Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 7 Aug 1924, p. 3

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Field Events Track Events Water Sports Community Dance from 8 to 11.30 Collingwood Kilties Band and B.C.I. Boys Band N lV1U1X.\JI`1LDUiV, DAIVIKID` ters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Oices 13 Owen street, in the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Ofce, Elmvale, Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P., D. C. Murchison, J. R. Boys. 7113. 141111413 0: LALLLID, J.'I'lIDl.\J` ians, Sur_2'eons. Ofce and Resi- dence, 47 Haple Ave. Ofce hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or by appointment. A. T. Little, M.D., W. C. Little, M.B. Phone 213. l1\.. 1'1. 1. 1'l1Y.;`1':\141.4, UEDLUID AN!) residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth streets. ( Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. .1. .. .-.\.wun.\., u.z1. Successor to Creswicke & Be Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan Ofce, Ross Block, Barrie. '1\-. lVlUl\.L1AVll11lV141U.\, L24 DIJUUIT. St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, lst Saturday of each month. Diseases--E_ve, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. In. v1p1u1t A. 1-1:-U11`, UK;-\UUA'1'1'4' of Trinity University and also p:raduate of Edinburgh and Glas- gow. Specialty, stomach diseases. Office, corner Bayeld and Wor- sley Sts. Entrance off Worsley. Ofce open until 8 p.m. ..u;v1ux\u 1-1. -uuJI, MU5. bAU., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Or- ;:an, Vocal and Musical Theory. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. Gold Medalist of Toronto Conser- vatory of Music and of the Uni- versity of Toronto. 113 Worsley street. Phone 663. P.-._.C.: `+0375 U1`. U. 13. "IV. 2 1 Collier 1 Piano and uuux nu.-u.I1_.1y1 ID r1(l1.1"Al<.I1U to accept a limited number of pupils in the following: Organ, Voice and Piano. Studio, 461/; Clapperton St. Specialist on voice production. Phone 283w. THE SARJEANT C0,, LIMITED w. o x 14 v 12.: Ibli, '1'1uAUHb`1{ 01*` Piano, Violin and Cello. 120 Bayeld St. Phone 97-1w. 1CTURl.1\N ORDER OF NURSES, Barrie Branch. Nellie M. Lay- cock, R.N., C.P.H.N., S6 Worsley St. Telephone 751w. Ofce 95 Dunlop St. (Ross Block). Phone 1025) . Office hours, 2 to 3 p.m. daily. D. F. McCUAlG, B.A. I , 1 O. R. RUSK, OPH.D. I_`_._--24_,I IF FUNERAL DIRECTORS DR. W. A. LEWIS T11\17 A \~1-x hvnn A an MUSIC LESSONS MEDICAL LEGAL OPTICAL Phones 88 & 94 Yard Foot of Mary St. WEIR, TEACHER OF St. Phone 513. \ vennn pm...-. rr~....,,.. DL. rnone 013. Vlolm. Plano Tuner. Page Three O DU Barrie, Ont. ",5... Phone 218. mun u, Ofce, Build- lowest BAR- 'Dnk1un Ladies Soft-Ball Tournament, 8 Teams Men s Soft-Ball Tournament, 8 Teams Baseball Tournament, - 4 Teams We are headquarlers for Bird : roonga, building papers, and wall board. (Barrie s Civic Holiday) Over 2,400 American cars were counted on the Exhibition grounds in one day last; year, r0p1'csontin_:z over thirty-six states, or more than enouglz to overturn the 18th Amend-1 mcnt. [WESTERN CROPS IMPROVED, I wrm RAIN IN ALL PARTS i During the past week rain fell in practically all parts of the West and crops have been improved wonder- fully. Crops in Manitoba are in a promising` condition and have been favored with ideal growing weather during; the past week. Wheat is strong and particularly good in the southern part. Oats and other coarse grains are looking` well and have suflicient moisture to carry them through to maturity. In Saskatchewan the general rains will have a benecial effect, and very satisfactory reports continue to come in regarding crop conditions. In the drougrht areas the rains will help the fodder and late grains. In .-klberta crops are much im- proved by the rains and growing` conditions are ideal. In the south- ern parts the yield promises to he fnirlv rrnml, Tn H10 T7.:lmnnf.nn (lis- flCl[) Llll`, .l.U(l(lbL` illlll ld.LL` _\_.'l'i1.lIlb. `r_-rn fairly good. In the Edmonton dis- trict, while the grain is short, the l`l\ ;21(lS are lling well and promise to yield satisfactorily. Harvesting in Alberta is expected to commence about the 15tl: or-'18th. No'e- has been made in the admission price to the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition since 1879 when a dollar was worth three times its present value. Barrie 5 Big Sports Day MONDAY, AUGUST 11 | PHONE 53 3 Northern Advance 1 Agents for Barrie The Northern Advance and ularx grounded out 120 snort. Alliston came`b.1ck with two. Ber- gin was safe on L. Emms error, the latter playing first for an innings in Dobson s absence. Caesar made first on Lynch's misplay. Black forced Bergin at third. Caesar made third on Arms`r.rong"s error and scored on a wild pitch, Blacl-: going to third and home on Mclinighlfs overthrow `at third. The next; two w11iffe(1. Ila-uni.-. nr]r]nr] Q-Lynn in Halo ennnvul BARRIE NOW SURE OF BEING IN SIMCOE LEAGUE PLAY-OFF short. Carson was safe on an 81'! and Clark grounded out to short. Alliafnn ramp 1'-._1r-k with two. Re at \'J'1ll'(I. V1118 IIQXE I-W0 VVIIIITBU. Barrie added three in the second on safeties by D. Emms, Armstrong, Dyer and an error by Small. Allis- ton went scoreless. In H". Hniurl ("l.-n-L- a c-inn-In and n con went SC01'el(3S:. In the third C1ark s single and D. Emms hit gained a run, and the homesters got one when Caesar, who had singled, scored on Sma1l s two base hit. - 'l`l-mu-A nu-m ~n _mn1~n ennvinnr nhf-.i'I D2158 111E. There was n.~,more scoring until the last of the sixth, when Alliston counted three and 2113' 0st tied the score. Singles by Doyle and Wilkin- sonkand Barrie errors turned the tric . T 4.1. -.........u- ......,1 ,\:...Lu. o..........+.. LFJCK. In the seventh and eighth twenty Barrie batters went to the gum. Three hits and two walks sprouted into four runs in the seventh, and in the eighth, to start off, Clark singled. Dobson got a two bagzger. Emms hit for one base and Plant followed suit. Armstrong lived on catcher's error. Dyer cleared the bases with a triple. Lynch and L. Emms doubled. Carson grounded out to pitcher and Clark fanned. Net result, seven runs. Alliefnn ct-nrnrl H11-on rn-1 H11-no Hit: men resum, seven runs. Alliston scored three on three hits in the eight and Barrie got one when Armstrong` doubled, scoring Dobson, who got to rst on an error. Alliston collected one on two errors_ and a. single by pinch hitter Hand. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1924 U. IDIIIIUS Z0 .... .. Plant 13 ............. .. Armstrong 3b Dyer cf .......... .. Lynch ss .... .. L. Emms rf Carson c .... .. Clark If . D .J-\.-,... 1 L. \_;llll'K II Dobson lb . l\'IcI{nig'ht ( , Allistonz Bergin 2b ....... .. Caesar If-3b Black c ......... .. Small ss-p ....... .. Iennings p-ss Doyle rf ....... .. Moore 1b .... .. J. Dunn cf .... .. Hand ............. .. Total . Score ` Barrie Alliston . Summa.ry-Two base hits, Dyer, Dobson, L. Emms, Lynch, Arm- strong, Small, Wilkinson; three base hit, Dyer; sacrice hits, D. Emms, F. Armstrong; walks, by Jennings, 6; hit by pitched ball, by Plant (Wilk- inson); struck out, by Jennings 5, by Plant 5, by Small 3. Tlze old question as to the best way to sell eggs, whether by weight or by the dozen, was one that brought about a good deal of discus- sion at the recent convention of the retail grocers of Ontario. It is a question that continually forms the subject of an animated debate wher- ever two or three retail grocers are gathered together, and always can be counted upon to draw together the poultry men in lively discussions at fairs and exhibitions. The fact that the Ontario grocers decided on motion, after a ;.',00(1 deal of opposi- tion, that the desire of the meeting was that eggs should be sold by weight instead of by size or by count, will, doubtless, nd many adherents. During the discussion, a sidelight was thrown on the disposal of eggs by the remark of one member of the convention, who expressed a fear that should the policy of weighing eggs prevail, the result would be an in- creased sale of what he designated as boarding house eggs, that is, undersized. This was not the time honored joke, but a matter of fact description, showing how general the myth of the boarding house egg has become. That the grading of eggs is not the simple thing it appears to be to the average lzouseholdcr is evident from the offer of one earnest mem- ber of a suit of clothes to any four men in the convention who would all grade 21 case of eggs in the same wnv, Nn 1'n('n`.`.'l of the acceptance an grade 3. case ()1. uggs lll LIIU hillllu way. No recorz`. of the acceptance of this offer is apparent. Down in the maritime provinces the egg market in Ontario is being` watched with interest and concern and the hope of the poultrymen down there is that Ontario will not grade its eyres. Nova Scotia does grade every egrgr exported and Prince Edward Island grades every egg marketed by every farmer or poultryman on the Island. The result is that these provinces are capturing the export market and wbeil the Government attempts to make r.-ma: grading uni- form, Ontario producers raise noisy objections. Tl`. Halifax Recorder of July 5 notes that due to the low quality of Ontario eggs the rst car- load of Nova Scotia egrgrs ever to _::'o west has just been shipped to Mon- treal. The Ontario farmer can carry ihs opposition to exm grading too far. and that quite easil_v.-Alliston Her- altl. Motorists should keep out of Kan- sas, say he Toronto Star. In one town in that state a by-law has been enacted 1'eai(ln,rr as follows: When two cars approach each other at n cro.=::in-,1", they shall both come to a full stop, and neither shall start up until the othcr has gone. Total Barrie : 17' n\ 1 :- Famous Collingwood Kilties Band, Winners of 2nd Prize for Class B Bands, Toronto Exhibition, 1922-23 _ (Continued from page one) GRADING EGGS -Box Score--- 1 1 Mrs. Mack had moved into a new neighbourhood. Next door lived a little dot of a woman, with a six- foot husband. The little wife had eyes that looked as if tears were never far away; the pallid face that accompanies fear; and 2. timid, shrinking manner. Mre Marl: friarl fn he 4'1-innallv Sn1'1nK1ng manner. Mrs. Mack tried to be friendly. The neighbor was grateful, but un- communicative. The run-in-and-see me invitations of the other neigh- bours were never extended. '1`!-..-. nvninnnnn nn|\-\n nun "Laud- UUl1l.'S WCTB IIUVCI CXlo{:`Il(lC(|. The explanation came very short- ly, as the six-footer lurchetl down the street and staggered into he house, banging the door behind him. Unnvoidable Listening In Loud talking followed though only one voice was audible . . . Louder . . . . Angrier . . . Then the crash ! crash ! cras1:= 1! of furniture and crockery. Nn dun (law: nnf rrn {n in nnnn- Llltfll 1'0I1lUlf/1011. Within the last six months Mrs. Mack was in a city store, when she found herself side by side '.'~.'ith that little dot of :1 woman. With her was the six-footer, but so \:han_2`ed he would have been unrecognized but for his tin_v partner. Ahll H1n\7 urnrn fnn'rxfl1rn-7 2 (.`\ (:`l' SOON 1 As they shopped he (leferred to her opinions. She looked so sweet and cheery and happy, and he so proud of her, Mrs. Mack quite for-V got the mental thrashings she had time and again administeretl to him. ` 3|: * X :9: 'LU1' 1115 LrHl._\ [)d.l'l/IlL`1'. And they were together !----a thing none of the old neighbors 1*-mill ovpr anon Y It is declared that our eyes are the primary contributing agent for about seventy per cent. of our muscular activity. This should impress upon us the need of looking: well to the preservation of this sense. Come and see us-----do come. We have a business and house of our own now, and are _Q'ettin_:` on well, said the small matron. Herc followed directions as to location. 'I`1`|:c :0 an nnfIVn1 A...-.n...m....,\ IV` III kJU\'(.`l'TllTlCI1E b0I1II`Ol .' In that Province, according to the Attorney General and the press, there is an average expenditure for drink of $40.00 for every man, woman and child. And since tens of thousands are teetotallers, that means that other thousands are drinking enormously. And that means drunkards and drunkards homes. 1UllU\\'(-.`(l (lll`(_ CLl0flS E15 [0 l0C21`Zl0Il. This is an actual occurrence, in every particular. Before Prohibition this couple owned nothing`. No one was ever invited to call for who would desire company when e\'cr_\' clay was a trag'edy'. ' Of Course You Don't! No one wants the old bar, says an Anti-O.T.A. Friend, wlzat do you want `.7 The British polmubia e.\'periment in Government Control? Tn lu~.+ `Dy.-uvinnn nan:-\\Ir1:v\n< in. VI-.n nun. uuuu. \rl\-A ..5s.. .....Or perhaps you... prefer Quebec's liquor control system, where the Montreal Courts recorded, in two years, the" arrest of 2,000 people fnnnrl Ivino` rlnml drunk in 9 nuhlin-. yCLl.l'S, Lll(;' Z,l.l'FUSL U1 4,UUU people} found lymg` (lead (lrunk 1n :1 public- place. Anybody who could navi- gate, even though it took the side- walk aml part of the road to accom- modate them, was not inte1'ferc(l with. 4-. u -u.. n Responsibility 7 ..,..Drink makes drunkards--no mat- ter who serves it, or whether it is fermented or distilled. The voter who endorses it, in any guise or un- der any auspices, becomes a partner in the business. We have ezich of us enough short-coming_:s of our own to answer for, without assuming: re- sponsibility for the cruel, indefens- ible wrongs inicted by the Drink Trade. THE LONG AND THE SHORT nI:' rrn Wm. Crosslaml . R. Wolfemlen Dr. R0.`_.'C1`S .... .. Thos. Ro,r:;e1's `.171 Wfillinrnc LHUS. l'I.U}.','(:I'5 .... .. `E. Williams ....... `. '1`. Villiers ............. .. H. A. Goodwin Bert M2u`woo(l H. McNabb .......... .. R. Wolfenden , Dr. Rogers ..... .. W. Crossland . '1`. Rogers ..... .` A. Thomas H A {`,nn.l BIRDS @Ef At the Orillia Police Court last week, Edward Herrell and Samuel Pye pleaded guilty to a charge of in- terfering` with Inspector W. J. Jus- tice, of the Children s Aid Society, in the prosecution of his duties. Mr. J. T. Mulcahy, who represented them, pointed out that as Mr. Justice did not wear a uniform, the accused were unaware that he was an oflicer of the Crown. Mr. M. B. Tudhope, who acted for the Crown, also took the View that at the time they were not aware of the seriousness of the offence. No sentence was imposed hv the Court. but Police Mayristrate Clark stated that officers of the law would always receive support at his hands. Reg'isterin,.-: turnstiles were used for the first time in America at the Toronto Exhibition in 1870. They were; British made and gave good Rf`-1`Vl(`.F`. IA: Inn The Same Old Tiger _____L____ _____ __.__t_.. r\, `lUlHd.S ........ ,. Goodwin . BARRIE GUN CLUB Aug`. 4. 25 clay birds Mon(1a_v, July 28. Shot at UK -~,.l.....'l Broke (IQ Broke 0 1 A FULL DAY S PROGRAMME U!) 61 R0 o. 36 1n DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc. Masonic Tem- ple Building, Barrie. Money to loan. enorEs$i6Ai."EA'ii RADENHURST & HAMMOND, `Rn-nu-Ia!-.:n .Qn1inhu~c nfn fr-A STEWART & STEWART, 1-in!-ova Q.-.HnH~nvc '!\'nf'z1v-{rue ESTEN & ESTEN, BARRISTERS, .QnH:-if-ru-c in T-T3n"l1 (`nun-f n*F .T'nIz- ALEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES- S0)` to Lnnnmn Cnwnn X7. Rrnwn, BOYS & MURCHISON, BARRIS- have .Qn1ir-{fora Nnfnv-in: prlhlin DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. 'Of`ce and Resi Eliza- beth and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. Ofce Hours-S)-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m., 7-2 mm. Paroid Roofing has earned its enviable re- putation during a quarter century of use because- I. It pays big dividends in wear and satisfaction for years and years! 2. It is distinctive-comes in three colors, slate red, slate green and bright gray. 3. lt is extra heavy and pliable-will not crack in cold weather. 4. It is waterproof and sp_arkproof-- gives complete protection. E DR. MORTIMER LYON, 122 BLOOR ! 04- \'K7ne6- 'T`.n-nnl-n ~51! kn n4- n1 DR. H. T. ARNALL, OFFICE AND `wxeialnnnn nnvnpr nF 'Fnvnnf'n and DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE, PHYSIC- inne .Q1'n-rvnnn: mnn and Wnci- DR. VICTOR A. HART, GRADUATE nf 'T`1'inif\' 17nivrn-eihv and nlcn vv uu.;4;1 Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe Phone 61. O`ice-58 Collier St. Office Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. .u nsvu--, \J| nn.u. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic College, Toronto. 43 Elizabeth St., Barrie. Phone 143 EDMUND HARDY, IVIUS. BAC., F.T'.C.1\ [. 'I`1=nr-hm~ nf Piann Or. PROF. D. E. `)1 {"n1lnu B. W. SYLVESTER, TEACHER Pi:-mn_ Vinlin and r.nll.-. 1on PERCY HOADLEY IS PREPAREDI fn swnnnt n Iimifml nnmhm. me Paroid Roofing is made by Bird & Son, Limited (Est. 1795), manufacturers of Nepomet and Canadian Twin Shingles, Bird ; Art Craft Roll Roofing, Neponuet Black Building Paper and Combination Wall Board. There's a Bird product for every sort of building. VICTORIAN ORDER "Rm-rip Rrnnnh Nnllin `M `Inn, nan`. . 4'1 I414 vvA-J SURGERY AND `DISEASES OF WOMEN A `A A an... cg (;.`S_MIT_H_& 65. , ,,,,_____- -v Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. Established 1869 phnnn R9 p---3- r`-` U 11JIh1V1'l.U.[DL & QALVLAVJ Barristers, Solicitors, etc. 1st oor Masonic Temple ing. Money to loan at rates. 1'. Phone 82. ,1'1awA1u' av. b`1`n.wA1u., nAn.- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. Office, 13 Owen street, Barrie. D. M. Stewart. FUNEKAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Open Day and Night 47 Elizabeth St. 21 .b1'ru.V oz l14bL'J:;lV, D1-uuuoimno, Solicitors in High Court of Jus- tice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oice, 1st floor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten and M. H. Esten.- { L1JD4\.`1LVlJl141V L/UWJ'llV, auuu1na`- sor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown. Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guardianship and administration, and General Solici- tor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Offices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. `od 6iZmPm`od!

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