Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Dec 1924, p. 6

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/ 'I`hiugs were different forty years ago. \\'lu-n M.-li.\' Arbour, a stalwart young French Canadian of five and twenty, began work as a telephone lineman at Otta- wa in 18.95, John A. was the triumphant leader of the Government, Edward Blake marshalletl the forces of the Liberals, and young VVilfri(l Laurier, was already manifesting that ability as a parliamentarian that was to make him inevitable as Blake's Stlccossor. As Felix Arbour went about his work in the vicinity of the old buildings on Parliament Hill, he often got; a fri--ntily norl a.nd'a cheery (loud morning from the great men of that day. They envied his sturdy young frame and his smiling, kindly face. n..+ :4 :.. ..n ,::n-....h..L n;.._.__, 1, WILLIAM HENRY JOHNSON CAROLINA BEARDSLEY OBITUARY HUGH BIGGAR THOMAS COFFEY The Passing of Fe r IOSS. If 'I`hr- funeml took plzxcn on Satur- iHrIa_v from the home of Mrs. H. >3! Do. to 'I`]mrntrm Union C(`m1-- f tr-ry. {ma W. J. Watt ofciute-.`l. n Tho: acting` as pal} b::1rm':< .vv-1'0 idward Analm-cnn n` 1.`w...n++ A2,... 1 Inns 1CIH12' pall h3z11'(-1'.< Zdward Ande1' of Everett, .-'\I(~.\'. [Biu':':1r of OriHi'.1, Dalton Mtxirlwurl ;of' 'I`oronto, Wm. F1'a: of 'I`ovonto Ianrl NI. Martin of Br,-c-tron. .\I:m_\' {out of town vi.=itor.= attemlutl the 'funr>rz1l zmrl the family was thr: ra- icipinnt of many beautiful oral tri- 'bute.<. I thnry mvoc-I to Inn?. Whilo on the farm in Innisl, Mr. Bixzar :-m'vr-:1 for smnra _\'em-: 21: secreta1'_v for the school board in hi< rli'~:t1'ict. Twelve yum-.= :1,L`o they retired and movvd tn Barrio. A family of ve (1au_..'}1te1's an! four . =urvive, only onr,- of `he fzm*.iI_v circle being: mi.=2in_'.:'. apart from the two parents. Tho.=e are: Erlxvm-ml and Hobart Bi,Q'r:a1' of Bar- "in. Mrs. W. D. Fraser of Toronto, ;'\T.r~'. M. `Tartin z1nv.IMrs. Percy iSomp1r2 of PM-ton. .\Ir:<. Boothe of [T ain:~'wick and Mn`. H. Desouwlio of :B:m~iv. Ono: brother, Alex. 3i9:_L`m', ">f Orillia. also remains to mourn his E loss. I TL. L`....,...,.\ L_-1. .,u n axuunug, nxuuny AU:LU- Bgt now it is all dim:-rt;ut._ Ottawa has grown to he a big_C11_.`: _\'0un:.'_ mrn art>._xn tnc_:2(.-uts of the mighty and Fellx z'\1`l)ulJI` ft-(:15 that 1115 day 15 done. HIS conzn-ndos of the 13.0]! _ I`olr.-phone construction mrces met hm other day to bnd hxm farewell ere he retired uvm. ;\n'.=. W. J). 1: `Smnple lT W1 ./~'. 5B:m~io. broth hm n..:n:., .`1.- h [ l1Ull`ll)l(5 pl'Z1_V('.`1'S. T] l I If the people here at home had an adequate picture of the degradation, cruelty, wickedness and misery of hcathendom they would all do what they could in the work against that , state of affairs t.hroug'h prayer and L . 1 1 if then open. service. It is a mystery why God waits for us to pray before He does anything`. But it s a fact. Sixty years ago inland China was without- a missionary. A great long'in_::` ll- ed the heart of Hudson Taylor to do something` for it. societies then existing, but they felt unable to grant men or mean.< for work beyond the coast provinces Dr. Taylor then estab- :lli. the C.I.M., int.erdenominz1tion- al and international in character and .'~upportod wholly by free-will offer- lIlf ..`S. \Vorkers, duly qualified and sound on all fundamental truths in the faith, are taken into the work irrespective of nat.ionalitj'. No sal- ary is :'uaranteerl and all work(~r.= are r-xpecterl to depend on God alone for temporal .=upplie.=.. l"he mi: earne. rr`(;L1c.=ts prayer for its work. Patient continued sion ln`im_>`:~' powr-r, workr-rs` are : by it. opposition is broken down, and the Gospel has free course. He consulted the` intnrcr>.<- . 1 bo:n'in5: on mi. snrvice. .0110 of the \vo1'k<-rs in thc China In- [lund Mission is known to many in] Bxwric. Her converts could bn' l.....uu_..--uuu LIIKZ urn lK'aL|lHl.'llL lIi.l\L' (loublml by prayer on the part of her f1'iomls here. G011 still has all power and H0 is 1)1`(`[)1)`C(i to use .that power in response to our [humble I if Han nnnnln hnvn n+ \.m..,\ I..._I __ . RISK. ' \'em' [.05 .-\ng:'cles are two of ` most powvrl ul toli~scopc.< in ` \\'Ol l(l. From the 0l(l-1' one can pliot.o::1'2L[)l1c(l 500 million worl and from the otlior 2,000 mill worlds. In the l)r>_:ii1iiiii,u' we kn God mzulo liv:1\'0n and our-tli. * lwlmt :1 power is l)(`l1lll(l all tli: promises that our ])l`:l_\'(`1`S will Z1l1S\\'(.`l'L`(l. All tlwso promism ltl1rou_u'l1out the now l`vstamcnt hr x l\.ms~in..- r\r\ .: . i l I l l | I Dr`. F. Howard Taylor delivered two impressive sermons on Sunday from the pulpi-ts of the Allandale Presbyterian church in the morning` and St. Andrew's church, Barrie, in the evenin,-_:. l`he two churches xv-are` crowded at each of the servic.-_-.:. On Sunday evening` Dr. '1`-1_v!or fspokc on the essence of faith and what it has done for the China In- land Mission. 'Iver_v child of God knows that our F2l.U1'.`1' is the hezu`e1' and znlswerer of przxyer. There are some thingrs we hope and . thin_4's we e.\'pect., but there are also [some tl1i11_-_-'.~` that we know, and there 'is nothin_: sllrcr than that God :\n- ` s\\'e1's [)l`}.1_\'t`l`. In His l'n`. and lust .` .6 H-1-tn-nlnyl mhh-necnc (`In-L-r uh! oh. |\V |1\IvIIA|I_., BLIIUI Lll(Ill LIIALL \l(Hl iK!I" rocornlod :1 Clwist; mid that as we pr:1_\' God will ([0 the tlliilgs we ask. \'nuu 7 1\< \ . I DR. T.A{YLOT1`?...'V:..1;KKw AT SUNDAY SERVICES to enjoy a well earned rest. 1' ull0\\ lIu.{ the presentation of an address accompanied by an arm chair and a smoking set, Felix made a partingspeeeh that promises to become a classic among telephone plant men. He said:-- I am in good health and I thank God Almighty for that. I always received just treatment from my bosses. If I did wrong, they told me: and if I did well, they did not forget to praise me. I thank everybody for the help they gave me in my work. We did not always agree, and hurl arguments; but we tried to help one another,,and it was all for the Company. Work in the Company's interest and you will be working: in your own interest. Every time I went up :1 pole, I said to myself, Felix, be careful: if you fall oil` you may break an arm or a leg: or II)il) l)P your neck. Although I am not now working for the Company. I want you all to know me on the street; and as I go along I will keep my eyes on the wires and cables and If I see anything that will cause trouble or make an ace`dr~nt I will report it." Inna cames and It 1 :1nything jclm report 1t. Arbour V ' l Hugh Biyrgai` passed away last 'Thur.=.da_v in his 81st yeai, at the;` home oi Mrs. H. Desourdie, ISSH5 Braclford St. The late Mr. Bi_L'.'_`.:'U`il "had been in poor health for severzxlll months pa.~:t, but his death, comin:_v`r when it did, was unexpected. ;[ Deceased was born in Ca.rnamufl',i Ireland, and came to Czmarla wheni. about 20 years of agre. Fifty _vear.~:lI ago he married Rebecca Anderson ofit Rosemount, who pre(lecea;~:(-cl himi| seven months ago. Two short _vear:~';I ago the departed couple celebruterllf their golden weddlin_s: in good health n and with all their family round a about them. For a number of year.< 3 a after their marriage they lived at 1" Sheliburne, and later for some time '- \. at Glencairn. From the latter place` b Tho cir,-mzmul for silk thin;-,'. is evi- rlr,-mly inCl`(.`11.'iiI1_`.1' in the m:11`i{(?tS, :1.< the silk imlu. in St. C-utiizwiiles is flourisliingx, and there is 21 lame ic- mzxml for girl worka. in the silk mills. __j--: > WALLWI.\'-At the RV. Hospital, on Sunday, Dec. 7, 1924, to Mr.` and Mrs. John Wallwin, Bzu`1'ie, a 4lau;:l1tc1`. SI.\IPSO.\'-At the R.V. I-Io: on 'I'uestla_v, Dec. 5), 1924, to Mr. I and IVIPS. W111, I'n1n' .Qh4.1nf\' uu Auummy, UCC. :1, LIIZA, :0 D11`. Mrs. Wm. Simpson, Shanty Bay, the gift of 21 son. ELL--.-\t the I ..V. Hosiptal, on I`uesIay, Dec. 9, 1024, to M1`. and .\'Ir.~:. Wm. Bell, Detroit, :1 (laugh- tor. BIRTHS OTTON HARDWARE C0. If you want the best, and of course you do, come in and see the EASY i11 operation; or, better still, phone us for a free demonstration in your own home. Its vacuum cup method of Washing, its handy con- trol, its automatic oiling, its adjustable capacity, its simplicity and efficiency, all join i11 making it the outstanding washer of the year. The EASY is one of the nest, if not THE nest Washer obtainable to-day. Every feature in its making is aimed at the one purpose-to make it a quality Washer. VVa.5'Kil.(lE1, Manitoba. 1 The funeral took place on Sun- day from the family 2'esi(l~-ncr: to Minosinp: cemetery, Rev. H. 1-}. V'-'eH- -wood ofcizttingr. Six neplwws of the late Mr. Johnson acted as pal] bearers. They were Otto Davis, Jack, William and Ho\V'zu'd P2'iv: Harry Rowc-ll and Arthur McKee. The Northern Advance ;-\cco1':linp,' to "1110 Hm':xll, ;.-"owl Ivy! |1:mlwoo is now In-ing solzl in l <-me-1 L:1n_L,-' from $650 L0 $0 :1 cowl for! ("our-1'oo L wood. Illlllllllulll uI'lIl:lll(lS HI LI)!` 10]`!!! 0|` :1 p1'm:mn1 of l(*j.','i.\`]:lU()ll. llu would not say that the (`Row-rnnm-nt wouhl be bound by such :1 prugrrzun. lvut lu- pronsml that it would rm.-cc-ivu ; putlu-tic cnn.a'i(lm':1ti0n. and that all p().~`.\'H)]u in thv situzntimn would I):- rlono at thv coming` su.<. of tin- I,c-gsisluturr-,. Thu .<])0k(-sum-n for the dvputntiun xvvro G;l'()l`_`.,"(` O'Neil of tlw I\'iny: Hui- wurtl Hot:-1. 'l`. J. Ag':u', l\'.C., r-pru-- . the ()[l`\'l'l,`])('l`.< .\. Lion; J. B. St!-v(~n:< of Ott:u':1 and R. |*`n\' nf Ni-m--..-.. I.`..H.. ! 1 A crc-mm-`ry is to ho u.:LzLl>l'i.~'ln-kl in; Elm 1110 during` the coming: _\'(-:n`. j__.___.___.__.__ >?()l11\` 1n<~:1. of yvlivf. '|`h`_\' :m- Llw tourist, mnnips .-ma! thv up:-ration of 1`-':ULlll':ll)L\' Iuy Gr.-<-ks and ()iilt'l' l'(*(!(?!lL :u'!`iv:1l.\` in this ('uuntr_\'. A gmni li(`.'li 0:111 in- clnnu Ln ()\'('l'('()H1I' this Si-Lll:li,i()|l, um] I think you will find thv (in\'-rnm-nl. pm-mm-cl to co- ()])(1lzi.1' in t|1:1.1." I I (7n-op:-r:i.L- in l ropo.s'u]s The l i'(-mi<-r :ul\'isu-I Lhv lmtvlmu-n to communi(':1tv with thu (Ynnnm-rvizll 'l'r:1vvll<,-r.1' :\.s'>`()('i:l.Li()ll and to (-0- ()))(2Ui.(' with Lh:-m to (`X])l'(`.~.\` thvir minimum h~n1:1mls" in Lhv form ul` m'nu`mm nl` imrieiniinn H.. .......I.I wv n:1\'4* L0 t|*:1 lift-. 'l'ht-1':- is n ilmt :1 h()1.('l is 21 n`.ust. |u- )`('_L!'.'l) IlI` :1 numh:-r of H]:- m:ul<- this Govt-1 hut in other lI..A 4..._ nH;.:'nI; L();.','f!tl1('l' S'.l_`_`,`_L`.\'t. 'l`h:-rz.- is no doubt, thv I 1'mnin-1" stntetl :1f't(-I` 111- had l`l(`1H`(l 1,110 (Iv- |mtu.tio11 .< })]`(`. Hunt this i rmv 01' tlw nmst in1p()rt,:1nL prohlt-m.< wv huvv to tlvul with in pr:1(:ti('.'1l no IIOUIJL in Llw \vm`M pr:u'.tic:1l uti]it._\' nmli r<-_L':mlm| in that lig.:'h1. With` st:1h-Im~nl< mu 1....-.. I Assistance by le_:;islzLtion to the hotel industry of the Province was promised yesterday at the Parliament Buildin_L's by Premier Fe1';."uson to a deputu.tion l`(.`1)1'(:S(3I]lLlI`l_`.," the hotel trade, which waited upon the Gov- ernment. Request was made by the deputation for protection a_;`ain. the unfair competition of t0Lll'l.s`t camps and resta.urants operated by fo1'eig;;- ers, for exemption from taxation for a period of ten years, for the licen.'~'- in}: ol' roomin:.:' and l')oz1rdin.,e' house. and for permission to serve re per cent. beer and native wines with meals, and five per cent. beer at tables at other than meal times. No dt-nite promise upon any of these propositions was made by the Prem- ier, but he :13.-'reeul that the hotel \\'as a public utility and should be so re- _e,'arded, and declared that his Govern-I ment would 1.-'ive sympathetic con- sideration to any proe'ram of leg'i.s- lation which the hotel men and the Commereial 'l`ru\'(-lle1's' Association miirht t0;;' S'.l_J,`_'4`L`.\'t. is nn ilnuln " Hm 1)....m:.... HOTELMEN WAIT ON PREMlER;| WANT FIVE PER CENT. BEER I Barrie renenang street, of William Henry Johnson, in his seventieth year. The late Mr. Johnson had been on a three months visit in Cuba and re- turned three weeks previous `.0 his death in the best of health. On Thursday morninyr about 10 o clock he was the victim of an attack of acute intligestion. At ve o'clock the same afternoon he passed :uva_\'.[ Deceased was born in Mulmur, but while still young` the family moved `to C`0llln_Q'W00(l, where he reeei\ ed his education. As a young man he moved to Gravenhurst, \\'l`ll'C` he . spent forty years as lumber in.~'_1)ec- 1 ttor in the rm of Mickle, Dyment l & Son. Five years ago the late Mr. Johnson came to Barrie and has lived here ever since. :'31't_v-seweii 1 years ago he married Elizabeth Mc- t Divitt at Severn Bridge. His wife V is left to mourn his loss, .'is well as = three brothers and one sister, Alfred .- and Benj:1n_1in of Collin9;wool. Isaac l of Port Huron and Miss EllZLl()l .`Ill ofli Waskada, Manitoba. l - 'l`l'|n flnnnv-ul O-nab I..- .... 0---- ll- .. ., nu mu? (ll'])uL1lIl()H 2 Llw ] Wyn`:--i in}: ]l()t1']l{I-t,*})c-1'5 .\.<. ; of Niu_L':u':1 Falls. | - Lms l:()\'('l'IlmI'llL IS In :-.01,-(ml, lH:lHf`)`.\` xliicllltit-.< -. But two l)l:LMt'l'.\' which you - Invntitma-I sm-In Lu m:- 1.0 h:1\`:- : ])]'()|)(')`]_\' .\'tl`(-:<.~`-ll zuul tn _iu.~:til'y ~ of yvlivf. `--.`L:u1r:11)L~; 01111-1" Ht in Hui: I-nnnh-xv A Pride of Ownership! u Ill HIELL H).:'Ill. wun .~'t:1,tt-nu~nL.~' you h:1\'~ mm:-nt. is in z-.c,-ortl, In:1t.l,m's mnHm-_- IlV`\:nl\ ...\.. z\.\('lI unu Lu Ju: '|`h '_\' ()|)l'l':I 0 m'r-rc I I n.:..n. .. .. 1 yO11I nome. Terms to Suit ___Phone 123 Y(_)ur Desire ununon rv Ins ! lulu)`; irft in] tlw lmmls of Councillors Luck lllllll (Tr:u\' 1'0 111. A l)_\'-l:1\\' to g)1`0\ i'l(` for :1 bonus on wirv l'(-Ilcvs Lvns ;.z`i`.'m1 its first um] . N-ml:'n.:`s and left over to llw first;: in Jzmu:'ur_'.', 1925, and if tl1m'<- is :1 mum'cir:1'I eloctirm in tlw t.o\vn.vhvip, tho quostioin to bu .'ulnni:m-I to the vluctors. A |)_\'-lnw \v:1.< ))z1.=;<<-(I :1ppointIn;:' {ho time and ])!acc for mu nomnna-I, Mon nwt-tin_::, z1p1)o9ntin,s.-' tlcplli-_\' ru- turningr 0fY`Ic(,-rs, etc. 'l`h- various '1:(`mn'-1:4 before the council \\'(.'1`(` onlt-rv-: paid uml coun- LU1'lllL`(l Lncll` (lut1L`:~. R(.`(1l1CSt of J. H. Pur:.l_\' for re-` fuwml of statute labor xvas left over to noxt 111oet.i11g'. H_\'(l1'0 contract of Wlaric Brown w:1~.~`. uccoptod. . Claims of H. J. ll:1n_:'m:1n znnl 'l`l1oma.<. .-\tl for . killml by ll0,`.'.'S were Ol'(l(`I`(`(l paid. As pm` in.~'t1'uction from last moot- Inf: the Clerk had given the I`0qlll1'ml notices for tlw 1021-3311;` of mall :11- lnw:mc0.~: at lots 25 ':ml 36, conccs- sinus 3 and -'1. A number of p.1rti(-s' lllt(.`l`1'.\`1(-(l waitoml on the council and` us tlw main trouble seomell tu lw :1 l}ll('.\'L'l0Il of :1 line fr-mtu, :1 : tnry solution '11` the .-':1L'v1' \\';1.< .l'0untI and the xtllowzmco 1`(:H1!l1}l.'\' as I if. is. ' ` they couh The death occurred on Tliuzwlay, state} : Dec. 4, at his late residence, 1l1'se1'v1c0. Penetang street, of William Honrylwaits Johnson. in hie um... vr-1.. nvn-+ln'nn. iu, ur1 over 151'0ug'h's crack. I The judgment of Ju-lgx: \ .1'1co on the appeal of Judzxh Levy on the McKinlz1,\' award sustaini11;;' the , l uwzml of Engxnecr A. G. C;1\`-32121,: was read and 0l`(lC1`C(l placcd on fyle. The costs of awzml and court of ap- lpcul were o1'(lcre ;:1iL I J. R. Cotter, Clerk of the PCTICC`, wrote L`(.`1'Lif_\ iI)} that the selectors of jurors for 1925 in 01') had uIu1_\' purl formed their (lutirss. R,.,,,,,mt M` T u n.....1.. 1`.... IJCCCDIDCY 1. Councillor McMal1o:1 reported he had made a1'rang`cmcnts with W. Johnsione to have his fence movml: at britlge B1'0ug'h's The h1(]9"lnnnf nf Tn-In`-~ ` -- I Council met at December 1. .nnnnu nu -vv - I (` '11 Yr \1 7 l>'. Ml`. R()|wl`?. mlnwil run his The dressed doll competition is creating great in- terest among the girls. Only _a limited number of dolls available now, and the entry must be in by the 18th. Every girl u11der 14 has a chance. Time is short. Prices on View at the doll department, ' upstairs. GEO. VICKERS, LIMITED Doll Competiti_gp_ ORO COUNCIL H2111 came lmfnrv ; Stu-`.ul.u Jztlmr; irf the town hall nau ago. ' One sister, Miss 1\Iar_v A. Boards-l ley, of 121 Worsley St., survives her. The funeral took place on Tuesday from the late 1'esidcncv' on Worsley St., to St. I\Iar_v's church! and cemetery`. The Rev. Dean] Sweeney sang high mass. 3 SA 3 K on week rted Mr ( . _1 1 L11 f,:0.`e({` moved I afmut (' xxatel mce Hit, L: I , ".;1\`-41121, : ` m 91 hi 1` Vacuum Electric WASHER the '4 :.. cil :uljmn'nml to moot ag'zLin on Dec. 15. .\1i(l|:1nI Ki\\*:mi.< Club :u`.d M01`- ch:1n1.s A.<. are -.:i1::' to act: thv part. of Szmtu (`]:1u.= 10 the chi]- (lron of that town um! cinit; who mi_:ht othv1'\\'is0 not ;~'h.'n'~: in the joy of the Ch1'istm:1.< `.v:1.:on. The grifts mm` to be plucml on :1 ('?onnmmit.v Cln'i. 'l`rvo that. is to he e1'c('tml on :1 .~:t.r<\nt in tho contml part of [tho town. Good `7dv:1! _ ~.... uu. \.A_\uL'>u.ul' H11xL'.~; 1'`.`c\'\. Frank Wilco.\'. of 'I`cv:um--c`.h. who had three :mim:1l.~'. :1 _\'c:u' I-Id lly, 21 foul and an z15:o<{ brood mare, and 5.:'0t two 1n'izo.<. :1 third and :1 fth. 'ICme.~'t Coutvs. of 0m. '.\':1s 0`_-.:`hth `in :1 class of twen`._\' .\'o:n'--ah] llies, lam] Archie )I:1c.~\r:hu:*, of On). took |n ninth with :1 Shorthorn calf. W. L. Hamilton. of Col1in;;'woo.l, won Hw s\\'(wp. in the .1pp]c com- potitvion. us wvll us :1 number of other prizuc with his .\I:'Intosh Rods. man, was ousny 8l1_E1'lf.L`d making some cl1a115:cs about the l1ous-3, and ` he little child lmrl been playing nrouml. Only :1 fuw minutes before his fzulmr _:n\'v him some c;LmL\' and went on with his work. knm\'in_.':' no- thing` of the t1`.1;ml_\' taking place only nrounll the corner of the house. llntermvnt took 1:l:1ce in Collin:_:woorl `on Fri afternoon. ! A very sad accident took place a ago _\'e. at the home of Mr. Chas. Ibe1'ha1'dt, \\"asag`a Beach, when their infant son, John GO1`Zi`3Il, aged two _\ ea1's, was drowned in `about fteen inches of water ... the `water box at the owing well. His father, 2 `ted by :mot|1er `nun, was bus11_\ en:'af:e1 making `SOIYIC (`h.'1n nhnnf Han hnnaw -~~-l THU_RSDAY,_DECEMBER 11, 1924 SAD DROWNING ACCIDENT A There died on `the age of eig-hty Beardsley, after a week s illness from heart trouble. Miss l3eardslo_v was the daughter of the late John and Sarah Beardsley, for many years the caretakers of the Court House here. Twenty years ago the deceased succeeded her late mother as keeper and held that position un- til 3. short time ago. The late Miss Beardsley was born in Barrie and lived in the Court House from when she was six years of age until her resignation about one year and a half ago. 011 n cicfnr years, Carolina `lice l\Tnr\' A Rn-,n-11:. Saturday last at - .4 EASY W. B. TUIHIODD, Clerk. -Waverley, who predeceased him Mr. Thomas Coffey, who for some `thirty-ve years kept a store at Arvten Mills, passed away on Sun- day, Nov. 30. Mr. Coffey had been ailing for several years and suffered, `a great deal. Forty~ve years ago, 'he married Abigail Barnstar of eight years ago. Since then he has `made his home with his niece, l\Irs. W. F. Richa1'd'son. The funeral `took place to Minesing cenietery. _Rev. Herman of Craighurst ofliciat-l mg. i Page Six

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