"rnunsmv, "DECEMBER" 2&3,-1'1 9'24! Storm Sewers-- Elizabeth St., 400 ft. 8 1' at $1.10 . Dunlop St., 600 tft. 8 i at $1.10 ....................... .. Elizabeth St., -500 ft. in. at $1.45 ................ .. Dunlop `St., 300 ft. 12 i at $1.45 ..... .. Manhole: and Inlets-- 6 type D Manholes at $73, Elizabeth St. 5 type D Manholes at $73, Dunlop St. 6 type F Inlets at $35, Elizabeth St. 7 type F Inlets at $35, Dunlop St. Bithulitic Top-- Elizabeth St., 5600 sq. yds. at $1.80 .................... .$ Dunlop St., 7000 sq. yds. at $1.80 . Concrete Base--- Elizabeth St., 5600 sq. Dunlop and Elzabeth yds. at 90c ..................... ..$ 5040 00 Sts., 12160 sq. yds. at Dunlop St., none .............. .._ 90c ...................................... ..$ Increase, $5904.00; `Reason Base on Dunlop St. Elizabeth \St., 1800 cub. ft. at 85c . T\nw1n-n .54 1E. all DOC Dunlop St., none r.xcava`t|on--- Elizabeth Sf... 1350 cub. yds. at $1.00 ................... ..$ Dunlop .St., scarifying and shaping .............................. .. Cost of Dunlop and %Elizabeth St: % Paving Giving Reasons Why the Actual Cost was $54,194.92, VVhen the Estimate Was for $36,678,00. To Place-S2't3`1'1r`(')rdc3.r~for EL-lvic->-I-xum- J..I..KJ.JVJ.& L\J-I.` J30 U\I.LIJ-L ' 31115 JJLUDIX, JJGILLLG lNSURANCE-Fix-e, Life, Casualty, Plate Glass, Automobile. TICKET AGENT-Canadian Pacic Railway and Steamship lines. Likewise Cunard, Anchor and A'hchor-Donaldson Lines. Bookings to every part of the world. Service unexceilcd. Travel C.P.R. DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS 'l"-l....L....... . nm... In ) D..-:..l..._.... :1/to Adam chose evil and came under the penalty of eternal death; posterity by rea- son of this disobedience are born with a sinful `nature and can be saved by God s grace ` alone. Let us get it let- tered and ready for setting early in the spring. A large stock of all kinds of gran- ` ite nd marble to choose from. The Simcoe Marble Works G. W. J. EASTMAN "\_____ 'I'\ ,, , ;;o;a. Cu rb and Gutter- 20 Owen Street BARRIE HAMPTON E. _JORY El If) A RII`L` Increase, Increase, Increase, THE TWO CREEDS --- By a Nova Scotia Layman Increase, I $1258 00 Increase, $289.07; Reason, Extra. Increase, $236.1 0; Db, ll. sq. yus. 21.1, ' $1.80 .........$21997 80 Decrease, $682.20; Reason, sawing on Curb on Dunl-op St. Increase, $2633,4D; Reason, Curb on Dun1op'St. LOWEST PRICES $1910 00 Increase, $595.00; Reason, Base on Dunlop St. ESTIMATED COST 1{0VY.15. TI.-1-I TIME. .llJ|VlI1Vl\JlV LAFKILDD lVl|JlVLl KJKULK Telepliones: Ofce 183, Residence 549. \.......... uuu us: vuuu `(Articles VI. and VIL, Basis of Union) 18 lineal feet in depth of manholes at $11.00 .... .. 198 l $198.00; Reason, not to be done at Irst work. 95 cub. yds. excavations 142 , $142.50; Reason, 'not to be lone at rst work. Force account connecting to sewers and changes re cement walks .......... .. 190 ` 3190-25; R0-130", not to be done at first work. $8.00; Reason, not musk! P hnnn & .Lv.I.KA..l.V 977 '$1ooso oo 334678 00 :3 1530 00 . f$ 1350 00 1' $2260 00 Reason, extra work. 12600 00 210 `UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA 440 00 438 365 245 435 00 660 00 725 00 560 00 ` Miss Gladys Graham, who is at- `tending the North Bay Normal School, is spending` the Christmas holidays in Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. K. Strother, Miss I .\1I.._. !`V.., ~_..Z..1... .. ...I \I.. YT and M !A1icc Cre:~`wickr: and Mr. H. Croswicke are the ;Z'11CStS of Mrs. E. H. Crcswicke over Christmas. CONCEPTION OF GOD REVELATION DIVINITY OF CHRIST HOLY SPIRIT REGENERATION FAITH AND PATIENCE JUSTIFICATION AND SONSHIP 213 cub. yds. concrete ..... .$ to be done at '1'st work. Elizabeth St. and Dunlop St., 12221 sq. yds. at . 400 `ft. 495 ft. 838 ft. 52 ft. 14 Manholes, type D., at $73.00 ................................. ..$ 11 Inlr.-ts, type R, at 4 extra czwtinyzs 2 extra castingrs ...... .. Dunlop a 4869 ft 55 cub. i at 45c . Dunlop and Elizabeth Sts., 2505 cub. yds. at $1.00 ................................. ..$ King Block, Barrie 1:, plain Gina: Autnrnnk? 8 in. at 31.10... `H 0 n a+ SE1 `) . O 111. H/L v)J_.J.U... 9 in. at $1.20 . 12 in. at $1.415... . 24 in. at $4.75... lb. av. DOC ft. gutter =CLOTHES == I-Cleaned and Pressed i ACTUAL COST and Eliz. 434- at Qn R. G. MANUEL 'III'_._. A _ , , _ rung nun IJIC Lv4.J.1.l.1 \I&J.l.l Mar. Phone 701 25c .... .3 3787 2 first work. 50c .... ..$ 587 Page Five $49014 " PRESBYTERIANS M3 2450 269 793 285 108 600 :n ...$ 440 00 594 00 .. 1215 10 247 00 is 4138 Lb ...$1o944 LE ...$ 2505 00 $1547 $2496 $4163 ` 448 (Article V., Basis of Union) 40! 536 385 In: x_uwu4.4 - LKJLLJAJLA ND MINISTRY RESURRECTION AND LAST JUDGM`..\"I` ARE IDENTICAL IN BOTH THE OTHER DOCTRINES AS TO THE Here is indeed :1 sad commentzugv on Canada's indi'c1`0nce in respect to husbanding' he-1' na.t.u1'a1 ro. The United States Go\'e1'mnent w:1rn.< its people not to be wasteful of young spruce and r trees by cu":- ting them down for C111'i. u.~<-s. Indeed, to so \v.a.ste potential f'm~.~:t.< is,`-` ' V k nu'nh1:f Hm: luv Dear Santa, Claus, mamma told me That I might write to you, Tos ask you if you mean to come I Adown our chimney flue. For if you (10 we mean to 112111-3: Eight stockimrs on `the wall, And hope that you will not fo1'g'et To bring cnougl1 for all. And there s father's blue and moth- 1 .-n- o In-nu-u tnuu bllL`l`t.`S LEILHBFS Ulue EIHU I e1"s brown, And sister s long and black; The striped one belongs to Lew, The red belongs to Jack. And tliere is Spe`s and Uncle J You surely must not miss, But something put in every one Am! make. mine look like this Iwu_1_u: WRITES A LETTER [ TO DEAR SANTA CLAUS I want it stretched across the top, so very, very wide; I want it big: and broad and thick, and l)ul;:ing at the side. I want 21 top, I want :1 ball, I want a trumpet too; I wzmt u (lumly jumping` jack all (l1`os: in red aml blue; I want a little t.rorting' horse that's mzule to :10 on whc-ols; I want :1 (log that snaps and barks. I want 21. pi}.-: that squc-ul.<; I want 21 sled with runn(~1`s b1'i_;'ht, the top all pnintml _g`1'oon, with stripe.< of (sold uml lc-tt.r\r.<, too, the l1uzz.t<!. c\'c1' . 11. and then I want a pair of skzxtes, for ; has begun, and all the l)0_\'s uml _:irl.< in school are luwing: lots of fun. .\Iamm:1 szlys [Han lx : - nrdr DOCTRIN ES I'm not l>i_v; enough, and that I'll bump my lmzul, than I have to stay indoors, like ` U11". Tompkin ;< Ned. So if you do not bring` the skates, I gruess I shall not cart-. .ut, 0 I qqite fo1':."0t to . I want :1 rocking: chain`, and nuts and ca.n by the pound and popcorn whitn as snow; I want it lled just lwixmnims.` full from top and l heel and toe.` DIVINE PURPOSE : Repairing ORIGINAL SIN -_- - .---v-u gAC:I;.'-\.xVIEl\"I`S, BAPTISM AND LORD S SUPPER scene ox a pretty W'(.`Ll(llIlg on w eu- nesday, Dec. 17, when Esther, daugh- ter of Mr. Robert J. Turner of Flos, became the bride of Donald \'orm:1n| Buchanan, son of Mrs. Buchanan MacLennan. The church was pret- .t.ily decorated with eve1',L_:`reex1s and owers. Rev. Mr. Mclieown of Hillsdale ofciatecl. The bride en- tered the church with her father to .the strains of we(l(lin,<:: music play] ed by Miss Ruth Turner, and wore 'a gown of brown crepe satin with grey squir '21 trimmings and carried a shower `uuquet of roses and lil_\'-of- the-valley. She was attended by her sister, Miss Anna Turner, while the groom was supported by his cousin, J. H. Smith, of Bu`a1o. During the signing` of the rc;;'ister Miss Guidu Burton of Barrie sang. After a buffet luncheon the happy couple left for a short trip to St. Cutlierines and Toronto, the bride trz1\'ellin_2' in a navy blue poiret twill ulress, fur coat! and hat to match. On thogir return: Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan will re. at : Ashtal)ula, Ohio. } AND DES I`I.\'Y OF THE VISIBLE CHURCH x,r`r\'1 nrnhxr SANCTIFICATION PRAYER Phone 229. I Joe's, xn n1vn\I1' r\I'\n By the decree of God, for the manifesta- tion of His glory, some men are pre- destined to everlasting life, and others fore-ordained to everlasting death. These are particularly -and unchangeably de- signed, and their number is so certain and denite that they can neither be increased nor diminished. The rest (not elect) of mankind God was pleased to pass by and to `ordain to wrath for their sin to the praise of His glorious justice. Elect in- fants dying in infancy are saved, others cannot be saved. By Adam's fall men became wholly de- led in all the faculties -and parts of body and mind, utterly indisposed, disabled, and made opposite to all :good." (Chap. HI. and X., Confession of Faith) DISSENTERS NEW CHURCH as :1_L'uixisL Ln-3 !:iW.| u '. m:.._..:fHl which ;:'r0w.< with the yewrs must be supplied. Blillimis of thvso trees are needed in order to satisfy the dc-mandw of Santa Claus. So it is that the L'nited States Government in ornlor to iI`\(.`(!t the demand and keep the pric,:< within bounds : the mi-if`.` on these trenlets in the full exp:-cf.-1'.ion that the Canadian forests will .-ati. the cmving: for holiday dec0r:Ltions. --Saturday Night. (Chapter VL, Confession of Faith) (Continued from page one) that all `licensed niimrods were suc- cessful in making` a catch. Three educational rms supplied by the Ontairo Government added to the upstairs attractions. `The Assembly Hall made an excellent lunch room, where afternoon tea was served, with the .B.C.I. band in attendance. A special feature of the evening was the play, The Merchant of Venice Up-to-Date. This was a bright, witty take-off of the original play by Slrakespeare. A fuller ap- preciation of the play will be found in the last issue of the Advance. .\'eedless to say, the play as executed on Friday evening` was a big im- provement over Wednesday e\'ening"s pre.~'entation. The all star cast in- cluded Miss Jean Cowan as Portia, `Mi;-`.s Gertrude Scott as \'erissa, Miss Ailsa Gray as Jessica, Miss Annie Wallwin as Polly, the maid; Miss 3ett_\' Robinson as Miss Threedice, Miss Olive Johnson as Mrs. Gobbs, Oscar Thomas as Lancelot Gobhs, llirank Foster as Antonio, Alvin lLuck as Bassanio, Seymore Lee as "Gratiano, Howell Partridgre as the ) Duke, Chester Carson as 21 Copper,` [Watson Copeland as Sh_vlocl<, and Ithe Belmont `ru.-:l)_\' eleven, consist- linr: of E. Doyle, 1:. Wilson, c. Scott, P. l-lall, ll. Hill, ll. Stone, F. .'r`oste1', J. l a_vne, A. Clarke, A. Luck and R. llouton. ' v . . . . - . u STUDENTS OF B.C.I. IN XMAS FESTIVAL` Later in the evening two basket- ball ;:'zm1e.< were St1LQ`0(l, both of which provml thriller:~'. Two ,:'ii'l-" tn,-mns, the first and second school tvmns, (l1_`:`z\f1`t .'(i in battle rst. The 2-`mne was keeiily contested, r."iili the seniofs winniny: 25 to 19. Follo\\'in_g' this the school team on- ';:'z1_e`ml the Old Boys in A p:zLme which was more closely related to ru5_rby than basketball. Seldom has such a fast and furious game been St-i1_`.[`C'(l in the B.C.I. gym. It was `Z1 case of the .\'ul'Vl\`3.l of the fittest and :1 battle royal developed between some of the players. The school team led at half time by 14 to 10. l-lowever, the Old Boys opened up a s't1*on.g attack in the second half and nished on the better end of a 35 L/\ no N . . . .. Girls` hams : Seniors-Forwards, Amy Moore and Alice Quinlan; centre, G. Scott and B. Robinson; defence, L. Scott and E. Garside; spares, D. Tuck and B. Hall. Juniors---F`o1'wards;, 0. Robinson and M. \V.'u'nicz1; centre, 0. Johnson and E. Quinlan; defence, E. Little and A. .\'ew1.on; spar. V. Quinlan. Boys teams 2 B.C.I.--Forwi~.rds, E. Doyle and B. Mnlkin; centre, F. Foster; de- fence, C. Carson and J. Payne; sub., J. Hayes. Old Boysr-Forwards, H. Smith and ` . ;; `:1 =3, _`. M'_-;`.Za2.m; d.v The Northern Advance \./ ........ .9. u v v ~ u n no 4-nu-nu. M1`. and Mrs. Thomas McMil1in of Thorold are spending Christmas with the fo1'mer s mother here. 11- at . 1\ n u K) uxuuv uuz. 1 Mr. Wisliart Campbell is spending the Christmas holidays with Rev. and Mrs. Neil Campbell. R/f,...,..... T\....:_l ....J Y`r-_._.. `rI_...._l -4- .u;..~. A`\,lA vu.-uyucu. Messrs. David and Henry Lloyd of Toronto are visitors at the home of Mrs. McL. Stevenson. | `AL, .u. . AVAL/A41 -.:u\.v\.uauu. Mr. Fred Giffen of Stayner and Mr. Jack Reid of Hawkestone spent the week end in Barrie. 11 an :1 It .. .. 1. . Of the 300 million z1c1'e.< t forl farming in Can:1d:1, one-thin! is inl farm ho1(ling's; only one-. i"l cultivated, and 250 million acres await the `plow. IlAl\4 u - V V . - V uu un ;...muxu,. Mr. Chas. McMa1 tin of the Uni- versity of Toronto is spending the Christmas week at .-home. 1: 1 ur nn 11 `point 0 L\lLlll|4LnJ un.vuu,; u\.L\.. Miss Murtes Donnelly of the B.C.I. staff revturned to her home in Pinkerton for the hol`idays. `ML. D\>-4-' `.\`I .... r\ 11 T ..-._ 1.-.... ......u.vu.. `u. mu. uuuuuqu. NI1`. and Mrs. O. H. Lyon have gone to Toronto to spend the Christ- mas season with their sons. \r- vv 1 n - u v unua ->\.uauAA vvuu uuuu auua. Miss Helen Smith, who is attend- ing the Toronto Normal School, is spending Christmas at home. 1\.(..r. `X7..- T).\1 J `K7,. .--. u. A. . .Juu.nu.u . Miss Helen Ross, who is attending the University of Toronto, is home for the holidays. `.hf.. r`......l.... (`II . _ _ _ ._ .15 LL. n-1- ;u; mu. uuuuu._y a. Mr. Gordon Charmen of the To- ronto University is spending the hoI`ida.ys at home. 171:..- T.` (l1.\II,_. -c LLA nrV`r _4__n' nu-nuu._ya an uuxuc. Miss E. Wallen of the B.C.I. staff is rxspending the holidays at her home in Unionville. 'nr,, txy~ 1 . n WV. ...,, \J ......... ..., W ...... -. Mrs. Wm. Bell of Walkcrvillc is visitixlg her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gray, Brzulfortl St, this week. I'll-.. T\rf..\.........L N/TAl...---..--- ---L- 3- \.A|Ak&. .4.s..u;\uu .._;u., 5411:.) u-.,.,n. Miss Margaret Malcomson, who is attending the Toronto University, is spending the holidays at home. `ILL. `I Y....-I.I c`_..:.L ___L.. :.. ._4...l -,-.......,. ...- ... ...,...-. Mr. Harold Smith, who is studying at the University of Toronto, `is home for the Christmas holidays. 11.. h._-_1. T-.. ._.I__ _'.. ..L_..I.. :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COO. uuuu. ;u; sun, u:u:.:munu.n uuuuu_;.;. Mr. Brock Jamieson, who is study- ing in McGill University, visited with fricmls in town over the week end. up . in - \n1\ 1. . Misses C. B. Bird N. Bird and R. Bird 4 : Christmas here. ~-.. 1- r. nu...-. 1\Ii.=.s V. Burton and Mr. C. Farm-1 or, both of the B.C.I. staff, are sepnd- in}; the holidays at their homes in T),_..LL I Pnh. Miss D. Turner, who is attemling theToronto N01 -ma] School, is spend- ing: the holidays at her home in Barrie. I 11- xx . N. ........o uu:;1l;. Misses Francis and Janet Campbell spent the week end with their aunt, Mrs. T. Sinclair. nrv vv 1 7` ;;u.nu.s u. uuvvlk uvvn mu. vvI;\.I\ L,A|u. Mr. and Mrs. F. McDonald and family of Hamilton are the guests of Mr. J. R. Cotter over Christmas. 1" u . ..,\u-.. 71 nu. L n. Miss Margaret Sinclair is visiting hoe!` parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sinclair, Clapperton St.,A over Christmas. 1: /1 HIV u nv'\ Messrs. Cecil Lally of Boston and I{eppe1Lal1y of Toronto returned home Monday night for the Christ- mas holidays. `II. ......I `II..- T`) I1 ]l........I I-.EJ. ....,..~... ...... _ Mr. A .Mo1'row has returned to his home in Perth for the Christ- mas holidays. 7m .. -._.I 1|/r_._ rx - v Zion church, Shanty Bay, was the cene of a pretty wedding on Wed- psllnv, hm 17 xvhnn ]<`. rlznnrh. ..uuuu_v a. Mr. and Mrs. Currie have gone to Toronto to spend Christmas with fxtiends there. -.,. -n . .. . ... unu 1 uuuuu_yo Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Manuel left for the West on Saturday. They will spend Christmas at Portage la Prairie with their four sons who are living in the West. T'\.. ....I II ... "I3 `I T)._._..L.._ 1...-.- Miss Jean Cowan of the University of Toronto is spending the week at home. 1|! :1 1 I\ N. nun,- Mrs. Ford, Owen St., has returned home after six months visit in Co- bourg. `A/r:.... T._-L-1 tx7A1I___. ,,,1,. :,, 4,, 1 , ..u...{,. | Miss Isobel Walker, who is study- ing at the U. of T., is home for Christmas. `rsvuu .... V .... uunllsoua Mrs. G. Baldwin of visiting` with her sister, Bayeld St. 7|/1.. A 1\.r __,_, , 1 uvnu5 Au mu. "cou- Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Broreton have returned from Toronto, where they were called by the death of the former s aunt, Mrs. Wm. Copeland, at Pasatlena, Cal. The late Mrs. Copland was interred at Toronto on. Saturday. Judpse and Mrs. Van-cc are spend- ing Christmas with friends in To- ronto. xn. -. PW - .. -- . uuuu, un uuLauuLu_y UVL71. uuu.:uu1a.5. Mr. and Miss Laidlaw are spend- ing Christmas with friends in To- ronto. fence, F. Billingrsley ,u` 1' 73.7.1 ..-1'D Which Side Stands for Religious Freedom? \.uu..uuu-u..; vv\.:.n up uux. uvuu: nutc- Mr. James Ross was the guest of Mr. E. Jamieson over the week end. Miss L. Travers is visiting at her home in Strathroy over Christmas. 1- ,.,.,1 mr:_,. 1'..:.n-._. ....- -._--. I Anus uuuu. Miss A. Adams is at her home Peterboro for the holidays. 1!`. (`Ian O1........_. .9 I`....... v..u-.~u.-,3 um ucxc. in lu Anvulnx. \Ill J\.KLVK; J.UL \JlLL~1D|rJlIG3n Miss Eleanor `Carr is spending the Christmas week at her home here. 'II'.. 7...... T3,-" , ,, A` ,, 1 :- Mdss Ila Newton is spending Christmas week at home. " Miss G. IHurIburt is spending week at her ohme here. 1:: at n - A\-\/\4LlJ\lL\l LUA mu: uuuuu._yo. Mr. Glen Slessor of Camp Borden is home on leave for Christmas. 113., 17u,,,, n 1 -- Mr. G. H. Esten has gone to ` ronto rave; Christmas. 1:- 11 \v . ~.- vvuuuh uv nun. vuxuc 1u:.Lt:. Miss Morjorie Laidman of Toronto is home for the holidays. M':... F T .... .... ..c m....._:.. :_ Au uvuu, LVL uuc ll\lll\.|.cL_)'D- Miss G. Longman of Toronto is visiting at her home here. wr.'..._ A A_!_____ :_ _L u,,,, 1 PERSONALS \lV\4L \JllAAA)|/llllahnl-' [ of Oakville, I. of Toronto are attheir home We believe that the eternal, wise, holy, and loving purposes of God so embraces all events that while the freedom of man is not taken away, nor is God the author of sin, yet in His providence He made all things to work together in the full- ment of His sovereign design and the manifestation of His Glory. We believe that ,God, out of His great love for the world, has given `His Son to be Saviour of sinners, and in the Gospel freely offers His all-sufficient salvation to all men. We helieve also that God in His own good pleasure gave to His Son a people, an in- numerable people chosen in Christ, with holiness, service and salvation. `/A._Af_`-_ `Y. _,,,I `III "),_5_ ,t I` ' \ and J. Ross; v\1 Dalston is Mrs. Bell, the the Mr. and Mrs. Dagenais of London,` On t., are visiting the latter s par-` ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pat Lerson,| over Christmas. | Miss Sarah Wallwin, who is at-` tending; Bishop Stmchan C0110}.-3,! Toronto, is spenrling the luolirlzxys at home. En_e;ineers fees, 5 per cent. Interest paid to Nov. 1st by Town ................................................. .. Interest to be paid before debentures sold .... 4l . ........ .. Raising and lowering electric li_2'l1t manhole tops by Town .I1`o\rin-g electric liglit poles, Town's share Detours, repairing and oiling: .... .. Advertis1'n1:, priming: debentures . Solicitors fees Discount on debentures when sold, 1 per cent. Broken Cement WaIks-- Increase, $587.50; Reason, e 1175 sq. yds. Dunlop and Elizabeth Sts. ..xtra work. Reinforcement-- Dunlop St., over recent excavations 1400 sq. yds. Increase, $448.00; Reason, extra work. Miscellaneous re Sewers and Sidewalks-- Eidewalks on Dunlop and Eliz. ....... ,. 15149 sq. ft. z Increase, $3787.25; Reason, not to be done 1 BUCHANAN-TURNER