Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Mar 1924, p. 6

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\d' v.\,...... (3 Eliznbetln Sn. Barrie. Phone 143 An up-to-date line of new furni- ture at very reasonable prices. Your old furnitnre taken in part pay- ment. Anything not in stock can be supplied _on short notice. FURNITURE CITIZEN` FIXIT If It's Furniture You Want Call and See D0n t Put Off- Put ON A. E. SMITH 20 MULCASTER St. in bod. Hv was l`uum1 m'.\'I mm'nin:.; 1b_\' .]ur1'_\' Cunniu:;ha.n1 and lrmest [Finch. who \vem. ups/luirs to see why Finch was not get.tin~g.;' up. De:n:Ls'e(l wz1.s :35 y'u1's of age and leaves a widow, three sons and three daugh- |ters. The fmnily had come to |Cool<;st.m\'n from Pro-wassau about a year ago. Dr. Scott viewed the re- mains and decided 111:1.-1. an inquest was not necessary. I\'ni'_-11! and Smit \\'z1Ik-r -1 15): def P)1iI(_ 1(n'~1`ll)(`l{ (2 )2 s. i I 1 ` Bl. .\ll(lI'l;`\\' 5*" I I and Raid. Score by porind.\- . Rofern-r-~---1 . 1:}. I Orillia. I.D."s chalked up otheir second win at the expense of Ba.rrie St. .-'\ndx`ew s in the 1`e-turn game played at Orillia Y.'.\I.C.A. last Fi- day night. The score, 30-23. was close, and is 3. fair ind1iczut.ion of `the ` play. Each team had one one per- 1 iod, Orillia having things all their own way in the Iirsn. while Barnie had the edge in the second. In the opening t' Orillia. noatohed 22 points to St. Andrew's 8, while St. Andrew's outscored their opponents 15-8 in the second. run . . - -- PROF. D. E. Piano and 21 Collier 1 -., V ... ..n.. uuvuiluu The tussle was fast from stzwt to finish, with close, clean checking pre- vailing Lhrotighotnt, only two penal- ties being inicrted dunin-g -the envnire 40 minutes. Fast combinmtiou, with short passes, Worked h21.\'0c Wilth the Barrie ourtt in the oipenring peniod. Onillia siimlpiy threw the ball up and down the oor and into the-basket for the rst teexi xiiinutes. To- wards the Irast Olf the period Barr-ie began to nd themselves and tight- ened up. .QuI`sn1h'nn- fhn `loan urmh n nIIn`\ .41.... cucu up Sutanting the last wi-th a rush the locals kept. peggving away and znte invto O1'iIlia"s lead by 7 poimts, bwt were down by 7 when the nal whistle blew. T3:-nwur n1...~n.. luv` nu. 4:1,... 4.......__n I Ater the encounter the I.D. rs banquettwted hhe Ba.-rrieiltes in St. An- drew's Presbyntenian Sunday School rooms. A prog1`:un of speeches and music followed the 1' The !0cal=s were delighnted with the hos- puita-li~t._\' extended them and hind a H1o1'o1u:hI_v elljoyznble Lime. ` Oril ia. I.D.'s----F01'\va1`ds. Steph- Iens (14) and \ \'iIki11son (2 ); cen- r in: Dianlmi (9 \ - tlufnnnn 1).. 11 nv I 15 \ H M15115` UIUW: Every player on the oor tm'ned in a good game, and nice baslietball was displayed throughout. Wxalker for the locals and Stephens for Omil- lia. were most pr-oxniuexxt, pbaying a. smmppy gzune from stant to nuish. I A \vr>lI-Hor1 nrn1nI`1r u-mrnhna 'f11n lau`2.upp,\ gwult: 11`U1ll stzuu. LU l1I1il i A well-lled galery \\"Z11tCh8d the tussle. Those who have witnessed the majority of the struggles on the gym oor this year in coinnxexvbiilg on the game declared thwt as an ex- hi-biotion of baisketball it took second place 10 but one other staged in Orillia. this season. |ORILLIA I. D. S TRIM ST. ANDREW S, 30-23 'I`aHU*RS`D.*\Y. ;\I..~\RC.H 20. 1924 I11; llllll \\ lllillln`()H I21); ( PimLt.~i (2): defence, Rzmoy Deverill 12); s~p:u'es. Booth Ffnr` imnn Ban (1 11 et Follows Gzmne B. W. SYLVESTER. TEACHER OFI Plano, Violin and `Cello. 120l Bayeld St. Phone 974w. _____.______! .\ nd ro\\".s-~ F0 rwu M s, Me- Smith (6): Centre, -(15): (Ir-fencun. Luck and wk 12;: slmms, .\IcDour.:all d. PHONE 23 B ..'...'.'O. .)U Dingmun. b< ( 2 ) PERCY HOADLEY is prepared to! accept a limited number of pupils in the following: Organ, Voicel and Piano. Studio, 462; Clapper- -ton St. Specialist on voice pro- duction. Phone 283w. E. __:____j____ I VICTORI.-\.\' ORDER rm NURsEs,I Barrie Branch. Nellie M. Lay-E cock, R.N.. C.P.H.N.. 86 Vvorsleyg St. Telephone 751w. Oice 95` Dnnlnp St. (Ross Block). Phone` 102:3j. ()`xco hours, 2 20 3 p.m.; ail}. 1 BOYS & MUROHISON, BARRIS- fnre QnHI\ `Mnhn Fina T3|mh'I1'4\ >'nIitI|'s .\`t*r\'ic(- (`oats No More" Open day -and ni',;ht.. I\I0r;.:\1e and W I (-,h:1,pn': in mnnection. | Ijst;m1E: 1863. | vu....... on Ila-nu-In Ont Page Six STEWART & S'DEWA;R I`, BAR- ristevs. Solicitors, Notaries Publdc, and Conveyrancers. Money to loan in any su-m-s at lowest current `rates. Office, 13 Owen 'street, Barrie. D. M. Stewart. I1 Phone 82. L uuuc uJ.. uuA\.c?uo Omce Hours : 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., ES'DEN & ESTEN. BARRISTERS, Solicitors in High Court 9! Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oice, 1st oor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. M-oneiyl to loan at lowest current rates. G ' H. Esten and M. H. Esten. ALEXANDER COWAN. SUCCES- 901' to Lenn-ox. Gowan & Brown. Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guardianship and a.d`mLnaistra.Llon, and General Soli- citor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Oi-ces: Hinds Block. No. 8 Dunlop street. l`U.\'ER.\l. DlREC"l`0R AND E.\lB.-\L.\fER. Open Day and Night 47 Elizabeth St. Phone 21 i>1io1~"EssIoNAL CARDS DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRrS- ter, Solicitor, eac. Masonic Tem- ple Building, Barrie. Money to lrmn I RADENHURST & HAMMOND. Barnisters, Solicitors, etc. Ofca lat oor Masonic Temple Build- ing. Money to loan at lowest rates. !e_!.-0..Y_P -----:------i---------------- I )R. H. T. ARNALL, OI-`F'IGxE| and residence corner of Toronto, and Elizabeth streets. (oppositel Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) `.[`elephoue 167. ! DUXD Q5 XVIUILUHIDUAV, DAIVIIID` ters. Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Oices 13 Owen street, In the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Office, Elnw-a1e.] Ontario. \V. A. Boys, I{.C., M.P.,. D. C. Murchison. I I I). F. .\lcCUAIG. B.A. Successor to Creswlcke & Bel] Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan 1`... u. n. u n -.... ... ...,......-..u I Gvzulllzlte 0-f .\Ic('riI1 Uni\'e1'si`ty, Mon-tre2Ll. Ofce and Resi(1e11co--~Cr)1vx1er Eliza.-I bath and B1'adl'm`r1 Sts., B2`LI I'iC. | Phone 105 [ .u u..n.._v uuuu Omce, Ross Block. Barrie \I EIAVQQ Q Q Q r |3l'.\'I,l!.\l. I)lIll'}(`3l'0R`~' 1', \- I -`I'l\'VER.\ Y. l)lRE("I`()Rh` -DIR. B. G. .I`[.'l{.\`i5I7LL - .. /~-I DR. \V. A. LE\VIS nu`. V .-...-.v-. MUSIC LESSONS 0l?'l:ICAL ML_`D[C.~\L . WEIR. TEACHER OF L Violin. Piano Tuner.- St. Phone 513. -43 ,| LEGAL .l'HDIlB [U71 Ofce H0u1's--!)-10 11.1 7-8 p.~m. LIIE). :1.m., 1~3 p.1n., .711 3r).v. liar-rie. Out. | -6.30-8 p.m 218. I p(llL_\ an uu'uu;,'u. _ .\'otliing more eloquent could be i`~'ai(l about the effect of the repont "upon the group re.presentinrg the ,l2ute govermuent" than the fact that Hon. IP21-1111-il1f.: Doherty all he had to say in tifvteen nt-inutes. In [his remarks was included a strate- ment that the report was the great- est boost public ownership ever got in this province." 80 anxious was tl1e exn1in-ister to clinrb on the band \\'a_;'on Llutt he declared htin1- self at public ownership man, and Ithe Drury tloverntnent a friend of Ihydro. Later. XV . S. Ham-_V. the brilliant young tnenrber for V\' Lambtutt. sttggested thznt Col. Car- michael, fortner Hydro Cmnnirissioxler, and Mr. Doherty, now ttlurt the dis- honesty or ineff`1tcienc_v" alleged by `the t'ornier two years ago has been disproven. Intight do well t.o carry out one of the t`undanien'La,ls oi` pub - lic lite and rise to say they were in error. \\'. E. N. Sinclair, Liberal leader. also got in line by declarin_g `his party behind hydro and public owner.~".l1ip. It was a great day t`or hydro and Sir Adam Beck. t second reading afvter -midmight of Tuesdmz following lengtihy debaltae, in which members for once devoted themselves to the features of the aimendving bill ittselif, rmtl1er than the 0.T.A. Col. Carmichael (U.F.O., Centre Grey) moved an amendumenut calling on the (`rovernenrt to show proof of :1 popular call for a vote, and also providing for a snlymtission to the courts ot' the consLitut.ionz1li:_v of the bill, but this was iule,;l out. Hon. Mtanning Doherty's Luncndment for the six mon-t.hs' hoist" was put to the House. but was supported only by l'.F.O. members and was net C) :1 vote of 80 no 11. The motion for second rezulinnr currincl, ~17 to 22, `Liberals vwaiiu; with th L'.l".O. [One Labor member, Peter Heenan. I I I I The O.T..\.-_1;_e-b-iscite bill got voted with the Governtnent. and his colleague, Callnn, of Rain; River, v:Et.l1 the Oppcsitim. 'l`he Govern- ntentt, had some in hamuler-' ing, it iwto the lxeuds of non. mem- bers opposite that the bill was pure- ly an enratbliing l".`.821Sul`, and that: the Go-vernment, when and ii con- vinced thtwt stltlictient public desire \\"z1.s mantifexeted for a. vote, would take tl1e1'e.s`.po11sil)llit.y ol` franuing the questions for a plebiscite. Should tho_\' frmne these wrong, Pretnier l"(,`l`L`, llSOl1 pointed mm, the (}o\'et'n- ment itself must chietly suffer. A curious I`e:rtnro ot` the debate is t7'1:1t tsome l;il)erul.=. l'f`pl`(`.~:.(`-ll wet" .<*.onsatittu:-m-ies sztw ilt to vote (L_`.:8.ll'lS[ til... kill u-Mini. 4...nI.n..7 ,.. Olin nnln ' foiwniulztte . [lH.'.-7 tn;tte;~' is _iL1.~'-Iilietl. Tnhe Gregory report was peinlizvps the otutstandling l'ea'L11re. The per- sonnel of =the Cotmmisslon---W. D. Gregory, M. J. Haney. Lloyd H21-l'I'viS, J. A. Ross and R. A. Ross-l1--ave been 1`eg4aI'ded, by reason 01` ez1rl.ie1' utterances and actions, as ovpponventts of public ownerslitip. and recognized fnientls of the hydro projecut have never had any heSn ll[.IIlOI1 in C:haI'g`ll1g that the Drury G0\'el'l].`lllel1I[ intended to ``get ' Sir .~\dwan1 Beck and the en- terprise itselrt`, just as an alttellltpit was made hy the itinrber probe to get'` Hon. G. H. Ferguson. 1`he fa.ilure has just been as pronounce(l. When the new (`.o\'ern.n1en-I came in it in- strnoted the Grego1'_\' CO'l1l'l1l|lSSl0ll, I.hen a yeztr and 11 hall` in 0p9l`il.tl0I1, to repott the facts it found and the (?U\ el'lllIlGIlt \\'01ll(1 lll1d(`l'vt21k(-` to its own policies. As a result the report. thou}.;h containing 11 I :-\\' 161"!-hi1ll(1|;(l contplihlents to the chairntan, and t-tnitzical as to re- lations between the Ontzuiio Govern- ment and the Onvt'.u'io Ivlydro Com- llllSSl()I1. a complete \ il1d7lCzll[.i01l of the luztrter l)o(l_\' and the h_\'dro pm- jec-.t. Preinior Iel"_.f llSOIl. in :1 care- rttlly pt`o~pu1't-(1 Sllll|lll21l`_\' of tho gen- erztl tlntluitix,-.<, (lGC1:ll`(`(l them ":1 ntonhment to push]-ic ownet`sl1ip', vllltl the f.j.l'0:tI9.~.'nL ttlihute c-ver paid I pnhlir man in this co1tmr,v." .\.~: to the C-hippu\\'u-Q11eonslon (lc\``l()[)- l1ll`ll7. \'.'hi('ll the Coin-mission was primzt1`i1_\` clesiznotl to il1\'e..\'`[(. . or` the \v:xt'-titm cost over exiti- The Cl)llll1llSSl0Il lll so lll2lll_\' \\'urtl.<. public `0\V'I1Ul'I~'lllp in Ontario tiimlicntml; p1';ti. lhv \\'()l`l{ M the h)'d1'o en- :.uitivet'.<. and e,-:\':ol.< the oltztirhtzui for the flf.."l1L he has put up on helmlt of the p00pIn'.~'. power pro_ioot. .\'o tvonder C011.~'ex`\ uti\'e n1<~lnl)e:.s' got up and made jubilant little spencltes, l`{`C2lH`lIl_L' tho origin of -the project Iunder Sir James \\'hiitne`\`, and the r-on. support :1fl`ot`de(l by their p;u't_\' all through. \',-nhhur Iulnnr. .lr.,...,\... .. 9 4 l I 1 l i l 1 I c i UUIl`.`lll`lll|'l|L'lt_`S SiL\\' ILL LU \ULL` {bf-'oL||lbL the bill. which authorizes the only` po<.=.ihIe \\'u,\' 01' 0l)t:Li1rin_: the public will in 1`0g{11`(l to the O.'I`..-\. When the p1el)i. s'CHG hill cuxne to com:nit.1oe .~I:\:e next day, Hwso Ij`lw1`:1ls om,-1'- {rd mrious su_:ge:~'-lions, and J. A. _1\in:1zl (0H;1\va. East) do-L-1:u't=d hei :\v0u1(l brim: in :1 bill to permit sale 101` (`W0 pm` (wnt. hon`. whivh. of ycourse, will be by way of mummi- mom. in the On~\z11'io Tmnpmntnco ..\n-0 Hunll 1-Tnn `X7 Ta`. Wrnnaxv 11'-1: \\;U|llBl.', V\ III lit ? Il_\ \\ (1) UI. (llIII'Illl' mom In Ac! itself. 11011. W . E. Ratney wus` nu Hm job, as u: with 1:. bwtch, of proposed zmmndments, all of whi-ch wern lost or ruled om of or- .dor. The bill was repomed by Com- lmilte-e or` the Whole wthout amend- ` menli. \V'-ilhou-t the slightest desire or wmeuipl Lo cuvb free speech or ex- pression of opiinion. the Go\-'-ernunent ueventheless seems to forge right alie-ad with -the business of the l 1`ovinrce. Lwst week saw a. raft of hills advalrced. Tuesday was de- voted to Ithe OnIta1`io Telmpervanlce AleL,1924," or in other words vthe bill prouidning for a `plebiscite on the O.T.~A., by way of Iiun.pleImenvting the Prime Min-ister s pledge in Opposi- tion. 011 'I`l1ursda_v -the report of the so-called Gregiory Co1m11issi~o11. alp- poiulted `Io enqluire into lrydro, was tabled, and me-mlbers of the Hioluse discussed it all ateinoon and even- ing without l1ind1'ance, though it is dolubtful it` they were at all viu order. Fritlay zLtex'noon, as usual. was devoted to xfowrine business. DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE, PHYSIC-f Jans, Surgeons. Otce and Res!-1 -deuce, 47 Maple Ave. Olcei hours: 1 to I . p.m., 7 to 9 ]).'In.,` or by appointment. A. T. L1t,t1e,? M.D., W. C. Little, M.B. Phone! 213. u Thv 1'o1'ma.l : l l{()(,l{l:}..H'>`- l..\S'1' \\'EEK IN THE LISGISLATURE Prime Ministm` made am in- statoment on Monday regard- ling fortlrcoming Governmient legisla- t.ion not yet on the order pzuper. One bill, to a.bo1lish municipal bonus- es. with the sim.:lo exception of .\'nd assessmenlts in certain cases, was later in the week inimduced. Others are bills by Hon. James Lyons to prevent emport of haI`.d- wood in the log and to take meas- ures for obtaining revenue from summer resents in unorg.1anized ierritory. A hotel bill is coming `down; some additions to the High- way Act; it securilie-s bill to take the place of Mr. Raney's blue sky la.w" never I)lOC1l1llB(1, and 2!. bill in connection with rural power service. ...... .unv. ..,. . i1':'itale(l by 21. l )(>`,()1l`E and ins~tc-ml off l{illinr.: it, as 111051, people Wfllllll rlu.l C2ll`l'l('(l i`l ::en;1l,\' and sot it! down because he Ihnuyzht that the` spirit 01' his :;1'a111(ll':rtlw1' m'i:.:h1 be! in it. .-\n0`the1' man to atone for his| sin heart his 1'0reh0a(l on a stone in' 1'ron~l of an idol unltril H. was bruised and bleedving. Paul. of the m.iss-ion- a1'_\"s work is `to show the people the foolishnex of these ideas and lezul them along the right 1ratl1. The vhllrr-hpa as n u-hnln An In II|L' un_;u'l g.H'.l=Ix_\ n n! A `nu. nu-ulu um punt:-1 un `H1956 In lers, for nlany think only of plea.su1`e seeking and of noth-in~_; else. There is'a grave qllestiml to be c0nsidt:1'o(l ,and thaw is. are we rloi1-5.: our punt `in 11elpin}4' to Christi;m1'7.e the h0a-| !Ihc~n or other l;u1(`l:- '3 Smno people \\'.i`1l nn-I e\'(m sz1c1'i1i(-0 :L l't:\\' .Sli(`kS of cl1(\\\'in-_-_;' :.;u1n In aid in this good I work." | urn|.....,. :. , ,,, A v - -A ~ ' \\UlL\. I There is :1 gwut deal 01` SIIITI.-`l'-} inf: in China." he c0n.tin1w I lll'il- g-ino a young min") un21`h!(- to walk l)ecu11se of a 60 pound tumor on hm` back. ;\ mi.=:si0mu'_\ domor c1u'(-(II her \v.isIhou:r :1 charge of any | `xx-1-iptinn. That is _iu. II L\~1~n:1!] C2159. This work (-.unn0`I be cur ' on witlm111 $01110 out]: .\s it is l\(|\\ crnnn nl' r\nI- unh. :sutTe1'11-mllessly. Chr kind is 2ll'()l1Il(1 ihvm \,I\ 1-:1 lnl(_`H` I thunu, hm help as (1nd ' is not fmtllomnimi. L-urions 1)-liofs. For n'.;m woke up in the irv-ilndr:-II hr 1| hur`H.n..- .. Pre1ui`1ninar_v to what w.ill no dowhut prove conntroversial 1egisA1~zubio11 in connecution wi-t-h the church umion bill. a. large deputzLtion of '1`oronnn c-1eI':.:.\', re.p1'esentin;r Metodist. P:m;- h_\1ter.iz1n and Co21g11'<\gwhio11m1 denom- inatxions. met nlembcrs 01' the Hmlse in the Puhlvic .-\cco11nts room on 1ri~ du_\'a.tTter1mnn and presented tho, la1'_;`11.n1e11t; for union. The bill. ml which C. R. .\IcKoown (C011,. DuI`I'-I Orin) is sponsnr, has not yo: Como? h(\l`o-re Lhe Pxrimte Bills Comn1~iH(e.3 and J. \. 1\IcC`:11mlz1nd. .\I.L..\.. Tn- ronto. said that the :1n1is" shmxm :11.~ ho hozlrd before Hm ('m|1111ittu-xv . was x'ez1<*.11r-ti. Rm`. Dr. 5. DJ ?C.h0'.\'n, Rev. Dr. fiunno: um! RMU George I i(1':o0n wraro . 2`-'>1" 312:0 dlt;:,':I.ti0n, \vl1i(:h \\*z1s in~lru~ `rlilw-11 by 11011. '1`hum;1s C1'u.wL`ord. 'l`h.: !..H.u- Inn! v\:\ I .. ' ll il\`|+'.l U) 1'lUll` T110 lam-I01` had n |Ir\r~t-: n rr `\ I |\\ .UI\l 0" DR. l\IOR'I`I.\IER LYON. 122 BLOOR.` St. West, Toronto. will be at 9} Owen St., Barrie, 1st Saturday ot_ each month. Diseases--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 21.111. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. xn-' A(l|`|L'l uclll IIU IU'.~.|Hl`ll()Il H1 PX- prr-:asi11_: l1i|)1>'v~lf p01*.=.ux1z1lI_\` in i`zx\'n:' 01' organic union. but Hun. W. 1-1. [1'i(-e. x`epra.=:ez1ting' the Cabinet. said it, would not be wise for 2}-H G-oven'mnen.t to take any stand. since- it was desi1'a.ble Lhu-I nlelnbers should vote according to their own views upon the menits of the bin. lvulaeu l.Ull'g, awe!` He passed on. "H C4l11'is:t. were hele He would be thlinkintg of three thvlxiy.'s," contin- ued the speaker. Fi`1'sl, the needs of -the world's 1111-maniity; second, H-.i`s power to succour the needs uf the \\wo1`ld's h.111n!ani`Ly, and t.11ird'ly, the indrividual cl1'a1le11.:.,re to each one or us -to do our slmre in 1`u1'tI1e1=ing `this ent I I......a rw.......__ lll`15 \:'1l(l Lloyd George. addressing the Wesleyan Co11t e4"e11cc -last. year. szuid he wondered whether hun1~anity had got on the Devil`s n1c1'1'y-go-1'ou11d. "I have Worked with ,\'.oung people 21. good deal and I know somewthing 01' their tetttlencies. We need to get. the mind of Christ on `t}10s txm.=i- 1 l91`s. fnr nmnv thinl. nnlv M: ntn........n PUT MORE VIGOR IN MISSIONARY WORK Advises Rev. D. G. Ridout, ' Speul at Central Methodist Chu1'ch. ucubu L1. IVIUUUI. 0[ '1`0I`0I`ll0. Sypeaking at the even-mg service, Mr. R'id`ou:t sba-ted lh`-a1L M=a:tvt.l1ew gives us 21 concepmion of Christ as a twen-tieth cextnury missi0n'a,1',v. Thvis daisoiple saw ahead, viswa/lrized the needs of the fuvture. and poaimts out in his go-spel the roads to be hu- versed long a`I' he passed . "If r`..h] ilr uvnrn haun LID mum pm Stxirring addresses on missions were delivered last Sunday at Cen- tral Meothodist Church by Rev. Denzil G. Ridout. of Toronto. Sunpmlrinv at Hm. m-mun... ..,.....-:... '\l. l\.K`\. III. I`- . . 1'. Rm. were 1'01` was in-trn 10 l1o; in ox- A` . r\.'\1\r< ...lI.. : The Northern Advance If a horse is fed on oats and hay in succession, the stomach will, on examination, be found to contain these substances unmixed and ar- ranged in strata. the first food taken. being in the pylorus and the last in the lesser curvature. The contents of a. horse's stomach are squeezed and pressed, but not churned,a.s1s the case with cattle. 1`hn rnalllnvv nwu-nu.-.-.n.,...+ -0 43-..: DR. VICTOR A. HART. GRADUA1`-E| of Trinity University and also] graduate of Edinburgh and Glais-; gow. Specialty, sLou1ach diseases Oice, corner Bayeld and War-i ale-y Sts. Entrance off Worsleyl Oice open until 8 pm. um case with came. The regular arrangement of food in layers is disturbed when a horse is watered after feeding. A portion of the food may be washed out of the stomach. The water which a. horse drinks does not stop in the stomach but passes directly through it on its way to the caecum. For this reason it is advisable to water first and feed afterwa.rds.--L. Stevenson, Dept. at Extension, 0. A. College, Guelph. Feed Grain Early to Sklmmllk Calves. A! hn Oh-an 4...!--.-... ....... ..I_...__-.| (Contributed by Ontario Department 0! Agriculture. Toronto.) A horse should not be given more feed than he will consume in one hour and a half or two hours. it is a wasteful and harmful practice. to keep hay before horses all the time. The horse should have sutiioient to satisfy hunger, and, it` his teeth are in good condition, two hours of un- disturbed feeding morning and night, with an hour and 1; half at noon, will IE5?-ggpliial Food into his stomach and intestine as these organs can pro- perly take care 01'. Masticatiou ll. Slow Horses. Process with Mastication in the horse is a slow process. It takes titteen to twenty minutes to properly chew and swal- low a pound of hay, and from live to ten minutes with a pound of oats. The salivary secretion during feeding with an average horse ranges from 81,9 to 10% pints per hour. This secretion niakes it possible for the horse to properly masticate and swal- low the food, each pound of hay mix- ing with [our times its bulk of szili-Va, and each pound oi.` outs with an equal weight. Am-1' mastication, the bolus of food pas "es to the: stomach and lies [in the lessor nir\'atu1'e until there is sufficient um-umululion to distend the organ and prl-5.4 the mutt-rial to the )_. I'(?|I.t.`i' Clll'\ dlll 1'62`, \VhL`i`0 gastric I illicu l)(`L"ilI.\' in 211-! nn it _ `an. nun. 13:01: wv onunuulln l./H1703. At the time calves are changed from whole to skimmilk they are ready to begin eating small amounts of grain, which should be placed be-` fore them in small feeding boxes. Or it the! are tied in stanchions tor. milk eedinj, the grain can be put in the manger before they are re- leased. Just a. very small handful is all the call! will take at mat, and; only 9.: much should be fed as the animal will clean up. Ground nnrn In vat-Ir nnlnfnhln mna ullllllll Wlli clean up. Ground corn is very palatable, and it can be fed alone or in combination` with other grains, such as ground oats, bran, and some oil meal. It`. sometimes helps to get the calf started on grain by putting a small amount on its tongue and muzzle when the empty milk pail is taken away. This also guts a stop to suck- ing the ears of t e calf in the next tie. After the young animal's appe- tite for grain has increased, the corn and oats can be fed whole, but many feeders continue to let them have ground grain. A rnnrl in-nln rnlvl-urn on cm: L. A tood grain mixture to feed to, growing calves is made up of 500 pounds of ground com. 800 pounds |ground or whole oats, and 100 - pounds llndseed 011 meal. ; 1 I-{av man nlan he nlnnna I.,..-um n... . gxuuuu. snuu. I ` yuuuua uuuaeeu on meal. 1` Hay can also be placed before the ` 1 calves at this time 111 a small rack.` I Glover hay, mixed clover and timothy, ` or alfalfa. hay not too leafy, are as satisfactory. An early start in grain and hay `ensures the proper development of the digestive orgzms of the young ani- mal, and assists in promoting vlgor- ous growth. ' qlIr\.l\ up .1uuI' IJIHIIUS. ` (A. Song for Girls Clubs.) ` ; Pack up your dishes in the old dish ,` ` pan ` 1 . ! Anti urnuh \|v:1e`\ wink`: ` Hastication a Slow Process - Diges- tion Descl-ibed-()a.ts and Hay Do Not Mix in the Stomach` -- Feed Grain Early to Skimmilk Calves. SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN 4 Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe K Phone 61. Otce-58 Collier St E nan..- 1'rA.....-. . [WHEN HORSES EAT HAY Do Not Feed Them Too Much or Too Long. DELI And wash, wash, wash. While we ve got soap and water near at hand, Scrub, gh`1:;, use the brush, What's the use of leaving them? To grumble is all bosh. so pack up your dishes In the old dish pan, ` And wmah wanh wash 1 1 1 1 1 I 6 mu pull, And wash, wash, wash. Pack Up Your Di.-shes. A Qnnn (Ir... rw..I..r nI..I._- Collier St. Metliodists tied with T1*imiit_v for first place by vwivtue of their win over Cemtral .\I6t,h0d`iSllS last -I-`niday Dll.'{h't in the scheduled Sunday School League basketball g-rume. The nal score. 2.-3~16, gives a. good idea. of the game. Collier St. I\'Iet.l1odists deserved to min, and playing clever baskemball. led all the rwn.\` nr\1:nn and ('1.-n-gnu ran an... Co1`I.1'ex' St. Me-thod-ists--Forwards, B1`_\:son (8); and Craig (2): cent.1-e. Carson (13); defence, Bilingsley a.nd Partridge (2); spares, Hunter, Wwiles and Dobson. n4,_,1, . \v,Av . -.. . A. BARACAS .~r1E TRINITW IN BASKETBALL RACE. [H'c1_\1u5, me t`l' uusliuuuuu. lea au U18 vwa._\`. Brgison and Oarson for [the winners did the bulk of the scoring, while Mallcin and WKa`1sl1 rang up the hie/`hes-t individtml tallies for Cemtral. From stm-Vt to nish the tussle was fast and fnunious. Close, hard checking was in order and some hnm\'\' hnwnnc uvnrn hunrlod rum hu ucuu C|lC`L'l.\lll`_L; W=ibb' Hl Ul'uBI' uuu S0111?! he-avy btmlps were handed out by both owtns. The team work of both quinvtemes was pre-t;t,v to wzutch. Cemtral had some real snappy ecum- binmnion, but. the close guardinzg of BiIlin~gs1e,v and Pantridge prevenuted the opposing tiorwards from ruxmmg up high scores. m-n.-.__ nu `v,AI yo . v` - O. R. RUSK. 0PH.D. Eyes lvlxxtnlined Glasses Fitted Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic College, Toronto. 4:: 'TIl2_._I...4.I. cw. 1)..___.x.. rn_..__A 1 an I nu-.. nun uwuvuu. Central Mathod`ist.s--Eomv-ards, S. M`a.1rkvin (7) and Wa:ls11 (-5); cenvtre, R. Malkin (2); defence, Robin- son (2) and Houghlbon; spare, ` Pea-rson. The game to have been played be- tween St. Andrew's an-d All-andale xvas postponed by algr-eement, as St. Andrew's were playing in Onilldsa and the Alan-dale o`u:tf 1t had to an-` tend :1 mass meeting in the Allan- tmle Presbyterian church. 111 will be sertltled at a. lzvter daxte. Ra-. ur Cunk;<;m\\'n \\`0l'P. shncked nn mesduy humming ofluw iwnek on henng ihnl lhz 3Ihud1 had Iukon his Hie dining ihe jnighu Bl Tnnh had been in poor }hr>:\iLii for some time and was un- ize 10 wmend in his dnues as sec tion boss. DI . Speuring, who at- tended him, hzul decided that his nnnd aw hnpmhwd and was cond- nrinu sending Pnch to sonle retreuL On Monday night lI`.inch, who slept alone upstairs, tic;-d a -string to the head of 1hn bed and around ins neck, stmngling hiself while lying .-\N h 111' I l ('()()l{h"I'()\\'.\' lll'}.\`Il)l 'I'.\I\']`I.N' ; IIIH `l)\\'.\' l;Il"l'I VYIIIIAI-I l.\' JEHD` There was a. man in our town And he was wondrous wdse; He told the City Fa;the1`.s They should econom-ize. He talked azbowt the budget In a. most fa;m~i]iar Way. And smid _to cut .1110 levy \Vas naughut but chi1t1`1'en's play. Thrrt. \'e1'_\' man was chosen, I Much to lmis own stlrprise. To scrmwhlo throngxh the brzunbles And put the ntllors wise. Du-I whvn ho szuv tho job it was, WM): :11] hi< mi::ht, and mzuin. Hn _iump(l mm 1'mirmnr~m--< .\ml Ill-\'t`1' ] :1,L::1in. Safety First---Harley s Next SEE OUR 'WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES 80 DUNLOP `ST. F loglaze Paints T. E. HARLEY EDMUND HARDY, MUS. BAC., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Plano, Or- gan. Vocal and Musical Theory Organist and Cholnmaster of St Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold medalist of Toronto Conser- vatory of Music and of the Uni-i versity of Toronto. 113 Worsleyl street. Phone 663.

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