Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 2 Jul 1925, p. 3

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Sr. III. to Jr. ru,__ 1' Archxe Watt, boome urox. .ecommemle on account of 111- 1::ss--Alvan Clelaml. _R_ Mr-.K r-'.'m'. D1`. lll. DU 01. LVN? .Fi1'st-Class Honours-Leila Carr, George Kennedy, Gladys Brown, D'Arcy Colpitts, Pearl Cooper, Flor- ence Rainey, (Jezm Howcroxft and Howard Monuison, eqwal), George Poole, Be-rt Cook, Lou Adams. Qnnnnrl-Class Honours -- Velma Nelson uarrelu, 111.121. r1_~m:'.` Pass--Evelyn Lowe, Ruth Archxe Watt, Bobb1e Orok. 1".unnn1n1r>~nulr>I| nn armour Sr. III. to Jr.` Dl. 111. DU :11. lV."- Fi~rs1t-Class Honou1~s-Jack Smith, l-Ierbie Smith, Jack Cvaig, Clara Caimpbell, Helen Nixon, Daisy Meek- ums and Beryl Jones, equa-1), Janet Russell, (Bruce Jolmison and dred Ciliown, equal), Harry John- ston, Keith Gregson, Ellen Bowles, 'Viotor Goring`, Nora Hepplesbon, Jolm Laverry, Mary Johnston, Cinda PZL(l(llSOI1, Florence Plant. cm-.nml_(`.W.a.c.: I-lnnmn-s--Jack But- PRINCE OF WALES SCHOOL Pzumlson, Florence mam. Second-Cl-axss Hono\urs--Jack t1e~1', Victor Guest, (Freida Dunn and Maytlee Wrixley, equal), Oswald Mc- Clerllaml, Dorort'h.y Br_vso`n, Jean Mc- Cutcheon, (Mary McCoAnke~y and Mlargauret Joners, equal), Mamia Coul- son, Mai'.g~a1'e't Johnlsfcone, Dovotthy Johnson, Laura Hurst, Gilbert Bo- gamljs. Du:-a_('1nv-tlnn T\'ln.(r. M$11TlP MC- saacs. \ Recommc-n(le Foster. -A. Richardson. gamlds. Pass-Gordon King, Mamie Mc- Niven, Joahnnie Jolhrnstone, Charlie `Hurst, Lorne -Adams. ` Dnnnmm-n`1l`pr| nn accountt Of l`\lVV Luv ---._ ---... To Place Your Order for a Menu ent or-Memoria1 .. .....- ..._--I 'Hu`1'st, Lorne -Adams. Recomm'ml.e on account ness-Dcau-glas Campbell. M. B-anminq. Teach Sr. III. to` Jr.` A IV1-__ D1`. 111. bl) ul. I.v.-- ` Fimst-Class Honours - Genevive Wamt. Se`covml-Class Hon-ou2\?--Ruth John- ston, Gva_vdo-n Campbell, Isabel Mc- Quay, Billie Girdwood, Max Alex- antler. Pasxs--Pe-rl B.igg`ar, Lois Canter. Recommended thvough i1lness- Alex. Cleland. _JR (`.2-mnhplu. `Jr. 111. to sr.'11I;-- 4 1'11, __ Yl ....-...... 01'. 111. LU 01. 111.--- 1 Fivslt-Class Hon.ou`1-s-L'-ldan Cur- tis, Jack Camter, Goml-on Armstrong, Dormltl McLel1an, Lloyd Thompson. Qmmn.l_('.ln:_~ I-1nnn1n*=-7\Tnn<.m2.n l)o1m1u Mcueuan, Lnoyu Lnumpsun. Secoml-Class I-Ionours-Non1ma.n Hooper, Richard Hepple-s'hon, (Jack Hammer and Ray Livingston, equal), Pearl Campbell, Ivy Myers, Be1m'ha (Miss McRobie) 1:`:....a. : kgampnoeu. ; M. B-anfoing, Teacher -Reta Mcliever. ' -R. McKe'.`er. Let us get it let- tered and ready for setting early in the spring. A. large stock of all kinds of gran- ite and marble to choose from. -R. Campbeh. B ut- n 1 Mn ill- Stott, George King, Wilma Parr, Alice Hepplesaton, Charlie l\`IcN-iven, iJean Minndkin. Pass-(De1phine Robinson and Moszsie McCu=tcheon, equal), Laura IMcKever, RussoJI1Drinvn-ing, Clriffortl =WzL1le.r, Helen Pan`, Muriel Rogers, ![ren e Hines. T? he in rshnll 'Fn-.1:-hnv I Jr. III. to Sr. III.-- 1 Fix`-srt-Class Honours-Tom Hare, Maurice Kellaml, Stephen Hines, Kewmeth Cxhantler, Edna Holmes, Marie Ba.tte1tsb_x', Bill Hare. ,QnrInnul_{lnQu T-T`nnyn1n~:--.Tn-nn Rn-hb. `I Mame 15a.t1;e1ws`o_x', 15111 mare. Secon~(l-C1as's Honrours--Jean Be-bb, Donlalvd Duff, Clarence Hatlden, He. Bogalwlis, Edwin Ineson, Grant Brown, Norman Theakston, `Albert 'Tl1eakston, Violet Barker, John Till_v, Elmer Stebbing`s, Neil Mcllnnis, Clarke A_\'1'e.s, Ina Stone- ham, S_v(lne_v Phipps, Lyla GluC'$'t, Hm-be1-.t D_vme=nt, Madtlaml Bebb. I P:m:-(.T.n.ok Cmwfnml and Doris 'r1e1-bent uymernt, lVl2`b1'Llan(l Dem). Pasrs-(J.ack Crawford and W~inte1'bot:om, equal), Percy Thomp- son, Jack Lowe. Recommended th1'oug'h illness-V. Wiseman. I ._'R Wnv `_ First-C-lass Honours---Lue11a Min- 'n=iksi-n, Verna Accmley, Allan Elliottt, Douglas Miller, Ernie Nye, Robert lwems, Hilda Cole, Albent Thornton. | Qmnnanl (Minn T-Tnvmnnu-1: (`1nr\.1-urn 'VV`l(lrS, I`l1l(l2|. U010, .`1lI)UL LI1U1'!l |,UIl. Second-Class Honours -- Geo11:1`e Simmonrs, Margaret Ballantyne. Fan- nvie Hurst, Albert McF?avdde.>n, Teddy] Buvtch, (Wilson Jebb and Seymour} Johnson. equal), Ma1~ga`1'et Neill, Garbutt Smith. Dam. 11-nun no`{|n II. to J1`. III. .nn uarouut mmnn. Pass-Irene EtJ}1eri.n;rton, Helen Suthea'1an(l, Violet Donnel'1y. `R.m-rm1n1r>`n.:]r>rl - (`.hm-`hie Robson. :umea'1anu, v1o1e'c uonneny. Recommended Chavlvie Robson, Madge Ferguson. ___T.s1.n1-:1 T-T. T)m1nis. First-C1a.s~s Honours--Rea Kelcey, Pearl 'Dhwompson, Clvamnce Griin, Harold G1'i"1n, Glen Kell, Ellen Thorn-ton, Mark Robinson, George Bowles, E11-a Sanders, Gc-01-_2'e 1{ig'h't- ley. Rm-nn:L(`.Ia=: Hnnnun-.:.-(Dm'n.h\-` II. to J1`. III.:_ 1-1 ley. Secoml-Class Honou1's-(Dox'ofr,l1y Foster and Verona Appleby, equal), (Ruth Craig: and Cecil Howe, equal, Charlie Simmons, Lorne l<`erg'uson, Grace Isaacs. Simmons, Ernest Wi-l(l>man, (Ruhla Bitlwell zmrl Edna Hawk-ins, equal). Recommemletl - Velma Bumly, Myrtle Foster, Stanley Robson, P.c,-y Gray, Ernosst Os`bo1'n.2. -?~T, Um}:-`nll. D1 . 1. tU 11.? Fl1'st-ClaSs Honour-:s-Jack Crumb, George Thompson, lCtl.i-`.l1 Howcroft, Lola l\IcCutcl1e~on, Derrick Lent, G.eK0-1'l5;'e Smith, (Neola Hill and Fred Foster, equal), Dorothy l\IacKn`1{._'l1t, Ja.cquelinle Stsonolmam, Billy Burk- heawl, Doroth_v Black, Pete Penny, D:-Ettla Hammer. Second-Class Honours-Jean Har- ris, lVlal1'ga`ret Burtch, (Bessie Apple- ton and Sam Lave.1'_V, Billy Poole, Wallace Coutts, Lillian Rusk. Pn.c~__.T-Imn~v W:Il-l'\\'In, Wilfrml l Poole, Wallace K/Outts, Lmuan uus1<.- P2Lss---Hen1'_\' Wul-lwm, Wilfred Lucas, Jean Tucker, Mo;-1-_vle Ptixugle. -E. V. Clunnen. lJ1- 1. LU L)l.- 1.? Fi1'st; Honours - 1\Izxit]aml Dunn, Laurin-e Coles, Edith Hurst, Melrose Dodge, Mildred Mcclelaml, Lois McLe1lwan, Owrley Sampson. .Qnnnnrl-{-1151:: nnnnl11`:--H2.)`l'\' Ii\'- L.o1s McL.e11`an, Uwl'l(3_\ munpsuu. Second-Class Honou1`s--Ha.rr_v I.1v- ixrgsnone, Harold Steven-son, Elsxe McOutc11eon. um, nm. ...1.... w1.:+n G. W. J. EASTMAN Prop. Phone 277 UK: 1- l.'\} K219 L? First-Cl-ass Honours-Ma1`guevite Hawkins, (Ilene Smith and Hazel Tlmmpson, equal), Marion Farneld, Edna Rowe, Harry Lee, Agnes Tnavers, Ewart Johnson, Claude Phipps, Lloyd Cook, Cecil Mclnlnlis. Roan-n-(`.l:1:.: Hon-ours -- (Frank Phmpps, Lloyd Uoox, been LvLc1nms. Secon-Class Hon-owurs (Frank Powell and Herbie Campbell, equal), Willie Jacobs, Lloyd Battersby, Thelma Hearld. Martin, George Fir- rvxun I31. 1 Lo LU U 1.: LT First-C1a Honou1's--George Lu- cws, Douglas Cochrane, Mmziel Chap- man, Ewart T-iL1y, Arnold Waller, Loui-s Pringle. 1-3n=:__F .:La*n,r Dunn. 01. Lil. DU UL. A. First-Class Honours--Jean Lennox, Mary Johnson, (Eddie Curtis and Molly Smith, equal), Elsie Kell, Jinan Bitlwelil, Dorothy Duff, Jean Hadtlen, (Barba-ra Gl1`(l\V00(l and May Butler, equal), Fred Webb, Borden McCut- cheon, (Archie Foster`, Irene Belfry, Given Cook, Betty Burkheaxl, equal), E11110 Goring, Elsie Travers, Audrey Ar-notvt, Bertha Kenwell, (Earl Smirth and Victor Lewis, equal), Etlith Don- nelly, Rose Cox, Vivian Churchill, Doris Campbell, (Czmiherine Kvin an-d Maurice John-ston, equal), Jack In- glis, Carl Lee. .. u as 1'\ ax. I1. LU LJL. 1.1.: Lloyd Colpitts, Billy Smirth, Tom Exell, Charlie Seagram, Ivan Kelly, Stuart Eastman, Phyllis McNiven. -M. Gallagllex`. lllllo [lo DU I31. 110* Beetlty Klgl1tle_V, Catherine McKen- zie, Alma Babb, Kathleen Couch, Gla Simmons, V Larry Whwitby. Helen Stebb-imgs, Helen Desemlle, Jean Campbell, Howard Longhu1V:1t,|, Reginaltl Cox, Reta Fe1`,2'uson, Douglas Jvacobs, Ema Kent, Heltla Kelland. lLin to Jr. Pr.- Lm-nima (Tlmnman. Ruth Clpllanil. ICULIDCH 8011. Pass-Dou glus White. _m V mn<|erg'amen-rr. L0 .11`. 1'1`.-- Loraine Chapman, Ruth Clelanil. Minnie Foster, Helen Garvin. Roberta Haistnings, Helen Lowe, Katiie Mc- l{e.ver, Gertrude Morris, Helen Pennny, Joyce Tooke, Betty White, Juvlian Alexander, Glen Ayer, Vivian B-Lack, Norman Brown, Gordon Havercroft, Edwin Hurst, Edward lneson, Elmer Kenwell, Wilton Liv- ing`3ton, Kenneth Lowe, Stanley Moon, John Nye, Emerson Osborne, Vernon Palmer, Howartl Penny, Huston Ritchie, Alvin Robinson, , l\Iornis Smith, Donald Tomlinson, ; Becroft UI]ldOThil`l. Maurice Wallet`. _ . --M. V. Kee. .u `x 1 .ou1-s rrzngxe. Dunn. ---M . .., (Continued on page seven) LOVVEST PRICES " 20 Owen Street BARRIE R. Campbell, Teacher. Ison. ---Lau1'a H. Dennis. LS W DIDC. -E. V Channen. Junn. --M. E. Ambler. V LEI. Dou:.,-`all. ---B. Fox. NERVOUS ; Pains in Back and Legs Re- lieved by Lydia E. Pinkha.m s Vegetable Compound Ford, 0ntario.-I had a nervous break-down, as it is called, with severe pains in my back and legs, and with fainting spells which left me very weak. 1 was nervous and could not sleep nor eat as I should and spent much time in bed. I was in this state, more or less, for over two years before Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound was recommended to me by my neighbor. Before I had taken ve doses I was sitting up in bed, and when the first bottle was taken I was out of bed and able to walk around the house. During my sickness I had been obliged to get some one to look after my home for me, but thanks `to the Vegetable Compound I am now able to look after it myself. I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham s Blood Mm-Hninp in turn with the Vegetable G. G.S_MIT%l-l_& c_o. Do not delay a savings deposit on account of its small size. Small regular deposits soon amount to a substan- tial sum. One dollar opens a savings account at any branch of the Union Bank. 983 I have taken Lydia rs. 1 1nKnam's mood Medicine in turn with the Vegetable Compound, and I certainly recommend these medicines to any one who is not enjoying good health. I am quite willing for you to use these facts as a testi- momal."-Mrs. J. SHEPHERD, 130 Jos. ' Janisse Avenue, Ford, Ontario. l H ---------- -- :--:..1.:1:+.. n.,:..c..n Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. 'II..L..L1:..L...-I 10t!l') -1 8.111556 nveuuc, l` UL u, uuuan Au. Nervousness, irritability, painful times, run-down feelings and weakness are symptoms to be noted. Women suffering from these troubles, which they so often have, should give Lydia E. ` Pinkham s Vegetable Compound a fair trial. All druggists sell this medicine. C Phone 82 FUNERAL DIRETOR AND EMBALMER Open Day and Night 47 Elizabeth St. Phone 21 DUFFERIN CONSERVATIVES PREPARING FOR CONTEST The annual meeating; of the Dufe-rin Liberal-Con'servative Association was held a1: Shehbunne on Friday last, and was attended by a large and em thusiastic gathering. Herbert; Hughes of Laurel was elected p1'eside.nt and Samuel Patterson of Slieibnrne sec- 1`e1Ja:ry-tbreas. Vice-presidents were- eliected from each'ty. S`uir~ ring -zuldressess were given by J. R. McNicol, p1'esiden't. of the Dominion C-onservaxtive Association; C. R. Mc~ Keown, M.P.P. for Dufferin, and others. It was decided to commence organizing at once for the elcpected Dominion election. P. c. LL_oYp TIP ON HOW TO BECOME MlLLlONAlRE AT THIRTY Any man an become a millionaire at age thirty by following the ad- monitions of Presidnt E. C. Lunt, of the Sun In~(le'mnit,v, as told in his book on surety bonds. Mr. Lum: says: Be lionest. Be industrious. Be tho1`oug'h. Be loyal. Never mis~ represent. Don t gsaxmble. Don't drink. Save your money. And. then, when you ar1~ive at the age bhl!"f._V'--`!1(l a woman with a miliio-n dollars and many her. This idea, as Mr. Lunlt sa.'s, is not his. Goods Called for and Delivered Out of Town Orders Receir.'e,_J?rompt Attention HDEAU I: Come up to Penetang and bee a complete cottage on display, which can be set up at your favorite beach on two days notice. Made of best materials and complete in every respect. Don't confuse this with the ordinary sectional cottage. PENETANG, DODLUL` Ul lhly \/Tlltllll XIKLHH. Apply M little of this fmgrnnt, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate thmugll every air passage of the lieiul; soothe and heal the swollen, inamed mucous mem- brane, and relief comes instantly. 1+ ;= im~.+. wlin.1'. r-verv cold and catan-h You feel ne in :1 few moments. Your cold in head or camrrh will be gone. 3 Y.our clogged nostrils will open. The mr passages of your head {vill clear and you can breathe freely. No more dull- ness, headache; no lntnvking, snuling, mucous discharges or dryness; no strug- gling for breath at night. Tull vnnr drnrmiaf. \`0ll want It small L gung I01` urenm nu mgmt. Tell your druggiat V01! wamt small bott.ln.- of Ely s C-ream` Balm. Apply a 1 little of this fnnnrrnnt. mntisantic It is just : wlmt every cold sufferer needs. Don : stay stuffed-up and miserable. SECTIONAL Summer Cottages FUNERAL DIRECTORS Hitting 1t up 7_I`_I_._PAYETTE 8: SON A.-u PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Clogged Nos- trils and End Head-Colds. `mu-uuwu vuuyun nu w nnnnnnnn \dA Established 1869 3....` LOW PRICE!) Page Three 60:1 Barr-Ea. n vnbuu 8. ONT. And when we hit the pavement, we found we had covered the last 54 miles in an hour and twenty minutes. Hitting it up in the country where the trafc is lightest. SPEEDING--because the road ahead is clear. Never a thought of the needless damage done to the highway by this excessive speed. Never a worry about the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent yearly to make good the road surfaces torn up by automobiles that move too fast. __- _._ _ J --__l_-..- (mu luuvc LUU last- The law provides a speed limit to save road surfaces. as well as to save motorists from accident. While the highway may be clear and there may be no danger of accident, remember the road is always beneath you and that needless damage done by yourself and hundreds of thousands of other motorists is damage which you and the other motorists will pay for out of your own pockets. You have no right to destroy the property of others, and it is not common sense t at you should destroy your own. Yet you do this every time you exceed the speed limit. Take a pride in the highways. They are yours to use, not to abuse. Co-operate with the Counties and the Government in maintaining Ontario's roads among the best on the continent. --=cLoTHEs=% 3 Dry-Cleaned and Pressed g i THIS IS THE ONLY DRY CLEANING PLANT nest on Inc cuuuucin. The Government requests you to obey the law, whether there is a trafc officer in the vicinity or not. Having made this request for co-operation of all motor- ists, it gives notice that infractions of the law will be ..:ummnalu nrnnpruted. it gives nohce tna vigorously prosecuted. SPITIZEG 006165, In uuuuug sun. uvw-Iv u, .... .-.._- -, _ The HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister; 5. L. SQUIRE, VlV)epuzy Minister @m&EE @@@"@;z`%\%;z'*l Never a thought of the needless An advertisement issued by `I nun-ur rn tnrufr` the coobe'ratu An advertisement uaucu. u; we v.......... .,..,.......-.,, ,, , ,_ ways to secure the co-operation of motorists and truck drivers, Automobile Clubs, Good Roads Associations and all other public spirited bodies, in abating the abuse of the roads of the Province. "Au n.-n o umuov u.-...-m..-- Q 1,D[I1RE.Detmtv Mini 11_ov\[_1s THE TIME __ 1.`-.. _ 'l\n'...-...~..... IKWI 1\I W.- FIRTH UNION BANK OF CANADA "THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1925 Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes-- J. E. J. Aston, Manager Thornton Branch-M.C. Wigle, Manager Cookstown Branch-T. McMillan, Manager damage you do rife by the Ontario Uepartmenr oy rugrL- eration Rnmlc Associations public `.7. x.` slut ~ .9 f; .` Si`: . N r the Ontario Department of High` ..;.-m n! mnmnim and drivers. . fore Wells Began as Clerk H. G. Wells, one of the most: suc- cessful of Entp:1ish authors, was a store clerk and :1 stchool teacher be- his rst novel appeared. ; Repairing I31`: run A 000 0 3.. G. MANUEL 'I'|`l- __- - Hn1 lulu \.a 51:.` Iv---_ Mgr. 1'-`h<.>`1h1e 721 Phone 229. PROMOTION EXAMS | -IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS :11. LV LU >JL. First-CLas:s Honours--Maurice Mac- av? Laren, Helen Gauley, Iris Jarvis, Lorna McFad\g*en, Doris Atherton, Idna Lipovitdh, Lenore Simpson, . (James Weldon, Edna Luck, equal), Mwary Crew, Harriett Hunt, M Hubbard, Maurice Pearce, Jean Mc- Kenzie, Dorothy Teesdrale, Isaac Weldon, Marjorie McBri Gordon Sylveste-1', Jean MacDon'a1'(l, Lucnetia R0-we. Qnnm I],mE4U unh:nI1FE Tlnxrixl 19111- IVOWC Secmnl-Class Hon1ours-D~avi(l Jam- ieson, Jame.s,Goodwin, Ruth Smith, .\`o\1'ma Cubit-Nicholls, Vern-a Tuvton, Emerson Ballantyne, A-gnes Growse, Gordwon Tomlinson, James Goodwin, Robert Marriott), George Robertson, Melville Robert.-son, Olive O Con-nor. P:-aua\_A mnn: Rnkno-pn1`.0`n, J:1.(`.k LV1\e`lV1lle uobert,-son, unve upon-n~or. Pass-Agnos Bakog'eorg`e, Jack C4a'1-1i`.g'11em, Dora Rorwe, Edna Luck, Vera Mays, Ronald Titleman. 'Rnr-n1nn1r>n:lnrL- Aoulnrc 'R=n`knm=`n1'g'e. 51'. 111. to or. iv.- First-Class Honours-~Harol(l Mere- (iih, CaItl`I1`lT10 Brown, Jim Cameron, Crompton Lewis, Jean Lay, Rwby Hepburn, H-arolwl Bimglmam, Jack Beaamtie, Lillian Russell, (Marg'a.ret Bigxgar and Wesley Thomas, equal), Edna Carson, Borden Hurst, Charlie Hepburn, Partricia Myers, Marion .McLean, Ed. Tordifl , (Ruth Brother and George Spanis, equal), Samah Levit, Frank Harg;roaves, Louvis V~air, Esther How, Tom Huxbaible, Violet Barth. QI'\4l1I\I1(lF"`T:' Tllnnnuna _ (Ina-ilnn \ ....u Sr. III. to Jr. 'II`I...4. f"l:.~. an `(I violet bamn. _ Second-Class Honours Gordon Jaimie-son, (Cl3J1l(lO Sylvester and Edin-a Urry, equal), Jean Vanatiterr, (Morris Stransman aml Lillie Train, equal), John Ord, (Clmazrlie Jacobs, Willie Rich, Nettie McLeod and G.eo. Urry, equal), Lena Sitranrsman, Jack Coleman, Gladys Han-iotat, Clarence Gralmain. u,....,. n.......m mum. \.-....-u .....u Jr. III. to Sr. III.- 171 u.+ (`In 5: Han n.11 \-: or. 111. 120 or. u1.-- Firvst-Class Honours--l{eith Har- vard, Violet Ord, M~arjorie Glennie, (Doris Simpson and Evelyn Bucl1-an- an, equal), Ross Dodd, Gilbert Hor- ton, G1a.d_vs Lee, Joyce Dunbar, (Joahn Swan and E.~`.tl1er Tordiif, equal), DorotLh_v Brereton, Florence Beel=b_v, Emerson Grahamf Ma.r_V Noe- lamls, Elizaibeith Lewis, Fred Rich- ards, Agrnes Rowell, Kc-nnetli Haug:h- ton, George Smith, Donaild McLean. Qm-nml_("ln=: l-Tn`nnIn': __ l\/[mwinp L011, \100I'L'(f Dllllbll, JJUlldJl(l 1V1ULJl,'dJIl. Second-Class Honours Maurice Crompton, (Fred Skinner and Man Czxsbofi, equal), Hanmgv Smilth, (Jack Barron and B0a.1`ice Urry, equa1),' lieivh McDc1'mott, John Mvilnle (Elsie Simmons and l\Izu'guerite Caston, equal), Roy Brown, (Hvzmgv Exell and Evelyn l\IacDonal equal), Mar- |`.:'a1'et Poole, Edward Shontt. 13-:4a:.__.nm1ni-: Millm-. VPT2 TF8.-CV. 'f. .'EL1't F0010, Jguwaru DIIODLL. P-assr--Dennis Miller, Vera Tracy, Robert Ur1'y, Linda Bezll. Dm-.nmmmn|mI_ Corn-o-in Rvnvvn, Kobem; U1'1' , mnua menu. Recommemlc-d- Geo1'_2'1e Brown, Jean Prot. \4vAAou ; \..;_ Secoml to J1'. Third-- `Dh-_~.- Fin _--.1 Hnva nn v;~_ second to J1`. l!`l1I`(l--- F11-st-Class Honours-Henry Sims, Eric Hartly, Ida Rose, R`ichar(l Ab- bott, LVIau1'ice McBride, Fra1eig'h Jones, Allen Porritt, Betty Black- stock, Rem.-'ie Wright, Edward Twiss, Amos Miller, Frederick Gzxuley, Ron- ald Hzm'd_\'. r\t|I\\\Il (urn Unnnuxv-c __ T\'nnnn.H1 am Ha.`1'(l_\'. Seconrl-C1-ass Honours Kenneth McLean, S_v Skinner, Ruth Male-_\', Re_Q`g`ie Hc-ard, George Car- ley, Dorotihy Browtn, Mabel Wice, .VIurie1 Sweeney, Norman Sweeney, I\Ia1`g`arett Bee1~b_v. P22`.-__Vvnnno DOG.eC'1`. Vernon Marp;arc4t beemy. Pa.s;~;-Yvonno'r, Mi-nchell. D nnl\'n(\1'\1nl1l|QIl __ 'I`varn1 Mi-Uchell. _ Recommended -- Tyson Smlth, Maurice Beverley, Zeta. We~a_vmou1:h, Jim Exell, Ha1-vegv Wilson, Se-ace S00, Chan-lie Newton, Clarence Rank, Lila Windross. seconu to Jwmor '1`nn'u--- First-Chase Honou1*s-Har1'_V West, Max-y Dignam, Leslie Judd, Muriel Dodrl, Ida Rich, Ruth Cummings, C1-ara Ord, Eva. 1) IcFax'laml, Fred Coope-1', Beryl Wolfemlen, J-ames Looker, Beryl Wolfemlen, James Buchanan, Wall-tor Rank. .qn.r\nn:l-r`.]".'Ic: I-Tnn.n1n-:_.-NI'vr`r.1p M0.- C 0 ..X.QOO..X...OO.X.O...0..OOOOOOOO.GOO \.un.>q 1.4. - um,.uuu.u., Second to Jumior Third-- T4`l....~-,(`I.nea T-Tnnnn1~~ V-Tn` `era xvrays, uonam uuumuu. Recommemletl--A then>s Bakogeorge. Buchanan, wan-tor lcamc. Secoml-Class Honours----Myrtle Mc- Leod, Elva Coughey, Harry Calli- ghen, James Buchanan, Walter Swan, Billy Malcomson, Paul Hamt, Floyd Russel, Greta Mo1`e(li~th, Gor- don Limtlejolm, Bobby W-alsh, Hilda Humbable. D"-.. nnku pn\-n: Knn l.nvlr Humnzwle. Barnes, Katie Levit, Arthur Smith, (We-llhmer Powell anu Ivan Blevin, equal), Ralph Skinner, Ma'1vg'er_v Tuck, Gordon Mackenzie. Rnr-nmmnnrirlrl--Avtthillr Coleman. r 1"cl WZLIT1. Pzrss-Oswa1d Miller. LV'18. 172'C`I'_V LUCK, U'0I`(l`0I`l lV1`H.`CKullZ.1L:. Recommended--Anthur Coleman, Joan Mays. \.u..m uu....v., Senior First to Second- 1I`Iu.~o- ("lass Tlnwnun-.~iI-a'n semor rlrst to econu- First-ClzLss Hon`ou1's-Helen Beat- tie, (Gwynn*et.'n Brown and Edtlie Stransmzm, equal), (Austin Smith and Fred Jones, equal), Fred Jones, Zeta Becllby, Edna Sczmlan, Wilfre Lee, (Harold Cooper, Ruth Disrnzun and Dalton Corbett, equal), Lloyd Judd (;VIarion Pigott znul John Rooke, equal). Rm-nml-(`.ln.:: Hnnmn-.4 -- Arden O1. 1 1- WU Ac First-Clm~ws Honou1~;:-Chm'lie ih,enJ1am, Lil-y Simmons. Kooxe, equal). Se.coml-Class Honours Arden Milne, G. G. Smimh, Clifford Cramp- bon, Reggie Lewis, Billie Le-nnxox (Alice Green and Walter Atherton, equal), Tillie Robb. Pass-Vul Bell, Willie Roclxgers, Morley Oaks. ROCOITIYTIQTl(lC`(l--E1`HESt Wolfemlen. No man can {produce great thinvgsi who is not thoroughly sincere in deal- ing with himse1f.--J. R. Lowell. 1:>..4.6.-\n1n.:-_- rlvnacoz hnvp A115- (Miss St1'amg'e) Sr. First to Seconrl-- Fh-st-Class Honou1's-Ca1'son rioht, Winnifred Knowles. QnrInnll-n]n== T-Tnv1`n1n-<..Rra`f.1'.v H3) . KQT-El LJOUEHHE-I11. Pass--Charles Rank, Winnie G1 Humry Titlemun, Earle Williams, 1 Cole. T)nnr\n1'n1nnA5n4L_...(`nr' T)nhr>n` moms, wznmrreu zxnowxes. Second-Class Honours-Be`t.ty ley. Reta Debenham. Pn`::--(".hm-19.: Rank, Winnie G1 C0`l63. ` Recommondad-7Cecil Debenham, ` ;\Im'tin `.\`IcMen~amxn. lc.. 13.. +n I VICTORIA SCHOOL (Miss Booth) L- (1.. Y\7 (Miss Marshall) 7.. 117 (Miss Living;-stone) L. `I`..._.-.. 7`l"LC....l (Miss Nixon) 0.. `Hr (Miss Pe1~r_v) 7.. I PIVLZ... (Miss Burkitt) _..L L- 0---... .m`g WILH llHlIbL`J.L.--u. u. uu....... B`utton1o;~ss (lrc-sses have hit Aus-I 't1'a1ia -spearl shell industry. _ The Northern Advance Glenn, In IPI_.In menu, , Elsne Car- Second-Class Honours -- G101`(l0I1 Luck. Dnah Tp\`-`vs Dn1I`>\~::l`n`A LIUCK. Pass-John Pa1't1'id`ge. i Recommended Alma Berry, Irvin` lCa41de1'. u: L. uu sax. LT First-C1a.='s Hon-ou1*s-C1a1`a Reyn-| oldus, Stella Brown, Lc'o.na1'd Rich-I artls, Gordon Rowell. | Seconwd-C1a:sts Hon.o`uv%Edit11 Bird, Douglas Stephens. Pass-Evline Bakog'eo1'g'-e. Recomme-n(1ed-Wi1v1ie E:-:e11_ Dori-s Barron. \ `u nu.) Avxu J 1`. Pr. to First- Dyeing 109 Dunlop Street. I F'i1'st-Cl'ass Honours-F1'avncis Me-l Lelllan, Helen Dodd, (Helen C1'c-M" anzd M-a1-guerite Mays, equal), Billie Pigofat, Katl1leen How, Marion Vain`, Margaret Webb, Sylvia Strmmsman, Mamg'a~re:t Couch, Grace `lienclvall, C'1if t'o1'd P1'as2ky, T_w_vlia Poole, G01--| don Atlkinrson, Robevt DeNa.uv1t,\Billie Dig'n-am (Ma1~g`aret V-air an-(1 Amaml-a Vavnvaltxter, equal), Norman Atlrelvtzolm. Sr>nnnrl-(`;lm,:: I-Tn-nn11r.<-Maw9'm'M V?l'U|Z11UE1', equal), .L\o1'ma=n .\L11`(3'l`UDI1. Second-Olaxss Ho-nou`1's-VIarg'~a1'et Tideman, Cecil Rober1:son. Pa`ss-Lue11a McLeod. Reco1n1nen Stephens. :11. L1. -uu ux. LDT F.irsb-Class Honours--Donna Frzxser, Jack Scanlon, Audrey McDon-al(l,| Douglas Crompton, Edna Tracy, Dal- bert Urry, Dorothy Coles, Sbmt Ba-ko1g'eo1`g'e. Sm-nmrl_(.l:m: Hnnmn~s - Louise (Miss Cheesman) Ix indergaliten-Pri`ma1'y to -P1'ima,1'y-~ 11 1 ,, A 1-..... \Y_`......._ [IS a-Kojge o1`g'e . Secorn(l-Class Honours Louise Brown. P`ass-Da-llas Lee, J olm I)ig'nwam. Recoomnxemlctl - Myrtle W-ban, Harry Luck, Douglas Pa1't1'idwge. A\unuu; Lmuuu _V In: ; .....w._, Helen Adam-s, Norman Barron, G-lorria Blevins, Colin Brewster, Olive-1' Brown, Marion Briicker, Al- bert Buclman-an, Herbert. Camley, Harry Couglley, Muriel Eullerton, Gelolfrey Glenn, Ma'rjo1'ie Huxtable, Quenrbin Hardy, Lyle Jarvis, Donald Kenne(l_V, Paitricia Lawrence, I50'bl Lee, Glennville McDonald, Muriel McDrona`1(l, Gordon Myers, Mary Milne, Mildred Me1'editl1, Agnes Mc- Leod, Etldie Oaks, Yiolmule Pa.-1't1'i(l'g`e, liennestih Prince, Lillie Ro(lg'ers, Douglas Reynoltlis, Cecil Rank, Ruth Simpson, Mary Shortt, Betty Sylves- tre, Mamgm-et Stephens, G1`a_v Smith, Lloyd Whan. Fi1'st-C1r' Honours- Wall- wuin, Herbert Foster, Orma Johnson, Jean Lowe, Iva Cole, Rae Pulford, Jean Counts, Ross Tu~1`nbu1\1, Audrey Hook. Qnnnu-uL(1na: Wnnnliv-:__FI]|i.+`1 T-In\v.I 1100 K. kinas, Aud.re_\' Foster, Le-slie Hook, \Vi1mifre(l Smith, (Ma1'g`a1'et Twiss, - Dovothy Price and Elma Mclieown, equal), Alma Tyrer, Maud 1VIcDou- g`a`lr1, (J can Gzxrnor aml Barbarq Couch, equal), Joan Webb, Aysrtin McKn.i{:ht and Muriel Smith, equal), Kenneth Brown, Wilifred Theakston, Mary McDougall. Dv..a.::`lcmn Wp.hh, (`.h1viR,in Scott. Secoml-Class Hronou1`s--Ecl'i,t;h Haw-I Mary xvlcuougau. Pass-Je21n Webb, Chrissie Scott, Lloyd Pa.1~trid/ge, Mary Thompson, Jack McDoug~alA1, Ge1'aJ(l Smith, Betrty Bowman, Frank Et.11c1~in_g'to11, Charlie [cant-: \ :11 . LV. LU Lu. Lv.-- Fix-sot-Class Honou`1*s--Rutlh Mac- Mavtin, Betty Robson, Marian Twiss, Jean Brock, John Gibson, Bob Powell. Second-Class Honou1*s--I-Ielcn Ar- no`-.4t, Man-jorie Smith, Joe Bailey, Nelson Garrett, Lcla Fisher. Ruth Crumb, \..,.\.:n uIn++ Rnhhip vnk THIS IS PLANT OUTSIDE THE CITY HANDY TO YOU.

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