Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Jun 1924, p. 8

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Page Eight a pair \\'0.\l E N'.N' lNS'l`l"l`l',Tl`} Sale Price a pair Saie i rice $5 a pair SALE 1>R1cE $335 a pair SALE PRICE a pair No-Profit Sale of FOOTWEAR 'l`\\'0 SL [( iH'l`l .1 INJ CRED I \\'I-[EX CI-IAIN.` BREAKS; Thvo men, Henry Blaverstoclt and R0l)e1'LL(>\\"is, received minor in- juries while at work in the power house on Sz11.11x'(1a.y. A large `iron tank, which has not been used since the days when the old steam engine ...... :.. ,..m....nnn u-ac Iming hnisted Tenders for the Purchase of Build- ings--Tenders -will be received by the undersigned up till noon, June 16, for the purchase of the build- ings on the east side of Bradford St., \kI'l0WI1 as the Bunker property. The highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. A. W. Smith, Town Clerk. 16-2 days when the out steam eugtuu was in operation. was being hoisted out of the cellzlr. During the oper- lation 3, chain `broke. causing some |sczLft`oldin:.: to give way. -B1aver- lstnck was thrown to the ground and sut`l`e1'e(1 a xvrenched arm and am few minor cuts. Lewis `was thrown against the tank. His hip was bad- ly bruised and he will be humble to work for over a week. The men were attended thy D1`. Simtpson. magnum. ;.u BROWN-~O11 Tuesday, June 3, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Ewart Brown, Waterdown, 0nt., a daughter. nm A FIVIIQ l.rl:u1.I.1Lo SPRDNvG-In Elmvmle, on Tuesday. June 3, VV'1l1|iIS Spring, brother of Mrs. F. A. Furlong, Bwyleld St. Funeral takes place to Ellmvvale cemetery to-dtaar (Thursday) at urn n'.-lnr-1! _ cemetery LU'\ two o'clock. Exchanged The Biggest Bargains in Beautiful Barrie Refunded Sale Commences Friday June 6th Reason Money Lem Bros. Laundry at the Five Points has been taken over by Chang Se & Company. All account.s'inst Lem Bros. must be in by June 10th. After that date we will not pay accounts. Goods and will continue until we get the money we require. An) For 0!` No Goods on Approvxl during Sale. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Jane Kirk.-patrick, late of the Town- ship of Flos, in the County of Sim- coe, Widow, who died on or about the thirtieth day of April, 1924, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the twenty-rst day of June, 1924, after which date the Executor will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having re!.*,ard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. and that he will not be re- sponsible to any person for the as- sets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been received. .. Dated May 28, 1924. - ,_ Donald Ross, ' ` ' ,E.\'ecutor's Solicitor, 1...... . Barrie. Ont. 18 pairs Men s English Grain Work Boots with toe caps and solid leather insoles. Sizes (3 to 10. Regular $3.75. GAT'l'."| 'n'D1'r11:I' nan n|- n ....:v. 24 pairs of the same boots in boys, sizes 1 to 5. Regular $2.75. nIA1"IEl 'I'\'l'I'l'nl'I'.'I Jul` 1\I\ - _-__'__ Hz-;_!;11l:nr $2.35, $2.40, $` SALE PRICE a. pair SALE PRICE $2_9 5 a pair gA:;Ep1'a`$gj3g, .2. pair Chi1dren s Tan and Brown Sandals. 'l`l1r: good. Smxdul, not 1l1:1.t 1-nllgln, s1ifT szunrlnl that :1l\\':1_Vs lrmkr-:' Hllril` }l(`(`lS S()l'(). Sizes 4. to 7. Ih-:5. $1.40 0.1.. -n.,.:,... a-1 1:: .. v.n:... uI4\;.3'I'.l.U I. u-H.-.2-.x~, Sale Price $1.15 a pair Sizes 8 to 10;. Rt-;:. 5}-31.70 Sale Price $1.30 a pair Sizvs .1] in 2. Hog. $2.1f) Sale Price $1.45 a pair 31 pairs Women s Patent and Brown Calf Oxfords and Brown Calf One-Strap Slip- pers, made by J. and T. 30]}, M011t1"0a1. All sizes in the Anfl An A./`u -n .U|.\)11lI\ LL1. 4111. n11.\,. lot. Regular and $6.75- ` 6-1.. I')...:`.... oh 1 null .. .4.-.:.. 19 pairs Men s Black and Brown `Oxfords. All this _\'ear s styles, with rec-ode toes and rubber heels. All sizes. Regular $4.50, $5.25 and $5.50. New Wellington llotell` BARRIE. ONT. 21 pairs Beys Brown and Black Oxfords. Some with pointed toes and others with round toes. Most of these have rubber heels. Regular $3.65, $3.75, and a few pairs at $5.50 and $5.75. Every pair of Tennis and Running Shoes reduced, as this is abso1u re1_v a no-prot sale. VVatch our \\'i11d0\\'s. They will convince you it is 11101103 we \\'u11t, not prot. Spare will not permit us to mention CV01`_V` bargain. a pair Saie Price $3_95 a pair Sale Price a pair {COLLISION AT CORi`LEI(1?. CLAPPERTON - SOPHIA Last Tlilirsday e\'enin.; :1 delivery truck belon_::ing to the Ocean Blend Tea Compa.ny collided with Fred Tc~asdale`s touring car at the cor- ner of Clapperton and Sophia streets. The truck was driven by H. F. Fnickex` of Orillia. No one was in- jured. The Teasdale car was going west along Sophia and the truck was 'going south on Cla.ppe1'ton. Fnicker states that as he was looking only to the right, he never `saw the tour- ing car till it loomed up in front of him. The force of the impact drove the lighter touring car a. distance of about seven yards. Its tender and step on the right side were badly bent and smashed. The truck was 1 little the worse for the aicclden-t. The men agreed each to pay the d-agmege to his own car. The lasw states that at a corner the vehicle on the right has the right of way. In an under baseball game with Elmvtalle here on Wednesday, Barrie 1031: 21-8. 'l'NURSD/KY, JUNE 5, 1924. Rooms with Bath. Running Water in _Every Room. Sample Room. All New Steam Heated. Our Motto--Courtesy E. \Vhite, 'W. H. Kennedy. .\Izmng'er. Proprietor. - Vital statistics for the month of May, 1924, and May. 1923, corre- spond exactly except. that the stork made 10 more visits this year than last. In May last year there were 5 marriages. 14 births and 15 deaths, and in 1924 :1 111arria.ges 24 births and 15 deaths. e: MISS NOTICE `TO CREDITORS iere for Spin-ella Corsets for Barrie and Allnndale `For Sa1e-VVe11 built eight room brick house, every convenience, good lot, garage and stable. Apply 12 Small St.,. Barrie. FOR SALE L. R. ORD TENDERS NOTICE WILLERS :ept isits -~~ ---Aovr E Barrie. J-as. Brunton was in 'I`oronto this week. PE D I Rnth\\'nH in \'ix:iIin'_' in I .uI;7. T0r:)nto. \1 ice \1 For Sa1e-Va1`nishe(l cedar canoe in` rst-class condition. including two paddles, lazybaclc and carpet. Box 0, Advance, or phone 41. 16-3 '1`0r:mLo. ` Miss Mabel Hill of Gllelpll is visit-` ing her parents. \h-c '1` I`. Rn\'(`o was in '1`m'0nto `mg her parents. Mrs. T. C. Royce was over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. \\'arum spent Tuesday in Toronto. Chwence Ridden went to Tott0n- hum for the week end. Mrs. XV . 1). Little was in Graven- hurst, over the \\'w\k end. St. `xeorges Sttndny School is now being held in the morning. Mrs. C. Bothwell of Toronto was in town over the week end. Rev. .\Io1\'i11e returns to-day from =.Lttending the Synod in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. \\`ri:.:ht have gone In r\.:n.'.. u-hum; thn\' will I'|\\`i(1t-' in town me ween cuu. to Oxillia. where they will 1`0i(1t'. .\l.. and .\l1';~:. Cline 01` I`o1'0nt0 are visiting .\I1'. and Mrs. F. J. Hill. \h-c Andmnann and Uiss L. S1`i2`10}` vnsmng .\1r. .'u1u ans. 1`. .1. Inn. .\I1`s. Anderson and .\Iiss S1'i_:'ley motored to Toronto for the week end. 1...~ Th-unvnn i: the Inv (IDIOLEIILQ end. Jas. Brunton is the lay (lelogate to the con1`e1'e11cc in Toronto next week. u...-nm X\'nv-Ilnxnn hn: rpt111`1\0d weelc. Harold \\'aI'(lman has returned from IL short l101ida_\' in Detroit and .\I01111`e211. Inn]' 1 nun hue ronai\ Drl wnrd that .\101111'e211. Jack Little has received ' he was successftll i11 his ~ Queen's L'nive1`sit_\'. n.u- Y H -\dnms of L.211ee11's Ln1\ (31`S1I_\'. Rev. \V. H. Adams Thornton and Rev. S. )1. Beach are exc11a11:.;ing pulpits next Sunday. I \h- and Mrs. T. Patterson o1`| pulpits next sunuay. I Mr. and Mrs. T. 01` Toronto were week end visitors at the home of W'm. Peck. \Tvv: xvm nnirl vhcimrl hm` hus- me 1101116 UL win. .\Irs. Wm. Reid band. who is ill in t eral Hospital, last LT Wall on r] \\' For Rent-Three or four rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. cen-` tral location. A-pply Box ;\," Ad- vo n (In 81111 nuspuzu, lac: nccn. H. Fell and \\'. .\Ia1'sh home from the RX. Hospita they underwent operations. \Iv-4: (`Int-nnrin Jnrvkann OF they un(1e1 went operauuus. .\Irs. Clarence Jackson of Culling- wood spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and .\I1's. J. S. Brun- Lon. xr on \n-= I r`.1m~L- loft this Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark left this week for Cleveland. Ohio. Where .\11'. Clark is representing the engineers of Allandale. 'l"kn r-`nnainnr nmnnfincr nf` H19 Ladies of Allanclale. The closing meeting of the Ladies Aid was held on Wednesda}'. The treasurer s report showed the year's receipts to be over $1100. See the new display of Summer Dresses and Summer .\Ii1liner,\', in al the latest shades and materials at Miss Collins, Allandiale. rm... 4:... 1:-nffk-all n--:nn\n um: nlav- at MISS UOLIIIIS, .~u1a.11u";ue. The rst softball game was play- ed last .\Ionda:~'. Miss Isobel Poucher s team winning 15-12. Rev. Q \r T2n:xon11 umnimnd (`mums will l OL1CI1eI`S Leulll wluuxug, S. )1. Beach umpired. be played on .\Iouda}'s days. Tkn n `D (V nu.-1 T1 1 '9:-1:. Mrs. R. J. Bolhwell is visiting In uays. The O.R.C. and B. of R.T. w observe/memorial Sunday by 2 tending divine service in St. George church, Sunday, June 15. at 11 21.1 A hearty invitation is extended all other R.R. organizations :11 Ladies .\uxi1iaries. fl`!-in:-n uvill kn nn uni.-an nr-av .lJd.U|Ub .`\ll.\llli1l|C'\. There will be no union prayer meting next week owing to the ab- sence of Rev. W. J. Watt, who is attending the General As.=.en1`o1'_' at Owen Sound, and of Rev. Beach, who leaves Wednesday to attend Conference in Toronto. `HAS NOSE BROKEN_ IN MOTOR ACCIDENT Corsetiere D. J. Shanalian, whose home is in Penetang, but who has been working in Toronto lately with his sons, suffered 21 broken nose and a strained back on Saturday afternoon when the car in which he was riding slipped into the ditch and crashed into the fence at the side of the I road. u.. chnnnknn whh hi: wife his ' l`O3.(1. Mr. Shanahan, with his wife, his son David, who was driving at the time, his granddaughter and a friend, a .\Ir. York, were motoring rom Toronto to I-`enetang. All went well until near the bottom of Paddy Dunn's hill, when the right front wheel broke. The car whirl- ed into the ditch and on into the fence. Mr. Shanahan was the only one of the ve occupants who was in any way injured. It is not known how .\lr. Shanahzurs nose came to be broken, though `rt is thought he must have struck it on the top when the bump occurred. A piece of wood ew in the car when the auto hit the fence and that might have been the cause. _\Ir. Shana- han was brought, back to the R.V. Hn:~:pital. where he received medical attention. r\..n....u~. nnu In Ihr. r-qr mt: rniitn ALLANDALE aI.[('}X1l1UI1. D:1111a;:o done 10 the car was Quito slight. The windshield 1`e111z1ined unbroken. A cow c1`0ssi11g the road :1 few moments before the wheel 0111111, oft`>d the 111`iver to (1'1111i11- ish the speed c0nside1'abl_v, 01.1101`- wiso the z1ccide11t 111i,Lzht have 21.9311111- ed m11ch g1'eate1' proportions. Mr. Sha.11:1ha11 is :1 b1`0th01` 01' Jz11110s Sha11z1.l1:111. Bz11'1`ir.~. `;TWo CARS COLLIDE ' {on BRADFORD STREET BI'adf0x'(] street was the scone of :1 minor motm' nccitlent on Wednes- day afu-rnnon, when :1 car driven by Stanley I < -acock, Allzuldale, crashed into me side of VV. J. I`:-nun:-`Va (In I- L;mvei1's cur. .\h`. Crziven. who rvsides on Bimi- fnrd street, was i)z1ci his car out rrmn tho '-`. i1I`(l.`- .'f`. Hex had backed across the street and was turnin_L; to go north when ljeztcocic. also go- ing north. rammed the side of his car and demolished the front. right fender. Mr. Craven thought that the oncoming car would slow down till he had completely turned. On the other hand Peacock was at the opinion that Mr. `Craven would stop until he had gone by. Mrs. D. M. Stewart won the first ight handicap and Miss Liviugabon the second. ight handicaap In the weekly golaf match pliyed last '1`-1esd.a.y. l UL`-l\. visited her the Toronto I I week. I '\I.....-hall \Vt't`l\. .\Ia1'shal1 are Hospital, where n-nfinn: Homen`$at7urda.ys at 6 Char- lotte Street. SL111 u"cL_V U) 21 L` 2 George's . 1- . 99' 11 n 111 11:: lhUUt:| Games will and Thurs- word that n.-.` u\\ .- n O hu 5- G en- will 7U LU and O`\\'in.L: to lack of space the 11-.p0rt of the W.C.'l`.U. Cnn\'v.\nli0u lleld here this week, is hold over till nvxt week. -Mrs, 1-1. 0. 1 zu`tr1d_u'0, Collie-1' SL, has 1`ecei\'od word that an original story ccrntrillmtod by her to a. book of short stories has been mva.1`de(1 :1 $35 prize. The husiness he1'(~:l0l`nro lmown as J. J. Suit-1il'l'o & Sons has ubeu.x1 taken over by MI`. E. B. Sutc1il`1'e. and will be known in ulVuture as E. :B. Sut- cliffo & C0. Jack Scott was st1cco.=c in pass- ing all his (`\'-21t11il1:lli()11S in the fnml year in medicine at lmiversity or Toronto. A report to the contr;u`_v in last \\'(>e~k s .`\d\':u1L-e was incorrect, and the :\(1\`ance rc_:1'ets the error. Civil Engineer Ontario and Dominion Land Surveyor 133 Blake St. The Ladies` Aid of Central church e11tm't'.1ine(l the ladies 0 fthe 0011:30- rzation in the church p:1.1`10u1`s. .\ p1'0_:1':1mn10. followed by 1'0I`rc~sh- monts. made up :1 very en.io_\=a.h1e afternoon. An zlddress was de- 1i\'c-retl by Hrs. J. .-\. Lonnox. presi- ldon tot` the Barrie \V.C.T.U. \V. M. Cock-1u11`11 z1.tten(1e(1 a meet- ing at C1'0ss1:tnd 011 \V'<~d11es(1a_v evening when the formation of :1 .1-`u1'me1`s' C0-Opemti\'0 Club was dis- lcussed at length. ;\Ie1u-hers from the Sttttxtitlztfe C0-Op01'z1tivo Club ox- plzxittetl the workings and benets .\lEl}',[`[\'(} ;\.'.l` (.`l{0SSl,.-\Nl) ` derived from such an o1'ga11izz1ti011.\|" TO HOLD .l(')lN'l . vlI*}l`} l`l`.\'(i OI?` BO.~\l{D .-\ND MILK DEALERS At the Board of Health meeting ` on Tuesday Dr. Little advised the holding of a meeting of all the mill; dealers with the local Board to discuss the .question of a clean and safe milk supply. The other members thought such a meeting ad- visable and it will be held before` the next` Council meeting. CHIEF (`ASE (iI\'ES REPORT OF POLICE COl'I{ 1` CASES The report from Chief Case cover- ing police court cases for the past three months ending May 31, shows: Vagraiicy 2, Assault 4, Trespass 2, ` Attempted Suicide 1, 0.T..~\. 3,`Game and Fishery Act 1, Disorderly Con- duct 1. Tests made for proper weight of bread and coal were found satisfactory. The Chief re- commended that a. man be placed on ' duty in the park on band nights. Constable Rayner was commended for making the seizure of alcohol on .\Ia:' 9. BARBIE PRESBYTIGRIAI4 \\'..\I.S. .\1EE'1`SJ['XE 12-13 The tenth annual meeting of the Barrie Presbyterial Women's Mis- sionary Society will be held in St. Andrew s church, Barrie, on Thurs- day and Friday, June 12 and 13. On Tlnirsday at the morning and nftnvmnnn Ancainne rnnnrf: rs? tha LJLI Lllkll-Sud) ill. tilt: UIULHIHS uuu afternoon sessions reports of the various committees will be heard, and an address by .\Irs. J. D. Walk- er, Toronto. In the evening there will be a `public meeting, when Mrs. Taylor, a missionary from India, will speak. Friday will be devoted to new business and election of officers. Delegates will be present from the various auxiliaries through- out the Presbytery. SECOND .-\XNL'.~\L AT PARK LLOYD GEORGE, JUNE 71:11 Great preparations are `being made for the second anual celebration at Park Lloyd George, Lefroy, on Sat- urday, June 7. T`hn (".runn1iHn9 in nxwnpntiniz even lJ.I`(.lLl_V, June The Committee is enapecting even better than the first opening. A souven-ior for every man. woman and child, to honor the nreniory of the great British statesmannvill be given. There will the a four-piece orchestra on the grounds and a good iprogram of sports is being arranged `for. In the evening the grand opening of Mayower pavilion, Tent Cent. will take place. Dancing from 8.30 to 12 p.n1., with Bud Well's famous or- chestra. in attendance. Come to Park Lloyd George on Saturday and meet your friends. God Save the King. ALLISTON RINK WINS ` BOWLING TOURNEY the winning 1-ink at the .-Xllandale ` bowling tournzunent played on the local greens on Wednesday. Second place went to Oscar Barnha.rdt's Stuyx1c-1` quartette, while E. Green of Toronto and A. G. VVZURGX` 01' .-Hlundzxlo. finished third and fotlrlh respectively. rnL_ . \--I I W. F. Knight of Alliston skipped` ..,....A..l nan -|r\ ue-6 r\l'I Phone 623. n.,.;1n.\.u v \.. - . The tournament was the first oi` the season and for many of the bowlers it was the first time out. 'I`he .-\lliston rink was the only one to win all four gaiiies. This _;zu'<; them zt bonus of ?1 points, tnaking a. total 01. 51. The second p1zu*er;~' had 30, while Green obtained 28 and Walker 13. Bowlers from Allislon, Allaiitlale, Aurora, Ilarrie, Brzulll'or(l, Stayitt-1', I`o.ronto. Orangeville and New- mztrltet. were present. First prize, won by Messrs. Stewart, Scott and W. I~`.' Knight, skip, was four cut. glass. uses. V. J. Buchanan, A. Watson. Dr. Paterson and 0. Bwarnhardt, skin, of Stayner, were each a.wa.rd-. ed a. half dozen sherbet glasses. Mr-ssrs. Chas. Wilson. L. P-almer. G. Rogers and E. Green, sklip. of To- ronto, took third prize. four berry bowls. The fourth honors. four trays, went to a local rink, Bert Tlmvls. R. McBride. A. E. Patterson and A. G. .Wa.Lker. -..,~,._L._, _.__u._ 1.--`- __..n. 1.. u.-l nuu n. u. _vvu..-nu... , Eighteen rinks took part in the tourney. the success 0! which prom- ises a great season to tollow tor the bowlers. LOCALS The Northern Advance II \r.v..... .. __., .-\i`i'mi;;emen1s have been made to have :1 special speaker zuitli-ess the `Women and Girls Institute on July 19. The ineeiiiig will he held in the Lib1'z11'y Hall at 3 p.m., after \`vAhich a lunch picnic will he held in n- _.I. 19. `L119 llll`.LfL|xI`5 nu. ..\, ...,... which St. Vincent's Parlsz. The monthly meetinfz. was held on Tuesday last at the home or Mrs. T. R. I'IllXt{Ll)lG. F0111` (lole:.;':11ee| were Z1D1)0lIlt(`(1 `.0 attend the (list1'ict| metinzs; at Beeion on July 4. i nmmints fmm the lu.wn social] metmg at ueetuu Uu 0..., 1. ) Receipts fmnl social totalled $58.00. Expenses amount- ed to $26.00. $7.00 was given to `Powell's Melody Men and $25.00 to 13.01. Band to purchase instruments. A letter was received from the Red Gross asking the Institute to get Iin touch with a. Family just arrived in the County. The letter was re- ferred to the public health nurse. I`hn nannr: nn Poultrv Raising" the pubnc neauu nvurse. The papers on Poultry and A Cup of Cheer" were much appreciated. Some of the provenbs used in answering the roll calil are worth repeating. -Never let the mint you spilled saturate your hands," Never thinlk man -s orders can disperse radar Heaven's com- mands," Newer iudrge 9. braggart by the greahnes at his sword." ouuoou9090900009900oooooooooooooooooooooooooco ooooooooooooooooooooooo 26 Pairs Women's Kid and Patent 31 pairs Women s House Shoes. onestrapS1ipperSWithLOuiSHee1s, Salim I\"1r':lps um] smut-, (): .1 `.1708. in HS. lot g(5]]i1m.].(,g11|;1,._ sn_In(: with lmllu-1' In-r-ls. uml UHH'I'.'\' `ly :'1{_V`$`4.5() $;_)'.0Oi'm(1T$(i.75' ` \\'l1|1 I'IIl)l)m' In-(sis. Sm: 1}u-:~'.-. on :1 ,.___._ g- _-a ,____.. _..---u -x-\-rouuru A- r:1<'l<. H(`;_ _'lIl:lI' A. KIRKPATRICK General Merchant Grain - Seed - Coal ~ Real No Goods Charged i11 This Sale. 30 pairs Misses Patent One- Strap Slippers and Kid Ox- fords, odd .si'/ms in S(`\'()1':1l lines, but all. sizes in 1110 101`. ]h\_q`11I;11' $2.10, $2.25, $2.75 and $214.0. 39 prs. Women s and Grow- ing Girls Patent Oxfords, Patent Straps and Grey Suede Strap Shoes, made by Chums, tho 1nz11mafcturo1's of solid leather footwear. Selling Regularly at $6.00 and $6.50. 47 pairs Men s Black ` and Brown Boots. Somci have wide toes and others have na1'1'o\\' toes. Mostly all blucher cut. All sizes 6 to 10. "Regular $5.00, $5.50, $5.75 and $7.00. ,.,_- A. A A: .. --..:.. 37 pairs Menk. Black and Brown Boots. Some have wide toes and others are \ nzu-1'o\\', s0meb1uc11e1' cut. All sizes 6 to 10. Regular $4.00, $4.25, 4.50, $4.75 and $5.00. -I\- Juan J) 45 pairs Men s Astoria made Oxfords. Made from tho nost of calf leathers, Good- year welt solos. All sizes in the lof and some of the new- est styles this season. Black or Bro\\'n. Regular $7.25, $7.50, $7.75 and $8.50. 55 pairs Men's I-Ieavy Work Boots, with plain and tipped toes. Every pair right out of stock, but not all sizes in each line. To see these will c-om'inoo you of the value. Regular $4.25, $4.50 and $4.75. Sale Price a pair THE B. B. sum: STORE Opposite Bryson s Confectionery Sale Price a pair Estate - M0110): Vt`<`)- Loa Lefroy Ontario

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