Page Eight Phone 406 for appointment. The nhysic cause of disease removed. -Prices $13.00 to $45.00 DRS. BURNS, STOMACH TROUBLE HEADACHE HEART TROUBLE SKIN DISEASE CONSTIPATION DISTRICT NEWS z1`tTi11son~l)u1`g, Ont., this ' of Fcbrt-1a1`)`, .-\.D., 1925. Tillsonburg, Ont., I I ': Victor H. Tillson, `i \ Sr-licitnr far the Apphc-.ant.] i Any of which will be mailed on request ROUBLE 1 comu-: DIABETES MELITUS IUBLE RHEUMATISM .SE TONSILITIS [ON - NEURITIS INFANTILE PARALYSIS 60 ELIZABETH ST. Leather Belt: are popular in Various widths. We show them in black, white, brown, grey, cardinal, and two color c'ccts,_`a`t from :11, A- 0:- ___L __._.__:.____.._ ~:_ 1 . 't ` Wante11-I1I.\:perionced mairl for C1111-E I '.lre11"s Shelter, {good wages, good \~~ - 'F 'I" V'nunn- Rn`: GR,` S{!,Children s Aid Society SIMCOE COUNTY THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1925 Collar" and Cuff Sets, in plain colors and gingham checks. Whitc pique is also shown and nmctlmz; with much favor. PI .- .... ... {Paper-Hanging and ! Decorating GOLDIE R. HARPER l lPhone us and a representative will call upon you with samples of papers of all the leading houses. New Harvey Hosiery, with th(_- point haul, in black, white, Cheri, cocoa aml Lille. Sizes `complete, at pair $1.75 1 -011 )'Ia1`h lst there were 26 chil- `(iron in the Shelter and 14 boarding out. Their agvs 1'2111_g'c from one "year to 1`ou1'tec-n, and all need _2'ood "h0me,s`, where they can grow up to become goml Czmadiun citizens. I l`? No Christian work counts for more tlian t:1king' 21 helpless child into your home aud directing: t.he young life. l", l`he;Executi\'e of the Society ap- peals `to the good citizens of the County to meet the cliallenge. If your home is childless, this is your opportunity. I All inquiries will be cheerfully l answered by the Inspector. Box `HOT CROSS 1 BUNS '.H`e11'a' b11::1t(:1', :.'.UUu \\ ;;.;x.=, ,vu\n1 home. .-\pp1_\' T. T. Young, Box 66, .. 3_3 Good Homes Needed For Worthy Children . Deliciously sweetened and spiced an (1 lled with plump and juicy fruit. inane saw % Chiropractors unuu -45- Strand. Set_ for 85c and 90c 137 Dunlop Street W. J. JUSTICE` ENJOY THEM ALL THROUGH LENT. 50c to 85c each STARRING THE BEAUTIFUL 0penEv`nings ` Phone 112w. Box 613 q. n Alunnn. ....u. .4 Phone 8 r 14 Wante furnis`nr:d apa1*t-i ment or at, about three rooms, for couple. April 20. Give all par-1` .:n..un.._. .\nnl\' T- .n\' (1. Advancey w..,..-. UC111Z\l`>.`. oice. Comedy - Fox News Good Orchestra _: I.o.=t--'I`wo beagle hounds, black, white and tan, xvczwiny.-' collars with Barrie tags and Dr. Wu11win s name. Disam)ca1'c(l from .-\1]auda1e on F(:b1'uar_\' 23. {rcwzml offered for; information `.ear1in;r to their re- covery. Dr. H. Wallwin, Barrie. PRICES Civil Engineer Ontario and Dominion Land Surveyor 133 Blake St. I'1......In Phone 623. For Sz11e--Lar::e ofce desk, also? quantity of household furniture. D.f C. Howard, 14 Mulcastcl` St, Ba1`rie.1 1 GRAND Announcing the Opening of a WINDOW, CHIMNEY, CARPET AND RUG CLEANING BUSINESS Up-to-date Equipment Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 855w, or write Reg. A. Cox General Delivery, Barrie. Iunvuuuw . '.. _._ Tenders will be received for sup- plies for the Gaol for the period of one year, from April 1, 1925, to March 31, 1926, consisting of meat, vegetables and groceries. Tender forms can be obtained at the County Treasurer's oflice, Court House: Bar- rie. Tenders received up to Friday, March 27, 1925. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Au L....,in-n nqucf kn cumin!` and Ad- EVELYN BRENT TENDERS FOR GAOL SUPPLIES : n,__ ., tender not necessuruy uccupucxn. All tenders must be sealed and ad- dressed to A H \NIlnnn. Linn` . ..... GRAHAM-011 Sunday, Mar. 15, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham, . 4111.. in. .. MISCELLANEOUS % 'esseu B0 A. H. Wilson, Chairman County Property Com., .2 Box 760, Baxrie. FOR SALE Opera House WANTED rxpru .'.u. \1I\L; uu V... .-\ppl:.' Box C., .-Xdvancei 1 L. R. ORD SEE BIRTHS 15c and 25 ulan vv. \aAsn 4 d`..;uc,..L~..`. -lA\n4 Allandale. Barrie. 7 Mr. Frank Dobson is laid up with an attack of flu. xi 1- n n......L,... :. .-:-.:Hnu- Ian]: ______?_____._._____ F01`S`L1(.`---C(`l`IiL'(1 SC(`(1 potz1t0cs,.. Dooley variety. Morley Beath, Shanty Bay. Phone 90613. __?.__.:._T_.__. an HDLECK U1 nu. 1`-ht. J. S. B;'ur.t is visiting her daughter in Collingwood. Mrs. L. Sweenncy spent rt few lave in Toronto last week. 11.... I` (1.-u-nn~ arm:-1+ Hwn uvr-nk (1Z1},"S m LOFUIILU may W\Z\:|\. Mrs. C. Goring spent the week` end with friends in Thornbury. 111.. 'r..__-.... O:.,.~.... Tu A-F T31:-in-nH' enu wun Lrlcnua HI J.uU1uIJuL_v. Mr. James Sinson, J12, of Detroit, vistied his parents 'on Tuesday and Wednesday. \/r.. A; Dnn~1\ -1H-analml H-an Cnn. VV cunesuuy. Mr. Art Pugh attemlcal the Can- adian-St. Pats hockey match on Fri- day night in Toronto. N/I :.,. 1\-fn(`n11nrn r nccicfnnf. znnnr- Ilil l1l"llb Ill LVLvAn.u- .5 Miss McCa11um, assistant super- intendent of Christie St. Hospital, Toronto, is visiting` Miss I\IcLcmmn. \f:__ 17:..1s; 1).. .... .. ...`..A ...n.~ nr\n\-. 1VlUI|uU, A0 -..u...,V, -v-.~~ Miss Violet Bowen, who was oper- ated upon for appendicitis on Tues- day morning, is progressing` `favor- ..L.1.o ably. Ul\'. - I ! Mr. G. Warnica has accepted the `position of _2`a.te1nan at the Orillia crossing and left for that town on Saturd:1_v. 1| 117 A 6......-.... 1uvl\.`\ null.- bz1Lu1`(u1_v. Mrs. W. A. Spezirn, who under- went. a critical operation on Satur- day morning: at the RIV. Hospital, as doing well. rm.,. u! \T Q nr Va:-,1 Sf, r-inn*c11 uomg wen. The \V..\I.S. of Essa. St. church held a vm'_\' int01`` meeting` at the home of Mrs. Quantz, Burton Ave., on Wednesday afternoon. 7111 m........ 1.:.1........ 1...: hm-m MON. - TUES. - WED. AV'C`., 011 V'Vcuxu,':\m_y clLI.\:xuuuu. The Toronto highway has been open for auto tralc for about_ a week, the Government snow plow re- turning on Monday after clearing the road. A very successful euchre and dance was held on Friday night in the L.O.L. hall, Burton Ave., under. the auspices of the B. of L.E. and was well attended. Mr. G. P. Wilson wishes a state- ment. in the Advance last week cor- . m. _.A.......A n` An Mnh-. I V` 636 V` CAL I/3|-`|.\.AI\.I\-\.|u rected. The g'arag'e at 40 Main St., destroyed by re, did not belong .to Mr. Wilson, but was owned by 1111-. Crawford of Innis}. i Mr. and Hrs. F`. J. D. Norman iiwere called to Sault Ste. Marie on .V'. Friday morning by the death of the `.latter s brother, Mr. Durham, of ithat city, who died very suddenly of iheart trouble following` a curling ' 1 match. `Lev. S. D_. Jamieson of Delhi was "the speaker at the Essa St. Presby- 'iterian church on Sunday last and Wmade a very favorable impression. "" - A -..1.. .. :,.....n4`..1 annnL'n1' lhli1(lv3 VC1`_\ .l.LlVUlcLU1Lf HIl1JL\.:Q1vu. "He not only a forceful speaker, `but also an excellent singer, and at {the evening` service contributed a ine solo. '_ Next Sunday will be Men s Sun- E(lZ`i' at Burton Ave. Metlioclist :1Cl1ul`Cl1. Rev. W. J. Watt will" speak {at the morning service on A 1\'Iessa_ 'to Young: .\l(.-n, and Rev. S. M. `Beach will take Cl1'11`_lC in the even- ].in_g' and speak on A Cl`l8.ll(3Y\j2,'C to `Manhood. A male choir will assist. in` /u,:,;.:,.__ 1'.`...l, nf` mega .\1Z1lll1UU(l. _ ......s.. E The Christian Endeavor of Essa St. Pi-(-; church held their 3 mr_,-etinfz on Wednesda_V evenin;:', with ithe pre-:~:ident, Mrs. Shear, presidi g. iRe\'. J. S. Shortt gave a very inter- 1 :1. llldll: vuvu. nu. r.~stin_-' address on Wordsworth as `a Rz-ligious Teacher. The address .was much appreciated by the larfge audience present. .1 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McBride, Cuinbcrland St., entertained a num- ,-ber of friends on Wednesday night ybyvneans of a progressive euchre. There were seven tables and the win- ;ner;-` of handsome prizes were, ladies .i1-st, Mrs. M. Robertson; gents ,rst, Mr. `W. Robertson; ladies eon- gisolation, Mrs. W. Wardman; gents consolation, Mr. W. Barron. The e\'ening"s entertainment concluded 1-`very pleasantly with the serving: of -- an appetizingz luncheon. Died at Beeton The death of a former resident of Allandale occurred on Monday, 1VIa:*. 16, at the Old Folks Home, Beeton, when Mr. Alexander McKay passed M away following an attack of influ- = 11.. `Ivan RA vnnrc nf mm and ALLANDALE away 10llUWHly, an enza. He was 84 years of age ami had been living` at Beeton for about two years, or ever since the death of his sister, which took place in Al- landale, where they had made their home for a number of years. Mr. McKay was an excellent type of the fray remaining Scotch pioneers, was wirely read and took a meat in- terest in the political life of the country. The funeral was held on Tuesday at 3.30 p.m. from the under- taking" parlors of Mr. C. M. Smith, where a service was conducted by Rev._ W. J. Watt, his former pastor, interment taking place in the Union cemetery. Supt Jardine of the Home arrived here with the remains and took charge of the arrangements. Thirteenth Anniversary of G.I.A. The thirteenth anniversary of the inauguration of the Guild of the In- ternational Auxiliaries was very auuuun us nu... happily celebrated by a gathering of : almost the full membership, aug- mented by a representation of one hundred and twelve members of three visiting divisions from Toronto Thistle Division No. 581, Maple Leaf No. 161, and Canadian Pacic No. 368, who arrived by a.special car supplied by C.N.R. oicials and attached to No. 41 This car was A " '3` - A ` '1 vv V V . V C, nvnetl ' '1 th `V ham, 12111 ' of ling shy- ion. ker, l A very pleasant evening was spent by the Christian Endeavor Society of Allandale Presbyterian church last Thursday, March 12. ' The school room was beautifully decorated with shaded rose lights, ferns and palms, the occasion being` a farewell and presentation to Miss Mae McDonald, one of Allandale s most popular young ladies. Miss McDonald has filled the office of president of the Society. She has been a most effi- cient and faithful worker and will be muh missed, as she was always ready to give the helping hand and 21 Sun- hopeful word to all who needed them. A very enjoyable evening followed. Then Miss McDonald was mist called forward and Mrs. Shear read , , th gr pe ak following address : l\/`lion - Nfnnnnzxlrl Wn H1 0 . `I ---------- -- . Congratulations to our 'Sfein?: citizens, Mr. and Mrs. James P.tter- ` son, who 1`eache the ILiuLh`n1ile- stone of their married life on Tues - day, March 17. I The Meaford M11-ror, owned by A, S. Thurston, has been taken over by T. S. Whalley of the Whally Press, Ltd., Toronto. Mr. Whalley is a well known journalist, who has had considerable experience in news` paper work. MAR. 23-25 The maple syrup season has ar- rived and several in the district have started opemtions. So far the run of sap has not been very good, but there is still plenty of time. A small quantity of syrup appeared on the market on Saturday. On the complaint of Mrs. Mary Watts `of Victoria St., an order was given by P.M. Je's on Friday last to have her husband, George Watts, of Minesing, contribute $10 a week to her support. Evidence of non- support and extreme abuse were given by the plaintiff and her daugh- ter, Sarah Fox. . acted as in the cases I The case of Kenneth Bradford, charged with selling liquor, will be heard in Barrie police court on Friday along with the other local B.O.T.A. cases. The csae came up in Bradford on Saturday before P.M. Jeis, but as the same operatives had to be heard here, it was put off until t-o-morrow. I Morris of ' MISS McDONALD HONORED BY ALLANDALE C.E. SOCIETY UH`? 1UlJU\V|llE cuuucoa . Dear Miss 'McDona1d-We, the ll members of the Christian Endeavor l Society, have learned with deep re- ` gret of your removal from our l midst. You have been a very faith- ' ful members of our church, and particularly zealous in the work of the Endeavor, and we wish to express ' I our appreciation of your loyalty, your cheerful and willing` service, and your f.:`oo example. As a token of our esteem we ask you to accept these gifts, trusting that they may ever be a pleasant reminder of your friends in the Allandale Presbyte1'-- ian church, and may the blessing` of our Heavenly Father be upon you in richest measure. n- 1 ,._ 1.,1__.1.c -4` LL . 13...] |l\.'lll.'D|J lIu;unuu_. Signed on behalf of the i M. Shear. vq t,,_,:, `vuI -Y -___..... IVL. k)llU(ll. Miss Minnie McLennan then pre- sented to Miss McDonald 21 pair of Dutch silver camllesticks and a pair of vases to match. Miss McDonald `responded in a few appropriate words. Miss Helen Culross, Miss Jessie Frazer and Miss Quanttz had charzze of the tea table, which was decorated with green candles and pink roses. This happy social even- inp:, which will be long remembered, . closed by the singing of God Save I the Kimz. ' lS visitors detrained there, were con- ducted at once to the hall on Bur- ton Ave., aml following a short morning session, dinner was served by the ladies of the local branch. At the afternoon session the felici- tations of the sister organizations were very charmingly presented by a number of the visitors, among who-m were Mrs. J. M. Mains, Asst. Can. .G.rand Vice-President; Mrs. R. H. Fish, wife of the Div. Gen. Supt. of the C.N.R., and Mrs. P. Heenan, wife of Mr. Peter Heenan, M.P., and on behalf of the Toronto divisions a substantial donation to the funds of the local order, and also a beau- tifully decoratedbirthday cake bear- ing the emblems of the Guild, were resented. Several letters of con- gratulations were received from the LA. to the B. of RT. and ladies organizations in town. The other ` afternoon session concluded with a 1 delightful program given by the fol- lowing, solo by Mrs. W. A. Pratt, two solos by Mrs. Elliott Ogden and two solos by Miss Janet E(lwar(l. The visitors returned to the city on No. 44, but Mrs. F. Sproule, form- er Grand Vice-President, remained for a few days as the guest of Mrs. J. Clark, 77 Essa St., president of A LOCALS The N orthem "Advance Phone 404. Endeavor, `FOUR IN 1>o`uc1-: COURT | FOR DISORDERLY CONDUCT` I On a charge of disorderly conduct George Moore, Russell Perry and Kenneth Cavanagli were arraig'ned in police court on Wednesday morn- ing with the result that Moore was assessed $10 and $5.25 costs, while the action was dismissed against the other two. A fourth summons had been served for Andrew Kissock on the same 'charge, but he did not ap- pear and a bench warrant was ac- ;lcording1_v issued against him. ' - frllv. nnon 4-`nv Hus T\Yn was r- - Ullllllllsly The case for the prosecution was heard on Monday morning. Con- stable Case told that on the night of March 6th he had been on duty and when near Channen s grocery heard a big u-proar near the Bank of Com- merce. Approaehing, he found a group of men dancing` on the side- lODLA\.\l uh . . . C . . . . . . .. Owen St. one of the men let a war- whoop out of him. P.C. Case then turned and went after them. He caught up to them at the Queen s hotel, but not before two of them took to their heels, disappearin;_z; up the hotel lane. He was not able to nd them and came back and ques- tioned the rcmaining` two. One of them was George Moore and the other _o;ave his name as Joe Moore, but turned out later to be Andrew Kissoek. Upon inc1uir_\', the two who ed were found to be Russel Perry and Kenneth Cavanagrh. -Moore asked the constable what he `had been doing" he (the constable) full of prunes. The same man had also used insulting` lziiiguage as P.C. Case went up the lane to find the two V\' 21 5 3f iwho ran away. .\Ioore seemed to have been drinking.-`, his breath smelled of liquor, said Constable IV - Q walk. He told them to cease and go home. After some hesitation they started o east. Vl/hen near` and told him that ` m...,. Geolyu: Moore denied .=we:u`in,<: at or using` any insulting: 1z1ng*uag`e to RC. C2130. Neither had he told him he was full of prunes. He had not been drinking:, and when asked by Chief Stewart, denied havin_u' any of 1191 . ,__>> 7 laso's wine. Kenneth _C'.1vana_L`h corroborated Moore's evidence. His behaviour had been quiet. There had been no yelling", dancing` or swearin_e' on his part, or` on that of the crowd. He had run up the alley when he saw the policeman following` them be- cause he had been !ordered off the street. He had not been drinking any of Saso s wine either. In g`iVin,Q' judg'ment, P.M. Jeffs re- marked that if there ever comes a time when the court cannot rely on the veracity and judgvment as to dis- orderly conduct of the police oicers, then the town will indeed be paying vain. He advised Perry and Cav- anagxh to look to their company and censured them for their foolish ac- tion in running away. Moore,. he said, had been convicted more than once before on similar charges and against him he registered a convic- tion. Because of his circumstances, the ne was made the minimum of $10 and $5.25 costs. a lot of money for a police Iorce in. 1 l n` PAYS TO SHOP AT VliCKERs - . 1: 7 -_.\ THE NEW THINGS FOR SPRING `WEAR ARE DAXLY .BEKNG'QP`ENE1>~UP, AND THE STORE THROUGHOUT BRISTLES WITH SPRING SUGGESTlONS--WHETHER.FOR PERSONAL WEAR OR FOR THE HOME, WE ARE PREPARED TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. CONTEST FOR BOYS AND I GIRLS UNDER 17 YEARS Lbby, McNei1l & Libby of Chat- ham are giving Three Cash Prizes of $7.00, $5.00 and $3.00 extra for the best cared half-acre of cucumbers and the best yield and sample deliver- ed at their station at Allandale. Seed will be furnished free. Con- tract forms and and other informa- tion may be obtained from W. J. Craven, district manager, 131 Brad- ford St., Barrie.--Advt. FOR SALE , All kimls of Hard and Soft Woodf at Reduced Prices. W. GRACEY 8: SONS AII__..l..I.. ` GEO. VICKERS, LIMITED 1uL.A1J .Lu.u\-....1 we ,,,..u:_ ... 1.`.1...u.-.n-n +n The New Millinery is most interesting". There is variety in the styles, each type is as pretty as you want a spring` hat to be. Trimmings play an attractive role, you can only see by a personal inspec- tion. We invite you to see the display early. Beautifully Made Coats For Spring Wear No two st les alike and materials and work- Y manship ma.1*k them as distinctive. Navy, black, sand shade and cocoa. __L.[ Notice is hereby given that Kath- leen Mary Ricketts, of the Town of 1`i11sonburg, in the County of Ox-i ford, in the Province of Onta1'io,i Married Woman, will apply to the.`. Parliament of Canada at the present! session thereof, for a Bill of Divorcei from her `husband, James Robert Ricke-lis, of Camp Borden, in the County of Simeoe, in the I`ro\'ince of Ontario, Gardener, on the ground of adultery. 1-\ . u "L rn:H._.._.L.....`. nvs` rlei U1. auuAL\:u _ . Dated at TilIsonbu1*g, `23rd day A `n , uv Two Midland (l1'11:;14'ists were 1'0-` ccntly ned S-100 for selling liquor` and three doctors were ned $50! |each for issuing` scripts illegzllly. ' The Dangerous Flirt Following` 21 1)1'01on_9,'c(l illness,` Chas. Bowles, i'o1'me1'1y go\'31'nor of Dufferill County- gaol, passed away `on Monday of last week. Mr. Alex. i\Ic1{:1y, Clowes Corners, . O1-0, had the misfo1_'tune to lose hisl ne driver, Mona. The animal while running around the yard rzm into a pole, breaking two ribs, which pierced the lung`, and she had to be shot._ i l At a meeting` in Esson church on Saturday evening the result of the vote on church union was announced. 11 members and 6 adherents Voted for and 53 members and 8 adherents :_._4. against`. Reports from Parry Sound district would indicate that wolves are more numerous than for many years. Even in the vicinity of lumber ,camps the men have to be exceed- ingly wary and it is dangerous to venture far alone. wE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SUPPLY or PAMPHLET5, IN- ICLUDING THOSE on for `Divorce .1 L 1'..a.1 ! Owing` to a break in the Hydro power line, there was no power or light service in Barrie from early morning on Thursday till fourl. o'clock in the afternoon. About noon the service was restored for a few minutes, but soon went o again. As a result of this incon: venience the machines in the Ad- Vance ofcc were idle and conse- '-['){0um Sp. 01'(2[ H! J-J(.l'|2(1 ULI1 A['.|,uUl1U1I On Tuesday twenty-six farmers in the Crecmore district, who purchased Massey-H~arris farm machinery, were guests of the company at a compli- mentary dinner in Creecmore. The sight of the twenty-six wagons and sleighs loaded with machinery was an indication that the famers are not `dead broke as yet. BREAK IN HYDRO POWER LINE MAKES ADVANCE DAY LATE _________.___.______.__ ` Want;-fl---.-\ portab1~;- or take-downf u'a1'age for one car. For pa1'ticu1ar;<} phone 1097. 1 1