Page Eight ..v.--u. aAJ.'4\.I.V an-u .lJl4\J4l.lI."l4VL Eie Maibel, beloved wife of Leon- ard Bloxharm, lot 15, concession 11, Inn-istil, passed away at the Royal Victoria. Hospital on Sunday last, ;\Iay`4, following a. stroke. De- ceased was bo-rn .in England 46 years ago, and was the dzmghiter of the lzute Mr. and Mrs. Wigg. Oro township. With her parents she came to Canada 38 years ago, set- tling vst at Z\Ii.1Jton and then n10v mg to Oro, where deceased lived, still l1e1*1m1i`1'iage to 311'. B1o.\'hz1m in `1921. She was of a quiet and 1111- ";~:11n1inz L-h:u`zictPr, nlw.'i_\'s rr>zul_\' I0 E `0.`(.f.(`lld 21 }10Ipin_-.: hand. She was :4 mr>.mhm' nf Hm T~`:lm2~ rnnurnr---1-. l:.`n:LCllu it ubxpulg uuuu. Due W215 ya member of the Edgru` Con.:1'e_&,*z_1-__ jtionul church till her 1nzu'1'ia:.;e, at`- itm` which she bv:-came :1 member of }H'011_v .\IoIhm1i. church, of xvhvich .\I1'. B10.\'1mn1 is s:em'eIz\1'_\'. Besides hm` husbzmd. (`.or*euso`-(1 is su1'\'i\'ed by three stop<-hildren. Mrs. Roy {I":`1.L'llF()I1, .:21rrio; Chas. B10.\'hz1n1, I'I`0ront0, and Reubr-n at home; also Erour brothers and four sisters, `}I{M'I)m'I \\'i_'_':'. i11 En_;lz111(1; Sidney and Car] of Orillia. 1 e1'c_\' 01` Hu\\ luL `.=:Irn1<". .\Ir.~:. J. Im'niss of 1`ho1'o1d` ivlslumi. .\I1's. Jns. 3121:4011, 01' Allan- ;rI:L1e, .\I1'.=. Elliott 0-1' Tnromo and !.\Ir;~'. 1-`. Dz1r:s;}121\\' of V'anc0u\'er. Her nxnlhnv mm: ,...1.- +...,. ...,....u.... ,.,,,. G R .-\ I-I .\ M; Clarens Anu- \ `SIIORTR~EED-.~\t the rosideiace of I he-1' d:1ug'ht01`, 100 St. Leonard's } .-\ve., Tomnto, 0:1 L\I0n(lay, .\Iz1_\' 5, ; Caroline Gilrie Widow of the late | John Shortroed I-Iillstmle. Ont. IWORTLI`-2Y--.\.t Shanty Bay, on | Fx'i(1:1y, Z\I:1_\' 2, 1924, Henry } \\'01't1-3', (1_'.; r-(1 73 _\'0:\r.<. The fun- eral took place on I.`uosdu3'. Th- 5 x<,1'1n0nt, at St. Tho-mus cen10.te:'y. 5BLOXH.\.\I-~-.\t the R.\'. Ilospitnl, i n:H`I'ir1 nn .\`nn:Inv \Inv .1 1rm .\l.\RRl.-\GES I I .\Ic]-`.\\'I:`,N-~~COLQ1'HOUN-~-On Mon- ` day, .\In_\' by Rev. \V. J. \\'z1tt, Joseph I-Iom',\' .\IcIC\ven to Mar- ] g:n'o: .\I_\'1'I1u Colquhoun. ....r. 1.1.9`), blllltillllll .\l(.'l` ninetieth _\'oz11'. 1<`11ne1': day to I\'1mx cenmtexgv. .\fRS. LEONARD BLOXHAJI Hm- xv-,u,.u 1 ` A. Lowe Son have EL full of S-ta.un=ton s Sen1i-T1aim111ed Paper. LOCALS Wa.nted-At once. general servant. Phone Mrs. Earllshmw, Czunp B01`- den. p-nices on Congoleum and Rugs at W. A. Lowe & the next week. ])l*}.\'l`HS '.\l. lllU l\..V`. Sunday. May :0! , 1) 0.] ovml V. Bloxham, Nu nu:-n1 nu \\'r The N onthern Advance Barrie Bus Service` TO OUR PA"1`RO;\ :S: I VVe, the proprietors of the ;\fa.r- I shall and Himtmble Bus Services,j have agreed that it would be 1111- l protable for to continue both ser- * vuicos ,owin:g to the increased taxes I and liabilities than; are being placed upon all bus owners by the High- ` ways Depzurtinent. We also agree that the tariff should be raised to 10c each way, bust in order Ito lrighlten the burden on those who use the bins two or three times per day We will sell f-our one-wny tickets for 2I5c. We also are agreed that the service can be improved by be- ing controlled by one person, there fore, in future the bus business will be operated and known as H`uxt.a.'b1e s Bus Senvice, and will make the round `trip every 15 minutes, but during rush hours we expect to give 9. 7% minute service. The: nnw fznri willl `hp .'rm.f in nnm-- I8 [1 IllU.1`U.Le SBFV LUE. - The new tariff will be put in oper- ation on Monday morning, May 12, 19.24. AH 11.11:: can-vinn lint-nip vu-uw in 13-45. All bus service tickets now in cincuslation for ebther line will be honored up to and inchuding May 16, 1924. Aeter that nothing but our new style tickets will be recon- ized. MARSHALL BROS. T. R. HUXTABLE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up till twelve o'clock noon or `I-`1'i(lay, .\Iay 16th, for the pur(:.hz1se of the pmperty owned by the town, and situated on the east side of Clapperton Street. hutxveen Collier Rtret and \\'m'.sl0_\' Street, and being composed 01`: rm-_-q+__rnh.\ T\'nv-H\nv~1\- 1.~,....- ~.2m1.~ Wan-tot! to Ren`t---Mediu1n sized house with c0n\ onie11('es. centrally located. Apply .\d\'ance, Box C. DIICUL, xlllll lJUll1j5', l.'LHllpU>l.`(l UL . Fi1'st- 1`he I\'o1'ther1,\' Foul` Rpds of Lots Nuluhers Sixty-Sevell andr Six`1_\'~EiLrm. 011 the North side of Collier Street in the said town 01' Bz11'1'ie. n.cc0rd1'n;: to Rc-xqistmwl Plzm ;\'umb`-1' 2, h21Vin_; :1. L'1`0n111}:e; of four rods on Ch1np01't011 Sl1'o(xI n\\r1 `sun in :v 'E`.. mi nu-1w nu nu nun.` 2, Street! and 1'um1in_<.: E:1ste1'1y on an even` xvidth to the E39103!) hm1ndzu*,\' of `said Lot Sixt_\'-Iiigqht. and, Second-Th0 Somhexwly Thirty ]"( (}t 0!` Lots Numuhc-rs M110 and Ton. (e.\wiondin_: I']21ste1'1,\' frmn C1u`ppm'mn S`t`1'et tn the Ens!er1_\' hm1mh1I'_\' n!` said Lot .\'umhe1' Nine) on the South side 0-!` \\ ors1o_v Streo! in tho! ,sni(1 Town of ]3zLr1-in. ncc`0rdin_; lol Re_:is1m'c= Plan Number 1.4.`-`.. mi... 1.:,..1.,..+ .... ...... s-..,1-.. ....4| `utlllll. L\.'\;U1ulu;; [U J\.r`_gA.3LL'l\"lIK lDllll\I.l'J '.'ll.\l-`|I.I'Jl\l.lIA ` .\SSO(.`vl.r\'l.'ION Ml-1l v AL the closing soss-ion for the 31-211` of H10 Ijurrio .\Ii11iste1'iu1 .-Xss3n:iz\`.i011 held on May 5, the f011o\\'in,L; resol- ution by Rev. \\'. I-Iipkm and Rev. D1`. .\IL-Dougztl was 1u1u11`i1'ousl,\' puss-i n ' UU. . Than! We place on rocord our np~I preciulion of the eicient 11111111101` in which during his year of 0ir_'c+ the Rev. E. T. ])0ugIus has p1'esi le(l over this Association. ' We also wish to e.\ipz'oss to him! our sincere 1'er.:reL that xve ave so! nrxruvm GA `r\rvt\ LI. F - . . u .1 1\|vvI v \lL'l7. .`\llll Lllxl be vouchsufed true success. o.'........1 5.. I. \`\ . U2 l'_\ . . . . . . T. Villiers ..... H. A. (`.ood\\`in C. Saso I\,\.'_`-'~lh|l"l\`ll 1 lilll k\llIIl|!U. I1). The }1i:._:hest or any tender not m~r.-es.<:1ri1_\' accepted. Dzuod at Barrie this 8111 day 01' May, 1924. I `I! L'-..:4I. nu ..... _. r1....I_ bH.\lU{ll`l MlI\'l!~`'l`l~}Hl.\ I. I\_'p`l\l`I \'I`I'A W. Cx'rn-'sl:1I1(1 Ii. \Vi11i:1ms '1'. Rogers Dr. Ro_:m's W Urrv 7 `VH1 Town Lot on Clapperton Street for Sale Corsetiero for Spirella Corsets tor Bm'1'io and Allzmdnle 1 Home Saturdays at 6 Char- lotte Street. |lII7 DLlUk'l"hh. Signed on hoh: \x' V BAR]: 1-.` May 7111. `Z Smith, ',[`m\'n Clerk. \ 1:11!` 01' VI` 13:: n LU ll|l` Ozlllh, `Z 1. I ` ` J I .... 9.9.... `QM 9QQ. 9Q.~ 09... 9Q... $9..` q M U1\.JJ.`L.l, -u'.~x1 11, 1341, {IL J..a5U p.m. the northwest q1ua1'ter of Lot Nu.111be1' 1"0u1`tee11 in the Eighth Concession of the Township of Oro-,| conIz1i11in:.; :30 acres, more 01' less. v Terms: 10% on day of sale and bzllance within 30 (1`zL_\'s. }`111'Ihe1~ terms and comlitioyas will he made 1cnu\\*n at the lime or sztlef 101' in the mozmL`~111e upon z1.pp1icuI.i0ni IO There will be offered for sale by W. A. McConkey, .-Xuctioneer, at the \Ve1lingt.on Hotel, Ba.1'rie, on SAT- URDAY, MAY 17, 1924, at 1.30 nm Hun nnI'H1\\'x:>af nn-n-+m- no` Tno } Rev. E. Ctossley I-Iunter, of No'1'Ih D:1_\', who prvached a11ni\'e1'szu:v ser- |\'iCC'S at Collie-1' St. .\IeLh0disL church Ion Sunday last, has ac-.ce.ptod an in-] vitation 10 the pztstorate of Cz11'1eI.0nl SI. Methodist church, Toronto. 1 vO69O6O060OO6OOO6O6OOO6OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI 3 x Highest prices for good ciualityl Phone 322 M. Alexander, 142 Bradford St. In the Township of Oro. in the County of Simcoe. AD.\IINIS I`RATOR'S SALE OF . FARJI PROPERTY Fuy Quaran- teed The New Model Peerless Carpet Sweeper Wonderful Bargain $3.49 No Home can be without one On Sale Saturday, May 10 18 Elizabeth St. Next Wellington Hotel BARRIE .\("(`l`]l"l`S .l'()l`.().\"1`O CALL .;.u . |\4' `nun: nv. .S0l,icit.01' for the ;\(1lllil'1iS(l`1lLUl'. DunC.'u1 1". )lc('l1ui;:. li:u'1'ie, Onlurin. .`.\.. .._. ...,,,. 3 . . 4 Onmario and Dominion Surveyor 133 Blake St. HARDWARE (IL .L.I)U 2 Eighth} 1-less. I @NGoLEUM | U0Lu_oeaL | . I I /`1RT:RUG:S I ( 'I\I-I-URSDAY MARCH 8, 1924 LC__}old_ Seal J1 _V `J-" - ' J BARGAIN PRICES May 8*h-17*h Only Cenuine,C{1aran- teed, Advertised Gold Seal Con- goleum Rugs. SARJEXNT 85 KING, Limit Fuy Guaran- teed Bread - Buns Cakes When you eat our Baking you get the very best. The whole family will enjoy it; .5: Phone 623. Tenders will be received by `the undersigned up to Wednesday, the 14th day of May, 1924. at 12 o'clock noon, for the following supply of coal to be delivered at the Court; House, Gaol and Registry Ofce,i Barrie, estimated as follows: Court? House, about 90 tons of soft coal` (best quality); Gaol, about 70 tons` of stove and 10 tons of nut coz1l;] Reyzistry Olce, (regg and nut) in such qum1Iitios as will be 1~oq11i:'r,>tl All tentlors to be ssealetl and ad- Llressed to - HlLL S BAKERY For `Sa1e-Gene1'al punpose horse. A ubangain. Apply 48' Buyeld St. ' Once tried --- always used; Mmn1|`:u-11m~d in Iim-riw by D A V I E S Perfection Ice Cream All orders given prompt attention The Cream of Quality ' Rent--Three rooms, and a. gar- Aapuplxy 36 Bradford St., Barrie. Sa1e---P`ord Touring Car for 35. Apply Lowe's Furniture 0 r` 1 37 Dunlop St. .-\. ll. \\'ils0n, (`IL (I`m1nt_\' l rnp0rt_\' (`mn.. Anlvn _\lill.~` l .()., ll..Vl.D. Nu. ]. 'l |mm~.<--5I:1 liosidmu-(~ 27 42; 4 3). Store. WANTED MISS WILLERS Live Poultry TENDERS FOR COAL DAVIE BROS. FOR SALE WANTED Civil Engineer L. R. ORD USE For Sa1e--Studebaker touring car. in rst-class shmpe, 1919 model. Apply E. Bolton,` 113 Owen phnnn K77 *`:1v1m*_\' .\.\.. 01' A )`)(; Fis Hll.`lH.'L`IIH,`I1l 1! M01159. 1 The annnn {terly Bnnrrl 71 day ni_ On Tue Hall was 1 I'r\II-v\ .. V\t`r\ Mr. G. .\Ii1es of in town this week. \I.. YYA1-V Dn--l';I1n [Ll LU\\'ll LUIS \\L`Ul\. Mr. Ben Perkins of 1-Iwmilton was in town on Tuesda_\` looking-up old fvrieuds. lnn rnnunlc.unn nn T innlnnvn rneuus. N For Congoleum and Linoleum` Rugs see W. A. Lowe 6; Son. Spec- ial prices for one week only. \h- Jnq Plnnr nf than 'I`m`mLtn I~`irP lill pl'lL'B5 lUI' uuu wculx Uu`1_\. M1`. .103. Plant of the Toronto Fire Dept. at the Lundsdowne Fire Hall, motored up for a. week end visit with relatives here. Tu'1.01n \r...w.....;o Finn-fnnv Aanuhwnr VVanted-E.\'perienced st011oy:ra.pl1e1" and bookkeeper. A.'p1)1y. stating ex- perience nnd qualicmtious, to Dept. of Agricu1tu1'e, Barrie. \\'lI.l1 l'L`l'd.Ll\BS 118115. Ijitrtle Murgui-et GzLI'tner, daughuter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Gartnei`, Cenrtlre SL, who was operated upon for up- pendicitis last week, is doing nicely. \r.. n wrnrnub I\c Vn.-,.n.4n namnn nn y....u..-.~--.. ........ ........, .. ...,...:, .... -._,. Mr. R. Moffitt of Toronto came up from the city on SE1;t1lX`d'a,_V might and is spending :1 few days at `the home of his dallglnter, .\I:`s. J. .\IcMillin, I-I0l:.;ate St. `I,, vnv r|-:.) ,,_L,. L... ....L L.-- .;;.un_-,uu_~ wt- ;\Ir. W . Reid, who has not been improvin-_; as he should since his accident in Jzmuary, was taken to Ii01'onIt0 on \Vednesda,\' for a con- sullatioxi with there. .\I1's. J. O. Bennion. who with her limle son Jack has been spendinig the win`ter' in Engizuul, arrived home on Tuesdm , hzwiiig sailed on the White Star Dom-inion lined Doric. -. an 1-\ n Mr. Thos. Bell, a. popullar employee in the ofce of the .VIo.tive Power Dept. of the C.N.R., who left for Los .~\n:.reles about two weeks ago becatlse of ill health, is doing nwicesl-_v. r\.. \,r,._. .1..-. A1... r1 `M n c....L...I1 I_\l)llH_'5' [JUUIH 19d 21 \'m'}' ititlc -rl Dad n0' fhn Inn. u\.\..,uu\ \ll. .4. u-,uu..., Au -4.; u`.u\.._-. On Monday the C.N.R. football team had a. good crowd out to prac- tise in prepa1'ati011 for the rst game of the season, which takes place on May 17 against Hzunilton, in Bar- rle. \r,_ ya r~ _,,u,, 1,,, u,_,, . Aw: Mr. F. Cornish, who has been spending the past month at 'I`z11`pon Springs, Fla., returlied fI`0I1l the south on 'I`uesda_v night. Mrs. Corn- ish is 1'em=aining for a while tut that popular F0501`-t. n_. n1....-.a.... 1r..- YT xr 1w1._L..1._... ,y.,`....... ..vuv... On Tuesday Mrs. H. M. Fletcher and Mrs. F. .-xnderson, with her lhttle 5011 .\I111'ra,v, motored up from To- ronto and were the guests of .\I.~r. and Hrs. W . W . Humph1'e_\', Burton Ave., till SaLurd~a.,v. ' . ~,.-x 1-11` 1 .. .. .-- ..., nu u..ou.uw_v . Ethel .\IcQuade, little daughter of 111'. and .\Irs. C. .\IcQuzLde, Caroline St., who has been lwid up with an attack of appendicitis for over a week, was taken to the R.V. Hospi- tal on Monday and is in a serious condition. I "' ' On Saturday night during the heavy rainstorm a Ford light truck, driven by a Toronto agent and in `transit to Powasson, while .tu~I`nimg the curve on Burton Ave., opposite Grenville St., side-Iswviped a. Ford sedan belonging to a party from Belle Ewart. Both cars had the mud guards badly bent and the truck had a twisted axle. For at 1'0 : Essa. St. Rresbytterian Church On Friday night a. very interest- ing debate was held in the school- room of the church under the aus- pices of the Ptioneer Tuxis Square. The subject chosen was a very 1-ive one. resolved that all emigramts fram Europe and other countries, with the exception of Great Britain and the U.S.;\., should be excluded for the term of ten years. For the afrnmtive a good ght was put up by George Seymour. George .\IcMi1- lin and Leslie Hedger, and the nega- ` tive was taken by Stanley Taylor and Charlie \V1`1k`l' of Burton Ave. .\letho(1i.=tt .'~`qttare. .\s .\l4ber.t :9-i-.D1lOllS0l1, the secontl speaker fox" `the ne.:n,tive. was unable to be pros-N out. the othwr two were alloted ve minutrx: each in his stead. .'\`on1e tx\`r-<=l:ls'nt pupm:~' were given by both =~:flr-. but in the rvpinirm oil that , iutlzs-:-'. .\I(a~'Fl'>`. l-`. Dnl). E. \\'llil}- tlrr>:ul and 1-2. l {L`"lll`ll.`<, the :-.1m11 ;I'r:r lltr: 114-;':tti\'u lmtl S=ll;TlllL\ the lu-t1"t` ml" the :1 uw: ml ll 1 1 r. Ann: n _"llIllf'll7 llllll \\'L`!' i On S`unda}' I1101`I1i11Lj` zXiOI1 and r'omn11mi(\n `held for t\ve1\'r> new mt Iwith the church. .\ H1o1'tatim1 from the 1 T7nvIl u'..+,.1. ..,\ ,...... \uuALul,AUu Hun: LHU zutuuuuuuu UL `Paul \\'z1.tch ye. slaml 1`asI._ in the faith, quit you like men. be st1`0ng,i rwas delivered by the pastor Rev. S.` 131. Br.-:1c11, and at the concluding V 1 I com1n11'ni0n service zubout one hun- dred parmok 01.` the s;1':1'ed emb1en1s} of the holy sac1'amen`t. J The x'e:.:11Iar meeting of the Young! I e(;p1e`s LF.*19,`11C` was wi`th(h'a.\\'n on! i.\I0nrla_\' nigh-I because of the Com-` u.n.\,.-.\..\... r -. u, , ll.\ll{ ltxlilllllul` ElH`l`il when she ca I came simply she entered : \Iv huh- ru1|I:nUIil|L` `\ testified thz Im the hair ` Mrs. Brown The (Ir-fe 6.-. oL..L xv... DIIU Ul|lUlt'll : .\I_v hair is ruined. Can you people do l1L\'lhili:` to help mo ? I think I will have to shave my head land xvonr :1 truI1s1'om1z1Lion. llll lilll l1"illl\L` Xldl. of 'H`_ l11)1 u\\'a1'(1ed the decision. ALLANDALE JIH` an... that nppuy . Phone 577. Burton Ave. Methodist ,___, . . 'l'l'l{.\'h` |ll IL'Hl' .\I 1'5. :11 ma -1: n nu LLIIIILTKI 1MH`l\ nut 10:` nr>z1rly bald. :d Llm pr)st`ponc-.m Fnr l'n'|n\' vnnn _ `L\K.lulH\`:H`L. 6 Mar Ymmg} r-a2'm:~ on! zht Com- I~2xr;1'ci.'~:c-s at the Opera rl hm` . and 1t. bei`0x'r.> the ulloqed xisiti (1ros. ostab1i:s11ment' 1 had bmultiftll 1011,: hair. nro of the Ozilvie Sisters 5. Brown had in some 'o:1d_v ruined her hair came to them, and she y for advice, saying when 1 : `H 3 1,: Calla ~ PICK ['.\'l)l'Il: l`l{l'I.\'l`.\ll'I.\"l.`I .\I1Q 1iCilI1 Church vizht Ihr- _\Ir:n1o1`ia1 L0 r:npz1ciI_v when the Sha11I.y Bay DI``S0l1[- `ruining p1ayIeten- umlur the auspicesl \ 1 .\ F0 rt \Vi1vL'LaJn1 is I For Sa.1e-~Bnitannia. range, new, $30; also good cook stove, $5, and other household effects. 0. Wahton, 'I`ol1en`dale. Dhone 238j. : of the Quar- rrld on Thurs- last in recep- cnv-\'inn \\"I c Il|.`ll|. LU 111:1` 11d fell on 1, . :1 11d that 111en`L of her \I\ 0 I. 1. \l..,. that. l The tennis season opened on lhlouday. Buy your Work Boots here and save. The B. B. Shoe Store, Ba.1'1`ie. line ' Wall Special IJin'o1eu 111 Son's for An in`te1'es1ting case will be tried before Mag'Ls;t1'ate Jeffs `to-emorroww n1orndng (I<`1'ida_v). The change to be heard is one of dist.u1wbin`g the peace. For Sa1e-Team of Black Percheron Colts, two years old. Took first prize at Barrie Fair. Apply Chas. Bowyer, 7th Con.. Vespra, R.R. No. 2, Barrie. .`~AlIH\', .\l! . . J`lIl'lllSS UL L'H()I'0lU` .\Ir.=. mmhor rliezl only two months ago and hm` father eight years ago. The funeral took plrmu on \\'9ri- [ne. :1!'tnrnr>m1. intermenrt b(_>i11g. lmade at Thornton cometer_\'. Rev. .4. .\I. Bnach, hm` pastor, conducted `the se1'\'ice, and spoke 1`eeIin,:1_\' or` ,the hr-autil`uI, c0n: Christian Life of deceasc-d, and cn1npar0d hm ito Dorcas of the text, which he `took from Acts 9-116. .\I:u1,\' dral .trihu'1e.=. tostietl to the e: in which .\Ir.<. Bloxham was held. _T}1r>| pull hearers were six trnsvtoos 0-.f Holly church, \V'. D. Cochrzuw, R. Re_\'no1ds. Geo.\vn, Jas. Br0`\\'n, Geo. Dyer and D. T_\'ndz1le. Rev. E. M. 1\I`cKa,y of Weston will be the preacher at St. Andrew's on |Sund`ay, May 11. I No important cases were head at the Divis,i:on Count smttinwg last Tues- day. there `being only a. Very Light docket and most of the cases were adjou1'ne'd. The Blue Bell," in the May is- sue gives an excellent photo of the "Hard Times Party recen-my given by `the mam-be1's of the Barrie tele- phone staff. ` T.-\I.K.% OX l'<`I.0\'ER (`-ULTYRE `TO E CHURCHILL \VO)lEN.'S INS'].`l".I`L".I.`E V\}hi1e skipping in the kitchen last ;\IOIl`d`ZL)' livttle `Mar,v Robb, daughter of Mr. and .\I.1's. VV. S. Robb, was bzLd.1_v scalded about the` body when the rope caught and over- turned a pail of boiling water. She is fast recovering. On Friday last three 1nembers of the Barrie Hortic11l`t.u1`al Society, Major C. R. Kendwll. J. A. Mac- Laren and A. W . Smith, gave short tz11I(.s to the Churchill VVome11`s In- stitute on ower culrture. I HOLY N.-\.\IE lS0(`IE'I`Y HOLDS EXJOYABLE E.\TTERv;\IN.\fE.\'T A very enjoyable enterbainnlent was staged in the Cwtholic Parish Hall on Collier St. last Friday even- ing by the junior members of the Holy Name Society. The pnovgram included a. debate, Resolved that modern invent.-Ions have been of benet to man. Art Ovens and Lawrence Haskebt upheld the affirm- ative, whill-e Misses Alice Quinlan and Amy M:cOonlkey supported the negative. The decision was awarded to the negative by a narrow margin. Joe Haves gave an nnfhumisaztio LU Luv uugwuve uy it u3.i'1`UW lllfglll. Joe Hayes gave an enthusiastic speech on Our Canadian Heritage." Euchre was enjoyed following the pmgram of speeches. The occgsion was the last public function of the Society for the year. For Sale-Quz1n1'i1y of seed potatoes (Irish Coibblcws) and a. number of White Wyandotte Cockerels. Martin's exhibition strain. Cheap for quick sale. Aipply Wm. Smith. 16 Ci11`01iI1I1 `St., Allalidiale.