Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Jun 1925, p. 8

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King George celebrated his six- tieth bixzthday on Wednesday, June 3rd, and the occasion was xnztrked by the customary congrzmtulutions from relatives, friends and foreign rulers. $3 Says Cream Applied in Nostrils 3: Opens Air Passages Right Up. +1? '1 4- Xe-X!--X-~1~~2+~1-4-2 I' ~I~>I->3--X-X~~1v~X-X-X Insinnl: rnlinf_ `II\ .....:L:_.._ `V7 `HUB GENERAL STORE SECURES I $10,000 STOCK AT ESPANOLA Mr. Miller of the Hub Store ])1.!)`- lcl1:1:~:ed last week 21 stock of men's- wear, dry goods, and Izulies xvearl from N. L. l\Iartin, z1. (-. '1`hi:~:- stock, which is valued at about $10,- 000, is loczlfml in E.spu11oIu and Mr. Miller is 211'1=z111_2'in:.r for the . of part of this n1orohamli. to the Bnrrio store. gauzeo{:oo:4>xo{4>:::oz:n:4-9:0}:o:<>;zy:o>: I HEAD STUFFED FROM I 5; CATARRH on A com 33; .3. ;\d11liSSi()l1 Mon.-Tues. and Wed y Blar,-k, _ PRICEE:-S- AND CASH DISCOUNT BONDS Slips. TO GO Tenders will he recei\'ev.1 by the u11 up till I"1'i(la_v, June 12, at ve p.m., for the use by the Town of a cement mixer, forms, and man to operate mixer, in com1cvcti3`r1 with certain cement work to be done by Ute town. l`enders will S`.=.1tC pri/.-e p-3r day. The lowc-.~:'c 0': any tender .$1.00 One Show Each Night at 8.15 Successors to J. Sutcliffe 5 Sons Ladies Voile Step-Ins Ladies Allover Aprons . . . . . .790 Nm'_\' 131110 with white stripe, r'z1<-rm-_\' crotton, 1`1'immCd with hllu-. Ladies House Dresses . .. In (,in_,>`l1mn and CI1:1n1b1*;1_V'. Raw Silk A ]1i('C1]( ) q11z1]i"r.\' in 11a`r11'u1 Sllildt`. June 15-16-17 COLLIER ST. METHODISTS AND PRESBYTERIAN UNIONISTS 5 I 3, we have the .-Xd111 rs, 500, Children 250. Opposite Post Ofce Square. Phone 243. P.O. Box 555. 5Bargains In Used ;,`Upright Pianos Layton Bros . . . . . . .$175. Dominion . . . . . . . . .$185. Ennis & Co. . . . . . ..$200. Gerhard. Heintzman $225. Heintzman & 00. ..$225. Karn Player Piano, and 2 doz. music rolls, $350.1 If i11i`c1'c.sfo(1, write 01' phone. J. G. Keenan `*9 THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1925 .$1.00 . $175.00 . $185.00 . $200.00 $225.00 . $225.00 $350.00 .790 Want:-d--Gool cook for Chil(lren s Shelter, sc-rvices to begin June 20.] Duties to include washing. Apply S. W. Moore, Barrie. .790 To Let--S0\`en room flat to rent, central location, all conveniences, with supervision of Rest Room. In-[ teresting proposition to responsible party. Apply Carey-Hu1'lburt Shoe Co. For Salc--Two window slm(les, 3 ft., 5) in by 6 1't., perfectly new, $3.75. Also se\vin:;' machine, nearly new, $22.00. Apply Box C., .-\d\'z1!1ce Ofce. For Sale--Privz1te salg of furniture at 133 Collier St. .____.___:_______j_ For Sale--Heintzman square piano, .'\]:n i`r\l'\1n I1:n1] xunnnu -..- ...,...n. -u...uuu-uu CLlLl(lLC pxuuu, also some used reconls, price rea- sonable, at 69 Cumberland St., A1- landale. Barrie Union Cemetery Board, Thos. Nash, President. The summer session of the County Council will open on lion-lay, June 15. On \Vednesday, 17th, the War- rlen s annual outing will be helcl at Orillia park. The Ontario Counlgv Council will also holil their annual outing; on the some late and at the same place. W21l`(i0ll llcliinlay is working hard to provide an enjoyable day for the members of the County Council and friends. The citizens of Orillia are also combining to make the day one of real pleasure. HENRY & COWAN VVe have a house at a price that will suit your pocket. $3,000--Double Hogsc. ' $1,600-Snappy Little Cotta::o. $1 ,500-.-\ Real Buy. $3,600--B0st House at Price in Barrie. ' Also Summer Places and Farms MULCASTER AND DUNLOP. TOWN OF BARBIE -..- avwv \..,u u. `:ccssz11`iI}.-' acc<.~pte=.i. A `ll Q_.3LL '1 TOWN SPECIALS A few good places for _.___A Annual Assessments COUNTY COUNCIL WILL MEET HERE ON JUNE Phone 31. Barrie. _.,....... ..... M, .... .. - A. VV. Smith, Town Cicrk. WANTED FOR SALE TO LE? .4 \- ~.IA_4/- cms form 1913 to are overrlue, and we payable on or |(')'.`, A special meeting of the Barric- Branch of the Prohibition Union was held on 'I`uo.~'day night to decide whether :1 mc-mbc-rship campai_2'n thould be put on immctlizltely or not. The meeting, which was we!) ntten5:- ~;-cl, decirlovl to po:~:t,pone such con- certed action till.the fall. I\Ic-ctEn:_-'.~' were discontinucc-I durim; the sum- mer months. - nxu.uuL'l, rpultm Y.I .S.C.]'I.--.\I. Montcrieff c, H. F1`z1;~"<:1' p, L. I411.-l,L`c1' lb, G. Scy- `nwur 21), A. .VIzu'e:lm1l 3}), P. McMil- lan J. .~\1'dcIl 35', C. Ciuto N`, C. .\Iunroe cf, G. McMillan If, WU F1'u. spzlre. .\.-n n\,.\u w\:L'I\. LUU LL'lllH.\' I Hu.~:t]e1'.~:--.\I. Booth c, C. Dun- nctt 1), P. .\Ic.\'cil lb, J. Pratt 55, Ii. .VlcQu:1:le 2b, R. G0 .<.~', D. Stcphumon 31), I1}. Stephenson cf, C. Spa-am If, S. Godden rf, H. Hill, 0. I{z1.'lmm', . .=. V I) O f` 1.` '\rl' :1 -___L_. m 1. ....,...\,.._v u; uunmudll llall` . , . - , .. ` . |dr:avor of I`I;<.sz1 St. church, resu-ltxng.-', [after nine strenuous innings, in a win for the former by 21 score of 14 to 10. A return match will be Iplayml next week. The teams: I u....u,.... 1r n_... A n Lo t._ owners are also remimled that] with the new Endowment System now uvailzxblc they may eliminate, if they w'\: further a.~:.~oss1ncnt;~: by permanently cnzl0\\`in;;' the lot to, provi for pm-pctuzll care at a very low cost us . ... _ A live {$211110 of softball was play- ed on Tug-.=(lay ni:.~;ht in Bayvicw `Park between the ,Minet s Point {I-ILx. and the team`: of the Young: {People- s Society of Christian En- _, |.l,.mm.. .4` mm... (M. ....v 'continue on to .\'ia_2`ara We-(lding`s The wedding` ofitwo of .-\.l1_andale sl most popular young` people was sol- emnized very quietly on Tuesday at; the rectory, Burton .-\.ve., when Miss! Gl:-1d_\'s Lines, daughter of Mr. and_ Mrs. Artliur Lines, John St., became] the bride of Mr. Walker Webb, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Webb, Brad- ford St., Rev. Roy Melville, rector of St. Georg'e s church, oiciatiii-g`. They left immediately after the cere- mony by motor to Toronto and will Falls and Bu'alo on their wedding` trip. They are e.\:1)ect0d to return about Mon- day and will take up their re.<,idencc.- on Holgme St. On the Monday` evening` 21 miscellaneous sho`.'.'er was given them at the home of the 2'room .~: si.-rter, Mrs. F. Bebb, Brock St., and was attended by about forty 01 their fricnrl.-:. A great variety of useful and valuable 1.-'il"t.'-r, which ll- ed a huf.-`e willow bu.-zket, were pre- .-ented on behalf 7f the a.~" frienri.< l)_\' Mis:< Annie Crowe, and the readin,u' oi` the many witty in- .=criptions ('21'J:".:ll much merriment. On Friday afternoon at four` o'clock a quiet \ve.l(liu5,-; took place at the Methodist parsonaf,-`e, Burton .-\\'e., when Miss Annie Stillie, [er of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stillie, Bern- ard .-\.\'e., Toronto, was united in mz~.rria:.>'e to Mr. Wilfred Foster, son of Mrs. M. Foster and the late Mr. W. J. Foster, of Tollendale. Rev. S. M. Beach, pastor of Burton Ave. .\Iethodist church, officiated. .-Xfter at short wedding.-; trip they will make the11'ho1ne at Tollendale Park. The induction of the in-coming` pastor of the Essa St. Presbyterian churcl1 was held on Friday night with Rev. J. S. Shortt, of St. An- drew s church, Barrie, officiating , and Rev. D. C. Hill took over his new chz1rg'e on Sunday, making` :1 very favorable impression as on the cccasion of previous visits. Rev. S. M. Beach, Mr. VV. Rusk and Mr. Jams Brunton were the re- presentatives from here to the last meeting` of the Toronto Conference of the Methodist church and motor- ed to the city on \Vcdnesda_\'. Rev. Geo. Coulter of Sutton has been mentioned as a possible successor to Mr. Beach. who concludes his fourth year here in June. .v...,v. On Mondzly morning while at work with the Brennan Paving` Co. on Burton .-\\`c., Mr. Hilliard Webb had his foot caught in the gears of the steam shovel and badly cut,ami crushed. He was given first aid treatment by the other employees and rushed to the RV. Hospital ail [171 (`D .AA-:U Jl\.l\. uvL.1 LIIU H`XL'll- On Momlay afternoon at the 1'e{Q'L1- lar meeting of the W..-\. of St. G00g`1'e s church. held in the Mom- oria] Hall, Mrs. A. Creswickc- of Bar- rie gave a very i11te1'cstin:: report; of the recent convc-ntion held in To- route. I\ 1! . - -- uvAI\.Iu.\' -4111 L\l 1xun5,.~s,uII. Mr. R. Osborne of Penetan_e' has accepted 21 position with Mr. W. B. xvi-E), the .-\1landa.1e watch inspector. Mrs. H. Millard 1'etu1`ned to Whit- by on F1-id21_v after a week s Visit with friends here. Mr. Millaril was also here over the 24th. ' n 11 u n. Mr. W. .\'c.<.< of Bull`:1lu .~`])\'llf Sund:x_\' with his p:n'vnl.s' hvn-. Jlrs. W. Hunt of 'l`ront0 .\-punt thu wock x-ml with f1'ivm|s and 1'vIz1t`i\'v.~ hero. 311'. II. \\':mlm;m 1`:-t111'mul on Sun- alay ni:.: ht from :\ \':1c:xl.io11 spent in Windsor. `Y u `v V! uu-ya .. .. .uu_'v;. Mr. and 111's. E. McFadden and little dzlllghtur Doris are cnjo.\"i11.:,' :1 holiday trip to 1{i11g'srto11. `\I .. T) (\`L.\..._.. -4` `I'1A.__L-.,,,_ 1 PROHIBITION UNION -.x,.u.\. uuA_y .|., .L./.'..vJ. .-\. Rut<;:~:--$2 per annum `for one lot and $1 for each addition- al lot ownml by the same person; 81 for half lot. Lo}. that ALLANDALE Saturday afternoon is usually :1 busy time for the villag`z- bL1sine.~:;< man, who cannot afford to enjoy the .hall' holiday taken by his city com- petitor. Last Saturday 21l0I]_L`,' came an auditor from the Workmen s Compensation Board to further an- noy every p,'overnment-cursed em- ployer of label` in the village. It seems that this Board with its ten- thousand-dollars-a-year chairman im- poses penalties with Czar-like auth- ority and a lofty indifl"erence to the interests of the employers who pay. -Elmv-ale Lance. Rev. W. J. Watt, who 11:15 been as- sociate ])as=to1' at Collior St. church the last four 1110111113, will speak 111o1'nin_'.r and evening on Sun- Rev. Wellwooxl bci11_g-' in Toron- to ut the Gc-ncral Confc1'c11c(.-. This will be M1 . Watt s last Su11rl:.1_v in Ba1'1'io, as he leaves next week for Bu1'k .~; Falls to commence his pastor- zitc there. The music recital season is at its ll(.`lj.','l`It and this week includes `tl11`L'(: recitals for Barrie music lovers. In spite of the terric min on Monday evening-' the l'(:Cltll by the Pr0g'res- sive 1\Iu:~:ic Club, pupils of Miss Bry- son, in Central Metliodist church was well attomled. _M1'. I-I. Barron and the CL-ntml quantette assisted in the very e.\ cell(.-nt progsrzmme. On 'I`uesdu_v evening: the piano and vocal pupils of Miss Wuutl E. Cluxton, L.'l`.C.M., gave the first of two re-, assistexl by Mr. Lorne Arnold, violinist, in the Collier St. Methodist church. A second will be p;ivcn to- lll_L: llt, assiste by Isabelle Ericson, violinist of the Toronto Conservz1to1'_v of Music. on WC(lilC$(ia} , where he was abtend- ing the funeral of his brother, who passml uwa_v after a few (lays ill- ness from pic-u1'0-1)ncumonia. An- other brother had the mi;~:fortune to 5 fall from the roof of 21 buiIdin:.:' 21,1 `few days ago and is conned to his bed suiTc1'ii1g from injuries sustaini- Cd. 4 vs --. .- I hj____. , i Smith Kain returned from Listowcl Ii is |.e..... \lA. LIIILJ yup-.n uuu nun; out lsavingrs. Important announcement will be made in the Advance from week to week of genuine ba1'gz1i11s in `shoe repaing. ! The P1'0g`1'n35siVe Shoe Repair iSt01'e.~: at 14-16 Mulcastc-1' St., is 2'0- `ing after more business. Read care- fully the atlvertisement on page szcvcn of this paper and note the \(`f1\V:r\Iu-'~ 1...-..L....L -.. -. V - i A meeting of the P1'esbyte1'ian [Unionists was held in the parlor of :Collier St. church on Thursd~a_V night glast. The report of the crez1:~'u1'e1' {showed there were sufcient funds to ' a meet all expenses up to the tune `when union will take effect. Over] `$400 has been contributerl for mis- isions besirles. Wm. Somors and Archie Thomp- son were each ned $2 under the potty trespa: act. last Friday. They had been found in the stock shc at the fair }.`.'1'0L11'lt1S with a re lit in one of the stalls. They 1)Ic-mic- _L_-'ui1t.y. Alex. Cowan represented them. E Charles Ca1'nzL1l, who has been` `wanted by the Barrie Provincial Police for some time for theft, was taken into custody `last week in To- ronto. He was b1'oug'ht to -Barrie by Constable Kelly and then taken Ion to Par1'y Sound, where the theft }i.~: said to have been committed. Unpaid z1;<.~:L". 1924, inc1u.`~:i\'c:, those for 1925 before July 1, 1 vs Good progress is being made by the Brennan Paving` Co. in Ward Six, and the base will soon be all laid in that section. Crushed stone is being used with the gravel and this should ensure an even better base than last year. A1'1'ang'c1ncnt..~: are completed for the excursion to Guelph on Frklay, June 12. This will be 21 splendizl outing`, not only for all i'a1'n1cr;.:, but for town people as well. Plan to go :0 Guelph on Friday, the lith. During` Monday nig-vht s electric storm the barn of Thomas Simpson, near Elmvailc, was struck by light- i1i115.j,'. Some rafters were splint l'C(1 and part of the euvctroughs were ripped off. Harold Smith was succ0s.<.l'u1 in p21ssi11g' his cx:1m.<. in first year in mc(licinc, and Arthur Walker passed in his second _vc-ar. \ . M. 'l'1`01nD]u_\' or was lined $10 and costs 3 court this (T'I1LU`SL[l1_\') 2 .~*1,-cccling. .-\cc0rdi11;.',' to the new scheme for Inurking: Onl:u'i0 romls, Bz1.1'1`ic is on Rum] No. II, l`uronto Ito Muskoka. Men':1 Panama Hats. Simmons LOCALS The Northern Advance Belle ]t`.wzu't ; in the pulico morning: for u. vv. .u/.,.<, u-:\._\-IxL:a.>.., L)\.'.'Cl'UlL:' Bank, Dunlop St., Barrie. Owno;=1-.5 of lots: are 1'cmln(le that unpaltl a.<.'~:c.~:s1nent= from 1013 on- ward become a clmrgc against the lot and should not be allowed to -accumulate, as under the Act THEY .\IL'S'1` BE PAID FOR BEFORE THE LOTS CAN BE USED. The members of Barrie Lo(lg'e No. 63, I.0.0.F., are well satised with the returns from the Ritz Revue. The play was given in Oriwli1i a Opera House on '1`hu1'sday evening` and a fair -house g'reete(l the pe1'for1ue.1's. After all expenses are paid about $150 will be realized. To all those who assisted the O truly grateful. Other than the announcement that the grriuluation exercises of the R.V. Hospital would be held in the Odd- fellows Tcmple on June 25, only routine business came before the Hos- pital Board on Tuesday afternoon. | A1'mlt1'(-:1, Rev. Rev. H. E. M. Bench _2'o t VV(W00(l to 1 Mr. B1.-ach to ......... umuu,u an 1U1lUW.~a1 Collier St, Bzm'ic, Rev. S. Green- . Central church, Rev. A. J. G. Czu';s'ca Burton Ave. church, Rev. G,. E. Coultcr; Orillia, Rev. J. R. Pat.tc1'. Wizllzlnd, Rev. D. W. Wi'(-n; Pcxwtunjr, Rev. A. W. I-Iono; IChnvalo, Rev. E. E.'P11_2'sln_v; Mine- si11_2', Rcv. M. 0. Price; .-\n_;'u.<, Rev. W. F. Roach; Hillsdulc, Rev. F. J.I Vowels; Hawkcstonc, {cv. J. Br3'.vz1; Co1(l\vut(-1', lcv. .-\. N. P211`t1'i-|:(-; Victoria Hz1rbo1', Rev. J. R. Wilkin- son; Warminstcr, Rev.'P. M:1.~'.on; A...H...... 1),... ur TY Cu.._.___ The Statioiiing`Committee of the Methodist Conference, now in session in Toronto, zinncunccs the draft for Barrie district as follows: f`,.H,... Cu. h ' 1" ~ A` I ! uun: uni)- The lm emphasizes the ma;:ni- ccnce of the navy s feat as a whole, and by its faithful reproductions of individual `heroism that won V.C. s sets one wonde1'i11:_-f at the _u'z1.l- lantry of men in \_va1'. , _,#_A ,_ ., M nu-u_v u; nuuu 111 \.\ill'. i In a class by itself as :1 moving `picture, Zeeb1'ug_;'e is an achieve- Emont of xxwhioh to be proud. `!METHODlST MINISTERS l FOR BARRIE DISTRICT .. \J -u\Il.o|.n The p1'epa1`ations for the at.t_ac1;i and the Life of the young men vollin-| teers during` the wz1itin_g* period are depicted i11-detail, and then comes, intr.-nse (h` landing` on the Mole from the Vimlictive, the blow- inf: up of submarine C-3 unzler the viaduct, the sinking` of the block- ships, and the brave part played by` the Mersey i`e1'1'_\"boaLs, I1-is andl Da'o | ....u._, \.n..u1_y unu &;,lU1AULLl`l_\. * In order to show how the sub- marine \\'u1'A had developed and the `necessity for dest1'oyin:.); or bottling `up the nest at the mouth of the Bruges Canal, the producers includ-I led some striking` pictures of the act- ual sinking: of British ships, which] were obtained through the capture of] a U-boat. I Barrie Union Cemetery! ..\..uu.uu\.u \.-v axpuu \;uwAu:Au.`,1u. The producers, \vho had the sistance of the Briti;~:h .-\r1mi1'a1t._v :1 the Belgian aut.ho1'ities, tell the f story st.mig;ht from begim1ing'to e. vividly, cleilrly and ;.;'1orious1_\'. Tn ..,].-u. ,. -10.... 1_-.._ u._ Zecb1'ug'g`0, the film reconstruc- tion of the naval epic of St. G001'g'r,- s Day 1918, is _g'oi1'1g to rouse cinema. audiences to great enthusiasm. "Fl... .... __.1_, 1., 1 u , [BRITISH NAVAL EPIC SHOWN IN}: FILM TO THE MINUTEST DETAIL ` I v ltrva, W. H. Smrapp. luv. Wellwood and Rev. to Toronto :1ist1~ict, 1 llwootl Beech Ave. chur(-.h 1 h.-ach Glenmount church. Where Most People Trade Ladies Silknit Princess R<*;_:11lz11' $2.50 ..... CU}()1's Pczu-h, .l[`z1ng'(-ri11(~, Sand, \V11i r0. Ladies Silknit Princess Slips, . (1o\\'-]n'(ml . ]?0;;. $3.50 . . . .$3.39 HOSPITAL BOARD Ladies Mercury Hose Early Summer Sale 3 Thu attention or lot oxvners is drawn to the annual z1; for czm: of lots which are pz1_vablc to J. W. I\':-:~:.<, Sec _\'-Trea Beecrofs `Raul: T\nn1.-.n 05 D. I11 P111-0 'J.`ln'0;1d Silk, r<>i11fm'r<:(l \\'11'l1 Art Silk, in the 110\\'0;\'t sllzxdos. SPECIAL REDUCED Now the warm weather is here, Cool Clothes at Special Prices .....l,y. S. - BIL ; and . Sutcliffe 6? C0. v uuu 3 full > end, ur ('ut1u'r11 dl S`p|)l*11.l`:-1. Get :1. small bottle of Ely s Cream Hahn from your d1*11gp;ist now._ Apply {L little of this frngrnnt. antisclmc, heal- ing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates ihrough every nir passage of the head, sm>t-hes the innmml or sw'oll-on- mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It s just ne. D0n t. stay stuffed-up lVH'.11 n 1-ALI " hr ........4__ --L- N 0' 1- -r `v 1' 'r'r'A"l"F'L"l `K '&3` >;`1v'l*X~*X'-X*~X~X*~X Instant; relit-f-no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of _\'uu1'-l1e:ul clear and you can hrenthc fn.-oly. No more hzuvking, snuming, bl-owin:.`r, llondaclw, dryness. N o struggling for breath at night; your cold or outun-11 (1lS`p])l*i1.l`:-1. homo. nf mm: I !--nnm nu-u.vunuI(` unu renot instantly. with a. cold or nasty catarrh. Sunday, June 7th Rev. Mr. Watt will speak at 11 21.111. and '2 p.m. This will be 311`. Wat.t s last n1essa_g'es before leaving for his new Ch11`_Q`L` at B1.1rk _VFa.lls. Welcome !

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