Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 1 May 1924, p. 8

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Page Eight LUKTHKE U16 IIIHUU U) LHUDU pl't.'a't HL. The elections of oflicers resulted as follows : ` I\u annoinn A6` `{r\1\r~ fV A A _ . ...\ .....1| (ID LU|`lU\`\b . On motion of Messrs. George and Wilson, Mr. Fred GI`I111$l. of .\Iid.1and was elected president. I (Wu Innnn nf` \Tn=av~c xvncnn nn db t`lUULlfl1 Ulthlutlll. On motion of ;\Iess1's. Wilson and White, Mr. ZJi'1nmemna11 of wood was elected as sec1'et.:u'y. nu mnnm. no` \rm..~.... nn.u,. ....,zl `I- `That the .l Prizes ANNUAL COLLEGIATE -Commencement! THE RIVALS A COMEDY THAT HAS BEEN PLAYED FOR A CENTURY AND WILL CONTINUE AS AN ENGLISH CLASSIC FOR GENERATIONS. A ` Full of good, clean English lmmor, l)om1t if.'11lly ms11l1r1<:(l, and played by `the best talent of the Collcgiallrr. The RiV3,1S` will (l<,-ligln. c\'c1'_\'- 0110, both old and young. The Biggest and Best S(:11001 Ml1si(::1l ()r;:miz:u1i in 1110 'l l`0\"ln(:c, Saturday, May 3--Monday, May 5 ______:___:__:.? For Sa.]e--Bnitannia. range, new, $30; also good cook stove, $5, and other household effects. 0. Wa1ton,l Tolleudale. Rhone 238j. Tournament a . . D. Stewart and Mr. R. mt scmtoh, and nexst nl H11-no mzmim u m handicap be for 'I`0urn:un0nt best handicuxp Plan opens at Ma1comson s Ofce on Wednesday, April 30. Proceeds in Aid of the Collegiate Boys", Band ......~.u mug \.AA\.\.AIA.|,g_-, 1-4.: nuunn. Deceased was born in Tossorontio township sixty-one years ago, the eldest son of Wihliizamx Beswetherick and of the l`a.t.e Mrs. Beswetherick. Un't`i1 coming to Barrie to-ur ye-211's ago, deceased had ollowed Uhe oc- Ilhe friends of the late '1`hovna,s| Besweciherick were greatly shocked to hear of his sudden demise last M0ml:1_v, April 28. Deceased had been out working in the garden and came into the house between 9 and 10 o'clock on l\Iomlz1y morn-in: com- plaining that he was not feeling very well. He Went upstairs to his bedroom to change his clothes pre- ` pz1m.to1',v Ito going down town [0 con- sult a doctor. Seized `.vit`1 heart f~.1i11n'e, he passed away a few mo- Inf-INS after entering his room. 1\ n n A A .....I -....... `L..._.. I I I 2.. rn . _ _ _ _ . , ._;,-_ uclctxsltsr, mng1a.nc1. The funeral, whicl1 wlas undelr the a.uspd.ces of the war veterans, with Comrade Wcm. Bell in charge, took place on Tuesday a.fternloon, April 29. from P. C. Lloyds umdertla.l< lng parlours to the Union cemetery. Rev. Neil Campbell conducted the funeral services. The pall bearers wdre Comrades A. Martin, J. Ford, C. Brown, H. Elston. G. Longman land Chief Cmse. Deceased was an o\'ersezLs man. l1aviu_<.; served in the 216th Battalion. A numlber of years ago he was em- ployed as n. lnechvanic in the foundry. He was mbout 51 years old. Am1on~g his papers was found the name of a. brother, Mr. John A. Bosworth, Leicester. England. T.h9 Fnnarnl urhirlh nmu: Ilnlnlr +1-an :::--j-. Wanted---At once. general servant. Phone Mrs. Ea1'n`s`ha;w. Czunp Bor- den. Ti10ma.s Rmvlzuid B0s\\'01`th, who had lately been emp10_\,'ed by Wil- liam Rolling. was found dead at his hiome on Donald St. n1oz'11in:.r,./\;pi'i1 2&1 Docezised had been down town on Szil.11nlay and made some pnrchase.s, and it is thou:.:ht that he passed zuvay on Sund-ay, as none of them were open- ed. on .\Io11da.y bun, ur. n. U. tcoacn, ot '1`o1'0nt0.] Service will be held at the parson- age home 011 l`h:id~a._\' at one after which the remains will be taken to Toronto by motor to the home of decensed's sister, Mrs. J. E. Olark. 37 St. James St., where the fimeml service will he held on{ Sa.tur(lz1_\'. ;\lv:1y 3, nit 2 p.n1. Inter- ment at Mount Plezlszlnt ceiiietery. .\Iz1n_\' oral tributes testify to the high esteem in which ( was held. , ,., W, ,_.V _-__ After a. lingering i11ne$ of several months 1\Iary Elizabeth Alexander, wife of Rev. VV. F. Roach, Hillsdaie, passed away this morning, Thurs- day, 1\Iay 1. She was born in Lon- don, England, 57 years ago, but has been in Canadia. for many years. Thirty years ago she was manried to Rev. W. F. Roach and the union was a happy one. Mr. Roach has been stationed at Hillsdale since last Julxy, coming from the Zephyr cir- cuit. Besides her husband, .\I1-s. Roach is survived by one d`a.u.:hter, Miss Edith, of Pout Hope, and one son, Dr. H. C. Roach, of Toronto. mze hmne nn Im~idm- at nnn 'r\.n\ I Tl~lO.\L-\S I The funeral took place on .\Ior1clay afternoon, April 28, at two o'clock, Lo Guthrie ce111etery. T.he service, which was held in Guvthrie church,. was conducted by Rev. Neil Camp- bell, assisted by Rev. Mr. Knighton and Rev. Mr. Jones. ! Mrs. "Janet Lyall passed a\\'.1;.' on II-Wriday, A.p1`il 2.3, at the ho he of her son. George L_\'.'1ll, Shanta` Bay, with whom she laud ]i\'c;-r1 for a numlber of years. The 121,10 Mrs [wall was born in Scotland in 12541 and came to Canada. with her par- ents the late Mr. and Mrs. .\Imtt]1(:w I Robertson, when she was a year old. `I-__ n.;,,, v 11 . l_.....-.....v-., ....._.. nu Iisn.-4114 _v\.u.A uAu. .111`. Peter Lyall, her husband, lptrecleceased her fteen years ago. Deceased `is survived by two sons, `under 01` Buffalo. an n - - -- George of Shan.=ty Bay and Alex-_ `THOR [A S BES\\'ETHER [CK .\ms. (maxz) W. F. J`.O.\CH OBITUARY Corsetiere for Spirella. Corsets for Barrie and Allnndnle _\m4:T. J.\.\'l5'l.` I.1'.\l.l. R0\\' l..-\ ND 1iOS\\'OI`x'l`l{ ul:L Uilal,`U ll`Hl| Sl.\lE1l _VB1U'B ago. 11119 funeral took place on Monday morning at nine o'clock from his late `residence to St. Mavy s church, w1heI'*'e Reqxuiem High Mvzxss was cele- brated by Dean Sweeny. Fmm the church the funeral took place to Moun~t St. Louis. Father Brennan had charge of the services at the grave. V b`UU|lC'll. He is S11I`\"i\'ed by three brothers, ~|M. J. Fmwley, 160 Ba._x~ne1.d St.: J. J . F`1'a,w1e_v, Toronto; and T. J. Fna.w- ley. Moinrt. St. Louis; one sister, Mrs. E. Drury, Mount St. Louis; ve daughters, Mrs. M. McNa1ly, [Tl.le1's()n; Mrs. W. O'Neill, 'I`o1 .\I-iss Annie I-`ra,wle,\'. Winnipeg; Miss Catherine and Miss Eiuimbeth Fva.wle,v, Bzuveld St., and one son, James, Hiilsdale. Mrs. Fmwiey pre- deceased irim sixteen years ago. "Hhr: funm-nl fnni: niinnp nn 7\rl'nn:l-,ny ucu mu U111)` LWU weeks. 'Dhe late Mr. Frawley was born in Mount St. Louis in 1847, the eld- est son of the late Mr. and Mrs. [v`ra.w1ey. While a. `young man Mr. Fnawley worked in Barrie for a few years with Mr. Hinds. and then returned to Hllllisd-ale, where he con- ducted :1 general store unltil he re- tired eig-h-t years ago. Upon retir- ing Mr. Frawley came to Barrie and took up residence on B`ayIe1d St. For a period `of twelve years de~ ceased was a member of the Coumty Cvounc-i1. U.` :. ........`:..,..1 1... 4.1.... t...,.o1.-..,. ...-...... .- u. . ..u.nuu;u:1;. In his sven-t._v-eighth year, Patrick J. Irmw1e._v pznssed zmway at his home, 160 Bz1.)'eId St., on Fniday n1orning, April 25. Deceased, though not in me best of health for the past year and a half. had been conned to his bed for only two weeks. 'T\hn 1-zmfn lfr `l`v-any-Iov up-on 1-xnnn _, .uv ;. 'I`he late Mr. I3es\vet.he1-ick is enr- vived by his widow, 86 \Vors1ey St.; his father, William Beswetherick, T0.=..=.0ronli0; :1 hrother. Joseph, Tos- sorontin. and one sister, Mrs. T. 1Iz1,y;3l.1e. Lisle. . 'I`11e~"f11Ase1'al took place yesterd`zLy ,(V\'ednesda.,\') at 12.30. from his late 'residence to Glexmaim cemetery. Rev. H. E. Wellwood was in change of the funeral service. IUFIUI: WUl't` U. 'l)t`CUllllIl_`=`,' (ITBSS OE cocoa. brown georgotte with grey picture hiht, and a Corsage boquet of carnlations and mauiden hair fern. They were attended by .\Ir. and Mrs. J. Smith of Barrie. .\Ir. and Mrs. rB will reside in Barrie. ctlpmtdon of a farmer. A sister, W. J. Flavelle, Tossorontio, just two weeks ago. mu- 1 L iv v. A quiet Welling took place at T1'init._v church, Barrie, on Saturday,,_ A'pI`iT-.26. when Miss . -rues Ellen Harris, daugmer of .\Irs. Louisa and the late \Vun. Kemp, of_ Aston. Birmmghamx, England. became ihe bride of Mr. Harry Boyles of Barbie, but formerly of England._ The cere- 111011-_\ was pe1`fo1'med by Rev. A. R. Beverley in the presence of im- med'ia'te friends and 1'e1atives. '1`he bride wore :1 -becoming dress of Nmnn hI`n\\'n rrtnnvrrrxo wifh crmzuy For Sa1e--Team of Black Percheron Colts, two years old. Took first prize at Barrie Fair. Avpply Chas. Borwyer, 7th Con., Vespra, R.`R._No. 2, Barrie. REV. E. CROSSLEY HUNTER, B.A., of Nonth Bay, who will preach at Collier St. Methodist Church Sun- day next, May 4, at 11 21.111. and 7 (1.111. P.~\'[`RI(`K J. l<`R;\\\'I.EY THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1924. IBOYLES--I-TARRIS .\I1's. died For Sa1e--Quant1ity of seed potatoes (Irish Conbcblrevs) and a number of Wh*LLe W_w1n~dotte Cockerels, .\Ia,rtin s exhibition strain. Cheap for quick sale. A'pp1,v W111. Smith, 16 Ca.1'ol`ina St., Allandale. ._.____________:____ Wanted to Remt--Meditlm -sized house with conveniences. centrally located. Apply Advance, Box C. Home Saturdays Char-I lotte Street. 1 PHONE 319 Next Door to Woolworths. 22 Dunlop St., Barrie. THESTORE ATHATMSFAVES {YOUMONEY Mallufac-tm'ed in i3a1'1'i;3 by DAVIE BROS. ______.__________:___ For Rent-Three rooms, and a. gar- age. Ap:pLy 36 Bradford St., Barrie. All orders given prompt attention P}10110s--F;1ct01'_V 226 Residence 3135 or 668 Our Motto : Brow11 sMen sWear __ r-,__ -_y_- _ -.... PAYABLE By7i1~};fAf1viE1:1Ts---.iU1IE_2'(Ei1 AND SEPTEMBER 26th. D A V I E S Perfection Ice Cream One andi0ne-Half Per `Cent! Discount allowed if paid in full on or before May 12th. TIA 171 I11 Y`.l `I117 `I \1`(`FI"A `I 'l.l l`.I\Yr'rVt\ `l'v*r\~r~r~n A1 .1 A \v~r\ The Cream of Quality TOWN OF BARRIE TAXES FOR 1924 QUALITY FIRST WANTED Live Poultry MISS WILLERS( --j--------:-:--j------ I For Sa1e-~Genera1 vpunpose horse. A vbavgain. Apply 48 Bayeld St. i GOOD CLOTHES FOR MEN Payable at Bank of Toropte ,- `I'I'_Il` T`, FOR SALE 133 Blake St. L. R. ORD _WANT]_iF USE Barrie. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Wednesday, the 114th day of May, 1924, at 12 o'clock Inoon, for the following supply of `coal to be delivered at the Court `House, Gaol and Registry Office,` Barrie, estimated as follows: Court` House. about 90 tons of soft coali (best qua1it_\'); Gaol, about 70 tons. of stove and 10 tons of nut coal; Re`.iS[l }' Office, (egg and nut) in lsuch quantities as will be required [All tenders to be sealred and ad- {dressed to I I I \I':I,.-.. Mr. Phil. Newman and Mr. J. Ll'Ut1e, Jr.. having just completed ten exams which occupied .the great- er part of two weeks, arrived home on Tuesday night from Queen's University, Kingston. Allandale Lady Injured by Fall On Saturday about noon, when Mrs. Allan Wa-tt, Six. in contpany with her daughter, Mrs. J. Reynolds. of Vine, was walking over the C.N.R. crossing on Essa. St. she tripped on a rotten plank, and fall- ing with great force. sustained a fracture of her left forearm and was badly shaken up. Aid. A. VValker was a witness of the accidemt and pirmnptly secured a car, in which she was taken at once to the R.V. Hospital and the broken bone set. The planking at the crossing has been in poor condition since winter and on Monday a gang of workmen started to replace it with new ma- terial. - .pL.A'i). Shore. vvt:1uu51.Uu nuLe1, D'cu'1n:, uu D111`, URDAY, MAY 17, 1924, at 1.30 p.-m. the northwest quarter of Lot Nmuber Foumeen in the Eighth Concession of the Township of Oro, [containing 50 acres, more or less. --.....,...-...a av ..u,....., H... \4L .v..a Terms: 10% on day of sale and balance within 30 days. Further temns and conditions will be made known at the time of sale or in the meantime upon application .60 St. George s Church Thl1I'Sd`?L}' a;ftern~oon was the oc- casion of a very pleasing f~unct.ion when `thirty members of the W0- men's Auxiliary of St. Paul s clmrcli were entertained by the local or- ganization here. A hearty welcome was extended to the visitors by me rector, Rev. R. Melville, and Rev. Cousins, of St. PzLu1 s, responded in a. very Witty speech. Excellent musical numbers were given by the following: Mrs. E. Ogden, solo; Miss J. Edwvartl, solo; Mrs. G. Dlmniloii, solo, and Miss G. G-odden, piano selection. Alt 5.30 p.m. the entire company sat down to 21 boun- tiful supper, to which they did lull justice. t"\n 'l"nnn.l.... ..c.......,..... ck,` X`? A In the Township of 01-0, in `the County of Simcoq. There will -be offered for sale by W. A. .\IcConl:ey, Auctioneer, at the Wellington Hotel, Ba1'1'ie. on SAT- l'TPT`)AV' \T-AV 17 `I094 221' 1 `In: Jllblluti. On Tuesday afterxroon the W..\. homemade baking in the .\Ie.m01`ia1- Hall from 3 to 6 p.m.. and as is usual. for the ladies have :1 reputa- tion for the excellence of their cookery, there was :1 zood atte>nr.1- ance and e\'er_vthin_<.; sold well. `held an afternoon tea. and sale of I You can get Sta.un~tan`s Semi- |Tx'immed \Va11 Paper at W. A. Lowe & Son s. It is the best on the market. . Men s Hats. Snappy new `styles arriving every day. [Simmons &7 Co. AD.\II.\'IS'l.`R.\'l'OI{'S SALE OF l<`AR.\I PRO1 ER'l`Y :a:L:u LU .\. H. \Vilsm1. (`|I. Chllnty l`rnpert_v (`mn., :\nl0n Mills ] .0., I{..\l'.D. .\'0. .1. ALLANDALE For Sa1e--Ford Touring Car for $1.25. Apply Lowe's Furniture Store. l)iLl`l'lU, \IllL4'.l`l'lU. IS01icito1' {'01-/the A(1minist1~.tto1'. TENDERS FOR COAL Dunca.n F. I.\IcC1wig, Barrie, Onu-u'i0. \II fnu II-Inn Jnlnuuiumicfuuutnnn Ill Lihlll H U . A aim:-eonvg, led by R. W. Bro. W. N. Duff. was heantlly indulged in. W. Bro. Geo. S. Mcconkey acted as toa,st~ma.ster. n. w. 15I`O. A. W. Smith. Visitors were present rom Tot- tenhmn. Cookstown. Elmvnle and Mid4L'Lnd. A lV:I1`I\rr1\-\u- 1-: L,. vs -- - .1. np|'I)LL. EV. Bro J. F. Crang Introduced the toast "Our Visi`to1`s," which was responded to `by W. Bro. F. C. Lower, of Corinthian Lodge; xv. Bro. Moir- loy B1ZL(`1{, Coronation Lodge-. Elm- vnlez W. Bro. .\IcCurdy, Tol.tm1hzun: W. Bro. We-a.ver. Tottenham, and Bro. Lorne Arnold, Cookstown. An n\'r-n'l1nnf nrlvnec nn H... unu. uuxuv nruulu, LJOOKSLOWH. An excellent 'L(]dX`!`.<,S on the "M'arks of :1 Mason was given by R. W. Bro. A. W. Smith. `nnrrz urcu-.5 hrncnnf navy-u rn..L LV. uun, 1J.U.\tJ.\'l. 1 a,stn1asters. promosml by W. Bro. Spencer, was;g`ly replied to by W. Bro. Fred Marr and VV. Bro. R. J`. Sprott. ur nun 1 1: r......._ ......-..._-... Kerr Lodge hold a. very success- ful I astm1a.sters' nigm, on Tllestluay evening last. The met degree with the musical ritual was exemplied by the following nienmersz W..\'I., W. Bro. J. F. Craig; I.P.M., R. W. Bro. W. N. Duff; J.W., R. W. Bno. R. J. Sprott; S.\V., W. Bro. Mer- rick; Sec., W. Bno. H. E. Jory; S. Deacon, R. W. Bro. Morrel-1; J. Deacon. W. Bro. Mchzuchlan; In- nor Guard, W. Bro. J. D. W`isdmn; Tyler, W. Bro. Geo. S. Mcconkey. A very fine programi of toasts and speeches was enjoyed in conjunction with the banque-t hem In V.'Lir s `tea rooms following the ceremony. The toast tn (`fr-nnn 1.011.111) wu-nu lUU4lllb' wuuwmg Lne The toast to Gmna Lod:ge was proposed by W. Bro. .7. D. Wi.sdo and remuonded to by R. W. Bro. W. N. Duff, D.D.G4M. haul-run.-enm. ...... -.1 1... n. .. For Sa1e--Shudebake1' touring car.` in rst-class shzupe, 1919 model. Aprply E. Bolton, 113 Owen St. Phone 5'77. ;uLLL1u:-git. The cr:1d!o roll superintendent, m`adin_Lr snpr3ri11!:m(lm1wL and supply [teachers have yet to be mppoixlted. I I ;\.ST M;\.S"l`l*}lK.H .\'l(-`.H'l` .-\ `l<'l'}.~\ 1`L'l{l ;\'.l.` KERR LODGE L)l_\hUll. I The toa.cl1ors will be Mr. Strange, illiss A. Strangn, Miss I. DzLwson, M. IL. Clmntler, Hrs. P. Glennie. Mr. Rich:1r(ls0n, I . Glennie, Miss N. Toolie, Miss E. Smith, Hrs. !Cl10wn, Miss T". Ballantyne, .\Irs.; [Clmntlen Miss Rod_;e1`s and .\I:`s. E. |` 1 :urt1'i Thn r-v-nrlln u-All m.nn..:..L,`.l.1,__i t:n::\;-uru Llll tut: emsuulg year . Superintendent, R. G. Houghton; `Associate Supt, M. L. Cha11t1er: iAsst. S11\1 )t., R. J. Fix1Iey; Secretary, (Rog. I-`urlong; Asst. SecI`eta1`_v, Allan Chan.t1er; Trr>asuI`er, Mike 31. Noble; .\11'. 'I`~r`<\21s.. Ii. Chown; Temperance qf-"('.. \TI', T\'n]Qr.\" Vitxniaf \fia= T At the annual meeting of the Sunday School E.\'ecu.tive of Central Uethodist church held in the Sunday School rooms on Tuesday evening, April 29, the following ofcers were elected for the ensuing: year: Suns-rintnnrlmaf R (1 LTmnrh1nn- Those hard milkinrg cows, and tumors in the tea.ts-see yowr vet- eri11a.ry. 111%`: Uu`UiLU1`1U\\5 2LLlLl I`LUUUl\U.H5 '1I'8 holding an open social evening in the Odd4fe11vow vs Term-ple to-night, to which all members and their friends are invited. S. EXl*X7["I'I\'E, CE.\"I`R.-\L CHURCH, ELECT OFFICERS! ..--.--..- ...4-..\. 4.514: agnnuu Repairs are being made to the old whauf at the foot of Mulcaster street. The rice and water have forced it mfer two or three feet east of its original setting. During the last `two years it has `been going to rack and ruin and at the present time nrumerous p1an'l~:s have broken away and left it dn a. dangerous con- dition. Though the dock is very seldom used it should be either kept in a staxte of safety or done away with. No half Way measures should be adopted. Highest prices for good quality! Phone 322 M. Alexander, 142 Bradford St. How about that well ? Does it give satisfaction? See G. H. Hu- son if you want well digging or wells cleaned out. Phone 439111. 195 Dunlop St., Barrie. Will the person who borrowed a well bucket from Thos. Sozmers, please return it and save further expense, to G. H. Huson, 19:5 Dun- lop St., Barrie. Phone 439111. Owing to the annviversamy services at Collier St. Methodist church on Sunday, the evening service at Cen- tral church is wi.thd1'awn that the Central people may worship at C01` | lier. C. Kepipell Laliy and Howace D. Quinlan were successful in passing their second year exam-ixiationis in electrical engineering, according to results given out by the School of Practical Sciene to-day. Be sure and hear the Mewford Vale Quamtette at Collier St. Meth- odist church on Sunday. May 4. 'I`l1e_v will sing Rock of .~\:;es, In the Beautiful Land, Steal Away. Mr. A. T. Kellough will sing a solo entitled Teacli Me to Pray. Now that an Avthletic Association has been 0I`gzu1ized 21 citizen sug- gested this morning that a. regatta .be heid this slmnmel`. There are many inteI'ested in Water sports and we have no doubut but the matter of a. regatta will receive attention. The practice by some boys, also older people, of clestroying birds eggs at this season should be (lis- cowraged. Our birds are an asset to the comiminity and everytliing pos- sible should be done to protect them. A note of warning should be suicient. The mmual business meeting of: the Bamzie `Women's Institute willl be held at the home of Hrs. T. Mays, Chzxrlotte St.. on Tuesday, May 6. Members come p1`epa1`e(1 -to pay fees for the coming year. Roll call will be ansxvered by Dontts." The Od`d and Rebekahs are nlrHnn- on nnnn en:-{n1 ovoninmy in 'H;\RF BEING RE P.-\ IRED ~n___-._, Civil Engineer Ontario and Dominion Land Surveyor 1-I |`ilh., 1;. .\I1'. Kelsey; O11 LOCALS unu, LUlIlp(fI'iU1Cl:' Pizmist, .\Iiss J. The Northern Advance L/llllll', MLSS IL. l 1G11I'_\"_ It was decided that more meek ings wil-1 he held this yc-.m'. Au en- dozwor will be made to secure Pro- fessor Corelli and Miss Drexv to give lecLu1`0s. A... ......,\...x....... .- u._ ,.,, lU\..hlIl L33. An amendment. to tho coustit.ul.inn, that the proaitlend should hold ofce forr only one year, was zuhopted. The so(=,rnt.nrv s: rnnm-9 -ma um At the annual meeting of the Womens Ounlzxdiau Club, held in the Council C`ha.m!bers on Wednesday a.te4I'n0on, the following olcens were elected: Du-mahlnno nn... 1: n__u.. Yv- wen: um-uusu Z President, Miss E. Booth; Vnice- President, Mrs. J. A. MucI.4a1'en; Secretzwy, Mrs. L. R. Orgi; Treas- urer, Mrs. H. A. Sims; Executive Cmnmittee, Mrs. (Judwge) Wismer, Mrs. G. 'I`L1Im1)u11, Mrs. G. D. I-Iubbard. Mrs. C. T. Devlin, Miss E. Cu1`1'i0. Miss I-I911x'_v_ It was dnnirlnal fhnf mm, n\r\.-xi uuu prize. Motion that CO1')i(`6 of the paper containing record of meeting be sent to the secretzwy of each club and to the secretary and treasurer of the Sinucoe Golf Association. MISS E. BOOTH PRESIDENT) \V0)lEN`S CANADIAN CLU-B _________:__:;__j_._ Wanted--Experien`ced stenographerl} and bookkeeper. mpply, stating ex- perience and qualications, to Dept. 01` A-griculture. Barrie. . nAu\.1 nu J.Ull|Il(Lllll.'HL One prize score 13!. day. One prize best, hanL1'icap score second day. One prize best handicap score 36 holes. One prize runnc-r-up, 36 holes. One prize bost gross, 36 holes. No player 10. receive n1`-ore than one prize. 7\1nHnn Ohn n,....'... ..r 41.- _r~ [Jlxl_\t:l'b lU :.'.L`L Il11'G.e. That the en.trzmce fee to the tourm1.n1em be $2.00 and that each club in the .~\ss0ciuti0n be assessed its slmre of any decit, for Iegi1in1ato expense. i J . I. That M1`. Stow White start semi players 10 get three. 'I`h:n Hm nneur... `um. uguuguu Motion that it be made medral p1~a.y in flights, 36 holes, 18 holes each da._\`. 'T\1...t tun .\..J...\..4.. L- _1:..:,s_u - L, Coltlll Ur.l._\. That the e11>trauts be divided into three fiights wi-th 11-an(1icrLps, 8-16- 24. June 4-4'.\IidIand at Barrie. Orilhia at Colliingwood. 1.8--~Barrie at Orillia. 21-Co1`1in_<.;wo-od at Midland July 9--O1'i11ia at Midland. 12--Collingwood at Barrie. 16--Barnie at Collningwood. M-idl-and at Orillia. Aug. 6---Barrie at Midland. 9--CoIIingwood at Orillia. 20-Ori11`ia. at Barrie. 20-M`idl`a11d at Coming-wood Tourn` will be held on July 22nd and 23rd. SDICOE C01'xT1' (:()I.1` .A\ss0(*1..\'.m()x _\1111: ` A meeting of the Simcoe Countyi |G0lL' Assooiatoion was held in Barrie [011 .\Io11day, April 28, with H0n01'a1'_vl P1'e.sident J. I . Downey, of Orillia, in the chair, and Uessrs. George 01`! Orillia, White of -Midland, J. H.` Wilson and C. J. Bant:in_; of Barrie present. Mr. Scott of Collingwood was unavoidable detained, but agreed to stand by\l1`atever~a1'rm1ge- ments were made by those present. 'l`hn rnr-tinnc nf nir-are rncnHn:l \V UUU RB t5lClJ|.L`l.l ll-5 b'l:`U['Ul:il.K'_\. I On motion of Messrs. White and Banting, Mr. J. P. Downey of Ori1- Iia. was elected as honm'a1*y secre- tar)`. "lho fnllnuyinn (`Inn-m uvnvvn ,1,.,.:.1n.1 Lax). The following dates were decided on for the club .ma.tches for the sea- lson 01' 1924: I Phone 623.

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