-Page Four It s the kind of Paint that endures when all others cease to be Say, Folks Clifford Scarrow, 21. teacher on the .\m'o1`a High School staff, took his own life by hanging on Tuesday. Hv had been Visiving in Toronto with his sister over the Easter holi- days. A nervous condition, said to have 1`e. from war service. is said to have been responsible for the with nnr .\Hnv- nnnn nn 'T`.nn:1In\- i3dlu IU l.l11.\`!:' UUCH IEBPUUEIIJIU LU! L118 [rash act. After noon on '1`-uesday 2.\l1's. Pugli, with whom Scarroxv had |h0eu . wenl down town, loav- lin: the _\'oun_; 1112111 in the house. ;\\'l1en she 1'ei111'11e(l about six o'clock {she fmmtl her brmhe1"s lifeless body |. from :1 rope in the collar. `'1' CA.` u-unu- u-n.~ vhisvuv \'.\v\v<.~ ml` Irrls lTlu`_\(`HER ;\'l` .-\I`ROR.>\ HIGH | SCHOOL TAKES O\\'N LIFE `KILL . hilt _\Ul|llg lllilu 111 Lllt:' ( lifeles: . rope {M12 Sc;u`x`o\v.\vus 111i1't_\' years and single. For some time 1` `been on the Iez1chi11_: staff 1 `.\u1`o1'a. High School. .\'o\\`..< has been recoivetl at Co11in_<:- 'wood that Robin \\'att. .\I.C., son of Mrs. .\I':id;.-0 Robetztson \\':1tt, :1. wide- ` I,\- known writoi`. and rzrzimlson of `won H10 distinction of having :1 pnstvl nccoptmi by the Paris Salon. 'l`h~ _\'onn:.:' man is :1 _L`l`i1dl121.te of the- Sludo .-\1'.t School of London. Eng- tlund. and is at present on the con- 'tinont. being; in .\'ice when inform- ed of his new honor. His subject |\\"z1s :1 negro cook. E E itho late 1~{en1`_\' Robertson, K.C., has I X 'I'HURSDAY, MAY 1, 1924'. _\cu1b UL he staff of . age had the -pruvui. \Vhile the noniixiating commibtee was out, \Vm. 'Dnrne1' s1i;.;.:est0(l mail the Association should not overlook providing a, competition for the business men of the town. \n r\I1l\r\IIv~II(v:v\rv -wnnnu AI` Olxn nn I viva:-11 ym,\11L5. In the (lays when I was taking part we didn t get any support, said VV:il1ia.m Moore. Spam is a competition that ts the boy for his later business life, the speaker continued. It keeps the boy away from idleness and teaches him to take his bumlps in a clean, gentle- nianly manner. Boys are not going to do anything to bring discredit on tlieniselves if _L'i\'GI1 :1 little protec- Hnn T n... ....+I.n.. ..L'......1 u.-. L... I l u.- uu u.u_y uuug, LU uA.'u.5 uL:~L'lt;'u1L Uul _'4'iV eI1 tion. I am rather afraid that boys to-day a.1`c> inclined to shun athletics as szLv01n'ing too much of 1.'Lb01'." Mr. Moore then gave .1 short account of :1 lacrosse gzune betxw-on Bzlrrie and E: for the champion- ship of Ontario played on Rosedalc eld, I`0ron.to in 1891. The team, which was ca.ptzLinN1 at that time by M1`. .\ioor<=. won -thv gmne. T3.n\': !r\..n\' hnvn nninna nfhlniin |Jl.la3lLl\7s3B HICII UL LIIIL` l/UVVH. | An encouraging rvport ol` the ac-| tivitios of the G-alt Athletic Associa- tion was given by R. I~Ia1`1`ison, who healmily commended the format/ion of such an orgzmimtion. Y\fnfor cnnrve chnnlrl uni ho run-.y~_1 UL 3lI,\;l| an U1}-`,ilH|I.ibllUll. Vvtater sports should not be over- looked, as Barrie is exce~11ontI_\' sit- uated in that respect, rexnarked C. E. Willows. 71" A T nuvn nhrviuihn bk.` ...n...::.... 1'4. \'VlHUV\b'. T. A. Lowe assured the meeting of his i11tere:~:t. in the movement. The youth of to-d:1y need in- struction in sport," stutml Silent`. 'T`hn .rvrnu'invr r-hihl nf in_Il-11' hag-I hll'll\,"LlUll HI hpull, B|.illl'll 1). DHUKLIV. The growln.-4 child of 10-day has little knowledge of sports and I am glad that the ;\Ss0ciuti(m is ;.:o-5 I .ing to look 2lfl('l`lll(`lll, !h0u}.:l1 I um s0rI',\'_th:Lt Hm girls l1I1\'v not. been menli0nc~(l Ir)-night." G. I". Dovlv :1(`.IiIlO\\'1('(l1I0(l x......\.. .1.-....~. they ....l nu ....I.\.-.0 . Ly... lllL`HllUllL`ll llI`HI:-',llL. | G. I". D0)'1(` 11CI{l10W1('(1_`.:0(1 th0\ honor done him in s01ec.ting him asl the first. president and ussllrml the nxeetinvg that the Association would proceed with its plans at once. `F`nin\'.nhIn enlne u-1-rn rnnrlm-ml lu- pI'UL'L'L`ll \V llll Hi` ylilllh (LI. UHlTl'. Enjoyqthle solos \\'('l`(.` H.-mlm'(~d by ;\Iz1.tthe\v Lowrie and Jack .\Ionk~mzm during the ovonin_L'. I I0 uynnhl nnf zln n l`uni1_-h uv:'Hunn95 lllII'lll)4 LIIU I'H:u1n,L;. i It would not do to !`mi:-h without; coxlgratlllztling (ho I{oho1;u11s on the-* very ne bzmquot they Ht)l`\ (`(L 1-! ranked with nthe best that h:1s'e\`o1" `been given in Barrie and that is saying a good deal. [ ---i------------ I AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION HERE lilllllllilli READ THE ADVERTI.i1-3.\IIJ.\"J_`.w'. ' prices. Buy a pup over three mon'ths old, and, unless you are sure of fonmving his acq-ua'in>tance, do not buy one 18 months oLd unless purely for breed- ing purposes. Tn:-an vnnr ring : ner]\i`gr1'ee. Int will mg purposes. Keep your dog's ped\i.g1'ee. It will only cost $2 to register. It adds to both your enjoyment and the value of the dog. V Tnarl n mun FY'D!1vI1I3T11f`V 2171!` an n1d or me uog. Feed a. pup freqsuexmtly and an old dog but twice a day. Feed rom a pan. Never on the ground or oor. `Dogs are classied by weight and feed accordingly. First, those un- der 12 pounds; second, those from 12 pounds to 20 pounds; third, those f1'oyn_1 25 to 50 pounds; fourth, those over 50 pounds; t`-bh, th-ose aver 100 pounds. Qmmna F1-run H11: fn'h1n whnn frszsh JUU puunus. Scmps from the table, when fresh, wre the best food and cost nothlinaz. Feed the dog _Vourse1~.f; you will control him better. Tnnnrl .v\\nv-ulna` and ovnnhnr fhn COI1[l`0l mm oeuer. Feed morning and evening, the big meal at night, as the dog should not be worked in1n1ediate1y after eating. hn nnf fund r-hir-kpn hnmngt thev eul.u1g. Do not feed chicken bones; they are co\'ered with a hard substance which frequently cuts through the imtestiiies. No other animal shares as fully t.he life affairs of men as does the dog. He resents injustice and has the same respect for fair treatnient and decision as does the human beiny. T`1-an 1.'nnnn1 gh-nn'lr1 kn rlrxr r-`loan illlll lltf(]`llUll|l_V lllLL1Wd.bUCu. Use a. leather collar, not one made of metal. Don't chain unless neces- Ue1n;.:. The kennel should be dry, clean and frequently whitewashed. `Una n `lnnhhnr nnllnr nnf nno wnzadp 5211')`. If the dog sucks eggs, open one lend of an egg and put in red pepper. 'T`h> nmnafpr 1': r4=9:"nnn:ih1a= fnr n (Continued fnom page one) ing rewarded," declared G. F. Doyle. For years we have been conducting sport in a halphazard manner," he continued. Ten or twelve general- ly attend an organization meeting. We are trying to fo.nm an Annalteur Athletic Association to conduct all amateur sports in Barrie. Different games woudud be placed under differ- ent xnnnnagemenlts, all responsible to the central or governing body. In this way, too, all the receipts and exlpenditures are accounted t`-or. The idea. is to educate the young fellorws who know bunt little of the gzume. We should get men to go out on different nights and help to poimt out to these young fellows the best and oleanes-t way of play- ing every game. To carry on we must have the business men behind us uuu UL an t-.55 uuu The master is V'ic xp11.s dog. If largely his fault. I Dnmnorl v in 1` rn 1u.1",:,o:1_V 1115 121.1111. Pvosperly introduced there t ime.` T. P will 9 Ln be -Cconann I10 vivtnh to the cat, cat and dog 11r1I`I in n-uv H1118. . Ixf he jumps mpon you in czuress, ;:en`t.1y press your shoe upon a hind foot. Do this a number of times and he will stay on the ground. ` 'T`hn mun uvi11 hnifnfn an nlrl nrr `E1110 ne \V`lll SL21) U11 Llll: gruuuu. The 'pup will imitate an old dog, but don't try and train two young `dogs at the samie time; give each `:1. private lesson. l Dnl \-nur nurn nnn1n and nflrnct Il(l|l_\`lll_L; ID 1'.pop11l:u'it_\' in 5 the provincr.-. Il21ti\'(>1_v more lnninmls, and l. `U. pI'|\vH.lt` lt`:Ull. I Put. your own nrume and address -on the collar; not the dog's. I | n,. M 1.:.-.1- 1vnuw Ann f\`l| ..o.~:1_-n lIlt' UUll'd.1, llU`l. LHU UU5 3. Do not kick your dog or strike him on the head. Use a. switch, or grasping him by the neck and back, give him :1 shaking. n nnf }\nHc>r" :1! n nrr nnlnnc UilUl\, gl\U lllnlll ll. U|l(|,l\ll1S. Do not h011er" at a dog unless he is at :1 distance. Talk to him in a niodearate tone. He is guided more by intonation than \v01'ds. You exhaust your emphasis in con- ltinuous hollering and he fails to I understand. TWA uni Int tvnlvn fin... ,.1........ I.........,. lllltlflblilllll. Do not let your dog chase horses` or autos on the road. It is 3. very bad lmhit. nn nn+ `Inn mm... H... +1....-m 1, | Uilll H`iL|J | L. Do not use more than three let- ters in your dog's name. If you want to use 21 longer one for his pedigiree give him 21 short kennel h!1.I11D DLIIIUCIJ KJLLLUUM \'V Sports benets every player and reacts on every citizen, said Father vzu. Brennan. All sports should be guided by one head or governing body. The greatest probleni to-day is the boy problen1. There is guid- ance for them in school and hmne, but What of the time they spend elsewhere. Why not direct them during these hours as well ? That! `is why we should have some ongan-I lzation to help in athletics. If our citizens take an interest in athletics the boy learns to `play the game squarely and get everything out of it tlmt he puts into it. The boy who has been taught to play on straight plrinciples even to lose has` gained sometl1ing_ though defeated.` Society itself stands for the launch-l ing of such a project as will be got` under way to-night. urru... A _.._I,. c~,....... llll'-`. ll. Take ymir dog into the (`hickt-n1 _\':11' wlien _\'0llllf,' and let him stay by _\'l')l1l' side whiln you w0n'l< with the (-liiolcr-ns. He will then lvarn to` lmow I.lm.I. Hwy am your DT()D(?l`t}` and will respect them. If he is old when you get him and he kills :1 chi<-ken. try 11. tl11'z1shin.:. ll` that fails. tie the (lead chicken ai'nun(l- his neck and let him carry it all (lay. He will soon get 0nm1.:h chicken and will leave them alone. This is a f:u'oi'ite method of bird- (lng men" in brna.kin.;; a. pointer 01` setter from chasing rzLl)bits. llillllltf. Do not borrow a dog and do not lend one. You may spoil your friend's (log or he yours. A dog must know his own Inaster. Do not keep a. dog in a hot room all (lay and put him out at night. Do not punish a dog long after `his fault has been cowm-mitted. I 1):. bulvn hn Iynnnvr nvnnolv 6`.nr The 111:111 who 11101'eIy pe1*fo1'111s'. :1 task, works :1cc0r(i`i11.4 to :1 blue print as he moves t'or\v:11'd, but the` man who servos :1 cause 111:1kes his own blue print :15 he inovos fon1'w:L1`d t0w:11`d the bozxcon which shines up- on the heights. Strive every d:Ly i11 every way do make your co111I11111111it._v better and better. Be :1 lifter, not :1. leaner. Do 11ot work to win the plzmdits of the 11111H:i1tude, but to win the ZLDDI`OVLi of your own better self. 1 mi'.e1' b1istt>!1'-s on your h:111ds to scars on _vo111' soul. B13 too hm<.y e.\'e1'cising your privileges to have time to insaist upon your 1'i;.:hl.s. Wish For others the good things 01` life which you would have for your- self, and be e:1ge1' to share with your 11c-igh1boI1'.-B_vasec. l um 1kllllL 1111.`: Ut'!',`H L'U`Hl`1Hll,Ll`.`U. Be sure he knows exactly for what the punisvlunent is administer- DI` Try and keep :1 breed that will not 1'eq1m`e to have theinr ears or tails trimmed. This is a custom |\vhich is p1`0pe1'1_\' _:ro\ving in dis- I repute. "I"ho T4`.-n rvlich nuvnnvu nl` 1"n v-{nun lt.'|Il|l\`. The E tm'1'i01's inf, the ' n :4- 1 . DH) IT EVER ()(`(7l'R "l'0 YOU '3 ` 1` (I/ll \\'l the N-cent ; in}: bI`if.7hl i loc2\1'1liz~.<. . ...:..on.. .... DO YOU O\VN A DOG ? Enrzlish owners of va1`im1s have long believed that bit- e mi] off was better than cut- 0- Mr. Doyle then read the consti- tution necessary for suh an assoia- tion. Isf we want to get the most out of sport and `get it down to a business1ike standpoint. we must come to this sooner or later, he concluded. u~m.m.~.m.~.n Hbac n nnnfnaf 1-n- 0N'I`;\Rl0 Hl'}l<}l)lN(i l` illlll l'.lll\!'l- 3.: is stezulily _urm\'in_-.: in 7 n0url_v every part of ncr.-. Miioh cows are re- `nore in demand than heel` at more sutisl'z1('t01'y In. mat has been hrrlwpml by ruins, and Ii:-Ids are look- zmd onc011r:1.gin'.: in most Tm` sumo may he S11-id of = and cIo\'m'. In nln..p`lCIu plll. J11 Itiu yuplpcl. responsible for a if in vir-inn: if ia BEATH or BOY WAS DUE .TO ACCIDENT (Continued rorm page one) Kenneth Moore, who was esenvt when the wall felul. T `tram nnnninn Ilnurn {"nIHnv- Q! WIIBLL LIIU wa.u Lelll. I was ooiming d -own Collier St. in my auto and had just passe?!` Owen St. when I saw the building co11va.pse, said C. M. G. Smith. The floor and the south wall fell a.vgaiT1`i"st the zxdjascent building. By means of pro`-ps and jacks we man- aged to get the boy out. I crawled underuezLtl1 the wreckage and found him pinned there with the basket ZlJb`O'l1\t four feet behind him. VVh`en we got him out he was dead. "nn vnn `fhinlt Hsrf il thorn hurl VVU EUL llllll UUL 11!`: With uvuu. "Do you think that if there had been no negligence the boy would not have been killed?" Crown At- torney Cotter asked the witness. "Yes; though I hewrd Jvones say that he had warned the boy to stay away. R'orbi'nson corroborated his stat em e11`t. " ll\`l7`n~n'Irl `van I-snwvn ~4n4..l tn!-.'...... DL"d.LUUlC11`L. Would you have started taking down the buildying from the bot- fznnn 9" Mn 7 um-n11:l hnuo cf,-,1 v1 or`! UUWH LIN`: uuuuuug LYUIH L118 DUL- toam ? No, I would have started at the top. I don -t know whether there was any negligence; it seem- n 5|: iF thn nnrih ain urnvn uro.nI.-or conciiuuea. Everyone likes a contest, 1'e- man-k~ed A. J. Sarjeant, "and every- one likes to Win, but besides trying to win there is a service side to sport. The c`nurches are gehting the idea of developing sport along with Sunday School work. cv\r\v~Yn "\f\I`\I\`:i`l` n.1Ynv-vv .\1.n~.n- an/1 U|.ll.- Do you think that if ordinary precautions had been taken that Lhenre would not have been an acci- dent? Yes, some wprecautnion should have been taken. `LT T r'n..y:.-n urkn uvnn n-n{n- `hnvnn cu db 1]. lllU HUI L11 DIUU \Vl'.'lU \VUiLI\UlV and gave way. The mother also said she had told David to keep out." u'r\.. ..,... n.:..1. 51...; :2 DIIUULU lliL\{`, UUU11 l,Ll..l\UlJ. H. J. '1`.wiss. who was going home when the building fell, gave details of the tmgedwy. He thought that it m:i'gh't have been ta,-ken down with more precaution. (ha I-1 ac TV 'Rnhinn:nn nnrrnh-nrn f. IHUIU pn:<:a,uuuu. Charles W. Robinxson corroborat- ed the eviidence of Alex. Clel-an-d. Jones and I worked at it only in the evenings," he declared. We took it down in sections, the roof first and the second `storey next. We had taken down the building ; on the north side as far as the stair- way en-tira_n~ce. The sbuddin-g was still there. The rear of the build- ing had been torn down. Jones told me he would go up on the second floor while I carried out some boards from inside. As I was carrying them out I szvw the north wall move and I made tor the street,- yel-ling as I ran. I saw J-ones lying on his back and the whole building came down. They did all they could to help the boy out. Rob- inson orztwled in from behind to the boy, but found he was (lead. Tn nncuvnr in n nnnenn urifnncc In answer to a question witness admitled that if it had been braced the building would not likely have fallen. A conside1'a.ble amount of plaster was lying on the upper ood. It had `been soaked with rain and the ?heavy spot was near the southeast `UU_\', U|lL l`Ullll\l IIU Wilb UUiLll. cox'nm', contdnued C. VV. Robinson. T rlu':ln'+ nncinn nu\1' any-n-n.. AF ""\I\ l.'U|lll'l, L'U1ll\HlllCU L2. VV. IIUUHISUH. I (1idn't notice any swaying of the building. I didn't know the boy was in the lane. \Ve gave him per- mission to take away some chips. Jones was clearing away the Lime that we might take down the second floor. The other partitions were hard to get down, in fact we had to use a pipe with a hook on it to pull the pieces down. `T`hx nnlrfh cnnfinn -um-nu nlnnv-1 LHU )_llV:lJl`B UUW'.Ll. The nolrth section was clear, stated Edward Jones. `He had been on the root` about an hour and a halt`, but had only been shovelling about ten minutes. \'nu thnnuhc 4-1.-.... ..... .. -..,\....|. nll}UllL lL`ll IlHIIlll.b`5. You thought there was enou:.:h support? he was asked. Yes, was the reply. We (Lidn t have any props because we didn't think they were 11ecessa1'y. \Ve had so much trouble p1111iug other parts of the pzlrtition down that we didn't think any props were needed. Rnvh Dnhu'n.~.~nn 0131] Innm. ..,1...:a IIU.-IJH7 .' Comm-r Dr. VJ. A. 1 ed the jury that they 11 I) on the c>vid(-n`ce I-le 3ll`_I:_L'(Hfx'lP(| that i` thuy might hrinq.: in :1 I somv zmtion be taken futurn in r0;.:m'(Is to the public in such case After hving nut. fort.) jury rc-turnod the aim` uu_\ plugs wtilt` uecuuu. Both Robinson and Jones admit- ted that they know little about the `\v'recki n_; l)usin(>ss. Van -mm horn in n;.m-...o..:.. Ln... ......,.. ...._, .. ...,=.... The _\ng1o-Saxon race owes its coimnaiiding. dmninatiiig position to- day to sports," declared Major `\V. N. Knowles. Sport develops stami- ina and c0111'zL5.:c-, and brings :3. nation to its best. In the Great \\"z11' with our backs to the wall we accepted the sporting challenge and came through. Gzmies played squaire1~_\' indicate the ne-st \'iI`Il16S in life` and tend to greaxter citizenship. 1'\........... L1 \r,\n.. ._ .ia..,........1 L1...` (iO'l` \\'l3}S'I`l'}l{I\' l<`:\ll.\ll<}RS T0 l.\'VI4}S l` -IN {PHD} ll().\Il<} `BANK A. 1'}. u1'lri(l~;:v. of Slnlultlln, .H`:1sk.. was at ()t.t:1.\v=:L lust weok and uppnzxlotl In nmurbors of tho Com- nmns and S1-11ulem1 behalf of many l'z1rxnvI's In Lhv \V(`.~.l, who lmd In-vn lml In invm~:l in tho Home Bunk lh|`()l|l:]l inlluvncv ()xHI('i(~:(\d by tnhe l`ni11-cl Grain (H-mvors. ma. 'I`hv 1':n`InI-rs \v(-ro indlI(-ml In 1)l\('()rl1l(' .uh:m-lmlm-r.-. lhrmI:.:h Hm Home Hunk r'1nnm-in: Lhv :.:I'z1in mn1pm1y.I In 5.:ruliI1Il:~ for this. szlys .\II'. l :u'!ri(I`-.11`, 1111- (-mnpzmy nrv('ipm(*:|tml by 1lS$i.$lil1L( llw llnmn Bank In 1-.\'-; puml Ms: lm. and I`(`S()lll'('PS lni Ihv \\'x=,t. H was xmintvd nut, that l` \ {m.u--xv -nul lnhn lfnnnnulv hlxlllglllrl Wlllll \'VUlll( be ? They didn't do ' in _\`()1H' opinion are t liahln '." ("nu~nn..-q 1'`\.- I17 Q llll` \\ |'|`Al. ll \\ iU` 1HJ|lH{`U Ulll. |llil|| 'l`. .\. Crm':n' and John l\'mnmd_\'., (li1`(*("l<)|`.s` of lhn (1 ruin Gm\vcrs' Cmn-l` p:Ill_\', also S(`l'\'(`d us lllrootn1'.='. of the bunk. l`l1c~.~'o (llr(~olnu.s' smnnllnm all`- lor, zlsr-orlu-inin_L: that the uffwxirs ol` tho hunk \v<~rv in hull (`Oll(Hl.iOl1. (lis- posed of their slmros and cP21.>4o(1 lo be dir0cm1`s of the bunk. whlilo the l':u`m0rs worn halt in hlissflll i;:nm'- anco of tho lmnl<'s q11o.sl,imla~.b1e con- dition till the crush came. -' win: any ut:5'115L:'11L:9:; 1!. seclu- the north side were weaker l (\ 1l.'n.x' Thn 1\\I\C`-urxvu n`nI\ l Uilhlf. fnrt.y minntr*::. the ` above vurdici. The Northern Advance HU _yUlII \UlUlU|. ) it \wiH`ul]-_\', hut they c1'i.minz1}l_v Lowis 1'0 mind- "mnsl, nd solo- IsA|`n..-n ilsrun `lllllhl, JIIIU D1111! befo-re them. if they saw (`It 1 rc-solution that :1 by Cmmcil in s:1l`(-.;.;-.1:u'(1i11_:; can 1o`rzu1k and Claude Cmwi;.: spent the Easter holidays in Toronto. an-.. -r\ \r..1r..:..,1`a. ,.......o .. nnnnln ...,...,_.. Duncan 1-`. Mccuaig stressed the need of harn1on_\' in any organiza- tion. \V'ithout it no game could prosper. We may not all be good baseball or hockey plzxyens, but at least we can show our interest in them, he I`eX111I`kBd. A central organization would help to foster clean playing. Tn H112 (lnu: xvhcm T -51: 1'-.')L'h1(1 uualcl uuuuu._y`o AAA ;uAuuxu. Miss D. McKnight spent 2; couple of days in 'I`~ou`011Lo this wek. Miss R. Lount is V-isiling with Mars. Konyo11 Lonnt, Toronto. nu. ..m.- 1-; 71 \r....T....,n. 1...,. -:..,_o an. .1. ;su_wu.. ;.u......, -...v....V. Sheriff D. H. :\IacLa1-en has just returned from a trip to the West. Miss Nora Dc-I-{art was home fnom Toronto over the week end. Miss Marie 1\Ic]{11ight, zLtu>n(1i11_: 1`oro11to University, was home over Su11dz14)`. .-, .u__,,,A, ,,.__u \._~____ y__1_ .~_,\,____` \II n. u .u...,. V..,.-_-,. lliss Iiita I{01st011 of }I1u1ts\1Ile is spending a couple of weeks wiui Miss Jean Hzu`1'is, Elizubetli St. Miss E. I-Iiooiper, who has recent- ly arved fronxthe Old C0unLry,is visitin}.: with Miss Mzxry Grusset. MLQ Evelyn Welllwood and .\Iiss Jenn Mulcomson have returned af- ter sypondin-g the E-zLsle1' ho1i(la.)E with fx'icnd in I`c:'onto. Miss W]1(1a Bowman spent :1 few (1a.ys in Orillia, where she assisted on the programnme at a b(>ne~wt en- ` tortuinnient and at the Odd>fe1Iows' bzuiquet. Hear the Vicbor Records for May at J. G. Keenvan s, opposite Post Omce square. .,......u.,. .\1u:s. Speeys and .\Iiss Lylu Spoors have returned to their home in Hulnilton. "' Mr. and Mrs. 0. Craig 01' I`m'0nto spent the week end {LL the home 01` .\|z1_\"0x' and Mrs. Craigr. `Ir-.. nu, 13-1-`-.. -4` Y1 ....,...:n,. `W. M. Cocluburn, N. Simcoe Agriculutuml Representzmtive, address- ml :1 meet;in`g at New Lowell on Momlzxy evening on P1`acticn1 Rural Erducwtion." 'l`ll0l'S:\Nl)S IN l`Ol{0NTO C.-\NNO'I.` GET E.\Ll`LOY.\lENT Despite the arrival of fine wea- tlmr there is no i.mp1'0vemen`t in the uln-ployment s.`ivtuali0n in Toronto and the mlmiber on tho ro_<.:istv1` at tho (:-overI1.~meI1~l, enmIo_\mtc11*t. omces has oontinuutl to ;.:m\\' until now it is over 4.000. M is s.:1.t'o to say that thorn are so\'m';11 thmmnul nmrv wlm have not 1'v::i. '1`ho mmulitirm or some 0!` the nut-0l`- wnrks. :1('c0rdin;z to 0"u-i:1l.~`. is de- plm':Lh1u. 'l"h(*_v zurv :\zg;_:n1' tn snutvh uny cllzxncv of work for 1m\\'n\'m' tshurl :1 puriml; but owmmrtunitios urn row. Mnn_\' f:1(`tm'i0s havv closed .l.\...u null nt|I\nI-u uvn \l'I'\!']:'I\1r` nn [7ll)I`ZH)ll!. 1lll`3 illIl' l'iV[- ,I'l Hr .\lIulI\'n 1m\\'vvv1'l qslmrl :1. ()m)0r111nili1\s| I closed` down and olhm'.~z urn \\'0l 1\'1!l_L' on short sInil'ls. 1 1'ns.pvcts are not \'or_\'{ mmnishlg in the cities for Lhv \\'0rk-V 1 hu: man. 'l`h(\1'o urn Hmusznuls nl` vacant houses and very limo l)ui1d~ ing will be stue this year. .u1. .\ll)Ull`, I111 -UH` j. ,2llllt'. Boys t0-Lla_\' have unique athletic a(I\':111ta}.:es, (leclared Alex. Cowun, far gv1`(*ater than when I was lak- in;_: part. The ;\ss()ci:1ti0n must guard against professioxlalism, must keep these boys strictly a.u1at0ur. Baseball has been more or less 511:- gested here to-night. "9 want to get football and lacrosse back again, and 1'e\'i\'e the old Cztledoulzm games as well. 311'. Cowan sug- gested that the meeting start. get- ting sou1ethiu:.; denite under way. On mnfinn nf .\, (`. T'.1-ir-lcor READ '.l`Ll E 4\I)VlR'l`lSE.\I ENTS. PERSONALS BOLDT--.=\ the RV. Hospital, 011% \Vednesda,\', .\1)1`i1 23, to 3111'. and, Mrs. R. G. Boldt, Mary St.. :1 son.l T.-\YLOR--At the R.V. Hosphal, on I<`rida,\', .\p1'i1 25, to M1". and Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Shmlty Bay, 3. son.g BROXVN--.-X1 the R.V. Hospital, oni .\Io11da.y, .-\p1'i1 28, to 111`. and Mrs. XV. \\'. Brown, :1 dau_;hte1`. , c:'c)UGH_..\t me RX. Hospital, on; \Vedm-\s .\p1'i1 23. to 111`. and] Mrs. Roy (}0u:.;l1, Shanty Ba)`, 11": LITTLE--.-\t the RV. Hospital; on '1`11es(l:1_\', .v\pn:'i122, to D1`.:111\1, .\I1`.<. \V'. C. M1110, u da11_:h1e1'. \\`ESTERN-.\t \\'z1in\v1'i_;11t, .\1ta.. on April 16, 1924, to M1`. and Mrs. H. U. \Vc-*st01'11, :1 (1:u1:.:'hm:'.- (B:11'bz1ra. Louise). 1 -.\I.-\IH{I.\(|JS BOYLES -- HARRIS -- .\t Cl1u1'ch, B2u'_x'io, on S2\t111'(1:1,\'. .\pri1 26, Mr. 1) _\' the Rev. H21 11')` A. Boyles of R. le\'<~1-]o_\'. Barrio. sun of the late 'I`hom21s Boyles. Rnslip. M'l(1'(l1( :3L`X. Eng'Iuml. to Miss .\:;nv.< Ellen England. B.<\RRETT--.\II'RI`HY--On \Vmlno:-_ -day. _\p1'il 30. by Dean S\voony.i Lawrence Joseph Barrett to Eliza- beth M. Harris, 01` ;\Iu1'pl1_v. I3im1x1i11,;luu11. i Tl`i1lii_\'. i i F or Wall Paper, Window Shades, Picture Framing HARLEY S East or West Harley s Best Floglaze Paints and Varnishes BIRTH S Llllg .`.~Ul1|K.`llllH:-', Lltflllllll UHUUI W11)`. On motion of A. C. B1`ir:km', soc- omled by R. I-Iairrison, it was de- cided that an Athletic Association be fomned. - H. M. Lay moved, seconded by L. R. Ord, that a nominating commit- tee presewt a list of officers for up- provai. Yvhiin H113 nnnnniintr nntninihfon