Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 14 May 1925, p. 6

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a.-\:;u:\rn.ra:vb.IvovvuL'v'-A uuuu uuc gsiluuw to the Innisl School Fair be $20 or 1925. vs .11 an . no its nsahu-ral course to get an outlet other than across Mr. H:un:ter's lrzmd. Motiom anus.-ca nu. Jillls luv.1.e`;ie-`-Reynoltiia-'-That `the Olerk I.-:a*.-zzy the c.-ma. to repair the l.......:...... .. n... an .. .........n .....s :uuun um-u vvvv Alnalnain Reynol--Amold-Jmut the .C-leak be in.mmcwdt.onoi1:!vyJu.Bazry%o ..l.|.I I_'... .__...-.._A. __ KL- L_.l_.. U0 u&uAIIouvcI.| uu u'vnI.L',y Dunc `Jun;-1`; UV uzilllriaagreement retuhebridgv --.l -...J -5 Pill-..-._. h-....L -5 `-44 uuualu HA1 C5513`:-nxclru IV was vtulsv and road -at Xdlhrney Beach at ome. Finance Oaumuitae Reoommemied puymum: or! the fol- lowing wcoruma: X Cl! -\L--- .A.--_ L!II_.I I... .1-.. IIJVV lug tapuglzuua - W. `I . `Nixon, dheep killed by tings, 320; W. H. (hmpbe, sheep killed and. Injured. 816:" Municipal Worid, weelnity reputa, $10.80; llumieipn! `men. to County 'l`beu., 93, mum}: `V_--...l_ .1 GE. l`VL_- '5`. -I-A.-5 lurclau VII \I|IlIll-Ila] stunt:-9 VIII-y uluuqn phard-.3, 84.7-5: Chas Wine,` dxeop v-ll-uex, 81.00;. Husuhhy Oonndl. sheep ulnar, 81.90; L. `Stuart, --_-..._.`, ..___+. _ Jun. Anderson. pat:-cmmn. 85.00; W. R. Raddick. gavel tel-In 32.50: Entry Rdnon. putzrolnun. 88.50; Wm. hnnib, team, $2.50: Wm. Juh, mining atoneu, $8; Roy Beauty, road Supt, 382; Ernest bowidt, uniting qulvewt. $1.25; Anhlnlr Ewen. l 1Bir- ing cuhen, $1.25; Jon. Metutfe, grading, 030; John Solnun, repair- ing gndor, 825.15: Percy `Exemp- son, $8.25; Bert Hniblbet. $23.50; l.A._ III.L....- .----.I GO Eh. X I U'VLI' fuouv. Liv-ru a.lIluIUc'uvp wuuovv. loam Wulune, gravel, $8.50; W. J. Leanmad. lrreskiug roads, $1.50; Funk Green, breaking moods; 7-Sc; Iaunbent Wice. ahovelling mom and dragging, $10.75; Sum. Wsrniea, dhove-Ming and breaking roads, 815.50; Corrugated Pipe Co.. cul- Ivents. 819.25; I-`rank Fell, wire fence, IOAA 0:. El...) IIIAH1. -uI~~u.-Iuicu- --..A .&UI&U. Kuhn. xv, wanw Avwvc, 3246.35; Fred Webb. ploughing and ihovelling roads, $4.75; Jae. Bow- man and Harry Cu-vol, $1.75; 'l1'w\o graders, $150: Can. Ingot Iron 00., $300; VunNorman, $88; Thou. Hayes. wire fence, 814. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. Reynuold-5-Stewwant--'I`hat bhe gram -. AL- 1'.....:...AI Q41......l 9-}- L- DOA A-.. District News -Recommended the payment. of the Azgpl-- -QQA'|lQb_ o The Northern Advance DONATIONS TO CHILDREN'S | SHELTER DURING APRIL` The Executive to the following remembrance of 1 Shelter : nrv n ,,, ,1 117 1 ' Ovenden College, DJIIUILOL - Miclhurst W.I., bag potatoes, 81/. diozen e-g';g`s`; A. W. Wliitby, dozen plains laces; Mr. D. Beasley, 4 bags potatoes; Minesing W.I. (84th line), jar fruit, jar pickles, 13 dozen eggls, 13 jars fruit, 4 bags potatoes, box apples, pie, cash $1.50; Mrs. Ham- mond, Angus, parcel boy s o`1oth=ing'; A. W. Whitby, pair boots, new; Mus. ; McDonald, small boy -s clothing; Mrs. 1 McCa~be, basket carrots, baswkent pars- nips; Mrs. Jolm McDoug'all, 2 pies, tarts, dozen eggs, box fancy biscuits; clotliirhg, shoes, hats`; Mrs. Harper, basket carrots; Clowes W.I., 2 bags potatoes, 5 jars fruit, 3 dozen eg'_ets, piece of bacon, 1 lb. butter, 3 boxes cookies, quilt; Miss McConkey, 4 jars fruit, loaf bread. camly; Hil1 s Bakery, 4 dozen - hot cross buns; Br_v.=.-on -s Bakery, 3| `pies, 3 trays, French pastry; Mr. L. ' Wingrove, bag` potatoes; Mrs. Lati- mer, Evereitt, 25 lbs. dried apples, basket russets; Mr. Bertram, 2 bags potatoes; Hill :s Bakery, 4 dozen Clielsea buns; Mrs. P. Moran, 4 jars- fruit; Miss Brock, bag apples. `K7,. 'u ru1rVA .....n.&-A-(`ml +n Han nllit-nuz. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Ross Block, Barrie, Ont. LL LLIU AVLIQJ JJLUMII Vvub LIIJIIILLVI We are also gra-teful to the editors of county newspapers for g'c-nerous space announcing` our need of good homes for children, 1'esu`.ting' in plac- ing` or replacing of fouvteen. -4-211 ....-.n.l I-ut\\'\`\r\u nub u). :.\.1uu\..-uh \lA. .;uu.-nu... We are still ncedin:.;' good homes for several small boys, aged from ve years to cigw11t or ten. Inquiries -1. 4.1.- C ..... 1... \`\`In:` ...:I"l Ln Avx. _y\.a.uu vv \...,uu u; ..,u. ..u1\.....\... at thn. Shelter or by mail will be c-hee1`fu1-`1_V answered. W. J. Justice, secretary, Box 914, Barrie. An editor approached St. Peter atl` the Golden Gates and handing` him a ` long list of delinquent subscribers, said : Look this list over carefully and see if any of these fellows have sneaked throu_e=h t/he pearly gates. No, said St. Peter, there are none of them inside, but a fellow slipped 11l1roug`h here the other day who took the paper for a year without paying for it and had the postmaster mark it `refused, but we are after him and when caugvht he will be conwsig'ned to the place where he properly belongs. ` H-e .is meaner even than the dol-in- quenut subscriber, and heaven is not : his home. Mr. Wm. H,ol`~t an old resident of Hi`1]1sd`a1e, passed away on Sunday, May 3. He was 83 yeans of age and had been active up till a. year MEANER THAN A DELINQUENT 2 Board are grateful 9; for their generous ` the children in the 1 4.4 BEER ON TAP MAY 21,- l I FINAL REGULATIONS IMADEI Following a Cabinet meeting on Friday afternoon last, the Ontario Government finally approved the regu1.atiorns for the sale of 4.4 beer. On Satu-rday morning: the Lieutenant- `G,overnor signed the Order-in-Goun- cil, and announcement is made that the new beer will be on sale May 21. The re'g~ulwations are as outlined in last wek .s Advanc. The regula- tions provide for the sale of beer b_v breweries, standard hotels, restaur- an-ts and grocery shops. Breweries must pay a license fee of $200, their warehouses a fee of $50, and all other interests must pay fees of $10. Fees of $1 must be paid for each employee eng'a{.>:ed in the sale. Breweries from outside the Province ` must pay :1 license fee of $5,000 for transactin`_e' business in Ontario. Sale in clubs must be to club members only. 1,,,,, _i,, win ,,:,,,,,L._, L,,, .,,, 3...! In-specter Etherington has received [some 600 applications for `pe1-mits from persons calling: at the License Board pren1ise;<, while several thousand applications have come by mail. A-pplication forms are being` sent out and on1_v those who ll these lforms-in will be 5:ra11te(l licenses. Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Office and Residence-Cornr Eliza-3 beth and Bradford S cs., Barrie. ` Phone 105. Office Hours-9-10 a.m., 1-3 pm., '7-R n_m_ NATIVE VILLAGE GREETS SON HONORED BY CHURCH ;u\. vALu\|Aoua. The church at AcLja;ha-mi(lwxayl between T.o otenha.m and Atthl-one-% where he reception was `held, was ned long before the services began with old friends and neighbons of lthe newly consecrated Bishop. -ght for evety car _____ During 1924 the Canadian Co- operatiire Wool Growers Association sold 2,600,000 pounds of wool, mak- ing a total of 25,343,504 pounds handled since its organization seven years ago. Wool was first exported in 1922. Filings on 011 land in South Al- berta are drawing near the E.P. ranch, owned by the Prince of Wales. The ranch is said to lie on a Benton outcrop and portions of it may have been staked out by oil seekers be- fore the spring is far advanced. v- ---uwww Here and There Caribou are coming back to New Brunswick, says the Chief Game Warden of that province. This is regarded as a testimony to the pro- tective methods employed by the guides who are fully aware that the best means of protecting their live- lihoods is to see that hunting of big game is not carried to excess. Relgtions between France and England were never more cordial than they are to-day, said Hon. W. C. Nichol, Lieut.-Governor of British Columbia, interviewed on his return to Canada from a visit to France. Referring to his own province His Honor said there was every indica- tion of British Columbia being swamped with tourists this year. Lauchlan McLach1an, of Toronto, after serving nearly fifty years on the employ of the Canadian Pacific Railway has been retired on pension at his own request. He was pre- ` sented at leaving with an embossed i address and gold watch and chain, which were handed to him by B. W. { Scott, superintendent of Toronto Ter- minals, on behalf of his friends and 1 associates. | DRS. LITTLE & VLITLFLE, PHYSIC- inns, Sin-rrpnnzz, OH-`mp and Ragi- l The Prince of Wales, just before setting out for his tour of South Africa and South America, took a lightning trip to the Wembley Ex- hibition grounds. His Royal High- ness was especially delighted with the children s section of the Park, Treasure Island, the main attraction of which is a Canadian Pacific model train in which the kiddies will tour :1 , 1-\-,I_:__ 1! blnl nu vvnuvu the Rockies. O The Canadian Pacific S.S. Mont- royal" docked at New York recently after her second and dfinal West In- dian cruise of the season with a veritable zoo on board, collected by passengers and to be taken inland as souvenirs. It included 600 per- rots, and love birds, several monkeys, a deer and a Mexican tiger. Some of these are destined for various . l\---:l- L3__ 2.. OI. ulwuc -nu Ilwuv cities in Candi. THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1925 "\u' IUNALU HUEE, Lh.b., DAn.n.La- ter, Solicitor, etc. Masonic Tem ple Building, Barrie. Money to loan. DR. VICTOR A. HART, GRADUATE of Trinity University and also graduate of Edinburgh and G133- gow. Specialty, stomach diseases. Olce, corner Bayeld and Wor- Iloy Sta. Entrance o Worlley. nn nnnn until 3 mm. yaw -vw v- -.- SURGERY AND DI8li'}:A`E8 OF WOMEN Associate Connor. County of Sheet Phone 61. 0cI--63 Collie! 8!. . Omen Hours: 8-9 um. 13.80-2 p;Il., 6.80% pa. (.,A.Ul5lV 11. U RD 1. oz n.nLu.m Barristers, Solicitors, etc. 1st oor Masonic Temple ing. Money to loan at rates. VICTORIAN ORDER 0!` NUBSI3. nan-3. II-am-In Min Home Munro. 930?. D. I. WIIL TEACHER OI Innn and Violin. Plan: TIIBQL Page Six GI Illnaboll St. P5019 IO R. TEACHER 0! 'Callo. III ..---. PERCY HOADLIY IS PREPARED to an 3 llnltod number ct -Inn: ll Qh luhll Orllll. ISTEN 6: lS5'J.'J1JN, 15A1uuo1mw Solicitors in High Court of Jus tice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oice, 1st oor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten and M. H. Esten. HIIRDRETI-I F. LENNOX. A.T.C.M. Touch of Piano Pupils prepared for Toronto Conner- -gtnpw Ernllinlom in HIIIO rupm pruputau av: Lvlvuvv -....._...r vatory Examination: in 8 North St. Barrio. Plano VI Ll. I. lvlI.\.vI.rr|n\a, gun. Successor to Creswicke &. Bell IJIIIIDGFII HFTBCVS. \ UPPOBIDI Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. I ma. m1'1'm:. oz 1.u`1'1.n.', rrumu- ians, Surgeons. Office and Resi- dence, 47 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m., '7 to 9 p.m., or by appointment. A. T. Little, M.D., W. C. Little, M.B. Phone 9122 I`88l(1en6 comer OI 'l.`0l'0!ll3O 8110 Elizabeth streets. (Opposite Illiznhnth St. Methndint `Church! rRoi'ESsibAL CARDS l. lVlUII.l.'.l1V1l`.aI$l.l1UJ.V, LIZ DIJUUII St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, 1st Saturday of each month. Diseases-Eye, E Nose and Throat. Consultatio hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. JV]. 11 2123." HS. 11. '1'. AICNALL, Ul"l."1U!.i ALVU residence comer of Toronto and I1-nlnuik annnbu I nnnnnifn y ll. IIIIIXIIICB 011 Once open until 8 p.m._ YICTDRIAN uaum: U!` Numuia. Barrie Brunch. Miss Irene Munro, 80 Won-deny St. Telephone 751w. `INC -CIIIIIII OX TIIUIIVI UCT" 0! Iain sad-Ac! duo Unl- vntoty vanity of `hronto. 118 Want jtvnnl: Plnnn I08. RICKY ITHIITI VIKI- Gold Iodnlln 0! `hunch Coun- anggou n0 H-ah: and--of flan mi. rxor. D. I. want. Tmwunn u: Ham and Vlolln. Pin. Tunas 11 Collier It. Phone 518. EDMUND RABDY. HUB. IAVG: I.'l'.C.I. Tucker 0!` Plano. or -an 17...! -II` allnli ThnII_ 'I`.I'UIKO- 'VOl'IIl7 ox strut; Phone 608. DONALD ROSS, LL.B., .BARRIS- fnv Rnlinifnr pt:-, `Masonic Tem I. W. BYLVIBTIK. Tmnunun um Piano, Violin nd 'Collo. 110 Buynold St. Phone 074'. vgudnnto`-Cv;nIdl|n 3;!-VIII V Cullen. Toronto. Ofce, Ros; MORTIMER LYON, 122 BLOOR it, Wash, 'I"nrnnf.n_ will hp at 9| Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan DR. E. G. TURNBULL D. F. McCUAlG, B.A. o. Ii. wax. omo. GORDON ppomn BI. apouuuun u -duction. Phone luv. RADENHURST & HAMMOND. Rgvriufnrc: etc. Oice. 7Ti\W7fT.EWiT voesl can nuuou `run of am sad chollnutor n.-'- `Dnnnhilndnn hno uuiiiiuouf 5 LEGAL MEDICAL 7)}}iEAL unuloa nunur on the following: Organ. d sine. Studio. 40% Ingglnll-h an -`Una Block, Barrie. LONGMAN BAR- a Public, I to loan current of-v-n of STEWART & STEWART, risters, Solicitors, Notaries and Conveyancers. Money 1 in any sums at lowest 1 rates. Office, 13 Owen Barrie. D. M. Stewart. LY]. U 1V 1) Ofce: Build- lowest C1l!`I'eI11 street, INNISFIL COUNCIL MEETS AT THORNTON Mr. W-m. Wwonch also appeared before the council and solicited some of the town-shiip"s culvert work for the Federal Co. He was inform- ed that all the culvent work in view at preslenvt had already been given out. W. C. Randall of Painswrick.ten(1- cred a $40 offer for the townsliips wood at Big Bay Poinst, but as this- was the second time in.-succession ttlmvt only Mr. Rancl|al1 s tender had "been received, the council were un- able to accept it. Chas. W-ice, sheep Valuer, report- ed that on 23rd Wm. T. Nixon, Con. 13, had a sheep killed by (logs valued at $20. '1`imot1my Oonnchl reported that on May 4th (logws had asttacked W. H. Campbell's flock, lot 2, Con. 7, kill- in_: one valued at $10 and inj111'in;2f zmothcr at :1 Boss of $5. Both of those wc.1'e accepted and embodied in the nance 1'epo1'~t. Communications in Ci111`;'1`O of the Department of Re- fomstzmtiion, wrote the council that two years ago and liaszt _vo2u' the Dc-pa1*tmemtha planted trees for the townsliip on its p1'opert_v. The work on the phot on the Highway had been completed, but the pi:anting' on the community p2u'k was still in- complete. The w1'ite1' wanted to knmiir if it was the wish of the town- ship council that the depantment; should roforest the rest. of the park. T1.` _. L1,. _____.1_ ___-._I.I 1.....- ! 4... V"... Anthur H. R`iC11:'.1l`(iiSOY1, Fo,reste1' Icnvuul L\|\.-1\a mu. ;~..w If so, the work would ceed wi/min a week. R. C. M-uir, Chief En5.}:ineer of Municipal Roads, sent. to the coun- cil a statement showing` in (lectxail the expendi`tu1'c carried out upon the Innisl roads (luring 1924. The townsh-ip s total gnant on the work` amounztrzd to $2,648.86. The state- ment follows : Total amount of state- l ESTEN & ESTEN, BARRISTERS` q..1:..:+m.a in Hio-h (`.nnr1'. of Jus ment ...............$1316G Road construction 825 Bridge construction .......... .. 11397 Maimtenance and repairs..... 11278 Less receipts . 118 Machinery .. 84 Total ........................................... .. 12188 Amount of grant (20%)... 2437 Superinrtendamce ................... .. 528 Amount of gram; (4()%)... 211 Total grant ............................ .. 2648 Receipts .............................. .. 118 Amount disalslowed for snow shovelslinsg and one- half the work on the `boundaries On April llrhh Isaac Soo-tit, chair- man of the Equalization of Assess- ment Committee of the County, wrote enclosing a 1-191; -of the num- ber of properties recently sold in the Innisl municipality, showing ' A +11". ....1.1.: run: .... .. .. .-.-......--.. ....+ -.... -.......... ...........,.........,, ......,....., J.`t)he -seltlinxg price and anessrnent value in eadh case. The list was the one that had been prepared by the Equalization Committee, which, when Cugfloo an-Jun) _.l.1.I lg...` LI... L_...:_ ..l (DJ-IIAGIUIVIII V.l\IJII-Illlblrccy .vVIl.u.Iu, IIIIICII ;!J;:;i1ry revised, will orrm the basis of I .._.:..AI!._ A.-__;.:-_ L-. xL_ __.__.___ 1-.. uuann-.5; suvuvcu, WJAI uuxuu uuc uoilln OIL Innisl'ra taxation by the county for aome years. Mr. Scott advise-d the council to consider the list and. .lL_L-.I LI__L :_ _._,_ -_._. ._A ya vac wsaccu uyuu. \auu-nyunuuuno might be lad with Mr. Soomt up to May 9th. In reference tohe above lethtrer `I. tV...A.|. _ _ A.__LL ,,_. _- A __ vv-uuzyu vv I-vusuuc-L uuc uau aulu stated that in any case where an - `nFv`1' had been either as to scaling price or nsesmnent, then either the vendor or puamhaaer might appear bafore the ooumnimtee in Bar- nie and establish under oath the true ____- -.__,_| .._ II__-_.I._!`4, u-xu ma-ova: wuvlws '5 unnatural vac UM Aqacril 2861:, saying that if oomd were accompanied by an nludavit by tho vendor or purchaser givinu all the ` xllrtziuuirgs in connection mm: tho dad, such pamom wottd not need to ` appear batons. the eounuihhee. M . _ so Va nun-uuusp rug-aauuuuunnn AI?` pteanmadnivo for South Shnuoq mute making the comma to make tn in- aregsa over its usual gram of $15 per school hit. In 1924 97 schools cook put in the a sdlool has put on in South Stance. 8107 dsdl-an Md received eggs and seeds, sud LL--.. -u._` ARAB -_ab.-:.- `L hI.- `-1-- j lVlpIE VQQI Inn: 9570!? DIN! there were 4998 um-ies M: the hits. R. G. Hunter. arm! at luta 78, 'Mand76utCeduPo'mtwroauhmt laatuliheindciearedamdlevuled 1,9, 1.;, ,. ,-,,,1n_-_LI_ ,._.,__, _-.I ALEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES sor to Lennox. Cowan & Brown. Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will. _9:u:1rdi:1nship and administration. and General Solici- tor, Notary. C-on\'eynnce1', etc. Money to loan. Oices: Hinds` Block, No. S Dunlop street. av 41-. uoo-nuu in-o uvvu-vu Irlautg-at considerable expense andl ...-_ ...__..n- .....4I __ LL.-. UH-..'.. uvw-u 54121 vnunuu D spring tlwt.w::;` 1xu:;een undone`; a stream at water from the aulavent oppuai/ca his land, which brought all 53.; --ntnu GnA-- I-I... .-.uub'l. ng-nan 1'6 uyyuu-vu nun I-um; wnbuun vs-vi-gun can the water horn hhe south across it. `L__ ._..._.,4;,; L`_L LL, __,__ uuv vvu-u-on nnnvun any av`-nu wwavunv Inn `me write: suggested tlrnt the coun- -:I ........ ML. .41....` - cum. 4.. LL- Aux vvcuvcs UQWBUV-A will uuv uvlsu` oil move the unvext a lime to the __-.4 _- L`__L LL- _._A-_. _____a_I A__ Ina uqvvw unuw vuavvvu C llnlulv vv vuw west so at the water would now slormgthez-oad imohhehke. Unless this was done it would be impocai.-he to keep his land level. .4 In "(V131 Ehe -above connnunicaon, Mr. Roy Beutmie, road supertintendaeut, muted that Mr. El-L... L3-1-...lJ ...L.-...l.I I... -11.`--...I 5.` Ivwu wuywluuvoaulcuhg HIZVGM uxv Anus- Hun-tar himself should be alto ed to ___.-___ 4.1.- -__|._..A A1,- L.-._ lI.l_ nan-urn: uuuucuu uuvulru vw Iuavvvwu Irv ' . move the culvgnt under his (Mr Beo.l:ie's) direction, as it would be neoeaary to take the nut out of (Continued Irom page one) -. BOYS & BOYS. BARRISTERS, Solicitors, .\ ot.z11-io.< Public. Con- veyancers. etc. Mon-:_\' to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 13 Owen street, in the promises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Oico, Elmvale, Ontario. W. A. Boys, 1{.C., 1\I.P., J. R. Boys. v;. mu, 1....... have to pro- m$13166` U. 825` N . Robert Rowat, the oldest rc-sidenrt of Fl-os township, passed away at the age of 91 years. Mr. Rowat was the rst white child born in Elos and lived on the farm where he died for 63 yeans. - The total assessment of the town- ship of Nottawasaga, according; to the rohl completed by Assessor Geo. Smith, is $2,678,140, and -the popu- _ lation 3821. Nottaxvasaga is among the highest assessed townships in the Province. The Alliston Herald came out last week an all home print eigvhjt-`page paper. The merchants and bwsiness men of Allistyon are well represenltecl in the a(1vc1't.ising' columns of the Herald and editor F. B. Elliott is de- serving of their supmpovt. 1VI.1'. and Mrs. Thos. Sykes of Mnoonstone, Medontc, recently cele- brated the sixty-eig:11ith anniversa.-ry` of their wedding". Mr. Sykes has en- trered his ninety-rst year and Mrs. Sykes her eighty-cig'l1t11 year. Both are shill enjoying` ren1:u'kab1_v good healtah. I The corner stone of the new Col- lingwood Collegiate Institute will be laid on F1`l(ila_V afternoon. May 15, and 21 ne p1'og'1'amme will be given. The pleasant duty of laying` the corner stone is assignetl to Mr. W. Williams, B.A., who was the first principail of the COl|lll'1,g'VVO0ll Col- Ilcgiate. Mr. Sligihft near Cookstiown was relieved of a sum of money on Fri- day, May 1st. On the road home he was hailed by `two men in a big` car. One inquired the road to Gilford. While doing` so the other man slip- ped `around and hit Mr. Slig-:l1 on the head with a Sandbag`. "I`he_v the-n relieved him of all the money in his pants pockets and left him. When he revived Mr. Sliglirt was able to proceed home, but he could not identify his assailants. The contracts for the erection of the extension to Oriilia Colilegziate all go to outside rms. Tohe genenal contract for the erection of the new building` goes to Fred Cubbidzge of Toronto, whose tender was $46,800; phurnbing and heating` contract goes to T. Forster of Toronto at $13,- 387; the electric light work goes to Robinson & Robinson of Hami-lrton at $1,565. For the construction work Cwbnbidige had the lowest tender, there being thinteen in all, the high- est being $75,516. 4vuu- ' -Stews:-t--Reynd1ds-- ha.t Mr. `.4. estewanb be paid $2 for mom rent I... -mu-`.31 -._.-"._.. `CI-)R. H. T. ARNALL, OFFICE AND rmdnnnn on:-nor nf Tnrnnfn and

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