Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 27 Nov 1924, p. 3

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ANNUAL MEETING % or CHlLDREN S ANN DOYS anu g'lI'lS. A large framed photo of the late Mr. N. Cotter was presented to the She1 Le1' by Mrs. Cotter. Mr. T. T. Young`, in a few words, :'et'erred to the great. interest taken by the late Mr. Cotter in the children. The first home was presented by him, and he was always a true fr_i(-eznd. As long; as there is a Children's Aid So-ciet-y the memory of Mr. Cotter will remain fresh. l\1VI "r11 uun.\.a..; `um. , ` On motion of Mayor Craig and| J. '1`. Simpson, Clerk of the County,', the Board of Directors of the year` iju.<:_t rcloifed welre alllre-1e1f3cted.k Bnth reterret t.o tie sp en(i( wor mat `is being` done on behalf of the neg`- lected children and glad that `they had some part in the purchasing of the building` for a shelter some years ago. Mr. Simpson sng'g,'ested that more publicity be given to the work, as there were many in the County who -(lid not know bhere was zuch an instivwti-on. I`l1n Dan):-rl n4` T\Iu...+nv;. uhvn . A lIlSbl"UULl`UH. The Board of D1v.';u;t0rs are: J. Sarjcant, Dr. A. '1`. l4it;t'l(-,, Hammond, J. E. Billingslcy, S. ` Moore, '1`. T. Young, Rev. \V. Want, E. Armstrong, D. H. Col:-2`: and M. D. Morrison. unnn\-n.\-11 'Dunn.lnn+ LH.- \l.~..-..I- UU'll, IJILLIU ilall IJUWIS. Honorary Denntists, Drs. I{ic]1.ur son, Sprott, Brereton and W .ic:1. I Hono1'a)'y Solicitoljs, Donzzltl Ross and D. F`. McCuai,<.;. T1'ea.surer, A. G. 1\/IacI.L-llan. Auditors, W. R. King zmrl '1`. Beecrvoft. ` Inspector, W. J. Justice. SLII-lOu.`~'Ily lnellneu. The safe, containing` $1,200.13, was u1in1zvtely found in the wowls north of the town, with the 13 cents still present anu XVI. U. lV1()`l'I'lSOl1. Honol-ar_v President, Warden J. E. Coombs. '~Honorar_v Ph_Vsician.=, buvll, Little and Lewis. 1 21 lnml D F` NH-(`.1mitr Thieves who stole 21 safe from the Long` Island Railroad stzntion at Southampt;on were _g'c:.1\t]mnon super- stitiously inclined. Tho nfn_ rnnvt.nininn- $11 `Z0013, nouu Lxuau. Ofcers Re-Elected .- BARRIE, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 27, 1924 His \~m:.;1np THE NORTHERN ADVANCE Drs. Turn- The death occurred on Saturday, Nov. 22, of Ellen Burton McDonag'h, in her seventieth year, at her late residence, 77 Sandford St. De- ceased was born in Hampshire, Eng- land, and em-ig'rarte to Canada at the age of 14, along with her eldest brorther. She settled near Cooks- town. The rest of the large family all came to Canada a little later and settled in the County of Simcoe. Mrs. M-cDon:a.g`h, whose nfaiden name was Ellen Houghmon, was mar- ried to the late Thomas Burton while in Cookstown. The-y continued to live in the vicinity of Cookstown for a number of years and then moved to Newmarket. They came to Bar- rie twenrty-nine years ago. About twelve years ago deceased was left a widow, bud; later married John Mc- Donagh, who predeceased her three \'t>!1`Q, Far vp-am: lwre, Nl(-- JJ`0112lg'I1, WHO preueceaseu 1181' T/HFBCI years ago. For years Mrs. Mc-' was an active member of the Salvation Amny. She also kept a. number of homeless children for the Children s Aid Society, whose desmitution always struck her with compassion. I Thar-paveprl wan H10 rn~n` 01 nirrhf. | compasslon. I I Deceased was the mother of eight children, all of whom remain `col moum her loss. All these were able to be at home for the fun- nunl 'I` nun - \nx'nu I`lnnwxn.a ner IOSS. Au Lnese were eral. They are: Major Thoma-s Bunton, who is in charge of Salva- tion Army work in New Brunswick, with headquaivters at St. John; Mrs. lWm. Harris, Innisl; Mrs. Walter lLonghu.rst of Al-landale, Mrs. Nixon H.-urst of Barrie, Mrs. Thomas Eade [of Ljnclsay, Mns. John Beleskey of |Barrie, and Charles Burton and Mrs. Labeau of North Bay. Two ibrothers and three sisters` also sur- vive, SarrI1zu of An]/listen, gretl 0; ,N<~.wt-on 0 inson, rrs. A. ain o lTorm1to, Mrs. D. McWaters of Holly I and Mrs. W. Sheppard of Barrie. The fnnm-nl, whit-la tnnk nl;1`r-.9 i1Il(l N113. VV. DHB[J]J2`LX'[l U1 D'cl.1'l'll3. The funeral, which took place from the lame residence on Tuesday, Nov. 25, to the Union cemetery, was c.onduote(1 by Col. Gideon Miller of Salvation Army headquarters in To- mnto. I rmm 4:..11.....:..... ...-.c IV` ;.\...... L`unnzl :- H130. The following out of town friends attended wtrhe funeral : Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tempert-on, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bain, Mrs. A. Bain, Mxr. and Mrs. F. Cox, Mr. F. Dennis, Mr. McKay, all `of Toronto; Mr. Samuel Houghton, xA11isto-n; Mr. and Mrs. Frankl \Hvoup,'h.ton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred 5Houg'htAon, Mr. and Mrs. H. Harvey, !Mr. and Mrs. M. West, Newton Rob- |inson; Mr. E. HougVhton and Miss E. ',Howe, Elmvale; Mr. and Mrs. W. `Gardner, Steele- s Corners; Mr. and Mrs. F. Brown, Bradford; Major T. A. Burton, St. Johns, N.B.; Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Burton and family, North Bay; Mr. and Mrs. T. Lebeau, North Bay; Mr. W. Eddney, Brad- ford; Mr. and Mrs. Clms. Eddney, Steele's Corners; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hounsome, Mr. Frank Hounsome and Mrs. Chas. Hounsome, Bradford; Mr. Alfred Hounsome, Cookstown; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Money, Colwell. !STAYNER COUNCIL FOR I 1 925 GETS ACCLAMATION Shayne)` is the only lT1u1`llClDELlli ._\-' in the County of Simcoe -`halt has: taken a(`e of the chanp;e in the Act providing for the hol of municipal elections on the lil"F?i'. of December, and nominations the last Monday in Noveam-ber. On Mon-lay last nominartions were held in Stay- nei` and the whole council were re- electml by acclamation. Reeve E. J. Lambert is the only member of the County Council who is sure of tn.-int: 3 member for 1925. It will be his sixth year as Reeve of Stayner and he only had a contest one year. This record Mr. Lambert feels shoulzl on- title him to :1 claim on the Wu1'l"1s' chair for 1925, and he is looking` tor that honor. _ Have you renewed your subscrip- tlon for 1925 ? -J'l1dg'e \'a11(-,0, \Vardon J. E. Comnbs and Magistrate J0`r'fs E11c0u1' \Vo1-k ELLEN BURTON McDONAGH Mrs. Ha.m.~b1y spent the week end in Toronto. Riva T1 R/fn{`nn:-'lnu.I -4 1`.r\\nr\v\"':\ :1- lIl L01`-OIIVDO. Mrs. D. McCausland of Toronto is visiting" the Misses Ferry. M1 , Pzmlrruh Rnhincnn k,o- V15-lLll'l`= ,' I/I18 LVIISSBS I`l'1'y. Mr. Ralph Robinson ms vlslstmg friends in Toronto this week. f`.l-.n+' 9|`-\r] 1\/fun Tn-vnnn (`nun Iv\I\.r.\- lI`l(3I1(l`S III LDTOHTJO -131115 VVBGK. Cahief and Mrs. James Case mow)`- ed to Toronto last week end. I/I'n:~nn 'Dn1nu and n1ntlIra \X7Hn:- T40 .l'0l'0I1lT/0 1356 VVBGK CIIU. Mlsses Ruby and Gladys W11es spent the week end in Toronto. Mr: A W, Srnidzh I-mg rafnrnml spent. L118 WEEK CIl(l III LIOTOIILU. Mrs. A. W. Smith has returned after spending" a week in Toronto. M1`, C\h':n'h=& H'nn,m' is visiting` (101110 nere. Mr. Howard Ross of Toronto was m1'.e guest of Mr. E. Jamieson over the week end. I Y\/foo:-ua 11/Tn\1r.ny 1 Ev? n-mi-nn nun] U.-.L`laEl' spenuung 3. WEEK In .l'U!'UIlLU. M1`. C\h':n'les Hunter is visiting friends in Toronto for a few days. Mr Din]: (".aH1'0'hnn nf Ninieqino- it (lays. Dr. Harold Hun-ter has returned to Oril-lia afrter a shout stay at his home here. 1/! IJ.r\!Iv~r\\ Dana A4` Tn:-nn+n uvn;- '1`he annual meeting of the Chil- dren s Aid Society was held at the Shelter on Tuesday evening and in every erspect was the most success- ful annual meeting the Society ever held. There was a good at- tendance and great interest taken in this most important work. Address- 0;: by His Honor Judge Vance, War- den J. E. Coombs and Magistrate Jeffs, in which the work of the So- cierty, and particularly that of the Inspector, was higihly commended,. were enc0ura.g'ing. A musical pro-; gram, interspersed with the business of the evening, was a pleasing fea- ture. The children at the Sheltel" sang several selections to the delight of all. Mrs. Laidman sang especially for the children, and the B.C.I. girls orchestra. rendered several selections. l\l'u A T Q-nn'nnn+ +1-\r\ nvnn,lnn+ [me weer: enu. I Messrs. Morley L1v1ng.ston and Gordon Longman motored to Toron- to last week end. `.\/fun D h Ilnnnnvwann AF Wlnaxvalo to last weox enu. | Mrs. R. D. Bannerman of Elmvale is spending; the week at her sister s, Mrs. H. R. Palmer, Toronto St. Mrs. I. L. Percy and her niece, Miss Mary Frederick, spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Miss Doris Hayes, late of Bari-i-2, `urn! nnuv in -,2 hvwannh A1 5'1-an 'I`n1~nnh\ VVCEK EHU WIEII II`1Bl'l(lS In 1()l`0IlbU. and now in a branch of vthe Toronto Public Library, was a. guest of Mrs. Tom Sinclair last week and. M... m n M,.r~...n,\..n+. m+.......~..I 1s reporneu mo De gem;1ng `.uuI1g` wen. Mr. and Mrs. David Clarke, Thornton, announce the eng'ag'emenvt of their daughter, Wilda Minetta, to Herbert L. Wright, also of Thom- C . 0%.. nhrl `I/H-a Tkno In PACE .-.+' LOU] DlIlC1H.lI' ldSL WEEK Hllu. Mrs. T. C. McCu1lough return:-I last week from Toronto, where she underwenfc a severe operation. She is reported to be getting along well. Mm. and Mrs. David Clarkir. con. M1`. and Mrs. Thos. E. Ross, of Guthrie, announce the engagement of their (laughter, Helen, tp Mr. Bunton Warnica of Tollendale, the m3.rriag'e to take place the first week in December. M.... 1 Q cum. mm ..,....,:un 4-... m uecemner. Mrs. J. S. Shortt will receive for the rst time since coming rbo Bar- rie on Thursday, Dec. 4, from 4 to G in the afiternioon and from 8 to 10 in the evening. M1`. Shortt will receive with Mrs. Sehormt. in the even- ing at St. And~rew s Manse, W01-sley St. emnized at the home of Mr. Gordon Jamieson, Manseld, on Wednesday, Nov. 19, when .his sister, Mary E., was united in marriage with Me]- V1'1~le H. Patton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patton, Lisle. The cere- mony, which was perfomned by the Rev. M. Jxtence of Everett, took place under an arch of evergreens in the drawing` room, the wedding: \mz:rc.h being played by Miss Noble. |The bride, who entered on the arm of her brother, was d-aintily dressed in grey canton, and wore a beauti- ,ful pin, the _e'it of the groom. She carried a boquet of Bethlehem Star and sweetheart roses. Following; the ceremony a dainty wedd-ing luncheon was served, after which the happy lonuple left by motor for Toronto and I . ` A very pretty wedding was sol- ot-her southern points, the bride travelling` in a suit of black trico- tine, grey hat and gloves and fox fur. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Patton will reside on the groom's farm at Airlie. The nal gures of the majority for the O.T.A. in the plebiscite of 'Oct. 23rd last were announced Tues- day at the Par]iam1ent Bui-ldings as 34,031. The total vote cast is given as 1,137,321; the vote for the O.'I`.A. as 585,676 and the vote for Government control as 551,645. TOSSORONTIO COUPLE WED Mr. A. J. Sarjeant, the president, occupied the chair and gave an out- line of the work carired on during` the year. A peasing feature was the increased interest taken by the citizens of the County and by the County Council. The work of the Women's Auxiliary was most com- mendable, but the real success[ achieved during the year was main-` l_v due to the work of the Inspector`, Mr. W. J. Justice. 'I`L1n 1m~.-{nun v-mnnwl-c nc {-`nun/I nn L`l`Cl'lBSL'I'2l. renuereu SCV(`.`l"d1 SlCLl0IlS.| PERSONALS Mr. W. .1. Justice. The various reports, as found on another page of this issue, were pre- sented and adopted. The president pointed out that salaries amournting to $2542.00 were paid out, while only $1500.00 grant was received from the County. The County, however, pay $3.00 per week for the maintenance of each child. Throu{;h the generosity of citizens in supply- ing` food, etc., the Board has been able to meet all expenditures` and there is a balance on hand at the close of the year. \Taovi<+vs:fn .Tnf`c nail] 11:2 '.ll'IY\I`{J"i:11 - C1058 OI INC )'C}ll'. I Magistrate Jeffs said he appre:i:.Lt- ed the work that is being` done by the Board, and particulanly by the Inspector. In his present judicial work he comes in very close contact with Mr. Justice and his work. Much of it is sordid and unpleasant, yet the Inspector keeps going with 21 cheerfirl smile, The County isi supporting four institutions to a certain extent, the House of Refuge, the Gaol, the Hospitals, and the Children s Shelter. The money spent on the children is, perhaps, the best spent, because if the children are looked afrtexr and given a fair chance there will be fewer in the other in- stitutions in the years to come. I Wa\'tlrin r`.nnn1hc zmiil l1!) '21: in SIlLU.l.lO!'LS 1]] L118 yU`Zl..l'S LU (501110. Warden Coombs said he was in the County Council when the build-. in_u' for the Shelter was purchasc-d, and he considered it as among` the best assets of the County. There is no asset that we should be as proud of as our boys and girls. The War- den said that he had always taken an interest in trying` to help the boys and 5,-`i1-ls and it would give him more joy than anything else to know thwt he had been the means of helping` some boy or girl in some way. He had known Mr. Justice for! several years and appreciated the n-nml \um'k hp vvzm rlnino .\'(V(.`]"dl _VCE1l'S 2lI1(l }.L[)I)1'L`Cl2lI.(3(l [HP 3.-'oo work he was doing. His Honor Juclge Vance said he \\ zL.\' in very close touch with the \\ urk of the Society , and particularly with the work that Mr. Justice is doing, and the more he came in touch with Mr. Justice the more he appreciated his worth. There was no betti,-r official in the Province of On-tzirio to-day. His Honor .sai(l he would like to 500 Mr. Justice get a bt.-.tit-r sa1ar_\', as ho was not gretting zm_\'thing: like he should get for the |\x/ork he was cl-oinrg. The County `Council hesitated to spend money luntil it was found it was absolutely needful. The Councillors are seeing that the work is need.i'ul and neces- . sary and Uhere is not so much .o-p- position. It is recognized in a.=ll civilized countries that money spent ; in the welfare of children is the best expendilture of funds. It has `been 1 rpnoven time and again that it is right than to keep them later as criminals. If a child is properly fed, clothed and educated he is less like- . ly to turn out a criminal. 80 per cent. of the criminals in the world are under 25 years of age, and a large percentage of these were not properly looked after in childhood days. His Honor was gslad that the . County Council was doing so well for the Shelter, but he often thought they might do better, and support the Shelter entirely. He would like to see the necessity of tag days and better to bring up boys and glls 'beg'g'inwg' for the Shelter done away ` lwith, and he hoped the County Council would consider the matter. -One otlhe-r point His Honor stressed was that those who have no children of their own should adopt one orl more from the Shel-. :er. There are` children in the Shelter now that would bless any home, and he was speaking from experience when he -said that you can take a child and think as much of it as if it were your very own. It should be the aim of all to try and find good -homes for those children. I In presenting his report Mr. Jus- tice, the Inspector, said he was deep- ly touched with the kind thing,-'3 that had been said about him. He was not in the work for any selsh ends. It was his love for the Cl1ll(ll`|:."l and the knowledge that he was doing something` to help them that con-I cerned him most. There could be no higher rerward than in the {zet- rting of the full condence of those boys and girls. 1 A lmr'.n`p frnmpll nl1nrf.n nf the late.

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