Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Mar 1925, p. 1

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W. C. Walls, W. J. Gracey, F. W.` Dobson, Dr. L. J. Simpson, Jamesil Marlin, Rev. H. E. Wellwood, J. E. `I Czu':~:on, Dr. W. A. Lewis, J. Iii? I 4 l l ` Morrison, Ed. Shear, F. H. Hurl- burt, W. J. Walker, W. O. lVIcl{in- non, Rev. A. J. G. Cz1).`SC1(l(l(.`I1, D. F`. .\lcCuai;:. Albert.Br_\'son, Wm. Rusk, Dr. I`). G. Turnbull, W. C. How, C. M. G. Smith, Queen's Hotel, W. Rich, A. W.` Laidman, Gordon Longman, M. D. Morrison. -""3 Besides the above making` up the regular committee, the following have consented to aid in the ticket sale: N. T. McDonald, Bert Mar- wood, J. H. Ro(lg`ers, W. King, C. M. Hickling, Miss Minnie McLen- Yr 1` n..1.,...+,~nn h Au-nu Cnnlnv, Meets Tuesday, March 24, at 8.15 p.-m., in the Library Hall. Prof. Malcolm Wallace of Toronto Univer- sity will lecture on The Modern Novel. Prizes for essays will be prev sented. A. Lahay of Penetang, D15. R. Raikes, D.ig'by Horrell and W. Hagr .......J. ..t I .l'I.-nap} WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB .]Eight Pages Signed Chautauqua; Contract for Barriega M1`. Donald H. Smith, of the: Dominion Chaututlqtut of I`o1'onto,i has been in town anti closed 21 con-! tract for 21 'f0Ll1'-L121) programme for: Bll'1`i(. this summer. The fo1lowin:.:i twcnt_\'-\'e are on the committee : ' W . VV.. Jainosl lcv. 1 ,...:,. T . n 1-\ `I7 I r` , l\/1. I'11CK11n{_t, nun: Auuuux; uu...~.,.. nz.m, H G. Robertson, D Arcy Gauley, A. F. A. Malcomson, A. VV. Good- fellow, VV. M. Cockburn, E. B. Sut- LUIIUVV cliffe. DELEGATION AT OTTAWA RE ATHERLEY BRIDGE A deputation from Simcoe County and Ontario County left for Ottawa on i\Ionda_v to interview the Minister of Railways in connection with the Atherley bridge. The delegation will press the Government to assume the full responsibility of the swing part of the bridge, ' while Simcoe and Ontario Counties will assume the responsibility for the approaches on either side. At present the Govern- ment gives a grant, but this is not sitisfactory, and extensive repairs or a new bl'l(i1. ,`C is need. The Simcoe delegation includes Warden McKin- lay, County Engineer Campbell, ; Reeve Davis, chairman of Roads and Bridges; Reeve Boyd and Deputy- Reevc LaRose of Orillia. _g__.:____._.. The cost of street `lighting in A1- liston `has been advanced to $20 pm` I` V. u.:. .. `, .. noun mu.) ,..1.. town council anything; but ' two of thel ` .3-.111d 200 iownrms TALK`, mucn AND no LITTLE` About; 275 attended the eighth an- nual` masqu'erade `dance of the l.0.0.F., No. 63, and the Beaver Rebekah, No. 190, lodges on St. Pa.t1*.ick s night ... A very small per- centage of the merry-ma.ke1's were in costume, but that did not detract from the originality and effective- ness o-f those who did masque. The prize winners were all dc-serving aim the judges, while their task was light, showed good discretion. The winners were : best dressed lady and gentleman, Miss Alice Hamlin and W1`. H. Coles; best comic costume, first, Miss Aileen Lewis, and second, Miss Eleanor Young; lucky spot, Miss M. Coles and Mr. R. Black- stock. . 1 .__...i:,. ....,l ..,.-I-`..A.l~nnn+.~ uizn SLUCK. Good music and refreshments also ml-led to the evening's enjoyment; The costumes of the orchestra were alnonp: the best in the hall. Decora- tinns appropriate to the seventeenth of Ireland were used to good eifect in the hall. l ST. PATRlCK S NIGHT DANCE 1. `DlAL0GUE-DEBATE $ \ on PROHlBlTl0N\ F1111 Irlmlso G1`(`(`,1`S Sp(`n<-(V-, Smith and L\[(`D011i11(1 In Novel Debate. A new Venture in prbhibitiozl propaganda, \vhich.proved both in- structive and highly interesting , was the dramatic dialogue-debate pre- sented in the Grand Opera House on Monday evening. The principals were three prominent public men, H. Ruthven McDonald, famous bari- tone, who represented a bluste1'y member of the Dominion Parliament 'who was heartily in sympatliy with the temperance movement, but who ,was determined to (lo nothin:.,v' for it as long as the onus could be put on` the provinces; A. E. Smith, ex- .VI.L..-\. (Labor), who posed as 21 member of the Ontario Legislature and whose only ambition as far as prohibition was concerned was Ben. H. Spence, an ardent prohibi- ;Dominion and _ 5, to do their bit as far as lay in their `tionist who kept pesterin_e: both the Provincial membe ` to I` ';``pass the buck on to Ottawa, and `The Centre had been w hibition unlic the meeting` lic his real: Ir,-1'_2'uson an in View of r_ haul _g'iven a for the C ;_ plebiscite. ;_ l Gaulcy stat( 1 1. r '1 1 I 1 l 3 power. 1 A c1'ow1e house _L`1`C0tC(1 the (le- :`l)i1tL )'.~? and man_\' a point was {nect- . \ .11` A \,1..1_ I 1 ,,,_-.1. I.....1 L ` _lGaule_\' stated that he (Hr. Wri_r_-`ht) :l>;1tL*1`.<, zulu mu.u,\ it punu. nun ,,u.ct led with loud applause. .-\.-F. A. .VIal-i Hui` icomson presided over the rst part iof the pro5:ran1me. Capt. Sparks ;lrd in pra_\'er, after which Mr. ;D Arc_\' Gauley read a communica- ltion from C. E. Wrigrht, .\l.l .I . iTl]r: Simcoe representative lhad written hy the local pro- l 'the meeting` and explain to the pub- I ';lic l`HS reason for supp0rtn.:' the `Fer_:uson amendment to the O.'l`..~\., .in of the fact that his riding: O.T.A. in the October 'I`.he letter read by Mr. the had only received the union s letter on Saturday morning: and because of previous e11,<:ag'ements he could not attend. As regards my vote on the amendment referred to, wrote Mr. Wright, may I say that same was given conscientiously, be- lieving` as I do that same is in the best interests of temperance, and I hope and believe that the _future' will show this, and that as a result of it drunkenness and law breaking` will decrease and bootlegpzing, which has become such a curse to our province, will be largely done away with. You may not agree with me, but I ven- ture to predict that within a year the majority of the people who to- day condemn the amendment will be found approviing; of it. 71'... Innm. ms vnnnivnll in rlnrul ihihition unlion, asking: him to attend` Whzul majorit_v of some 1400` I i . l i l l t 1 Con Gut Can S Cou Can [011n(l appruvung U1 1. The letter was received in dead silence and the apparent tenor of the meeting was that the local mem- bor s explanation was .far from sat- isfactory. V*o1.-L:3{1\7. No. 4. istactory. ~ Durng the evening M1`. McDonald 1'en(Le1'e(1 several solos and a musical monologtue, which were well re- ceived. He was ably accompanied by Miss Lila McPhee. -, ...-..- 4:-.- ....n.....- +n +`1n rlo- MISS 14113 lV1Cl.'llUU- There were ve scenes to the (le- bate. The first was laid in the office of Mr. A. E. Smith, provincial legis- lator. On opening: his morning mail 3 he found another letter from that follow Spence, urging him to use ` his vote and inuence in securing the most stringent prohibtitory meas- ure the province has the power to _ enact. Smith then dictated a letter to Spence. pointing out that serious contsitutional diiculties lay in the way. Not representing any one fac- ; tion of the people, he needed to be 1- , \ iiilfili mm Rmmm 32a;oa{%1;::3 C3sT'17s on 1 THREE MONTHS GAOL` For selling two six ounce bottles of alcohol to special ofcers John Scouse and Chas. Wood in the Classic hotel, Allandale, on Sunday, Jan. 11, Harry Crawford was fined` $200 and $30.50 costs in police court on Friday last, or in default of payment, sentenced to three months in gaol. " - 7 11 73.2.1 ...,.,.I I ' Woods, had, led him a $2 bill. llluuuuc Au 5.... I License Inspector J. R. Reid was 0` the rst to give evidence. He pro- bl .:luc.'_:| the two bottles at liquor 5011.. D] L0`4Qll 31.-eratives and teastied that 35 upon analysis these had proved to be 85.4 per cent. and 84.48 per cent. proof spirits, respectively. ' Easy Mark for Spotters 'I`he two operatives, Scouse and upon their testimony, dropped into the Classic hotel on the f afternoon of Sunday, Jan. 11, with low expectations. Engagiiig in con- versation with Crawford, they talked of conditions in the Old Country and later treated him to a couple of glasses of ``2`/: : per cent. at `the bar. When Scouse asked if any liquor could be had around there, Craw- ford quickly assured them it could. \ I can get you a bottle for $1, he \ said. It s alcohol, of course. ( They told him to buy two and hand- He left the bar ( and came back a few minutes laterl` with two six-ounce bottles. Goingl` into a separate room they all had a drink with the exception of Woods, who said he did not like alcohol an only put the bottle to his` lips and tasted it. By promising: to get their victim a job in Toronto the opera- tives_then secured his name and ad- dress on a piece of paper. Later Crawford had taken them throu_L'h the Yorkshire Worsted Woolleni Mills, whose mana,-_-`er he had once` been. Crawford had cleared out" 11 t C (Continued on page four) ] 1`ULnI 1:\. l l'1r: Class HonouT`;~:--l-Izvsulll Bry- lson, {owlaml Hzmnnon l, Ch1'istin;1 '_`:|C0uplan(l, Phillip Beattiu, F zmccs t ; Hul-lhurt, Helen Garrett, .\Iornm ' _ Gutln'i<-, Ruby Hounsomc, Donald _= Cameron. ' Second Class Hon0m.s--M:-1'lin : lC0up1unl, Fred Bau:.,~'lmmn, Ross, !Cz1m):b:-ll, D01'otl1_\` Evlxvunl, Lionell ` Daley. 9 "} 'l`ln'1'l Cla:~':: Honour-:-l{1tl1leen. ll ' n . , 1. -.\. n-1,... I:..m-n An- STANDING bF B. C. I. S; 1 STUDENTS IN EXAMS; ` uuu-:_v , t?ers:or.. 2 I S . i Following` is the stan of the] `B.C.I. students at the 0:-:a1`-xinations 1 . . lheld durmy: J'.u1u'.11`y and Fe01'ua1`_\' I-Iospifal Board and` Critic-.izo(1; Order I\'-.11m*. Plates. , . .,.... ...... E 1*`}r.<`. Cl.1.~" Honours ixlztlxlcein 1`.\I('I.(.-Bl], Cm~:~.tz1ncc H:u' I~`.::t.\er lr'LLl`., ]sa Levit, .`{<.:1l I`v'IcKc-n7.1e, I'I(l:.:u' LcGcm', Edith Mc]'.'c\'c1', F1'zmci.< Hal], Joseph Locket`, Vera 11,,.... Ag. UH. - l{eu1`n.<, .\Iu1'ie1 Mc.-Xrtliui, Atlzun .\Icl{en'/.ie, Annie Leigla, .\i'.11'_;*z1rr.-t Nulib, L. M. Luck. Tliird Class Honou1's-l`1l5.3,`En Har- iris, C:11`l_v1e MacDonald. Form 1C. ` First Class Honours--Ve1ma Orok, David Mm-kle, Herbert Markle, L. .VIucDonal Everlyn Mu1'pl1_\', Annie lussell, Allan Percy, John Morrison, Eileen Robertson. r , ,, I rVI...... T1.-.nrun-:~ TT .{)\lY;E Second Class Ho11ou1`.~`--l)o:'is ` Me.-Xrtliur, Jean Marshall, Angus .Vlc- u Iuucen 10U(:1'Lsuu. Second Class Honou1's-Lewis l Ox-(I, Beverley Reddit, Dudley Oliver, Anne Ortl, Gwzxce Godden, Ivan Slessor. rnl - 1 r~I___ 11 ..... .. Tnnknl '|\/T:-_. 5103301`. l '[`hi1- Class Honours--Isabe1 Mc- Arthur, Mervin Nelson. I Form 1D. First Class Honours-Douglas Smith, Kathleen Webb, Lloyd Stig- ley, Broadie Smith, Vance Rintoul, Elizabeth Wiggins. Q .... ....1 (`Inna 1'.`l n1~.n1n~:-4T2vI1rIn .q|`ll ,-` ther. l`4l|'l.h`l)l:Ll1 VV lgglxia. Second Class Honouirs-Bruce Sut- ' ton, Laura Wyant, Melva Woolsey, Victor Rivard, Thelma Wice. Third Class Honours--Roy Sem- mens, Billie Wolfenden, Allan 'l`1'ibblc, Idella Turtom Form 2A. First Class Honours--Ma.ry Coles, Margaret How, Howard Guest, Elsie King, Constance Hinds, Ruth Beas- ley, Florence Binning, Harry Bro- n, ___,1 r... 'u............ Autkuuv LUCK`. Second Class Honours--Art.hur Girdwood, Cathernie Hardy, Mar- jorie Graham, Ruth Allan, Victor Brown, Margaret Blackstock, Mar- jorie Binnie. '1kh-ll, (`Joan '5-Tnnn111-:..__NI'ar1'nrie _]Ul'It: Uulu.|I.:. Third Class Honom-s~--Marjorie Byrnes, Ethel Hook, Laura Asaph, `Barrie, Honour-3 I*`2`z~.nces Daley, `O~i1tar~i'o, Thursd gy," Mgrh E, 1925 The meeting` of the on Monday night was L harmonious. One or the aldermen appeared to be in a cri_- tical frame of mind and of course something` had to come. When the minutes of the previous meeting were read exception was taken to a clause which reported having` had notice of the admittance of two in- digent patients to the hospital. Ald. Wallwin wanted the clause omitted because it did not give the residence of the patients and the name of the doctor sending them to the hospital. The Clerk came in for a share of the criticism for not notifying the hospital of a motion passed at a previous meeting that the council get this information from the hospi- tal when indigent patients are ad- mitted. The alderman was nally convineed that this had nothing` to do with the acceptance of the min- utes, which were rip;l1tly reported. Communications From the Secretary of the Barrie Band, asking` for a grant of $100 for the band, to be applied on the salary of Bandmaster Sylvester. C` .... .` 7H .. Glun-.-nus-.1 nrul rd-inn:-c nn P l ll H r 1 .1 ,, \.l..... '3-K1th1een ! Grace An- '5 I 7w,L,_._ lcEAnc;::}:6%r nEii.ia;;sT `DRIVING Is DISMISSED of All-andale for reckless driving along Bradford St. on March 11, with 1924 markers on his car, was dismissed in the police court on ` Wednesday morning by RM. Je'.~:. A second cliarge of driving without three lights was withdrawn after a warning` had been issued in open court by Chief of Police Stewart that further offenders would be prosecuted. A similar (:l1E1!`_L,"(3 ` against Mrs. Geo. Irwin of Collier , St. was also w-ithdrawn the smm: ` An action against James Wilson uu. u my ... afternoon. :14. utt uuuu. Giving` evidence in the reckless driving` charge against Mr. Wilson, George Dempster, of 53 Brock St., said that on Wednesday, March 11, he had been going` north on Brad- ford St. with his wife, baby and baby carriage about 3.30 p.1n. The baby was walking. When near the tannery a car going` south at an ex- `~'*""`-\ ....L.. at` pun.-H1 4-I11~nnt] nut tn. tannery `a car gulnig auul.-u (Ah Ltll .... , `cessive rate of speed turned out tol: pass a jitney and splashed W'iltC1` and `mud over the three of them and the baby cawiagc. The car had almost `skidded into the curb, next to which was a lame pool of water. The witness identied Wilson as the owner of the car. * - - - - v - x1vs1_-,_v. unucx um mu. .,.... Fred Zeihr had been in Wi1s0n s car when it went to Allandale, along with James Nixon and C. Mair. The car had been going slow and he had not seen any one on the sidewalk at the point in question. He plus:-2-'1` the time between 2.30 and 3 p.m. i 1 .-... . . . .\ . u 1 , 1 uu, nun, -n,un..\... that been the offender and corroboratr:.l({ the James `H. Nixon's evidence` 1 Th 0 chz111:0 ` ! I 1 Mr. Wilson denied he had. r . . . . I /4e1h1"s evxdence In other ]`(--I . spects. 1 was also corroborative. was di: aouu_y' U1 JJ(tlllllll(.|OU\.L -.;;nv\..;u... From M1`. Sheppard and others on Innisl St., asking that more 1if.',']`ltS be put on west end of Innisl St. Dunn-. f`-.n+ Qn-n-he n-F fhn Qnlvn. I Form 2B. l First; Class Honou1`s-Hazel Par-l -t1'icl_g'r,~, Georgrc VVa1'dle, Harold Hm't,l, Mabr.-l Sprott, Jack Leszlie, Stz111l(::.': Ta_\'l01'. ` 3 Second Class Honou1`.<---Ailocnl Calli.:l1c-n, Gcoxj.-'1: Guc;~tt, Dick; iPowcll. Bun B2101`, Harry Hill. i rm.:_.u n1/.... IJ....-...... AIL... Q..nH ` :LU\\uu. .|.n:u uuux, u.uL_y ;uu. 'l`hi1'd Class Hon0u1's--Allan Scott, Eleanor W1'ig'ht. First Class I-Ion0u1`s-Jack Taylor,` ;\Ia1'5_-':11`et )[c;\Ia1'tin, Tom Ron, La-\\'is' g.VIe1'rick, J. Wiggrins. 1 I n n|,,,.A 'rY-........,. \:l.,\.`... g.uL:1'1'1cn, u. vmg-;.'un:. , I Second Class Hon0urs-.-\ikons1 .VVi_`.:""iI1.~`, Gordon Szlrjeant, Gortlonl Dawson, Florence Z\IcMaster, Harold} i'l`1'ac_\', .~\(lL-line Wisdom, Goon.-'i11z1; Moore, Clare Quinlan, Georg-`e Tom-`, linson, Ear] Richztmlsoxx, Clzuja Sri5_-`-i ley, Arthur .VIcLc-an, Vona N0s,.<,. Lorne Hcc-1:~`, Jack Mcliilmon. i ..1 r*1..,,.~ 1.I.\.\m.... \f..1m.. MIL! 14U1'IlU I'1L U1>, dLLL}l\ .u\,nxuun.-u. Third Class Honou1's--Vc.-lmu Mil-I 1e1', Irene Murphy, Flora M01'1'1.~:0n, Dora McQua1'1~ic. 1-1 ,,,, nA ..V... .._...g--..._ _ `arm 3A. First Class Honou1's-1VIzu'y Gil- christ. - n, ,,,, 1 r~1.._~.. U1\u1r\11\!t- T..nn |Cl1.L'lL. Second Class H0nour.<,--Jr.-an ` Cowzm, Winnifred Ruffctt, Lloyd` Arnold, Ruth Marriott, Beatrice Mc- Quay, Mina Boyd, Doris Tuck. Third Class Honours--Jessie Clark, Reta Maniott, Doris Canning`. Form 3B. _ First Class Honours-G,eor;,~`c Mc- Millan, Marion Ross, Harold Sprott, Ailsa. Grey, Bertha Allan, Rita Livingston. Gf\fII\V\l` (`lace T-Tnnnrn-c__111.l:lrk T201 )- READ THE ADVERTISE)! F. .\'Z`S. LAIVI Hg'S'LU11. Second Class Honours-Elsie Rob-I `inson, Kato Lord, Victoria Quinlan, Eugene Doyle, Ottelyne Robinson, Oscar Thomas, Russell Stone. Third Class Honou1's-Alvin Pm`- kins, Agnes Jamieson. Form 3C. ` First Class Honours--Edna Ball. Second Class Honours--Vilda Walker, Archie Marshall. Third Class Honours-Vera Char- les, Kenneth McKenzie. 13-....- A A Fom 4A. First Class Honours--Allan Chant- `ler, Muriel Jobbitt, Grace Miller. n---...1 r`l...u- I-Ynnnnw:__T?.nfq IJU pun. uu Hum. cnu Lu. ;nuuonu bau- From Capt. Sparks, of the Salva- tion A1'm_\', asking permission to hold a tag` (lay on the closing day of the self-deniul campaign, May 23. 13..-. um D,.11 m.\1,m1....m (`n nclz- ler, iV11lI`1(3l uJUUU1vb, u1a.\,1: svAuu.A. Second Class Honours-Reta Quantz, Jessie Bishop, Jas. Robert- son, Muriel Paddison, Dora Knight, Arthur Fletcher. n11 :,.,u nu--- `LI.-.nnn1m_hnvn+hv Arthur rlebcner. Third Class Honours-Dorothy Rumble, Hollis Johnson, Ruth Law- son, Margaret Wallace, Molly n____-11 Dun, . Powell. FOWCII. Form 4B. Second Class Honours-Gordon Tebo, Alberta. Newton. rm.:...z (`lam 'F-Tn~n nnr.-=.--Lamz'man '1'e0o, Abucrw. .LV\:Wvun. Third Class Honours--Lang:man Lawson, Lillian Haskett, Ethel Gar- a([il'l. D(HllL`LL, 1\.\4., IIICIIFUUL -.u. mu. `Canadian Senate. Senator Bennett l_(__El1ad been in good health up till :1 zcouple of months ago, when he suf- lcCl`f(.`1`(.'(l a g'e11era1 nervous break- `.L'0 rlown. About six weeks ago he went ; ' to Toronto, and from there to` Guelph, for special treatment. It} 5vS_ was at the latter place he pas:~:e(l' 1zL\v:1_\' on Sund-a_\' mornings. nn-n,,n n, . .e Ll /LA. ..y. 1." ..m.~ 4-`nv-1,` destrians will be called on to give I. After three weeks of unparalelled I quietness, an action has been set up in the County Court to be heard an April 6. The action is a claim for ] damages for $500 by George Walms- ley of Port McNicoll against Francis Simpson and John L. Simpson, both of Port McNicoll. . Both plaintiff and defendants are C.P.R. employees. On Aug. 29, V 1924, the plaintiff` was riding a 1 bicycle through the C.P.R. yards when he was knocked down by a car driven by Francis Simpson and own- ed by his father, J. L. Simpson. The plaintiff, who sustained two b`roken ribs and was off work for six weeks a result of the accident, claims that it was caused by negligence on the drver s part. While the driver of the car holds that the plaintiff by his own foolhardiness let himself in- to the mix-up. A number of pe- n ,,, SENATOR BENNETT \ cons T0 ms REST} 1 'n n u\..n.. ....... civdencc-. `}o]_n'0.~.(-11t(`d East Silnvoo Fm` 23 Years ;' So11a1m- S111c-.0 1Sv)17. EUJL-(lL`lllill lI'cl`lll]_J'dl`HlI, AVl:t_V nu. From the Bell Telephone Co., ask- ing pe1'mis:~:i0u to erect two poles on Mzlry St, north of We11ing ton. 1:..,.... u..\.... \'mv+nn nnr] .\ 1? Another of Barrie s native sons, who had climbed high on the ladder kof i`a1ne, passed awz1,y on Sun(lg1_v `last, in the person of Hon. Wil1iam| H-I. Bennett, I{.C., member of the I 1`: I _ n...._.- cu........ D,...nn++ r V b v 3 ll} ` iLV\'1l_\' Ull ouHu`a_\ u1uxuun;.;. Bill_\" Bennett,- as he was fum- iliurly known, was born in Barrie on Dec. 23, 1858, a son of the late Mr. and l\ Irs. Humphrey Bennett, and u brother of our esteemed citi- zen, J. H. Bennett. He received his ptiblic and Higrh School education here, after which he took a law? course in Toronto University. He` then took up the practice of law in` .\Ii(ll21nkl, where he was re,:zmleml as the 21ble: lawyer for many _Vez11'<.: An able and of st1`on_9: p:1rt_\" ' ' Hun : n-\' A .; .,. Lu; ACTION IN COUNTY COURT 1 1111 hast Smcoe, but was not .-.:ucce.<.~'-. .`(3:~illia Strollers 6-1 lliy-elect1on, he was successful, and` v ` l , ;190v1 `when he was 1.uun,u, Iber of the Commons ..y.u./4, um. \J`J1l\lLJ\,\l M. ~, . V . . .. ful. The next ).'ear, however, in the carried the riding: in 1891, 1900 and elections. In the election of .1908 he was defeated, but came back in 1911 and continued as the l'la. Simcoe representative till 1917, called to the Seimte. His ability was reco_L'ni'/.ed in the I-louse and in 1896 he was selected to move the address, while in 191`). he lmd the same honor conferred on him. He was a strong` nzu-t,v man i and a hard grliter for the Conser\'a- Live cause, but he was fair and `commanded the respect of those who While a mom- and since he entered the Senate he was vleeply in- terested in the Trent Valley Canal and it was in a large measure due to his enterprise that the work on the canal has reached its present stage. As a resident of Midland he worked for the best interests of the town, having` served on the town council for many years, and also was in charge of the Hydro service. Besides his widow, who was form- erly Miss Cargill, daughter of the late Henry Cargill, ex-M.P. for South Bruce, the only surviving relative is his brother, J. H. Ben- nett, of Barrie. ` rru opposed his views. 1.n.nn n-la+ *'r\ I . n v. l 1 I 1 l 31 I, bl V \4.I.lIl\rO I-JKIIAQ 1`la_\`in_e' on very wet. ice, the Bar~ rie juveniles handed the Orillia Strollers a G to 1 defeat on Wed'ne:- day night. The two teams had tied in the game in Orillia, three all. The Orillia kids started oil` well; ;l~lill scoring` after a minute of pIay.~ The rest of the rst session was` scoreless. The locals came life in the second and scored four goals in quick succession. Johnson, Garvin and Clarke were the successful marksmen, the later scoring twice. A ght livenedup the second period when Tennant slashed Clarke across the shins behind the Orillia nets. Buster's Irish rose and a stic battle ensued. Both were chased for two minutes. Barrie added two more goals in the last dash, Garvin and l\`IcConke_v dividing; the scoring honors. The teams: Ori11ia-Goal, Wainman; defence, Tennant and Bonthron; centre, Hill; wings, McArthur and McNeil]; sub, Ansdell. Barrie-Goal, Devine; defence, Clarke and IG-arvin; centre, Johnson; wings, Walls and Hill;' subs, Mc- Conkey and Guest. COLLIER STREET CHURCH AND ___-_-._.__. . -. ..-..n.nn-no H 'c1UIL` (|'\.`U'd.LL'1 ulliliutions, it was Vlgut natural thuti Billy Bennett. =.houi`d get into poli-E " In the Dominion election in` anu un. nLLuu5 y.u.._ i\I:ii'ch, 1,891, he opposed Dr. Spohn t.V,...L Q.`-.,.,-.z. hn+ \|'-1': nnf .:n.'-r`n<<-. new, 01 Darrlc. The remains were brou,e:ht to Bar- rie on Monday evening, and the fan- eral was held from the residence of -I. H. Bennett, Bayeld St, on Tuesday afternoon, services being conducted by Rev. A. R. Beverley, assisted by Rev. J. H. Warren of Midland. A special train brought nnn 3-... mr:,n..mi n.m..+-..n.v 1V11(ll2!.IHl. A bpchlan vlouu -u.uu,~,.... some 200 from Midland, Penetangx, Orillia and other points in Senator Bennett's old riding, and included Mayor Bugg of M`i(1land and mem- bers of the Council. Senator Don- nelly of Bruce was present, repre- senting Rt. Hon. Arthur Meig'hen and the Senate. Others from a. dis- tance were Dr. M~uG;ibbon, ex-M.P., of Bracebridge; George Stokes, C.-N.R. Superintendent of Terminals, Toronto; W. D. Cargill, Bruce, and V Mrs. Wilson Sputham of Orttawa. The pa11-bearers were J. B. Tud- 1.--- n... m 1 Iiumm 0+` n..:n;.. D '` "`*" | in me 111 Urunu, uuuu an. S"`m". started ` Ll . . . . ` `~'~` `~ Hlll scoring` minute first . , , ' _m *9 iscoreless. life `cued 0 ` 3' ``}"`" 1'z111' hose livcnetlup _ Ilwhen slashed Sm`c _h|the 1mzu'ksmen, ;sEvEN{B;dTLA{; iiislas ;BEFORE MAGISTRATE I11fo1-mcr In Five Cases VVas B00t1ogg'm'; Adjourned Till F1'id21_V, 20th. AV1?.l1'_\' QL., llUlLl| U.L vvcunuguuu. | From I~Im`1g\' Norton and A. R.` Graham, requesting the council to put it cement walk in front of their r'esi at 184 and 186 Bradford n., Discovery that one of the Crown witnesses had at one time been a1 wholesale bootlegger brought to an abrupt halt ve B.vO.T.A. cases which .... 1m4-`m... Dnlh-n Mzw-istratcx m to tt, ti- i iis `- understands aorupt nzut uvu u.-u.;..-x. Lanna i.......... were up before Police Magistrate Je`s on Thursday last. A deluge of seven cases had been brought in by License Inspector Reid for a hearv ing. Five of these were the re- sult of the activities of two operatives, J oseph- Bradbury and Arthur Coughlin, special officers for the enforcement of the O.T.A. The`- eharge of selling against Edward Lahay of Vespra was heard first Ei'l 1`.i:. judgment reserved, Donald Ross ap-I" pearng: for the defendant. Wm. Finlayson appeared in the next for Dr. John Dunn, V.S., faced with a similar charge, and in the cross- examniation of Ofcer Bradbury brought to light the witness had bootleggetl 101` `two yuan: in this and others parts of the pro- vince without detection. Mr. Finla_\'- son then called on the Crown to withdraw the charge J. R. Boys, prosecuting for the Department, at- tempted to get in touch with the Attorney-General, but failed, then asked the court for an adjourn- ment. until a ruling could `be had from the Deaprtment on the advfsv ability of proceeding; with such eviw dence. The case was therefore ad- journed until Friday, March 20. anti along with it the cases of S. J. Stephens, 01' Vespra, cliai':.:'ml with havin_2' liquor for sale, and Eilxvard`: Smith and lloy Chatterton of .`~\n;1'us., Thc: dc-v cision in the Lahay case was also ad.-' both cha1'g'e(l with selling. journed till then. The Atlvance now that the Depart.\'.ent has ruled that they will allow the evidence of Bradbury and proceeci with the cases to-morrow. In the case of Frank Harris of Anglia, clialyg-`L-l with sellin_;`, the wrong` `man . 1 . _ ml i had been served and the Harris who u I L- ..._ fact that U18" and` ::,Local Juveniles Beat Orillia 6-1 \VILll Lilli LKIDL) uv lll\.IAA\lIv| -.. V-V- ghad antlthe Ilarrk ia))1)care(l in court was allowed to `go. L'l.`hc case of Harry Crawford, form- 10r1_\' of Allzmda u, charg`c with sell- 4ing, was heard the foowng 1norn- 1h}: as the infornxants \vcrc 11ot the gsanlc as in the other cases 1 (Continued on ])z\g'e six) I on 'St1'o11er.< defeat the ml... n..:n:.. 1-L19 ohm-+m1 n' umll- 1 E nonors. Lm: uuxuua r1-_1 `n-..:..... 1.Inv\nn AHSCIEII. Hill;' PRESBYTERIAN UNIONISTS Sunday, March 22nd, 1925 11.00 a.m.---Mr. Wellwood willv preach. Subject: The Blossoms of the Almond Trce-The Watcher for Spring. 1'7 rm 1n-vn %M\~ `K/nH' xvi nrirznvh bp1`lnfl'." _ 7.00 p.m.-Mr. Watt will preach Subject : The Voices of Life. Welcome ! Inquiry Deputy-I{ee\'e Huxtuble inquired if any action had been taken re the} letter from Mr. Moberly su;'_L).`estin;`! that a man from the Forestry Deptfl be zl. to come to Barrie and in-% spect the shade trc-e.~:. This was the] proper month for any treatmenti that migzht be rt,-quirctl. The Clerk`: said that he haul been in communica-3 i (Continued on page four)

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