Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Jun 1925, p. 5

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`THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1925 REV. DR. PIDGEON CHOSEN I , MODERATOR OF ASSEMBLY] During the heavy storm on Mon- day evening, Mr. Wm. Cooper s house in Cookstown was struck by lightning, with but little damage nlone. AUTOMOBILE THIEVES BUSY READ THE r.\DVERTI SI'}1\'IE;`-ITS. SARJEANT-THOMSON uuu \JL\rx\ nu.- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Carr and Mr. and Mrs. Allen, of Toronto, Sunday with Coxxvorth, 118 Bayold St. N74..- 1\1.\.... \' ...!.12-.... spent Mr. and Mrs. A. H. ....,1 `lift..- \,u.....,...., .I.A.L' LIV: Miss 1\Iar_v N. Paddison and Miss Mable Hill, both of Barrie, were among` the graduating class of nurses at Guelph on We(lnesda_\`, June 3. NT-.~ T)?..L.....l Y P\I\ 1).`... s.-..u..1zu vu vv\.uu\..:uu_u, uuA|\. u. Hr . Richard Lee Barwick ' an- nounces the cng'ag'ement of her (`.aug', Monica Cotter, to Mr. Gordon McLean Stevenson, of Bar- rie, the 1nzu'1'iag'e to take place in June. `xv 1 'r\ u: `r *r-- 1 u u minn- Warrlen Donald Mcliinlay and L\Ir;<. Mcliinlay, of Jarratt, announce the en_2'a_2`ement of their (lz1ug'hter, Annie, to Mr. Bert Cooke, of Grims- by, son of the late James and Mrs. Cooke, Creighton, the marria.g`e to, take place early in June. Miss ;\Ia1'g`a1'et Sinclair is home from :\IcMaste1' Uni\'ersit._v, where she was stlccessful in passing` her year with honors. She also won the R. V\'. E. Burnz1lJ_v prize in Bible stu(l_\', havin{_~' obtained the highest lTlL11`lx .~.` in Bible in her _\'ear. Miss Donolda McKnig=h c attended the fur.e1'al of her g'ra11dmothe1`, the late Mrs. Whit, in Meaford last week end. 1| r -rY . . Ivv OBITUARY v..uu. Mr. Harold Wardman returned home on Suntlay after spending` a couple of weeks with friends in De- `troit and Oakvillc. 7\r,, 1 war 117 A I`! . vv n 4:. Mrs. C. M. G. Smith spent the latter part of last week with friends in Toronto. Miss Elizabeth Rogers of Loomis, X.Y., has returned to Barrie for the summer months: _ Miss Martha Hunter, who has spent several weeks in New York, is in tmvn at present. Mrs. E. Ingram and dz1ug'hte1' Betty of Pomona, Cal., are visiting with relatives in town. nr- n 1` irv-O4: H -- A pretty June wedding took place on Wc-<,lnesda_\' afternoon at the home of the brhlm xvhen Blary I3Hzabeh, daugzht-era of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Curtis, 38 Bradford St., was united in inarriagze to Ge0rg;e Melville Wiseman, by Rev. Wm. Hipkin. The house \vas tastefuH3' decorateLl`ith lihes-oihe-vaHe)3 dnte lacs, carn- aons and sneer peas. The brhb, who was given away by her father, looked lovely in a- peach g`eorg'e`.ate gonni ninnned with escru lace. She was unattended. Her ister, Mrs. Milne, playezl the Mendelssohn wed- ihng inarch. The groonfs favors were, to the bride, :1 platinum bar phi set uii dknnonds, and to the pianist a compact. The bride was abo the rechent ofrnany beauful gifts, including several handsome cheques. VFLA l\I\IlruI\I\`!IV ....`~ L`,\Il.....,\.I kn .. .4... a.AA\.|n.|J All vv :1 7111-. W. A. Am spent Wednesday town. an I` -- .... M1`. and I\l(r: ing: f-riemls in HT 1!.` A \.u\.\1uy.n The ceremony was followed by a. reception, after which the happy couple left for New York and other points, the bride travelling: in a navy and red ensemble suit, with a red hat to match. They will reside at 38 Bradford St. Grenfel Union Church, prettily decorated with lilacs and other June blossoms, was the scene of a lovely spring wedding on Wednesday after- noon, when Miss Isabel Elrick was married by Rev. Alex. Rintoul to Mr. Thomas Cornelius C-loug*h~le,v. The bride, carrying` a beautiful shower bouquet of roses and looking very charming in a white georgette gown with silver lace trimming` and a veil caught with orange blossoms in 3. coronet, entered on the arm of her father, Robt. Elrick, to the strains of Loheng`rin s wedding march, play- Q:-d by Miss Elsie Cloughley. Miss .`.mn~ie McCullou52,th of Barrie, as bridesmaid, wore a saxe blue gear- gette gown with a le_e'h~orn hat to -match, and carried a lovely shower bouquet of roses. The charming` little ower girl, Elsie Orr, added the nal touch of color and interest with her white satin frock, dainty basket of sweet peas, and artless charms. 'Ilhe best man was Mr. Alex. Elrick and `the ushers Messrs. Clifford Elrick and Richard Clougzhley. During` the si;rnin:: of the register Mr. R. .Cloug;l_1l`e_v rendered 21 pleasing: violin selection. The g'room s favors were: to the bride, :1 rope of pearls; to the b!'l(l0S.l`ll'E1lll, :1 ring` with ruby and `pearl setting`; to the best man, 3. diamond tie pin; to the flower girl, 31 I-ihar mm. tnnur. .~,.H....n. A-Porn Han \ . . w . . . V . . u ';A\. ]1:u, cu \.-An. uvuus bun, '- rin_-: witth topaz settling`. After the ceremony a pleasant. informal recep- tion was held at the bride's home. The happy couple left later on a trip across Canada. to the coast. 'I`.he bride tra.vel1ed in :1 sand suit with hat and shoes to match. They will reside in Barrie. PERSONALS Bell Pianos : New Scale Williams Pianos His Nlaster s Voice Victrola Records CLOUGI-!LEY-ELRlCK and ;\Ir.<. Iiennetly of Toronto l f1`ioml.< here last week. I\1rs. L. Reeve are visit- 'iemls Windsor this week. Anderson of Toronto \I' L... , -m .- - WlSEMAN-CURTlS ....-u.. VA ;ua.vuu.: \x friends in Page Five Opposite P.O. Square? 1`I'I"l'f\`|'l"l n rs TWO REM, WPWTUNETEES lN PIANOS--u ` JOHN CLAYTON HARRY R. PALK 7EVE1_'x A.Y'_I_`HING IN MU1_c AN]? MUSICAL__INSTRU1 IEN'I_`S PHONE 243. One Bell Piano One New Scale Williams J. G. KEENAN On Momlay, June 1st, there 2- curred the death of John C1a_\`t:m, one cf B2u'1'io s oldest business men`. The l:1te M1`. Clayton was born. in I~'.in:`:Lon 7-1 _\'ezu's ago. Con'xi1:;2 to D.. A0 . 1... ..,\A. .... .. There pussctl away with t1':1_;'ic su on Sattmlzxy, May 30th, one of Bzu`1'ic s best 1~:n'o\\'n citizens in the person of John Wood Pzuwish, in his se\'cnt._\'-fourt.l1 _\'c2u`. The late Mr. Pa1'1`ish was :1 son of the late William and Sarah Wood Turner Pa1'1'ish of .\'apanc-0. For some years he conducted business as! :1 merchant in Alliston and later in Toronto, but for a number of _\`cz11';~: past had 1'si(lc1l in Barrie and acted as :1 hartlware commercia \r,, n,,su 1 t.1`avel1c1'. 1 v 1 'St., on S1tL11`lla_\', )Ia_\' 30. I1 mcnt at Bzu`1'i0 Union cc-mc-t(:1'_\'. ... .. w.......u..u. Mr. Parri:~:h is survived by his wife, two ;\I1':~:. John Mai`- low of Blackstock and Irene at home; `one son, John Harold, of To- ronto, and a sister, Mrs. James Craig` jot` Toronto. rm! 0 1 The funeral service was held at the late rcsitlence of Mr. Parrish on Collier St., on Tuesday afternoon. Rev. J. S. Shortt ofciaterl, assisted by Rev. Frank Harper of Preston and I Rev. Canon H. D. F. Woodcock of Toronto. Interment took place at the. Union cemetery. f`I"L...... ..I.L....J:..... J.` .... .. ._ `,',L, Those attending from a distance were Hrs. John Marlow of Black- stock, Mr. John Harold Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Craig`, Rev. Canon and Mrs. Woodcock and Mr. Geo. Hooper, all of Toronto; Rev. Frank Harper and Mrs. A. L. Fitzgeraltl of Pene- tang, and Mr. Mac.VIartin of Morris- burg. ' DR. JOHN SCOTT-ELMVALE The death of Dr. Jolm Scott on Saturday last removes a well known and highly respected citizen of Elm- vale. Dr. Scott practiced in Elmvale for nearly` twenty-ve years, and was well kno{vn throu_2'h- out the county. He is su1'vive(l by his wife, two (laug'hters and two sons. `Interment took place at Esson ceme- tery, Oro, on Monday. I LONDON BOY [S FATALLY INJURED BY AUTOMOBILEI STRINGS A SPECIALTY } Allan Braden, six-year-olnl twin` `son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ernestl YB:-aden of London, Ont., was run} I\`V:'\\I kn I\r\ .-...a.,......1..'1.. ._ 1:1,-u,,,. I A.:Lu.Lu.u UL .I..JUII\llIAl, IJHU-5 13 run over by an automobile on Friday last \vit.h fatal results. Crossing the street near his home about 1.30 p.m., passml and then ran out. He was run over by an approaching` auto- `mobile, which he had not been able to see because of the wagron, and died early Saturday mornin:_r'. The :bo_\' was a nephew of E. H. Braden, High St., and a frrandson of Mrs. L\Iabt.. Robinson of Barrie. He was buried in Woodlawn cemetery on .\Ionda_\'. ithe lad waited till a coal wa_e,'on' B':1'1ir2 -'18 years ago, he set up a boot and shoe business, which he 1".-111 until his retirement; from active life. He 'us always an active church worker and for many years was thc choir leader in St. .1ary s churciz. ! During` the electric storm on Hon-I {day afternoon :1 barn o_n the farm of Messrs. James and John Iientingr, cast half lot 28, concession 7, Ad- jula, was struck by lightning` mull [burned to the ground. JOHN WOOD PARRISH These pianos were both specially selected from the factories and used for Miss Bry- son s recital in Elizabeth St. Church on Mon- day evening last. Their tones are particular- ly ne and workmanship the best. Anyone wanting a good piano should not miss this opportunity. Come in and try them and be convinced of their worth. P.O. BOX 555. Inter- MARRIED I `WlSI`.\IA.\'--CL"RTIS---.-Xt the home ` of the bride's parents, Mr. and _ Mrs. W. C. Curtis, Bradford St., on Wednesday, June 3, by Rev. W. Hipkin, .\Iar_\' Elizabeth Curtis I l to Mr. George Mer\'_vn Wiseman. [Y \ \'T\\' 1 i1Y T)T f\\'f` \4- K`,-.1H,.u i LU A";-' \.l\.vL5L .u\.;-u v v A u L . . . s . . .. HAI\'DY-FL RLONG-At Collier St. Mctho church pzu'so11ag`e, by Ilev. H. Wcllxvood, on VVe(h1e.'~:- ilu_\',":Iune 3, 1925, Mr. Charles Robert. Hamly, of Tay Township, to Miss I; Furlong, of Elm- vale. BOSA,\'KO-On Thursday, May 28, 1925, after a lengthy illness, Eliza- beth (Belle) Bosanko, wife of Dr. C. H. Bosanko, G8 Mulcaster St., in her 83rd year. PE.-\RCY---On Sunday, May 31, 1925, at the Orthopedic Mospital, Toronto, l\Iart.ha Jane Pearcy, only daughter of the late Thomas and Agrnes Pearcy, of Barrie. Intel'- ment St. John s cemetery, To- ronto, Tuestlay, June 2. `CL.-\YTON--On Monday, June 1, 1925, John Clayton, of Barrie, agred 7-1 years. Interment at St. Mary s cemetery on Weclnestlay, June 3. PARRISH-On Saturday, May 30, 1925, J. W. Parrish, of Barrie, in his 74th year. Interment at Bar- rie Union cemetery on Tuesday, June 2. (Alliston Herald) Mayor Mitchell and Messrs. J. R. Hipwell, J. A. Kerr, Jos. Whitesidev and F. B. Elliott joined a deputation at Toronto Thursday which included the Reeves of Essa, Tecumseth, Ad- jala, Tossorontio, Mono, Shelburne and other municipalities. Hon. G. S. Henry, Minister of Public Works, was asked to include in the provin- cial roads systenl the road from Croxon's Corners on the Penetang l1lg'l1\\'{L}' on the east to Primrose on the west as a connecting link be- tween hig'hwa_vs running north and south. Messrs. C. R. Mclieown, ;\I.L.A. for Dufferin; Earl Rowe, M.L.A. for South Simcoe, and J. E. Jzmiieson, i\I.L.A. for West Simcoe, pointed out to the Minister the necessity for this provincial 11i_-_:flwva_\'. The deputation was introduced by M1`. Mclieown. The Minister ag'reed to consider the request and stated that a census of the traic over this road would be taken during" the coming summer. nu -.-nu. 1;...-uu .4. .uu....v Av: ..u...., say; his home on the 4th concession. Deceased was born in Oro township 68 years ago and was one of the leaders in his community. When a young man he taught school for fif- teen years at Hillsdale, Wyebridge and other places. 'Dhirty-one years -ago he bought a farm on the 4th concession, where he spent the rest of his days. Mr. Palk was instru- mental in securing the rural tele- phone and rural mail delivery for] the township, and was always active` in community work. He was an ardent temperance worker and his help and counsel will be greatly missed. His death was caused by pneumonia, following an attack of bronchitis. He is survived by one` sister, .\Iiss Sarah Palk, and three; brothers, E. J. Palk of Scarboro, C.` W. Palk of Toronto and Fred at Shanty Bay. nu 1- , I , 1 I 1 _,, 11,: 1... Harry .\Ia1`tin, well kno\'n resident of Coldwater, was run over by an automobile in that \'i11z1:1e on Wetl- nesday of last week and seriously injured. . o i i Warden Parkinson, of DufTe1`in,| c`nai1-man of :1 special committee to| int-e1'\'iew S. L. Squires, Depu-ty 1 I\Iini.=te1' of Hig`h\\'ay, in Toronto last week, announces that Dufferin County romls partly maintained by` the provincial g`ove1-nment have been ireducod by 39 per cent. CROSS COUNTRY ROAD DEATHS Barrie The Northern Advamze ;.,v..........., .,. Massey, Allandale, Barrie, 5. `D....-..,.. 'IH',_r__.,v At unsynn, .uu;;u,, ;u, ;vu\,uuL; Iamlale, 10. , McC1'e1'ick, Co11ing'woo(l, 12; Field, Owen Sound, 14. Stephens, a bye. uu-.u., ;.u. McCrerick, Collingwvood, 5; Walk- er, Allandale, 25. T\.. `l7:,.1.I n-..-.. c1-.....y r-. 11 Walker, Allandale, Tottenham, 9. .:\I'n-.~..... AII.....!..I.. {Six sons an": two daugrmcrs sur- vive, I`Zdwa1' of Ruby C20;-la, B.C.; Mrs. Arthur Caley, Kamloops, B.C.; Chas. of Santiago, Ca1.; Gerald of Chicago, Bcrgin of Toronto, Fred of `Barrie, Mrs. Ronald Patterson and Grattan of Toronto. .,......-, V- Rumsey, Meaford, Ba1'1'i.e, 12. `D: ..-. Binns, NeWma1'ket., 29; McConkey, Orillia, 5. V. 1{nig`11t, Allandalc, 21; Iinight, Alliston, 7. 1*: I__..I_ h-.,.,:, 1n n 1 ti Round Three ;\Izxsse_\', Allandale, 13; Binns, .\'cwma1'ket, 16. Walker, Allandale, 19; iumsey, Moaford, 1-'1. Tidoman, Barrie, 10; McConkoy, Orillia, 20. McKnig`h`:, Tottonham, 21; Ken- nedy, Barrie, 11. l\IcC1'e1'ick, Collingwvood, 13 ; Knight, .-Xllisrton, 10. r`<\,..I. `h......:- ., . 1'..:._.1.L ,\n-_, I{nig'ht, Alliston, 9; Massey, Allan- dale, 18. \.r-r~._-._!,1_ r~,n,-,, ., _ , 1 p- uy n -.. ....uuuuu., mu- Dr. Field, Owen Sound, 6; R. Iinight, Tottenxham, 19. LT 1. .-....~..,l.. D... i.` 10. `n...._1.-.. .-...c..., ALJlA.`.\lAA W. Clark, Bani:-, 15; dale, 10. 1 u l'\ Mr. Tom Allan of Toronto -:pr.-ntl the week end at home. at an 71 n n 1: n vIvA.vII LJ.n.\.uctLl| uuu JJU_\u;`. H/ux` e1"s four included himself, Garside, Marshall and Whitney. Fifttcn rinks entered the tourney. Round O11e I Ramsey, Meaford, 15; Stephens, [Barrie 13. 17 1v-1. .1. .. .. -- V. 1{nig=11t, Allandale, 11; Mc- Conkey, Orillia, 22. D I`I-..1. T)-.. . .4 . n:_,.,, xv \/VIIILLUV, .,.....a, ..... P. Clark, Barrie, 4; Binns, New- market, 15. 1"`. A11`: l\ -..- ... An old resident of Oro township passed awrly on Wednesday, May 27, in the person of Harry R. Palk, at /Ir: .....D..., .I.uuu\;AuuauI, N. H. 1{enned_v, Barrie, 16; Poucher, Allandale, 11. Tideman, Barrie, a. bye. uu.\., ..v. Dr. Field, Owen Stephens, B1ll`1`iC, 10. Poucher, a bye. nu, \v\.s.I\ Lllll up uuuu.. M1`. mm Mrs. E. B. I Barrie spent Sunday at making the spring` crops grow. The country is cc1'tainl_\' a beautiful spot. at present. Mr. and ';\Ir.=. A. B. Coutts and fannily of Bzirri-2 : Sunday with Mr. John Wait. u n m A11uz';da1e"s rst open tournrnnent held on Wcdnr.-s(la_\', June 3rd, ind 2111 the our-lmu-ks of a very success- fut inatch, but ruin prcvciited the p1aj\'in;' oi the nal round and .1 draw had to be made to decide the win- ners. A. G. Wa1ker s rink from .`-\1- landale VVTLS tied with Binns of New market, each having` won three games and lost none. In the draw Binns came out successful. The winning rink was composed of Binns, Bos- W0-1't1'l, Pritcharrl and Doyle. Walk- ,-?~ -0...... :..-1..,I.,1 L:,,, 1!` rd -- `RAIN ST0PSz7T.()RNEY, BINNS WINS IN DRAW] nun. u uuu vv nu-.. .\Ir.<. Hintma uf Toronto spent :1 Few (lays last week with her covsein. >.\lrs. l:u'r5' 1-le}.'21ol Mr. and M1". Sylve Reynolds, Jack and Nancy, spent Sunday with Mr. :1n Mrs. Geo. Pratt, Craigvale. Our girls ball team are; ;n th: iaulies softball tournamc-nt. in Beeton on June 3rd. We wish than all success. 11 11v 11* `ll ,l-,, ,,,,,; 1 ii Miss Fox of Detroit is Visiting` her sister. `.. rs...` . 1: A n _,L Illa auuuuL:L Juu uu mu. uuuu.-.; Ernest Goodwin spent over the week end in Toronto with friends. u: A n ,1` fI'1-.._._A._ 11.-.! The funeral took place on Wed- nesday morning to St. Ma1'_v s church and cenietery from the family resi- dence, 123 Worsley St. Dean Sweeney and Fzlther Brennan offi- ciated. Those acting as pa.11-bearers were A. Cowan, Ed. Sutcliffe, Jack Ma1'tin, C. C. Hinds, P. Keavns and Chas. Devlin. al.:u:L. Miss Edith Arn0ld_spent the week 1;-nal with friends here. 1- (N n n1 , , _ , , L. 2- __f._3L:..... \4`l nun ;..u,uu.. ..\..... Mrs. Carr of Toronto is visiting` friends in this district. Mr. Charles Lennox has left for his summer job on the boats. T7.._.-..A. f`.....).un n-r\nv\" run-no 4-I-an n\:L`n cuu All Lvtvnnuv nu... ;..s,.u Mr. A. Carr of Toronto visited Mrs. P. Banting; here on Sunday. A T1 at` Dn\I\C:n 1Lr.._ Miss Bessie Lennox of Richmond Hill spent the week end with her par- cuts. 1.: 1: v 1 1:2,, YWIEL1, ml , i H15. 411.52. ;. AJ(.l.llI.lI|e', nu.`-. uu u./u..uu_v. Mr". A. H. Coxwo1't.h of Barriel spent; last week end with Mrs. Bant- iingz. I \,r:`. 1)I\`~:r\ Tnnhnv A4? D:n|.m.-m.I \.-u..:. M.. Laren ronto. Ir | Lunuu. Mr. J. Hodfrson and Donald, of Stouffville, visited friends here on Sundz1_v last. i 1|! n Irv . I it-,, v,,_,_. `n,_. iuuuIu.|_V |u:L. Mrs. R. West and 1\Ii.-:9. Irene Bar- low were (l010{l'21t(.`S to the W.M.S. convention in Toronto last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Dickinson and son John, of Stayner, called on a "number of old friends on Sunday |1.'\S't. Mrs. Alex. Leslie, l\lis;s Isabella ,L:1il1aw, Miss Vera McCarthy and `,m-s. F. F. Fox are playing in the Ontario women's golf championship matches at Weston this week. uu.-vu, u . P. C Iark, u . n >.zuuuv_v uu_v. The funeral was held on Fri(1a_\',i interment taking place at St. Thomas cemetery, Shanty Bay. M. .u.\......7;. Mrs. W. H. Mfartin spent a day or o with her brother, J. S. Leonard, f Craigvale, who has been seriously `.1 for some time. McLa1'en and Miss Edith Mc- spent the week end in To- THORNTON Barrio, 13; Poucher,.A1-ll Round Two KNOCK 18; Mclinight, E Iinigzhty Soound, 17; R0:\'l)()1(l.-' of t Thus. Bow- Methodist church. She had beenl One of Barrie`s oldest residents (lied on Tliursnlay, Way 28, in the person of Elizabeth (Belle) Bosanko,' wife of Dr. C. H. Bosanko, who sur-1 vives her. Mrs. Bosanko was born in Barrie S2 _\'ea1`s ago, the laug'h-~` ter of the late Hi`. and Mrs. John Laird. She was one of the earliest and most useful member of Collier} failing for the last two years and passed away quietly at her home on` Tl11ll`S(i1_\'. The funeral took place from her late residence, Mulcaster Kennedy, Tidcman, Allan- I Speaking to the Advance yester- day, Sgt. Rich of the Provincial Police made mention of the necessity of the public keeping` a stricter guard over their automobiles. There has been an epidemic of car thefts recently in this and the Parry Sound district. Some 5:a1i_2- of men l'l2`tVO been touring` Simcoe and the Parry Sound district stealing` cars, blowing safes and breaking into stores. Five cars have been stolen in an area of about 150 square miles in the last three weeks. These cars, which are iusually of the more expensive types, lare used for a few days, ditched, and then another is taken. Just last week a car stolen near Collin5_~`wood was found discarded at the end of Essa St. Two special patrols are wo1'kin_2' ilay and niy,-"ht in the Pzu'r_\' Sound district. at. present. The _g`ang' is well armed, lmvin2' stolen a number of 1'e\-'ol\'er`. A cache of nitro-g'lyce1`i11e. for use in safe blowing` was found near Mitllantl la.=t week. ... ....s .. ..v.m,.. __............,, over 600 commissioners, composing the General Assembly of the Pros- b_vtcriz1n Church in Canada, met in College St. church for the opening` of the fty-rst Assembly. The pre- vading atmosphere was one of quiet deep earnestness. The address of the retiring Moderator touched feel- iiigly on crisis in church history and was listened to with close attention. The Orillia Presb_\'terian church was lled on Saturday morning`, when, at 10 o clock, Barbara Isobel, dau{_=`htc-1` of Hrs. Charles J. Thom~ son, 115 l\1a1'_\' street, Orillia, be- came the bride of St.an1e_\' Robert Sarjcant, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Szn"eant, Barrie, the Jastor Rev. N. J y |YY `.|I'..f`!H!.-..n.v ,.(3-`...7ns.'u..- '1`!-.7. .11 u.u.a__...-.. \IA. .~-.... Sarjeant, pastor, icy. H. l\IcGilli\'ray, oi'ciat.in_:. The edi- ce was beautiful'ly decorated with flowers for the occasion by members of the choir, of which the bride had been a member for a number of years, and the full choir was pres- ent. The young` couple were unat- tended, the bride begin given away by her mother. The bride was frowned in a French ensemble dress of apricot g'eorg'ette, black mohair hat with French owers and black ribbon velvet, and stockings and shoes to match. Her wedding` favors were yello-w tea roses and lilies-of- the-valley. During` the signing` of the register Miss Marjorie Tudhope sang All Joy Be Thine. A large crowd assembled on the church lawn while the newly-wedded couple and wedding party issued from the church. A post-nuptial reception was held at the home of the bride, with a wedding repast at which the usual toasts were pledged. The g'room s gift to the bride was a handsome white gold bar pin set with dia- monds, the bride presenting her wed- ding owers to her g'ran(hnother, Mrs. L. J. Mcliinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Sarjeant later departed amidst a shower of confetti and good wishes on a two weeks motor trip to New York State, after which they will take up residence in Miss Watter- worth s cottage at Silver Beach, which they have taken for the sum- mer. Prior to her departure the bride donned a very becoming" jer- sey sports suit with felt sport hat. The bride was extremely popular having` been a member of the Central school teaching` staff for nearly six.` years, and `beloved alike by her pupils and teacher associates. Dur- ing the past fortni,-;'ht the bride-;` elect was the recipient of several' manifestations of the l1l_`.`.`l1 regard in which she i held by her many friends in town, in the form of re- ceptions in her honor, Mr. and Hrs. Sarjeant g`ivin_L' a dinner party in her honor, as did Mrs. Jos. Hill, heri aunt, and Miss Kathleen Jac'son a miscellaneous shower. The groom, who is a member of the rm of S.- Sarjeant & Co., has _e'ained many friends since coming` to Orillia, and the best wishes of a wide circle of friends are extended to the happy` young couple.-;\ ews-Letter. .u...uu`~ pvynnmlb vu\. nun 4u.uuv.;1.uUL was elected. For t-hisiofce there was only one nomination, that of Rev. Dr. George C.[ Pi(l_;eon. With- out a (lis.=.en~ting' vote, Dr. Pidgeon was unzmilnously elected. The new .\`IoLle1'ato1' spoke briefly, stating` that when the church in which he was born gave him the hig'he.=.t honor in its power, silence was perhaps best. It. was a notable _e`at.he1'ing`, when r-nn ..... I 3. Fo110win_;' t"nc- serlon of the Mod- erator, luv. Dr. Clare-nce Ma ckim1on,| at the opening` session of the Pres- |)_\'te1'izm General Assembly on Wed-. nc.~:da_\' c\'e11iI1g the new l\Io J _. ._ _I__4._' r. _. ;.1_:- .132, n MRS. _(DR.) C. H.' BOSANKO

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