Thursday, October 2, 1924 AUTO LICENSES PRICES REDUCED p u.- ....-..... Debentures of the Town Barrie. 5; Per Cent. Issue. n,,, of Hour] In ve.-ztment. W. BELL,` ISSUER Y A-nnlrl 7 OWEN STREET Masonic Temple Building u -a-.____, _...._ Successor to J. Arnold Insurance FUNERAL DIRECTOR FOR SALE Page Seven after the two American universities. The party made ve first ascents including the hitherto unconquered Mount Patterson, 10,400 feet, Mount Sir James Outmm 10,700 feet, the South Twin, 10,600 feet and the unnamed peaks, Hnvurd and I-Iotchkiss. Besides all this they discovered a new route to the top of the second highest peak in the Rockies, Mount Columbia, 12,000 feet, which was made in a return journey of twenty-three hours. The aim of the exploring party, to con uer the South Twin, was successfully attained. 'r n 1`iom-`H'm-rig nnrtv left Lake Louise five weeks ago Five Points Barrie. The Fie_1d-Han-is pm-ty_ left Lake Louxse nve weexs ago accompanied by two gq1des,__ve_ puck_ers gngi ninete_en horses, and travelled zuv nmu.-s mw me Lu'.umL.u. um 20 Owen Street BARRIE Top Left.--Encnm|1ed nenr the (`olumblu Ice Field. Mount Columhln. um-and hhzheut peak In the Rockies. In nu-on In the buckgrollnd. I3clow.--Ono of the pcuk.-4 recently sealed for the rut time In history. WGlLv_y vun nu uuu ..... ....... `on Sout}.1u'C.[`w-in, E11-cC't`:_f171Vl'1r3' attzxfed. ' ' ' e Field-Harris party left Lake `nnnrnnnnid hv two guides. ve ouckers and nineteen DAILY STRENGTH LOWEST PRICES rv.--One or the non history. Nature has admirably tted the body to ght against weal<- ness but there is need for a daily renewal of strength, which comes easiest through nourishment. Students Stormand Capture Rocky Heights A NEW FORD STORY According to an English weekly, one of the principal `industries in America seems to -be inventing funny stories about Mr. Henry Ford and his cars. Here is the latest one. A little country lad was given a dollar for a birthday present. He had heard that the Ford cars -were quite cheap, so he wrote up for one. The letter came into the hands of Mr. Ford himsef, who was so tickled by its contents that he caused an answer to be sent to the writer asking him to 0211;] at the fac- tory. Here he was received by the manager, who gravely accepted his dollar and gave him a receipt for it. Now, my lad, he said kindly, go round and choose the. car you like best. The boy wandered round for two or three hours examining various specimen cars. Well? said the manager, after the boy had made a thorougrh inspection. Please, I d like my dollar back, said the boy. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. iR. G. MANUEL Mgr. Phone 721 eld. Their progress was halted several times by the terric winds from the ice elds and once they were forced to halt a day at Mistayah lake in order to make rafts with which to get their horses across. Here, at the foot of Mount Patterson, they put up a bivouac camp and accompanied by the weird howling of the wild ice winds of this district spent most of their night thrubbing a ukelele and singing warm southern songs. v vv - I I 1,5, _____ n...:.... .....:,1.\ .551. Lwu` uuu Dluguns vvou Au auuuuyn u uulaau Lemonde Harris had his own Swiss guide with him; Joseph Biner who has guided him for many years in the Swiss Alps. Edward Fuez who has been guiding in the Canadian Rockies since 1903 was the man who success- fully maneuvered this valuable expedition. The greatest novelty of the trip, he stated on his return, was the meeting of fourteen American girls on the lonel forks of the North Saskatchewan River, who were travel ing alone with their packers. The girls insisted that the party stop off for dinner with them that night, following which 3 note of civilization was added `Yo their wild northern r environment by the sound of the Ukelele and the swish of dancing feet over pine needles dimly lighted by 3 `.`ul..'.~.'u.5 iv; camp fire. Inset.-Flchl-llnrrln party nearing their uh]:-olive. Rhzht.--Ed\vnrd Fuez..1 nmoma Cumullun Pm-lflc IUII Inset.-Flchl-llnrrln pm-ty nearing IlI(`.ll' ()lI]l`L'lI\'I3. llIght.--l`.d\vnrd IuI"' wny Swiss guide. who led the I<`|el4l-llxu-rln expe- Illtlon. conquerlng five new peaks in the Col- wins I<`|el4l-llnrrln Ice Iv`l1_-Id. (Continued from page four) DAIRY PRODUCE 6 lbs. butter in rolls, Mns. John " Campbell. Shanty Bay; A. D. Campbell, Shanty Bay; N. M. Campbell, Shanty Bay. Butter, 20 lb. crock, N. M. Camp- bell; Mlss B. L. Parr. Colwell; A. D. Campbell Butter, 10 lb. crock, A. D. Campbell, Mrs. Jno. Campbell. But- ter, 10 lb. rolls, N. M. Campbell, N. L. Chantler & Son, Bradford, R. R. No. 2; A. D. Campbell. Farmers` cheese, Mrs. John Campbell, N. M. Campbell. Loaf homemade bread, Mrs. John Campbell, Miss A. 0. Patterson, Shanty Bay. Maple sugar, 10 lbs., James Spence, l\Ii(lhl1l`SI'.. Imperial quart maple molasses, Robt. M. Bell, Barrie, Irwin McMahony, Hawkestone. Honey in mmb. Maquire Bros., l\'lin_esin. 1`\J `V II.) I I 1].: 1 ILVIL-I To Place Your Order for a Monument or Memorial :7 V} lriivlin 1-Loney ' A in comb, Maquire Minesing. Honey extracted, clover. \V. H. G. Marwood, Barrie; Maguire Bros. Hon- ey extracted, basswood, Maguire Bros. Honey extracted, buckwheat, Maguire Bros. Best collection of honey, Ma- guire Bros. Assortment of pickles in bottles, homemade, Miss`~Annie ' Adam, Hawkestone; Mrs. A. Manson, Barrie. Collection domestic canned fruit, Annie E. Adam. One dozen eggs, Miss M. E. Campbell, F. Huse. Barrie. Nut bread, Mrs. VV. A. McConkey, Bar- rie; A. D. Campbell. Fruit bread. A. D. Campbell, J. M. Campbell. Brown bread, Miss A. 0. Patterson, A. D. Campbell Best display baking. one batch dough. A. D. Campbell. Dressed goose, Fred Carson, Barrie. Pair dressed ducks, )3. A. Harris, Barrie. Pair dressed fowl, Miss M. E. Camp- bell, Barrie; Mrs. John Campbell. 14:1 Baby's long dress, Miss Pearl Usher, Elmvale. Baby's W001 jacket and boot- ees, Mrs. E. A. Harris, Barrie; Miss E. Dohson, Barrie. Baby's bonnet, cro- chet, tatting or lmndmade lace. Mrs. J. Yeates, Allzuulale, Mrs. W. J. Thomson, Orilliu. Baby's carriage cover and pillow, embroiclerecl, Mrs. E. G. Poole, Barrie. B:1by s carriage cover, u.o.k., Mrs. A. E. McLeod, 2nd. Buttonholes, on cotton, unlaundered, .\Irs R. l\I:1rshall. Bzxrrie; Mrs. M. Clizmtler, Barrie. Buttonlioles, tailor- ed, on cloth, Mrs. R. .\I-arsliall. Buf- fet set of 3 pieces embroidered, Miss Evelyne Urry, Mrs. \\', Turner, Hills- uxuu v v V`.-- dale. Buffet set of 3 pieces, croclic-t.I' Miss Mabel Keenan, Barrie; James Spence, Midhurst. Child's dress made from old garment, Hrs. C. McConkey, .\[rs. R. Marshall, Child's dress, hand- nmde. .\lrs. \\'. J. Thomson, Miss A. 0, Patterson. Eml)roider_v centre con- ventional, Mrs. Geo. N. Campbell, Or- illiuz E. McAteer, Angus. Embroidery centre, .'1.o.l{.. Miss J. .\lc.\Iillzin, Barrie; Miss Pearl Usher. Famcy nee-(lle\v01;<. \lisx: M. 1-3. (_1mm)bel1, Miss A. Booth.l ll(3C(HC\VOI`K.` Miss M. E. Campbell, Booth. 1-Iemstitching. specimen, Miss E. Put- terson, Slmnty Bay; Mrs. W . 0. Part- x'i(l:.:e. Lace filet crochet. Miss A. Booth, Miss Pearl Usher, 3rd. Lace, hzindnmde, 3 styles, Mrs. Gen. X. Camp- bell, Miss J. MC-Millun. \\'0x'k apron. fzmcy, Miss E. Dobson, Mrs. A. F. Dobson. \\ 01'l< apron. plain, Miss A. 0. Patterson, Mrs. \V. J. Tlimnson. Lady's house dress, mzichine-mzule. Mrs. \V_ J. Thomson. Mrs. A. 1-`. Dob- son. \Vork bug, M"* A. Booth. Miss J. M:1rshzill. Lady camisole, Mrs. M. Clmntlei`. L:1(l_\"s convalescent jacket. Miss M '1`ux'ner, Hillsdzile; Mrs. M. Clmntler. Lady's embroidered nir:htrobe, Miss B. Cmvrm, Cookstownz Mrs. M . J. 5'l"lmms(m. l`hree~piece lingerie sot, Miss M. E. Campbell. Lamp Shade, Miss J. MC-Millan, Miss Ii, Dohson. Lihr:1r_\' table rynnei`, col- \V'm`l: Booth. Miss L:ul,\"s E, runner, col- ored enibroitlery. Mrs. P. Love, Miss M. Turner. Lihrzngv tahle runner, other style, Miss M. E. Cmnpbell. Luncheon set of 7 pieces, Miss M. E. C'.'lII"l]')h(`11, Miss Mabel Keenan. Man's pyjamas, Mrs. P. Love, Mrs. XV. J. l`homson. Modern be-nd\\'0rk, bags, SOIL eu:., Mr. Tott, Miss E. Dobson. Mod- ern cross stitch, Mrs. \V. J. Thom- son, Mrs A. McN:\b. Pillow cases, puir crnchnt trimniocl. Miss B. Cowan, Miss M. Turner. Pillow cases, em- lu~ni(1erc-d, Miss B. C`0\\':in, Miss L. Bid- well. Pillnw eases, day, Miss B. Cow- an. Mrs. P. Love. Pin cushion, any kind, Miss 13. (`.0\\*nn. Miss M. Turner. Quilt, appliqued. Miss M. E. Camp- bell. Quilt. pieced, .\Iiss Pearl Usher, .\Iiss `R. Cnwnn. Quilt, :1.o.k.. Miss B. Cuwan, Mrs. A. E. Lowe Rag mat, hooked. .\liss Pzltterson, Miss A. 0. Patterson. Rag; mat, braided, Mrs. BARRIE PRIZE LIST LADIES VVORK \r!,,_ n.._. The Northern Advance R. Marshall, Miss A. 0. Patterson. Rag mat, a..o.k., Miss J. McMillan, Mrs. R. Marshall. Reed weaving, baskets , amateur, Mrs. C. McLean. Reed weaving, a..o.k.. C. Poole, Mrs. H. Maxwell. Shirt, man's or boy's, `cotton, Mrs. `V. J. Thomson, Miss A. Booth. Slippers, boudoir, Miss M. Turner, Mrs. M. Chantler. Scarf, knitted, Mrs. A, Booth, Miss A. O. l:':1tterson. Sweater. knitted, pullover. Miss M. Turner, Miss L. Bidwell. Sweater coat, knitted, Miss A. Booth, Airs. E. A. Harris. Sofa pillow, Miss J. Marshall, Miss B. Cowan. tray, embroidered, mounted, Miss J. Marshall. Serviettes. G embroidered, Miss B. Cowzm, Miss A. Booth. Ser- viettes, 6 crochet trimmed, Miss A. Booth, Mrs. E. Rowe. Spreads, ap- nliqued, Miss M. E. Campbell, Mrs. M, Chantler. Spreads, a.o.k., Mrs. E. G. Poole, Miss J. McMiillzm. Tatting finished article, Mrs. VV. Justice, Miss 0. Patterson. Tea cosy, embroid- red, Miss B. Cownn, Miss M. Turn- m~ Ten cosv. wool, Miss E. Dobson, Service ` I I (`Inn N, ered, Miss M. 'J.`Ul`I`l- er. Tea cosy. Miss A. Booth. Tray cloth, pair, em- hroidered. Miss 13. Cowan, Mrs. P. Lore. Table cloth and 2 servlettes in- itialed, Miss B. Cowan, Miss M. Turner. Table centres, French and Made:-la -.nbroidered, Miss J. Marshall, 2nd. Table centre embroidery and filet crochet, Miss J. McMillan. Table doyleys, set of 6, Mrs. E. G. Poole, Miss E. Urry. Table mats, set of 4 interlined, Mrs. A. McN'.1b, Miss E. Booth. Tea cloth, other style, Miss M. E. Campbell, Miss 13. Cowan. Table cnver. bridge, Miss A. Booth. Towel, embroidered, Miss B. Cowzm, Mrs. (tnmnbell. Orlllia. Towel, I l l Cowzm, Mrs. Geo. N. Campbell, liemstitched and initialed, Miss A. Booth, Miss A. 0. Patterson. Towel, (`i'OChC trimmed, Mrs. Geo. N, Camp- bell, Miss E. Urry. Towel, Swedish (lm-nlng, Miss C. Gordon, Miss M. Turn- er. Towel, bath, fancy, Miss L. Bid- well, Miss J. McMillan. VVOollen gloves, Miss E. Patterson, Miss A. 0. Patterson. \\'oollen handknit socks, coarse, Mrs. M. Chantler, Miss A. 0. Patterson. \V'oo]len handknit socks, tine, Miss E. Patterson, Mrs. M. Chant- ler. \\'oollen handmade mitts, double, A. D. Campbell. Mrs. John Campbell. \\'oo1len hantlknit mitts, fine, Mrs. J. Rose, Miss A. (). Patterson. \\'0o1len socks, darned, Mrs. Geo. .\'. Campbell. Annie E. Adam. Best 5 articles suit- able for Christmas gifts, Mrs. M. Clmntler. Mrs. VV. J. Thomson, Miss J. ', McMillan. > 4-:..1..v '\\'nv1.' TTn:1nr 1R-Swez1ter is a practical aid to health and strength. If you are pale, under- weight or weak, Scott's is the restorative that builds you up Nature s way- through nourishment. .\1c1\1ilmn. Girls \V'ork. Under 1S-Sweatei* .i Miss L. Hines, Miss Nettie McLeod. Socks, knitted, Miss Jean Malcomson. Best dressed doll, Miss L. Hines. Miss Nettie i\IcLeod. Tea Moth, Miss L. Hines. Reed wezivinpz. Miss L. Hines. Miss E. Hines. \V'0rk zip:-on, plain. Miss L. Hines. Miss Reta I-I:i\'orson. Cundles \V'ork apron, fancy, `Miss L. Hines. Best collection of chil- dren's work, Miss E. i\IcKe\'er, Miss L. Hint:-Q, l.l.\ 15 .`\1& J. D Oil Paintings--Figure, Miss E. XV'z1(1- dell, Oronn; ;\Iiss C. Gordon. Land- scupo, F. )1. Bailey, Toronto; Miss E. \\`:u1(le11. 2\Izu'ine, Miss E. '\Vz1ddell, 1*`. M. B:1i10_\'. Animals, Miss E. VV:1d- dull, F. M. Bailey. Inzmimate objects. Miss E. \\'add0ll. F. M. Bailey. \\'n1,01' Cul0rs-L:1n(lsc:1pe, F. M. Bailey. \\';\te1' Bailey, Miss E. \\':1(l(lel1. Marine, Miss .\l:1e Slum`. Barrie; ll`. M. Bailey. In- umimute objects, Miss E. \Va(l(le11, F. M. Bziiley. Figure, Miss E. \\'addell, l". M. Bailey. Animals, F. M. Bailey, Miss E. \\'ucldell. D1'u\vings--P0n and ink sketch. F. M. ]3aile_V, Miss E. \V'zLcldell. Pencil .\Iiss E. \\'uddell, John F. (loftun, B:u'i'ic-. Charcoal_ (lrziwlng. Miss E. \\ a(ldell, I-`. M. Bailey. Ink clrzi\\'im.: on wood (open to ladies). Miss Mae Shaw, 1i`. )1. Bailey.; on china, .\Irs. A. B. Cooke. Barrie; Miss Evelynp Urry. Crayon drzlwing, Miss 13. \V.'1dde1l. F. M. Bailey. Pencil (lrawing or sketch by cliildrc-n, Edith Pratt, Allandale; \V. A. Pratt, Allanclale. Best collection of photos by unuxteur, H. D. Ath- erton, J. Yeates. Best collection of paintings, Miss Mae Shaw, F. M. Bailey. nv Residents of County of Simcoe--- By Figure in oil, Miss C. Gordon. Land- sc:1pe in 01], Annie E. Adam, Hawke- smne. `W. G. Robinson, Midlmid. Murine in oil, Miss C. Gordon, 2nd. Figure in \\':1ter colors, Miss `Mae Shaw. L.'mdsc:|pe in water colors, Miss Mae Shaw. Miss Nettie McLeod. Col- lection of Pastels, Miss C. Gordon. ROOTS Best collection of field roots, F. I-luse, Barrie: J. Yeutes. Tuhers, long white early potato, F. Huse. Tubers, rountlisli or oblong white early pota- (`.on. Crm.'h:1n. Barrie; Robt. M. tn early pota- tn, Gm. Croghun, Bell. l -Earrie. Tubers. long white late potato. C. M. Hicklinyz, Barrie; Fred (mrsun, B:1rrie. Tuhers, roundish or nh1on_'.: white late potato. J. .\[c\\'z1te1*s, 'I`hnmton; F`. Huse. Collection of po- lntoos, A. D. Campbell, Goo. Cronlmn. 'l`hv-on Qxvmlo turnips. Lambert & 11011. Jil \\'hite 1 {ed fie T.nnE T1 \\'inter Bradford, Iundule, ] Lloyd Li white-. Cm incrntnn. \\Wnter xvnent, uurscuuuun nun, \V. G. Kennedy & Son. A1- R.R. 2. Six-rowed barley, Livingston, Mlncslng. Oats, Czxrscaddon & Son, Lloyd Liv- ingston. ()ne-half l)us. peas. snin, Lloyd Livingston. Yellow field corn, E. V. B:ilc0cl<. C. \V. Nash. Cundles. \Yhnc Hem mwn,Imn McMah0m F. l-luso. Collection of ;:rz1ln. not less than 5 vzirietic-s, L. Llvlnprston. Red ('l()\ 0l` seed. \\'. A. Pratt. Allzlndale; A. D. C`nmp1)ell. Shanty Bay. Alsike clover seed. \V. A. Pratt. Sweet cl0\'e1~, \\"ilsnn Elliott, 'l`h0rntrm. Sil- agre corn, Fred Carson, W . G. Kennedy & Sun. Carrot seed. nno plant. J. Yontc-5:, C. \V. Nash. Munprold seed, J. 'Ye:1t(~s. Turnip Heed, J. Yezitos. J. S. Mc\\':1ters. sheaf 0! outs. Chas. llmlges, Lloyd Livingston, Fred Car- son. ,- 1'! . Yr! c n\*. lilu Rod l`ur` Salsa woo You Ccc soe( You Jar` I-lu.~ Yen ortc P0\` tnni Bul Pow (L of Ill]: tun ll. Huse. bu J. Yeates. urdson, F. SUN. SC I-IOOL FAIR SECTION Alplmbc-t in writing, Reta. IIu.verson. CLlll(1lC`S`, \\'. A. Pratt, Allundale. Ban- ner oats, Ella Livin;;st(m, Minesing`, .\lm'-,-;:u'et CHlllD])t.`, S. 13:13 . Barley, (,).A.C. No. `.21, Ottie Li\-'im.:ston. Min- eslngz; .\'orm:m Crtmpllell, Shanty Buy. lCn:~`.il:1;:e corn, Golden Glow. Norman Campbell. Golden Bantam corn, Mar- garet Campbell. Roland Barnie, Stroud. Turnip:-1, purple top. Swede, \Vulter it-ll, (lundles. PUULLOCS, Dooley, Hodg- es. Shzinty Boy. Beets. Detroit, Stew- nrt Bell, Miss L. .\1cl{eever, Cundles. CY:u'rot.~4, (`11:Lntenn_v, M:u`;;:u'et Camp- hell. Unions, Dnnvers Yellow Globe. Elinor Pratt. Collection of deciduous leaves and shrubs of (fzinmlzt. J. S. Mc- \\':1ter.s', Miss L. 1\Iel{ee\'(.-r. Collee- tion of leaves of everpzrt-on trees of (`:1nndu. Helen Constable, Stroud. Collection ;;1'u. etc., l1(l\\'m'd Hunt- er, Stroud. Collection wild flowers, J. S. .\lc\\"aters. C`-Jllection of in- sects, Bessie Hunter, Stroud. Col- lection of weeds, Mi:-is L. .\IcI{eever. Edwzu`d_Ilunter. Collection of weed souls, "" ,1 Hunter. Collection of woods. In n Nelley, Stroud. Cecil Poole. Allzindnle. Bird House, Nor- man Hardnker, S.S. 12. Vespra`, How- ard Constable. Sl.l`OUd. 1-[alt dozen cookies, Reta I-Inverson, Norma Jacks, Stroud. Light layer cake. Helen Bell. 3 P::ll`l`lL`21 Miss L. Mcl\'oeve1`. Hern- A--.' . n... ., :1! 1' ... av vr ..|.. Scnifs Emulsion . 1 `V vr .. V`. Darning on stocking. Edith Prziit, Al-' .1 .... . ips. .1. 1011183. `ins, J. Yeatc-9, ray Stone turni , Barrio: E. V. ite field carrots, field czwrots. J rr r-ml mrmsrolds. `ms, Yeatc-9, .1. . turnips, Hun Bnbcoc ta F. Huso. J. Yeates g rod mangzolds. F. I-Iusc Yellow manzzolds, J. ` `e. Sugar beets. Irwin 'eate.<:. Two pumpkins, F :nn, I7. Huse. FINE ARTS ....,. w:......n \H .`:1m1nn.-u, v turnips, .TIuse. '1` mpg, 'I'h1-e .l1\.:k1.;\ Cnrscadden S 1. an, on L10: .nH hue: non when, Goo. Lirommn. so. Three Aberdeen Three white Globe `. J. S. I\Ic\V'ate1's. nips, Harold Shan- . . Bnbcock, Barrie. , J. Yeates. Yeates, F. Huse. 5:, I-Iuso. J. Yeat- -n1r'!Q .1. Yeates. I7. . nus. : Cu] Irwin Me-.\Iulm L. x. Allan lhnnfv Rnv. 1 .'.lvinx.:ston. ueu rutt. Ity ` , 1, `(Id .1, Yr-:1t0S. J.: csmg. n, 1 S! w ( Let us get it let- tered and ready for setting early in the spring. A large stock of all kinds of gran- ite and marble to choose from. so. .1. lent.- Yeates. 1 McMahon. `R (1 Rir'h- field ;h. 'c.VIuh0n. n nnt Ions son. A1- >yd ;, small, .111 nnrn, landale, Reta Haverson. Water color map County of Simcoe, Miss L. Mc- Keever, \V. A. Pratt. Pincushion, Reta Haverson, Irene Brewster, Stroud. Cockerel, Stewart Bell, Norman Hard- aker. Pullet, Stewart Bell. VV. G. Ken- nnrlv & Son. ucuy u.. ..;u... FRUIT SECTION Duchess of Oldenburg, Fred Carson, 11zu'ry Uuuwuy. Aicxumlcr, Irwin Mc- Mahon, H. Ottaway. Me-Intosh Red, H. Ottaway, H. D. Atherton. Snow] apples, Mrs. Geo. Shannon, H. Otta-I way. Americmx Golden Russett, I-1. Ot-l aker. Huuet, nedy 8.: Son. Y`T`I Shannon, r1. Utta-I way. Ot- tuxvay, `Wilson Elliott. Red Pound, H. Ottaway, N. M. Campbell. Pewaukee, .1110. Hunter, Craigvale; N. M. Camp- bell. Northern Spy, H. Ottz1\V'.1_v, Miss A. L. Brock. B:1n'ie. Colbert, H. Ot- tmvay. H. D. Atherton \\'agner, 11. Ottawzty. E. V. Bubcock. Ribstin Pip- nin. H. Ottuway. Mrs. George S11ann0n.l BHDCOCK. 1`.ll)SL1Il rip-I pin, Ottuway. Shannon. \\"e:1lth_\', E. A. Harris, C. M. Hick- ling. Yellow Bell Flower, H. Otta- \\'u_\', Major Knowles; Rliode Island Greening, H. 0tta.\\'uy. Mann, Major Knowles, H. Ottaway. Cayuga Red Streak, Mrs. G. Shannon, H. Shannon. Ontario, Major Knowles. \\'olf River, Major Knowles. I-Iurold Shannon. Seek No Further, I-I. Otttlwuy. Grimes Golden, H. Ottaway. Seedling. I-1. Ot- mwnv. N, M. Campbell. Five variet- Seedling. 11. Ut-I tawa_V, N. Campbell. ies for desert, H Ottaway. Five var- ieties for cooking, H. Ottaway. Five varieties for export, H. Ottaway. Crabs, 'l`ranseendent, Miss M. E. Campbell, H. Mabey. Crabs, Hyslop, H. D. Ath- erton, Mrs. Geo. Shannon. Crabs, A.O.V., H. A. Jarvis, 1-I. Mabey. Bartlett Pears, Jno Hunter, H. D. Atherton. Louise Bonne de Jersey. H. D. Ather- ton, Geo. C. Brown. Duchess D'Ang- ouleme. J. Yeates, H. D. Atherton. C1app's Favorite, R. '1`. Elliott, C. \V. Z\':1sh. Flemish Beauty, Miss A. L. Brock, C. \V. Nash. Autumn and \\'inter Pears, H. D. Atherton, C. \V. Nash. Plums, Mrs. E. V. Babcock, C. \\'. Nash. Grapes, J. Yeates, IL T. Elliott. FLOKVERS Hanging geraniums, A, I-Iarris. Love. Fen 17., A. Hun Scott 8:. Bowne, Toronto, Ont. uteur), P. Love, Mrs. ueurgu onuuuuu. Rubber plzmt, E. A. Harris, Miss M. E. Czlnlpbc-1]. Kochia, \Vm. D. Brad- ley, Miss M, E. Campbell. Impzltiensi E. A. }`I{l1`I`iS, Miss M. E. Campbell. \\'ind0w Box, P. Love. Asters, 3.0 blooms, 4 colors. Powell & I-1001:, XV. J. Cairns, I-Iarold Smith. Collection Glzldioli, P. Love, \\'. H. G. Murwood, Miss M. E. Campbell. Pansies, P. Love, H. D. Atherton, Miss M. E. Campbell. Sweet Pens, A. B. Coutts, H. M, Lax`. Gladioli, 15 spikes, 5 var- Pansies, 1-'. H. M, Lay. ieties, P. Love, Geo. C. Brown. Glad- ioli, 10 spikes, 1 \':u`iet_\', P. Love. Glmlioli, 10 spikes, 10 va1'iet.ies, P. Love, \\'ultei' Patterson. Glzulioli, 6 spikes, 3 vzirieties, P. Love, S. G. Una. `hill. Asters. pink. Powell & Hook, XV. ` Cairns, 11. R. 1. Allandule. Aster=._ white, P0.w0ll & Hook. N. M. Camp- bell. Asters, purple. Powell & Hook, J. A. M:1cI..z11'en. Asters, crimson, Miss A. L. Brock, P. Love Asters. vn:n)\'O. F. Huse. Powell & Hook. Love Asters. mauve. F. Asters, two-slmded, Miss M. E. Camp- hell, P. Love. Asters. 3 varieties of each, E. H. Zeihr, Mrs. H. Robinson. Asters, rose. Powell & Hook. Miss A. L. Brock. Petunius, single, S. G. Un- (lorhill, Miss A. L. Brock. PC-Lunins. double, Miss A, L. Brock. H. D. Ath- :-rtnn. Phlox Drummoncli. J. Yeates, P. Love. Nasturtiums. P. Love, Miss L. B1'0(~k. Cantlytuft, P. Love. J. Yeates. Nicotimm. P. Love. J. H. \\'il- son. Stocks, Miss M. E. Campbell. J. Youtos. Zinnins, P. Lnvo. l\Iz1j0r Knowles. Marigolds, Miss M. E. Camp- hcll, H. U. Lay. Dnlilius, Miss M. L`. Campbell, 11. M. Lay and Mrs. H. Robinson. tie. A.ntirrl1inums. P. Love, S, G. Underhill. Dizmthus. H. M. Lay, H. D. Atherton. Gaillurrlia. J. Yeates. l\`frsx (`L 0. Cameron. Salpiglossis. P. J. Yeates. Mrs. G. 0. Love. Scabiosn. P. Love, E. A. Har- ris. Annuals, 12 \':u`ieties. P. Love, H. D. Athe-rton. Verbena, P. Love, J. Ymutna. Annual Larkspur. Harold Verbena. r. LAUVU, .1. Yeutes. Smith, Miss M. E. Czlmpbell. Cos- mos, Mrs. H. Robinson, P Love. Coxs- cnml). P. Love, Miss A. L. Brock. l\Iig'- nonette. J, Yeates, P. Love. Salvia, ll. D. .\tl1e1`ton, Powell & Hook. Ger- aniums. single. E. A. Harris. Geran- iums. double, E. A. Harris, J. Yeates. Busliet cut flowers, E_ A. I-Im'ri:~x, \V. H. G. .\`[:11`\\'oo(l. Powell & Hook. Table (lc-comtion, Powell & Hook, E. A. Hm`- ris, P. Love. Tzlhle bouquet, P. Love. Powell K: Honk, Miss M. E. Campbell. Hnml bouquet, P. Love, E. A. Harris, A. B. Coutts. Collection cut flo\\'e1*s r from R0nnie s seeds, E. A. I-I211-ris. n . nnnxv `DD r\T\TY("1. i.l.'Ull| 1\.L'IlIu(:n >3\\4\l-V, ._. _-. GARDEN PRODUCE Henderson Early Cabbage, F. Huse, Powell & I-Iook. Cabbage, \\'inning- smdt, R. G. Rich.'u'dson, Powell 8:. Hook. Cabbage. Savoy, Major Knowles. ll. l\I.'1be_\'. Scotch Kalle. Powell K: llook, Miss M. 15. Campbell. Red cabbage, Geo. Crn:_;hz1n, F. Huse. Cal)- lmge. A.O.V., F, 1-Iuse. I\l1`s. Cu.lde1`\\'ood. (.`uuliflm\'ei`, F, Huse, GC'0l`_L ,`() Cmglimi. lilurly Horn c'.1x'1'0ts, A. D. Czunphell, l<`. Hu:=:e. Clmntenay ezuwots, I-I. Shan- non, S. \\'ebbe1`. Long red C1ll'l'OIS. Cecil Poole, J. Yeates. P{ll`Slll1)S, 1?`. Huse. H. M. Lay. Pon's Golden cel- ery, Geo. Croglmn, Cecil Poole. Pink celery. J. Yeutes, Miss M. 15. Camp- bell. \\ hiLe plume celery. Geo. Cro:__.-`- lmn, F. Iluse. \Vinter celery, H. Mu- bey. J. Yeutes. Peppers, E. Y. Bub- eoek, Herbert A. Jarvis. Tzible corn, Herbert A. .T.'Lrvis. John F. Gofton. 'l`:1ble bezms. Miss E. Dobson, J. Yentes. beets. J, Yeates, J. S. Mc \\':ite1's. Turnip heels, J. Yeales. H. M. Lay. Snlaify, J. Yentes; Mrs. Hugh C:11de1`- wood. Katlislies. C. \\'. Nasli, J. Yentes. Table turnips, R. M. Bell. E. V. Bnbenek. Jerusalem artichokes. Cecil Poole, Herbert A. J:Il`\'iS. seed onions, .1. Yeutes, E. V. Bzlheock. Yellow seed onions. H. A. Jzu`\'is, F. .T:u'\'is. Red seed onions, J. Yeates, F. I-luse. Red seed onions, \\'. A. Pmtt, J. \'e:1Les. Pickling onions. II. D. Ath- ermn, C. \V. Nash. Imporiill tomatoes. Powell & Hook, H. Ultliey. ]:u'li:mn:`L tmnzxtoes. Miss M. E. Campbell, 13. V. P.:1l)enek. Stone tomatoes. P. Love, `Pnxvell & Hook. Tomatoes, A.O.V'.,`H. \\'l1lte_ host cnuc Cx'o;:h:1n. LA'I);.'.nun. BASKET \\'E.\`\'ING Sr.~1`\'im.: tr:1_\', .\I1':~:. .\'. .\IcCutchenn. B. Tledditt. I`:1hlo or floor lamp, Mrs. C. McLean. Miss .\IcC`m1ke_\'. ]~`m'ner_v, Mrs. H. ;\I:1x\vc-11, Mrs. C. M(:Lo:m. Bust collection of \\'ic1~:er, Mrs. C. Mc- I.r-nn. A miserly millionaire was ap- proached liy :3 friend, who did his l)e: to I)(.'1`Sl.lZ'l( e um to (lress more in ztccordance with his station in life. I am surprised. said the friend,l bha.t you should allow yourself to become shzubbyl But I'm not shab- by, said the miser. Oh, but you me! returned his friend. Remem-l her your father. He was always neatly, even elwborat.el,v dressed. His clothes were always nely tailored, and of the best material. Wh_v ," shouted ~the mIl'F1C1` triumph:1nl:l". L1~~~_~ ,1..u.`. 1}, w,..,,.;,.,. ...,..-,.,, , ......~. \ ' fa/che`r s. I The Simcoe Marblg } \[_c_>_l_< b`LU\\'1gnb` ging baskets. P. Love. Double Lums, E. A. 1`I'.11'ris. Coleus, E. rris. Begonias, E. A. Harris, P. Ferns, A. Ilarris. Palms. Hm-1-is. Plants in pots, Cecil B. A. Ilurris. Begonias (um- w, P. Love, M'1`s. George Shannon. , I L'l1`1`iS, 1r u rr\ nhnll Tn1nnti(>nS\. _________ millionaire w.m.hml luv :1 frir-ml. his ._..u...;.. 1') 1' , . 064 ` hell, A.O.V'., H. Collection nnpholl. F.` In F. Gof- th squash, son. Veg- phell, Mrs. 0118, E. V . A. J:u'\'i.~`., H. A. Jur- "1I)1OS, (`n1- .\'is. Spe- Iie Co. for 014, Gc-m'gr~ Jove. J. I (Trus- run JOY or G[ljl_}|_EALTH Manitoba Woman Thanks ; Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege- | table Compound Crandall, Manimb2L--When I was * a young girl at home and workin I had terrible pains, almost more than could bear, and I was not re lar. These troubles kept me so tire all the time that I had no strength and no ambition to join in with my friends and have a good time. I was just tired and miser- able always and life just seemed as if it wasn't worth livini. I saw so much in the pa rs about ydia E. Pinkham s Vegeta le Com und, and then I had a friend who he taken it and told me about it, so I t some. Every month after takin it got stron er and I soon did not 511 er every mon . It stopped the pains and helped me other ways. Then when my babies were coming I was tired and worn out the first three months and ached badly. I took the Vegetable Compound right alon and must say it made a new woman 0 me and able to an rnv n1nrI( and it helned me through of and able to do my work, and it hel through connement. You see am a farmer : wife with a big house to look after, and ` three babies now. I have told ever so many women about ur medicine. Just last week I got I ether from my old chum in the net. Her baby was born fteen days before mine and she told me she was not feeling very well her back aches so much, and that 6 e in going to take the same medicine I took. You can use my letter and I hope some one will be helped by it. "-M1's. JOB. H. Kim), Box 56, Crandall, Manitoba. 0 ;. I " %}`|BARR1E s BEST LAUNDRY Five peaks in the Canadian Rockies have just been con- quered for the first time by three Harvard and Hotch- kiss students who were accompanied by their Swiss guides. The students who climhed and named the new ggaks in the famous Columbia. ice field are Osgood Field, ederick Field and Lemond Harris of Boston. They were led by the noted Canadian Pacic Railway guide Edward Fuez, the oldest guide in point of service in the Canadian rockies. Two of the newly conquered peaks have been named Mount Harvard and Mount Hotchkiss two American universities. T`hn nnrtv made ve rst ascents including \LEM BROS Phone 616. {Barrie - Marble - Works Memorial Tablets Corner Stones Markers Monuments `Canadian 85 Scotch Granite Laundry called for and delivered Prices reasonable Workmanshlp guaranteed on all fmnilv Washing! JOHN F. MURPHY, Prop. Telephone 734 79 Baycld St. - E :0OOOOOOOOO909>9000OOOOOOO; Specialist in Emba1m- ing. - Owen St. Barrie, Ont. Phone 268. E. J. BYRNEE G. W. J. EASTMAN Prop. Phone 277