Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 16 Apr 1925, p. 5

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iicii Asks For PaviniTendersl 266 000 G00 00 $1.75 I (Continued from page one) rent another. In a later deal he had only got $36,000 for the apart- ment house and his travelling` ex- penses he placed at $150. W. J. Latham of Toronto, 21 real estate agent, gave evidence of the exchange deal. F. A. Hammond pleaded the l....-,. COURT IS ASKED To ANNUL MARRIAGE Jutligment was reserved in Ivy Dorothy Cole s attempt to secure an annulment of her ma1'ria{.;e to Basil W-m. Cole. J. R. Boys acted for the plaintiff, R. S. W. Fordham of Nia- gaia Falls for the defendant and T. W. W. Evans for the Attorney-Gen- oral. \r n 117 `II .- n nu--1 Mrs. C. W. Martin, of Midland, mother of the plainti`, said that Cole was a rst cousin of her daug' Ivy. He had come from Eng-'lz1nd with Jas. Fowkes in Sept., 1922, and had lived with them. Her lau_e;i:te1' was at that time 16 years old. She will be 19 in October next. The boy and girl had been on intimate terms, but she never thousrht of n1a1`1'i:)._9;e. Cole had gone to Niag;-ara Fa'..'s in ~i\'ovember of 19251 and in December she learned from a son-in-law, Oliver Summers, of Mi(i1:1nd. that her daughter had married Cole in Octo- `ber. She went to see him and he Levin-s-- Simcoc County Parks Commissio Public Library Public School of debentures Colilegiate 'Inst. -L' .),J.....L....,\.~\ 11 (exclusive ) (exclusive \./uu\;;,-,u~u, Allows \- of debentures) Separate School `. Debentures (i r1I,Ix |JUUL'lll.'ullZ~3 \uu.nuuunb Schools) 29500 Coupons (includ. schools) 21481 ;`l'd.Li`lIllU(l': of prorluctjrm-~-rt,lw ability 1.0 buy the v:r_\' nra-:L g'1'adc;~: of materiztl in large quan- titias -- zuul thz: ust: nf hiy;hly skilled labor at 1.-;r(;ut,rer c:co1mxn_v --- these factr:r:s' enable us to :::H you this .~:up(.-rim` sr:p:n`u.tor at .1 lower ;,-`urn. >11: 1... . n n Lwuxuuu Ivuu/uL \~|A\| u to Mfpms. ................ .. 'I`1'easurer s Bond ....... .. Mayor's Honorarium Mayor's Telephone Wood Account .......... .. Contingencies ............. .. Miscn11aneous- W Refund Water and Light L, 1|lA'....._ an Tliis is 2ll1('})l1i`(` 1l11`<-ml lm.~4<` with im~ >])l`()\'(`(l 11001 and 100 and imint` lm-l, with \\'i livm 10]), 1110 (]ll2\l.ll.\' is ex- 1m and thr-. z1p]w;1i-21i'i<-(- is Sll])l`('1)J(`. `No lmvo thmn in all 1110 now sl1;1(l<-s 10 (-011- 'J m'1n \\'i.1`h (ll`l`SS l'(`(|llll'('lll(`1llS, in u-1`, tl1m'0 .~4 :1 S'[()('l{ll1g' fox` m'm'_\' slmclc of (li'oss-s01`n(s are l1og'g'21i', tillo, tun, ]11i111l`(`S([11(`, (-1101-i, ( also blzu-.l{ and \\'11ito-21 \'(_`1`_\' p()].n1lzn' lino. Pair, $1.75 BOYS BLACK'COTTON HOSE, 29c Fine ]x1 Rib Caslllnm-0 ] with ._ .L'/_,._1_ _'.. , , , 1 V ,.-...-`l.... to clear, pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..50" .L LJ.J.\_I .- .\.L LI 1 u \,'u.n1u1 u'L L? J 1l!.\|' \\ llll seamless foot, in (.-roanl and ln'm\'n, 1'z111g'1ng'1 1'0m size (3 to size 8 and .<(>1l111g' 1'og`11lz1rly at frmn ($.'>v to $1.15. Spot-iul U 1xL and $11 Rib C0 rt(`)11 H080 with seamless footfa good \\'em1ng' st0ckiJ.1g for school. SIZOS 7 to 10, :11` pair . .290 (includnig CHILDS CASHMERE HOSE, 56c `.-,.................. .... .. ...... ..... _. Let us show you the Viking uml su1'prisc you with the quu.lit,y and efciency of this wondurful sep- arator. ___._l l_.._ $149131 91203347 25455 2036 3120 w ...$ 130 Al\ 45890 17678 3968 FINE SILK HOSE With Pointed Heel $4905 .2414 1988 -xv vu 300 00 nn nn The Viking Cream separator is guaranteed for a life time. I ,; ,l_.... ...,.. Al_. \Itl.:. ._ ...,.I ytromised to get .~m a home for her. 1 so and had written not for two years. C29oss-examined by Hr. Evans, sh`-K said she would nave given ccmsent to the marriage if asked. to her knowledge the mar1'i~ag`e had not been consummated. Chas; Martin, the father, corro- borated the evidence of his wife. Like her, he had learned of the mar- riage for the rst time on Dec. 29, 1923. He had never given consent .to it nor had his wife. Ivy D. Cole said that she had been married in the Methodist parsonage in Penetang; on Oct. 18, 1923, by Rev. A. J. G. Carscadden without her parents knowledge or consent. The witnesses had been her sister-in- law, Mrs. Violet Martin and Jas. Fawkes. She did not think she really loved her husband, and Ir` merely married him because he." asking` her so often. They ha- along` all right after the marria_L but it had never been consummated.- aIthou2'h there were opportunities. r< - u 1 . . . . . C1'oss-e.\:zunine she said she had not told her mother because she was scared. She had not been carried off her feet, but had gotten marrie(1 deliberately. Jas. Fowkes, Cole s companion, had witnessed the mar)-iuge and was sorry for his part of it. He had ad- vised Cole agrainst nuarrying so young and to his cousin. ._, _..- -- ,._,__. Mr. Boys also read from Cole's ex- aminztion for discovery. Cole stated he had not realized the seriousness of the stop. He had paid for the li- lcnse, swea.ring' that his bride-to-abe was 18 years old. They had not lived as man and wife. Cole did not try to prevent the action and his `solicitor assurd the judge that there `was no collusion between the parties. I .. 1. wr n . .. u n A Justice Kelly at the close of the cave expressed serious doubt in re- g'a"r(l to the story told. Ci`rcuIm- Human nature, he thought, explain- ed why they had gotten married deliberately. Under the annu/lmen 1 law, which the judge called a great mistalce, young people were getting: something; very similar to divorce all too often. Something` must be done, he said, to interpret the` `stances speak louder than ' words. lstrictest wzzy possible-._ THURSDAY. APRIL 16, 1925 x .~norw_v and provide ' He had not done saying he could \ IV.\r\ \t~ 24w1`\`/1"i1i'c:`asZt;Te1: St. General Agent for Simcoe County Call :11 >'.1mp for (l(`lllUll.\`1l`:1Hn1l nf ui1l1(-1' n'1zu~hi.1w A` CI`,,I,_,A,_,, FHL . 1"IA`I\"\'I"'H '!\1, , III-A VIKING D. C. HOWARD i3kA1'i1i1i:T iance at the Athletic Association meet- linp;, called for Tuesday night in the |Police Court Chambers, was not as large as it should have been, and to give those who might otherwise have been on hand the opportunity to be present, it was decided to hold an- other meeting` on Tuesday night next, when it is hoped that all citi- zens who are at all interested in sports will be present. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. Page Four Notable Stocking Days at Vickers VICKERS FOR STOCKINGS IS A HOUSEHOLD WORD IN SIMCOE COUNTY AND THE RE- PUTATION OF THIS STORE FOR QUALITY AND VALUE IN HOSIERY IS FAMILIAR TO THOUSANDS. We are ready-ready for the selling of new Spring Hoisery, with the greatest variety and -quantity we have ever exhibited, and the values are such that assure satisfaction-they are impressive. WE INVITE EVERY READER OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT TO COME AND COMPARE. WHATEVER YOUR STOCKING NEEDS WE HAVE THE GOODS AND CAN SERVE YOU WELL. - We are local selling agents for this celebrated make. If you desire the luxury of stylish, snug tting hosiery, along with economy of long service at a popular price, you must buy` Holeproof. - 'l.`\\'n \'<*1'_\' pt.-1)11l;11' lillvs in. lliis 1n:1l<(- are .l o:111m~(l in 0117' sl1o\\'i11.-1`l1(*_\' aim lI.ol(~- ])1`u()f Silk and Lislv. Willi lino vlzxsliv, rib mp, and llnlopmuf Silk and Art` Silk ]>l:1i1 - ed. _9,'m'i`m' \\'(*lt1`op. '.l`l1(`<'0lm'.s` 21l'(-`log; <-z1l.>in, ])>11g'(`(;`, ('lu1.1(l, zm1`iq11(*, l)l'(>\\'1l, ulsn blm-k zmd \\'l1i1`0. All sizes, ml pair $1.00 ;\1lOl'l1(`l' \\`m'll1_\' llolc]_)1'o(>`l:' lino is 21 ])ul`(` 1'l1r(*:1d silk linv \\'il'l1 roin'l'o,1'<-0(1 hcvl and toe, and 0.\'1m str(~1i<-l1` um-<:<`1'iz(\(l rib mp and mm-k .s'<-um, (-0l<)_1's 211-0 ])(*:1(7l], .\*il\`m', szlgo, log` (-;1l>in, sp<)11g.;(~, <-loud, ruse l>i< ~_g'(\, Ll.n(li-an inn, air-(*(l:1l<=, zllso l.)l2l('l{ and \\'l1i2'v. All sizes, pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.75 Tl`l1or(= are 01'l1m' lines of 'I`I.0l0p_rn0f at $1.85, $2.00 and $2.50. Buy I-Ioleproof Hose-We stand behind every sale We make. THE PRICE OF THESE HAS TUMBLED S11pe1.' ne t111`e;.1d silk hose in black and \\'11ite, 1-eg11]a1' $2.75. F1110 stripe silk hose 111 grey, log e.z1bi11 and tan, 1'eg'111z11- $2.00; extra ne silk and lisle hose in Paris 1111..\ .- tures, 1~eg111a1- $1.95; ne pure silk 11ose in black, 1'eg111a1- $2.50; best gracle silk hose \.\;i1'h 1-10x, 1'eg111u1' $2.75, sizes 8-15 to 10. On zu-c01111t of 1101' 11:1\'i11g' 21 complefe 1'a11ge uf sizes in each 0 fthe above lines thc-_v are all plum-d 011 Sale for alert buyers at, pair $1.19 rl`ln'. 1'17. n 1n1:r1 I\.n..-...\J.~. 7I`Ix.-n... .\ ..,. 1'70 .,.-.-.. This is a retro bm'g;1i1`1. '_I.`he1'(: are 170 pairs only to`,q'<`>. Bo here as soon z1`ftm- 1'0z1di11_:,' this :18 you (-an. You ll. be glad you canw. FIBRE SILK HOSE AT 50:; A \'o2-_~c low ]_Tn'i<-0 for such 21 hose. It is lmulo of bre silk with hem cotton top, heel unrl toe, .si.z0s 81; to 10. Colors m'(: Fm,-11(:11 ,f`l`(-.\`, pun-__='oc-, log (-z1b'111, also black. Paiif 50c To In your churnim: fast and make every cent pos- .~:i|)Iv out of your cr<.-am, win :1 Viking Stet-I Churn. '1`-he tank rs-volvcs urouncl u s;t.zLtIor1ary but easily rumovn.blu.- metal dusher. At a special meeting` of the town council on Wednesday night it was decided to call for tenders for the paving of the balance of the streets through Barrie connecting" up the Provincial Higthway. Tenders are to be in by Friday, May 1st, and as the town engineer has the plans anu specications about completed, therel should be no delay in getting start- ed. I a-- _.... ...u -r ~n,, Every. part can be washed quickly-~no crevices--no sour .s'mcll--and every churning u ])v;-rfoct one. VIKING 9CHURNS j xsnmss HOLEPROOF HOSIERY TAX RATE HALF MILL HIGHER, 43.5 MILLS| (Continued from page one) Police Court Fines .. .. 1000 Licenses ...................... .. .. 2500 Sewer Connections ............ .. 300 Waterworks (refund (le- L....L.....\-.\ H0110 LUXURY AND ECONOMY COMBINED uu.\.uxu. unbuu \:.\,;uuu us.` vbentures) Town Team (earning`s) .... .. Debentures held by town... :Su1'plus from 1924 .....-....,..._, \.v.....\. H. bcntures) . ....... .. Electric Light (refund (le- L,..-t....,\,.\ $26654 2 ESt.ll112latC(l Expenditures, 1925 Board of Hea.ltl1--- Salary M.O.H. 500 I Salary Sanitary Insp. 960 I Telephone for San. 11151). 25 ` Quarantine and supplies 375 l ' Mr. Redfern, of the James, Proc- tor and Redfern engineering` rm, who appeared before the council on- the previous evening`, wrote a letter, which was read. Mr . Redfern ex- pressed re_2'ret that there appeared ` to be some misunderstandims; in re- g'ard to the plans and proles pre- pared by his rm. These plans had been prepared at considerable cost, and while the town had favored his rm with the eng'ineering' work last year, they had fully expected to be retained for the whole job. Mr. Redfern further stated that he was anxious that the town should hav. the benefit of those plans for the balance of the work. He would, therefore, present. the plans to the town free if they would be of use, if not they could be returned to the Toronto olee. .,a-uuv vv , Imli;ronts- `Supplies and provisions .... 300 00 . Fuel .............................................. .. 300 00 }Ho.~=pac-.115 1200 00 kdlnuau.-J\.L Fuel ..................... .... .. Supplies .. Cz1ret.akc1 .............. .. 'l`<-lophoncs .......... .. . l'I](:cL1'ic Light Water ......... .. Repairs Insurance . Filing` cquipmen-t . Fire Fiy;]1tinp; Equ'Lpmen`t- Hose and Supplies 9 I Fire Truck Maintenzmce... 1 [Fire Alarm System ............. .. 3 Fire Brig'adc--- Salary Fire Chief ............. ..$ Telephone for Fire Chief Insurance on Men lA1.tem|inp: Fires .. lC0ntinp;encies .. Police Dc~part.mentr- Snlzwy Police Map,'istrate...$ S.'1l:u'_\-' Chief of Police .... .. Salary Constable CLLSO "lzn*y Constable Rayner. `ire Hull and Council Chambor- The Northern Advance 300 00 nn An `<;-Jldd $1800 . . . I Lowe-Tyre1'--That the request I _.of Bryson & Morley, also that of A. `B. Thomas, for permission to repair pproaches to their ling stations 011 Bradford St., be g'rante(l under ,..su_pervision of Board of W01-ks. ` $2430, T$i35o 00 (1($(')0 00 00 O0 ss2o}sW1| 7392 O3 3035 44 500 00 1541 47 1500 O0 uu vv 200 00L 1350 00 167 00 00 00 n- nn 1200 00 1500 00 1200 005 .,.,..\ l\V\l 00 Some mL-mbers questioned whether! it would be advisable LU use the plans of James. Proctor and Redfern, and whether Mr. Ord was fully qualied \ for the work. Deputy-Reeve Hux- ` table said that the council could rest assured that the plans and specica- tions as prepared by Mr. Ord would be right. The plans are the same as approved and used by the Govern- ment. Mr. Ord was fully qualied and had the plans and specications about completed. It .. 660 00 100 00 480 00 100 00 400 00 175 00 350 00' 900 00 150 00 300 00 180 pairs of Silk Hose with lisle hoe]. and too, wide hem top and ab0a11tif111l_v appear- ing hose; shades are all 110w, as p0ng(s`0, the new F1'e11(:h g'1'_\', airodalc and black and white. Bought for a special offm-i11g' at $1.00 and offered for one week only, pz1i2"'75c These are l)da11t'ifL1l. Thcy m 1 +lai`0st *'.mp1'0v0d 111i1Chl1]CS 01:` ` silk i'h'2'e;1d in fa11(:y stripes, bleu-..1<, (-.hu1np;1g2;n0, log (-ab111, Frc11L-11 g;1~o_\'. S1203 8:} to 10. We Specialize in Stockings! We Serve You Best! GEO. VICKERS, LIMITED SEE THESE TOO-They Sell for Less Salary Extra Constables... Clothing ............................... .. "Telephones . Contingencies ...................... .. M oti 0 ns Wallwin-Litster-that the letter from Mr. Redfern be accepted and that council tender its thanks for same, and should the necessity arise they will be glad to avail them- selves of the use of the plans. Huxtable-Rusk-That the Clerk be authorized to advertise for tend- ers for the construction of perman- ent pavement of either bithulitic. asphalt or concrete to complete Pro- vincial Hieliway throu_e:h the town on the following` streets : On Burton .-\ve., from Uilburn St. to Essa St., on Essa St., from Burton Ave. to Bradford St., on Dunlop St., from Mulcaster to Berczy St., on Lwuisai St., from Berczy St. to Ducl\'\vorth1 I St., on Duckworth St., from Louisa to Blake St., and on Blake St. from Duckworth St. to Rodney St., accord- ing to plans: and specications pre- pared by the town engineer, L. R. Ord. Tenders to be in by l*'ri May 1st, at 5 p.m. l v nu . .. . I ;.vnu Feed Slmoeing, etc. nu R. J. Lee ................ .. . ...... .. Help during` vholid-ays lsutreett Lighting |Hy(l1'ant Rental .uu- A\\.'|. Fuel Insurance .. .. Inspection of Scales Water Electric Light ............. .. Market Clerk .. Repairs ......................... .. ` Bozml of Works- |Roa(ls lsidewalks and Repairs . Printing` ..... .. Receptions Street Oiling (ratepu_vers share) .................................. .. Salaries- Clerk and Treasurer .......... C1e1'k s Assistant ................ .. Auditors ...... .. Assessor Elections .................................. .. lnltci-est on Temporary Loans Special Gi'ant.s-- M:1'icult.u1'al Society .......... ..$ Barrie Band ............................ .. Poultry Association Rest Room Victorian Order of Nurses ILV. Hospital Horticultural Society .......... .. Law Costs ............................ .. V Discount on Prc-paymenvt of Taxes .. . FANCY SILK HOSE, ATHLETIC ASS N MEETING 1 POSTPONED l Owing` to a number of counter a.`r.t.ractions and meetings, the attend-` Town Team-- 1 Markc~t-- .`h0y made on 1`l10 11103 ne.~`.1i g1'z1(lo. tripos, sell? (-0101's, ;' pongeu and P.-1.11`. .$1.75 ...$ 300 150 $450 00 1000 00 50 oo[ m$ 9000 1000 m$1oo0o 1225 -~ 2400 660 ~.$ 500 1000 100 100 300 00 350 00 200 00. 00 00 00 00 $5900 N $10507 06 4488 00 3818 410 VWI-IY YOU GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY IN THE $1306 $4184 06 300 00 Eta) I /$900 1500 2oo0'0o 200 300 100 200 150 00 172 00 10 00 40 00 an AA 366 208 Cream Separator

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