Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Mar 1924, p. 7

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.~,.. ....-V uuu JAuu1\.(- Dated at Bzurrie this Ttven!y~thirL day of I-`eh1'uaI`y, .-\.D. 1924. Stewau-t. S: Stclmu-t. Elm-it-, Onmriu. ;f:~.) no u-i:.2-5 mr l$.\'L'Cll10('-I ellington Hotel, Barrie 4., unnol. 1...H' ..c` 1 tx \v.. 1- 41. Valuable Farm Property Saturday, March 8, 192tL :1.1 LZ`.fl um.` :11 Ihn \}.',L`lll:~' fur 1 w \ ' Mortgage Sale. Mortgage Sale .\"0'l`l(`l.'} u.a. \,u.vJ , nlui-Int/LA at 1.30 p.1n., Donald Russ, )l01'tg`a;:('e`s Solivilor. ' [Btu-ric, Ont. 1~`nhrn n 1-`: 1 Q `) .1 The Advance Office PHONE 53 - BARRIE -1' pu1'1ir-u1::.r and crux ` S1119 a\pn1_\' to J-Istml & I-lsu-n, liurrie. ()nt:n'i0. 1' .\l()|-t.-_'.':\;:m*s` Solicitors, , .\l(-(`unlu-y, .-\ucliono(-r, T0 ("'1 R El)l'l`0l{-S ]);1}.1`u Seven at u, lhe J u.(z1.1n ongmtecr nwvn mwora-u. an im to be the \vorl(1`s1(*z1(icrsi11 ru rxintenzlm-e and operation. ;: umu" 1 and (`IR-cti\_'e nwothnde`. recent. laid over 100 xnih`-s of I0 e of :1 milo or mum an hour sew nn tn1l\ rn(`..~ M.) .- -\..r` H Countr Cimeck Books GALT - ONTARIO Another Canadian Railroad Record OUND . SALES BOOK FIGHT Order Through "(-onstrurtion dzlys" were not I of oxlicicna.-_V which sig1~.z1li2ed wn 1:\k'(`1 d. and today (`unu- `d'.` milwuy consn'uL'- nomtinn. Germlelnm : Your bill 1'01` en i is to ho n:~'(=d in m1r:1(I\`erti:~' nmm 1`ocei\'0d. N010 that it item-izes I '0 outs and fuur 111o1't.i. The ems m~ni\'od ().K., but -h)1m'ou_:h ex~ unmlaniou 01' the \\'1`z1.ppi11gs failed to 1`<-\\'ea'l Lhe 1110~1'tises. Pvleaso r'0:1`\v:u'(l `than at one:-.---Cxhicago T`nibune. I I i V 6 > 1 REA D THE .\D\'ERTISE.\I ENTS. I Be~t'tn'<-\ (-10sinr.; the st--ssions tho, !~7tll(1L 11>lS ztttt-ndin_: the boys :1:.-'rictt1-} turzti short. cours on '1`hu1'sdt1,\' :tt'tei'-i noon last put on at Mock I zu`]iu- unit." 'Dl1t=y \\ \"I`t (1i\'i(1P"(1 into two` groups. the (.o\'e1'n'u..-~n-t and the! Opposition. l"o1i0\\'in_L: the .\`])t"1'3(`.hi from the 'l`ht'm1e." discussion U)()`l\'I place and o\`et'yone was given an up-, po1'tt1nit_\' I0 $12140 his opinion. Din`-L ing the proceetiings '.\Ii'. Hutchinson: caiine in and asked Liiree metnhvt of tho (:m'ei'nniet1t p:ti't_\' to assist; him in some \\'f)1`l{. {\`ttc.h zi. cltuiioei oi` upsettinyz tho pztrty in power was not o\'et'i00kerl by the `Opposition! and n10vin;: that the Bill be votetit nvpon tlwy tit-i'eatw1 the Weillieitedl i I (ioverimieitt, who haul lost its inu- jovit_\'. `l,`.../ .. . \'...... |.:n A-,. ] with lmlit: Quads trail`: 0. First came the train with the new rail. By means of special handling appliances the rails were distributed along the track, outside the old steel. Following the I distriliution of the new steel, the rails were picked up by In Sp(`('l2ll gang. set up end to end, and bolted into two mil units. Next. the inside spikes were pulled by a gang I demilecl oil` for this work, and the old rails were pushed yin townrrls the centre of the track. The new rail was then lifted into ])l:L('(-! and spiked down against the shoulder of the old tie plates. before being bolted into one I continuous stretch. This ensured that the alignment and I . of the tr:1('k remained undisturbed. The new tie lplutes were in'~:i-rtvd later. Pm-l1:In< Hun niuuf infnrncl-inn nnmmnn Ivnu +`l~n Pvrliaps _h(- inost interesting operation was the moving of the old rail to the outside of the track whereit could be picked up by the salvage train. The discarded - steel was not unholted. being one continuous piece,~ some- times: half a mile in length. The end of this rail was thrown outside the new track and as :1 lwzwily weighted truck \\`d.\` pu slowly by a powerful engine, so the phlzinges on its fo;`en`.o. wliools shoved the old rail over the new to the out. of the IiI`2l(`l( - 21 simple operation, but one wliir,-li, in ('m1:~.c of :1 few years saves the Com- i puny tlmu.<:1ml-3 of ,lu!l211`S. As a matter of fact. this s_ys- uni of rt-~l:1\'inp; tmr-l-:. pI:il(,'LlS(`(l. i'st by the Canadian l';1<~i!iv on tlie l\l!'),, 1lll`.l(' .\`uls has attrzictecl the ll.l'lt`IlLl`Il of 1':iil`m:ul 0ill( l2llS all over the continent, l::i:i:\._`.' of `.*'lmm lia\'3 se-nt 1'nprv.s'e11t:1ti\'es from as far .. - :v< I`--~:;~.- to .~'(`('UI`(` Iii-st lmml knowledge of it and . ...- .-.u\...l i...iu-.u;';:.~.: L'k|ui|)]11Unt used. [Jl4lLL'b \`V( I'U Hl.S(,`I'I(`1'l 1111391`. I I I . ______ I S-.Llu1`da_v s nlarke--t was an a\'e1'age `one, both in point of z1`ttendzmce and `produce offered for sale. I I .\ Inuvn nnn1~rHmv nf -nunnf um: nil` 1}lUUU'L'l`.' UIICICU 1U] A large quan l'e1'ed, beef being (1 12c, and pork at 12c and 15c. {L pound was asked (zhiclcens. Bumter pound and eggs 45c :1 dozen. table and fruit usual. pri :auc. of meat was 01`- uoted at 90 and 24c for nice plunnp 1)1'0L1gm 48C :1 Vege- ces remained as H-ay sold at $12-$13 21 ton. and wood at $12 a cord. 1)ninnn . i I Ztlllll \\ UUU .1 1-ices : Bruwtter ligxgs 1. . . ` Ducks .. Chickens Geese . . . Beef, fron Beef, him` Pork, -1"ro1 I Pork, hvim ' Celery . . ` Sage . . . . Apples .. Potatoes Onions .. Turndps Beans Beets . . . Carrots .. Parsni-ps Cabbage (`ma-.1.In K4111`-iltlll . . . . . Young Pigs Hay . . . . . . Hogs . . . . . Wood . . . . . ill.` [JldL'l.` X5 .`.UjJ`]_}lll`.'ll l)_\ BUIHL` UH`! im'(4l_\' trait. .\lmi tnuy Sl)lH(`. ztutli jvstt 11 little over thu tt't1(i9l`I1(`SSi lu\`isiie on a 131111))`, hut. z1.t'tm' all,- thv prattle 0\'(=ry womun1_v \\'0tm1n] it1\'01tt11tz\.t'i1_\' l)1'ea1\'Ls into at t-hei sizlit 0!" the tiny i)t<`ilt'_'.S is \'(`t'_\' S\\'()vi `try nlilS(`1l]ilH3 eHI'S. it was the Iirst` l:111L'ttz15_-t> Lhey ever l and. in{ spitte 0-1' the jest 01' the smile, the ;<\\'oPt<-. on wit'o`s or .<.\\`eL~ti1t=zt1wt's lina. Mon 111213 1'.ut:;h, mo. at the `little f. . 2l.1'dCn tools, which seem like plil_\'ihil1_L'S to their sti't-ttgtit, but in their hearts th(-~_\' a.~:.=.0ciutte. and .l'i_L"i1"ti_\', 1`eiint-\i11entt oi` (`.h211'itCtt-l` z1.t(`.-'- I life with the pursuit of .;ardenin;:. .-\nd as for the wtmum who does not ('.m'e for her own sex, and boldly ..1-nu." H t-`\r\ n--nnonn (\v\11> an un =.1\'0w$ in, she creates only an un- ` I`u\'ora.b1e i]1).p1'9S-'Si011 against hm` own {self which e-n1`b1`z1ces i1m11n1m`a:h1e ex- anl-ples 01' all that is l)eauti1'u1 and I` I,-(Ill: XUI Illfl ll\\ ll Bl'.\, tlllkl UUllII_\ I wor.th_\' in human (*.)12u`z1ct.r>r. We; 11921111 u \\"0mzu1 say the other en-11-I inus: Children are such limtle I Iheasls and there no Dt`2l(`C in tho home until they are put to bx-(1. llnwers is such :1 \\ dSlP of! time. 1 would rather be with men` and talk with men any tinw than} to Iis`t(?n to the silly pmllle of u lot 11!` xvnntrnn " , ____A | Cm'!<.>t0n Plznce Cu11'z1dinn--~Be`\\ aro I01 Hm->e \von1en-the one who dm--5 lnr)'I love children, the one who (l0e.~'. Incl love flowers, and she who open- '[\\'n1n911. I`her<- is s()n1e-Il1i1L'.:` want-` iin:.-; in such, and in all po1*h:1hiIiI_\" iits place is supplied by some 1111-: llnvely 4.... 11 Hula r\I'.-xv H... Innllrxvvunuer l.\' declaros she does not like other! I THURSDAY, .\IAARC'I-I 6, 1924 SATURDAY S MARKET Il'}\\'.-\l{lu` OI" "l`HlH`II`l \\'0.\l|*}N The -N0.rt11e1'11 Advanc-,0 .. 12c 1`b.l,. 12c Tb. .. ... 150 lb. 10-15c bunt-h .. .. Sc bunch . 50-70c bask. $1.00 bag 70c bask. 2 for 54: 10c pint: . 30-40c bask. . 30-40c bask. 30-40c bask. 10c each 300 pint .... $3 each .. $12-$13 ton $8.50 cwt $12 cord 48c 11). .450 (102. 250 lb. II 0:11 \ _ \\ Ulllillll > or_\' rs: ` in .3! 41...! ANGLO-SAXONISM ! E AND ITS PROBLEMS! I Yov. David \\'ren, Midlzuld, Spa-ulis to Ki\\'z111is Club 011 FL1tL1L'c P1'ob1c111s. .-\t the 1{iw=anis Club on I"1`idn_\',- Rev. David Wren, 01' Midlzuld, :,"a.\'e an in1e1'estin:.;' address on The New Anglo Sz1.\`0nis111 and its Prol)h~.n1s." 'I`1`acing the En_;1.ish Sp*3i11( il]_," people 01' the \\'o1'Id from early history .l1n'oug`.h the ages, the spealier show- ed 110w they were destined to domin- ate the world. No genera-[ion arp- ~p.'eciz1'tes its own hiSIOl`_\', bunt we! should know our place i11 history. The s-pea-ker contended that all the English speaking people were fmlni Biblical race. They were 2111 from =the smne origin, and .the .-\11;2'1o Saxons would do-minate the wm'l`(1. \\'o. nun \'1xO tn 1...`-n .x .......a.\.. l&()YH I-I()l.I) .\l()('|\' l`;\|H.l.\.\ll'I.\'|': ` PUU l2lI\t`H. 1 'I`he- Ptlblir .\l`l`-airs Cm11v1111'1t1=o 1'9- [cm11111e11de(1 Lhut. :1 petiwion. SI11`lP(1 by the Lm1d011 I-`ree ] n.-s~'s, to 1110111- nr2z11i7.- tho Dominion G0\'m'11-1119111 to ammint 11 c0111n1is. 10 devise ways 10!` bX i]1j.Zi1],L' .\1be1~t21 Con] 10 OnI;11`in :11 1'(=d11c-~11 1`1'oi:.:11.1 rates, he ci1`cul11t- ed 10 lw . by the 0i1`Ez(J11S of `the town. ' Next Frid:1._\' me Club will hz1\'u as` gllc-ms the Buys 3211111 and 1111-1131 It-211191`, .\l1`. .\`_\'l\'13.<:t(>1', who will .'s'pr~:1I( 011 1110 \\'m'I; or the bz111d. 3a.\uus \\'Ul|lll uU|[Illl1d.,LE [[16 \lV()l'l1(l. \\'e me yet to ha\~'e a greater `Anglo Saxonism. G-od never intend- ed nine mtiltliion people to dominante ethis great Dominion, and we cannot restrict. iin~n1igra.ti0n. People are c0min.; to us 1'1-0-m every million in lltlhe world, and will conttinue to come. Out 01' these mi.\'ed people. will come :1 new race, more brilliant-I .tlm11 any race tl1e world has ever kzzown. There is a big prol)lem1, `below us to assimilante those traces I l I l I coming to us with their dil`t'erenit \va_\'s and views. There must be it spirit 01' _u'et-tn;:et.lie1' and :1 1`ea1iz:1- tion that all are equal. The lyiggestt up1'r)l;lean is to r)11:unize and main- min 21 home. It has l)uen said tltust zlw nation lives in the COLi';LL (`, nnrl= the crying n-ml is to n1:1l the lmme sat-1'e(l. The l2tl1:11'.l_g`r- 01' this` nmv race will he that oil thv .\n_:`ln? 5:`-n.\'0n. _\v pt-est-11-I il\.r_--l`mtt'1l1;< ml". 5the 11(=\\'sp:1p<-1'3 in the \\'m'l(l ale` yprintetl in'h. Thu _L`.l'"1llt`l" unnm nI' lhn n.n..,m...-mt no` .1... ...,\..I.: 3-~-x.\uu. _\( pl'L`.5`l-`ll-I lIll'4.`(`-l()lH'l !-H19 \\'m'1 gprinted `part of H10 cunmnm'c-e- of Ihe iis xm11.<:1(-In- through rho El 1:111<.-1141`:-~. (J:1n;1(lians it is us 10 do our purl. 0111' mi. `_iu:~1 hr,-gun. IA-)1 11>: be true I hinhnuf irlnnla lL`ll'>'l` n_\ ill]. I Kiwznniun I-`rzmk Ilammond. who, is tukin_: an nc!i\`(- pm"! in 1hr- mut-? Ltor Q1` havinr: :1 Juvenile Crmrt .ostz1hl1she=1 in Dvawin, informed the 1nm+li11_: than he had :1. reply t'1'mn `the .\1tnnmy-Uonerz11's oico in a11s\\'r,-I` I0 :1 I`eq11esn as 10 1wcess'.1I'_\" pro(-edure Io tuko in e..mtz1b1i.<.ni11_;`| such :1 comvt. = \ 1..u~.-..\:1A r1A .._ | hlll`H iL L'U|Il'La .\ .Iu\'m1i1e Count. may be vs'.1'.:})- Iisllml if :1 1'eq1wst is made Ihrou_ is-mnr= infhwntial body who would he |1'o.sp011. for tho InnkinL` :11`-tor nf` szmnc-. The (=x1)<>11se would ho en-; li!`P]}' in Ihv hzxmls 01' Ihe local zutth-' oritios. If slliciexmt puhc ime1-mil !\\':1.~z 111:111iI'e-sIv(l some action would? mm ...v-m. | In 1t: well inrmnmvd C`.iI'C1(:`S` in Ottawa it is SUNOII that the p1'es-4 em G()\'el`1lm8l1t will ntztke (`Gl`liLi11t (`h.'llLL'PS in the tat'H'f d1lI'tiI1_`_." this session. tho idt-u bUit1_;' to lower the im_pm:t 1".tt- upon farm machine1'_\' and other tm1t1tIt`ac.tttt`0d p1`0dt1ct.<'. As (?0llSi(1('l'i1])]) over It q11'I1'te1` of; Czt1tu p()pIl1E1'fi011 are in. [ 5tTe(1? tliret.-.t]y or it1dti1'<>0.t l`_\' in lllil1]l1l}LC'1ll.l`( t (it. is `S|ltil11dl(`(1 that solm: 2,500,000 01' our people are .<.u-ppm'te(1 by that w:1`:e-.s paid in these l`acLo1'ies) the 5:(?I1Pt`M trend of the King (jnvern-` men! t.0\\':1t'd tax t'e\'.i.tsions dnw-n-: \\'{H'(1 is to say tho lmlst, of pt-itttztryi 'tnte1`ost. The late (`r .I"I]l)10I1`l ro-, duos-(1 tho (`ll.S.I`()Ill tat`it"f in 1911!} and 10:10 and the present (:0\'ern- ntent Inttde t'tu'lhot' I'edtll(`hi()l1 in 1922 and 1923, while in the sznnte years the 1'11-ited HIZLIOS has con- tinued to raise its t.ut'iIT ilgillilltsl Canadian products uwtil now we are zrlinur hhnt r-nnnh-v v\I-nI1nn-fa tn ohnt ll H) In! Ulll })dl`l. U111` {highest irlvals. l_ The zxtitlmss of _\Ir. 1 `i. d 10 with 3 :r<\.'1t ll`('.S`I` by 211]. ,. u-.. n .. l.`......I. 1'1-.. I puunn um | Jnvuu 5121.105 1l'4l.H ('4 a_'..:11Ii : sellixlg H1111 001111113 products to value 0|` only $4 per Camila. pm` : !`,lll}l, Let us go back :1 bit, and ascer- tain jusrt whia-1. has been happonin_-4 in:1n\Lfzwt11z-iiig concerns in Ca-nada in the past few yeans. In the year 19201hen1I1n=i)e1` of iTzLi111.1'e-s in manui'acit1nvin::: in this COllI1`il'_\' amommc-(i to with 1iai)i1i-1-ivs. of $15,671,000. In 1921 i`-aJii11i1'es in this field uin-ounted to 59!) width lia- bilities of $33,976,000, while in --`"9" the number had grown to 857 Iafid me iiaibiimos were ss3.0,0oo.000. l I`hIis of itself seems to prove that I elmre is .k,o1n0thin_; irottc-.n in Don- Imn 1'1: lthough Canada owes its prosperity, and even its national life to the Railroads which stretch across the Dominion and send feeders north and south into its rich agricultural and mining countries, the Railrozul history of the country does not yet (cover lifty years. In their short existence, however, C-zllnltllllll I{z1ilw:1_V.< have progressed. und been so forced to meet the im-rezzsing demands and rcqiiireinvnts of the country that their` development has_ been e\`t.raor(linarily rnpitl. Not only were the engineers employed by the ( Pucilic compelled to press the laying of steel to the l"{ic at a pace hitherto unknown, 1'0g2ii`tllt-ss of the many diflit-ultivs and obstatzles \\'l\l('l1 they 1-m-ounteretl both on the plains and in the liockivs which were once thought im- passable, hut; competition with other lines and the demand of the trzwelling publit`-, for servir-r-, comfort and coxiwnimwe has stiinulatzml the zl('_tl\'lIit-S of the oper~ ating dep:irtmont:~' to Sllrll an extent that: in the matter of equipment and ::vr\'i<~o rnilrouds in this Dominion are not surpussozl on the continent. 1`3.w<'1'i.:-n<-'3.~'. gtuinml in ( ._\;,v<" worn not, l0St. nor h:i~`. the . t`lll(Tll`HL'\' I\`l l`.1'.llZ"((l rho {`.n.~u|i m L. 4...: r`.. `llltll A. 01' course it would bo mL1':1i1' LO blame Incl: of yproteolion for all (In-.;s'v 11z111(-iuul but. 2111. thv 14111116 Limo, in many cases an in- 21dm|uateI:u'il`l' \vas (l-imc-t],\'zm.1~i- hutublv to their d`0\vm'=a]1. In I-1.`-unnr in nn....nnn$.Hnn 0`.-1.... \\'lII(`l| \\'.\\ .\l{l'I \\'l'Z (i()I.\'(-1'. uV'IIuI,'I HAL` lll'LL\fllllll'lll HUI llll,` Illllll` `mum l)ein_:; quoted, but Lhv awar- Q_.'(`2 Steel t1~a'd`e, nion1de1`s, per xvevk; I:1bn1' $10.50 per \vev1(, mr:1chi11ist;<. $14.50 per week. Build- in_: mulr-s, pl-11`1n'bm's. plaste)'e1`s. l)ricl and cz1r*1)e4n,x01's, from $139 In $18.50 per week. wh*i1(= laborers in thv-:<:mm1i1m_< 20! $1: ..2::'. In :hr~ pulp and paper made the a\~-mgv is \\ l\ll 11-:11 of Klrunu 1 wodi -In21ish' ` up In! nn hum. `illlil the Hnlhl :1 he! ,..._- ...v . .-..-n\ I45.) .,._..,u. The 111'a1m1`aoL11rin_: indusctries of this country were hulilt. up, as were those of the Ynitod S't_z1tos. under Iuviffs sniciemly slrbsluniianl to fomn :1 goodly Ineusllre of pron-r-- Lion. Iat is a que.< for the Uovernnlent of this c:)un~I 1-,\' and the people of this co1um'y 10 say whe-t11ex"o1' no-I. in'd"nst1`iz1l Cunndu is \\*0xwth its keep. If it is lhun 1'uIur- _1aI`-ill` 1'e\fisions"n11is1. he up\\'z11`d and not d2o\v11nva'1'd us 1m;< hr- the t_endenc,\' 01` ']at.te1' }'e`an's. Olhe1`- \wise`\\`e, 111~11sl, be pmpz1re'_(1 to ;_:row grain ,cut. wood, 'd.i_-.,-' mix1m'-.113 and do other out-pl'-door c11o1'es,'Iuz1\':im.: the 1`e.fi11(m1nnts of nmnuf210I1I1'e'm' collntries other ihun our own. Keen interest in all Canadian manufacturies and. especially in mineral products, wood pulp, text- iles, leather and rubber goods, heavy machinery and farm machinery is i now manifested by France and Bel- | plum, according to H. E. Tessier of : Montreal, who recently accompanied an exhibit of these manufacturies ` on a tour through every important ` cily in these countries. Mr. Tessier ihclieves that the tour will bring ., great practical benefit to Canada as soon as Fl`un(-`:1 a-nrrmir-v }.n,.m-nan $14.08. 1111'] in the shdpb I Unmndima new'raIl from a flat car. 2 A Canmlinn Pacic wnrk train. :5 Placing a new rail u it. 4 Th ' th Id in th ` outside of the track. Note how the wheels are edging the old metal owl` the new. n mwmg e 0 m 0 0 A dispatch from London, England. states that the Soudan Government, through Capt. E. C. Midwintex-, gcn- , oral manager of railways and steam- ers, So`-.:d:m, Africa, has accepted a tender from a British Columbia firm for 150,000 railway ties of Douglas fir. The contract expressly stipu- lates that the railway ties shall be of Canadian origin. nritisn t.o1umb1a s shipment of water-borne lumber to overseas mar- kets totalled 521,707,132 board feet last year, against 273,146,800 in 1922, an increase of 91 per cent. This announcement was recently made by the provincial minister of ` lands and it is a remarkable index of the rapid expansion of bhe lumber industry in British Columbia. Under a scheme inaugurated by the Provincial Government it is an- nounced that British Columbia will advance loans up to $300 a family to settlers from the Hebrides, on condition that the British Govern- ment advance a like amount. In view of the present depression in the islands, it is expected that the British Government will co-operate. rezu. pracncm Denolxr. to Uanada as French currency becomes mpre stable. I The e.\'te1`ioi' of the great Cana- dizm pavilion at Wembley has now `hem c0n`.pi'cled. and the interior dcrordiors are husiiy finishing the ` h.:ildin;;'. ziccmding to H. E. Tessier, who has just re`iu1`n<)d to Canada `:;hi'en.d the (faiiadiaii Pacific liner 3 .`\Iontv`.are. The exhibits are being ir-upii1`.y n.~'snn`uIed and everything jjwuiliis to Canada's display being ; rczul_\~' in time for the opening of the ii})riLisn Empire Exhibition. ._..:*_______. That (`:1mulu`s culture has noth- ing to fcar from the promised flow uf immxu` 1011 from I-nnfinonf-AI mg LU war zrum Lne promised now immigi'aion from continental Europe was the message recently delivered 1; J. "Murray Gibbon, (`:1 uiimi au ho!` and Iitteraleur, in an zuidress 01 Canadian Literature and the Foreign-tom given in Mont- 1'0 `ii recently. Of all the Scandina- n rzu-as contributing to the Cana- dian population, M1`. Gibbon consid- urs the I<-(-lander; 1.0 have the high- 95?. liter:-ny mentality. More than 1.`,0()().()0O bushels of . !`I`21in have been received at the 1.'m'L-rnment elevator at Vancouver, L'..(`., from (fzxnndian Pacific Railway .'z1)`.~` :;im-e the opening of the crop \'c:-:1`, ;xcr-rmiing to a report, issued 1'.` rz1i!\v;`.y officials. Exported from \v':un-nuvc-r in the same period there have been 20316534 bushels, com- ;ri:i.vm~ liuix, ` hnulmla +,. +1. ,...., Y. oflzcials the 52 have 20511653 ' "`i:!g 1;'),x1S8.3-3 `.H"(| Kingdom, - Orin.-m and 3du,1.;3 i K nun-I.-->1 You will be pleased with Stunn- t.on`s Sr;~n1i-~'l`ri111med \\'z1l1 P21.pe1':~:. NV. .\. Lowe & Son are sole :1g.~nt.s for Ba,rrie. ' - I105 SUT[)'.lS.\'(`{l 1 gui nor the : _che (`-:u::1 on: dians <-1:-.in1 m tinn m::intvnz1m-e `KT.-Qnm nu... . .1 The 21,rr_gr1`(-game value of all field -runs in (,7an.'adu in 1923, was $891,- .`.,-.7-,i. (J0, according to a report of nu Em-zm of Stzxtistics, a decrease of S'T< 538,000 from 1022, caused :2~.:ix12y ..y the lower prices armlicable ~21:-tic Hy to every crop. This sum . ` nmrie up of the fufiowing items: c.'}1eat. $`3'1G,606,70(l; 0:115, $177,704,- 100; htlrfey, $32,055.700;- rye, $11,- '3~1",SJu'0; my and clover $162,882,- 000; nxixmi grains, $17,G:'>-1,800; po- f,21'.0L!$, $57,076,800 turnips, etc., S:`(1:('2,,G3(),100; corn, huslaing, $12,465,- I 2 . Lil '. 0 32' N10. 5, $5: 30,100; A golden wedding, celebrated bv ` .\Ir. and Mrs. R. H. Williams, 0} ` `riegrina, Saskatchewan, was one of the novelties enjoyed by the passen- ; ,'K`l'S on board the Canadian Pacific 1` iinipress of Britain when the ship was at Barbados during the West Indies cruise. Here Comes the` Bride was played by the ship s orchestra, and a huge wedding cake was baked, adorned with 50 candles and presented to the happy couple 2 at a surprise party, in which even ` Lhe crew joined. Earl Bridg-es, 17-year-old musher, from Le Pas, Manitoba, won the Eastern International Dog Sled Derby at Quebec, receiving the gold cup and $1000 awarded for the team ' first past the winning post. The race was run on three successive days, February 21, 22 and 23, in daily laps of 40 miles, under ex- tremely trying: conditions due to the heavy snowfall on February 20, which was the'worst Quebec has known for half a century. Bridges, who won the Le Pas Dog Sled Der- by, also captured a silver cup award- ed for the best-matched team of dogs in the Quebec race. Theta were 15 starters. _j..:__.j_._j.j___ 1 British Columbia shipment of g zater-borne lumber to nverson: mm-. ` READ are and There THE ADV'ju'ii l` `L. 1.44 Dusnels, bushels to the -1.6.'iU,l05 lo the hu.-hale fn Qm.H~. |.'-'.In:.;' Pau.'iti(: row the rate 01 Inilozxgw-: U 1.u.w,LU;) 10 me bushels to South sI1`ipbuild-in-:_' iu 5:19 HE . - `the ` lithe `nf - of n1m'l._4u_:e, \\'hxiCh will hv prm1\1(`.*(1 21.! the time of sale, thorn will he offal`- v ed ITnd(.=1' and `ray \'irtur~ M the power salsa fo 1' cm1-tztincatl sale by in Public EL (`L'l'[ail! .\uo1ou on SATURDAY, MARCH 8th, ]i)2~}, :11` ] ]).m., at the Wellington Hotel, Barrie in 1110 '.l.`o\\'11ship of Ilmisfil, County of Simcoe fllllll-LIFI AISIVUII8 VI Ulllllll AIIIIIB l\llCI Port Huron, Michigan.--I suffered" for two ears with pams in my side, and if I wot ed very much I was nervous | and just as tired in the mornin as when I went to bed. I was sleepy a the day and didn't feel like doing anything, and was so nervous I would bite my nger nails. One of my friends told me about Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com pound, and it helped me so much that I. soon felt ne."~-Mrs.CHARLES BEELEIL, . 50l-14th St., Port Huron, Mich. \Unn\nn vxvl-|r\ nn`nu 4`.-nu-n nv\Iv 4`n.~..'n:...-. .\y||I. .\\l_| Ll.` us 0I ,t,ha:1 dune. For flit`? hr-1' 1. ditions ul Ihv $11 1.`. ` LUBE. - i Upon L110 said lands` is said to he loreeted a c0m'fo1wta.bIe l'rz1m~e house: land fm.n1o barn with bil.S@l1lGII! istahles, and other out-bui]dings.. ' l`h-. m-nnrmrfv will `ma nffm-ml for Webbwood, Ont.- I was in a very weak and run-down nervous condition, always tired from the time Igot up until I went to bed. Sleep did not rest; me at all. My sister recommended Lydia E. Pinkham`s Vegetable Com- pound to me and others told me about it. but it was from my sister's advice that I took it. It did not take long until I felt stronger, headaches left me and my appetite cane back to me. I am a farmer's wife and have many things to do outside the house, such as mill`-in , lookin after the poultry, and other c ores. I eartily recommend the Vegetable Compound to all who have the same trouble I had, for it is a fine medi- cine for women."--Mrs Louis F. ELsAs- SER, Hillcrest Farm. Webbwood, Ont. | Another Nervous Woman Finds Relief Daub 'I'J.._.... IA'1..L:..__ Al ! _..`-.__A Since November 28, Sales Book prices have been reduced three times by us. Books `are now selling at 50 to 62% below November prices. .\bsolut(_-l_\' below cost ]n'ic<.-s 2ll`C now of'fcr(~d. SINGLE CARBON LEAF BOOKS 2;-c each CARBONIZED DUPLICATE each Open bottom .styles-sta.ndard size and quality Folded styles at slightly higher `rates, 1 ri<`os Iistcd are `For 1000 books--]m\'c1- rules on lm-gm q11z111 tities. uu4-;-xuu um, 1 u: L ;1u:uu, Aunu. Women who suffer from an feminine ailment should try Lydia E. in.kham s L Vegetable Compound. C , lfntlm` and by vi1|tur- 01. `the powers qof S-.119 contained in El. `-nmx'>. \v.hich will be produced 3:11 1110 limo of me S2110. tlmre will ho 0l'l'm'etl for samle at Public .\11ol:in 3l)_\' 1 . .\. Cougvhllin, .-\uc1.ioneer, on . .. .... -- ---_ ____ v., _......v the S0urt.h hull` of L01 No. 6, and the :~`uuth-oust q11a.11ter of Lot No. 7 . Ihryhll in the .\'i.\'th (`um'o. of tho 3 I'0\\'nship nl` Fins. co11tuinin_L: one h11I1(i1'ed and 1117!) ac-res. mm'r,- OT Jess. 1 Y'...~... H... ,`..:.1 |>`1uI1_1u:, (Hill l)`l.llUl' ()ul'I)LllJ(l1I1gS. .` The property will be offered for gsale us one parcel. suibje.c.t to a re- 1sex`\'(= bid and if not sold, wi-1.1 be `offerml for sale sepa-1'z1,teI;v, subject to 1'ose1'\'e bids. 'J`(`rms: 10 per cent. of the puI`~ chztse monny ml the time of sale and tho hznnrin in 1: rlmn,-u hhn.-n.n6`.ln-.. Weak anrd Nervc;us. Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound `mutme muut'_\' 2L'L UH` 11111-9 01` sale a) the balance in 15 (lays hhe1'ez1fte`1'. 1w` nml nmnunn Luv Immuune H] 10 (m_\'.s' nne1'ez1Me1'. 1"u1'Lhe1` pmwl:icu1*z1rs and co11d`itiox1s will be made known an the time oi sale, and in the 111P.z1nt1iIn9 may -be I1m1.r11ed on u.pp1ic.z1`Lim\ lo the under signal. T\nnn1.`l mum - LIS!1l'l' Dani ed 18th 1~`eb1`11ar". 1924. NOTICE is hereby ,'.:iven that all creditors and others ha\'in:: claims &l_JillllS`l the E:'<:ta:lo of Jzunes H. Mel- rose. late 01` the q.`O"]VSh|ilI) of Innis- lil, in the Count_\` of Simc-oe, l*lzmmeI', (l9`(`(-.`F((l. are l'L`f]llll'G(l on or before the 'I`\\'rAnt_\'-ml1:i1'(l day 01` .\[zn'ch. l.`I2~t. to soml by post prepaid 01' to deliver 1'0 txhe Inclersignecl at Bur~ rie, Ontario, Solicitors for the said Esmte. their full na.m@-s and :1.(l(lrr(:sss~ vs. a full slateanemt of their cl:Lims, duly vexied and the nature. of Hm SP("llI`l1I}'. if any, held by them, and that zLl'te1' s-.nia (l.u.te tho E.\'ec1lLn1`5 . will proceed to (]iS`f,I`lrblltG me;." of the said es-true zunom: Hm pantie.` entitled 1l1ere'!0, l1m i115: 1`".::11'd onl] to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. -n,.,1 . . WUMANSUFFEREIJ F>jg1GNTHS Mcqaskey $yst_eI{1s, _Limited

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