Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Jun 1924, p. 3

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THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1924. UL llll_Z DlUl.\ \Il_ |J\l\l\ \, n|\u.u.\n\\;. S11p]m. ` _\'0111' hill \\'n.~' itmxizocl lows : _|\r \ ( n n - , \ \7 .. .\..\.. -.-..\..-. 1 ` L115 ;u - 111011111. '_l`o<-11r1;1'1n \\'21.\`]1i11fL`, (-leaning of \\' u(1- \\'01'k, (>112, for mm .n1m1h. "T0 s21\'i115;~,` bzx1))"s life \\'11<-11 S110 1)oca11ne ; ill in the 11ig'11t and it was 110(-(_n To 110.-11` \\'z1tm' quic-kl_\'. To all S01-\'i(-vs 1~ as above, $3.50. If it \\'e1'o p<'>s.-iblo. to r(>11do1' indi\'iduz11 bills on denite s01'\ i<'<>s pen-f01'1n(?(1 as above, this would be the 111051" poptur <`-mnp;111`\' in tm\'11. -- l`IIl.I\7K T71,` OVE 'l-- .3 ., . .-,. See that _\'u11 };'(*1 21 (:n])_\' nli` um` new lmukl<-1' "S11:;;:vs1iu11. H(,`]])Rl'd1l('(_` _\'n11r(ius Bill." BARREE GAS C0. Reliable Gas Ranges, $25.00 up (at (-o11\'011im11' 1(-rnls) Gas Fired Water Heaters, $25.00 installed (with n1'(1i11z1I')' <-m11u-t-1i Visit the Showrooms, 16 Owen St. or telephone 78. [SAVE TIME, LABOR AND MONEY ---Absolutely` Free---% .v >) "T0 (::11.`1'_\'i11_.(;` out 21.41105 fur mo m To <-;m'_\`ing in (-0211. and kindling 1'n1- one .v.\.\.\41. Name. Limited Every Boy and Girl Likes to Have a Kodak and Take Pictures Date. FREE 01' bring it to fol- `13I~;I`z_Ie_1i*:"";I"<) 1TT.*'1's PORT IN FIRST-0.B.A. GAME` U First Innings Port 1\I.cNico1-French singled, stole second and scored on ;\IcNa*bh s. double to left. ~1\IoNa-bb went out, xight elder to catcher. Davenpcrt lsingled, stole 'the `centre bag and came home on pit=cher s error on Robinson s `bid for :1 hit, R'o~binson reached third on second s error. Hanley flew to second and CF03`: went out second to first. `2 runs, 3 hits, 2 errors. T31`:-a-{n \...\`.-.x,1 nun T\n\r\:~nn mom- 1114.5, t'l'LUJ.b. Ba1'rio~-.\rn~old and Dobson afz1u- ned. D. Emms was safe at rst when short fumbled. He -advaxrcetl to third on Armstrong's crash through third and scored on :1 pass- ed ball. `Lynch whiffed. 1 run, 1 hit, 2 errors. ._.v\........ ........a.. Port McNico1--Woodhouse was thrown out at first after str-iking out. Clancy was Lu-rnod ilmck. third to first. HeI](1'I'iC1(S'0I1 swung at three. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. T 17n\nu~ nur On 6hvu-1 Du nun n I`l1I1S, U IIILS, U t`I'l'UI`. Bax-1'.ie-L. Emms flew to third. Clark .whi1'fed. `Lall-y -tripled is right and crossed the plate on Car- son's hit through short. aArnold hunted, but was `thrown out pitcher to first. 1 run, 2 hits, 0 errors. A KODAK FREE `IN. . choice l._\'nch - Clnrlc 1 4 runc 2 (Continued from page one) the second. but it -was not allowed. A summa1'y of the play by innings follows : v-q-,,, . v,,._ s__ __ Third Innings ` Port 4.\IoNico1---French wh.iff9.d.\ ;\IcNzxb~b went out second to rsm Davenport looked three over. 0 runs.! 0 hif: (`I nvrnr: LILLV &`.`ll\L|' 0 hits, Du nun HJ.L, U l:1'l`Ul. .Bz1rrie--Pi'Lche1' to first accounted for `Dolbson. and :D. Emms an-cl Arm- strong Iwere retired third to rst. 0 runs, 0 hits. 0 errors. 4 \J|.As u. .u.....:,.. Port r.\IcNico1-Ro-binson and Han- ley struck out. Cross ew to second. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. 1`)n.-.~:n Y.nn.nh y-nnnhnrl 4-hn i:n'Hn1 I`L1IlS, U IIILS, U Ul'l`Ul'.S. Barrie-Lynvch reached the initial sack when third threw -wide. L. Emms double to `centre helped him across the pan. Clark singled through short, putting Ennns on third. Lally scored Emms on a hit to second. Carson hit into 8. double play, pitcher to first to second. re- tiring Carson and Laliy. Clark scored on the play. Arnold singled 10 second. Doibson went out short to first. 3 runs, 4 hits, 1 error. Fifth Innings 'Po1't .\IcNico1---Woodhouse drop- ped a sa.fet_\' in left. eld. Left elder dropped Clancy's fly. Hend- riclcson hit to -pitcher, who f01`r`:=.d| Woodhouse at third. Emms `pulled the same s111nt again, forcing Clancy by makin: I`1`ench hit to him. MC-E Nuhb scored Hendrickson on :1 singlel to 11-11. I)uw11pu1't's double to cen- ltre `tallied French. `)ICNRbb went iout pitcher to catcher on Robinson's; lbid 1'01` 3. hit. 2 runs, 3 hits, 1 error. i Port .\Ic-.\'ico1--Han1e_v went out pitcher to first. Cross swung lustily tn. three. \Voodhouse went out short to rst. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. Barrie---La1ly let the third go by. I(`.:11'.'~',OI] was ,t'.11`11o:1 back pitcher to }l"n'sI. ;\I'I101(1 ew to left e-}d., x n v`vIr\:` n nun n /-\vunr\u~ I Seventh Innings $ Port .\IcNic01~- went out =oc-011d Io :"n': I~{em11'ickso11 s\\'un:.: In vain. Ix'ench reachecl first on I $310115 error and stole second. 310-` Nz1.~bh new to right eld. 0 I`nns',| H hhe 1 or!-nv Here is an 0pp01'tuni cy to get .1 genuine No. 2 I-IAVVKE-EYE CAMERA i Port 4\Ic-.I\'EcoI-Dave11po1`Lsingled] `to right. Iobinson walketl. Dz1\'en- port attempted Io steal third 212.1 :1`-rn-nu] .\x'hnn lhiy-:1 I`-1i1r.u'| in `n `:1 IU 'blL'(l1 tllllll ilu'\.l third failed to hr.-2:, catcher. Hzlnley and 1 run. 1 hit, 1 (>1'r01'. smashed a one- }l)a:;'er to centre eld and stole sc-:rmd. Carson struck out. Arnold doubled to left tallying Lz111,\', and continued to third when `socond `failed to hold pitcher's attempt 10 Epic]: him off the ke_\'.'~'Ione sack. Dobson `fanned and D. Emms `em ,out pitcher to rst. 1 run, 2 hits, 1 '1 Dl`l`I\l` EIIUI L (ll|.\:`lIl|)lt`U 1: .\\'he11 `xthxmv from Q Cmss whiptl. } B:u`rie--La1l_\' u w. .`.......Du Port .\IcNico1--\V00dhouse was {out pitchx-1' lo rst. Clancy xfanned 1, and Irlmnlriclcson made the third nut, `pitcher to Iirst. 0 runs, 0 hiLs, fl nu-1-nvu 1 I llI1)||L' :p1:11e. wand wythe bases. 1:uu LI. Port .\Ic~Nic01-I<`x'ench 21), M ,-Nah!) H), D'.1\'-n.p01't cl`, Robinson Hnnley 3`1'd, C1'0:~'s NT, `\V00 s }C1unc_\' 1). I-Imxdrickson 11'. I'mp'n'o --.*`~pe:11'n. I oneIan_s:, at t} 'n1sn1n and `V [ivinrvutnnn Tlnu-I-`.r\ r 1 lk`b|lll'.`Ul. 1'4. \\`. J)L`iL|l_\ UL LIH` C.P.P.. made 1110 z111n0unc(>me11`. in "\'ancou\'e1' last week that his com- n...n- 11- II-1l'II'I'v'\:r I\r\ \'\\1-AN?!-n`:r\I\(` .~u\1II-L. Illlt \\l}llI\l Hlljltilhb Llll.` utt`1c`i(:ttr-_\- mt` the mud. The import- tnnce of \':mcouve1' as an outlet for `the Dt`O(]l1CLS of the Nm'thwest/ is inc1'ensin:.r and the electriftczuion tht'0u_;h the mountains will ho the answer of the C.P.R. to the tower grade of the C.N.R. in competition for tratc. Alb, J I:`llUl. I3z1rrie-D0bson singled to centre! ml stole second. D. Emms =1`011]t-(1 111 to cvzxlclxer. Ar1nst1`011g s,i11g1ed' \ 1ni'n I x-unh 111-I\v\r\n./1 n +.-n-..:- unn_\ 1.5 \'.u._\u1j.,' Ull uJ\\:.3n_`_j,ilLn; : loulzing to 01-ct.1`iJ1c:1tion t]1mu:.;h the muunzuinz. Tlw cl\z1n,:e from sieauu to 0Iecl1'ic.Zt_\' would not only be :1 ' but would inC1'ez1se the 01' the nnnn n|' \r'nnnnn1-nu an nu nnG1n} Fau- \; llUlb. Score by Innings: Complete i11st1'ucti0ns 011 how to operate the camera also free. Presi dent `l) I ) \\u.\1]r\ 1111` 1 L U a .\ICNi(`O1..2 0 0 0 5 UL 14`. 1 `lwing polnrl n u hits, UH` .\l'L'lHlLl. LJ. ILHHIIS `xuuwu I_.'11c11 dropped :1 toxzxs 1' behind third lh'.1.t went for uses. Dohson ssco-red on the \ 1 :.\.unnn- :Inr\v\nr` nu f`.n\.E .~`r~ \l HULU. 0 hits, Second `Innings \r..\Y:..._1 117..,..11..... Fourth Innings ..1u:....1 n-|.:_--.. `ghth Ixlnings Sixth Innings `nth Innings 1-41 11-vA-,n. VVC \\'a11t a large number of boys and girls to take advantage of this offer. It is open to any boy or girl in the C011nt_\'. UH}; DUUIUU _UH HUJHLI -: Emms snmsll to short, thrown 0111 at third. :1 long fly to left. 2 (1 nun-no-:< The Northern Advance tang, the , I3a1'ric. on Maurice Alexander was asse`sse.1l $10 and costs. $16 in all, in Mon- day s police court by -l\Ia.gistrate Jeff-s on a charge of keeping unclean premises. .~\le.\'ander pleaded ;-.:nilt_\ on Monday atiter the case had been adjourned for a week that he might have an opportunity to clean up. Before the defendant pleaded guilty. Alex. Cowan, who acted for hlllll. asked that a further a.djourm`nenIt be granted, as one week was in- sufficient to effect a radical change. J. R. Boys, for the prosecution, con- tended that the defendant had been given a month prior to the laying of the information in which to dis- pose of his junk, but that he had not done so. He re.1`used to consent to an adjournment. Accordingly Alexander was ned. Annlnnu nhnu-n-n nr` lynnninzv his .`\1C.\d.llutfl Wdb Llllltu. Another clmrge of keeping his premises in an unsanitary condition I was withdranvn. I .\I. ;\LEX;\NDER- F`I.\'ED FOR KEEPING l'.\'CLE:\N. IPR-EDIISESI .. nu... . ..`_..=, V June 9-Y.M.C.A. vs. `Bamcas. 12--Triuity vs. Mzxrys. 16-Cen-Lral vs. St. Andrews. 19-Y.<.\I.C.A. vs. T1%ini`t_v. I 23-Baraca.s vs. Central. 26-St. Marys vs. St. Andrews. 30-Trini`ty vs. Centval. July 3-Y.M.C.A. vs. St. _\Ia.rys. ` 7-Baracae vs. St. Andrews. : 10-Y.M.C.A. vs. Central.*iLy vs. St. Andrews. 17--Ba.ra,ca.s vs. St. L\Iar,vs. 21-Y.M.C.A. vs St. Andrews 24-BaraczLs vs. Trinity. I 28-St. Marys vs. Central. 1.`_____n_ v _- __,- l J wne July S.S`. B.~\SEB;\LL SCI-l'EDI.'Ll Fill in this coupon and mail The N01"'r11e1-11 Adv-a11ce at once : .. .......,v. v... \I Juvenile League 310--Baracas rvs. Y.M.C.A. 13--St. Andmews vs. Trinity. 17--St. Marys vs. Baracas. \{AJ .4. un- 20-Y..\I.C.A. vs. St. Andrews. 24-T1`.init:_v vs. St. JI-ar}"s. 27--Baracas vs St. Andrews. 4--Y.M.C.A. vs. 'I`r.init_v. 8-St. Marys VS. St. Andrews. 11-Baracas vs. Trinity. 15--Y.=M.C.A. `VS. St. `Marys. I*Iu11d1'0ds of satised custolners took our ad\'i.c-0 to come 0211']._\' and often. Mnn_v who were here em'1_\' Sa r1n'(1a_\' m01'11i11g 11am since been daily c11s-` 1'<>1-nm-.<, and also bm11g11t along 11oig11bm11's and friellds to Shi11'C in the W011- dm-ful c>f`fe1'i1'1p:s. Lines 1`1121`r 11;1Vc been sold out are 1'(`p1:1(-(_-d on thv rm-ks with oven b01`t'0r o`fo1'i11g`s. Pleasant . `L`.\` :11` (`\'(`1`_\' t1u'n; o\'01'_\' m'1`i(r1e o r'f0r<>(1 <-en-vies our gum*2111tec as to Value and sm'\'i<-0. .?mn(>n1l;)(-1' 1mt`11ing` is `H-sm'\'(~d. E\'(`1'_\' ;11'1'i(`-lo. in 0111`S1'0'l'0 (l)u1`D1'. Sc-11ol].'s ]V)01 C`mnfm`t _A\])]liz111<'(T-.s) :11 1'vd11 ]n'i(-es. Women s Kid and Patent Pumps, original mhles up to $6.00 and $7.00 :1 pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .990 a pair Men s Brown Canvas Boots, 10311101` sh'21ppi11g', 10211'h(?l' solos . .$1.99 a pair Women s White Canvas Boots, some 11:1\'0 ]ent11m- s<)10s . . . . . . .69c a pair Blachford, Hartt, Slater Shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .all at big reductions Boys and Youths Canvas Boots, lmtlwr sok-s, ]<);1t]1m' st1';1])])i11; Q1 10 9 hair Junior League V NY!` A -u.-. now CHANGE IN BUSINESS SALE Continues At Ca_rey-I'Iurl:b_u1_`_t S!1_oeACo. Tennis an Guting Shoes `All First Quality Goods Chi1d s White Tennis Joots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boys White Tennis Boots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ Wome11 s White Tennis Boots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Wo1nen s Bowling Oxfords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ Misses Yachting Oxfords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ Youths Tan Tennis Boots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ Youths Tan Tennis Oxfords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ Boys Tan Tennis Boots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ Boys Tan Tennis Oxfords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..& Men s Tan Tennis Boots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9; Men s Tan Tennis Oxfords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3, Carey-Huriburt Shae Co. 33-35 Dunlap St. A11 accounts due Hurlburt Shoe Co. are payable to Carey-Hurlburt ShoeCo., and all interested will kindly call and make settlement. F. I-I. HURLBURT. Successors to Hurlburt Shoe Co. The N0.1'tl1m'11 .- \(1va11c-0, Box 751, 13:11`)-'10. Send pa1"ricu1u1's about your free offer of Hawke-Eyc Ca11101'a1 to cutive of the Vi`Ct0I'iil11 Order of Nurses was held on Monday night. The report of Miss `Laycock showed `J. `busy month, 250 -visits having been made. The receipts from her calls showed `inrprovement over the previous -month. The secretary- tre~asurer s report showed that about $600 had been raised my the can- vassers, which is ahead of last. year. At present there is u, tbalunce of` l I The monthly meeting of the Exe-l $140 on hand, and the $300 voted by the town council has not yet been received. A committee coni- posed of `Mrs. Knight, Miss `Booth and Mrs. Devlin. was named to de- vise_M'z1ys and me-ans 01' raising mone-V to carry on the work. ru ,._.____._ 1-,._ Miss Stevenson, supervisor Ontario of the Victorian Order of Nurses. who was in Barrie on he-r oilicial visit, was at the meeting and gave a most helpful address on the work of the order. She stressed particularly the great strides made in the way of education along health lines and the demand for social nursing. The V.O.N. were among the first to inaugurate special training for this class of nursing. There .is so much health teaching and changes -come so quickly that Miss Stevenson felt that the Lime was coming when there would not be any need for Ibedside nursing. VVith the enlightenment of the people dis- eases -were dgving out. `Doctors now were rpaying more attention to we vention of diseases and '.preserving physically and mentally. The com-I mnnity nurse plays an iniportant part in this work, as you can't sep~ar~ ate educational work from nursing. The nurse -going into the home will leave some impression along health lines that will be `adapted in that home. -A few years ago attention was given principally to school children, then it was found that to get at the root the smaller children in the home had to he looked after, and now it is :found that pre-natal attention is of most vital importance. Even the care of the teeth of the mother has for EXE(`L"'l`l\'Ia` OF V.O.N. HEARS ADDRIESS BY SL'I El{\'ISOR (Founded 1851) Published every Thursday morn- Lng at the oiice, 123 Dunlop Street. Barrie. Subscription $1.50 per year in Canada and Great Britain, $2.00 In United States. Subscriptions payable in advance. Advertising rates on application. Morrison & McKenzie, Publishers. l Glhriinrthvrnfshanrr an `important bearing on the child that she `Will Ibear. .... . n n, , ___._....._.:A.. .........-. suns. unnv nu. v-nu... % The value of the nurse to the town or district was empha- sized and the whole communitvy should -be interested and hebp to bear the expense. Miss Stevenson stated that it had been found by actual e.\'per.ie11ce that the average cost per visit of the nurse was about $1.00. .1._..:..... Art... Clnvvnncnn maid .pL.UU. In closing -Miss Stevenson rpaid high tx`i`bute to the work that Miss Laycock was doing in Barrie along education health lines. It rwas a. work that could not be estimated in dollars and cents. A. \V. Goodfellow \V. S. Cooper Cook with Gas 3 THURSDAY, J UNE ..99c .$1.29 89c .$1.59 .$1.45 .$1.39 .$1.29 .$1.49 .$1.39 .$1.79 .$1.65 Tf`if19 a pair Page Three 5, 1924 A gjas bill <-um`z1ininQ' mlly the n}(,`1'(.`l` M-:1din;;'.< and to1'ul.\' 0|, zunm1m.x' (.1110, (luvs not tell half of the sto1'_\' of "Sm'\'i<-0 Rm1(1m-0d." rw ' , N ,, 1.111 :.,.\...:..,\,1 L'.\1

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