Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 17 Jul 1924, p. 8

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Page Eight gently. _ I 3. To develop the commun1ty' principie of breeding swine. 4. To demonstrate the Value of princlple oI Dreemng swme. 4. To demonstrate producing` a superior type of hog and marketing` it to the best a 5, Tn r-rnatn :1 closer studv of, markctmg 1: to the nest a(lvanL;1_u't:. 5. To create a study of _ production costs and bring` about im- '"proved methods of feeding and mam- agement. . A c*nr>r-in] nrize Vin be 0lT01`C(1 at agement. . A special prize will the Elmvale Fall Fair for the `melt pair of bacon hogs owned and ex- hibited by members of the Pig: Club, and also for the best individual bacon hog from the club. !ORlLLlA WOMAN SLASHES HER ` OWN AND CHILD'S THROAT On Friday morning of last week the citizens of Orillia were shocked by an awful tragedy which took place about midnight the night be- fore, when Mrs. Eric Heald, the wife of a painter residing` at 101 Patrick street, took the life of her only child, a bright little boy three and a half years old, by cutting his throat with a new carving; knife, and then attempting` to cut her own throat. The knife had never been in use before, and had been among a shower of gifts received by Mr. and Mrs. Heald at the time of their mar- riagre. Wlmn 1\/v Hrmlul w>f1n'nml to liisu I: Don t do that, mother ! 1`l21l'0. that his wife acted stran,e'ely and advised her to retire early and have a good rest. He himself was suffer`- ing from a headache, and lay down on a bed in another room. He arose several times and looked into the room where his wife` and child were, on each sucl: occasion finding` them apparently asleep. About 11.30 Mr. Heald was awakened by his wife, from the cellar for the child. While he was in the act of doing so he heard the little boy cry out sharply, ried upstairs and was horried to nd that his wife had cut the child's throat with a carving knife and also her own. Help was hurriedly sum- moned and the frantic father, after vainly endeavoring to stanch the blood which poured from the gaping wound in the child s throat, sum- moned Dr. W. E. Brown, but the child was dead when the doctor ar- rivr-rl upon the scene of the traire The unfortunate woman was taken in an ambulance to the Urillia `Memorial Hospital, where she lies in .a very critical condition. \ \ When Mr. Heald returned to lzisl . home after his day s work, he noticed who asked him to get her some milk- Hc h ur- I . l'II_aVl`Ill\aA1 .--...__ Citadel and Quarters, 60 Collier St., Barrie. Capt. and Mrs. L. E. Sparks, Com- maneling' Officers. Phone 386w. Old-time Revival in the Local Corps. "Meetings as follows: - Sunday, 7 a.m.--Prayer Meeting. ` Sunday, 11 a.m.--Holiness Meet- inn! ing- Sunday, 7 p.m.--Grcat Salvation Meeting, preceded by a short song :nI`\V;{`('| e 7 It is announced that vigorou efforts will be made by the Gov- ernment of Manitoba to effect the N actual settlement of 224,000 acres of vacant rovincial land now under the admimstration of the Crown. v Sunday, Class. Qnnaluv ` DUI1(l21}", 4.0U }).llI.--uuuuu`y bJ\.IIvuA and Bible Class. Tuesday, 7 p.m.-Ban of Love Clzlsscs. \K]na]nnc(`I\Y 7,30 n.m.-- Cmlct Classes. Wednesday, 7.30 p.m.-- T1-aiming` Class. F`v.In\v 7:20 n_m.-Life Saving.-; Training` class. Friday, 7.30 p.m.-Life Saving Guard Parade. Private Meetings as follows: Monday, 7 p.m.-Ban Practice. Monday, 8 p.n1.-Son:,-'ste1' Prac- Hun tice. Tuesday, 8 p.m.--Sol(1i(.-rs imz. WV.`-vvhnd V welcome. Bzm Ev`;-ryhody welcome. Barrie for Clwist. Wglljgggp Hotel` Cable Laid 57 Years Ago The laying of the rst successful Atlantic telcyrraplu cable xvus com- plated fty-scvon years ago. IJ BARRTE. ONT. Rooms wlith Bath. Running Water in Every Room. Sample Room. All New Steam Heated. Our .\Iotto-Co11rtesy E. \Vhite. \V. H. Kennedy. Manager. Proprietor. ervxcc. _ Thursday, 8 p.m.- - . .., For the week traffic earnings Pacific Railway 801,000, as comp 000 for the corre: 1mm 'r'1.-.~'. in an JHSS. Sunday, , I11] Rxln SALVATION ARMY Junior Meetings ' 10 a.m.--Directory Study 7 2.30 p.m.-Sun School (`.111 at 1.--Pub1ic Meeting. Meet- IORILLIA BOWLERS BREAK EVEN |w1TH LOCAL LADIES AND MEN!` Friendly games between Orillia lady and men bowlers and Barrie on Ll Tuesday evening resulted in an even break for both towns. Three .1ua1`- tettes of ladies and from Orillia did battle with worthy local opponents on the Barrie green, the lady visitors winning two of the three tussies, while W. A. Turner . and C. H. Beelby skipped two male,1 rinks to victory. A. C. B1'icker s kitty chasers bowed in defeat to D. MacNab by one point. One of the ` features of the play was the scoring` of a possible by C. H. Beelby on G. T. Madden. Bowling" superbly, the Barrie rink managed to count eight on one end. The rain, which held up procedings for about three-quar- ters of an hour, `made the greens very heavy. It is expected that a return match will be sta;2:ed in the near future. Following are the rinks n nfl cnnvnc - I a as many men t I l1C'dl' and 5 ` Mrs.A. Wa1ko1'...11 Mrs. Luau 1 H: Miss Walls Mrs. Mrs. Vair Mrs. Mrs. Hewitt Mrs. Miss I. Parish` .... ..20 Mrs. _Mrs. W.J. Shannon Mrs. ` `Miss Ellis Mr.s. 1 I Mrs.w.H. Kennedy Mrs. Mrs. W. De-vins...1G Mrs. Mrs. W.A.Tu1'he1' Mrs. 1 _ Mrs. R. Dawson Miss 1 Miss M. Kennedy Mrs. ended June 21st of the Canadian amounted to $3,- ` compared with $3,159,- I corresponding period of 1923. This is an increase of $142,- 000 or 4.4 per cent. SIMCOE COUNTY S BIG 1 H . Culp `A. Sinclair G. D. Hubbard W. A. Turner .... ., A. G. I-Iabbick L. Vair `P. Clark 1` C. H. Bec1by......` V. L. Vanatter A. Malcomson W. R. King` ` A. C. Bricker .... .. | CROPS IN SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERTA SUFFERING The Winnipeg Free Press i=.:=.uud al crop report on Tuesday. Mzmitobzl. crops appeal` to be in excellent thou}.-"h about two weeks later than last year. In Saskatchew:m um] Alberta lack of moisture and hot I...:...!.- Iunm Bonn fnkhur -,1 hozwv toll Seven Bands Engaged Monster Parade i Band Tatoo Grand Fireworks Display! Will End With F iremen s Ball in Armouries At Night <|m1)e, tlioug.-"n 2.ll)0u1 . two xveens mu-1 winds have been taking a heavy and unless rain comes at once con-` 'litions will be series in the nortlzern parts especially. South of the main line conditions may be said to be t'ziirl,v good and with frequent show- ers a fair crop may be looked for. The weather throughout the West has been extremely warm, the mer- cury climbing` to 98 degrees in the shade at Medicine Hat, while other parts report varying: teinperatures from 85 to 95 degrees. A low tem-i peraturc is passing over the prairie at present and prospects are for local thunderstorms. ARRANGING CONTINUATION OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH We will continue the Presbyter- ian Clzurch from June 10, 1925, the (late when union comes into effect, reg'z11'dlcss of what the Le;:islatL1re.~: do, declared Rev. Dr. D. J. Fraser, presixlent of the Presbyterian Church Association, on his return to Montreal on 'I`uesda_v from attend- ing: an executive meeting` of the or- e'z1nization1neetin5:,' in Toronto on Monl:1y. He adtled that a statement of the plans of the organization would be issued just as soon as Parliament mtietl the Church Union Bill. Barrie 117 n lBUC-GY IS SMASHED WHEN RUN INTO BY AUTOMOBILE n\vu ..~.v __ ____,, While driving` aiongr'B1*adfonl St. on Saturday night about nine o'clock W. H. Kell of Innisi had his buggy badly damagfer when it was run in- to by an automobile. The nlriver of the car failed to return to the scene of the acicdent. Mr. Kell was not hurt and returned to Barrie to re- pori. the accident. Reports from the Rouyn gold`, fields of Quebec continue to indi- ` eats a great future for that terri- tory. Development is proceeding apace and the English capital now owing into Canada in search of good investments is interesting it- self in this area. The Biggest Day in {he History of Barrie AT BARRIE Wednesday, Aug. 6 F iremen s ournament J . bl1l`l'Z1I1 D. McNab V. Woods A. McC1el1zmd E. B. Farw-211 G. T. 1\Iadden.... Brock Karss A. Cl11`tl}l' T F` ...... n n rs. Hinds r.s. Hindle Irs. Fletcher Irs. Woods .... rs. Sinclair iss Short irs. Gordon [rs. Boyle ....... `V. Sinclair Hyslip Weathcrwax . Sinclair . IX. fl. VV illl Chr1stman.] CZl1`tel:` A. Miller A. H. Wait f`1nu:~h-non 1 1 Orillia LL'1 x ` l r nnn_c Three carloads of seed grain are being shipped weekly from the provincial seed cleaning and mar- keting plant at Edmonton, Alta. About 50,000 bushels of seed grain have been handled by the plant since last fall and 20,000 bushels more will be handled before the year's seeding is completed. ,0 . I r q .:a I o i 1 . l l l l J TRINITY SUNDAY SCHOOL ill HOLDS ENJOYABLE PICNIC The annual picnic of Trinity Sun- day School was held at St. Vincent s park on Wednesday, July 9, with about 300 present. The weather was threatening and a sizower of rain about 3 p.m. <.lampene(l things a. little, but the full programme of games and sports was carried out. Tea was served on the grass and the |picnickers left for home about 7.30. The races were follows: Boys, 5 ye:us-Charlie Seagram, `|Emerson Osborne. r::..1.. r. .m....;., xi...-inn \7niv M -.n-- 'h.'merson Usnornc. Girls, 5 years-.\Ia1'ion Vair, Mar- garet Vair. Rnvs, H vnm'::-D:1\.`C .\IcColou2'h. garet valr. Boys, 6 years-Dz1ve .\IcColoug'h, Archie Fostel`. fliula I! Ivnnvc \Tn vrrn 1-pf K111 vi, .~'xrcn1c nos _ . Girls, 6 years--1\Iarga1'et Mays, Myrtle Foster. Rm-:. 7 vom-s-P.obe1-t Huse. Don- Myrtle roster. Boys, 7 years-Robert Huse, `ald Beverley. {:;\'1c '7 mm-_Mnhnl Richardson. 'al Beverley. Girls, 7 year-Mabel Richardson, `Betty Carley. Rnv: R xmars--PPtf-,' PGIITIV. C1121`- Betty Uarley. Boys, 8 years-Pete'_ Penny, ilie Simmons. F_;\~]c 9. \~nn\':_._T.Dnl`\ SnaQ`r:11`n. ` lie Simmons. Girls, 8 years--Leona Seagram, Beatrice Fitzell. . Boys, 9 years-Geo1'gc Simmons Maurice Beverley. Girls, 9 years--Li1a Guest, Pearl` ` Campbell. Rn\'.`<. 10 \'ea1's--He1'b. Dyment, Ernie Baldwin. Campbell. Boys, 10 _\'ea1's-Herb. Dyment, r:.'..1. 1n xvn-`Ive hm-nw .Tn1m.=fnn. H Here and There [Erme baluwm. Girls, 10 years-Dorot11y Johnston, Marie Battersby. Boys, 11 yea1's--Bob Powell. Girls, 11 yea1`s-Aice Heppleston, Hazel McDonag'l1. Boys, 12 yea1`s-Harvey Lines, Georfxe Spanis. Girls, 12 years-Dora Rowe, Vera I Rnv: 12 \'r=a1`s--ROV Baldwin, I 3111) 5. Boys, 13 yea1's--Roy Dick Powell. Girls, 13 years-Alc-xandra Penny, `Ruby Hounsome. `Rnv: 1.1 \'9:11'.<-Jack Calliyzhan, '1{uby Hounsome. . Boys, 1-1_\'ezu's-Jack Calhghan, `Albert Richzlrdson. r~:..1.. 11 \-nm~c._T1-mm (`.mv1n. Albert 1{1chzu' Girls, 1.1 _\'ea1~s~-Irenc Garvin, |Aud1'e,\' Foster. n,..~.~ 1 R vn-.a.-e_'I`n:l '[')\rm(-nt. Bert 'Aml1'ey Foster. Boys, 15 years--Ted Dyment, Bert Johnston. Girls, 1:3 _\'czu's--Rub_v Manson, Olive O Conno1'. Girls, 16 ycars-Beatrice McQuay, Doris Lines. Dn.m..+ Wm-n 1mv:_.`F`.1-nice Bald- Doris Lines. Peanut Race. boys-Ernic win, Henry Sims. ' Peanut Race. _2'irIs--Audrey Fos~ tor. Ruby Hanson. Boy Scout Rnce--.-\1bert Richard- son. Roy Baldwin. Cubs Rz1co-Pete Penny, Ernie Baldwin. | Girl Guides Race-Alexandra. Pcnny, Ruby Hounsome. Brownie Race--Emma Rowe, Hazel McDona::1':. Swinnnin_9: Race, boys--Sidney Bell. Tod Dyment. i Qmmminn- Wnr-n. girls - Doris lBe1l. S\vimmin_s1` Race, girls Linc-S, Audrey Foster. I .__ SASKATCHEWAN VOTES 1 FOR GOVERNMENT CONTROL Prohibition was killed by the people of Saskatchcxvan on Wednes- day. At eleven o c1ock last night the majorit_v against prohibition stood at 17,072 and was"stea(lily climbing. While only 830 polls out of a total of 2581, were heard from, it is ex- pected that the wets will have a majority of over 25,000. The four chief cities. Regina, Moose Jaw, Saskatoon and Prince Albert, gave a wet majm'it_v of 10,000. "VI." .-...,mH.-.uc- An Hun lxnllnf nnnrutt were : Are you in favour of prohibition in Saskatchewan ? Every person must answer the question yes or no. uvp ..,..a II1`ut]r\I (1:-nvni-r\- 5` _.... -- " 4'I>`}ie international Paper Company intends to add tvyo new r_n_ac1';ines to their plant in Three Rivers, Que., so as to increase their production V from 800 to 450 tons daily. Another ` project is also under consideration, v'iz., to build a plant in Batiscan instead of enlarging the Three Rivers one. THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1924 DIUSL Z1I15\\'l`I` LIIL` qucauuu _v\..: u. nu. If a liquor system under Govern- ment control is established, which of the following` do you favour: /_\ n._v.. 1... f`.uvnu-nannnlr vnnalnrt U10 JUll()\Vlll14 nu _\uu Juvvun . (:1) Sale by Government vendors in sealed ])Z1Cl{Z11. .`CS of all spirituous and malt liquors ? or (b) Sale by Government vendors in sealed paclumcs of all spirituous and malt liquors, and also sale of beer in licensed premises ?" 1-__ L`L- oon ....H.. 1\nn\n] fw-mu Hwnvrx D001 In llccnsuu pm-.xu-cu-a . In the 880 polls heard from there was a majority of 7,084 in favour of absolute Government control, and it is anticipated that the beer clause was defeated by a big: majority. .'(`.t Hl'lJUl'lL_\ un. J\l,u\Iv. The questions on the ballot papers l'(I1'{i ` Vt) Out of every dollar the Company earns, the sum of 81 cen_ts is spent 1... n... nnmdmn Pnclflc Railway in of 81 cents is spent by the Canadian Pacific Railway the home markets of Canada for wages, materials, supplis, taxes and insurance, figures recently is- sued show. In 1923 the total earn- ings of this great corporation were $195,887,089, and every community in Canada directly henezfitted by the expenditure of 81 ger cent. of this huge amount in the home market. ` The 1924 cut of the East Koote- nay (B.C.) forestry district gives promise of running to a grand total 06 150,000,000 feet. There is a particularly brisk business in poles of longer lengths and in railway ties. and a cut of some 1,000,000 sawn ties and the usual quantity of the hewn variety is looked for. Six- teen sawmills are now in operation and indications are that there will probably be thirty going beefore the season closes. For Sa1e'-Cook stove, half dozen chairs, couch, rocking chair, two oor rugs, quantity of lumber. Ap- ply 12 Small St., Barrie. MISGELLANE OUS Canada now takes third place,l and second place among British pos- sessions, of the gold-producing areas of the world. The total gold pro- duction of nhe world for 1922-the latest year for which returns are available -- was 15,440,000 fine ounces, of which the Transvaal pro- duced 7,020,110, or 45.5 per cent. The United States came second, with 2,363,075 ounces, or 15.3 per cent., and Canada followed, with 1,- 263,364 ounces, or 8.2 per cent. The rock 01 uu 1,400 feet high. June 18th was the anniversary of the running of the first Imperial Limited, the Canadian Pacific Rail- way s famous transcontinental. This . was not the Company's first trans- continental, as trains began regular service between Montreal and Van- couver as far back as 1886, but for several years it was the crack Cana- dian Pacific express. To-day the premier place is held by the Trans- Canada Limited, the fastest long- distance express in the world, which makes the run in 90 hours, or 10 hours less than the time of the nu: n-inul Ymnnri nl Limnitiyl hours less may me ume original Imperm] Limited. Gibraltar`: Height The rock of Gibraltar is more than A00 fan? hih. FOR SALE WANTED L. R. ORD TO LET , For Salc-$300, good second-hand Ford Runabout, self starter, shock absorbers, ve tires, two new. No agents. Box 1050. Phone 445. 21-22` NOTICE Barrie. ' nugme uaraxur, u:._ ucuuu. As no iting his parents. Mrs. G. Gliclden is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Payne. Miss Isobel Poucher has returned from Gravenhurst. . TM .-5 Dnn1.- and :lnn0~'|-ufov Wvlvnl [I1-om uravennurst. I Mrs. Peck and daughter Evelyn are holidaying in Ottawa. Wnv Mnlvilln has returned from ho11 1n utcawa. l Rev. Melville has returned Port Bolster and Toronto. Tnha We11nv nf T-Tnmilfnn 1': renew- 1np_: acquamtances m town. ` Mrs. Morton of Midland is visit- ing` her sister, Mrs. Firman. `Misc Crnr-9 Goring" left on Thurs- }.`01`t liolster anu '1oru1n.u. Tom Fisher of Hamilton is renew- ing: acquaintances in town. M3-c Mm-mn nf Midland visit- ' Miss Grace Goring left on Thurs-` day to spend a week in Toronto. '1` `Roll wmn-nod home last week clay to spend WGCK In Loronw. T. Bell returned home last after a long holiday in Los Angeles. Nfiaenz Prlna FPASPI` and Mariorie I seau. alter long nolluay 111 nus nngenus. Misses Edna Fraser and Marjorie Johnson are holxdaymg at Lake Ros- M49: fonff` nnrl R(>SSi(3. C1`Oft Typewriters Rented-$3 per month or $1 per week. Barrie Business College. Phone 445. seau. T- Mrs. Croft and Miss Bessie Croft are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Patton. mt... nwmm nf 'I"mn=r-nnn is visit- Patton. Mrs. Brown of Transcona is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. H. Gibson, Wil- liam St. Mkm-+ 'T`nv1n1' i: hnmp from De- liam St. Albert Taylor is home from troit for a short holiday with his parents. Mrs. McNico1 of Toronto is spend- Boucner. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Toronto are visiting Mr. S. Brunton. (`inn Wnn 'l`hn= Cr` Mrs. MCNICO1 OI 10ro1 ing a few days wlth Poucher. Mn. ...-\,1 N1 .-c Ann S. Brunton. Geo. Wice, Thos. Gray and M. Brown returned on Tuesday from a motor trip to Perth. Mm M'p:+nn, fnrx-.~re.`.'v on the trip to Perth. Miss Meston, form:-.`:'y staff of King Edward school, is vis- iting` friends in town. Knee N790 Mm-Tmnnld has return- itmr; Irxenus In town. Miss Mae MacDonald has return- ed from Gravenlzurst and resumed her duties at the post office. NT:-e 'T`11ne T-TnmiIfnn. NHSS RubvI her (lutles at the post. omce. I Mrs. Thos. Hamilton, Miss Ruby and Master Jack were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Fleetham this week. 114:: C1-nnn (`Im-nrr and Mr: M0- Mr. and Mrs. A. rleemam E1115 ween. Miss Grace Goring` and Mrs. Mc- Niven motored to Toronto last Week,i {returning on Wednesday of this week. Dhil U`\"auvn1nn xxrhn ia nnw P171- Wanted--Live yqung red foxes, must be healthy and uninjured. Campbell, 13 Elen St., Toronto. week. Phil. Newman, who is now em- played with the Bell Telephone Co., spent a few days this week with his mother. `Mica r`-,a+hm-inn 'Pnm-11m- `l'O1"l`l'l'l`H1(`1 mother. I Miss Catherine Poucher returned from Wasaga Beach this week and left Wednesday on a motor trip to North Bay. DL. \Jt:u15ca \.Auu1.\,u Services in St. George s church on Sunday were held by Rev. David- son, son of Canon Davidson, who is leaving as 21 missionary to China shortly. Tn fhn rnnrninn` ROV. Davidson. Hughie Garside of. '1'no' hi: rm rants. shortly. In the morning Rev. Davidson, taking` his text from the last verse of the fth chapter of St. Mathew,` spoke on Perfection and how it couldi '|be attained. Perfection is not an' `absolute ideal, and may be reached by being` the best we can at all times, he said. Ar Hm nvnni`nD' service Mr. David- `creased in wisdom and stature" and ,fourfold if the right balance was to ; be maintained. ` also. times, he said. At the evening service David- son continued on the same theme, and took his text from Luke II., 52. He stressed the need of having a pro- per balance of perfection. The words of the text, And Jesus in- show- must be in favour with God and man, ed that the development The speaker referred to historic characters, who were mentally and physically t, and popular with their fellowmen, yet failed ultimately because they were not in favour with God-because they neglected religion. son asserted that the proof of Christ's character lay in the fact that he found favour with men. He urged his hearers to take Christ as an ideal, and then live up to their ideal. The speaker told of two sects of Budhas in India, the one aiming tol make themselves perfect, the second trying to help themselves and others He advised the c0ng1'eg'ation Mr. David- i to be like the latter type. arents. Mrs. McNic01 spend- ...n. n 43/-nu /lava 1IY;+11 MYQ CDO. ALLANDALE SEALED TENDERS `Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including Monday, July 28, 1924, for the re- newal of the lavatories of the County of Simcoe House of Refuge, located at Beeton, in accordance with speci- cations which may be seen at the ofce of the County Clerk. l`l~m lnumcf nv nnv fnnllnv not UHICU U1 LIIU KJULUIL) The lowest or ar necessarily accepted. F. X , . Wanted--Position open for sales- woman in millinery show room. Must have experience. Geo. Vickers Limited. Phone 5 3 Northern_ Aflvgnce Eouetefu gve ssaruy accepceu. F. Wilcox, Chairman of House of Refuge Committee, Beeton, Ont. St. George s Church n; rV,_...,_.-).. Agents"for7 Barrie _ Detroit is my merx. any tender not 11` Brunton of and Mrs. J. nto IS sperm- Mrs. Geo. Genuine Layer Felt Matt1'esses,_ regular $10.00, at $8.50. W. A. Lowe & Son. __?____..:_______.__?_. Founrl-Clevelan(1 Bicycle. Owner may have same on proving; owner- ship and paying oxpenses. Apply Chief Case, Barrie. __ Seven bands have been engaqecl for the big Firemen s Tou1'n:1n\c-nt in Barrie on Aug. (5. l i Adjutant and Mrs. Slater will con- ` duct week end meetings in Barrie in connection with the Salvation Arniy. Splendid programme of sports, baseball, football, horse shoe throw- King and eld events at Stroud park Ion Saturday afternoon. Fire which broke out in the oper- ating room of the Capitol Theatre on Tuesday evening` necessitated a run by the re brigade. It was put out without much trouble. Mr. John Carmichael of the eighth concession of Medonte, and one of the best known farmers in the town- slzip, met with an accident on Tues- day morning`. While leading; two horses to water his hand became en- tangled in the halter and when the animals took fright and galloped away he was d1`ag'g'ed for a conside1'~ able distance, and was unconscious when found. Dr. I-Iarvie is in at- tendance. When Billy Howe was driving a load of pigs to town last Friday morning, one escaped from the wagon, and in the ensuing commo- tion the horses bolted. They ran along Peel to McDonald St. and nally ditched and freed the rest of the pigs on James St. Mr. Howe, when he realized the horses were be- yond control, jumped from the wa-"` {son and \vas unhurt. Other than some ` difficulty in gathering together his `unruly porkers and repairing damage ['to his wa.z_'on, he experienced but little inconvenience. Barrie leads the South Simcoe` League by virtue of Thornton's win! over Alliston last Friday. The vic- tory puts the locals on top of the heap, where they intend to stay if at all possible. OAT CROP HEADING OUT WELL:l RAIN [S HARD ON HAYMAKING - - - . . . ., ..l unnnx any n........ V.. _-__-., The rain of the last week has been of great benet to the majority of crops, though hard on hay. Oats are heading out well now and a good yield is looked forward to. It is re- iported that crops in the vicinity of }01`i1lia are further advanced than `they are nearer Barrie. COUNTY OFFICIALS ENJOY I JOLLY PICNIC AT BEETON1 A large number of the County officials enjoyed a picnic at Beeton on Wednesday afternoon. Lunch was served by Mrs. Jas. Jardine, matron of the House of -Refuge, and` other Beeton ladies. Witl`. Reeve Wilcox as chairman, short speeches were made by several of the ofcials. A very enjoyable time was spent by` l all present. Civil Engineer Onztario and Dominion Land Surveyor 133 Blake St. EL1;.j;ar M. Smith, who lost his lifcl while sailing on Lake Simcoc lust '1`hu1's ai'te1'no0n, was a brother .n+ F`. `M C Qrnifh nml T-T:n'rv Smith. rnursday zuternoon, was a lJ1'Ul.lIU1. of C. M. G. Smith and Harry Smith of Barrie, a half brother of George Smith, Barrie, and a brother of Dr. Frank Smith, Welland. A sister, Mrs. Malcolm .\IcLarty, lives in Spokane, Washington. Mr. Smith was born in Barrie thirty-four years ago, the third son of the late Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Smith. He was edu- cated in Barrie and upon growing up entered the banking` business, serving` on the Bank of Toronto statl' in Toronto and Cobourg before being appointed manager of the Elmvale branch about a year ago. the war he was attached to the Royal Air Force in Canada. Five years ago he married Miss Nita Murchison, daughter of Mr. and rs. D. C. Murchison, who now survives him. `XIII!-nu Unabin nF (nlnn\1vo` uvhn Durin_a' ' mm. Wilbur Hoskin of Cobourg, who` was also (lroxvnml, was 25 _v(-ars of age. He was the teller in the Cn- bourg` branch ofthe Bank of Toro_nto, and it was there that 110 and Mr. Smith became f1~i;3n He is sur- vived by his parents, who are both in delicate health. and one brother. T\/Iv qV\1H'1n Wilkuxr T-Inzlzin nntl m uencate nealnn. arm one n1'uLnur. Mr. Smith, Wilbur Hoskin and Nliss Margaret Murchison were all good swimmers, with Hoskin being possibly the weakest of the trio. The other two have been known to swim long` distances. Tn mhlifinn fn fhn h':1r.rmIv of the swnn IOTLQ,` mstances. In addition to the tra, of the accident, there are several especial- Iu cm) {`nnhn~nc in z-nnnnr-Hnn xvifh acciuent, there SCV(.`I`21l especizu- ly sad features in connection with it. One of these is the fact that it had been intended to close the Mur- chison cottage on Monday in pre- paration for a trip to the West, which Mr. and Mrs. Murchison were contemplating`. The other is that Wilbur Hoskin had come to Big: Bay Point to visit just for the afternoon. He arrivrd just about noon and at three o'clock set out for a sail on what proved to be his last journey. Mic: Vnm (`.1-nrlns. who was visit- BARRIE LEADS what ])1'n\'e to DO ms last. _]Uurm:y. Miss Vern Charles, who visit- ing` with Miss Mar,Q'aret Murchison, was 1ll`f`_,'Ctl to go along". but p1'efe1'red to ,sta_v on the shore and watch. Ilml Han nlen-vn hnnn wivrn xvhnn to ,Sta_\' the Snore amt wauzn. Harl the alarm been .`:ivrn when the boat was seen to capkize there is a possibility that all might have been saved, for all clung` to the canoe for a lengtli of time. Miss Murchison has lost a good deal in weight sincc; she was found. due to starvation and the strain on her nerves and body. One of the causes of summer mor- tality in Canada is the heaviness of the railway locomotive and the light- ness of the touring` car.-M-anitoba Free Press. Phone 623. THE LATE EDGAR SMITH LOCALS , One of the Causes The Northern Advance S. SIMCOE ELMVALE BOYS PIG CLUB IS MAKING GOOD PROGRESS The Elmvale Boys Pig Club, which was formed in the latter part of June, is making excellent progress. - It boasts a roll call of twenty-three members. Each boy is fcetling from two to four pigs, making about 90 hogs in all that are being fed by the entire club. At the Elmvale Fall Fair the hogs may be shown as pairs or singles and on October 30 will be shipped to Toronto, where they will compete with car lots from other counties. The Elmvale organization is the rst in this district. South Simcoe went into the competition last year and copped first honours, Z and are making` another bid for it tliis season, but it will not be with- out a contest, the Elmvale branch avers. I"l1.\ nnwunnnne l-mvn hnnn :11`- The competitions have been ar- ranged by the Live Stock Branch of the Dominion Department of` .'-\g`ri- culture, in co-operation with the On- tario Department of Agriculture. The rst clubswvere formed in 1921 and greater interest is being; stimu- lated each year. In organizing these clubs the department has ve main objects in view. They are: 1 'I`n atimnlntp g~rnater interest 0l)_]ectS In VIOW. 1n(:_v an-.-: 1. To stimulate g'1'eater in swine raising amongst boys and to develop a more general knowlcclgre of swine marketing methods in On- tario. 0 'F,. mlnn knxyc rn-or-Ht-nl in~:h'l`l(`- tario. 2. To give boys practical instruc- tion in swine ju(1,9;ing so that they lmay have a sufficient knowledge of the desirable market types to enable them to select breeding stock inte_11i- gently. 3. To develon community: Anyone desiring p1'iV'ilcg'r:s for selling ice cream, soft drinks, etc., at Agricultural Park on Fi12men s Tournament day, Aug` 6, apply to Harry Hook. Phone 15 or 650w.

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