Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Jun 1925, p. 8

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THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1925 For further information enquire at the Barrie Gas Company s office or see representative of the Strathy Agencies at the Queen s Hotel. THE BARRIE GAS COMPANX BETTER SERVICE-:MAINS EXTENDED iw. KING'S RINK WINS 1 MIXED TOURNAMENT Playing a consistent game tln`ou.g`h- out the two rounds, W. R. King's quartette copped first place in the local mixed tournament on Thurs- day evening last. Hiis `rink consist- ed of Mrs. Goring, A. G. Campbell, Mrs. I. L. Percy. P. T. Clark's qua1:tc~tte, includving Miss Love, R. J. Gallagher and Mrs. W. Turned`, were next in line. Victory earned the ladies of the winnllng Iouit-t clnina cups and saucers and the men pearl- handrled pen knives. 'Ilhe second pnizes were embroidered towels for the ladies and cards for the men. an /1 - /*1, 1-,1 The Currie C-up, which was pre- sented at the annual meettinjg of the Bowlinug Club by the winne2's, Messrs. Clark, Bedlby, Haxbbick T-urnerr and Simon, as a challenge cup for mixed conlpetition, goes to W. R. King's quantante. The rink wibl have its fun in `ho1`~(lIing' the cup judeg1'n~g; by the eag;e1`ness of the other t1'und1ler,s to possess it. D111 - . . n .. n The rinks and scores for -the first round : Mrs. C. Jeffs Mrs. Goring D.McCuznig' A. G. Campbell Miss Walls Mrs. I. L. Percy t*4`r\'vv u nivvvxrvu - M-iss I ;. :4. Mrs. -nm 7. ALALLALA .u;a. Axuxbllv | i . T. C1a.rk .......... ..12 C. H. .... ..6 V M-rs. Parr Mrs. Beattty I G. Luck C. Elrick Mrs. Walker Mrs. Kennedy 1 W..H. Kennedy .... ..9 W. Turner .......... ..6 1 .\Iziss Harris Miss Warren ' A. Z\'IaJco1nson D. W. Len-n.~ox v.\Ir.~v. Wolfenden Mus. Hewitt D. Mc;\'~ivc-n .......... ..4 W. T. Stewant;...15 .\I1-s. Campbell Miss K. Kennedy `.\'I1's. Scybhos Mrs. Shannon Mms. Kving` Mrs. Varir C. T. 'Dhompson 13 H. Tuidetman ....... ..3 Second Round Scores W. R. King 10, W. T. Sttewarrt 9; C. T. Thompson 6, P. T. Clark 7; > H. Tideman 16, G. D. Hubbarcl G; :' W. H. Kermedy 6, C. H. -Beellby 11; 1 W. Turner 11, D. McNiven 7. A native of Barrie who had at- tained distinction, in the person of George Stewart Stra.-thuy, M.D., `passed away -in Toronto on Thursday, June 11. Dr. Strafoliy was the son of the late John A: Strathy and Mrs. Stratuhy, Bedford Road, 'l`ononto. He was born in Barrie 42 years ago and received his `public and high school training there. After the death of hi-s father, the family moved to Toronto, where deceased attend- ed medical college, after which he took a post gratluate course in the old land. Returning` to Toronto he was attached to the Children s Hos- pital and the General Hospital, where he done splendid work. When the war broke out Dr. Stna:th,v, like his two brothers, was among the first to enlist, and he spent four yeans in hospital work and on the ring line. He was wounded and suffered from trench fever, which greatily under- mined his health. He returzieal to Canada in June, 1919, after note- wortihy service as a ldentenanrt-colonel of the C.A.M.C., and again took up his practice with the hospital and \V':lJth the Canada Life Insumnce Company. As in the case of so many others, the rigors of a long war campaign no doubt facilitated his untimely end. He contracted his fatal illness while visiting the sick and passed away peacefully on Thursday last. As a medical man and as a private citizen Dr. Strathy will be missed in Toronto. Respect the humble toad. He is one of the best friends a farmer can have. There are about 5,000 diexrent languages in the world. Money - oalk`s all of them. 7 , ' `.... ._..A_ uvwnw ;. Hubbard .... ..2 I a Love . `Ga:1-lagher . Turner '. 1 W. .R..K`i'rLg Miss Smith A. Sinclair Mrs. Knight I f` `L! .T),.AlL. Do You Want FATHER OF RECTOR AT SHANTY BAY IS HONORED BY TRINITY] On Saiturday, June 6th, at a special convocation of Trinity Col- lege, the Degree of Doctor of Divin- ity was comferred on Rev. Canon P. L. Spence.r, father of Rev. C. R. Spencer, rector at Shanty Bay. Has a Fine Career In presenting; Canon Spencer for the degree, Provost Seager pointed out that the celebration of the jubi- lee of the Diocese of Niagara had been postponed by the death of Bishop W. R. Clark, and so far as he knew, the conferring of the De- gree of Doctor of Divinity upon Canon Percival Lawson Spencer was the only form which the jubilee was now takxing. Canon Spencer, he re- called, completed his course in di- winity in 1873, an-d in 1874 he was ordained to the priesthood, so he had completed 51 years of ministry. . That, in itself, was a noble gift from ' that Canon ) Providence, as great as had ever been conferred upon any man, and so Provost Seager felt it was tting Spencer should have been chosen to receive such recogni- tion from the university. Further, he pointed` ourt that last Monday marked the f-tieth anniversary of Canon Spencer's marriage, and he wished to congratulate both Mr. and Mrs. Spencer upon the occasion, par- ticularly as the sons and daugliters were now gathering for a further celebration of that event. /1 ru. , , , 1 ,,.:,.n. I -._L uunuuxuwuu ua Lnluu \.v\,uw. Canon Spencer, he pointed out, had made a most remarkable contri- bution to the work of the Church of England; for four of his sons were now engaged in the work of the priesthood and three of his` diaughters were in missionary work. I The sons were Rev. E. P. S. Spen-i car, rector of Warterville, Conne.eti- cut; Rev. H. J. Spencer, rector of St. Margaret's church, Ohicago; Rev. C. R. Spencer, rector at Shanty Bay, and Rev. Victor Spencer, missionary at Niigata, Japan. Dhe latter saw service with the Flyinqy Corps during the war. Of the daughters, Miss E. E. Spencer was formerly a mission` ary at Niigata, Japan, and was n-ow a deaconess wirth the Episcopal church in the States; Miss Florence A. Spencer was on the missionary staff in Japan, and another daughter was the wife of Rev. H. H. Corey, who was also a missionary in Japan. The whole family were returning home to celebrate -the golden wed- The Northern Advance LEAGUE LEADERS IBEATEN BY 1 SCRATCH TEAM FROM FACTORY THE LATE DR. G. C. STRATHY Four wins and -no |Losses have put the Shore Factory at the rbop of the town soi`-t-ball league. Yeti: a pick-u1. team of Y-a.nn.igvan:s 1`-om d:he i'acto1'y en;g`-aged `the 1'eg'ula1'-s in a nine in- n.'ing's bamtle on Monday nrighvt an-u tnourrced -them by 11 to 7. The Yanndgams had it over `ahe 1~e.gu1ars all the way. Re:g'u1~ar=s-Sim:pson c, Bogardis cf, Kelcey ss, Barnes p, P2mt1'i(lge lsf, Emms lb, So-mops ss, Desourdie 2b, `7...!.. ...D `XTLXL:..... DL .4u..u..v ARI ux.-uu....; um Vzxir rf, Whitimg 3b. .. _..~. \'l7I`|.:.... vow; LL, 9-. Yannrig'anvs--WLi1`1'iamrs 2b, Garn- er 1f, Armstrong` p, Scott rf, Clark ss, M-oMu1k;in lb, Cooper ss, Kedce-y c, Cooper 3b, Ferguson cf. ding` of their paremts, and Provost Seager felt that such a. conrtribution to the cause of the church was a most outstanding` one and must be the envy of all people interested in I such work. I """' " ` In replying on behalf of the Dio- cese of Niagara, Rev. Canon Broug- h-alll said he felt that it was a great encoura.-gement to the younger mem- bers of the clergy to know that a man of great modesty, who had never souiglmt to thrust himself for- ward, but who had alway gone about his work in a humble and painstak- ing` manner, should have been select- ed for such high honors. Trinity Cwollezge, he pointed out, had always done much for the Diocese of Nia- gara, particularly in late years, and wlhile he extended his thanks to Trinity, he felt sure that there never , was a time when the church stood in greater need of Trinity, or when ' Trinity stood in greater need of the `I ` church. Indebted to Trinity In accepting the degree and ex- tending his thanks, Rev. Canon Spenlceir declared he was greatly in- debted to Trinity College, on his own behaLf as well as for the sake of his family. Thanks to Trinity, they stood a united famiy. He sketch- ed the growth of the Diocese of Nia- gara during its fty years, pointing out how it had progressed, and giv- ing as an illustration the fact that when he rsrt took up his wank fty years ago there were only 4,000 comxmunicanms, who had now in- creased to 20,000, while there was an increase in the number of church- es from 82 to 110. i In Days of Yore (From the Advance, June 17, 1875) Judge A1`-(lag11, Hamilmon Stewart, Esq., and Mr. H. Edwards are dele- g=ate=s to the Anglican Synod this week. Mr. Maumlrell has a cucumber 141 inches long` and 6 inches around, grown on his farm. Who can beat this t1his early in rthe season. TEA MIXED WITH ALCOHOL; TWO HILLSDALE DRUNKS FINED Rev. D. C. MCD-owell, who has been here for three years as minister of the 1VIsth`O(1iS t church, is aabourt mo leave for Y.orkvi]:1'e. We are very sorry to lose so good and faithful a mirnister as Mr. McDowell -has proved himself to be. l The o`1cers elected for the Agni- cultural Society for the ensuing year are: D. McCa1vthy, president; W. Raxikes, lat Vice-Pre`s.; T. R. Coffee, 2nd Vice-P1'e.s.; W. H. Par- tridge, R. Lcaclaley, J. Dzurby, T. Craig, A. Wamt, W. E. O'Brien, M. Johnstlon, J. Cavruthens, J. Sissons, ctirector-s; Geco. Sneath, dzrcas-ure1', and Dr. J. L. G. Mccaxrbhy, secmbary. (From the Advance, June 21, 1900) There are at present fourteen p1'isone`1`s in the jail, twelve males and two females. W. M. Diwwoody and Miss Oatlhc-'1'- ine King, both of Cookxsrtown, were manried in Tonomo on June 7:'oh. About one humlred pupils of the Collegiate Insmitute will write on the approaching departnlental examina- tions. Barrie is to have another medical man. Dr. Broad of Toronrno General Hospimal has decided mo locaxte here in a coup`1 of weeks. 'Dhe sum of $20,000 is provzided in the estirrnates for dredging the Co11lin:g'vvAood harbour -this year. The House of Commons passed an ap- propriasbion of $1,567,500 for dredg- ing work in the Dominiovn. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO FIFTY YEARS AGO JACK CCEPER HEADS r COLLIER ST. Y. P. S. Herschel] Barr and a Mr. Salisbury were convicted in Hillsdvale last Wed- ne-sday on a charge of being` drunk. On the same day a. Mr. Carter, color- ed, o.f l\Iidland, was tried for -having liquor for sale, but the charge against him was dismissed. Evidence was given by the police that a quan- tity of liquor resembling a mixzture of alcohol and tea had been found in the defendant s house. This was ad- m'i.t.ted by Carter, who produced a prescription for six ounces of al- cohol, which had been filled out at a Mid-land drug store. He mixed his drinks, but did not sell them. J. R. Boys acted for rtihe Crown in all the The inanugwural Inecming of M19 Young` Peo.p'1e s Sooidty of the United Church of Canada was held in C01- lvier St. Sund-a..v School roofms on Monday evenmg. Harry A-1*mst1:on:g', precsidenfc, of the Soc.iety last year,- presided, and following the opening exercises Rev. H. E. Welilwood took cha1'g'e of the elc-ctzionvs. Ofce1~:=. elected were : 1- 1 r~<,,,, ,, /1__I`.. P1`e:si(lent, Jack Cooper; (E-aoh vice-p1' is chairman of a (he- pamtmenut); 1-st Vice-P1'e`s., (Ch1~.istia;n= Emheavor Dc-pt.), Miss F1-orence MC Dougiail; 2nd Vice-Pres., (1\Iiss1'-owl" a.ry Dept), -1`IJi'SS Donis Robemcon ; i31`d Vice-Pre.s., (Citzizernshiip Derpt.)',- Neil McDonald; 4rth Vice-P1'es.,. (Literary an-(1 Social De:pt.), Miss- Evelyn West; 5/511 Vice-Pres._.- (C.G.I.T. Dept), Mniss Leila Hunmerzg. and (Tuxis Boys Dept), Fred Sair> ieanrt; GU11 V-ice-Pres., (Junio1" Le-ague), Miss A. CaI1dwe11; Secrre-' bary, Miss W-ilda Cubent; Treasurer, Claifford Guest; Pianist, Mviss Pearl Lewis; Asst. Pivaniisrts, M\iss7 Sadie Bre-Inner and Miss Mabel Cheesm-an. Every (Imp of water tvhaat touches wood ashes makes them so much poorer. Always keep wood a-shes dry. J. R. McNei1lie, who has completed frty years as4c1c-rk and `treasurer of the Counrty of Victoria, was tender- ed a complimentary banquet Ias: week. Red Pepper Rub takes the ouch" from sore, stiff, aching joints. It can- not hurt you, and it certamly stops that old rheumatism torture at once. unam-. um: am: suffering so vou can old rheumansm torture at once. When you are suffering so you hardly get around, just try Red Pepper Rub and you will have the quickest rev lief known. Nothing has such concen- trated, penetrating heat as red peppers. Tuet as soon as vou apply Red Pepper trated, penetrating heat red peppers. `ilzust as soon you apply Pepper ub you will feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Pain and sore- HESR are EOHC. uuuugu uuu Llllvubcn -...... ...._ __-- ness are gone. _ Ask any go_od drugglst for a jar of Rowles Red !.l',:',,9qr Rub. Be sure to get the genuine, wxth the name Rnwleo package. HEB PEPPEH P HHEIJMMIB PAIN Pag Seven OBITUARY To Citizens and Users of Gas in Barrie and Allandale: Through the Strathy Agencies, Limited, have a proposition of real ' interest for your consideration. Imgortant Notice ! the present Gas rates charged CUT APPROXIMATELY IN HALF ?

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