Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Jun 1925, p. 3

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The Onillia people served dinner in the Y.M.C.A. buxildi-ng to the Sim- coe contingent on arrival there, and Mayor McLeam and Reeve `Boyd wei- comed the vissitors to Oriilliia. Mr. J. P. Downey was the speaker at the banquet and spoke on Our Heritage as Citizens of Simcoe County. Re- ference was made by Mr. Downey to the impontanoe of Simcoe. It stands rsrt in the Province and no County is more progressive. We are, however, too prone to take the credit than: behonngs to our fore- fathers. Oiur young people are not imbued with the sacrices our fathens made. Many of tahevse are sleeping in unknown cemeuterieis, grown over with weeds and for. This was a shame and some measures should be taken to remedy it. Conditions have changecl and we have oppo1*tuni:t.ies that our fore- fathers did not, but are we living ..... .-. +L..,,.- ...\......e......:.:,.- -) \xr..l 1 , ,,., The g'room s favours were, to -the bride a stiiing of pearls, and to Lhc bridesrnaid and pianist ameuthyt and topaz bar pins, and to the grooms- man a pair of ou linikvs. A quiet wedding` was solemnized wt the United Cihurrch of Canada, Al- landavle, on Tuesday, June 16, at 2.30, by Rev. S. M. Beach, when ilrma Frances Webb, dwaiug`h-ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webb, be- came the bride of Charles Alan !I~Lob1ey, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hiobley. The church was .bas*teful=1y Llecoraited with peon-ies, ferns and roses. The bride, who was given away by her brothe1', Mr. Harold Webb, looked cihuarming in an en- semble suit of grey and heima crepe dc chcne and cinnamon coat with soanf, hat and shoes to match. She carried a shower boqucvt of Ophelia noses. She was adutended by Miss Nora Shepherd of Toronto, cousin of t.he..bridc, who wore an curse-n1`b`1e suit of a brick colour and carried a boquet of Columbia roses. Mr. Frank Smanl-ley of I`oron`oo zuntended the groom. The wedding` march was played by Mr. F. J. D. Norman. DA" .....:.. l\n LL _ a N llLu`y\,\| u_y nu. 1.`. u. u. iVi|Mlllti:lIl. Fioliowing the ceremony a recep- tion and buffet luncheon was held at the home of the bride s sister, Mrs. W. J. Hmwis, 52 Burton Ave. The happy couple let on a motor trip thr.oug:1i the Muskoka Dist) -iot and after their honeymoon will reside on Concord Ave., Toronmo. I 'Dhe paving` of C}a;ppe.1'ton St., Owen and Mxurlcwster, between Dun- lop and Collier, wilnl greatly improve those Streets and the council are act- intg wisely in havring this work done mnu! READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. PALMER-BLACKMORE ' HOBLEY-WEBB BARRIE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1925 Bea.uctifuLlly (leoorarted with peonies and m.arg'uer~ite:s and banked with palms and ferrns, Trinity Clhurrch yes- terday afternoon at 2.30, was the scene of a chamn-ing wecldinig`, when Alice Creswicke, daughter of the late Mr. A. E. H. Ctreswicke and Mrs. Creswiickle, was united in marriage to Maurice James Folinsbee, son of the late Mr. John Eolinsbee and Mrs. Eolinisbee of Toronto. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. A. R. Beverley with a full choir. M-rs. Eric Br-ookes played the wedding` music, and Captain Broo~ke~s sang during the srig'nin~g' oi` the register. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her uncle, Judge Hewson, wore a beautiful brridzall grown 0 white French georgetrte and satin handsomely embroidered. The long count train was designed with pearls, while her brid-all veil of white tulle was caught Wi-tah orange blossoms. Her boquet was of noses and lilies- oef-rtihe-xr-alvley. Miss Edilth Creswiclce, sister of the bride, and Miss Naomi H-ewson were the bridesmaids, and were smart frocks of cyclamen gear- gette with large bowls at the side, and delicate touches of mauve and yellow velvet. They wore large leg- horn hats to maitoh, and carried shower boquets of Sunset rose-s and maidemhaiir fern. Ilhe groomsman was Mr. Maunice Mains of Toronto, while Mr. Hal Oreswicke, brother of the bride, and Mr. Stephen Bourne u-:.e(l as ushers. A reception was held at the home of the brido ..~: mother, when Mrs. Creswiclcva and Mrs. Folinesbee, with the bridal party, l'(:C'3lV:tl the guests, many of whom were fr-om Toronto. l\'Irs. Cl'e.<- wicke wore a smart gown of cinna I mon geongette with hat to nialteh. Mrs. Folinsbee wore grey crepe charmeuse with touches of orchid and hat to match. Later 311'. and =.\'Irs. Folinsbee left on a honeymoon trip by motor through the 1'}-as:tern` Provinces. The bride travelled in a :~;mart ensemble suit of brown with. hat to match trimmed in rosewood.i They will reside in Toronto uponi their return. f\ . 1 vv rnnu--- vv \.Il\l\\)lJ____| I A quiet wccld.irn`g2; was salemnized at the parsonage, 54 Mary St.', on S:utur June 13, when Rev. A. J. Ca`1`scva(Idon united in mar1'iag'e Mliss Clara Wworrod to D. H. K. Ward, both of Angus. E The Wax`-d`en s ouminng, an annual event always looked forward -to by members of the Oounlty Council and many of their frienclns, was held on Wednesday and Warden M~cKin1ay lived up to the repumamion of his pre- decessors in providing an etnjoyuable outing. Uvpwands of a hundred went to Osvilil-ia, where the atennoon was spent. The County Council of On- tario Oounrty also met mhere and it was a congenial gatheriinig hhat min- gled in Couchichimg Park. The slhowiery weather i-niter-ferecl some with the sports pnogmamme and speeches were cut shomter than Wher- wise would have been. Ou-t-of-towsn guests were : Mrs. Folinsbee, Miss Folinsbee, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newman, Mr. and Mns. Arc`her, Mr. and Mrs. A. Leslie, Mrs. Charles O Rei|lnIey, Miss Frances Hew- son, Miss Frances O Re=i1ey, Mr. Ter- ence O Rei'l-ley, M-iss Theo Hewson,| Mi-ss Fhorence Hloa-g, Mrs. Danill Spry, Miss A. Spry, Mr. -and Mrs. Ross Cameron, Mr. Bob Gamevon, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Forrtier, Mr. and Mrs. Ken`net.h Srtvother, Mr. an(l_Mrs. Davichson, all of, and Mr.| Frank Crerswicke, New York. I . . - - -sun-nu uu Illurl LarlHKLIE. Harold (King) Kinselltla of A1- lancbale was avpp`re'honded yesterday by the Provincial Police on a oharg;e uf breaking inrto and looting` a numv ber of corbtaages along Kemponfeldt Bay. He was remanded in custody bill SaJturd~ay morning. Wise Harold Now, Han'o.1d," smid the teacher. if theme \vc-re e']`eve`n sheep in a field and six jumped the fence, How man-y would there be lefvt ? None, reupltied Harold. Why, there wvouvld, said she. No, ms. -mm, there wou1vdn rt, per- s:is.te~(l he. You may know a1*it.h- motic, bunt you don -t know sheep. ARRESTED ON THEFT CHARGE II-.u.-.1.) IU1.':.. ...n\ 1r:., , FOLlNSBEE-CRESWlCKE WARD---WORRODv _. ._.-.I I:._ __ >.1.c|uvv\.A. u; J.\lL`\lll'I/\J- On enterinrg the witness box, Keast, under ex-a1m'nation by his counsel, said `that `he had been mar- ried on May 29, 1924, and all had gone along happily unrtil July 13 last, when the de-fendamt. had paid them a visit. Subsequently the wife left home and was not- located unrbil J-anyuary. Vf\`i L'l...'._I. .. .....-..L VIVA I` u5nAu\Au|oL _y . You think a great deal of your wife, L1on'rt you ? counsel asked. van T - ,.1. -1... _____.I ,1 I 1 uumn, nu.) mu; .L<:yAy. Wthen the pliainfciff was put under cross~exarminaition, however, `he ad- mitted he had previously been mar- ried in 1911. 1117 - - A dram-autxc scene was enacted in the Supreme Court of Ontario, To- ronrto, on Tuesdnay, becfore Mr. Jus- tice Wright and a"jwury, when a man, suing another fol` alienation of his w1'f s affection-s, saw a woman w1hom he had previously mar.1-,ied and had nowt seen since 1916, appear in the court room. rrn . IIUI .. . _ up to those opporttu-ni-ties ? We should do better than they did, be- cause of whart they sacniced for us. We are blessed with the greatest country in the world, and no coun- try in the world enjoys the same libeties. Let us cherish that liberty and live wo11th~y of those who gain~ ed for us the things we enjoy. ` The plvaintiff was Herbert Ernest Keast, a farmer of Minesing, Simcoe C011-Ibty, and he had bnought zwbion for $40,000 damages against Peter Shaver of Toronmo. . r\_, nu, uvnlw you . \.u'LuIccd|. Yes, I wish she would come back. I have always been ready to take her back, was the reply. \XI:'l-.nn 4.1.,` ...1`..:...+:a.' -...... ..A. ....J~- - n.u an J.uJ..L. You swore at a later (Lame you were a widrower 7 he was asked and replic-(1 in the af 1'ma.tive. Would you know your nst. wife if you saw her '3 Yes, replied the witness. Is that lady sitting; in bhe box your first wife ? Acknow1e(lg'es First Wife The plainltiff looked in the direc- tion indricated, and after a momen- tary start of 21`S'COlllS:llTY1el`lt-, acknowl- .~(l_;'e~(l that -the lady actually was his first wife. Did you ever beat your first wife ?" was the 113?: que.sIti.on hurled .21; the witmess, who denied the al- ilegratioen, buit admiixted she had been `taken away from his home by her fa.the1'. He had never obtained :1 divorce. ztrni - - - I This case is simply ridiculous, interrupted Mr. Justice Wniglirt, tak- ing` the case from the jury at this point. The woman never was his wife, and he cannot conllect dzLmag'es lfor serparaati-on from one who never Iwas his wife. n 1 n .w q . ..... [Farnier Gets Big } Shock in Court Counsel for the plaintiff said he had not been aware of the existence of the nstt wife, but after c011Su3.N)i.1')g' his client, informed the count bha.t |I{easat had not heard of the woman since 1916 and the period of ab- sence would protecrt him against a charge of bigiamy. lU1'\L.,. . . . . ..-1 13.... ML, _I-L`-_-..._ ...u..;.,\. u. . I The counsel] for the defence shovurld have nortied the p1ainti"s counsel of the fact than; the p1` tiff s rst wife was still alive and ~10 `have avoided the aohion, said Mr. {Justice W1`ig*]1ut, and zlddedz I dis- `nniss the case witshout costs for the l Llefen(1ant. Those who one-+twoed to the strains of the Citizens Band last Friday evening` had an enjoyable `time. Dunlop St., bertween the enrtrances to the station drive, was barricaded off and -traffic shunrted air-ound the Post Office. About $75 was 1'ea1ized in aid of the Citizens Band. The B.A.A.A. are holding; another on June 26, the (Lance -to be held be- tween Maple Ave. and the Five Poinms. In the park the speakers were in- troduced by J. C. Miller. Mayor McLean of Ori'llia welcomed the re- presentatives of Simcoe a.nd Ontario Counties to Orillia and hoped they would at all times feel free to make use of the puiblic facilities of thei town. He invited all to come back for the unveiling of the Champlain monumenrt on July 1st. | Warden Ross of Ontario Coumy and Warden McKin1ay expressed their thanks for the reception given. Mr. M. B. Tudhope and W. Finlay- son, M.P.P., spoke bniey, after which the sports committee, under Dr. J. Moore, got busy. A `L.....,.L..l1 ..........,. L,.....,\-.. t-..,..... When making cocoa, add salt. It will improve the avor. STREET DANCE A SUCCESS Warden s Outing [ Enjoyay Manyi .,.. .. ...w.-., bill! .....u,. A baseball game between teams from the two oounlties resulted in a win for Ontario, the score being` 9 to 6. ' Owing to the rain only three innings wexe played. The canoe race between C'lw;s. Lovering and Geo. Sinclair,.. both ex-county councillors, drew the crowd to the water. Mr. Lovering showed his prowess with the paddle by coming` in aherad. The tug`-of-war between ten men from each of the two counties resulted in :1 win for Simcoe. C. Devibt of Me- donte won the` County Counci.lIo1s race, and J. W~a1'ne1' of Ontavio the fat men's race. 1 .1 u n .\ Lxnv u-\.u.; .u.u.~.a In the evenwin.g' a mlmber of the Simcoe contingenrt held a litmle g,'a1h- ering in the (lining room of the Palmer House. Mr. Frank Wilcox of Beeiton was chiainman and short speeches were made by many of those present, paivticular reference being` made to the l1ospi.ta.lii-ty of the Onillia citizens and the general good fellowship of county councillors, past and present. Supplement to The Northern Advance A quiet wedding was solemnized ` at tihe home of Mr. and .the late Mns. S. Blackmore, 139 Bnadford St., on Wednesday aternoon, June 17, at four o chock, when their d-augzhter, Helen Patricia, was united in marriage to Dr. Hvamold I. Palmer, son of Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Rainier, of Bnamtford. The ceremony was perdiomnecd by Rev. A. R. Beverley. The house was becau-tifuslily decorated wi-`tih peonies -and daai-sies. The bride, who was given in marniaige by her afoher, looked charming` in a wed- diing gown of orchid and chiffon, with silver mnimmingis and wearing an orchid hat, and shoes to match. She carried a shower boquet of Ophelia noses and lilies-of-(the-vailley. A harndkeruhief worn by -hhe g'room s member at her wd(linrg; was carried by the bride. The bride was attended by her cousin, M-iisxs Helen Dod-son, of St. T.h-ocmas, who wore a gown of green bead-ed geongemte with white hart and shoes to mtartoh. She car- ried -a mixed boqued: of roses, corn- owers and daisies. Lohen.grin .s weddning march was played by Miss Hildrettli Lennox. Durring the sign- ing` of the register Herbert Western of Wainwrighlt, A-'Lta., sang` A1l Joy Be Thine. The bridegroom was at- tended by his oousin, Dr. A. Palmer, of Toronto. At -the reception after the cere- mony, Mrs. F. Beloher, sistter of the bride, and Mrs. R. H. Rainier re- ceived WlJl'.l 1 the bride and groom. The bnide s table was done in roses and lilies-of-the-valley and with pink and wihiute streamers. I ` , , ,,,,,,,,,, -. The happy couple left om a motox trip to Quebec City and other points ennoute, the bride going away in a suit of French kni1;ted silk with fox fur and small fed-t hat trim- med with chenile.

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