Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Sep 1924, p. 4

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Page Four LEMUBS. Citizenship Week. Very able ad- dress by Lieut.-Gov. Blake Hallzxcla) \u,.Ll.,~.\. A... nlnk .~n.-u~..~.-.nn.l A (IYCSS U_V L4lCUL.'\J0V. Dl1KU f1Z1lIZl(li1_\'. Another new club sponsored. A 1a1';:'e number of Barrie members at- tended omranization meeting at Mid- land on May 22 under the supervis- ion of International O1'g:anize1', Tom Marshall, and President of Barrie Club. I Tnnn 100/1 11 um, -Ln!-.4`X Concert. Half our mcmbershipi provided concert at Stroud. Appre- ciation was evidenced by donationi for our under-p1`ivi1eg'ed child \\'o1'k.| Rail rrivmi tn lznrvn hnv mif nf iniii 110111". ' E Milk sent to school for small child and assistance g'ivm1 invalid mother. nrillin (`.l1n1'fru' T\lin'l'rf' Jun!) `.73 CH unu llIlZlHL'l'.(l UULIIILC 1U1` LCH UU_\'h. Another Concert. This time for the people of Angus. 'I`hi1't_v dollars oarnc- by this activity for under- p1'i\'iIeg`ml child work. Kiwmiiz T`:nniiv Pi:-nir-, 1<`.v1in\'n.h1n. LHILIJ. (T1211. 1 Fu1'mc1's Nxght. Every member . brou_:_;'ht a farmer to hear an eloquent ' adnlress from Dr. Robert Johnston of r-nu.-....., I\I`l u\r..+:.m n..:1.1:...\.n v.',. ! I211] . bar 1 ent. Elllll EISSISLIIIICC [.','JV(,`Il lIlVi:lllll IHULHUT. Orillia Charter Nig'1:rt, June 23. Club sponsored by Barrie and gravel; presented. Forty-four of our mem- bers accompanied by Gov. Ed. ']`an:rua_\' and Hon. Secy.-T.reas. Jas. Brodie attended meeting. July, 1924 Welcome si_9,'n erected at main en- trance to town. Report. of Convention given by P_1'esi(lent Lewis on his return from nnI\1rnu LJCHVC`I'. Fresh Air Camp. Club t1'z1nspor'- ed and nanced outinp: for ten boys. Annunv (".nnr`n1-1', "Phi: Hwm fnr uL_y uv/L71 uuL; "ex... en... Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hurd havel returned to Toronto after two weeks visit with Mrs. J. M. Ness. Mrs. Hall of New York has re-1 turned home after visiting her (laughter, Mrs. Clarence Lawrence. | 7 ,, x.r_r\_...._n 1)-..- \X7:l(.,u~l Kiwzmis Family Picnic. Enjoyable outing given for wives and Ci11i(i1'C1`l at Big Bay Point. u[)l'l\'il(.`}. fC(l CHHU \VUl`K. D I J lU1' Ulll` UXl(lL`l"[J1'l\'l1E,_L','(;`(l cnuu \\'0]'K.| Bail given to keep boy out of jalll untxl trial. YI`...uu,-...,-.7 \Y.'..'l.+ 17",..." .u.-..L,... illHIl'L`.SS 1l'Ulll U1". lVUUl`.`1'L JUHIISLUII O1] Cz1lg'a1'_\' on Nation Bui1(1ing:. Vis-i itors from Midlzintl and Toronto} Down-town clubs. ' R(*fo1'ostation Adulress by Kiwan- ian Hon. E. C. Drur_v, when a num- of County Councillors we1'e-p1'es- nnf, L`HL. | Denver. President Lewis attended convention representing: our club. Seve.ral members and their wives helped Orillia Club to observe Zero Hour. ! Mm. ..,... +.. ....1.-,\1 43.... m....n ..1.:1.1i Ll'illlC(_` L0 I Denver. Iun.-.1. A The B. B. STORE ONE DOOR WEST of t1.1eAWELL'INGTON HOTEL Boys School Boots in Black a;.;d_.`V_'l_'z_as`x:1,_,g_oo heavy soles and wide tters. Some have rubber `heels? All sizes in the lot, from 1 to 5. Sold regularly at $3.10, $3.25, $3.50 and $3.75. Clearing at ..$2.95 a, pair READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS.` Boys Black Grain Blucher Booth, solid lgzatlmr, sewed and nailed soles. Just the shoes for that boy who is hard on boots. Sizes 1 to 5 .............................................. .._. .................................... ..$2.35 a pair uuubn-.\.;, ......g- V............ _...._... _-. I Lorne McDouga1I, Roger Wi1son| and Clark Scott returned this after- noon after working all summer at` Bigwin Inn. l n,r:.._ 1\,r,.1~......... A4` Dnnunv-fnn nnlll . ~23 Our assortment of Men ; Every-Day Boo'l_s is unsurpassed for price and quality. We have them in Black and Brown, with and without toe caps. Space will not permit us to tell you all about their good features. The prices are from $2.95 to $6.25 pr. The wet weather is coming. `So '01:: _st'ock of Rubbers for all .._-- ._ _._-.. -___._I_L_ C4- _._ E- ._-_,_4_LI- I'I__LL_ , L` -_ _ -nu. nu.-. u\.uuu... ..y \.u 5. yu V, _au.v\.n un |\uuuI:lo Au: nu uses is very complete. See us for reasonable Rubber Footwear. Vern Beardsall, Res. Phone 498 Watch our windows for those just a little newer styles than you usually see, and note the reasonable prices. April, 1924 ./an XIY.\..1. May, 1924 _.. -4. D-....-.._. May , 1924 C/K f`1..L `D June, 1924 TLJ1` .... Dlgwul 1111!. Miss McLc.-nnan of Beaverton_ and Mrs. Nolan of Collingwood spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. W.| Payne, Owen St. I \t.. n...1 7M ..:. r` Qminn-In h-nu. vn. Specials This `Week ` g.{.'I HI_JR`_-SDAY, SEPTEMBER 11,, 1924 E EXKE SURVEY FOR 1 L `AUXILIARY CLASS luuu n w. auxvvvvvy-L nu. \,u.luv'v\.\..;. I A cheque for $175 for purchasing` and repairing cadet uniforms for 1924 was received from the Depart- ment per W. A. McCrimmon, Dis- trict Cadet Officer. n . - 1-,.;~ Trustees Mrs. E. M. Huxtable, C. C. Hinds, W. C. Walls and A. J. Sarjeant were appointed to repre- sent the trustees on the industrial evening` classs committee. Byron King and A. W. Goodfellow will re- present the employers and,F. Foster and W. B. Brewster the employees. I A -1 . . . . .. 1.`... r:-1r1: 0.... ........L....:..... L1 Luv \/aucu vnnnucx . Miss Verna M. Carter s application for ,,a position on the public school` teaching sta'_._ was led. 7111.-. T\I' . n ~ . . n..d- F`.-.m-.34-Ln. 1Ir\ u\;u\.n-un5 nvuu. vvuo uu,u. I The Management Committee re- ported that all teachers -were on hand and in their respective rooms on Tuesday morning Some rooms were seriously crowded, but the average attendance was about the same as last year. nu rm n -. . w ., uuun. -av-J Auuuv .u\....;. The Finance Committee s report showed receipts to be $302, expendi- tures for salaries $843.30, and for accounts $784.46. I 1; u - 1 u . 1 `uvvvunnuu 1y n \J`:.`xUo It was decided to purchase twenty five kitchen chairs for the physics room and fty seats for the assem- bly room at the Collegiate. f\lII.rI`t\\lIV 1\:1'.u-. ....~ " ....u.-.nm1I- I.`h" Au. LVVLIL an an: \Jvun:5u.u.L:. % Secretary Man was g1`2.ntetI`ft`is """` usual two weeks holidays, commenc- irr gahf ' 1 E ru_\1n;, uvwuu uv. Hr. and Mrs. C. Swingle have re-` turned to Three Rivers after Visit- ing the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lawrence. Mr. McCu1lock of Savant-., Georgia, who has been visiting M12. and Mrs. H. A. Henry, returned} home on Monday. Mrs. McCuIlock' will remain here for at few weeks. I Are you one of the seven out ,o1a-` every ten people who reliable s'ta- tistics tell us suffer from some form of foot trouble ? If so, consult Dr. Lampkiu at Carey-Hu1'lbu1't s Shoe [Store on Monday or Tuesday next, |Sept. 15 or 16. ]u_sua.1 EVVO was t mg I Sept. 15. "FL.-. ..L..._._L. nub uupu. ;u. The absentces were Trustes Dr. Riclzarclson, C. C. -kinds, J. D. Wis- dom and A. J. Sarjcant. i Request sent to Ottawa by Club for improved mail service from Win- nipeg: and pomts west. uuu. rm .vvuup,x.u n u: u. Second : To foster :1 better rela~ 'tionship between the country people |nnrl the town folk. Thiml: To sell l\'1\v:u1is ideals to .nn:12'|1bm'ing' towns and to orgrunize :1 Iclub as soon as they seem ready for it. |Uilll(lS Oll l\ll.lSlC lJilV. ` Our attendance has been most pleasing in spite of the fact that our policy has been Hard to get in and hard to get out instead of Hard to get in and easy to get out. It is our belief that a club should sel- ect its members very carefully, but once admitted they should not be ex- pelled for non-attendance until every .endeavour has been made to interest `them, to stimulate chem and to re- cducate them into Kiwanis. Accord- ingly we have not expelled anyone .and have only had one resgnation 'witl:` the exception of those leaving town. Rather we have tried to con- vert those inclined to irregular at- tendance into active Kiwanians proud '01 their membership and regular at- tendants. l 1:*..,m. +lan -Fnnnn-ninm 1-nnnvf nnn 1` (\ ' ECUIIIITIIS. From the foregoing` report you will agree with me that our activities have been quite varied and extensive for a club our size, but it has been our aim to keep three great activities constantly before our members. i namely : 11,- n1 _,,_ .- u - ........._. . _First: To en,{:a;:e umlel`-pr1wi1eg'ed work. Qn......,l . rr\,. .._L-.. `"LlalE,lLBL, J.L7iq'X Milk and bread tickets supplied to ' wo1'tvh_\-' widow. ` Rn:n}\n]I ennvn hnnmnl eur\nHcu] urn] ' \`V01'Lvl]_\" \\'1(l0\\'. 1 Baseball score board supplied and lerected at park. I Qnni-1' Qnf'HwnH fnnrn fnnl: ncnvf {n Rain during the past week hasl held up farm work to some extent.1 Most of the hauling: in, however, hudl been completed before the wet wea- ther set in. A few elds of wheat are still out. Work has not been he- gun as yet on the root crop, which will not be as good as the one last` unn L'(\7\ |U.l'UCLE(| ill: park. 1 Sport. Softball team took part in F`ireme~n s Tournament and again for Barrie Athletic Association on Civic HoIi Tn+`nurnnHnn TTnnn unnnn.-4~ ?\Yruu : r1U11uu_\. Information. Upon request New 'York Kiwanis Club investig'ated con- dition of daughter and reported same `. xvithin fteen hours for widow here. Q+nnwn-u- T)auvnI+nn Innnnl-nu] n4- \VlbllUl lllLL (,'Il l1()U1`b 101' \\'l(lUVV IICYC. Steamer Royalton launched at Collingwood. Several of our mem~ bers at`t<;mled by invitation. Flnaf vnhvncunntv TCuv-awn : -rxn- UUFS 2lLiL(,[l(l.`(l U_\' l[l\'lb2.lUlUIl.. Float 1`ep1'esc11ting' Kiwanis ac- tivities entered Civic Holiday parade. It was suitably clecorated with ban- ners, etc.,` and carried a load of kiddies. Tub-nu f`1nl. `H 0- Al-.nn& l`u-nmcv ltiluules. I Inter-Club Visit. About twenty gvisitod West Toronto at Lake Shore lCountr_v Club. Very mucl`. enjoyed by our members. Cnrzn'i:1fn R3111] h-nncnnu-far? 1-nv U_\' ULll' HlUlHUL`l'. Collegiate Band t1'ansported by our club members to Toronto Ex- ihibition for competition with other {bands on Music Dav. nu at-+nn.]u~nnn has Lnnn \\-\r\n`- : (Continued from page one) actively in .'Ii1rm'ml work August, 1 92-1 L..,...l t:..1..\.- , KIWANIS SING-SONG Everybody Come and Sing PERSONALS F ridayz Sept. 19 Malcom and Miss of Elmvale spent n v1:~:1tmg her mother, Mrs. uauley. Miss Mossie Furlong is visiting in Toronto a couple of days this week] Mr. and Mrs. Rickard of Toronto were week and guests at the home .of B. Lawrence. My-e T A Nhnnna ant` Vntcl Queen's Park has returned hcr vacation in Two representatives from tl`.e' Dominion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, have been working` in this vicinity this week in connection with the corn borer situation. Simcoe `County .is extremely fortunate in this regard, for so far as is known the County` harbours none of these in- sects, though it is almost surr-Juml- ed by quarantined areas. . It is un- lawful to bring in corn from these districts and any contravention is `punishable by a ne. ml... ..._.... 1._..... _ ,I._,n.. .---....--l 1......-..,uu.un. -.1; u. uuv... I The corn borer is a deadly menace] and extremely hard to eradicate. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is a very true say- ing. It is advice that Simcoe can- not afford to let pass. The Govern- ment is doing all in its power by in- spection and by the `distribution of pv,m'ml:lets to keep the scourge In check. u .1 . , nr-,_L_I C-UARDING SIMCOE COUNTY AGAINST THE CORN BORER| uucvn. . In order that areas unaected might be protected 3. law forbidding the importation of either eld or sweet corn on the cob from munici- palities under quarantine is being rigidly enforced. As this corn can he sold cheaper than good corn it is smuggled into areas that are not linfested with this pest. To curtail this condition of affairs as much as possible oicers examine any loads they see on the highway and if the corn is found to be diseased steps [are taken to deal wit}: the offenders. t\ . unx. uu uuuu vvu.A. uu. vnn\.Anx5x.Aa. One or two loads that hucksters have been attempting to smuggle in- to this district were stopped last week. It is the real and patriotic duty of everyone to make certain that he is not trafficking in any in- ft.-ctecl corn. 1 `bands across tl.e wings. The males The European corn borer in the moth stage is about three-quarters of an inch long`, has a slen(ler,bo and a wing` e.\:panse of from one to one and a quarter inches. The fe- males are `cream coloured with more or less of a brown tint and have three narrow wavy purplish brown are a little smaller than the females and are darker in colour, being pale brown, blotched aml banded with creamy yellow. In the larvae stage the borer is when full size about one inch in length, smooth, pale brown- ish white or dirty white, sometimes uriH1 9 hinlziel-u fin? Tlxn lqnnrl in: | I511 WI with a dark I: with I 'I`l'..-_v I stage stalk 2 WHILL` O!` (llI'Ly WHIEU, SOUICUUICS :1 pinkish tint. The head is brown and the body is spotted numerous small brown dots. .7 pass about 11 months in this :2 and eat their way through the : and cars. Miss Mary Ferry is visiting in Toronto. Rev. Mr. Adsett of Bala. spent Tuesday in town. Miss Edna Cooper of Buffalo is visiting Mrs. Parker Hart. A W'(lmnn ha: lnff. town on B.-C.VI.,Students.' 1 Elect Offic:_r,`_ Elections of officers of the Boys and Girls Athletic Societies and Class Executives were held at the Collegiate on Monday. The results were as follows : ' 1'\ 1 . _,, 'h___I__ 115,, vvunv no w...m., . 1 President, Eugene Doyle; Vice- Pres., Chester Carson; Sec.-T`reas., Frank Foster. ` n- 1 u An1,L:, A-,,,5, xxaun J. uov\.a.. : Ofcefs of Girls Athletic Associa- tion-P2'esi(1ent, Amy Moore; Vice- Pres., Ailsa Grey; Secretary, Mgr- garet Wallace; Treasurer, Ruth Sar- I jeant. The (:10:-nn: nf class ofcers re- The elections of class su1\te(l as follows: mm a A 1-\..._:.!-._A. Class 1A.-President, J. D. Cle- land; Vice-Pres., Donald Billingsley; Secretary, Hazel Appleby; Editor, Ted Dyment; Asst. Editor, Jack Crossland. (`loan 11) , Dvnahlcnf T.HH-an uros_s1anu. Class 1B. - President, Lillian Hines; Vice-Pres., Mildred Luck; Secretary, Arthur Livingston; Treas- urer}, Beatrice McM`aster; Editor, Helen Luck; Asst. Edi-tor, Basil Lang. (7152:: 1(`.,__Pi-psirlnnt. Dnmrlas pang. Class 1C.-President, Douglas Oliver; Vice-Pres., Velma Orok; Sec- retary, Herbert Markle; Treasurer, Vincent Moran; Editor, Lewis Ord; Asst. Editor, Arthur Richardson. Clam: 9.A :'Pvr:!:irIpn1'.. Mnhn] Gil- ' UHESE. Class 1D.-President, Victor Ri- vartl; Vice-Pres., Muriel 'Dhon1pson; Secretary, Hug`-h Wallace; Treasurer, Laura Wyant; Editor, Vance Rin- toul; Asst. Editor, Walter Wilson. Clan: QR :Prm:irlm11".. Nnrmnn 130111; 1155?. l`4(ll1?D1', VVELLCP VVIISOH. Class _2B.,-Presi(lq11t, Norman Johnston; Vi(?e-Pres., Mabel Sprott; Secretary, Peter Sinclair; T-reasurer, Margaret Mu-rchison; E(l;lt01`, Claude Craig; Asst. Editor, Eleanor Wr_ig'ht. Class 9.C.-Prr-x.:i(len`l:. lVHl(lwr-rl NH--I VlSlLlI1g lV1I`S. I. Z1l'K1' man. A. W. Laldman has left town on a two months trip to the West. WIN Ottn Pnwqnn nf Cnldxvnfpl` is L/F2113`; ASS!/. I`.:(1l`LUl`, I`.llUd.IlU.l.' VV1:lgI1L.| Class 2C.-President, Mildred Mc- ]Knig'ht; Vice-Pres., Irene Murphy; lSec1'eta.ry, Dora McQuarrie; Treasur- Ver, Vera. Luck; Class Editor, Jack `Taylor; Asst. Editor, Vona Ness. ) Clan: RA %pw1:rlpnf Joan (`!numn- ASSC. .lLr(11T;0l', ."X.IT;HLll' Lucnarusun. Class 2A.-President, Mabel Gil- christ; Vice-President, Vincent Ri- vard; Secre1;a1'y, Mona Dreyer; Edi- tor, Mary Coles; Treasurer, Arthur Girdwood; Asst. Editor, Howard Guest. i f"I`nm 111 `Dnar'lnn+ \7?n4-nu 'D_i I 1h.) lUl'; IXSSL. 1IALll\aUL', VUHK. lVU5S. Class 3A.--President Jean Co}van;l Vice-Pres., Jessie Clark; Secretary, Mary Gilchrist;', Doris Tuck; Editor, Margaret Meeking; Asst. Ed Laura Teesdale. Class 3B.-Pres1dent, William Harrison; Vice-Pres., Annie Wall- win; Secretary, Ailsa Grey; Treasur- er, Marjorie Warnica; Editor; Oscar Thomas; Asst. Editor, Marion Ross. (7151:: Rf`. _Pv-ncirlnnt, I-Tnrnlul T-Till, | DLl'lLU1', I.'1'clL'l'y gun" I Class 4B.--Presi(lent, Marion Par- tridge; Vice-Pres., Kenneth Walls; jsecretary, Alice Quinlan; Treasurer, [Evelyn Wellwooml; Editor, Howell Partridge; Asst. Editor, Gordon Tebo. m-.. AA n..n.:,:m.+ Tn: r.t..m,.-I I "Leno. Class 4A.-Presi(lent, J.os. I-Iayes; Vice-Pres., William Campbell; Seer;-L-` tary, Molly Powell; Treasurer, Gor- don Foster; Editor, Roblin Milne; `Asst. Editor, Lillian Kearns. busy tnresmng tnese uays. Mrs. Tom Hewson sepnt the week end with friends in Barrie. Mr. G. E. Scudamore of Toronto was a week end visitor here. Mrs. Powers of Toronto is the guest of Miss Annie Wallace.- Mie: Fran:-i: Hmvcnn nf Tnrnntn is 1120111215; ASSC. IDUXLDT, LVIELIVJUH 5055. Class 3C.-Presi Harold Hill, Vice-Pres., Vera Glennie; Secretary, Ira Reburn; Treasurer, Florence Overs; Editor, John Weldon; Asst. Editor, Harry Cuff. I (ne: An __TJrn=irlnnf, Marion Par-I The U.F.O. shipped a ne car of stock on Tuesday. ! Miss Jessie Robertson attended the Exhibition last week. The farmers in this vicinity are busy threshing these days. NT:-c Tnm I-Taurznn cannf H-up xvarak g'UESL 01 XVJJSS .LIHl1B vvauacc.- M135 Francis Hewson of Toronto 15 `hohdaying wlth her brother, Tom Hewson. `A/Hm` Uni.) Q#nu-nu:-an In!-`F unnnn+In l'1U\VSOI1. Miss Enid Stevenson left recently for Hamiton, where she is to train for a nurse. Before leaving the Methodist Adult Bible Class present- ed her with a beautiful ivory clock. (`.5n'nv-T-T111-Hun-t": Qhnn gfnvn `inaf -01 D- Lawrence. Mrs. W. A. Helen Malcom 0 Tuesday in town. R/Tia: T\.T:n~\' nnlr CU HEY VVILH 1 UCELULXIUI lVUl'_V UIUCK. Carey-Hu1~1burt s Shoe Store just received a splendid assortment of the lcelebrated Blachford Shoes for Wo- I~\nv1 Mrs. Eldon Wice Parry Sound. Nfv nnrl VI )-c Q .T rarry DOUIIU. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Reynolds spent Sunday in Allendale. Miss Reta Walt has returned after holidaying in Toronto. ` Mr. Howard Kelcey visited his brother Harry one day last week. Miss Addie Alpin returned home ' on F1-i after a f01`tnight s holidays in Toronto. 3/7.. .-....I N/Tun Alain ( ACI Ill I UFUHLU. W1`. and Mrs. Alvin Cunning'hz1m of Cookstown visited their cousin, Mrs. Sylve Reynolds, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. lsuuc Allen, Mr. Roy Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Tho. Bow- man `spent Sunday at Schomberg: _ ` Mr HYIII l`/[PK A1{Y MFWDIIIIIIIN n!` ' [T1211] `S])(.'H1', DLlf1(l3._V Z11. ocnomnerg. Mr. anal Mrs. Alex. McFa(l(lcn arid children and Mrs. Watson of To- ronto .~:p(.-nt the week end at Harry Reynolds. Mr nu.!1\/Tun fin.` Alnin n n .1 -8`. ma. ueynonus. | Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Alpin and fam- ily spent a couple of days in the city last wm,-k and while there took in the Exhihit;irm | `NIH. nsnl Mun Tnhn T\/Tn`-tlnnb A-4` "I'D; Lurm.-u L0 Lnc ClLy wun Ln: Messrs. Jas. and Albert T Misses Meta and Minerva i Craitrvale, and Miss Olive of Pit.tsl)ury,'It', Pa., called Sylve Reynolds on Sunday. m we xuxnnnwmn Mr. and Mrs. John Mortlock of To- ronto wmw- viHiL0r`s at 'l"h0s. Wva1t`xs last Thumstluy. Nliss Mary Walt re- turned to the city with them. ' Leonzuwl, Mn-ma Mr4n .....x M:..,....... 1,.,........1 On Wednesday of last week Wm. H. Carr, son of Mr and Mrs. Carr, Toronto St.. nar1'o\i1_v escaped being: electrocutetl. He is employed in the Hydro Sub-Smtion at Stratford and `in some manner placed ihis hands on tlie contact 1)o.'m], re- `ceivingr a c1un'e'e of 26,000 volts. His hands and arms were badly burned and the shock laiul him out for a time. Though si;fTei'in;:' from the bums 1`(`cr'iVC(l he is p1'0;:'1'essiiw and hopes to be` out around again Q00. WM. H. CARR INJURED AT STRATFORD HYDRO PLANT luCS(lU.y H1 LUVVII. Miss Mary Daley has gone ` route to tram for '3 nurse ,I\'Iichl'S Ios-p{ta1_ 31 and Mr:, Ranrlnrsnn am STROUD KNOCK The Northern Advzmua is visiting .in oicers re- JIUHI. Leonard. Bowman on Mrs. |LQ_G_A;L KIWANIS CLUB 1 WINS TWO TROPHIES (-Continued from page one) is due the capable president, Dr. Lewis, who, like Geo. Hubbard, last year s president, has spared nothing to keep the Barrie Club active and interesting. The report of the Bar- 3 rie club s activities, which is here given, speaks for itself: Report of President Lewis Permit me to submit the second annual report of the Kiwanis Club 01 Barrie in the Eiciency Contest of the Ontario-Quebec Kiwanis District for the year 1923-1924. nm nlnh hno-an if: cm-nml vpm` 101* the year .L:mo-mm. \Our club began its second year with 58 members. During the year six moved away, one resigned, but we admitted 20 new members, mak- ing" our total 71 at present. After being duly classied and approved by the Directors our President inter- viewed each prospective member and acquainted him with the duties of a Kiwanian before his name was sub- mitted for ballot. He was asked the direct question whether he would at- tend the meetings and be willing to take part in a reasonable share of our activities. Tlzus each new mem- ber had a fair opportunity to de- cline membership Of he felt he could not be an active Kiwanian. This plan has already proved its value in our club. '1`lLn 4-5...... -4` Dn\v\I:n 1-.nn n 1-unru1ln_ CILID. The town of Barrie has a popula- tion of 7,200 and until recently we we-re sixty-four miles by rail from any sister organization, which was a big handicap to inter-club activities. However, this has been improved by what we deem our two most import- ant activities, namely, the successful sponsoring of new clubs in the neighboring" towns of Orilila and Midland, a distance of 24 and 33 miles respectively. Fnr fl-an r-nnvnninnr-rA nf nll `rm1'n1if. E1 LVVU IIIUIILHS Ll'1_[) LU LHU VVCDL. Mrs. Otto Rawson of Coldwater 1s visiting her mother, Mrs. Gauley. 7.\`Hqe Tnccin Fnrlnntr in v?=iHn$r ?n TYlllS X'(3SpCI}1VC1y. i For the convenience of all permit me to tabiulate our activities month by month. A short explanation will follow each heading. September, 1923 Ql1a1`te1!-Nig'l1t Annive1`ary when ladies were our guests. Kiwanian _Hugh Murray of London gave an inspiring: acldress on under-privileged lwork, which captivated all. , BOVS Wnrk (`.nn1w1iH'x:n rue inn- wurn, Wrucn cap1;1var.e(1 au. Boys Work Committeg was im- mediately appointed. ` ` Vvpqr 'T`nvnn+n rtluh om: In.lm- ....;,1 uieuiateiy appointed. West Toronto Club and ladies paid '5 return visit. Qur members went out ve miles and escorted them to town, afterwards competing in var- ious sports. Had banquet, enter- tainment and dancing`. Several mem- bers from Toronto Down-Town Club also attended in the evening` October, 1923 Barrie Baseball Club entertained after becoming champions of South Simcoe League. (`nnum-.4~.',... Dnuintv` `n:..+..:..4 m....,. oimcoe L.eag'ue. Convention Report. District Trus- tee A. W. Smith and President; Geo. ID. Hubbalrd attended District Con- vention in Quebec and made a fine Ireport on their return. Tnnql pnlinn WA:-nn nn+nv+--nal] kn l't})OFL 011 men` return. Local Police Force entertained by club on the occasion of an address. by the Chief of Police of Toronto. .Nov_embe2', 1923 Weekly Newspaper Rep1'esentativcs for Counties of York and Simcoe en- tertained by club and much favorable publicity resulted. Tarlinc` nnxr urlann TI1tln'n 7\/Tn++ A4` puuucxuy resultcu. Ladies` Day, when Judge Mott of T_o1'onto presented ltis convincing ap- peal for :1 Juvenile Court. TTn(]n\`.p1';\vi]nr-nr] Wn1`L' nnn-nnnnrlnzl Ell LUI.` Z1 uJ1.lVv':2I1ll(3 L/OUYE. Under-Privileged Work commenced under direction of Boys Work Com- mittee. Thrce boys adopted and Kiwanis Daddies provided. pa.rn1pr< T)n\', Raina` H-m 1'-rrnfrn \lW2illlS JJH.(l(llUS [)l'UVl(lL`3(l. Farmers Day. Being the centre of a rich ag`ricu_ltu1'al district a favor- able feeling to Kiwanis was instituted by each member bringing: a. farmer guest to listen ,to a fine ali(i1`CSS from Past President Creelman, O.A.C., Guelph. a.I\.\.\,1A|I.I\.L, .;.u..u Christmas cheer fund. Every member contributed and members wvives made purchases and parcellccl articles for Christmas cheer distri- bution One hundred and eighty- nine parcels were personally del~iver- ed to children of the town nnivo TI... TFnnun \'\'\ts\*\-\1'\r\q L...-.n...l..L eu LU cuuuren 01 me town Boys Day. Every member brought .1 boy. All listened attentively to a ne address by Mr. W'atson of To- ronto. Meeting was a great success. January, 1924. Civic Day. Newly elected Town Council were our guests and new President outlined Kiwanis princi- ples, emphasizing Article 11 of our by-laws pertaining to the non-inter ference of Kiwanic Clubs in politics, etc. Pleasant relationslrip establish- ed and expressed in Mayor s in- augural address. T.:Hlir`-Q l\'in~l~+ T2-.~n~irmn1~ nnfru-_ 'C'rm 5 Izospitax. M. and Mrs. Sanderson and Miss Judith have returned from Toronto. after a week s visit. NIH:-.. Mum`? Dmvnn ha: rnhwnm] b'.`.!lllXl(:IlL Zlllll (lilllcln. District Representation. Distrlct Trustee Geo. D. Hubbard attended the meeting` of Trustees in Montreal. Annivrsvunvv hnv nf-' Kiumnie Tn- Llll.` niuetlng` 01 11`uS1'.e0S 1n M.Ont1'Cal. Anniversary Day of Kiwanis In- ternational in charge of Educational Committee. Very interesting` address by Past Lieut.-Gov. Ken. A. Mac- Iver on Kiwanis Ideals. Feb1'ua1'_v, 1924 Juvenile Court. Club unanimous- ly supportml motion to endeavour to have court established. Kiwanis P1'opa_u'amla. Several members journey to Orillia and put on a sample Kiwanis meeting: pre- senting Kiwanis history and ideals which resulted in the immediate re- quest for an or;.ranizex'. Vmnur Fm-n1r1-2 hour A nlncc luugural aauross. Ladies Ni;:l:t. Banquet, enter- t:=.!'nment and (lancving. T)ih`ir'f. Ruin-rxqnnfinnn niah-Fnf 'l(I1\I|. J.I A`I Music Day. Newly established Collegxiate Baml wow guests, pluyc-I to and from luncheon. A on the value of music and the hand by the Principal of tho CoIle1:iz1tn,. the-Bamlnmstcr and Kiwanian E. Hardy, Mus. Bac., F.'l`.C.M. \Y.\.'.. I..I. __,.._, | r\ -11! (|uL-5L 101' an or;ran1zer. Young: Farmcrs Day. A class taking` Short Course in Ap:ricu1ture were guests of club. J. B. Reynolds, B.A., President of the O.A.C., gave an address on The Relation of Town and Country." .uuu_y, unun. uu.., I .ln\.1-Ail. e'w Club sponsored at Orillia. Marc]: 10, President Lewis presided December, 1923 ..l ..`.. _,\.\.. J`.....I March, 1924 \ \r . ",1 _ land eighteen members `attended tol {assist Field Representative Tom Mar-; rshall at organization meeting; nnm-nfiinn fnr ahnnnriiz-ifiz nm-- 5112111 ELL 0l'g'dIllZ2tl.lUH. lllUULlllg'. Operation for appendicitis, per- formed by Kiwanis surgeons, without~ charge, on one of the adopted boys. Club paid hospital expenses and members took g`1'eat interest in boy. T)n1n0`nfinn tn 'T`nu7 n (".nnnr~ii nrivn. Bite!` weencs v1s1l,. Mlss Mary Payne home after snenclini.-,' 1` Ottawa and Cobourg. T\/I've Uuvnklxr nf 'Fr lll(-.`HlU(il'S LOOK g1'ca.L IIILCFCSE H1 00) . Delegation to Town Council advo- cating` (a) Support to Bandmaster; (b) Tourist Camp. Kiwanians to perform labor part of establishing same; (c) Juvenile Court for town. Well received. T'Jnn.m.-nn+n4-un 4-n Th-.,lm~.u I"l\n..L,~.\.: VV EU. .l'(;`UClVULl. 1 Representative to Llndsay Charter! Night anniversary. gsyxu, `L./u-2 Immigiration Week. Talk and views by Mr. A. Chamberlain of To- ronto. Week later a Scotch girl newly arrived in a neighboring town- ship was operated on free of charge by Kiwanis surgeons for pus appen- dix. Members asked to have wives visit the unfortunate stranger at hospital. 7\'T\n;-h-nl Qhnw 'T`vvn rzvnninrv `nov- lluspxuul. Minstmel Show. Two evening` per ` form-ances to provide funds for Boys" Work. Very successful. Dn.~.. 1"|...u 13",... \`\-ursviw]-u/\\~ 1u.nnn-`l-+` LUFIIIZLIICCVS LU IJYUVHIU LUIIUB .1.U1' L)U'\5 Boys Day. Every member brouglzt a boy to hear J. P. Huge-rman,[ Y.H.C.A., Toronto. Much enjoyed by all. T\nnH. A4` L... nurfnu nlnldn nun}-nn, - I Death of boy under club s protec- tion. Falling building caixses tragic death of one of our adopted boys. Club took full charge and paid all funeral expenses. Members attended_ funeral in a body. I Winunninl girl otivpn` fn rlianlmlmi xrnvl AILLUJ, Luaw Boys Farm at Bowmanville. Club unanimously endorsed scheme upon, the condition that the building be identied as Kiwanis Building and that there be a Kiwanian on the Board of Directors Project recom- mended by Lieut.-Gov. Blake Halla- day and to be conducted along: some-I what the same lines as Slizuvbridge Farm. ` T\rfnx`v 10`)/1 Lulllffkil H1 `cl UULl_Y. _ Fmanclal aul guven` to chsabled war I veteran s fannly. .....,, -1 - Prospective Club. By a1`rz1ng`e-I ment we entertained a la-1eg'21tion from Mi(l1a_mI, after meeting` we were requested to sponsor them and send for O1`g'anizer. T.mlir>< \'in'h1', T<`.nf.m~fninml all 101' \J1`}._','ilHlZ(;`l`. I Ladies ;`\'ig`l1t. Entertained allv non-Kiwanian members of the cast of` Minstrel Show and the young: ladies! who had sold tickets out of town, 211-! so several Orillia Kiwanians and f`u4>un~..u~1aiu \XInnI.- `fen-u nlxln nrL Ottawa and Uobourg. Mrs. Hambly of 'I`oron co was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Vern. Ham- bly over the week end. 11,, ,,.,1 1m.... H7 U 1`_1 .....I `I...-nvnl

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