Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Jun 1925, p. 9

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I VVant.e:l-Housckc-eper for farm 5 home, with no objr,-at-ion to one chil Apply John McGi1l, Box 414, Barrie! V Thorimton slaslhed the pill for 228} runs, say it softly, enough to win ve or six or(1inar_v ball gain:-.=, but! in this panticular slugest, the win-{ ners, unfontunately, got cred-it for but one tussle. Weird ganices have been played on the old Ag'ricultu1*al nliamoml, but Wednesd-ay s game Iuvnnhl ...1..\ I\ 1.-.. L'I -' r` V l ........v...., um. vv v:Luu:.~.o\l`2L)' 5 game would make a howling bid fora rst lprize in a cricket tournament. THORNTON VIc'i'bRS IN] ESIMGOE LEAGUE GAME , PASS EXAMS. Successors to J. Sutcliffe 6'5 Sons `.i:1no p1z1_\"in_-.-; is no 11 ivy: :1 t._\'pv\v1'itL-xx`. In Lh con1p1i.~1lnm-nut two or must. be Struck at once, which would be favtznl writer. O`). 04 1, .)/ Lu.-`t week's hog: . from Simcoe (`oun.t_\' full :1 little short. of the .~ut41mhml set in pro\'iou.4 \\'e.-ks. The county :.`,'1`:lde w:1~,: 2:} per cent. land :1 wide r:1n_-re '.\'z1s noticed in the (1ll:l`lit_\' of the lmj.:.< s\11ip})o(I from '.\'m'th Simcou. llmvule laid claim `to the lliglwst :_"r:ule, |'.2 I1o:.:.< out of t\\'0lo:1 mnnberin_-.5 1'10 _<.:'1'.'1 out. .\'U`h`L':t-. for :1 purcm11.21:..-`c 01' Orilliu sectxred the same po.1-cex1t:1,::e, I!) l1<)_:.:`.~: _1.-,'mding' select, in 21 small [loud of 5-1. Cr21:i_L'.'lu1r.~'t. fell by the \\':1.)'siml- with only 9 seulecis in a loud of -18. Its pun-cemu:.,"e, 17, was the ](>\\'(-at in the eounwt`-,\'. .S1z1,\'nevr mzulu the 1nr_;'e.. shipmennt, three ` Imuls \ 18-1 hog`: :.'.":1(lin;: 30 per cent. or 56 unnimalrs selects. Prices for tshe week were : Selects, $14.09; H1ick-smoot.]1s, $12.85; hr.-avies, $11.35; shop l1ogts, $11.85. The top price for the c01'res`` Week in. 192-! was $9.50. IFEWER SELECTS THAN USUAL IN COUNTY'S HOG SHIPMENTS A 11u-ctillg` of the Innisl Liberal- Co11so1'\';1ti\'u Assoclzltion will bu held in the O1':111::c Hull. Strouxl, on Wed- nc. evening`. June :24, at S p.m. .~\ll1'o.~x will be ::i\'c11 by W. A. Boys. l{.C., I\l.l .; lu':11*l Rowc, .\I.P.P., tnml otl1cr.~`. :\ full :utrml:1nce is re- qllcstml. as importnm business will be li.~`cu.<.~`ml. I.:ulic.< welcome. Wm. Irwin, President. W. Lennox Black, Secy. For Sale-~12-(1u211't ice c1'eam'freeze1' in good comlition, half price. In- quire at .-\<,l\`a'.1c(: Office. Phone 53. Lot owners are also reminded that with the new Endowment System now available they may olilninute, if they wish, further assessnwxlts by po1'manent.1_\' emlowing` the lot to provide for pmpctual care at :1 very Ilow cost. HINNISFIL CONSERVATIVE I ASSOCIATION MEETS JUNE 1 Unpaid assessments form 1913 to 1924, inclusive, are overdue, ar.-.1 those for 1925 are payable on or before July 1, 1925. Assessment Rates-32 per for one lot and $1 for each at al lot owned by the same 1 $1 for half lot. Owners of lots. are 1;-rain-'1:-`,1 zlmz unpaid assessnlr.-nts from 1913 on- ward become a charge agains`. tie lot and should not be allowed to accumulate, as under the Act THEY MUST BE PAID FOR BEFORE THE LOTS CAN BE USED. Annual Assessments The attention of 10: owners is drawn to the annual s.~:rnen:s far care of lots which are pa;'ab1~:- to J. W. Ness, S-;-c`y-Trz-a. T2-an]: 'nnnYra~ Cc `DA u. vv. -~ ~. .3-3:.-L1`:-u ., Bank, DunA1op S:., Barrie. }Barrie Union Cemetery 1 .j__._ Barrie Union Cemetery Board, -nu -. . _ THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1925 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Count fty! Your r-old in head or cntarrh disappears. Your clogged nos- .*t.rils will open, the air pnssnges of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more sxnlnlllixn, luuvking, mucous (list-lmrgc, dryness or lleudm-lac; no strxxgglilng for brc-ntlh at night. Get an suml-I bottle of Elv s (`rnnm :0c1n'0(l : H C III CL. nan-nbu 01...... ... ,,, _-..... Thos. Nash, President. us help in work- -. the 1'o`1'me1` `ac- wo more notes 11} an 0])C11'El't/i013 on `the type-' `.$2.oo . .750 - rlyb KLLAAKLIIKJ ` addition- person ; ; ., uuc L nue W mu 1 An %j__:j_ I For SaIe--Privatc sale of fu1'niture| at 133 Collier St. I uvv ux. L\;.:1Iuu.7Aun: vu any unit: Dated at Barrie this 9:31 r_'.a_v June, AD., 1925. I\ ,, r- I: r: lJIlll\.ClII I. Avnuvuxug, 16-3 Solicitor for Administratrix. _ quality and ten tons of anthracite 4 ',L-n(le1's will be 1'(.-ceivr.- by the undersi_2'ned up to Thur; June 25, 192.3. for 250 tons of nhm,-J quarter lump bituminous coal of good 1 coal. Ton to be arl(l1'cs:~:ed to the Secrctary of the Board of Education and marked Tenders. The lowest 01' any tender not necc-s: accept- ml un ed. IDEAL SECTIONAL Summer Cottages DISTRICT AGENT WANTED Come up to Penetang and bee a complete cottage on display, which can be set up at your favorite beach on two days notice. Made of best materials and complete in every respect. . nu. .._-.__.._ I Room and board if clcsircd, cent.1*zLl! location. 48 Bayeld St. i P.'r1.I"J`E'l`ANG, Don't confuse this with the ordinary sectional cottage. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1N. PAYETTE 8:. SON__ .-., ;u...u. Duncan F. McCua.ig, A..l._:._.. ._. FOR SALE LOVV PRICED WANTED TO LET Fish:-:{s for Barrie and adjacent >territor_v. Man who can qualify as to bond, re- putation aml ability can secure par- ticu12u'1_\' attractive commission con-` tract. S[)iC'11(Ii(l opport.unit_\' to build` up 3 bu.sine; of your own, with in-E come iiicrez1.=ing' year]_\'. .-\pp]_v giv- ing references and full particulars. about yourself to )1. B. Farr, Supt. Eastern .-Xfrencies. Monarch Life vAssurance'Company, /. 36 Toronto St., Toronto. FRED MARR, \-\, Secretary. ONT. After practice `on F1-irlay evening ` the Burton Ave. Methodist choir went M0 the home of Mrs. Wm. Park, Wil- fliam St., where they prcsen.ted Mrs. f(Rev.) S. M. Beach with a beauti- jful silver basket. So long as the Canadian Pacific | Railway has a dollar left in its treas- ury, it will fight for the ideals, up- hold the faith and maintain tlee preci- ous heritage of confederation, said E. W. Beatty, Chairman and Presi- dent of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way, when addresslng the Canadian Manufacturers Association at their annual convention held at Hamilton .- -_._.v_- I up la.LLl 11-111- The annual cong'reg;at.ional meet- ing of the Burton Ave. Methodist church was held last night, when the church officers were elected for `the ensuing year. Reports were pre- sented from the Various (lepartments `of the church and all proved most satisfactory. A cash balance of lover $300, the greatest in years, was shown to be on hand by the treas- ure1"s report. After the business session Wm. Scott, on behalf of the cong're_g'a.tion, presented Rev. S. M. Beach, who is leaving the charge in `two weeks, with a handsome floor :lamp. Mr. J. E. Morrison read the *-address. .n. .- --- A special train will run t.h1'ou_;'h .here on Sunday to the Wye River lbridge, where a tablet is to be un- `lVOll(.`(l in honor of Fznthers Breheuf land Lulemont. Leaving` Toronto at #7 a.m., the train will stop at New- ln1arke-t, Bradford and Allandale, ar- | , I I riving at 10.45 21.111. It will re-turn at 7.15 13.111. rm... l\\/*1`- -A..m.A.--A- - Judging from the amount of sound business activity noticeable here, British Columbia is launching into an era of constructive develop- ment which augurs well for her fu- ture prosperity, comments Grant Hall, Vice-President of the Canadian | Pacific Railway, who recently spent ten days on the Pacific Coast. | Mr. Wm. Robertson of Essa St. fell while s11ing'l~ix1g' his roof last week and sustained bad sprains to both his ankles. , n. -n W... ...., u.ul\1L'a. Essa St. Presb_Vt.e1'ian cong'1'e~g;ation are holding` a reception in the form of 2-. banquet to-nig`h~t for their new pastor, Rev. Do`ug`1as Hill. A special train of two Pullmans, ca1'r_\'ing the pupils of the Brzmtford In; for the Blind passd t.h1'ou:.>;h here on Tuesday enroute for Ed- monwton. u - _. A -A Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons hav- ing claims against the Esmte ofl Charles Henry Brock, late of the! Township of Innisl, in the County: of Simcoe, Farmer, deceased, who; died on or about the Twr:ntieI'n day`: of May, A.D., 192:3, are 1`equr.-steal; to send particulars of their claims :0; the under.=.ign-:-l on or before tlieg 2nd day of July, 1925, after \'-sliichi date the .-'&dminis`t1'a trix will di.~;t1*i-`j bute the assets of. the Estate, having`. regal-l only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and will: not be responszible to any ot'hr.~r;'. `h..t...I -4. D- .. u.:.. nu. u,,. pl Rev. J. S. and Mrs. McMu11en of Allandzxle announce the o11g'age1nent of their only dau:.;`l1ter, Hazel May, to Mr. Douglas Fergus Byers, Phm.B., of Toronto, son of the late `Lewis and Mrs. Byers, of Bailieboro , the Jnarriagc to take place the last {of June. A E In order to facilitate the work of ithe air force patrol radio stations are :being erected at the Pas, Norway? fouse, Victoria Beach, and Fort I [Osborne Banrauks, Winnipeg. The stations will be completed shortly and will have, it is stated, a radius of communication all over Canada. l _ > It is understood that a contract I i has been let for the laying of a sub- } marine cable from Vancouver Island ito Suva, Fiji Islands, by the Pacific |Cable Board. This is part of the All-red cable and wireless route [which is being established between a British possessions the world over. nu; us. uyn;ucu All WIIC uccu Luuuxu. Mr. Ed. McMi`l1in is a t.tending' an [.0.0.F. meexting` in Hamilton this week. He left on Wednesday morn- ing. (1.- VI`|..-_L.__ ,___._t. , 1 . . On Tuesday evening` about twenty- ve young people se1'enador_l Mr. and Mrs. Walker Webb at their home on Holgazte St. I ll}. TH... 11 -1. _ ,4, n r\ n-. Indi<-z ~.tirms are that 1925 will be one of the best tourist seasons ever q:perienced by Montreal. It is esti- lmated that T:':0,000 people from all I 1 over the continent visited Montreal last year, while this _yea.r the number is placed at a million. l u l 1 l Mr. Stan. Hinds is visiting friends in Branstford. ` Miss Edith Gray of Essa St. is visiting in Toronto this week. Miss Kathleen Poucher was home from Toronto last week end. LIZ. 4.. I \r 1'1 1 1x V'rVI A.A.\llll J.\.lL\IllL\I lOl`.V|I VVCCA Cllklo I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowcliffc and daughter Norinc spent the week end in Toronto. rru /V1 u Yv . . 4- - ; V1 uu vua The Classic Hotel was sold -last week to M1`. Dickson of Toronto and will be opened in `the near future. TH". 17,: *.\`r..1/r:11:.. :- ..u-...1:..4. ___ The entire I 1`o`.'ince of Prince Ed- ward Island and ar.1jar:ent islands have been leased for oil prospecting ` purpm=e:~: to Henry L. Duherty & i Company, according to an announce- ment by the <.--2...,-;.;1~1z. The lease has ` been taken on 0,/tion. V I P.he]p;~z1on boat Barrie in the Cen-| tre Simcoc I.cz1g'u(.- in a ganm pIu_\'(.~(l in Queen's Park last Thursday by :1 13-1 score. Pete Hall's efTcctivc heaving` let the local crew down with a single hit, g'athere(l by Jack Moore, who also scored the-]one run. ALLANDALE ETC and There I 'l`l1e s0u`t.l1l)0uml trz1in.~t will run as folIow.~a: From Scotiu Junction, (luu l3z1l'1'.ic 2.05 p.m., arrive l`m-omo 4.25 p.m.; from Muskolm Whzlrf, rluu Bax`1'ic 2.30 p.m., arrive 'l`or0n,t,n ~1.l5. On week (lays No. 48 from South Rivcr will pass 1Jl1roup,\h Bar- 1'ie~:1t 9.12 }).m., _L,"Cll.ll`lJ.`,' to To- 1'onto at 11.25. On Sundays it will lreach Barrie at 9.02 p.m., and reach l'I`o.1'outo at the same time as on week l (lays. `. .f)Ll1. 'l'hr: sumn1ur s<.-rvlicc: involves the 'fr1lluwim;' trains: One leaving.-; 'l`m' lo 10 .'x.m., rluu lzlrriu 12.23, and un- otlwr l-uvim.-; 'l`or0nt,0 10.30 z1.m., luv, Burrire 12.48 ]).m. A thirtl lrnin l:z1vi11;:; l.'or0uLo at ll.30 p.m. uml zn'rivinL-.' In-W :11 1.58 :1.m., will run lzlily L-.\;c(.-pt on Szztunlny nlgvluts. l`h.- pm-sent mull train will l(.':LVc 'l`orm1,to :11 7.20 u.m., l!l5'l.l,'1l(l 01' 7.1: ), uml ;.-,'-t to Bmmin wt 10.25, or 2:3 mlnuL(:.~' ciLl'll(:1' than it tlovs now. l-Inch Suburtlzly 11 special train will leave l`m'onto at 1.30 p.m., ]).'1H.~'. t4h1'ou;;'h Barrie at 2.55 aml run on to Scotiu Junction. mu, ..u\.u: uu .uumI:l_V, -Ju`lIl' TIME-TABLE CHANGES (,'on'nnr-nchn;-' Lo-mm'row (l"rhlu_v) Ithr: train ]<,-.uvim.{ liurric at 12.18 p.m., will run on ultt:n1zvL<.- dn_\'s right tln'r;u';h to Scotiu Junction Vin Mus.- knkn. Wharf and IIUllt.n'Vi(f. IL wil n1r;(.-L the boats at both W hll`V()S. Starting," on Mumluy the .~::1n1u train will run .~'uuI.h|munr|, p:L.s'.~'in;;' Lln'0ug'h li:m'i- at 2.30 p.m. The full sum- mr-r ::4.'l"\ iCL` cummcmcu.-s wibh the mn'Lhhr;und trains on Szutlmluy, Ju.n<: 27, UN: timv: Labh: (:h:1n;4'in-,4" on the VHHI 'l`|wn full .~....l.l........I , ..., w 2. -sbh. L. Ater an illness of \_'e weeks the death occurred on 1\Ionda_v of George Hubbert, long` engaged in the build- ing and contracting; business, at his home, 118 Westminster Ave., To- ron-to. He was born 59 years ago in Shanty Bay, and received his edu- cation in Barrie and the Elementary School of Art. Upon the completion of 'his education he engaiged in the bwilding and contracting` business, combining the work of (lecorative and art painting`. He was a Liberal and a member of the Kni_9;hts of Columbus, in which organization he was chairman of the Visiting` Sick Committees. He also was a member of the Confederated Catholic Char- ities. His other afliliations included the Theatrical Meclianical Associa- tion, the Holy Name Society, and different organizations in connection with the Church of St. Vincent de Paul ,of which he was a prominent member. For 20 years he at-ten St. .\lichuel s Ca.thcdral and was very well known in that parish. In 1883 I he was m.'.n`l'ierl to llarl)ara A. Mann, 1 who :-`ur\'iw_-.-1, with eight children. Si): hrotlir.-r:~: and two .~'it.s'(:1'.' also .~;ur- nun. The cases of Shannon vs. Bellman and of Rowland vs. Bellman, set clown for hearing` at t_l1e General Ses- 5 s-ions, have been adjourned sine die,I the dates to be set upon application of the parties. Oakley vs. Manning is to heard on June 25 and Harkin vs. Cunninfrham on June 26. no surxxggnlllg I01` u1'c:I1In at night`. E|y s Cream Balm from your druggist and apply 8. little of this fragrant (`rcnm in your nostrils. It. pom.-trntes thrmmh evry air pzmsugzc of the head, soothing and healing the swollen or inmned mu- cous menlbruno. giving you instant ro- lief. Head raids and cntarrh yield like magic. Don t stay stuffed-up and miser- able. Relief is sure. While ruiming: in one of the races at the VVar(len s outing` yesterllay Reeve Rusk st.1'ained his 1-igwht leg`. The injury is rather painful and Mr.` Rusk will feel the effects of it for a few days. Fire broke out on Tuesday morn- ing in the summer kitchen of Mrs. Alker, Tifn St. The blaze was easily c.\ 1ing'uishcd by the re bri- gade, who answered the call. Those wi;~:hing' to enter for the .\Iuyo1".< cup for the best kept prem- ises in connection with the Horticult- ural Society, should send their names to the Sec1'e`t111'__v of the Ho1't.icu1it.ui'a1 [Society without delay. An account of the seventh annuall conference of the West Simcocl Deanery W.A., hold in ST. Luke's church, Creemo1'e, is held over un.-til next week. The g'1':uluating' exercises of the Royal Vioto1'iz1 Hospital nurses will be held in the I.0.0.F. Temple, Col- Lier St., on Thursday, June 25, at eight o'clock. The public are cordia1- ! 1y i11V'it.od. E A number of th members of the Kiwanis Club, with their wives or lady friends, \'is'it the West Toron- to Kiwanis Club on VVcdnsdra_v. A splendid prog'ran1 was provided at Sunnysidc. I Crops are looking splendid vin tihs county. The fall wheat is heacled out and lling well. Hay and clover will be a heavy crop. ....n. vuun. I.u.uI;.',In',:, UH UN. The full soublnlmtnul .\'(:)`Vi(:<' into f:n'c: on Mumluy, Jum- GEORGE HUBBERT Page Eight LOCALS The No1`t].1e1'n Advance The County Council to-day accept- ml the report of the Special Com- mit.t;-e on Equailizzution without. any discussion. SOME ONE HAD BLUNDERED" One l1uml1'(-ml nnzl fifty czuluts from Lhv H:n'1'i- public school lim,- up for p:H`:l4lc in thv Aymricultunnl Park y(.'s- Lr-ml-any :Il't(.-rnoon umler Dr. G. R. liurns, but no in. turnml up. l)u<- to :1 1nisnl at the Military H<:ml(|lI:u'tt:1`s in Toronto, Col. Mc- Crimmon, the in.~qn-citing.-: omcer, fail- ml to Z1l'l`i\ 0. 'I.`he inspection will In- lu-.]d to-mon'ow atc-rnoon instead, wi-t.h the Kin;.r; E(l\VH1'(1 Czulcms parami- ill}: in their own school _L-;roumls at A`]h1ml`z1Ie. i'nn- violin numhm-,<, l4i(`l)(`.<`tl`.'llllH, N0. 3 (|,i.='/.1), An Old lnish Mvloily, nml :\(lll`iL,"]1i[ ll:-H.~" (l`lc111)(*1`}_-wt`), in his ll.~U:I] ])i(*:L~'il)`_I.," \'.'1_\'. Mr. l!:|.I'tl_v :11, th:- piano :1cc0In|).'ui-ioil l\`li:'.< 'l'(`ll]Hl'l' in hm` vocal nun1l)<~1'.<. Mr. l,m'm- .~\rn~nl:| 1'L-mh-i'ml 11111-0! JA\llIl I |U\l, \IlIu \."J \ IV\'lD' ' . :1`), with violin and c<-`llo p:u't,s by Mu.<.~r.<. Arnol-I and Sylvester, wm'o` purliculz1rl_v pl:-:1.~'in_u'. '.`li.<~< Th`:-nnlc,-1"s vocal .'~'clecLi0n;'., .l:np:1m.~'o I":m~wv11 (Cozm-`.<), In- :ii:1n l. E\'m' S (Woyo IIMI ), .`\'m'\v-_'_~'i:1I1 Echo S()m;" ('l`l1rum); Lo\'<- nml I\lu.s'ic" um] ;\l11.-4-M::'.' \ V:1lnt'/. Sung.-" (Puccini); I\'_\'|n|u|1. l":um.<" (L'l)1vl)('!'_Q`), \V('I`' all \V('H n-(r-in-cl, thu l'Icho .H` l'rmn lhv uppl:11I..~'x-, hm--i11:.: :1 |;:n'ticu.l.'u' l':1\'m'it- \vi't|1 txhu 11lltHL'l1C('.' .H' : H uu...-, \..r.u.u.....uu\.,. _-\ml:mt(.- and Presto from the Conan.-rto in G Minor (';\I(~n with orclln-.~1t1':1l z1cc01npanimo`i1m on Um pipc 01'3:;1n by Mr. I-Izu'l_V, and Sc`1w.rzoI'rom 'l`, Op. 85 (Rois-g . . . , , ` _ L_ ....H. ... ..II,. Film tcclmiqurg was in hm` piano numbers Etude for the Left Hand" (sclwizxbinc), and Trom- lolo Etuulc (Go~tL: as well as \'zn'iu1ion.< on Mzn'_\' Hail :1 Lixtt-10 Lamb ( I3z1'11ar1.tin(.- ) . \...l....L, ....l 11.. ".4, xx... 41 .,- JIQlIA\-I.\lLl;_1 ...u....... .,.,\,..u... Mi-.. B1'cmn01"s openin_2' number, Fanfare (Lenm1en:s), a lively com- position on the orgun, was extreme- ly well 1'0n as was also the 1'- iI.;'ri1n:" Chorus from Tannhauscr ( Wa 1.-`n ca`) . For SaIc--4C.oo(l young cow, due this week. Apply 11:1 Blake St. . .. Bremne1"s task was especial- ly mhfcult owin_2' to the heavy and \'n1'le(l nature of the p1'og'rz1m, but the way she carried it through and ?the applause she received for her Et.-fl`o1-ts plainly : her as one of the shining` lig`ht.s of Ba\1'rie s musical realm. Du1'in{:tl1e course of the recital she was the recipient of numerous beautiful oral boquets. TH :: n\~tx:11I1n\- :- r\I`\;\ .~ : .. ... .. I1\\\ LA EDELIGHTFUL RECITAL` ;HELD IN ST. ANDREW S One of the most. recitals ever given in Barrie was that of Tuescliay night in St. AnLl'rew s church, in which Mr. E(ll11"L1ll(l HzL1`d_v, Mus. Bac., F.T.C.M., presented his pupil, Miss Sadie Bremner, A.C.A.l\'I., in a recital of piano, pipe owrgan and vocal music, assiste by Mr. Lorne .-\l'll0l(l, violinis-t., and Mr. B0_\'(l| Sylve-s*t.e1', cellist. The church was well lled with an appreciative aud- ience and the whole p1'og'ram was thoroughly enjoyed from beg'inning to end. You Will Enjoy Your Swim Much Better In One Of Our Where Most People Trade I , , T _ j . :-- CO Z Boys Wash Suits, Oli.\'m' '.l`\\'is1` .s'1[.\']0, \\'11i1'(,- irimmr-(1 \\'i1l1 Po`rm.' Pan (-<)]I:u's and <-11".', in '.l`;m, (.h'<-(:11, (,';1d(rt .. . .$1.50 Boys Baseball Suits, in lim.-11 .s'I1a1(1(~, 1nidd_\' blrnlsv, knc- pallts, sizvs 3-(2' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.00 Kiddies Khaki Coverall Suits. Sizes 24-27, $1.50; 28-30, $1.75 The New Klingtite B'a.thing Suit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.75 For 1101011 and \\'0m(`n, in <-ulm-.4 ul (':1Hl(`l`, Sand, N:I.\'_\' Ladies Bathing Suits, in V\" . $3.50, $4.25, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 Men s Life-Guard Bathing Suits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.75 Men s Bathing Suits at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.75 and $4.50 Children s Wool Bathing Suits, sizes 26, 28, 30, 33`) H .$2.5O A _ v Men s and Ladies Cotton Bathing Suits, in (`/`\'i"`;l qn:1Ii1_\' nm-`_\' and rod, 1u1\'_\' and gm-_v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.00 1\|o-In -- Girls and Boys Cottin Bathing Suits, .s-izcs W22L_I}}iI.1.S._EitS '. Sutcliffe 8 C0. For Sa1e--I-{eintzman square piano, also some used records, price rea- sonable, at 69 Cumberland St., Al- Wanclalc. u. vcu A , \.A nurse. Puss C0u1'sc--'1`. A. McCm't.11_v, grade c; A. C. DOIIQJIZIS, wimhout 1 g;ra(lin,r.:. Firsrt Yea)`, M'ihL]]L\l)11lIticS and Phys.ics--A. G. Clumnen, class 1; Science, F. J. 4G.i`cn, St.a_v11e1', class 3 (Sc. Ge-1'm.); 1\Ivodern L2ll1.',`llzl1.."(~.s', .Miss J. Wlurnicu, clzL.~:s 3, am! Bliss E. Carr, crcdirts. D. f` .. . 711 A 1r-r< ,n, I c1'o(li.t.,. 4:Anv|\.\.IAI|J\Ill, LILU-`ID Q. C]1\..~K.~`ic.~'. -- lVIi. Juan Cowun, 1-`. \r -.- .. 'J`hi1'tl YL'll`~--1\ `.~1.s` 1501):-I \Vulku_~1', Mi.~'.~: Mu1'joric Luidmun. Second Your, .l'}n_s:1i.~1h and His- to1`_v-M`i.~'s HL`l(.'l1 l{0. class 2. }[ous(,-holtl Sciunct.-~-Mi.~'s 1\'Iu1'_uu1'(~t Mztlcomson, clzws ` . f`l..._:... 112.. 1 , n l*`ucu1nt_v of Arts, Lh1i\'crsit_v 01' 'l`o- rnnto, ammuncml this week, Rh()\\' `Llmt the .l'0ll0\\'in.g.' local sttulums have pz1s. : Ilostxlts of the cxzuninutions in tho, I ]m`;11'riv--D. ldmms 2|). .~\ 11'. Me.-l\'n7.iu cf, lb, `.\lc11l\'~i;,:*1nL 11), c, p, Wu:l`l`s 31), E\`l:u'ks ss. 'l't'ibl)]c rf. 'I`w.i.-.- cf, Clm.mpion p, 'l`h0mp.~'on c, lI`:Lnv1L-_\" p, (3m'.s'u11 C. I... __ I Um.pirv.- Bc-rt J1-nnott :11: the E plate and Frank' on tho l)z1_-.:`s. Ba.1'1-ie was zxlmzul once, in the tzh, when the score was (5 to 5. A chzxmclcon cl1an:.rc o\`o1't,o0k the score board soon ;1L'~tL-1'. 'l`hc on~ly fL`1LU.ll`L`>' to the g_='z1`11m"\\'c1'u :1 homer Nhy l`\\'iss untl :1n0t.hc1' of which he lrobbcd himself by 1':1`iIing.:' to touch 3-ccoml bznsu. . Score by i11I1ix1:2_'s: Thornnbon ...3 O 2 0 0 0 Bzwric ....... ..0 1 0 0 5 O 'Dh`o.1'nt.on---I.. St<.=\v~:111t. 2b, Arn- old cf, Hnkor lb, Wonoh ss. Lock- hzmt 11', J. D. Stv\\'w:m`t. C. McDon- null 1'1 , E. FUIHS 1), II:-m'_\' 3b. 1| - n , , .,_- . .y ...........\...u. The balls and the Thornton buts got along very well tog'ether. They met each other often enough. By the time the contest, no, the batting bee, was called to make room for an- other weird struggle, the O1willvia- Barrie ganle, their acquaintancesl1ip had ripened into ;~'.t.rong' friendship. What could be more natur;1l, when they `were being` constan-t`l_\' thrown into con-t-aet with each other `? From the moment they clouted the rst; shoot, of Chan1p`ion s, poked Han- ley, Carson and Mclinig.-:ht's offerings to all corners, they gave the fans the ilnpression that they were on u mur run1pzLg'e. The in1pression was a true one. 01' course, Bzuvrie collected 7 counter, suflieient to win an O1'lllll1ll`_\' bull gzune, but as point- ed out before, this was no 01'lllll1l.l'_\' set-to, and 7, even if it. is :1 lucky number, Inns :1 problem in tr_\'in;.: to bzllance 28. For Salc---.-X number of Lang`st.roth Hives with f1'iLm0S supcrs, also thin; f0um1z1-t-ion wax and sumlry bee- keepx- s supplin-.~:. H. H. Mm-tin, 17! Eu_2'c-nia St., Banie. `

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