Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 14 May 1925, p. 8

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Page Eight am. Treasurer. Barrie. `E Clem; 7 ; 1925. TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL 1Court of `Revision The first sitting of the Court of Revision for the Municipality of In- nisl for 1925 will be held at Lefroy, on Monday, May 25, and at Stroud, on Tuesday, May 26, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, `to hear appeals against the assess- ment roll. ---_L-.I ...... unnnnmiu men}. run. All parties inte1'es`ted are request- ed to take notice and govern them- selves accomlingrly. D M NI:-Cnnkev. Stroud, May ` :1} -._.._____. COLLIER ST. METHODISTS AND PRESBYTERIAN UNIONISTS . ll ,. `HAL . rnnau n . ._.--. -_ . _ Sunday, May 17th . A Day with Our Gram Past 11a.m.--Mr. Watt will speak on "Our Growt Past ;Oux Presbyrterian Heritage. - -A-.. ur..11.n-and will sneak ion ALE Hernage." 7 p.m.-Mr. Wellwood will speak on Our Great Past; Our Methodist Heritage. \ Welcome I WANTED k s ofce, Cookstown, May 12, 1__ For Sa\1e--Pony buggy. Phone 9295. W. M. Dinwoody, Clerk. R. McConkey, -- .nn: CL... \ E Mdss E. Greenside is visirbin-g; at the home of her brother in Orillia. Mr. H. Moore has accepted a. posi- tion wiaih the Fdrsher Milling Co., Bar- rie. Tlhe regular meeting of the L.O.B.A. was held on Thursday u.v-g.--. ..-.- night. Mrs. F. Dobson was called to To- ;v. - _ _V nonto last week by~the illness of a sister there. Miss Meta Rogers is progressing favorably since an operation for ap- pendicitis last week. `H 1.1 1'1-I1,:..n-ma 1\/Tw:, .T_ I{e][V pe I1uw1`um [new we... Mns. E. I-Iolldnger, Mrs. J. Kelly , and little (laughter Virginia left on Friday for Hamillston. We understand that a number of remen were laid o this week, some of them being` classed as eng'ineer~s. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wharram and Little dmlggllter Edimh of North Bay l were down for bhe funeral of the late Mrs. Wharram this week. rm , ~n.-1.1- r*1...g n1-` Run-f.nn Ave Lcy, Stroud. `For Sa1e--Good work horse. Apply P. Kearns. Phone 12. late Mrs. wnarrzuu mun wee... The Bible Class of Burton Ave. Methodist church held a social even- ing on Tdmrsday night at the home of M1`. and Mrs. F. Dobson, Burton Ave. _ an 1: cu....1.,mmn T19: been bak- AVG. Mr. E. Stephenson has been ing charge of a ballast gang` of over twentty-ve men Working on the roadibed near Concord for the past week. `-H ~_ `III I`.-mnnxy 'R11vrfnT1 AVE 11215 week. Mrs. F. Gosney, Burrton Ave., Ladies booked her passage on the Cunard "1`Y 01' ness Co liner Lanoasxtrria, which sails on Fri- day, and with her two little sons, Were W- Bert and Leonard, will leave herepbya 1, on Thursday for M-ontreal to spend E- 0m-1011` A cc the summer in England. r\__ 1-.u..:.:..... NI :-: (1 T)nv1e met and L. the in .E:ng1`auu. On Friday Mrs. C. Doyle with a painful accident at her home on Burton Ave. when a wash boiler full of boiling` water was spilled over her feet, severely scalding both feet and ankles. Though su'ering' much pain fvoini the injury, she is doing nicely at present. Mr. Waram, who has been man- .. .1,- 1_....\ L...n...1 n`F Hm Rank | MIDHURST AND BARRIE. TlE IN OPENING SOFTBALL GAME s. of Midlhurst. Barrie started off well, Morren and Rusk crossing the plate in the first session. 'IlheLir big innings came in the second stanza, when seven runs came in, only Rusk and Warnica fzniling to tally. Meanwlhile Mu'dh.urst were keeping; well up in the running.` They were blanked in the opener, but got ve runs in the second ses- sion. Neither team crossed the plate in the third innin,9;s, Barrie being; put out 1, 2, 3 solely by the efforts of Spence in left eld. M. Wattie got his second run of the evening in the fourth, while Cameron, Robertson and VVarniica divided the honors for B' Score 12-6. The fth in- n-ings went scoreless, but Midihurst showed their ability in the sixth, when they nabbed eight runs, keep- ing the home team out of the scor- ing` column at the same time. They fa-iled to score in the last innings, however, while Morren scored and Rusk stole home to tie the score. For the season s curtain-raiser the grame was good and the brand of ball snapp_v. A fair number of] fans rolled around the chicken wire and the visitors even managed to se- ure a contingent of the fair sex to come and boost their cause. The teams were : 11- IL... .4 1\If.J A.-in n" T luavvinfi`. TL teams were : c,` 1. Marriott 1),. Brown 1b, H. Spence 2b, M. Wat- tie 3b, J. Torpy s, L. Garvin rf, Pamtenson cf, E. Spence If. `D llnuunn n R 'R.n}";.yf__ r2UULUlDUl| ux, 1.4. -..,u,....\, . Barrie--F. Morten c, son p, R. Cameron 1b, 1 2b, J. Warnica 3b, W. G. Colc-s rf, A. Bates cf, f 11005011 was uaucu uu ..u ____.________?____ Farmers Note-Oo1x1vie pups for sale. 48 Bayeld St, Barrie. 1.3. Robert- O. R. Rusk . Blakecly ss, 11 VI`....f.. 1!- Keep Wednesday, June 10th, open and see some of 0nm1'io s best hanness :horse races at Barrie. Ladies and Ohi1dren s Stockings, 1,000 pai.r--one thousand pair to be given away at half price and less, Santurday, at I-In -n`ter s Store, Bame. Adjt. Raymer of Midland vwilul 717-..-.- -4: +1.. Qnflvnnn A1-ymv ' H Ray have charge 7 J A - _ 1.. D Dbl v nu, - May 17, Midland. ~ lVLl.(lL'd.Ilu. ' The inevitable has happened ! On Wednesday atitrenoon Cliff. Car1ey s old bozLt1houJse, east of the Mulcaster St. wharf, took a beautiful nose dive into the steely blue waters of Kem- penfe1d't Bay. You are cordtiably invited to vtisit `Jur store on Saturday, Monday or V Tuesday, 16th, 181211 and May, when our annual C-hi-Name! Demon- stration takes place. See our advt. in this issue re free offer. Obton H`ardware Co. ~._ - ... . -:1 L Ladies uawn DUWM115 U... A enjoyable euchre in the Busi- Co]-lege rooms. Seventeen tables lled and the prizes were won Iby, Mrs. Goring; 2, Miss Parish; g`ent.1emen, Mr. R. Jay. committee of L.O.L. No. 452 L.O.L. No. 432 are now work- ing` to boost Barrie for the 12th of July celebration in 1926. This year the celebratnion will be held in 001- . ling'w~oo and it is fully expected 1 that Barrie will be chosen for next yccu. Many citizens of Barrie will re- 5.>,'ret to hear of the death of Victor English in Torootn on Saturday last. For a number of years Vic English worked in Barrie and later kept a grocery store here. To his wife, who was Flora Collins, of this town, sym- paibhy is extended. " ' "'--- -43 `(Jam-mllfnn Q [.'wuu_y J1) ............ . Major Kelly of Hamilton, a veteran of four wars, is spending some time in Barrie, staying with his nephew, James Kelly. lVIaj-Jr Kelly, \V`!ll0 is over sixty years of age, has seen much active service in In-cliia, South Africa and other parts. He was for over four years in the great war and carries several medal-s. of the local branch was called for x 3LU\v'V Barrie to inspect the local cadets and Ill ou.uv-.0 . . . . . _ . 1` The chief feature of the meeting of the Barrie branch of the _Ontario Prohibition Union on Tuesday night was the presentation of the report of the Central Executive of the Un- ion. The reporrt laid special em- phasis on a fuller organization, and to accomplish this a special meeting Tuesday, June 2, when, it is hoped, the full membership will be present. Col. McCrim-mvon of Toronto in~ spected the Collingfwood Collegiate Institute Cadet Corps, 95 St1`0l1f_4`, on Wedme~sday afternoon and pro- nounced them the best he had "n- spected this year. But he had not inspected the Barrie C.C. then. This afternoon he comes from Orillia to will he p:rr_=c:-te by a company of .160 strong.-`, and full-edged brass band, seconri to none of its kind in the country. The company is div"dc.-cl in- to 3111` platoon-s, one of wihich 33 signal corps, and a squad st1'etcl:or-bca1`ers with four r. (4 of fully equipped stretchers. `HUNTER'S VOLUME OF BUSINESS SALE HAS BEEN A HOWLING SUCCESS Wvan*ted-Ambi~tious man for clean, pleasant work. Remuneration ty dollars weekly. Must have $300 cash and be capable of bossing him- self. State age, occupation, address and telephone. Box C., Advance, Barrie. LOCALS h.ayIuex' nu Auuxuuuu rargc of the Salvation Army in Barrie on Sunday next, and Capt. Sparks goes to I have attended it. None were dis- appointed with the wonderful bar- gains o`ered. Please come early. Last Saturtlay night it was simply impossible for us to half wait on the crowds of eager customers. We are not going` out of business; we -..., .....L .....z.-.... .-.n+ r,:4'+n\- hnainnl:-z" \ Ask the crowds of people who I nor, go-111-,; uuu u; uuannnuna, vvu are just going out after business." Our prices are gexting it for u.-". "Lame volume--sma1l prot, that's our me-thod. Every article backed by a sterling repurtation of thirty ears of fair dealing`. Come earl 37 V .1 .. .: .. .. `'`-u:IS 6 ct `hi 0' rl hive. whi rah years 01 12111` llC411lll`5. uvun. .u._y (Luring this rst; big dnive, which` ends Saturday night, May 16. Bar- gains throughourt the whole store- basememt, first oor, second oor. Come and save. Hunter's Clothing Store, Barrie. The Northern Advance June July Firemen vs. mwams. . \ 3-Cla`ss1cs vs. Shoe Fac t.ory. Soldiers vs. Bankers. 4--Merc.h~ants vs. S.t1wo1~1ers. Allandale vs. Soldiers. Firemen vs. Shoe Factory. 10-Kiwanis vs. Y..M.`C.A. Classics vs. Bankers. 12-Stro!llers vs. Kiwanis. Y.M.~C.A. vs. Swhoe Factory 17-Fi~remen vs. Bankers. Classics vs. A`li:.ln(i'd.iC. Soldiers v.s. 1\IcrchanfLs. 19--Shoe Factory vs. Strollers. Alllvandale vs. Firemen. 24--Bankers vs. Y.M.C.A. Classics vs. Merchan~`os. Soldielws vs. Kiwanis. 26--Y.M.C.A. vs. Sti-.ol'.ers. B-ankers vs. Allamlale. Firemen vs. G--Merc`lianrts vs. Kiwanis. Shoe F-aotory vs. Allamlale 10--Strorllers vs. Classics vs. Y.l\'I.C.A. Bankers vs. Merchants. Classics. Firemen. 13-Soldiers vs. Classics. Kiwanis vs. Shoe Factory. 17--C`lassics vs. S'llers. xr1|.rrI A Q+ 1-n].l rn-Q l BARRIE SOFTBALL. LEAGUE SCHEDULE FOR 1925 Grand : Women s Hall on V 15-Strollers vs. Bankers. Solcliefs vs. Shoe Fadoory.` 20-Fireme'n vs. Merchants. Olassitcs vs. Kiwanis. Y.M.C.A. vs. Allandale. 29--S`t1'-ollers vs. Allzmdale. Y.M.C.A. vs. 1\Ierchant,s. Firemen Kiwanis. "` -~- (*1. ..\- I1`nml>nuu WORK WANTED Reliable laundry maid wants work. I will work for you night or day or day or night. I will work for you without pay. I am tireless and need no rest. They call me Miss Sim- plicity, the Dependable Electric Washer. Phone 552 for demonstra- READ THE ADVERTIS`-3MEI\'TS. Musicians Beautiful Girls - Girls - Girls DON'T MISS THIS Also our usual Picture Ground F1001: - Plus tax Balcony Children ?1-ices : 476 Three More Days OF the Salewz BIRTHS I COULTER-O-n Wednes(la_\', May 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coallte-1', of Thornton, a son. GUMABLY-O11 Thursday, May 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Gumbly, Essa St, a HAMILTON- L . `II... pl tion. VVomen's Dresses, Suits and Coats At TumbleDown Prices And a Special Offering of _WMi' Millinery At SaleCompell'ing Prices DON'T MlSS lT-~there's choice to suit the most exacting, and every garment offered at a bug saving Notice to Ratepayers in Arrears of Taxes IIIIBIVV ow ---v...`. _.d , Ratepa_Ve1's who are in en-1-ea1-S of 1z1.\'(us are notiecl ll1a r ilmnedi-a1:c steps are b0i11g taken to collect all the faxes and st1'oct oiling 1'at(>s duo the town. To a`\'0i(l the (>xpo11sc and m1n0_\`;1n(`-0 of (>11 r'u1`<-(`(1 col- lection it is 110ccssu1'y to make ])z1y111e11t at om-,0. 'A. W. SMITH, H ` ` ` """ "I"-v-no 5111-or Geo. Vickers Ltd. .J.4L;* V... -and Mrs. (laughter. Bi11`1`i(?, 3.[a_\f 13th, 1925. uu .u\ desidel READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS.` MR.ST_AMY_A_WO0D\ `I I CATALANO, of Toronto Hosiery Specials BOTH FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Within the 1-\_I 10 or 12 days and will carry all kinds of fruit. Satisfaction and a Square Deal for _ Every One. i Your patronage will be appreciated WATCH FOR OPENING DAY N-On Wednesday, May 1'. and Mrs. T. Hamiltbn, , a son. 1 Monday, May 11, to Mr. 5. C. Kett, Charles St., a VVl1arru.u|, ugcu u-x 3...... on Tuesday to Stroud DEATHS `The well known Fruit Man will open a IN BARRIE AT v1c1g=,j Violinist Grand Opera House VVi11 accept a limited. num- ber of pupils. For appointment call phone 1056. Valuable Residential Property in {the- Town of Barrie. ' Saturday. May 30th, 1925 at one o clock, p.m., 1 the following propenty : The easter-~ ly 120 feet of Lot 18, on the west E side of Bayeld Street, in the said `Town of Barrie, according to regist-` '- ered plan number 135. r\.. 4.1.- .....',1 -n1~rc.'r\a1'-+17 `H-urn-0 i: said Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort- gage which will be procluced at the time of sale, there will be offered for` sale by Public Auction, by W. A. McConkey, Auctioneer, at the Queen's Hotel, -Barrie, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1925- ereu plan numuur 1.ou. On the said property there is said to be erected a good seven-Iroomed brick clad house, with summer` kitchen and garage, water and elec- tric light. mi... .~..., viii ha n*'nvmi Sink` mc ugm. The p1*opert_v will be offered sub- ject to a mortgage securing $1700.00 and to a re`serve bid to be xed by the vendor. ... , _, 1___ __1_. \.`llC v \. uuu; . Terms: 10 per cam. on day of sale and balance within thinty days. . Full pavticulans will be made known at the time of sale, and in the me`an~time may be learned on ap- pl-icaztion to Wuhan R: Fnhln. 12-1-1 MORTGAGE SALE ul. Lauscu, Solicitor for the Vendor, D_. VVIH DU `Hutu av ;4........ `May 26, at 9.30 a.m.,to hear and determine complaints of appemants (duly received) against the assess- g merit roll o_f the said township, of ?wihch notigze you will be governed ' accordingly. I n-,.I.......m Nfnv 12.

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