Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Jun 1925, p. 1

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MAN CHARGED WITH ABDUCTION OF GIRL; Eight Pages Yes; the old :~:_vs.tcm, replied Ald. Walker. Then if a man wants to :_:(_.t .:1wuy in a hu11'y he won t .u...l- I\\` L1-.. J`..,....4. ..L......J. n T0 PAVE MlJLCASTER,i OWEN, CLAPPERTON; Little ])isc11ssim1 I11d11lg`0d In at ;\[01.1d-my Night's Council Mm,-ti11g'. CAR PARKING STAYS} Scarcely :1 ripple disrturbed /chel calm of the Council 1neet;in:.;' on Monday (:V(.`ll`lI1_g,'. Several import-ant nxamters W01'(: put ltl11`oug`l1, but lis- cuss'io11 on them was brief. rn . n I\rI \.....,.,.u.. uu ~.u\..u. vvuu .4;-\.4. Clz1.ppca'ton, Owen and Mulcastcr Sts., flrom Dunlap to Co1li'c1-, and the .=tvzLt.ion (lrive at Alilandale are to be pavetl on the local improvement plan. The qua-.s:tion was 4.l*iscu>:-seal at the commi`tte-c ]DCC"GiILL' on I*`1'idu.y evening` and was embodied in the Board of Wows 1'epo,1*t on Monday n...l.+ \ ..-.-1. Vol. LXXIV. N0. 17. @133 Nftitb mam Amaitm for for the the ` the I 1\ITi<,-11:10] \\'nzn_\', of Essu,! Cmmnittecl for Trial by )[a1g1sh'z1 [0 Jcfs. l....A ....,:,-...,. 'I`h;-re would have been 700. stat:-(I Representative VVeb.~:t.e;r of South Simcoe, but it rained this nno1'nvin_:; in our clistrict land .' tumetl back. However, while the rain may have :letr:1`1'ctl some. it had its ne 1)oi11t;, for one C`XC11l`SIiOI'li5t announco.l that he had inten(lo to plant turnips that riay, but when it began to rain he jumped into his ivver and race] for the train, chan_9;in_9,` his clothes en- rou:tc. But the ra-i11.of early morn- ing; quickly gave way to :1 bezultiful, c]0url1e.=s day, though, sad to say, those turnips 1'emu.ine(l unplunteal. -_\.u.Ixn`nn- .l- Hm f`,.H.\.\... L1... .. ynnvsxx. Lllllllll-` Aullltt-lllL'l| LAll`JlLll|LL".l- .'-\1'1'iving' at the College the visitors to the number of 1800 sat down to t'1c free lunch .p1'ovi in the gyn1- n .1 :-In-. . In the afternoon the people were shown around the g'1'oum1s by the hez1 of the i`i e1'ent (Iepautments. The grentlemen in the crowd were taken around the e.\:pe1'imenta1 plots z1m1.the live stock, pouiitry, verte1=in- ary and other A special > exhibit in -the ( science (lepartmenit. and a dairy ex- hibit in the farm dzniry depzmtment occupied the lzulrics znttenti-on. \L 43,... ,J,I__L . \-l\4\4\|l1I\_I| gun, Au\I'lkA3 (UL'Ll.'llLl`\1lI- | At four o cIock aspo1'ts program: was run off and the junior fa`rmc.~1's of Simcoc Countty covered themselves `with _2']ory by \Vel1im_:ton County by 16 to 4 in a softball tou1'nz1mon.t. I linwoo F211`111m's E11jn_\' Fine ()11ti112,' ; S11Vporio1'it_\' of Lo(-:11 Crops. Simcoe County s viwsitjng,-' lay, also a record (lay in farmers week at the Ontario .Ag11'iculrtu1'al College, Guelph, with 2,200 visitors upon the _L_1-ou11 Most of the crowd went in motor cars, but an old-time (touch was adrled by the special excursion train from this coumty with 2180 passen-,g;ers. ur`n1_.... .,__4.1 I 1 V I -'0" " F1'ila_v, June 12, be`si .~\1'c-.1` :1 supper, which was s01'Vc(l in the _2'_vnm:1. and also free of clmlgre, the c-:\'cu1'. b0a.1'(lc ':})<.-clal street cars and were -soon on '!l1(.-.i1' \vay to Simcou Counnty and home. Somcthin{.,)' new in the way of c-.\:cu`r; was ])1`0Vl(l0(l `in the forenoon, the train z11'vivin:._-: at Guelph fteen minutes ahead of ~chclulc. A 1'cp1`c.~:enlt.z1ti\'e of the Guclph s-tract car company came nbozml the train at Gco1'g'et.own and ])l'O\'l(l-`:(l the p:1.~`.<.c11g'e1's with tickets. There was thus no delay in trans- portation. - IOLD-TIME EXCURSION, no cum:-1 REVEVED; Tn zuhlition to the da_\".< out.in_:, the Simcoe farme1*.~: had a splendid chance of viewing` the crop condi- tions in Peel, Halton and Wellinyrton Countie.<. The 1-e.~`u].t was that they returned home much more satised with their own lot. Simcoe s crops are far ahead of those to the South :15 a re: of the rains enjoyeua ire, when the crops south of us were ;l1;\'ing' up for lack of moisture. ...__...-. Aid. VVa1kc.r, while asse1'ting` that he rlitln t care \VhC!bhC`1' Council pass- ed the motion or not, moved, second- ed by Second Dc-'pLLt.y-Reeve Hux- table, taut the present system of miglc pa1'k:ing' be discontinued im- metlizmtely. Lost ! Lo;-`rt I was the cry. I don :t care wheather it is lost or no," said Ald. Wa-lketr, but I want to put Inyse-11' on record as be- ing against it. The idea pf z1ng'le parking is to facilitate cars gewbting out. As a inatrtor of fact it encour- agm pzu*kin0'. The streets are too nzirrow for cars to pass. LI...-A nr... .... `VP\Il he found 5.-'uilt.y. Wozny is a. Rus- =ian by birth, now :1 naturalizc-ml Canadian, and a niarricd man. His wife had been living` with him until the time that he disappeared. After watclhing` this Act bein-,2` tr2_z- \'e1'sc~(l '1'i5_>'ht umle'1' their eyes for a number of years -the -local police have (lecided `that, after this warning; I L11rou_~:=l1 the pm~.<.<, they will prosL-cute `further o"emlers. In the future Barrie stores and ice cream parlors are going to have to toe the line as regards the Lord s Day Act. Ilhus saith the Chief of Police. It is a well known fact that szeveral local confcc.tiioner- ies have taken out rescaurant li- censes simply in order to have the Sunday trade in ice cream cones and the inevitable boxes of chocolates lwhioh gave rise to that famous say- inig;-Csl1e1'cliez la femme-Find the woman-! Drug` stores, too, are s'el`lin._9,' C`h0C0l3t( .lS, cig'zi1'e:btes and to- bacco, when under the Lord s Day Act they are licensed to sell only :li'L1g's for medicinal purposes. Ice cream parlors with a 1'estauran li- cense have the right to sell ice cream and candy at a table, but people are not allowed to buy over the counter and walk out with their I purcl1a's;c. IBARRIE STORES TRAVERSING LORD S DAY ACT--LOOK OUT !] I uxvu u; \.1Av uuu urcv JJ(ALLAU- 1 As a tribute to these menl His Wors11'ip 21-.~`.ked that 11.1] stand in} silence for two minutc-s. After the roll call and disxposal 01 the minutes of the last session, Mr. IH. A. Baycl-oft, the newly-elected lReeve of .-\1w1`iS:t-on, was escontetl to In -seat in council by ex-Warden J. E. Coombs. 71-! `iv . . .. The Wa.1' informed the council that Councillor Williams of Col1ing- wood, who is clizidriiian of the Edu- cation -Committee, was ill and would not be able to attend the session for a day or two wt least, and blunt it would be zulviszible to `appoint a chair- man for that committee. On motion of Councillors 1\IcDuff and Scott, Councillor Hambly was appointell. XL. D1...-+,... ...\....- ~M.;:.. ,.. 4.1. - The Special Committee on Equalization appointed a. the January : p1'e;~'enrte(l their repovt, which will come up for zliscllssion to-(la_v. The comimittee emle-avore to roach as near as possible a fair and equal hasis for all municipaliwtios. 'I`J1e Regisrtry Oflice was requested to furnvish the committee a list. of all lands that were sold ih the sevm-21ml municipalities (luring the _\'ua1's 1923 aml1924. A schetlule was compiled, sl1o-w'in_2' the :~elli11e' price of the p1opeq'ties in the several muaniciipalities and the 'esse value of them, Lo_:esLl1e1' with the p1'op01't.ion that the z1_;'gv1'eg'z1.te z1:<. value of such properties bear to the a:;`{_>j1`e,2'a`te selilinp; mrice. The summary below . the total of each municipaliity, and the umoun-"t to which the same should be i11c1'ez1scrl to make it equal to `rhe actual value of `the whole municipality, taking` the pe1'cenit-a;,'e as a ha: for such C`Z1l]CLl1El.tJi`OIl. The committee recommen(l;.: that the am.oun.ts: taken as the actual selling value of each m1micipail`it._v be taken for the basis of taxation for the year 1926. Dnu \ M,.`..-,\.1 \ ......1 A ---~..- J The June Session of the County` Council opened on Monday afternoon with most of the rep1`e:sentait.ives present In his remarks, Warden McKinla.y expressed his vpleasure at me`erbinng' the countty rreprc-:sen=tabive.=` as.-'21-in. Since last they were in ses- sion some changes had taken place, consnitlerable work had been done by the committees, reponts of which would be presented. The Equaliza- tion Commi tee had met several times and had a strenuous time, but. he l)e1ie\`el they had a report that \vould meet with the approval of the Council. The I-`.el:'o1'e~sta'tvion Commit- tee had vi. the counuty plan-ta-D lions. The Special Committee on the .-\therle-y Bri had met; twice and had _:one to Ot;tawaa'ml Toronto, where u`.:he_\' were courte0us'l_V re- iiL?l\'(.`1l and they were dS\3'11l'Q(l tha:t| the county would receive just Meat- memt. Wnile there was no reason for ])e:=..~:`i1ni.=m, and the pro,=apect.s for a bountiful 1 ; were z1:ss`L11'ii1.g, yell: taxe:< were hig.-`l1 and His Wear- '~-`hip gul\'i.~:ud that councillom refrain frwom 1nal(in_e; re(;ue. for _-zrants. I In feelin: te-rms the Warde11 rc- ferre- to /the loss the county had sustiauinml througli the death of the late James Moore, Reeve of .-\i1liston.| His 10114;; z1s:r;~'oeizxtio11 with county andl municipal affairs had made him a whole enc_vclopoedia `of knowle He was always alert, quick, and alive to the counlt_v s business, and he was a _Q'(,`llullllC _e'ood fellow. The county had also lo.~1t another official in the person of the late M. N. Stephens, one of the county auditors, a man who was held in `the lllQ.'l1G5lt estima- tion by all who knew `him. Word was just received of the death of Mr. Frank Ball, who had for many" years servetl ~the counity as repre- sentautive of Oro and also Barrie. \_ _ 4,, {\_,v.........u. ;;uun-4:3 nu.) KAIIIJUXINI/L'\Io Mr. Plaxton, represemin_o: the `Globe Inrlemndty Co., -asked to ad- Atljala ...................... .. Irlasa F105 Innisl .. .\I(_-donte .. l\ Iz1tCh(`(l1i1`.~`]1 Nottawzlszlga Oro ............... .. 02-illia Townslnp Sunnddzllc ..... .. '[`ocumsc-\t.h ............... .. Tiny Tay .. Tos. V05-pra ........................ .. VVe.~'t Gwillimbury Alliston ...................... .. Brzulford . Barrie Beet.o:n Collingwootl (`.v'r=-nmwnrn Michael Wozny, 21 1"ar1nc1' in Essa township, was committed for. trial on Tuesday by Mag-istrate Jcffs on two charges, the one abduction, the other ."(.'(iUCtiOn of a {girl under sixteen yeasrs of age. Sordid in nature and xii.<::L1. in detail was the evidence o'c1'ed. 4 .- . .. i Coun ty Equalic-z%Vti0;1jAAC76M11-2m1'wzL`%tee Values Simcoe at $78,928,604 1 \4X'L`t.Il10l'(: . CoI .\IinHz1ml Orillia Ponctang St11_\'n0r1` .... .. Tot.ten:ha.m ....... .. Victoria Harbor Port I\Ic.\'ico]1 C`/0111113/' Council Now in Sessimn. (:}O\`("1`11l11(}11T `Vd111'l\` To Cut off 41 Per Cent of County Roads, '; But Council Not .-\g'r00;2blo. .-:I. :Department Would Greatly if I Reduce County Eoad System Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, June; 118`, .-\.. Value Now 81,525,950 1,963,825 2,001,527 2,628,667 1,146,106 1 RR 9.10 ...:1 ".65 no $-17,8-16,102 l,I)U`,:loa`) 794,038 1,406,577 2,770,f39(5 1 1 l,1`!'),J.U|) 138,219 2,r.37,(;24 1,604,988 70.1 DRR |.uu um uuuu_. Leaving; the ncig'l1b0u1's, Wozny and tho girl truvclletl to Barrie, than via M-idlliurst to Su wllerc they 1'cg'istte1'e(l as man and wife at a boarding house. Subsequently the girl obtained employment for part of a week in Sudbury, and then the pair wont on to :1 town, Glzmchl, where Wozny had some f1`icml.~'. By this time the fzntlior, who had l112l(l(.` no special eml0a\`01' to nd his (luu_-qli-tc1', hzul 21 \vurrunL is. aim the two were a1'1'e.. Constable John Kelly brought them back from Sutlbury at the beg'innin_<..-' of this week. \- -u m . 1 .. 1,.)-m,-mu 780,977 1.491.319 1,927,165 593,431 441,875 4,340,425 277.025 4,094,680 302,175 280,740 4,295,091 5,055,095 1,210,G-'10 -154,730 232,400 285,050 399,810 ....e \IJ. .w....g m... ....\._e...,. were in Toronto interviewin_9; the ' iDepa.1*tmenrt, in this connectiion. The -Ivehanges conitemplated in this county `did not meet with thezir approval. 1 I .'-\.ccor to the co11temp1ate ifchange there will be 21 reduction of 41 vpc.-1` com. of the mileage of County roarls in Simcoe, the new map s'howin:_g' 262 milies of County roads as compared with 450 at pres- en-`c. The average redvucrtion over the Proviince is 25 per cent. The De- pzwtnient asks that special 2Dt4tGrlitti0l] be paid to the inte1`1ocking; of each county system with those of sur- roun counties. 1-. n .1 `V1 1 u 1- .,.-. On motion of Councillors Davis and Wilson, the mzLt.te1' was left for the Roaztls anrl B1'i(lg'es Comn1itAt,ee to con:~:i(le1'. Cll(1h_L"0 in County Road S_\'.:tr,-m The Department of Public Ilig.-'l*.-Al ways has inau:_-`urzxterl a complete! lclianfxe in the County Road System. County Provincial Roads are (lone away with e~nt.iirely 2111-1 the lnilemxe of County roads :4'rez1tly reclucml all Iover the Province. As >4 1'e.~:ult of [the tour of the .-\(lViso1'_V Committee who with the Deputy Mm er, 1:`. L. Squire, held confereiices in all the eeuntie-.~: in 1924, it was found all- visable to reduce ;h.:: `ll- Jilj.L'3 of County roads in ever_\,' county, some boring reduced more than others. A few weel(.'~1 ago a committee from Simcoe County, co11:~.:i.-tin_:,-' of the Warrlen, t.he County Eng'inee1' and the chairman of Roads and Rri(lg'es,l - 41.- I nu~.u,. V... 7'I"n..,...L.. 1.... ..,. \.uuun.u. Both the War(1`en and C-hairman Davis said they did mod; approve of the system as f1'ame(1 by the De- pa1't.ment. The Warden said that there was no cpumy road left in -t`he townsnhxip of 02-0 ad: 2111, and he told the Ma'niste1' he would not smand for Hint. P1 - `(il'(`,SS the Council. He quoted Sec. 460 of the Municipal Act,_ which states -that -the muniicipality or coun.t._\` is liable for all accidents on the roads over which it has ju1'is By `tzmking: a. policy with the Globe lmlemnaity Co. the county can pro- tect the 1'atepa_\'ers from co.~trtl_V liti- ;-;at~io11 in case of accidents on the count._v roads. Up to $5,000 is paicl in -cases whm'e one person injured and up to $10,000 where more tlizm -on-e injured, and all le_2'a1 fees are paid up to any amount. The cost is bzvsecl on the mi1ea;1'e, 70 cents per mile of county road and $1.15 on evenry $100 of the payroll for county maul niarinwtenance. On Simeoe :~: preisent county road .=_\*.<~tein of 47. ) miles the cost would be about $800 I per _v(.-211'. f\ .. .. .-.. ... .. (Czqntinuecl own page four) $78,928,604 Actual Value Now .-2,422,143 3,506,830 3,127,386 5,055,127 2,338,991 OQQ "H10 .:,aoo,:1:r.L 238,308 4,627,410 3,499,104 1,390,031 2,813,154 -1,617,826 ' 73,911 1,745 ' 7,055 51,757 )0,381 ;2),5.`)0 Q 5111 ) l,1Uu,OUU 659,514 7,614,780 455,122 4,356,042 464,884 445,619 5,883,686 8,286,959 1,754,550 R`)R "7911 ......un `-1. -..u;q uu ya Have you or your scconder any- thing better to offer ? a: .\II'-Lyor C1'a,i:;;. nu; .\ . . . .. .. L,lD`},DOU 826,781 380,983 300.052 $48,053,004 Asscs;<(.-(I Value 1921 $1,531,671 1,958,858 2,021,073 L,L n),n:)n 137,339 2,671,226 1,602,505 $41.1 EHO 1,-m-),n..'.1 793,586 1,.13.3,5s7 1-,9.n,4.-15 (i4(3,5(3.`) 4.-39,319 4,6fi,430 _224,931 4,168,797 289,319 329,714; 4,478,581 4,524,020 1,237,510 R /'{{ 1'70 1,m;.'.,e)u:) 814,590 1,278,004 2,788,952 1,429,269 1,383,827 '70`) {QR L,.Dl,-')LU 370.170 239,007 300,001 419,237 17:a1'1-ie upset the dope pot in the O.B..-\. :_>':'.1ne with Oriliia _\v'c.e:tcr-lay and as at 1'1-sult I`~a1=1'ic, Orillin and Mfdlzlml are all L111`tt(31`0(l m 2'. heap with :1 win and .1 loss apicc;-. Fiwt of :11], ;`~]i(llun1l `-I,12'nL-cl buck $1.; hcals Lwo \vcck.~: ago in the openim,-' league g*am<,- by an 8-3 score. Then last _ ,1, A -n- n u n n -. .,uuu. -43 um uu .7wv1\.. .L1u;u Aurw week Orillia pullctl out a 3-2 victory [in ten iimings over .\Iid1anl, and _\'L-::tu1`lay Barrie let Oriilia tlowii with a 17-9 t1'immin5_>'. Butter open a new can of (lope, Mr. Wise Guy, 01 gem a plausible alibi. 7T`I..\ f'\ T) \ ..1....__.- =\`\l u `4..4u._v.v.\. uAAv1a The O.B.A. players must have caught the swIug'g'.ing infection from 'zLtching Thornton and Barrie per- form in the dying moments of the first tu.~`:~:'1c-. The bug" hit thcm at least, because from the time Lamb smashed Freddie P}an1. s rs : heave until the nal out was made the ball was so:1ri11_2' 1n'g`h, wide and fur. n u__ L..4.;._ 1,,1;1,, L AA ,, 1- .1 _.\_v., -unu, Au a null) nu nun park on the front stree . Ma_\'o1' Craig` 'didn t know xvllevther (Continued on page four) vv uu ..uu-uh nun. cuxu The batters had the better of the ar_4'umenit, Bari-ie collecting 19 safeties and Orillia 11. Plant wea- thered the ;~;t.orm, but Cuppage was 1`eplace by Collins in the fth. Heavy hitting" was the fezuture of the game. Frzui-l~: A1'nist1'on:2; wears the batting crown with 21 perfect batting z~.vera_:;'e, _2_-`etting' two singles, a hunt, a double and a home run in ve times at bat. .-\rmie pulled the two Iieatest pl:1_\'.< of the afternoon, the rst when he crossed up the Orillxia team by laying` down 21 bunt after coi1i1eeItin{_>,' for a circuit trip the time before, and the second when he :-.pevare Cole .- (lrive with his bare hand in the fth for the third out. Lynch got four hits, three doubles and :1 siligle. Bert Jennett poked :1 homer in the third and Caesar was tag'g'e(l _a.t the plate on an attempted nnn Jlltll J.A.lL- \.\I ...`\.u., nu u..u.;v. nu. ulna us. u means of access to Allamlule station from now on. Surfacing operations be_g`a11s on Bradforcl St. to-(lay and with 20 men working; on it, the job should be completed in eight days. That, `however, will Llepeml entvirely on whether the cement gang" that is \V01'kl1L;' on the manho-les on the street are able to keep ahead of the surfacer or not. Du1~in~g' the next week trafc will have to be sent out Tiflin St. and around the Fern-.lale road. At present 5 g'ravl truck: and 3 Z1S])l1l1lt trucks are being` kept busy laying` the crushed stone cinder coat, while two rollers are kept j_"Oillj;' con- , 1'ollin5.,>' it out. The excax-'21tion of Blake St., Louisa and Dunlop ts. has been completed will the concrete work will be bc-_g'un Uh('31'(3 immediately. }0RILLlA 0.B.A. TEAM! ;HANBED TRQUNCENQ uu-,. Ori1.Iia s runs came in t1'iplei.s, threr: in the -1's three in the third, and three in the seventh. Lamb hit the 1~.<.t ball pitched for `the circuit. Purssley fU0\`.'L`ll \vi`t111 21 double. Hammoml 1-(:ache(l first on 21 c~.1 .s choice at short that went blooey. Robin-s fanned and Pugsley came in on Bates slush to r:-:t. Hammond . on Bates long fly to 1'ig'h. Bonithron \vhi ed. n - 1 1 - 'l`l11'o0-Cm'11orod Tic Result] of ]7-.`) \Vin in ]TIoz1\'_4\' I J-li1'1in;;' Gunu-. | :.:uAuI.IIAu|A lVlIlllk.lI- I Barrie batted around in their half. E1nm.s was _:iven free pzxs.<~a;z'e to 1`:~.:1 and Dobson laid down a bunt. Cae.~ra1- ; ,`]e to ri:_-`ht, and Arm- .-'trong' ::eored Emms with a one bag`- L-'e1' to 1-i_2'11`t. Lynch cleaned the with a double to left. B. Jen- ncwtt. got on rst t.hroug'h an er1`o1', but the next three went out in a row. Orillia got another trio in the third. Pu_;'s1e_v, Hammond Jami Robins singled in .~:uceession. Pu_:,'s- ley came in on Bates sacrice, Ham- mond was caught at the plate on CoIe ~s' poke to -third. Bonthron .2.-.,..'l,\.l nu.) T)..:..- ._._ Lu 1,, . t"< I;..,_\. n\.L u\.u uuu A1'mstm'ong' lit-ed 21 mammmsh Irive for :1 round trip in the thirrl. Lynch reached rst on tvhi1'd ~s c-rr-or and came in on Bent Jennett s homer to right. The next three wean out. 1.1.` - 1...! -1! I .. ..'y.,..`l.. :.. A.L,. uu \/up. -a yunx. vu 'L lIl\I~ 1JUH`Llll'UH .=ing'Io and Price was hit, but Cup- p:n.g'e struck out. \..............`. 1:9`. 1 v |.`\l ..,,...u. mu All. -\v .,..... nu... ...... Emms led off with a single in the fouuth. Dobson and Caesar flew to (Continued on page ve) Good \vea~t;her in the day time dur- ing the past week has enabled the Brennan Paving Co. to make excel- lent 1)r0g`1'es~s on the town roads. The surfacing` of Fssa St. was start- ed last Friday and COn]}_)]Cut-Ct] this ('1`hurs(I:1_\') afternoon. It will be re:uI_V to stand up under traic by and there will thus be a r`: A... l1I.\..|._1, .,A...:.:,.. .-\ccordwin_<.,~' to the evidence the ftec-11-_\'e-.1)`-o~lil girl left home on May 19 after an z1lterca.t.ion with her father, who attempted to puni; her with a horse whip. She stz1_\'e with 21 nei:.-vhb.our for :1 couple of \Vozn_\', who haul been in the habit of coming: to the home where the p;irl i'i\'C(i alone with her fzuther and youligw broth<-.r, went to the nei::h- boui- s house and induced her to run znvay with him. Wozny had been pre\'iousI_\' Lohl to .-.t-ay away by the 5.-."I'rl s farther when the father was not at home. 1 .. . .. n. BRENNAN CO. MAKING GOOD PROGRESS ON ROAD PAVING! .,....`...m e..\.........r. In simple S`pi(.`1](i`0L11' the rolls. of the .\Iu:`.h0dist and the U1]i0I1`iS't 5.;'ro~up were receiveul. Filin-g down thug 1'i:.`:htian left hand aisles of the church to the front, the officers 01 the I\Icth0(li.~.`t, church and the cider: and n1ana5_~_'e.r;~: of the Unioni.~:t group presented the rolls" of the two churc-hes to Rev. H. E. \Vel1wo0LI. The roll of the .\Ic-t.hodi.~:-ts was en- circled with the red and gold of Viiotorria .Co11eg'c, while the Presby- terian rolil was bound with the blue and white of St. Andrew s. Re- ceiving` them from the two groups .\Ir. Wellwood ibouml them t0g'ether with a ham! of purple, the sigjn of. r0_\`aIt_V. Thus were th 520 Moth-A odd. 5 and the 171 Pre-s~b_v.terian:` joined in a .=pir,ituzL1 bond. Unfor- tunately tiI1e`C0np.`1`0g`zutAi011a] 1-ecomls could not be received at this sex-~ On the platform with the pastor, .\I1`. Wcllwood, were Dr. B_\`1`11ers, Rev. G. A. Brown, Rev. Dr. Lemwu and Rev. Jackson Litt1c, all taking part in the service. 'T`..... . ......A..L \\r\V;\r\r\l/\'V Oivrxiltx rnrxvi 1.... V... _.....V. Two eloquent messages were con- \'e_\'cd by Rev. G. A. Brown of Cha.1mers, Ii-ingiatoll, and i'ormer1_v pa`.=_rtor of St. An<.h'ew"s, Barrie, and by Dr. Lennon, of Sherbrooke, Que- (Continued on page three) -1 .,.. .....m._, uu .,.....u.u_,- the boys came up for judg'mem, bud`. they came alone. The inagiistrate, inulignzinut that the matter should be thoug-1ht so tirivrial t.1m`c none of the boys` friends had deemed it neces- sary to come, semt them home ag'ain with in;~'truct.ions to re-appear on TL1eed.z1_\' morning` wimh a paremt or some other responsible person ac- co1npan.\'.in`g' them. All the boys were given the benet of :1 suspend- ed rcentence, `two were commanded to 1'(-point to the chief of police once 21 month for six months, one was 01'dered to report once a week for 2!. like period. Four of the boys were compelled to furnish one seculrity of $100 and the 1-i n`_e'1e-a to furnish two securities of $100 each as re- Sl1S.])C21(lC`(1 sentence was g`1'a1men`. each of the ve lads who. have been 1-cy_<.po11:_~`i})1c for so much of the |thie\'ing' in and around Ba-rrie dur- ing` the last two ye'a1's, by RM. Jeffs -.1 Fr-.. -...I,... . I'\.. C`-J......!_ . ..._.. V... M. on Tuesrlay mornin` came 1' t 4 ` vv_~,IlIuLAu\.\. uv Anal; when called upon. Tu .. . 1 .. .1 n.... .....e.. uyuu. In ;:ivin:.-' judgment the n1agi. e.\:pIo:led the idea that a 1':~::t offence called for a .<:u.~:pended sente.nce.. Crime was crime, he said, and Uhe" boys had their names indeilibly writ- ten in the police court record as con- viotesd of theft. There was more be- ing` done for the teen age boy by churches and service ciubs -than had e\'e~i' been done before, yet in spite of all that, or perhaps because of it, the a\ e1*ag;e age` of convicted crim- inzvls had dropped .from 30 to below 20 years of age in the last; few years. A `D..:.!.... 1...`; 4.1. ......n..... -4` 4.1.... _y Luvs. On F.)-iday last `she mother of the rim;'lezu1ca1' of the boys was tried on 21 charge of receiving` s'to`len goods. The cha.rg'e was dismi. how0.ve1', as no evidence was adthlccd that the 1,,` ,_, 1,,,, 1 1 .1 . .1 .\'o L`\'illCIlC(? xvas offered (lc-fm1cc. J. R. Cottc-1' acted Crown and F. A. Hammond accused. . , _, ~ x -u .w /I Three gteait, e\'ung'0IicaI churches of Czma Methodist, the Prus- byterian and `.he Co11_g`reg:atioimi-~ lmxve been moving towz11'1l.s the rc.1li- nltion of a liigli ideal for nezu-i;.' 2: (,:1a1'tc1' of :1 cenutury. On Sumizxy me outwa1'(l :n2mifce`tz\t.i0n oi the rculizatioii of that idc-a1 was 0bSC`i`\ {:d in the combining churches throug'h~ out the b1'0a of `the Dominion. xx 1'1`! - A 1 4 1 B0uuti1'ul in its simpliicity and im- pms"ivc in its solenmity, the dedica- tion service at Collier St. church on Sumlay morning.-' marked the cm- barka.t:ion of the _Meathodists, Uhc P1'c. Um'011Ii.1t.s, and the Coi1`g'1'e=gz1:tionalists of Barrie on the f.`,`l'C2l1t u(l\'en:tvu1'e of favith. The ship of hope set sail upon the sea of . emleavour. 1 .ln.... $1.,` A11. A4 - CONVICTED BOYS TO BE GIVEN A .'CHANCE I . ')[z1g'1s m1t0 Sc-mos Pzn'o111:s For I11d1ff01`C11(`C To VVL-l:F.zn'o of Boys. UV ...\...... uuuupxu ...... vuu _.v.'om:.n `ztzul any knowle-'1:re that. the ;'oo found in herhomc were stolen. iELOQUENT MESSAGES }c0u.1ER ST. CHURCH {SERVICES ON sunmw Rm`. G. A. 13r0\\'11 and D12. L01111011 Give _\dd1'0Ss0s; Rolls ]Io<-eivcd. um. AL/|\lA. uuu. AAuv\. u\.v.,u. morning. On Saturday u -I'.\.. u.'l...........J. L...A. -.... \JJ- mu. >..r\IJ.m vvv4.\J 2 1'i'n`_Q'1c-ade1' 1'cap])0a1' for sentence cu. u.c\.u- In opposing` hail the Crown At- torney >`t2Lt-Cd that it was one of the wor.~*-t cases he had ever had to deal with, and that it was a pity that the lush was not. inc1u.le in the punish- mcm that nright be meted out were

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