, Mr. Wm. Peters, and Uiss Peters, of Orillin. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon, June 27. The Council met immetliately after the Court of Revision on June 29, with all members present and the Reeve in the chair. ft 1 :- I Com'munica1Lion.s were read from: W. E. Weogar, re railway crossing` at sideroad 5 and 6, Con. 7; Eliza- beth Rix, Sec. Womcn s Rest Room, re nancial aid; W. M. Coclzburn, re __7,'ra11t to School Fair; Lloyd Living`- ston led ;1`idavit re sheep killed by .l,....-. M1`. \Vi]s0n Rhinehart, printer, Orilvlia, and Miss Elizabeth .\'ay]o1' Barrie were lnarried at the home the b1`i(le s parenrts on the 81:11. ed : Or-iHia s Centenarian Passes Away John Grave:~:, work on Col. Road No. 11, $102.50; Thos. Mo-ore, work on Col. load No. 9, $212.50; Jas. '[`orpe_v, work on Col. Road No. 11, $103.00; Thos. Putt-cntlen, work at Miniesin-g gravel pit, $14.50; Wm. Granvt, g'rading', $23.30; `S. Wright, work on Co]. Road No. 10, $103.25; A. B. Coutts, Sec.-Treas. Telephone System, balance levy 1924, $69.86; A. B. Coutts, Sec.-Treas. Telephone S_vs.t.em, loan, $200.00; Stanley Fra- lick,work on Col. Road No. 8, $208.- 00; Jas. Lang, work on Col. Road .\'o. 2, $90.00; The `Globe Indemnity Co., premium, $111.20; A. B. Coutts, quarter year s salary as Clerk and Treasurer, $225.00; A. Walt, work on Col. Road No. 1, $250.00; H. Bertrani, work on Col. Road No. 2, $109.00; H. Ber-tram, work on Col. Road No. 2, $8.96; Thos. Walton, special grrant 10th Con., $145.80; L. \Vin5_rrove, work on Col. Road No. 7, $194.60; Jas. Craig, ,g'ra(l $01.00; Gareld Wingrove, work on Col. Road No. 5, $400.00; Jas. Torpey, work on Willow Creek, $100.50; Jast. I`orpey, )'C`])2.1ll`ll1;. ,' b1`i(lg`es and drag,`- u'in._e' Con. 9, $18.00; M. Keast, ditch- ing: on 10th line, $42.30; Jas. Craig, 3.:'ra(lin*_e,' 2nd line , $6.50; A. B. Cout.ts, expenses re Col. roads equal- i'/.in:_1' ass ssmenit and services re 10th line drain, $25.00; E. Crawford and M. Keast, as;,2` Engineer, Willow Creek, $10.00; Robt. Cook, snow plo\vin_e', townline F105 and Vespra, $12.50; Hubbard Har fencing` and staples, 8th line, $34.18; Wm. Grant., clearing` tree off 10=th line, $3.00; Jas. Torpeiy, fene- ing: Sth line, $2.00; A. H. Wilson, services as Reeve,` $30.00; Grant linupp, services as Deputy-Reeve, $30.00; Albert Orchard, services as Councillor, $30.00; Jas. Doran, ser- vices as Councillor, $30.00; Albert Ford, services as Councillor, $30.00. Dr l.n- \'n {:90 ~..,~. !"n1nni-rnHnn cl h: h ` District News L\lL\l .:\_'A.vI\.\.a ua xzvuuyurvs, upuxuvu. By-law No. 688 re Colonization Roads was given its third reading and passed. u,,.;. The following accounts were pass- .I . VESPRA COUNCIL The N01tth#&A!:a1?':3_ Miss Hilda Ferris is-home for hm ho1id*ay's. 31.. \rY....1.... XXIALL `-\n.\ u-A+nunn.l +4: uunuu_y .1. 111`. Morley has returned to his home here. are `I - h -1 ,1` n-1,,,,_,;, _._.,._; Fire de.~tt1`oyc the store of Mr. R. Flestcher at Shanty Bay on Sunday -last. This isthe second time in two years that Mr. Fletcher has been burnt out. Ina uuun; nu; 1;- Miss llarion Reid of Toronto spent the holiday wimh her parents. "*1." TY...'.... Cu..l.-.uv cu-\11r\r\l s-nu-Jnn I-JXC uuu\'.a_y wrvu ncx tlv|A.\.AA`vc- The Union Sunday School garden party proved a. good SUCCESS. mu... r~1....,...,... DH`.-. ,-.4` hn+um'+ is L:u;L_y puuvcu u uvu uI.c\4\;\.qro 1\/Irs. Clarence Fife of Detroit is the guest of Misr Dorothy Harper 112..- `\f.. Z-` TA vs-\.\1v uvn~ 4-Ln \-ur.:~+ ...; &3\.A\_`.|4 `JL .....:.: J.l\.IL\J\-II`, -....,-. Miss .Iuriel Jermey was the guest of Miss -Im'j01`ie Black over the week end. ' av ac -v 11- n .1 11v . Mrs.;hIin of the West visiti11~g her brother, Mr. F. W. Peu- cock. nu-.n. A number from here attended the picnic at KL11a1'ne_v Beach last Wed- nesday. 115..- 1'TH...........,. D-..\L.. -1.` I)......I.,. Miss Florence Beelby of Barrie was the guest of her parcnwts over Sunday. at v- rn st n, 1, ,, n ,, ,., LL 1\.A|\|u nu. \JAA.I.\/L\| M1-. Arthua` Stevenson and Miss Carol of Hamiilrton spent a couple of days here last week. \;I.. .....I IN.`-. 1) `LI T\T,.l",.n1 n nix.` uu_sg u\.u., ;u.:v Iv\.\.nnu Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McConkey and son of Allamlalc are visiting with the fo1'mer s parents. 17.. .....I Iy`l..-. T 7\T,.`l .\..Ll..n ...-HI The Barrie District L.O.L. meet- ing was held at Allamlalo on Satur- day. 'l`hcro were about 60 present and District .\Iu. W. C. Little, M.P., pru; nu, LULJIILL .: 1:;-.;\,-nu... M1`. 3,311! Mrs. L McLachlan and dau_;`htc1' of '].`o1leml~a]e spent Sum|:1_v with the latter s parents. \r.. ..v..! \1 .... DAL; U ...... .1 .....I n1|.u uu. Au-u.L .2 lzcuuuua. M1`. and Mrs. Robt. Hewson and son of Weston s'penvt lust We at the latter s home here. v\ . .- ..u 11`!!! uv mu, Al-l.|.l4\.L u uuuu, .u.;.\,. Don -t forget the annual eld day will be held in the Community Park here on next Wednesday, July 1:3. \/I _. A! `LI..- T-.. T) >L4<-- -1` h, I\.L\. uu A|\,-xv lV\.\|IA\.u\|I.a_y u..._, .7. M1`. and Mrs. Jas. B1'c-wster of De- troit have returner] home after visit- inp: with the Ia`tte1"s brothel`, Ben. YXYALL VV:2bl'3`.- H \.`u u. We welcome to our vi`11a_g'e the Rev. and Mrs. Jas. Brown and r'.Lm- i1_v, the new pastor of the United church. no 17 v 1- u -n-v a an n The Young Ladies Bible Class of the United church p1'esente Miss Dorot-hy Harper, the bride `of ihis week, with a cut g'1:ass water set. Miss Ruby Wice read the folloxving ad(11'c-ss, while Miss Violetta 1`er1'i:~: I made the presentation: I 1\..,..` T\......L1-.v Y_`Inn. `/\;\~I\Nr\:1 I\`p |llla\ll.' uu: puzaxnu-auuu . Dear Dorothy-Havinwg learned of your intended dc~panture 1' our midst, we, the members of the Young Ladies Adult Bible Class, wish to ex- press to you our best wishes for your future happiness and prosper- ity. You have been one of our most useful and faithful members and we all realize what a loss 'our departure will mean. But since your new home will not be so far distant we hope you will often renew your frier-.rl: with us. As a sligzht token of our esteem we would ask you to :lC!I:1')'. this cut glass water set. As you use it from day to day may it remind you of the many pleasant times spent, to- getlier in Stroud. Signed on b(>`l1aJ1`f of the Y.L.A.B.C. Marjorie Black. Violetta Ferris. Miss Harper replied, thanking: the class for the beautiful gift which they had given her. Mrs. H. Campbell spent a few days with friends at Caldwell. \r- n 4 n__:,.\___ :_ -.._...12.-.. \'Vl|.-ll .L1llJl|\|C (LU \J(Avl\lVV\.lAla Miss Cametia Srigrley is spending her holvitlays at her home here. It 111 \v The cornc-1' .-"tor glican church, In: the Hon. .\I1'.<. inion Day, when : presenterl to hcr. UUJC IlUl'1l|-U13}/D (ALI JAUL ALUIIIC Ax(;LUu Mrs. W. N. Hopkins visited Mr. and Mrs. MwacDou-gall of the (ith lino, Vespra. *u..-n.. `I'.`.......+ \x7:.-..1..~nu A4` Um-n'l+nn V C5111 cl- Master Ewart Wyindsor of Hamilton is visi:t,in.L,-' his aunt for the summer holidays. 11.. DA; Dnknnh At` r`.-m.m UH] IIUllLlil_VD. Mr. Bert Robson of Crown Hill Hprmft Sun(l~u_V with his sister, Mrs. Chas. Caneld. nu ,, 12.11 -...I ...... r k/lluh. \4'pl.lHl\:I\I. Mrs. Gland-eld and son C1i'or visited her sisters in Hamilton for a few days last week. x1.. _...1n1..~ I Vw\rTn\v`\n\-1v\7 nml llfw l|u3b Luau wclsn. Mr. and Mrs. W. I\'Ia_\'berry and family of Alliston were Sunday Visi- tors at Wm. Hunvte1"s. -n u \,r,,, 71 1.1 1'\..,.. ,_4- L1... LUIS up Will. L1LlII`|.lSl .1. Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Dyer of Ham- ilton spent bhe week with Dr. Dyer .= parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Dyer. `L1..11.. ..n.] I.'nnn1.- nlaunul n n-cnnn nf [)iu'L`Jlb5, 2.111. auu AVLlDn uuxugx, JJlV\.L- Holly and Knock played a game of ball at Knock on Monday evening`, the score being` 5-3 in 1`zwor of Holly. `Jr I 1"n-...L 1')....-l..- T\.`f,.\ LHU bCU1'l: I)l.'lH`L/ , u-u All .Lcuux Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brooks, Miss Brooks, Mrs. Purchase and Mr. Nor- man Thomas of Toronto called. on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter. vv :1 1 1 _1 __ FL A'7\Q- ......L.. XVII . Gllll A711): IV Ills LI\AllL\'J.i H`o~1I_\-' held its annual ;;arden party on 'I`uos July 7. Considerin\g' the weathe1', a very good crowd attend- ed and all rcpo1'.ted a good time. A friemlly gxamc of softbalil was play- ed botwc-en Barxwie and H01-1y,_Ba1'rie coming: out ahead. Obeying Orders Thompson -- nG,~00 8`1"c1Ci0`13 ! Diln t you pack my lm-imemt ? 11.... 'Tnt\v\/Iv\r~r\\r\ `5\Vn (\ nnvn-an On Dominion Day M1`. Hatch of this town propelled himself through the town park on a four-wheeled velocipmlu, which he claims to have. invent,e It . to run easy.

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