.\ zlllL chzL n-inn . ll work I both of ad- Kl I T1101 .0 . nu` .(). y\\Lnuu II!` (In: lilI`InI`I'. HUW l4ll(`.\` muko :1 brmker or 21 doctor mm 0!` the du(1." M1`. I-In-It in 21 rmv com- plixm-'ntar,\* words ilm-0dnr`od .l.he nmv rr=.p1'ns(-xltzutivv for Nomh Sim- one-, .\h'.`CvocI HP had known him during his four )'(`:lI`S net the Guelph Colleze and he had been in `('11a1'ge of some 01` the most inupnrl-1 `am wm'1< at tho ('t)ll(*J. I-Iv would .(-n1n.n1nnd M1`. Cnvlxnhurn to the. lpmplu of 1\'nr1h Simr-mm, (-.=.pvciulI_\' {in the lzltlins. .\TI'. Ctwkhllrn w;|.< Ihc-n imrm11wr=d u UH" chuirm:m. In mukim: his-~ 1\()\\'. Mr. (`,ru-1;lm1`n Fflitl hr` \\ ` nhu ..;1 1n h.` u.-. *.\\\V .. 1U .\L;H1 spoalw-1~. zxppreciz in:-~ 'l` {Hutu .\I:'ll l112iL ull |1h:u n1 impmrtzl i(2.\'pm'ts 01` hlrtter nf` nvov L-.avnn.-_,{ gun z-' \7Jl`l:Lr- ;4nken tho L`r\r\r\r\\\uI.nr` FSHORT COURSERIVORK i 9 FINISHED FOR npx.-ruxrn. nu 21pp1`e(-into in:'. The .<::mc1( and 1 I111 : of advamau x-\r~=n infl- Good I also 2: 1 l'.l'lHlUHl 511011141 .7A_\' \\ LL_\ \\ [Ill U}. are all dvpvnd men condiltinns are "1115: 1119 town p(Jn[ the stutlmns wh lI\r 4hr. 11...... !'1I1HH'l:l Ill `.l'L(IIH) \\`om( \\'h'011 they in tho proscn~1ut-:4 lu I'rI1- (run: DUI!!!` Ul |l|(' III CD("I\VhllI'I F Simr-mm :ln.. \(l>||. \VL"l. llIl`_\ l'iIll lllil!\|' .20 1'1n*111m' Hum Hm mnn. il' mzlkv it go l':1. .\`pez1I(- mninu cm1d`itirm.<. Mr. Put- tlmt (1z1ix`}'i11}.: \\`.'\s 01m 01` impo1=t:1n'I br:111r'lws. Our .0` h||`1h31~ r.1xon_-n and nuH Cuok p1'()po:~'ml the 10; llure. The ('!)l1I`.~'~9. said 1 `mad t:1u::h~1 Ihe 5-hulmrts 2 me a of fur > jll(]f.`.`i11fI and ::ra(1i11:` I n...-!-. nu I. punt C. `[5. I'(ll`lHl'I 191111121111. 111111 \\'n111v11's ' 111`. now] 1 ut11'.1111 1.Inu-n..- u ,-'.l|lh L'l:.l.`.`. IIH.` v\\U`\ h21r=k`bo11v ox` lhv cnun-` wtenlhs 0!` the 1'21:-nxersg \\'m~H1 s!u1r~ks" withonl 1 It hz1.< br.-u-11 .<:rid lhm} 1 .110 pm` (~vsn't. of 1111-; u \\'n|'| thnxv nnn Iu|n'>I\- H. A. lll<].\'l:Y - W. .l. ('()\\'.\N Dunlap at .\lulcu.~'ter. Hmnc :;I us... \. lisxen to The timv :11 .. ll|Hl' ID \\Ill|' noern them- ()I' (in.\'e131- n aft:-r llu~_\' 115 who had LY. .. lll.`|| 1'1 ll-l UH. said that L_ mpn H5 in 1 in T`.vn-1-in 1 \'UlHlll|lll` JUGS have vvmltmel 0 a band; -11. ... (n1\I\I J 1 1..-...,. llJULl1l1g' UpIl_\r'. On be h1alt' of the boys class. M1`. 'I`.l1mn1ps1o11 was p1'ese111te.d with a gold w:Ltc:11 chain, the address bei-11-g read by Anrdrew Orchard. Mu`. I`ho1111pso11 said he app1'ecia1ted the ki11(111e.e'-s of the st11den1ts and assured 1.119111 that the t`1'iend`s11ips t'o1'111e~d \\'o111(1 not sQ011 he fo1`got1t(>11. I To Alan H11to111i11s011, who 111 :11 1z11':.:e 111o21s111'e was 1'e.=1ponsi`b1e 1'01`; 1119 s'.111o1't c(1111'sc\s _ 111 Bz11'1'ie. tho S1.11(1`111S 1; -11\ e :1 p:1i.1' 01' gold C1111` links. E-1'11('.'~:1 Comes 1'e:1(1 the z1(1-1 tress, w11i(-11 1-x111'o.s=sm1 1'e::1'et at 1.111! 1'e111o\'111 01' .\11'. H111tc11i11s011 and as-E : 111111 of 1110 n.pp1`ec-iz1t,i011 01` 111.51 .~'v=1'\'ir:o.< 111111 1w1p. In 1'op1_\' .\11`.L 1l111(-.11i111 511111 110 21])p1`1'1r'i:1.1(11 1.111`-; 1111111; 01' 11111-1~1~. I111 110 1101-111`: 112111 11 01119.4 111111 1`(-`SDt)l1(1(*(1 11101191 11-:11,1i1`\' :111(1 111- (`.\`I`H`f1.`(1 to 110111`, H1111:-g I!' 11\ n1'\- 111111 ` 1 t.h:;`tH ` , _i03'0d n m1 1 1 ( .-n--uunuhu -`nun .~'cripzure cnxm-i11_-4' m;m_\' lmnll)" 11)Q()l(xj:io211 points. \\'hvn pickml up he was we:11`in_; li_L"hI cu11\'as 1'unninL:' shoes. By the time he }.:elS nut tho \\'ontlu=1`. let us hopv, will h21.v<= s11riI't9(l enou:..-'h to make tho \\'eu.ring of such l'00Iweu1' it comfort mtl1ex` Hum 21 110cessi't_\'. \\u u hum. ....u. P1'ese1rtatio11s i The girls class presented Miss Jarvis wwith 21 pzuir of candles!-ickvs `as a. token of their apprecimtion of her inute1'est`in them. Miss Jean Hickling read nhe address and the presemtzwion was made by Miss _Do1vot3hy Sco.nt. .\Iiwss Jarvis made a mting reply. On lmehnlf nf um hm1.=.' a'la.s.s. M1`. U H (I Ifk U prnvnd run I :1 nut plvnvu at H 1`esid:>nt;< in I110 tmvn. .\Io.1)o11z1g;I1 v-inn 1: 1-0 '0 (H-:1 Reaches M Deep Colds lmmediafely! .1 lU\'lHCL.'. would _::0 h1'0urI(*r vi: be splemlh Df\!\1ll\lI7\iil \llIlHl`-'. lI|' l'll|lI>\' them had Inzulo {hr~ (1urin_u' the r-mn';-0. ()1lll0()I{ and Hm 1'1` ;\Vou1d help them. tezwlwrs had been helper. A n 1] rnur r!-1| 31 rd ' llllllf ;\11(1!`0\v Orc-hard said the . -w~rr> must 1`o1`Iun2LIe in hzxvinu the !c011mes in Ilztrrie. 'l`h(-,~._\' had an-I ip1'ecizLte(1 the 1e(~lu1'r~s by the slulf. `and they would n0\v'.1u\'e to put in- Ito practice wlmt they had lezwned. and try to promote the ilrterests of `beatzter fzlrnxing. I Rubbed on, Vicks C `:7-\\\__\ Has a double effect [U1lllIlllllIUIl'3 j I`}w_\' would Khroaden out, ing DH1L`l`S. xx... 'l'\\'() .\l()N'_l`llH I-`(ill \'.\l.'l{.\.\'(`\'. 'l'l'I.\'.\'l>`c .\`lIUlC.*`~ 'lN \\'lN'|`l'IR] iktl El Clilfh Pd (1 11) 1'('d.I. thin The Simme Marble Works G. W. J. EASTMAN Prop. Phone 277 \\'m'1d'.~' (iI'(*211<`.\`1' ]Tz1i1' H`()\\.'('l`. C`rm\\'.< hair em lmld 11-ads. 11` 11111.41` .1m1` lw put \\'hv1'<- hair is 1101' \\';1111'cd. (.`1n'0.s' d;111d1'11t t:' and all s<-nip 1 1'u11l)h:.<. .75 ]_n>1' jar. L01` us gxvi i1; Ix-`(- wrml and H.-:1-ly i o1'5citiItg ozuily in 1110 s|>1'ing:. .\ J21.1'g'(; star]: of all kinds of gmn- itc and h121I`])'.C to choose :[ rom. '.|:llll'_\. .\lI'lIl .\lm1 mu m duy.<. T .. nrnnul nu ..|' -v\' V -my oann.n_- n-nu--1 To Place Your Order for a Ivlonuznent or Memorial ]'.()'\\']CS"L` PR If(f`.[S 20 Owen Street BARRIE VICKI rn.'~.Lions,suc11ns CL1l.`.,h\1in$u.bl'uiS(:S, snrcs, :~;tin;;Is and skin itrhings. 1:; _)u.'~.L asg:v10u,m ` I HERE is the lastword in treating} cold trouhles-rub Vicks well in I over throat and chest. Get into bed and leave the coverings loose about 3 the neck. All nigzht long you breathe 1 in 111:: Hnrznyr \.-nnnrs nf (`.'-;mnhnr.i jvru &VVvurIZ I I OVER /7 MILLION J4/as U550 YEARLY 1 E l Ill UH: |u:auu',:_ vuyuna u: \.unAyAuu, menthol, L-Ilralyptus. turpentine, etc. The application also acts like a heat- ing limmemiur plas\or-a1must sure to loosen the cold before morning. Vicks is just as good, too. for inam- maxinns. such as cuts. burns. bruises. (`Ill \\'t'lll ll] J)||_`-'.l`Hl.` -TH toast 10 the stllcloxrls :1 lxuv \!h~;- T` 17|v|~r-`nv\ 1 _\ .\ll.\h L). LJl}bUlI, I1lllhk'. Ul I , who said it \\':1s :1 1)-It-\n.s:111'oE ~ all the \\'u_\' 10 Barrio :0; Mia plea.-vauxi (]111_\'. The] 1}:n'1'ie had been the host I 5.-,i\`m1 1I3('hH`(-s to in the! 3. She Wu-S sn1'(-* the 5.-`i1'Is an hnuun uvih him-u-on and HAMPTON E. J ORY - King Block, Barrie I.\ SURANCE--Fire. Life. Castutlty, Plate Glass.` Automobile. TICKET AGEN l.`--Ca.nadian Pacic Railway and Steamship Lines. Likewise Cunard, Anchor and Anchor-Donaldson Lines. Bookings to every part of the world. Service une:\'-celled. Travel C.P.R. DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS Telephones: Omce 183, Residence 549 u: H: mu (lK\lI.` II|v|II_-.1 nuis21nt'c- 10 u num=hor OH 1111- (N51 rims s1n*rm1n(lin:.-{ . \\'hi11- in tho \viLne:<.~; box` h qnntod a good dual or run ov.inu- nII|n\' l:nnH\' ',l\l'H 1` 5 ~ home \\'i` (-\\ .=: of lifv. ,1 s`..o....n ..:z \,1Iu .\lr~Im I.-m Hit-1:1?` un I|l| \\1 The 1`:`:0W .15.. T315 TIME. lI'l\lHl_1.' HI I ` \\'C1'(` I h om :~9n:I..uL NH litera Llll l'illl\ilh l||lllllllL; no ll 3 IL'l ('h:11`_L unnn H8 ,TmL":111 .\\'(,-mm. citizmrs in Hwir ~ world at lam:-. 1 nppm`InniL\` to 1`a11n'0 and 11911)- n unu- Lvith A r long yo ms of ` ,~ on ruxnl all round ' ` Smith. 1 ` I | Iuul-.\ nu mo up firm- m21nd<-(1 for .. ...... 1..:.I. rep`1_\' wxnmhh II.` (II churn 111:-_\ 1511 she hmu: _:1*ut don xvall unni. S was 1)x'0-I . nurse. 01'! 1)-1ens111'o E T!-,\v~ in Vn ]l0l'.\'l'I.\ .\\'D I-`.\|{.\l.\' .\l_\l{I(lC'l` (.`.\Hl)l~L.\'is' .\_\'I) l.l)'l'.H' uu ux cuuxl: ` camphor, pntine. etc. ; \\ :|~` Luv Inhn .\I(-- in 111111-- `(UP HHU] ?_\' \\'0u1(l tlwirl vnnou- In` )!`l_\ tlll ` szwhlv 0n~ ' my `.z1 A `La-\.1 .n;I IUI lam ` 3 -.- ..: __ )!l}mIml|I Dliii $BARRIE S BEST LAUNDRY n?11oI{E "31 97.`) Bayeld St. - E I-2\'l`Il:\"l`lll.\`(.' I.` 1-:s'r.\'rI-1 l}Barrie - Marble - Works Memorial T '/Tablets Corner Stones Markers Monuments Canadian 85 Scotch Granite PRICES REDUCED - AEEM BR95- ` :OOOOO66OOOO990006000OOO: IJOHN F. MURPHY, Prop. Tl 1,.`IA_-1_ -__ - Hm: Pfum Wei C: i I | I t 1 A I F (Founded 1851) Published every I'I1ursday morn- Barrie. `V ng at the omce, 123 Dunlop Street, S11hscx'ipt.ion $1.50 per year in Canada and Great Britain. $2.00 In United payable in advance. rates on application. McKenzie, Publishers. States. Subscriptions Advertising Morrison & 060 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO E. J. mama` Ti`TT1\T'F!'D A T. O 6 - H OOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: Gll12Nu rII1v1*nf-\h11a1u'P II I ]<`-\]'L 'J`() (il?()A`.\' TI-I.\II? ORIENTAL HAIR ROOT HAIR GROWER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Specialist i11 Embalm-i ing. Owen St. Barrie, 0nt. Phone 268. Lmmdl-_v <-nllod for and delivered PI`i('(,'.S I'0ilSOH1b]G WCn1'l{I)1:-111sh1]) ;1j11:mu1 r0ed on all f':mn'l\- u'.'ru mo LlCEN_S . v.- .,...uJ Dehentm-es of the Town of Barrie. 5; Per Cent. Issue. /1--.: r,____,., r- Auauvq Good Investment. '.l`H['R.\`I').\Y, MARCH 1:. 1924 W. BELL,` IssUEi1 From Generaiizm 23 Generaiian vvvvvvvvv--ovvvvvvvovoooo E. Good Wallpaper 7 O\\'E\` F'l`REE'L` M.1:~.m1ic Temple Building _ . _._..--, -..vn.--... Successor to J. Arnold ' Insurance n .A.V.L.L.I.J-I \-I J.l.I-I 1`VvI.g1: Phone 721 R. G. MANUEL FOR S.\ LE Five Points Page Three` Barrie. Our nearest Branch Manager will be glad to dis< your business problems with you. Those who at present carry Bank regard this expcv.'i.`:nce as 4 be handed on to future genera: usefulness and more broadly d-2 VVhen you bring your busincc Bank of Toronto. you are assured competent assistance from matured banking service. Since 1856 this Ban1:`;ms g: of many different phases of and business development. ' }m~ric $50.00 REWARD sn-ivth` A-\g'(-11{.< \\';mIod PROF. M. S. CROSSE l I ` OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Incorporated 1855 fI3]?.\N(.`TTES : .\H2H1d;1](.! J1. l;|`l'\\,` EUHI uoplll appnm'.<-d tlelogzntes tc Roads Convention. Council adnujrnerl I`11ox'nton on .\Im'ch 11. ! I;: Council 11101 :11 ' 1']`11e.~'1lz1y, Feb. 12, with 1 pl`:-$0111. mm. ...;......`,. .`.- A, I IU(lll ill ; The I : !Ch;1s. 1 1119111 : I RlCllill`(l Bell, rlnlgillg :.r1'a\'ol 30wtl1! |si(lemzul, $13.00; J. J. Dumm1(I.1 l(lri\'in_L piles Bell's bridge, $lfi2.47;i lWill)m't libson, rnpalrs to hill +111! C011,. $10.00; Ben. Ca1'ru~tl1e1`s, filling] in culvert Con. 6, $5.00; Dun. Shzuv, `l>uil(lin:.: Bel-l's Bx'i(lr.:e, $40-L88; .\'urIl1ern .-\d\':u1co. nancial stato- ,menl. $27.00; A. B. C0ll`lvl.S, Vesp1':L| T(-lophono system. $90.00; XV. ;H:Ltmn and I). H. Ross, au(litm's, ..<'::n,-I; W. .\l. l)in\vo0 re}.;isleri11}.,' ; hir1h.<. nmr'riu,}.:-s and tloalhs r `I ;..)-~--. u~ 1 Mt rend VP!` .- Zl`.\l`lll The n.. ,1 ... ; gained the experience at Canada's industrial r1. rut . 1.. un I O0OOOOOOO6*60006000OO6000O ,. _ ESSA COUNCIL - minutes of lust 1m.-0ti11Lj; wen` and conrmerl. e 1'oIIOwm: :u:coun!s worv pm 1 by John W. .Im111e'0( an Dvnm\_\' and passed for pet} ' on the work of the ; a precious asset to nx...~..... -....-~.A4--'| V - \\'i11x1ip<~V (,`;mz1d;1. .`uI't:p valuing xx n_u.su:ux. -:I:)U.UU} VV. ma au(litm's,l re}.;islex'i11}.," (1(>z1l.hs, W. H. I-Iamml. (1ru\vin:: HH1 xi!!!-I'M !!! -'30`) "75- I` Y3 .. .~......... .:. uu Ll. u.Iu. age _.\_at' [__he cost \V. M. Diuwomh . Clerk. 1`un(l.~: be-11e1"u1;ted. El n1\':1] c |u_]uAl`u, -I\`l.Ul : slleep, $10.00 1d Dop11Ly-Ree\`e -`ulna On Hun ll AllLlll illl J. Cor:h1`n :1 15111 .unn.-on... "THURSDAY, M.-\RCH 6, 1.')`. ~l Thornton 0113 1 all mmnbers 1 to 1116-at at 10 11.111. "I`Lt'l.`\ L` '13 ['0 the Good : ` x: .10, L mt! `:1 176 | 1 LI. L\..I uilinu nun ui :1 n d pz1_\'- E Lzl'i.bWlUl`u atuu L1. U'I`d.IlL UPUUKBU std-`orngly on defence and relnieved of- ten. C. I*`o_vston, L. Adxzuws and H. Foyston, cenntre and \v'm,g:s. made a smooth working for-ward line, com- biming wnith shout snappy passes. T`1\o u-at nnrinrl nnnnnrl urith and IIJILUIHE, Wlllll bl.J.UlV|. auupzpy 1}'d,Z3lSt'. The first period opened with end 1-to end 1'lI`Sh6S. Pa)111e did most 01' [the puck ca1`1`yi11g t`01` \Va1'sz1w and vwns (1a11r:e1`011s every tiiwme he went first goal of 11119 ga.111o 011 an oasy, Mlown the ice. Anderson got, thei 1 .5110! 110111 the \\'i11:. \\'111*S21\\' t.ir-~(l~' j11l1> 1'o1111 \vhe11 ;1 .\Ii11o.-111;: plz1_\'e1`~ `-ha`1.1r>d 111r- puck into his ()\\'11 1101. .\ put M1111-: hz1vl\' 31110 111+`, (1:11! \vhv11 110 (11`o\`<> i11 0110 110111 r-1ns-:- 12111::- 111111 \\'z1t; haul 1111` 0112111139 to .<:1\'1*. 1.` .1. IT r~.... \\iI|~`(l\\`*\Il)ill, l\. l`t\1u'-v. J. .\IoI'::111 and `He. \\'. .\mh'-1`:~:on; ` gaml H. Dm~1in7.:; sul izmd Iluroltl I)zu'1in_:'. 1 I{eI`e1'eo~L. 0. Va- '.0OOOOOOOOO0O9000OOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-9000000000000 O0 06: A .uu|;.'.i I(1`efen: U ll`! . 1 1z1.tm' 01 hatted H y-n1`r ` Hltlll 1 took 1nr1..-4 ['H|,LH ` 1110 n MAY l)ll;\lX .)l.\l{.H'lI .\NI) 1 I:I:(`I,.\m 7.000 .\(`Iu:s I..\.\'D`; ?M1NEs1NG WIN MN? ;Fsz:m WARSAW fEAM lluy, `-_;ur".\ LI1l:' am other 01 `whetlwr tho ; wise. Bovlh .nnI:n..Hn.. 4.` 5.2:`! U1!` 1('1ll1 il_`-12l.lll. The ice was h\`(1\ _\' `the soft wezxlhor, and \\':1s 0xt1'e1noI.\' (1u'lI'1( much (`.OlIl=hin21H0l1, It?:\.ll!.< pm'.=.i:ato(I in Ih'i: vm1c-in}: the puck. S 'il]f., _;-or-5 the-_\' shmve r\\\1' "41 Anon I..... 4 {vmnul G21]}l(.` in l'. i Jluvlu-_\' SoI11i-li1121Is I11] I In 2}-2 'l`i'. |i|.| U11. Hill ` between `-Ion.-uOn.`l READ TH E .\T)\ FIRTISIi)II'lN'1`S. .n_; n u. \ u I,'.I'J'1 uuu u.vu U ucl ca, `sin:-aim! in the t0\\'11.' of King; and \\'(-9|. G`\\"1ill1b\I1`)'. The lz1mLe.1' presented :1 petition to have the land drzm'n0d under the .\Eunici.pz1l Drain- Act, the cost to be borne by the 1`-and: hunn{`nl.fnrI I` J I .---\\'zu'sa\v Z -\\'zn`s:1w ;.--t.\1Ii11(~\sin_; Qnr DL`l.` 1.-.\Iinesin_; 3 .-\\'a I`SZ1W i.~;\Iinesin5.; `NY |\\ HI` \Vhi1e ..|.,.. 1'. \\'. I-I. Day, who was for 1122141) < (11'21inz1:_'<~ L-xperL at 011.1-.u'i0 ('1II11u'-.11 Colic-:49, Ims just. cmn~ -d :1 m.rt-1'11! .aur\`o_\' of the Helm Riwr .\I:u`sh in.cmnp2u1,\' will)? nxluni rnmwilnu-y-u ll h-1.; hnun .u.,,. ll out the _:oz1l B01 1 1) ml: re mm .-. \`nr Uuuu :1 m1s=s 1'1-nm the 1 i1 h<-hind \\';11. shot to thv uppi- V.l u a pan iho [H9 .11 r\\V1\|: Looks Right--Stays Right If properly hung. ; At present prompt service i can be given and wide sel- i ection to choose from. Terms arranged to suit Drop a Card or Phone 8 r L4 and 11 representative will call `(LII \ . 11: ~(:o;11. J. ( `I. Cr;1\\'x'nx' u t. I-`oyslnn; mix Io_vs:to11; sub. 111:4 . . . . . . . . . . ..ec-ond Pvniorl 3nn~ L 'I`hi1`d Period I\tr 1 mrr by Periods I"i1st. Poriml Luv l.'|`ll`l_\ pxunuxieu. (ro11si(lera1.i('>11 c0nsi.: .`,UUO 211121 5.000 1o\\'n:~'hips (Lw-iIHInhnr\- Tho lulu Uni` pAil,)l'Ih, >lU -y r-mno into x:n1_:e. :-v iu(li\7iduaI \vr>r1: <-. by I 2\_\'110 I` \\r'-1 I-.-an I7-u-an. lL`l\. L`U sI10\w->d It Inn. ll.`il\\. =1 skz11H' n l1i(,'I\'hz1I]((:I` L that hr` Tin AL! Ill.`-IIIIIK pr()v<;d -and hn F Goldie R. Harper Decorator Stroud pu.. l`I' Hv |'mm 1 l>I\.s Mn .. |\A Kl.) 1|. Iicult thou ; quu prod u 11.! inn I` The N u1i`h01'11 .~\d\'a11cc. 1 i K H. Foysiton ` P111111` __ , Ax 1 .`"l':S .' (wrueh _ (-lmrr. 'us nzany ; mm ` at 1 cmml xs ._1u.=l. cmn-] pmp] n! Hun 1-lnl-` . .. Itllllhl) luced. .\nde.I'son ` I. Durlina-;j .. Admnsj I ]"o_\'s.1on ` I. 130111 nds HENRY & COWAN