Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 16 Apr 1925, p. 9

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ZPage Eighg Alex. Milne & Sons 5zuzu'y zulu l:.\.yI:Lu:1u.u.. ` A. W. SMITH, Town Clerk. Boys Suits at Clearance Prices 150 Men s Suits at Manufacturer's Cost and Less A. W. Smith, Town Clerk. 1 $10.50 $15.00 $18.00 $21.00 $25.00 SIZES 35 TO 44, with Special Models for Stout Men ON SALE APRIL 17 FOR MEN AND BOYS Noteie is hereby given that all crulitors and others liaving claims '.1s._;`:1inst the Estate of l\'Ia.1'g'a1_'et S:-nnpson, late of the Town of Bar- mie, in the County of S'mcoe, Widow, are required on or before the Seventh day of I\'I:1_\', AZD., 1925, we send by post prepnid or to \lC" liver to the umlersignml at Banie, Ontario, Solicitors for the said iistute, their full names and z1(l es, :'1 full statement of their claims, =-!ul_v V01`l(_",n, and the nzitme of the St :(`1ZliT._\', if any, held by them, and lthut al.'te1' that (late the Executnrs ywill proceel to the as of the said Estate am-onfz the parties :entitle(l thereto, having 1'eg`a1'(l only Ito the claims of which they shall then have had notice. I I x l Special Children s Matinee, 15c I Dated at Barrie this Seventh (lay! of April, A.D., 1925. | Stewart & Stewart, .Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for Executors.` 1 Notice is hereby given that all persons having` any claims or de- mands against the estate 'of Thomas Muir, late of the Township of Essa, in the` County of Simcoe, farmer, de- ceased, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersign- ed, solicitors for the executors, full particulars of such claims, together with their names and addresses and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. 1111 PL _, ;v,_ NOTICE TO ICREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the 'I\homas Muir. .... .. ..._, ....-.... And take notice that after -the Twenty-Fourth day of April, A.D., 1925, the said Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the estate of thel said deceased among the persons en- ltitled thereto, having: 1`eg'a1' only to the claims of which they shall `then have had notice, and they will not be liable for -the said estate or any` part thereof to any person or per- sons of whose claim they `shall not then have received notice. Dated at Barrie this 8th day of Aprli, 1925. It is estimated that 87 per cent. of those who pity themselves 11aven d; '...L;ch d;c to du. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAILORING Radenhurst & Hammond, Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. -;u\.vuu.:, un.u-u.u -.-_v -un. um- Royal Cock. Winners wherever shown. $2.00 per 15. E(l_Q'ar Thomas, Box 711, Barrie. Phone (511-23. . S-G 1 --------*?-j---? S.C. Anconas, headed by the 41211 .-.n nn , 1' 711, Bum Rich For Sale-Quantit._v of Household Fu1'niture, including` ne gas 1"JJ1'g`L1y-. `practically new; hail rack, couch. white enamel bed with springs and [nmt.trcsscs, etc. C2111 m01`ning`s. 43 i0\\'c-n St. 100 coruls Mixed Slabs at $6 per cord, to any part of town. `Also all kinds of Haul and Mi.\:ed `Wood for sale at .-\tkins0n s Wood `Yard, 217 Dunlop St. Phone 7323'. vv uuu l\ll\ urn..u.. ! CERTIFIED IRISH COBBLERS . FOR SALE Either fully co1*tied extra No. 1 or ' bin run. Prices reasonable. | Wm. H. Day, W-ante(l---Matron, experienced, agc 30 to 50, kind `burt rm, fair educav tion, good health, for County of Sim- coe Children -s Shelter. State where last employetl and send testimonials. Apply to T. T. Young, Barrie. 8-2 lRooms to Let---Tl11'ec room , furn`-T I . E lshed as an apartment, all conven- iences, balcony, central. Apply to R0. Box 192, Bzwrie. 7-1 `WE ARE READY FOR SPRING WORK VJLULOUL LIV]. Vl\J\.I \J\J0 \-9` Gen. Delivery P.O. Phone 855w Ofces at Collingwood and Barrie I !Paper-Hanging and Decoratmg r GOLDIE R. I-IARPEIE -"T Storm Windows, etc., Removed Windows Cleaned I Awnings Supplied `and Erected Carpets and Rugs Renovated and Slmmpooed Chimney Flues Thoroughly Cleaned Try Us for any Cleaning Problem ('1 -__ ___-`I l`I-_____-- IV- One Vshow nightly, starts 8 p.m. ISBIIVITC . '_.__ _.._ _-. ._.___...._-_ _.___ ,, 34 Toronto St. Phone 112w. Box ` Stroud. Phone 8 r 14 Phone us and a representative will call upon you with samplef_.mgIp_P_er' of all the let" ' THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1925 `.4: IV: a _y --.u.--nus . uul General Service Co. DL___. 0 WOOD FOR SALE ru 2 L FURNISHINGS FOR SALE WANTED TO LET Bradford, Ont. 1 n\nva4u . Ground Floorv25c-Ba.1cony 15c Children 10c With Claire Windsor, Bert Lytell, Doris Kenyon, Cullen `Landis. A PEEP INTO THE LIFE OF HIGH SOCIETY FOLK. GRAND ATTENTION PLEASE! And Fifty Fan Favourites BIRTHS % DOBSON--On Uontlzxy, April, 13,; 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Rbdfern} Dobson, Vespra, :1 daughter. [ TORONTO GARAGE Entire Proceeds used for Child Welfare Work of Barrie Kiwanis Club All Re-Bound Controllers for Ford Cars. Free Trial for One Week. PRICE $12.50 FOR'SALE--Baby Grand _Touring `Car, engine just been `over- hauled, has new top `and axde curtains, newly painted, has good tires, speedometer, bumper and stop light, 1925 `license. Ready for the road, $400.00 PHONE 1 161 The Theatrical Hit of the Season AUSPICES BARRIE KIWANIS CLUB Assisted by Best Local Talent . Mondaund T'!?daY Minstrel Frolic 1925--- Repairs Guaranteed 30 Days I.'univc1'. :~.'p<.-111; the ho1i(la_vs at; .\Ii; LL-otu Bauqhman of Toronto`. home. { All Makes of Cars Repaired PRICES : IE: uA5uL|_y, an. PRICES = Aprif 27th and 28th Toronto Garage WANTED--Ford Roadster with Starter. TIRES FROM $6.50 UP Keep the dates ~ 2 8th for the Frolic. Proceeds work. Geo. Anderson was ned $1 and $3 costs in the police court on Mon- day morning for riding` a bicycle on the sidewalk while delivering mail. -- I`: - -n 1'` 1 I1\ Mayor Craig`, Reeve Rusk and De- puty-`Reeves Lowe and Huxtable were in Toronto and vicinity on [Tuesday inspecting various kinds of paving. IV`-n 1--nw nn .1, :,,,,,1 -?9000OOOOOOOOOOOOOQQOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOC 066 A O A 1" ' ---a- Chief of Police Stewart has issued a warning` that any one riding over or knocking over the dummy police- men which were put out two days ago will be very severely dealt with under the law. ~ I I Three Barrie motorists will pay clear for their 1925 markers simply because they kept on using` _their 1924 markers too long`. Rupert Boldt, Cecil Tuck and Wm. Moore were each ned $5 and $3.25 costs `in the police court on Tuesday 1110;11- inp; for contravening; the Highway Act. .--.u. At the meeting` of he Executive of the Chilclren s Aid Society on Tues night Mrs. Averill tendered her resignation as matron of the Shelter. This was deeply reg'retted by the Board, as Mrs. Averill has vvr\\< .\.,.n,.~.-nl .~n+;~4`nn0-inn nu-nl 110:. u_y uu; JIULILII L4...) AVALUI 4;v\,;u. nu...- given general satisfaction and has been a good mother to the unfortun- ate chilxlren under her care. Three more grass res have oc- curred in town since the record set up last week of ve in two days. Last Thursday a grass re occurred south of Ovenden College in a va- cant. lot. On Good Friday a second call gave the re brigade a run to Tifn St. and on Wednesday aft,e1'- noon an alarm was sent in for a small re in the old g'1'g1ve yard east, {of the Court House. l Plans for `a new club house were brought before the executive of the Barrie Lawn Bowling Club 011 Tues- day night. These must be submit- ted to the Joint Stock Co. for ap- .proval. The plan is to move the lpresent building to the centre of the lclulfs vacant lot ,to build verandahs, "at. each end and across the front of Qit and instal up-to-date plumbing`. `The projected building: would meas- ure 60 feet from east to west, and `have 21 9 foot verandah all the way across the front. The cost would be a little over $750. ICOLLIER ST. METHODISTS AND! ` PRESBYTERIAN UNIONISTS I I .\Iornin_2` Service: Mr. Wellwood! Iwill preach. Subject, St. Paul's] IC1OZl.k, Books and Parchments. , . V Evening: Service: Mr. Watt willg zpreach. Subject, Is the Young Man Absolam Safe. Sunday, April 19, 1925 Opera House LOCALS Gasoline, Oil and Grease A cordial welcome. 7 ' L 34 ELIZABETH `ST. ; of April 27th and Kiwanis Minstrex for child welfare ALLANDALE Miss II-Ielen Culnoss was in To- ronto on Saturday. Mr. Vic. Collins of Trinity 'Colleg'e was home `for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mitchell returned to Torovnrto on `Sunday niglmt. l 1m.:-.. 13.4 ... o......1...... -4` vn........+.. ....... uu J.ULU'AA'l/U uu `\JuAAuuJ Alusnuvo Miss Ruby Sanders of Doronto was up from the city for he week end. Mr. D. Macleish of Toronto visit- ed friends here over the week end. 11- 1191 1,, 1 11L..__._.L._,.- _;- rn, cu Axxcuuo nuns. -uvun. mu, vvuun vuu. Miss M.i1dred Humprhrey of To- ronto spent the holiday at her home here. !ur:__ 1'.V__.v__._ T1111 1___ L_`_.__ ;1,, Evelyn Hill has taken the position of assistant to Postmaster S. B. Hinds. ~n,11,-,, 1 1 1 To-Night ' F riday-Saturday u. L1lll\.lD- Mr. N. Praddison, who has been visiting his paremzs here, left on Sun- day for Detroit. `lllfi..- \TALL.. `Ll'....1. -3 VT`........L.. ..v... .. uu_y av; ..IJ\.'v1. uuz. Miss Netta Hook of Toronto was a week end visitor at 42110 home of nher parents on Tifn St. 7\rTam \X7 Txlounlln In-l-`+ nvu T"l-.uu~,lnu ho1i vv\.Iv\| uuu .Lll\. Azuvul/L.u.u uu .L1A\l6|-`V- M1`. and Mrs. J. D. Wisdom and family motored to Toronto on Wed- nesday, 1'0-tunlings: the same evening. 11.. r*........... -1: 13.... Mr. Conway of Bracebridge spent a few days at the 'homc of Mr. and Mrs. A. Osborne, Alfred St, last week. an A 1w~n.. - - I wx,L.n. Mr. A. E. Patterson is enjoying a trip to Ottaxva and Montreal as the guest of Supt. W. E. Wcegar of the (`\VT) \JuA1.AL Mrs. P. Wardman and little (laugh- ter Mary of Detroit were the guests of Mrs. J. Wanlman, Brock St., over the l1olida_V'. `1 xx rvw 77- 1 un- mu. uuuuu_v . M1`. and Mrs. T. Kiser and Mr. and Mrs. Adams of Toronto motored up on Sunday last and called on re- lwtives here. wur I 1: 11* 1.7 1 -n ,0 n1 nun. pg J|L.A\.. Mr. and Mrs. H. Melville of To- ` ronto were the Easter guests of Rev. -R. and Mrs. Melville at the rectm`-y, ` Burton Ave. -n `I -n 1 1.1 I mr,,,:n Miss R. Megill and of Toronto were the and ;\Irs. E. Srigley, i `l the `ho1i I us: 11 (V l\l\ra_-up . Adults, Ground Floor - 47: '1`... 9- LAM: HU|Auu_\ .1. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Stevens and little laughter of Gravcnhurst were the guests of Mrs. M. Newman for the Easter season. `E u 1: A 1,: ,,,1 __., nu; AJLlDL\.'1 .1k,u:,v1A. M1`. and Mrs. A. Luker and son ,wc-re up from Oakville and spent the I week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. EW. Luker, Burton Ave. Eli-.. `LT f`!`|..L..3-6 ..n.I '7\,T:.-u~ \' (`A1 ! Miss H. Gi1ch1'ist and Miss N. Col- } [ins of Toronto were the guests of the |fo1'me1"s mother, Mrs. B. Gilchnist, 1Cumberlan(l St., over Easter. 1 \r- 1' -n_. -1.A, -3 7'I'\-_._._A._ ..._,`. ...., \JV\.L .......-.. Miss K. Poucher of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Holman of Hid- hu1's.t were ho1i visitvors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -C. Poucher. 1 I.......LL.... I i I u . . 'r\ uuuu; U1. 4u1. uuu .u;.;. \Ja 4.v...\.,..\... I : Nlrs. A. Brunton and dau_2'hter, Miss Mabel, of Winnipe_;*, arrived lmro on Tuesday ni;:11~t~from Clark- son, where they have been visitin_g,'. Mi.~'.'< K. I{enne(l_v of the King` Ed- wzxr schoul . left for Acton on Szitulwlay. Miss A. Watson is spend- ing: thc Ezx.'~'tex' vacation at Severn B1'i(`.g'c. `I I \1 Y T\f,`I,A..1,..._ -1` ux u.;._;x.. I Mr. and Mrs. L. Richa1` of !Pct(.-1'bo1'ou5.-"h, with tht-ir children, lure spending` the F.ast(s1' holidays at the home of Mrs. M. Brunton, Ho]- g2;at.0 St. 7|/1.. .~..-..'l Rf: AH-1n Ry-nn+nn nn gnu: M1`. and Mrs. Allan Brunton and children of Toronto were up from the city and spr.-nt the holiday at `the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brunton, Burton Ave._ \;r T 1\,_,!I-__. -1` "A/fZ...!..- .`I..._l uul bun rxvc. Mrs. J. Davidson of Mimico `has been spending` the past. week here as the guest of her mother, Mrs. W. Collins, Cumberland St. Mr. David- lson was also here over Sunday. The steam shovel, which was taken to Walkei"s pit last week, will commence operations there on Wed- nesday and will give employment to three train crews and about twelve men in the Road Dept. The rst hauling` will be to ll in an approach to one of the bridges on the Pene- tang branch. One of the oldest residenrts o-f Oro Township, in the person of Mrs. Fla- herty, pa.s.~'(.- away on Sunday morn- ing` last at Shanty Bay. Mrs. Fla- '.1-rr-ty vms in -her 97;t`.1 year, and lived at Shzmty Bay for the last 71 years. She was born at iK,ng ston. but her early life was .spent in Milwaukee, coming later to Bruce Mines. In 1854 she came to Shzmty EBay, where she spent the rest of her life. She A t\ .. 1.:.\.n.. .i:.m,m:.+:.-m Innr] auill nun -ax. Balcony 35 Children 250 One Show, Starts 8 \p.m. SIN! Splflll. LIIU l'|.`.\L U1 IHTL nuc. b.JlIL. was of `:1 kindly and will long; he remembered for her 1105- pitzllity, always caring; for the poor and needy as far as her means would allow. She was a ndevoted member of St. Thomas church and until a year ago was a constant attendant. [She was -an active worker in the various a.c:t:ivi~ties in connection -Vvitli the church, always willing to do ier part. Her end was peace and her works do follow her. The funeml iwus .llcltl on Tuesday kLfi.ul'll0Ul| Lu` OLD PIONEER OF SHANTY BAY PASSES ON TO HER REWARD The N orthem Advance Mr. A. Megill guests of Hr. 17...... CH. ....,... lMR.STA_NLEYA.WO0D{ Violinist Grand Opera House . \Vi]1 aooopti a limited 1111111-E her of pupils. For appointment call phone; 1056. ' Notice is hereby given that all: c1'editor.< and others l1l\'lll_`_," claims 2l_Q'{llnS*t the Iil.~'.t:1te of Elizabeth Gib~` son, late of the Township of lissa, in the Count_\' of Simcoe, Widow, 1111:. required on or before the 1`wel'1'thl day of l\ Iu_v, A.D., 1925, to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the un(lersigne at Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for said Estate, their full names and addresses, :1 full state- ment of their claims, duly veried, and the nuiture of the security, if any, held by them, and that after :~'z1i(l (late the A(lminist1'a.tors will pro- ceed to distribwte the assets\of the said Estate among; the parties on- titled there-to, 11aving' re_2`ard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. - .. . ..o r. , "AL uuv \. nun |lvvA\a\.- Dated zut Barnie this Fourteenth day of April, A.D., 1925. Stewart & Stewart, Barrie, Ontario, '8-3 Solicitors for Administrators. -L \ vu -.--- -:._ Applications will be received by the umlersigned up till ve o clock in the afternoon of Friday, April 17, for the position of Foreman of Pub- 1:. u1....l,.. run Han 'l`nurn n`F Rn'H'iP. to!` line pusxuuu U1. L'uJ.x:1uu.u u; . ..... lic Works for the Town of Barrie. Duties to commence May 1st. Out- line of dufties may be obtained on application at the Clerk s ofce. State salary and experience.. I H n A `If C'MI'T"l`LT 'T`n-uvn (11014! I Mond y - Tuesd y A Wednesday Owners or harbourcrs of (logs are required to register them at the oflice of the Town Clerk and procure a tag for same not later than May 1st. Afoter that (late rthe by-law will be rigidly enforced. No _further notice! will be given. A w :...:n. I St. Thomas rcemertery, Rev. C. R.` `lip;-.Lcur omclutixna`. J NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS --------_---- MlLNE S ---------- A CLEARANCE SALE OF Ready-to-Wear Suits RREMAN WANTED THESE SUITS IWILL BE GROUPED IN 5 BIG LOTS AT THE FOL- LOWING SALE PRICES- They are made in all the new styles WOI`11 this spring, from fashionable cloths, and Weights that are right for this time of year. All our Boys One-Pant Suits go on sale Friday, April 17th, together with several lines of Two-Bloomer Suits. These suits are all made in the regu- lar way, from imported Tweeds and Homespuns, belted styles, Norfolks and many other fancy and plain models. Bloomers li11ed throughout, gov- ernor fasteners, etc. Sizes 7 to 18 years. ` NOTICE TO CREDITORS CLOTHING A Romantic Drama of Buccan- eer Days bn the Spanish Main with T. WARREN KERRIGAN JEAN PAIGE

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