Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 2 Jul 1925, p. 4

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JVIINESING` PASTOR T' GET GOLD WATCH? uu uug gone. _'rr"e`}}?.'g9s'c3""u c{T{ard'1}' just try Red Pepper Rub. Nothinrr ha: rnnr-pm ms: try nee reppcr Kub. Nothing has such concentrated, pene- trating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into pain and congestion relief comes at once. Tust as snnn A: vnn nnnlu Purl pan- Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis, back- ache, stiff neck, sore muscles. strains, sprains, aching joints. When you are suffering so you can hardly get around, just trv Penner Rub. snvs HEB PEPPEH HEM sPnPs PAIN m FEW MINUIES THU {SDAY, JULY 2, 1925 E_. Carscatlden, Tezlcher. HOLLY His Master's Voice Victor Records All other `His Master's Voice" Victor Records with exception of Red Seal Records, 20 cents off the list price. What an opportunity to secure all the - popular hits---all the latest releases all 10-in d0ubl e-sided 75c. J. G. KEENAN June 23 to July 8 Only Make your selection Now at 55c I The assembla-g'e this evening`, as iwelll as many who have been detain.- ed, being` composed irrespectuive of clenominartion. class or creed, and whose privilege and pleasure it has been for three years to Listen to and `live with you, have received a liv- in_2; aml lastimsr impression in their Ives of the re of, the c-zlrne-stness and zeal and that bold- ! I I Clare from the sacred desk the im- porishable and in~t1'ove1wtib1e word of I truth. _ |in_9; zeal, ness, which is born only of the spirit of truth, which to_{:em11c-1' have char- acterized your life anlongst us and -L:..... - L`...\.\-. H. 7 ,,,.._I- On '1`'hursda_v even-in,:, June 25th,! 'a,la1'~g'(.~ an(l 1'e.p1*csentzut.ive ::am11e1'ing`| of the people of Minesing and vicim ity met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .McLea:n, Mims:ing' Station, to do `.hon.o-r to Rev. and Mrs. Fortnor, who are severin-g; tjherir connecbions with` the United churches of Minesing`, Mi(l!1mrst`an(l Edenvalc. During` the evening Mar. Fmrtner was prevsonted with a gold watch and the following` admires-S \vacs~ read by Mr. C. Pa.rker, secretary of the Executive Board of lVIvin`ersain,g' Union Church: To the Rev. and Mrs. 17`ovb-1101'. ~ Lt\.'|./x.L Aux also 3 pwlpim. 1 LI duties, over such an extensive field of labor, you have ministered to all those who were in need, sickness, dis- tress or a.dvorsit_v, reg'ar(l`les~s of any line of (1-isbinction. \ In this 1`(:_2`z1r(l humanity has raised its own voice more strong'ly than words zmd paper can express, Therefore, upon this occasion, those assembled ask you to accept these slight tokens in appre- cizvtaion and in the esteem in \V".lCl`l we hold your life and service in our midst. Aml `trusting: tilmt in your new eld of labor you ma_v enjoy not only all the blessin~g's of this tem- poral life, but that you may enjoy still g\.1'eate1` blessings in service to our Lord and Masrter. \ S=1g'ne(l on behalf of this assembly. George W. Crawford Lloyd Johnson. And by Wilmot Cook and Jas. Muir, -to-war(ls of Union Church, iVIines1';1g'. pwxpluu. \ In the discliar,2'e of your pastoral I After ref1'es.hments were served a ivcry appropriate address was read by Mrs. Robc-rtison, president of the So- ciety, while Mrs. Aird, horiorary [)1'CSi(i(:nJt, p1'esen:te(l Mrs. Wartt with} `a. gold wrist wafcch. She was also "she recipient of a p1`et_v boquet pre- `sented by little Don-alul McConke*_v. I Mr. Fortner replicd in a few well Echoscn words for his wife and `nim- lself, and the social function closed. as `such functions must, with good wishes on both sides and hopes some `day to meet again. On I`ue: last, June 30, 21 .'e1'_\' pleasant afternoon tea was held at the home of Mrs. A. G. l\IacLellan, His,-`I1 St., when. about fty of the I former Presbyterian Unionist W.M.S. `met in honor of l\'Irs. W'zmbt, who is to leave :~1l1ontly for her new home at Burk s Falls. The tea table was [Jl'eSl(lC(l over by Mrs. H. M. Lay. A Au-.. ,0..- . L... _..J_,, I Mrs. Watt, who was completely [taken by surprise, acknowledged the |thoug'h`tfulness of the ladies in a l tting manner. To Mrs. Fortner was pre`senvte(l an electric to:*.svtc1' and bedroom lump, lwhic-11 amticlvs will ce1vtzLin1_\' kecp fre~s'h the mc~mo1'y of the friends in ' MinesrIn.g'. 1 MRS. (RE.V.) WATT PRESENTED ! WITH GOLD WRIST WATCHI Ibltu .\UuL |I.u: clulvubov uu your -p1'0clamation-s from the L One -Store Only Dear Friemls-The assembly which g'ree ts you this evening`, whose privilege and whose ple-a,sure it is to enjoy your company in our midst on this occasion, l12w.im2; taken the opportunity of which this evening a'-ordis, to express to you prior to] your removal from our n1.i(l'sIt, our sincere appreciation of your services to us and annonigrst us. Firstly, as a citizen we realize this great and im- porrt-ant fact, tlmt a person or per- sons can.nnot live in a communii-Ly, or` in this great world of ours, without crc~aItin.g and leaving; am ineffaceaiblel impression upon the lives of thosel with wlio.m we may come in contact.` We all, with 21 (legrce of pride, are` -proud to call ourselves citizens of the great Buifoish Common-wealth, whose privilege it is to enjoy the mutural respect and B(]113.'lJll3_V of alll in all phases of national life. 1 PROMOTION EXAMS. ` IN LOWER scHooL! The results of the romotion and . u p term oxzun-inatiiom: held recently at the Colleqxiate In:-.1ti`t.ut.c, in the Lowur School, are as foliliows. (Results of i the Lower School D('[)zl.l`i.l`nL`1lt21i Ex- ` timiniations will b(:'[)Lli)iIiSi1U(i l-zLLci'.) FORM lA. Firsvt-Class Honours -- Rowluml Hummoml, 'Dona'l(l Bil`li.n_L:*slcy, Phillip Beizwtiie, Helen Ga.1'ret.t, Harolil Bry-. son, Hester C0(i`iln}.", Fl`(:`( ,BzLu_L-:h- man, Ruby Hounsomc, Dona Cum- ;:1'on, F1`a.I`1(:CS Hu1'1`burt. Secoiml-Cl:1.sS Honours - Cln'i. Couplaml, Jcnnwie.To(l Don:Ll~:l Dull`, \ o1'mu Gwtnlirin, Emma Bz1lI1zLnIt,_\'i1e, Frank Daley. Jack Domielly, Cliurlcs BiI`Cl121.l`(i, Do1'0th_v Iiltliwanl. rrn_:.. I rvI..,... I,l..........,. l; ..L.l..1,.,..` T11i1'(l-Class H`Qnwou1\< - KiLtI]'l1CC)1 Cozuly, Mex-luin Couplaml, Stewart Be1'], R.o:~rs Czunpbell. TL... I" ..... .. ,\n.ln..~.~..1 Y In.-".1 uw-\.`v . The f0l`10\ViX1f_'.` failed more subjects, but will :0 car1'_v the work in Form : DU1 lu . Ar'1~nie Gm'side (French), Carscadtlen (Grazmmar), Hazel Ap- plerby ( Fro11ch), Norman A`1'n1st1'ong' (French), Harold Booth (Grammar, Latin, French), Rzwmontl Bishop (French), Catherine Bygne (Bot- any). , r`1t\ L'..11A....'...... -.L...I.\..A.._ 1...-.- _31 Arbh ur ` The fo11owin._u` sltutlems have fail- 3t1--Te(1 Dyment, Cecil Booth, Roy Baldrwin, Jack Cl`OSS1Ll1(l, Wa19te`1' Brown. First-Class Ho`11ou1's--I{at,h`1een Mc- Leish, Constance H2L1'(l_\', Neil Mc- Kenzie, Beat-rice McMaste1', Vera Lyons, Annie Johnston, Isadore Lewit, Edith Mcliever, E(lg'a`1' Le- Gear, Joseph Looker. got-nn:L(.In:c `Nnnmn-: __ `haw-ml ! uear, uosepn LOOKGY. Second-Class Honours -- Donald Jamioson. Adanl McKenzie, Francis Hal-1, Doris Koamis, .-\n_9;u.< Mc`.\'abb, .\i1}(|1'e(l Luck, E13,-`in Haris, Maurice L\Ion`cri m1..:..,1m..~~ u-..-....- v-.r,4..,,-w: I E (Continued from page 01.0) ` Attemlancev Vrcrpo1its show, King Georgre, 96 per cent; Victoria, 95.5 per cent; and the Prince of Wales, 93 per cent. Penny Bank deposits were $1.86, $48.97 and $60.72 re- speotivel y. In these (lays of vested citizen.=l1ip, in these (lays in w.l1ich our time is. I more largely concerned with com- me.1'cia1i. and ma:te1'iz11ism, we too often neglect to ponder upon the ex- alted gireatne-ss, the importance. the re: of the office and liigli callvin:: of the ininistry. Let us each- in this gathering this evening ponder for a moment on this question, the} oice of the min-i:~:atry from where are they called but from the ranks of at common humalnity. Our great Crea-I tor has so orcleretl it in the fulll-i ment of His great purpose and will towards us. r,, .1 1 n.` .-.. . I 'Dho:~2e who amtentlerl from Barrie }w01'o Capt. and Mrs. Sparks, Mrs. A. `Dart, M'i`ss Lily Dant," Mi-ss Eva Ethe11in;:,'bou, 1\Iiss Lily Pnice, M1`. and Mrs.,`s aml_hMiss Young`. |LV1UH`Ul'lL`Il. . I`l1ulr(l-C1a.=..= Honours -- Ma-1'g'm`ct MacA1`thu1', Etlwl Hines, Carl Doran, L01'at.tu Luck, Glvzu1_\'s McBride, Mil- zlred l\icQuarlr-. Lillian Ya-tes. Pass--A1'vl1u1' Livingston. The followin2' failed on one or more subjects, but will be allowed to c:11`1'_\' the work in the Second F01"-ll : P-.w1.-1,. M,.nm..~,1.1 zu.n+...`...\ 1..,. '\L;zu:11 aml rrcncn). The fo11owln_2' were prevented on account 01' illnr.-.-:.~: from writing nthe 9\'am.inatio-us, but have the following standing on the _vczn";~: work : 1:':..;y+,r~1.,;..~ Lr,m......;` r;~,.um. SEVERAL CHANGES ON SCHOOL STAFFS Communication-s Received One from the Ontario Athletic Commission, sug'g'c~.sting the encour- agement of atliletics and asking` for co-opera.-tvion in the developmenrt of ltrack and eld sports. The Com- m.I.n:~.\m7.~ uh :~ 6.. ,1. .. .. LL .. _. ..- A numbr of Salvationiists from Barrie were in Toronxto on Monday amten(lIin\.g` the Covmmission-in`g' of i Catlezts ceremony held in Massey Hall. [.-\mong` the cadets commissioned was Miss .vy F. Dart of Barrie. She is now a probamion bicnteniamit. and goes to Halifax a maturn-ifny nurse. Some sixty-ve in all received their C0mh1iSoi0l1S, and the ce'1'e.mony was il`l101Y2 impvsesive. ' Wo.m(.-n now vote in txvenlty-sxix (.`0l.1I1tX`i('h'. In Denmark there are twu-nzty w.)muu 1n Parliztment. I U111'l'_\ UH.` \VU!'K 1H `a1._\'1:,- McDon`:1l:l Henson (Gmmmar), (Latin and French). 'T`hn +'nHnu-Inn- U10 DCCOUII uvnvr. v orm (B0tan.\' ) . Jacf. Na-il .`.IcB2'idc r\1InI'nv-x lunl nu I Ag-xnesnuyes, Jean 1vLzu';~.=nz111. Secoml-Cla..<-;< Honours: - Anme Le-1_2'h, Murlul Mac.-Xvthur. T110 +'nHn\v7nrr chnlnn+: huvn 4`-3?]- l4L'lf.[ll, ;\lLll`JLfl LVl21(.'.`\F[nU1'. The followin.2-` stu(lent;< have fail- 2(l-Evcl_\'n l{i_9:l1-tel_\', Basil Lan:.:', Allan McDoug'zLll, Alex. McDonznl(l, Hazel McBride. ' Irv u an uu us. In the work of the Chri:~:tian min-F `xstry, to which you have consecmtezl` and devoted your life and eno1`_:;'_\', and in the wise Providence and coun- ,,,1 -1 r1.,1 ,_, I I -...-.. ...... . . . . u ..l.u-...1. aux. \4\/AAA missioIn s aim is to divide the pro- vince into sections, this has already been done in Simcoe, and hold sec- bional meets on Sept. 26. The win- ners of the sectional meets are then to be brought togotiher to compte for provincial hioniours. The Commission xiignied its williingness to provitle coaching and medals free of cot. slzanuxng the _VezL1"s work; Fi1':rt-Class Hon`ou.r: Esther L01-g'h, Ag'11esHayes, Jean Mzu';~.=hz11l. Q,,,.m.,:,m.. u....n...... . _ 1 H-` ~- --~- I } From V. G. Collins, Miss M. Banting` and Miss L. B. Ambler 'ten(Ie1'in.g their resrignaatiorns. A vs V-1 ` A. B. `Cockburn, acknowletlgimlg; `appointment to B.C.Ir. staff at salary [of $2,000. C. S. Farmer asked tlhznt he be allowed hill July 15.~before re- newing` his contract. Miss H. E. Rob- bins ackmowlerlgecl her appointment to the Collegiate staff. I I n . -- rvw . - -4 ' Town Clerk A. W. Smith advised the Board that the Council had gmamtetl $3,500 to the Board forr the inatalnlation of the boiler in -the Prince of Wales school. MISS DART GOES TO `HALIFAX AS SALVATION ARM_Y NURSE READ THE vvn .u\,;.a;uu.. (Continued on page seven) FORM 1B. ADVERTISEMENTS. l UM4A\A u. mu. n nu. ;. .vvuu.u\,u auu uvu 1' sel of God, you were sent to our midst some three years ago to wit-; nests in life, which is but the com-I mon duty of all men, and also to dc-l ;-.1`.-.. Anderson, T110 No1'the1'n Advance U the allwowe( Second Lionel (Continued from page one) Panama canal of which he (lrezmnt has become a reality, and same (lay when the coffers of Canada are re- plenished, let us hope that. tihe Ge:o1'g'ia.n Bay canal may be built along` the route surveyed by Cham- plain three centuries ago. .-.. . . . , Whait lessons can we dra.w from this celebration `.7 By looking: to our ancestors we can conrtemplate their example, imbibe their spirit and min.g'le our existence with theirs, and nally p:urt.ake in the reward which] they enjoyed. Divine Providen.ce has willed it that the decende.nts of FYQJTICB and Eng;l~and should live side by side over the vast terrirtory ex- plored by Champlain. The fortunes! of war made Emglantl the dominat-4 ing in Canada. French and English have their respective qualities, but they belong to the most liberal and en~l`ig`h|ten'ed nations in the world. No one among the English speaking` people will deny to France the re- spect and admiration to which she is encti-tled, and we are proud of how old Englamd has spread civilization, most of all how she has developed and 1 worked out a system of free insti- tutions, reconciling animosities. Let us resolve that in this country, made immortal by the journey of Cham- plain aml also by the mart_\'rdon1 of Jesuit Fathers three hundred years ago, every man shall remain free to worship God according to the die- tzutes of his conscience and to speak freely the laxnguage of his fore- fartuh-ers. nu; v n... In the evening: at a brilliant ban- quett held in the Armou1'ies, the t`1'ie.nrdsh`ips between the two racesl was further cemented by the mos-[ sages of good wihl. As toastxnastc-1',] I `M.?a:,=o1- G. A. McLean said the ban- quet had a threeufovlwl nature. It marked the `cerceanrtenary of Cham- [)Fain s arrival at Cahia.g'ue, where! Orillria. no\w stands, the natal day of the\ Dominion of Ca.nad=a, and in:ci- (`-.r. the ftieth ann:ive1's`a1`y of the inconpo1'a4tion of Orillia as a town. rm. &.,....+ I. r`<.....I- .-__ -I u.-yu.-yvxuunuu ua. uxuuu an it l.U\VIl.] The `coast to Qanmla was proposed by D1`. Stephen Leacock and rc~spoml- ed to by Rt. Hon. Sir Ge:-orge 19.] Foster. Quebec was proposed byi Rt. Hon. Sir William Mulock, and he Lle'l`lg'l`l.-T,e(l the French present, as well as the Eng'1i.~1h, by s-udtlenlyl wwitchin_2' to the tomrue 0-f Cha:m-' plain. Hon. Justice Fabre Surveyer, of the Supreme Coprt of Quebec, LIVES. AGAIN AT ORILLIA I I During` your sojourn with us you have givem yourself most unspaning-I 13* to all objects wvhich tend to the! upbuilding of a strong and vigorous' type of citizenship, a. citizenshipl which must r.=.tbe;:i11 within the in- divid-ual, then in the sphere of nat- ional life and usefulness. But our` gzreatest, our ;~"-incerest and our hea.'.'t- fexlt desire this evening is to express to you our appreciation of your life aml services in our midst, in the hig'h| and exaltetl oflice of the Cliristiani niinxistry. Follsowing` the uinve-iiiing bhe chair- man introd-uced the sculptor, Vernon: Marsh, to Hon. Lemieux. Threei cheers for the -young` En was called. This was followed by cheers for Chief Ovide Sioui of the Huron Imlizmnzs of Lorette, near Que- bec, and Chief Big: Canoe, am Ojibway, 94 years of age, also Chief Johnny Bigwind of Rama Re- Monument to Samuel "cle .Champlain, unveiled at Orillia, Ontario, on Dominion Day, July 1st, by the Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux, Speaker of _the House of Commons. ` m1.,. ....-...........4. ... ,.1. 1-..- LI.r\`\ .....1n.. ....... 4' ... 10 .-m....~ u-.-1:. Cu/,.n.I,..l +r. \'\1n\-l.-' +1. Qnnn. n'r\, 1' at nuun uu:_.',ru, Lxcuu, A_Ju;._.Aa.|ru. One frroup represents the bringing` of C111-i.=.tiani.t.\' to the Indian" an object ever near the heart of Champlain. Father Le Caron, a Recolleot `] )l'l(`. ~'t, opened a mission among the Hurons in the :~'z1me summer that Champlain visited the Huron count1'_v. In the other side group a coureur-de-bois, trading beads with Ind.ians In Charnpliairfs plans for his colony, the fur trade occupied a prominent place. Indrianx~: have excited g`1`eat admiration. They are much 1ar_L'er than life size. for furs, is portrayed. The g'ures of the Luc navu. nxvuvnyuc l.4I:llllGI.l4\, uycancr us pus: ;.uuou V1 savuuuvuu. The monument, which has been under way for 12 years, was in ten(le(l to mark the 300th an- nivm'szu'y of the advent `into Ontario of the white race, in 1915, but the war inte1'efe1`e(i. It is erect- ed at Oriiliia because that town is near /the site of Ca'hiaA2'uc-, the Huron capital in 1615, at which Champliain made his headiquanter for nine monvths. Heiigiht of monument, 30 feet; weight, over 110 tons; weight of bronze, 9. tons; hei.2'-ht of main gure, 12 feet; height of side g'1'oups, 11 fee.t; the pedestal and steps are of Benedict stone. The sculptor and tlesigner is Mr. Vernon March, of Farnborougvh, Kent, Eng'1and. n.-- .... ..r r` 4.. UV. Tn.1.'nn.~ n11 .-.k1'r.n+ n1'r.1- n,.m- +1. .._ ...._..-.....L.. L,. L land Hon. P. H. Bedanl, rep1'` 'the city of Quebec, responded. The? Itoa-st to Omt.zu'io was proposed by 'l-Ion. Rodolphe Lemieux and re>sr1.\nn- ml to by Hon` Geo. S. Henry, M.-P.P., Aotimg Prime Mdnismer of Ormtavio. I i W. A. Robb has had p11e11~6n1ena1' success this spring` with the hatching of duck og_2's in an incuibzxtor. About [May 1 Mr. Robb got 27 young du-cksi `from a setting` of 29 eggs. _Las~t Tliursday twelve were hatched from :1 dozen eggs. This gjives the incu-I baton` practically a perfect batting! 1V01'1_2`9 and dispels any doubt as to \vhethc-1' duck eggs can be hatched in an incuibat-or or not. I [MAN I-IURT, CHARGES I | RECKLESS DRIVING} . (Continued from page one) I oi'er my back. I yelled when thei car p;x:~:=cd over me and he wemi a.head quickly, the car going` over me again. I got up off the street in a dazctl con nally got into the ga1'a_2'e behind the door and fell. I asked him for waiter, which he got. I have been laid up in bed for a week with an injured leg` and back and have not been able to work 19 Mrs. Giorgianni, who saw the ac- lcident, cor1'oborzmted her husband's ` evidence. I P. C. Lloyd, who was znt.t1'acted by the sc1', said that Eplett had told him that he had been xing the ! side cuvlvtadns and that Giorgianxla had been at the desk when he began to `back out. - :0 an A ; ,A,`l` I A`_L 1-1_.I,;; Page Four .uu..x Invv Avvcs.|.\4 uuu uuu u-..\.\.aoou_v I Cross-examined by J. R. Boys for bhc Crown, Mr. Epletat sa-id tlhat the reason he gave his a(1(l1'css as near M.id1u1vn(1 was because Vietaoria Har- bor was not nkown. He admitted that 110 d`id~n t sound his horn. I an-,,, 71,,` 1. 1 . 1 1 . uuun. nu. u`LuAL'v ovuuu uno II.llLXI- Mrz. Epleuttt co1'vobo:1`ate.d her hus- ban avitlvnce. Judgmexmt will be given on the seventh. |GREAT success IN HATCHING [ DUCK 1-:c.cs IN INCUBATOR ua,\.n vwu. Chief Stewart testic-(1 that, Eplett did not repont the accidc-n~t. ._.... . . .. . .-.. ` I I Ep1ett s defence was that Giorgi- anni was sibting` at his desk when he started the engine p1'epa.to1'y to back- ing out of the garage. When he heard Giorgianni yell he drove ahead and when he got out of the car the Hnjured man was alre-ady inside the I........m.,` r`_:,....n.:....m: .....11m.1 mm.` ...._,...e\. ...... ....w.._. ...k....- g'arag'e. Gio-rgiamni walked over near tihe desk, stood there a minute or so, and sat down on the oor. He asked me to get a doctor, but I could-n rt get central. Mr. Eplett swiore that he never suggeslted leav- ing the g'a1'ag'e until after Dr. W. C. Little had gone. The doctor told him he didn rt think he was badly hurt. I st;a_\'ed around for a. few minutes. I was asked my name, which I gave. I (licln rt. report this to the police; I iwas not aware this was necessary. 1-4 1 I -.- -n -n 4 i Jr. IV. to S1`. 1\".-Pass, Minnie Holmes, Elsie Harris; reco1mnend~;~c1, `Frank Holmes. ` Yvv 7.. -s 71- ! Sr. III. to IJ1`. I\'.[-P:1ss, Hannah Harris; recommended, .-Xrden Orr. -r rvr . n 711- vv 1- u.-.u;..~, A\.\\lAl \,uuu, ..;u\.u v;4. Jr. III. to Sr. III.-I-Ionours, Jos. Sulley, John Cole; Pass, Jack Holmes, Vera Orr, Eveard Hanris, Nora Har- rie, Ross Harris, .-\m_\' Sulley. II. to Jr. III.-Pass, Aida Muir. I. to II.-Honours, Eva Mason, Elsie Orr, I{em1eth Mason, Ethel Sul- ley, Lewis Cole, 1\`Ii1Ll1'ed Muir; Pass, Vera .\Iui1', ;VIarjo1'ie Harris, Ivan I011`, Rex Luck. 1-; . 1 vs - V44. `wan Lauvuu Pr. to I.--Honou1*s, Dorot`11.\' Bow- man; pass, Lloyd Harris, Johnny '.\Iui1'./ I f you delay-3% you ll be too late .' Mr. and Mrs. Shipway and laugh- ter of Toronto, M1`. and Mrs. Currie and Miss Clement of Toronto and Mr. amd Mrs. Mousley of Weston were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Jas. Hawthorne. u xx xx Yvvv -. . ... .. ISCHOOL REPORT OF PINE { GROVE, s.s. NO. 13, VESPRA ......_, v..-.-u\.u..: my sun:-.3 unaxu. 1J1UllJ- Elmer Hunter and Cli ord Lock- haut spent Sunday with friemls in O1'i1`1-ia. -r-r n . .~. . . . .. | \ILlALA Holly and Stmoutl baseball teams played 21 game at Holly, the score being 10-3 in favor of the home team. an 1-1 a... Mrs. Somers of Toronto spent the week end wihh Mrs. William Huntei`.` The Onrtario Government has g-:1'anted 21 `charter to the Toronto College of Chiropractic, auithorizing it to conduct a college in the Pro- Vince of Ontario for teaching the science 'of chiroprznctic. . u.Asuvv's.ILvL u\.. Mr. and Mrs. W'white11-ill were Sun- day Visitors at Miss Clara B1'own s. 1'F1.--,`.. 1"l .._.;-.. _..l rnrn-,, 1 1 1 CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE ' IS GRANTED CHARTER gone. Rowlcs Red Pepper Rub. made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a jar at once. Be sure to get the genuine. with the name Rowles on every package. ' am: congestion FCUCI Just as soon as you apply Red Pep- per Rub youofeel the tingling heat. In three mi_nutes the sore spot is warmed through and through and the torture is none. Opp. Post Office Square

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