Page Four There will be the Greatest of Joy in your Home this Christmas `_ '. Northern Electric Radio installed. Ring up Exclusive Northern Electric Distributor for Centre Simcoe. Phone 120. House 7. McLaughlin Show Rooms, Five Points RlX-MACKAY FRED .1`4.Q133":N pricr:,$2.75 I: (`'1 OK '. mm Hill. RES. PHONE 498 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1924 PERSONALS Misses Gun Metal Boots for School. T`h(:. i(: })0ots are well made and xmml wear soles and rubber heels. Sizes 11 to 2. RL-;.-;u]ur price $2.95. Spccizxl pricv: for Saturday, t,Lml with :1 pair of our best quu.liL_v ruhbnrs, the y.-`ood In-zuul, (iirl Gui $3.50 complete will speak on China in the Barrie I.ib1`z111\ Hall at 8 o'clock on F1'i Dec. 5. Also in the .~\llz1n Pres- b_\"t`eriun church on S11ml:xy morning and at St. Aml1'o\v`s. `u1'1'ie on Sun- (lay ov<.~nix1:_~'. H0 will zuldress a lrnvoti11_~_v: in llinosingr on 1\Ion Ie\'cI1i11:.", and at Dalston on Tuesday . n1'4.I\Iv1(l Women s Cushioned Soled Boots, made in either Blu- chr.-r or Balmoml cut, all of t.l1r:.~:r: have rubber he-r:1.~; and ;:0ml cu;~:hion inner $010. All sizes .......... .. . . .. $3.95 And we will t Lht-:~'r: boots with 21 pair of our bc:~:t quality .rubh<.-r:~s matlr: for women, and send you away happy with u complrgtr: out- t at ............. 4. $4.75 a pair Yes, we have come to the Christ- mas Sezisqli agmii, and we remember you all like to attend our eoncert, so that tliere 1S no need of mviting you to this year s concert. All that is neces.=z11`_\' is to remiml you of the `(late aml hour, '1`ues Dec. 23, at 7.3 p.m. As 1:004] as in previous years, (lo you :1: `. Why, it will be the best yet. Have you any f.`,`lIt.S for Xmas ? 51`lI1I1tll(.`111 along`, pisxt them on our in` wistnms tree. EIIIT/1 Claus will gi:'e them out. ` onl) Men's Black and Tan Boots on good wide tting` last, and a few Tan B1uch<.-rs with good nc-avy wr.-aring; soles and rubber hm-ls. ca :1: , ...:.. SOICS arm x`ul)Ul:1' 1n:\'1.s. $3.85 a pair And rubbers to t every shape of ma.-n'.\: boots at $1.35 a Dair Men's Cushion Soled Kid Blucher Cut Boots, with a g'oo heavy solr: and half rubbr.-1` her,-1. \\5i4lr.- toe and lots: of room for a wide fopt. Special Price Sat. 36.00 pair GRAND CHRISTMAS CONCERT, Salvation Army Citadel, Tuesday, December 23, 1924. have the smxson ..-.. -11 1:1. On ..++nn.I r\11\v nmmm-+ A SUCCESSFEJE. XMAS NNNER F. HOWARD TAYLOR M.D., M.R.C.P., F.R.C.S.. B.S. $1.10 and $1.50 a pair . $5.00 a We know of .no better way of a,ccomg)1ishing this than by having the proper Cooking Utensils to work with. Below We mention a few of the articles you need to insure success. :()1|H(1 (}l'(`_\' (`mm-(`d .Iim.s't`m':~'. .l. 1'i<'<- $1.10 ()\ 2`]' Svlf -I3:1stinu' C`u\'(-wd R()21S1(*I`:`. A. __ A- A- Oval N-|f -I}z1s1i1nQ Cn\'M'<~(l Ruz1.\`t(-r.<. \V\"'Ii1L{ 1` . $3.25 Universal Food Choppers. l 1'ir-ml I"r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.65 up UNIVERSAL ' BREAD MAKERS ALUMINUM PUDDING PANS in Best Brands . ., V . N . 5 ' ' 2 2-Q1., pl-1<~,(~, 40c. .)-Q1.., ]_n'1r-.0 55c PriceoSS$1.85 $235 $220 $225 $574 4-Qt., price 70c 5-Qt. Pure Aluminum Tea Kettles. NR COPPGI` Tea Kettles (S340 ()nly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.98 ea. opening) . . . . . . . .$2.74, $2.89 ea. Step into our store and look over all the beautiful things suitable for Xmas Presents. Otton Hardware Co., Barrie Miss C. I. Smith went to Toronto last week end. She is staying; at the King Edward. Mr. Fmmk Blackstock has return- GRANITE ALUMINUM ROASTERS ROASTERS |?nnnr] Nt|lF-H:!s| $1{75,[$2.o0 VISIT OUR TOYLAND ;; 1%;E%%vi;;.;;;a.3;;;;.;s;;s.;;g;s '{ P*sYHoLT.,GYT AND ON SOCIAL SERVICE ~WORK H ITS DEVELOPMENT -7 u IV 1,,,..__ ....... at 4-vlnn ll ii 21 Rev. John Coburn, one of the eld secretaries of the Department of Evangelism and Social Service of the Methodist Church, gave a series of addresses in the churches of that denomination the first of this week. Speaking` in Collier St. church and Burton Ave. church on Sunday, Rev. Coburn dwelt on the wonderful vic- tory of the temperance forces in the recent plebiscite and on the differ- ent lines of work carried on by his departmenxt. He told of how the en- tire personnel of the department had been put in the hands of the tem- perzmce committee during` the cam- paifrn. At present their attention is directed zu.-;z1ins`t the evils of the race track and other grainbling and im- morality. Mr. Coburn addrc.-ssed a joint meeting` of the boards of the three illethodist churches of Barrie on Sumlay evening in the Central church "along the lines of personal evz1n.e:r,-,l:i.~:1n. nn Mnmlav afternoon in the same| 41<-I.u:1l' {\'i;:o, (S-Lm1f" Si /.r-, $4.75 ea. i CVZlll_L','(`,lJlSI. l a - On Monday same church he conducted a meeting of prayer and Bible study, in which he emphasi'/.ed the need of a personal experience of Jesus Christ as funda- mental to all Christian work. Later, in conduc`` a spiritual conference, lhe stressed the importance of the lchurch measuring` up to the task of .giving' the gospel to the world. He ` emphasized that the gospel has a two- fold aspect. It must rst be re- `ceived personally, and then must be applied socially to all the relation- ships of life. The Methodist church lies always stood for the Gospel of the Kingrdom. It believes in per- sonal evan_e'el.i-sm, the >`21\'lI1f_,' of souls, Iland also the savin_:` of society, the .lhelpin5: to full Christ s p1`:1_\'er,l Thy liinxtloiii come. Thy will be .[(lone on earth as it is in Heaven. Tn fl-\n m-nninw \T\- (`nlnn-n smxm 11 done earth It Is III nczucn In the evening: Mr. Cohurn p:ave :1 lantern lecture on Better C:1nanlian.< for a Better Canzulzx." He dwelt on the _:x'eut work the church is loin; through the Social Sewice Depart- ment for fallen girls and unmmriml mothers. He s.howe:l picttlres of thr- chain of homes for such across Cun- mla, and citecl case after case of. how ,:i1`].< who had had no early home training` had th1'ou,2'h this work of Lhe church been b1'ou;'ht into the` Clmistizm life and into good citizen-1 ship. | I BARRIE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE -r Ir... king Juwaru. Mr. Frank return-l ed to his home in Saskatoon after a visit with Mrs. C. Blackstock. M nflnrrlnn Rnnt of New Liskczuwl :mm\'. It \va.< :1 us.~(:1u-u w `.'1sxL 11v 0111 LarIi(:;< Home on I.ou1: St. th some .\'ma.< _2'zft:<. The meet- v.':_1S wt:-`.1 attemlerl and enjoyml '1 G. $4.25 u1;LV .2 lxwunnnun-.. . at the home of I\I1`.'s'. St.. on 'I`ur.-: at! l1)2n1<(.-. wife of Capt. Salvation A1-my, gun :- 110112 thv linv of how .l.- .~.4` Hm om:-n I Black Beauty Steel Covered Roast `) ers, nhl .\']l:L])(', in .. .\'i7.(*:~`. Price 50c, 900, $1.25 ea. LARGE SELECTION OF NICKEL PLATED COPPER TEA KETTLES 'J`h<-st} :u'(: ]v2u'kc in Xlnus |m.\'(~s and Inzlkt: plm-:Lsin;_v; ;,'il'1.s`. Nos. 5 6 7 8 9 Prices $1.85, $2.15, $2.60, $2.65, $2.74 (Continued from page one) fectly justified. So with the child. Psychology then went further and established ways to cope with chil- dren lying. Lying; is simply a sort of verbal screen between oneself and danger. A sense of social re- sponsibility must be cultivated in the child to suppress lying`. The genetic point of view people held fty years ago is now almost obsolete. Next psychology interested itself in different phases of activity in (Lif- ferent parts of the day. Some people are good night workers, others can do their best work in the morning. There is a certain time of day when circulation is hig.,>`her than others and the mental ability is theorfore high- ` er. lf schools could be a1`1`a11g`(:(l with this in view we would get bet- ter results. Routine forbids, how- ever. lntelli_e'ence tests now occupy an important part of the work of e psycliologiists. f ll-e(sn~ tl\' there has been a great psyeliologiists. l Recen-tl_v a 5,-`1'eat tendency to expaml psycl1olog:y to vocational and industrial spheres. 'l`his phase has been exploited _g'reat- l_\'. The subject is still so young it is subject to as much pretense as lmedicine was in the days of the medicine man. However, the ques- tion of fatigue has been taken up as it :\ll"ects the time and ratio of ac- cidents in factories. The period of time has been diiscovered exactly which produces the maximum of f2llZl_L','lJ(` and rest periods have been scheduled to offset that fatigzue. As a result accidents have been 1essen~ ed and output increased wherever it has been carried out. I n.- nw.H \vm1i' on to Live FOYHC visit with Mrs. lilackstock. Mr. 'G.or Bunt of New is spending" a month with his par- ents, Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Bunt. Rev. Dr. R. J. D. Simpson and wife of Toronto are; the week with Dr. L. J. Simpsmi and tnvniiu `has been c211'1'1eu UUL. D1`. Brett went on give very inte1'estin_: examples of psycho unz11y.~ui.' and its application. Mi.<;< Hazel Mzwshzlll 1'emie1`ed a delijxhtful piano solo at the opening of the meeting. ? uuctxon salt: on LI1L'. I Mr. and Mrs. R. ed with frientls at |rl`d_\'. Dav vIn1]\T|'Q T ` (lay. I Rev. and I\`l1's. T. J. Dew were in 1T01`onto last week and attumled the .Winter Fair. A special St. An s Day ser- vice was halt] in Cln'l.<.t church last Sunxlay morning./. 1 The annual (lzmcn l1(:ltl umler the auspices. 01' L.O.L. No. 450 was held in the hall on I?`rhla_\' nig'l1t. 'l`ln:- .\'ov 111:,-r>ti11:: of the An- `Llicnn Wom;-n .~' Auxili:u'_\' was hchl at the home of Mrs. G. L. Davis. The `H \\'as 21 ;:0o(l :1t.te11:l-ancc and an intc-1'c:~'t-inf: p1'og'r2nnnie -was griven. The nomination for the election of 0`.'lict.~)'s was also heltl at tln: close of the Inc-<,-tin_ G. H. Spears intends holding an auction sale on the 11th inst. Mu mm 7\T1-: L`, P. Lnwrie vis1`c~ __._______ , Sm -, H:\1`1(`f\' for Picture Framing . He does it right. .ln11nd S(*il -I`3;1.~'1i.11;j Cu\'crc(1 1?u21ste1's. $1.49, $1.69 ()\`;1| S011 - ]}:1.x'1in}_;` C<;\'(-nwl R<)zl.\'1<`1`. (1)1111) nmlu-) :29 4o QC! IVY llllKl\V $3.46, $4.39 Thg Northern Advance family. . :- 35 One Door West Wellmgton Hotel :: Value and Service . __ _ _, ,. .. .. .. .. .., ,, A. .. . .9, WW .\,,,,,.`.,__,k.,__,.A., .AA .. ,. U4 . E `~,,',{;-_;'7;'5': -; - . - .35`- CE6SE AT 7 1>.1\ IGROCERY STORES TO ___:__ (Continued rom page one) I 1. Alzl. Brickcr xvantczl to know how} the re zllurm boxes, now on ])Ulk`>' that will be renlovcxl, are to be x-l ml. At least two alarm l_)0X'c$ \\'llli l l l he a'(-,ctctl on front s.u'ect. mm. \Vn1- tho Mz1\'01' 5:zu-._- 3 be ah`(-,ctcu 11'0I1L :`:Ll'U L. E His Wo1'.<,hip the Mayo)` ::z1\'s_- brief report of the H.I:I.C. im~o`Li115.:l which he attemloil in Toronto. It \'.`as .=t2'on5_-'l,\' zul\'i. that. all mun-K icipzilitics orgranize to promote the! extension of the Hydro sclioim-. ` l I As there hzul bx.-on no committee ml.-etin,Lj.< on Fl'lll21_\' nijxht the coun- cil 1`(.`.~20l\'L'(l into conimibtccr of the} whole to crxznninc the various ac-I counts and have thcnl pussc- .1 ` ' l .\Iotion.s ;\Ia1comson---LiLst.-1' - Thz1_t this council on the request of Stcxvart & Stewart z1_L'rce _to build 21 sewn)` on the initiative plan, provided this is n_L`1'c<::Lh1c- to Stewart & Sta-\vm*t and to the ratepayers conco1`11c Lowe-llu. I`11ut the tumlor of Scott. Bros. for snow ploxviiigr for 192-1-`Z5 he accepted. Dnu,-lam-..I .i1 Lhv H-- 1E)2-1-2.5 he uccoptcu. P0uche1'--LitsLc1' That quust of tho Bull 'l`ul<-phone C0. _::'runt<.-cl, unclur su1)c1'\`i. of Board of Works. n.-a..L-m-__lnu-m-..'I`h:1t two do: of the Ilrmnon. HuxL:Lble--Rusk--'1`hzL L the tn-:1.<- urr-1' he uut.h0ri'/.c:d to pay ihe h:11~ unc(.- of levy of School Bonnl, I :n'k.< Commission and Lib1'a1'y Bozml. 1>...:..L,..-_I.i+ 'l`h:n-. Fine and L1 B()unl of Works. Bricker--l.owm'--'l`hut (107.01! woollen mitts be pu1'chu: for tlw L:.~.1l'.' of the n-men. Hu\-fuhlr`-__.RlI'~`k Tlmt Comm on and l1ll)1'a1'_\' 13021111. I :1'1ckc1`-L1t,sLm`--'l`hut Pohcu Conlnnttuc c0n. .'~'u1l1n_-: thu town tozun. Ilnviuhl1-__.Rvmkt-1'---'1`h:1t H Court . ..~,,., DEATHS GLEN-At the R.V. Hospital, on Mon(la_\`, Nov. 24, Frank Glen, of Stayncr, l1_`.l`(`,ll S _\'ea1's. WICE--.-Xt the home of his son, 5!) Spring`hu1'st .-\vo.. Toronto, on '1'hurslay, Nov. 27, 192-1, Wi1lia.m| George Wice. 225 Brzulford St.,| Barrie, in his 70th year. BA1{ER-.~\t the R.V. Hospital, on Wednesday, Dec. 3 1924, Miss. I 7 nan-.. /5:` r`,..\L `+..yn [town IluxLal)]c---Bric1u-1' That of Revision for thv he:n:in:.:' and lo- Lu-mninim: of uppuuls on :1ssu.<. :xgmi1u.<.t, p1`oproperLie.< for . and :.:\vin1v' lw In-M on l*`1'i(lu\`. Doc. 26, |u_u':x111.<.I, 1)1'0prope1'L1r:s 101' sux pzwiuu; In : ht-M l*`1'i(l:x_\`, .-:1 I0 n.m. at 10 111.111.`-'I`h:1t U10 uccw 01' the W:11'1`v,11 :u'i11_u' C0. be 011 (-1-1'Lil'1L'ut<.- of U112 L-113,-`i111-e1'.~:. 7\/ 1.1-1._-nnt - T\1:1\'n1' (7 ('1-1'Ll|lcuL(: 01 Luv L-113:1I1t-L-r.~a. I\ l:-nulu-rs pr:-.<-ntz Mxxynr C1':1i_L:', l{<.-<-v<- Hllsk, D<-puL_v-l{m:\'o.< Lowe and I mu:h<-r, C<)L111cilI()rs B1=iL'l<(.~2'. l.uw<~r, HUXL:ll)1(', I:it.\tL`l`, Wullwin w..1L-...- 'l`|n- lmmu of Mr. uml Mrs. D. N. (`,1:n'k<-, Il1m'nt.nn, was thv sou-11v of :1 quit-1, but pmLt,_\' \\'('llllH.',' on S:Lt- - ur u['1<-rnmm last, when their 1-hlu-.sL Wilulzn I\`lim,-Ltzl, wu.~' n\:u`riu-ml Ln Mr. (!l`lH`l'L llouis Wrigrht. 'l`lu- lmidc-. was ln~ss(-I in :1 p,-own of whiiv mdiuln lace own- whitv .~::LLin 114- chum-, waiuth wrv:Lt.h um! \'-il. She (`:u`ri<-I :1 hoquct. of whim: `mums. uml worv the m~oun1 :< gift, an L'lHt'l\'1hl uml puurl pcml:u1t. '|`lu- cuuplv were {LL'L('ll(h`(l by two l` Ili('(2(!ci of the 1.-,"mun1 as ower Lsirls. Rev. W. H. A tiexl tho nuptial knot and NHNS Alum Paton pluyml bhu wmluling nuxsic. Only the inlnxuulmtu l'(:1`:LUiV(.`.\` of the contract- ing pzwtites wore present. The huppy couple lvfl. for 'l`or0n1.u amid Hhuwvra of c()nfc4\.'Li, the bride travel- lim: in n p;own of navy (lll0h(?SS, fur Lrimmml :-:m1d coat and him. to m:LLch. l.(>w<>)', l1u.\L and Walker. THE B. B- SHOE STORE You get the best in pictures at Hzn'1cy s. Iu:1n\n\na... l~`OS'I`l*1 R- -S'l`I`1 W A R/I`--A t, Stroud M(:1.hodi.~:.t. l unsor1:u:(~, on Sntunlzly, Nov. 29, Miss Juun SL<`\vart., of 'l`0rnnL0 (hut lntu of Sc0t.Lm to Mr. Szunuc-l Fosrtur, of 'l`0ll(, Rev. J. S. SL1-V4-nson ol'l'l<:i:Lt,im:. VERN. BEARDSALL LJ(Il.LIL', All In.` .\..~.. ~..... I Dec. 3, Baker, of Cookstown. COFFEE-On Sunday, Nov. 1924, in his 74th _\'c-:11`, Thos. Coffee, of Anton Mills. Intermvnt on We(lm2.<.(lz1_\', Nov. 26, at Mine- sing. BIGG.-\R-On Tl1u1's Dec. 4, 1924, at his home, 18.`) B1'z1l['or St., Mr. Bi::::'z11', in his 80th .\'<.~z\1'. I*`unc1'al to Thornton on Sz1tLml;x:.'. Ladies Black Calf Oxfords, with that new square too. Just what the young` grirls are all wanrting`. It has a rubber heel. Sizes 3 to G. $5.00 a pair Goloshes to t, $4.25 pair Rubbers to t, Saturday only ................... .. $1.00 pair WOMEN S BLACK SILK HOSE- Boys Boots for School. in Tan `or Black Leathe1', the most of `chem have rubber heels. T`-hese boots are not old stock, bwt have good round tting toes and sold 1'eg'u1ar1y at $2.95, um1- 21 few pair at $3.50. Special price Szxtu1'd`21y, tted with 3. pair of our .rs:t qualixy pressure cured rubbers. 1-9 -H: (`._......|_.,,_ MEN'S ALL TANNED Boots for the Younger Gent wearing a boot `in the sizes 11 to 13 ,-.':. These are shoes makcn rigiqht out of stock, -not some atrash we have _2'uth01'c(1 up to .~'tzu't1(- your eyes with prices. Fresh goods, made by some of our 'br-st manufzxcturem. In Black 01' Tan Leaxther. sell- ing` 1`0f_."l.11a1'l_\' at $2.05 and more. Comp1c,:tL- with :1 pair of rubbers, and good rub- bers, just as 1.-'o0l as your rnnn:-\' mun l)11\`. Com1>l(=t: bers, Just as 1.-'oou as _\uu1' mom.=\' can buy. Complete on SzLtL1n1a_\' .... $3.65 a. pair WRlGHT-CLARKE MARRlED The Gene-1'21] Sessions and Count) Court will In; hold on Tut`-5(l8_\'. Dec. 9. Several cases are pa-ndin_:, axnong`, which the Goodcrh:-1n1 1'obhe1'_\' and] the Pug.-'. case of indecent assault -are p1`obabl_\' mlmbcred. Q ` $3.75 Complete E-7 P.M.ll- RES ` I {to how x-A 1rn1 ui` I :11 ;-1. 1 ( H I: 1 15 IN. LEATHER TOP RUBBERS, Saturday :\vor.~' unu; i Lh 1m~e Li11:.: mto. .111 mun- notc the mo. nnmittoe C0 account` paud ` l`l`\', . the I) L` E--A Cuife Appreciated bride, playetl the we(1u1n_2' musxc, mu h1'i pzu't_\' st,amling' umlwr :1 wwl- bell of white carnzxtions and . Durxin,: tho si_2`11i11_" of the l'('j_i.~'-to!` Mrs. MCEWC-n sang: O P01`- fvct Love." After the ceremony 11 clainty \`.'(`(l b1'ouk1':Lst \\':1.' .\ u1`\'L`(l in the tlininy: room to about :-ixtyl 3:11c. \vhm'(- the (1(,`(.`O!`2l0nS were pink and white c:11`11:1tion.'~' and pink` czxmllos. Rm . .\IcI~Iwcn `f)\`O])0>'<`d the toast to the bride, to which the :room r0. Later the ha.pp_\' couple loft amid 21 shower of rice nml confotti for a trip to the States! the b1`i(l<- s _u'oin_;' aw:1y suit boin_: ml rust colored silk crepe-Ilu1'u>1l cloth, x,`.m.... ,.n.,+ \I'H J\ h:n\'m' h'imminu's.I lH1(l L'UHlt`LL1 nu n Lrltll LU um _,....- .,' 21 in-own cont \\'i~th l)t~u\'e1* t1'i1n1nin:_-`s, and hat nml slnoes to match. The numc1'ous and u`ift.<\ U-st.ic to the populz11'it_\' of the _\'oun_g' couple. .-Xmonp: the 1n escnts \\'un~ sm'01-:11 :~'ul)stuntiz1l clmqtlcs, one of which came from the Rev. Arch- ulvacon Rlix of Prince I-lupurt, uncle of the gxroom. r-m_,_ -,....!, 4'.-n.._~. .n..,, fn H, Only one Victor store in Par-! ric. 2000 Victor Recolwls in stock.` Records` orzlerml by 8.30 a.m. here the sarnc :,1a_\'. J. G. 01. me y;rumn. The _L:'1-oom's 1'z1\'or:< wore, to the l)1`ilo zi cheque, the h1'inlesinai an onyx and pour] rin5.1`, the pianist and, s01oi. bar pins, and the g'1'oom.=m:m cu' links. On their return from Lhuir hoiioymoon Mr. and Mrs. {ix ..-SH \ViLk :AlA| -11 (`.\-(\\\'n 1-H. Llmn` h0Il(`_\']11()0l1 mr. wxll 1'us1 at Crown For the lady who does not follow `just the nmvcst of style, but wants a nice Kid O.\1fOl`(l thafr. gives her foot 21 hnnf, nnmnnmnr-n and ` Goloshes in ve tliiforem; S't_\ 1L`S at Czu'o.\'-Hur1.burt Shoe Co. Get your sizc now whlle stocks are complete. Uxloru 1,113.1 . ). ,'lVCS nu-r JUUL :1 neat, appeaunct: and dressy enough for any oc- casion. We have 21 nice Kid Oxford with Cuban -heel and ll1'CsS_V' toes. $5.00 a pair Rubbers to Fit, Saturday only ................ ..$l.00 a pair A Few Special Prices on Men ; and Boys Heavy Rubbers 7' Men s 1 in. Rubbers with rubber tops, v.' to the limit. Ask the fellow who wears our rubbt.-1`:~: and he will say they wear longer than any rubber he ever Satu1'x1a_\ 3)):-cial Boys sizes, 1 to E Youths sizes, 11 THIS IS AN AGE OF SPECIALS LOOK AROUND THIS SPACE FOR GOOD GOODS AT SPECIAL PRICES. =a._~\. to it lms been given out autlit-nticallyl fumilv. that the trial of D1`. Oaks will notlthu be hc-l at the Spring` .-\.<.<:izz-.=,, but with son will probahl_\' take place at the June I ins: Sessions of the County Court. l)_\` all.