Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 27 Nov 1924, p. 6

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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER` `27,- .1924 M1LNE S ANNUAL ~ OVERCOAT MRS. ARTHUR F. HARRIS JOHN B. McLEAN Exceptional Values in Men s and Boys Winter Overcoats The Boys and Youths Over- coats and Reefers, sizes 3 to 18 _\'0zu's, s`rm't in price 211' this sale at . . . . . . . . . . Special Price on Suits CLEAN-UP SALE iood ass01-1`1n011t in (`VC1'_\' size The Men s Overcoat, sizes 35 to 44, start in price at this sale at . . . . . . . . . f1-ed, the baby, has been kept by Mrs. J. Patterson, Sanford St. Two brothers, Edward and Charles, of Toronto, and three half sisters also . EU1'\'lVL`. I The funeral took place from the family residence, 85 Sanford St., on Sunday, Nov. 23rd, to Midland by motor. Rev. A. J. G. Carscadden ofllciated. Interment was made at Lakeview cemetery, Midland. Mrs. Minnie Peer, ag'e 36 years, (laugfhter of Joseph Shauglinessy, 47 Sophia St., Barrie, and l\`Ii`s. Shangh- nessy, was fatally injured in Toronto on Saturtlzly evenim: by an automo- bile at the corner of Queen St. and Gladstone Ave. Herbert Daley, Richmond St. west, driver of the car, was are-stetl on :1 chzwgre of man- slaugrhte by Detective Mcllrath and later 1`CiC2L`}C(l on $5,000 bail. 1.\'1)`Q pnnr mac nwnuc-inrr '11n p+..,.,\+ There died in Lefroy o'n Monday, Nov. 17, an old residen-t of Cooks- town, John B. McLean, in his si.\:t_\'- fth year, after one and one-half year's poor health. Deceased was a farmem and lived on lot 19, conces- sion 6, Innisl. He is survived by his wife (nee A Beatty), four sisters, Mrs. John Anderson, Shel- burne; Mrs. Jake Holt, Ivy; Mrs. James Campbell, Cookstown; l\Irs. Alex. Mcl7`arl(lcn, Toronto, and his family, Mrs. Wellimrton Miller of Pocotello, Idaho; Clifford and James -of Barrie and Elmer and Merlaml at home. The funeral took place on We(1nes1la_\', Nov. 19, to St. John s church and cemetery, Cookstown. Rev. Johnson of Churchill officiated. Those acting as pall bearers were l\'Iessrs. Wm. Sutherland, H. T. Ran- kin, Wm. Goodwin, John Sutherland, Harry Fisher and Thomas Mc- Knight. w.L01' 1`eIease(1 30,000 D2111. 1\'Irs. Peer was crossing the street fvom the Gladsione Hotel about 6.30 o'clock to take :1 street car. Daley was d-1'iving' east on Queen St. when he struck the woman, hurling her several feet. She was unconscious when picked up and on being` rushed `to St. Joesph s Hospital her skull was found to be fractured. She ldied about two hours later. The [body was removed to the morgue on Sunday mornim.r and an inquest will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd. DQ002901] wn: hm-n 511+ (`I-mun LIN] on new '1'ue.~may, uec. zml. Deceased was born an; Crown Hill and soon after came to Barie. Twelve years ago she was married in Toronto to William Pee, a g'n.1~age man. She is survived by her hus- band, father, mother, a sister, Mrs. Elizal -rbh Johnson of Thompsonville, and three brothes, Edward in Van- couver, and Ernest and William in Toronto. The funeral was held on Tuesday at St. Mary s church and to St. Mm'v s: r-nmntm-v fr-nm Hm Imn 1uL'S(l2l._V an at. Mary's cnurcn an` St. Ma.1'y s cemetery from the resldence, 945 Queen St. west. The death occurred on Thursday, Nov. 20, in the Toronto Orthopedic Hospital of John (Larry) Doyle of Newmarket, brother of G. F. Doyle, superintendent of the local branch of the Crown Life Assurance Co. The late Mr. Doyle, who was in his ` ftieth year, was well known in athletic circles since -he was me of the star players of the Tznlagoos la- crosse club of Newmarket back in the nineties. For a number of years he conducted a barber shop there .:1.d was an attendant of St. John s Ro- man Catholic church. Five brothers ` and four sisters survive. Rehearsals for the home talent musical comedy All Aboard. un- der the auspices of the Fire Depart: ment are ;:om;.~: on apace. JOHN (LARRY) DOYLE MRS. WILLIAM PEER --.NE\V MODELS -NE\V COLORS -VVELL MADE You cannot afford to miss this oppor- t1111ity to buy _VO111' \Vi111'01' O\'e1'coat at 111a1111fact1.u'C1' s p1-ice. These coats, for both men and boys, are `this scaso11 s st0ck- 10. L0 late spenm ounuay 8:13 muon w1ce's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reynol-(ls, Mrs. Thos. Bowman, Tommy and Grace, spent the week end in To- ronto. | MIA nut` 1\/I ...-.. T r\\nv\n Tn`|n1n .-.4? 1`UIlrlaU. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jebb of Cookstown and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunn and son of Elmgrove were Sunday visitors at Eldon Wice s. \.rr`||\lI ya I --rnnvnxu Mr. Walter Hook, Mrs. Osler and daug;1mters desire to thank the many friends for their kindness and sym- pathy during` our late bereavement. me wlmer r'a1r. Mr's. Bentha Carr and Leila and Harold of Barire were week end visitors at W. H. Mzmtin s. Mr and Mwc Vn11nn*n,\- an.) Fay-n,. VlSl'E0`I'S at w. n. mam1n's. I Mr. and Mrs. Younger and fam- ily and Mr. Graham of Bradford spend: Sunday at Eldon Wice s. MI` and (I've T-Tnwrv T< r:vnn1.:l.: emu wmn ms nrotner, marry Lxelcey. Mrs. Sylve Reynolds, Jack and Nancy, spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Pratt, Churchill. Rnv Allan ant:-n.f. H19 wpnlr and in FIHJLI, LJHUTCIIJII. Roy Allen spent the week end in Toronto and while there attended the Winter Fair. W0 13nu4-1.-.n (`nun nyul Y.-J1.` .-.u.'l ouuuay WHLI1 Elulll KJIDDIOHS. W. H. Martin is atttend-ing Coun-`by Council in Barrie this week. Thos. A. Reynolds is atttend-ing the Winter Fair in 'I\orronIto this week. Howard Kelcey spent the week end with his brother, Harry Kelcey. Mr.-4. Svlvp Rpvnrnlrln Jar-1: and We Saved You Money Before---We Are Ready to Save You More This Time On Frillziy, Nov. 21, Mrs. Arthur F. Harris xvzns released fmm :1 l1"e of pain which had been her lot since May 25th of this year. At that time Hrs. Harris had her spine frac- tured when an automobile in which she was rizliug turned `gun-t`e on Hewi'.t s hill. I`he spinal coal was also severerl. Since then Mrs. Har- ris days have l-en days of suffering, long` days all spent in bezl. Twelve weeks were cpent in the Royal Vic- toria Hospital and five in Toronto General Hospital. but neither medi- cal not surgical skill could help her. (in Tuesday she became `J11-.`..n|S-.?l0US and remained so until death overtook her on Fri Death cam: as a release to '-A courageous, pain ridden body and a brave soul. nprpngzwl. whngo mnirlnn nnlnn Inna Crank Your Fliver and Be on Time for Big Bargains! BARRIE BARGAIN HOUSE SALE STARTS FRIDAY, NOV. 28, 8.30 A.M. Men s Shirts, blue and khaki; We only have 110 of those left and they will be sold at . . . . .390 each Only two to a customer. Men s A11 Wool Pullovers and V-Neck Sweaters; these were sold regularly at $4.50, but will go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.98 Men s Dress Shirts, sizes from 14 to 18, different colors and makes, will go at . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.00 Men s Underwear, Penman s and True-l{nit makes, m'e1'_\' one stamped all wood; these will go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.49 each This 11nclerwea1' is stamped all wool at the fac- tory, and if it isn t stamped it isn t all wool. \Vl1en you buy this underwear see that it is stamped all wool. Men s Breeches, regillar $6.50, will go at . . . .$4.50 Men s All Wool Check Sweaters, regular `price ch-". 0: 1` I1/an mn" "nu kn avavu u .a.a.a.a. II \.I\ll- \J.lI.\a\.u.:. no II VLMUVL DJ, J Lllctl. Ill .I\1\) $5.95, our price only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.50 Men s Fleece-Lined. Underwear, .Tox-Knit and York-Knit, will go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . .` . . .956 Men s Big B and Big G Overalls and Smacks, in`, black, blue, blue and white stripe, will go at $1.65 Men s Overcoats, lined with polo lining, th1'oo-picoo belt, latest styles, will go at . . . . . . . . . . . .$17.50 Euy l1C1`O and you got your money s \\'o1"tl1. Men s Fleece-Lined Combinations, sizes 36 to 44; `rlioso (eoinbinations will go at . . . . . . . . . ..$1.79 Men s All Wool Combinations, sizes froin 36 to 44, only 70 left, every one Stamped all wool, will go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.79 Men s Heavy Ribbed Underwear, mixture, at. .89c' Men s Silk Ties, on sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . .49c each Men s Kid Gloves, reg. price $2.50, will go at $1.49 Boys Sweaters and Pullovers, all woo], will go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.29 Boys Fleece-lined Penman s Combinations, sizes from 26 to 32, will go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.45 Boys All Wool Stockings . . . . . . . . . . . ..49c pair Boys Fleece-Lined Underwear at . . . . . . . . . .690 60 DUNLOP ST. READ CAREFULLY ALL OUR PRICES. IF YOU MISS ONE ITEM, YOU MISS MONEY FROM YOUR POCKET. PREPARE FOR CHRISTMAS. A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE IN THIS STORE. CARD OF THANKS 111 u KNOCK U0(ly iH1(l H UTEZVC SOUL Deceased, whose maiden name, was `Mary Helen Elizabeth Gauley, was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gauley of Nam-.i.uee, where she was born. In 19L0, at the age of 18, she married James - Rogers of Deseronto. For a time she lived in Deserromso. but moved to ` Midland later. In 1910 she was left i a widow and in 1912 became mar- ` ried to Arthur F. Harris, a reman ` on the Canadian National. She was in her fortythird year at the time of her death. Deceased was the mother of four- teen children, eleven of whom re- main to mourn her loss. They are : Mrs. Beanan in Toronto, Meta. Joe, Myrtle, James. Ethel, Jean, Charlie, Leonard. William and Alfred at home. For the past. six months Al- OUR GUARANTEE: MONEY REFUNDED IF GOODS NOT SATISFACTORY Thge Northern Advance MEN S DEPARTMENT Barrie Bargain House nenlemoer Une (lame 01 me Merm- ocldsrt Chnstmas enrtertalnmen-t, Tues- day evening, December 23. "I".L.. 1)-..n...Lu-I-....2.... T\_.._...L:_ v.L mu, Lauxuu, un Jay Juan Aaaucxy. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hewson and family spent the week end with the fo1'mer s parents, Mrs. T. Hewson and Miss Nora returning to Tononuto with them. The Pre'sby'terian Dramttic Club gave their splendid play, The Dust '01 the Earth, in Ivy just lately. ' 1|/Tu ruvur` 1|/I`... T L]'........... ......`l | I us~_y \.v\,uu5, JJI.\,\;uu.`uC.|. uu We clip horses at the Barrie Veterinary Hospital, 48 Bayeld S c., Barrie. I I BIILS. Barrie motored to Toronto on Tues- lday of last week. RrA.`rY`mrn`}\r:v- ho rial-n n~F Hun `M'mHs_ Mrs. G. Harper and friends of 1oronmo- recenluy. Mrs. J. Hunter spent a. few Jays in Toronrto recemtly. Miss Rose Johnson, 8-th Line, is visiting in Shanty Bay. Miss Margaret Sutherland 1mrt0r- ed to Toronxto last Saturday. There seems to he SQVPTRII 1-ngpc n'F Clothing : Tailoring : Furnishings eu DO J.0r.DnIEO last. uansuruay. There seems to be several cases of whooping cotlgh in this vicinity. Mrs. Gilham of 'I`m~nn r.n -' mg ner sxsner, Mrs. .J._Nee1an-:13. Mr. A. Meredith of Bradford spent the week end with his par- ents. i I ma ('1 T.J .......-... ....,I :..:.....x.. _: wxwuplng cotugn 1n Ems v1c1n1_ty. _ Gilham of Toronto IS v1s1`t- ing her sister, Mrs. J._Nee1an-:13. `Mr. A, Mnrmlifh me um-1+-m..:l Mr. Murray Hunter is holidaying in Toronto. Mrs. 0. Black visirted friends in T01`-on:to recenrtly. Mme, J, `F-Tnrmpr mnnrnrf 9 Pam I-um ay 01 Last WEEK. Remember the date of the Meth- rlictf, (`.}1vd'r'rI-.1: nntnanl-4:n'nrnnn.+ 'T'naa_ STROUD OPPOSITE POST OFFICE BOYS DEPARTMENT BVBl'lII1. The Stroud Presbyrteriun Young People s' play enrtitled The Dust of the Earth will be given in the Orange Hall, Tuhornton, on Monday night, Doc. 1, under the auspices of the Towmline Sunday School. "I"J-nn Miuuinn (`.1~t-In nnnrm-`I was late a.`L'l.k!Il(llILg' EH3 I311` 1n '.I.'D1"Onl`U0. Miss Dorotlhy P-ugsley of Cooks- Itown spent Sunday at Jas. Lennox':. Miss Mm-v Snnnt-pr nf Rnnrhnn ie ALEX. MILNE & SONS 111. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Halbert visit-I ed Mr. and Mrs. Addison at Crown` Hill recenmly. , : Mr and Mr: WiIf1~pt` T-Ta.+.fnn nf '1-nu recemmy. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hatton of Ivy spent Sunday at Mr. Norman T`hompson s. Mr. and Mrs. Harv-v Cn1-hnf. of 1nompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Corbett of Ivy spent Sunday with the form -.r s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Corbett. On Sunday last St. Jude s church anniversary was held. The special nlprmvmnn fnr `H10 (lav urn: (".-nnf LJHIUIIAUS, lV1I'. anu 1V1l`S. A . LUTUULL. clergyman for the (lay was Capt. Tapper. Splendid music was render- ed by the choir both morning` and evening. Tho .Q+:rnnrl Prczyahvrlim-inn Vnnnrr Le .l0WI1lllI18 aunuay DCHUUI. The Mission Cxrcle concert was lgxven in the basement of the Meth- I Rev. W. H. Adams is spending a. few days in Toronto. Mrs. P. W. Scott, who has been very i-ll, is improving. Mrs. A. McKenzie attended the Winter Fair in Toronto. lfaccs-u `M 1n1v1:rxuI\n rum] '1?` \Y.'vnn wanxcer raar 1n 1onom:.o. Messrs. N. Jazmeson and F. Nixon are attending the fair in Toronto. Mina Dnnnhv P.nouR<]pv nf (`.nnl.-a- 'LUW1l SPCIPL ounway at J35. 1;enn0X';`.. Mxss Mary Spencer of Beerton 15 home attending to her mother, who is ill. Ladies Coats, pressed Velour or plain velour, with beaver collar and cuffs; these coats were sold at $24.50, will sell now for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14.50 Ladies Wool Crepe Dresses, reg. $12.50, for $6.95 Ladies Flannel Dresses, only 20 left, will sell L @311 OK LICIJULLCD -I.` .l.Ol.rl..l.|.l\FL -I-J1. \.I|J}J\.I)J, \J1ll_\ :\J JL;Ll, \\ III. at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$5 .3 A. Variety of all kinds of Ladies Waists will go at . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.98 These waists are ]'(.`gl1l211` up to $6.00 value. Ladies A11 Wool Crepe Pleated Skirts, with yokos, only 20 left, will go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.79 Ladies PenInan s and Watson s Combinations, only 50 left, will go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.95 Ladies Shirts and Drawers, only 20 (loozn lo1 1', those will go on sale at . . . . . . . . . . ..95c each Ladies All Wool Sweaters, \\'l1i(:l1 were sold 1'eg'11- mn nr-I Every Overcoat on Sale .n.n4avL:.vw . larly z Ladies I Ladies Ladies . Laqjes .nauvUn.|\Inr sagv-vu IVLLLJ. A1L|\\.1u) (|1A\I. !.l\l\/l\A\I|I, h;.. at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8c Ladies Heavy Bloomers, only :30 pairs ]m.1i at 98c pr. Ladies` Silk and Wool Stockings, no secomls 98c pr. Ladies Hats, \vm'th up to $6, on sale $2.95 to $4.50 Ladies {X111Woo1_1]1E`ul1k>ver and Sleeveless Sweaters, 6'1 (10 LVLULL L) JILL; II UUL AJVJL, JllLlLl\./ LIL J4lLblLull\|. vv;nn bx! at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..49c pr. Men s Silk and Wool Socks, reg. $1.25, for . . . .69c Men s Pyjamas, best q11ali ty, will sell at ....$2.95 .l..lGI\.L.|GD .5111. II UV; .1. ULLU V U}. cu..I.u. IULVU V VLVDD DJ Iv vwuv; pa, new shades, will go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.98 Ladies Marvella Coats, with fur <:.0llzu' and mffs; these coats are .rngulm' $35 vallle, will go $23.50 DEIES Wocfgci, made in E11gIa11d, will go A0:-n an-vs Boys Mackinaw Coats, sizes from 26 to 34, only 15 of those left, will go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.75 Boys All Wool Suits, sizes from 27 to 34, with th1'ee-picce bolt, extra good Value, will be sold at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.98 Boys Overcoats, sizes 22 to 30, will go at . . .$5.75 THORNTON ' Shirts ilrawers, 'l01 3 ' at up to $6.00, will go at . . . . . . . . . ..$3.95 Flannelette Underskirts . . . . . . . . . . . ..69c Corsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..98c pair All Wool Stockings . . . . . . . . . . . .690 pair Gloves, with S1`I':1'pS and bu(-,l will go l ..98c LADIES DEPARTMENT odist church on Wednesday last. The programme consisted of instru- mcnta1s by Misses Ethel Matthews and Clarice McKenzie, solos by Mrs. J. Metcalfe and Mrs. M. Cunning`- ham, :1 recitation by Miss Annie Mc- Ghee, and also two page-ants were given, after which refreshments were served by the Mission Circle gwirls. Starting Friday, Nov. 28 E. G. Porter, K.C., Conservative member, who has representel West Hastings in the House of Commons for the `Last twenty-three years, was defeated in the by-election on Tue - day by C. E. Hanna, the Liberal candidate. The by-e1ection was brought on by the resignation of Mr. Porter following the attittxde of the Parliamentary Committee which dis- missed Mr. Ponter is charges against Hon. James Murdock in rmnection with the Home Bank incident. 'l"Iun nlinurrnn nmnnm+ LI.-. Tuna... Hear 'I`vhomp'.~>on Blood, the King` of Ente1'. oain~ers, under auspices of Collier St. Choir. Coliler St. Meth- odist church, Friday, Dec. 5th. |Wl-LI1 ERG 1101110 DQLHK lI1Cl(lCI1T. The charges against. Hon. James Murdock were not of su"1cient. im- portance to warrant Mr. Potter in taking; the stop he did and conse- quently the people of West Iiastimrs showed their displeasure at his actions. HANNA ELECTED IN WEST HASTINGS BY 500 MAJORITY PHONE 1030 Page Five During this Sale of Overcoats We will put on sale all our Men s and Boys Fall and Winter Suits.

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