Why talk abouxt ourselves when there me so many imm'e.=.tin;:' sub- jects in the would. H Hill} -mled l\J\ll\ I pally MI`.[ \I..` \UxV this end KT. the: .HI. and u-1 \Jll'l`l8LllU.Il mewanmsnnp. Signed on be-ham of U119 Officials of Bulrmon Avenue Mehhodiat Church: J. D. Wisdom, Rec. Sltewward; J. E. Morrison, Ch:a.lrm.'Ln of F`.in. 0orm.; W. D. Limte. Treasunrer. .`\_-genrts \\'mnl ed ~ - I`0 5911 111-21 (l0-to- me.z1sure .\len s .\`l1i1'Is and gmmine En:.r1i:~1h Ru i l1C(). l`tb', (.1 i rm-t from ma1111fuc.turers In wearer. Expe:1'-_ imwr-n nnmmpn :12-\' 1~`mq\- In mu-n 7- gVVl\(_`.\ Ul HM: ]igat.l1o1'(-(1 at I E1.\[1's. J. H. Iiru I 1.110 pz1.1'.'~:t_\1r;1'.'0 "!i11gz1(l(lx'o.=s wu I . { Mr. \\'. J. (I-1 1 I-1umphr+,-_\' px-+= h;mdsnu1<- chain` and .\Ir.< ful tlmw-bra ('dl1(1v;1h, 2: Th Ul 5'31]: uzau IU1l'5. We reailize Lhzut the condition-s.. under wihich many of us liive leave rnvzuny burdens wnd 1'espm1`sibi*l'it`ie6 on our pastor whidh sh>ou'l`d be iboxrne by others, but the raifhwzny diemiandis our time, which frequently prevents us I'1'om x.:*ivinL: our suupport a.-ml en- couragze-mon.t. by our regular amend- mice at all In(.*0[1l1`l1.5S connected with our church. During your paisbouute you have given spociu-I di:reotlo'n and devoted leadership to our Jun'iox' and Sonrior L0zDF;`|l(:.S, Boys` Work :1,-nd kindred OI`1.;&LIl'iZ21I.i0I`lS. 'I\he imerest L:Lk(~n by our young people has been gl'0.'.liI`L\' due to _\'our lci11(1'11(:-s.=1 and h=o:~;pitzul`ivl,v in 21:]! their efforts. and 1.110 1'ea.dsincss winh whidh you have z1s:~:isL(wi their \':LI'i:0ws com111=t.tees. We, tln~rel'ore, presem to you, Mr. Beach, this ulizuir, and to you, Mrs. Be:Lc:h, this czu1delz1.1n'u as 2; snlull token of our r-.~u.eon1 and apprecia- tion of your work since you have been a.ss0oiw`Lc-d winth us. `We trust and pmy Uhwt you both be long spared to l'elIld01` service to God and Lhe ohueroh, Lhzut your unifying in- uence may oouutinue in all branches of Ohrriatinam stewamdahhp. Signed on he-hnlrt nr Hhn nm..;..1.. To Rev. Mr. and .\-Irs. I}ea(-.h, , Dear l-`rionr1.<--~\\ -, the n1mu`bex's` of the Ofciul Bnzurrl or Buvmn _-\ve. Met1md.isr (-.hu1'(th, (le. to r.-0x1\*e_\ to you this o\'enin;:; our heamy and sincere zLppx'eci:uli011 of ytour fadtsh-: ful and devoted services in the vzu--` io-us o1;:a11iz:1`tion.~: connected with our church work. W'e know t;1LeI'e are I. i.1nes when you 111004`, (l'iscouI'w_L;- ing 1'mmm'es and some unoresecu diicu-lcties, but you have both been t'zLith1'n1 and patient in doing your part. to make every branch :1. suc- cess and st:-stain the sptiniwzml in- Lerest in every sphere of Lhe va.1;ious orgvanimx.tion's. l \X7n v-uulim. H.... 4.1..` .......::u...... Luxuu-nu,.z1. lll|' })ilf\Hi]' zlllll HIS Wilt` :\verr- (-un1pI<~tr-1_\' lnlwn by SllI`1)`I'iSL; ;a.nd IhUl|f. $h tmully lln[):'U{)il.1`!,*(1. 1.1101` ;L'o1'n1m'. in :1 brim` speech, Lh:ml<(~(]1 the 111mnl)`-1'.< nu.-:41! h<;u'til_\` for Lhc-i1`: 3L11r)11_:hl1'ul11<:.~:s and for the nmnyg Iki11d11ess_>s shown to hin1s(`Il' and i.\Irs. Beach vvr.-r sinr-.9 Lhr-ix` arrival ghere. 'I`he a.(l(IH;-ss reurl was as 1'oI-? I i lmvs :' I '21 2-nmi sum was 1`v;1IiZN1. \v`I1i(-.11 will Ibo zl])pii<`(l ])l'iI1(1i}):11L\' |() the clzn.\~'. ;missi0n fund. Mrs. I,mx:.;'l1ee(l. who wool; c!1:1.1':_41_- and wzu'< 1-o. fnri the tr;1inin_; of her p'.11>il.s th1'ou;_;l1- out, is 1.0 be ( ()I1fI`LLll-Iilled on the e.\'co1I('-m s11owiu_g' of the class. i Op(=1'z1=1i0ns on t*h<- ice 11zm`\'ml me now in full S\\'iI1`_Lf. Owin:.r to so 111-ur~xl1 snmv lmin_'.; on Lhv h-uy um.-M ice is not :15 IhiL'i\' ms` in ]m. _\'ouI`s. 10' ito 12 inr:lu-.s' b0iI1:.: lhv gmn-ml l'lI`lL uu un 8111).: on in IL: :- At the annual 1m~uninv:.,' 0|` mm On-tario H0rLiou1~tu1`al .-Xssuciaxtion held in 'l`m'on:t,o last week, Mn`. (`'90. Vicklers was elected direnlor for the c0untiv:~'. or Si.-mcoe and Yovrlx. ().\'lvl '('.\.\`l-I .` .\'l'l{l.\'(u' 13111 mu t`: Tm` lhn Sprin 1\`nn'uun.- Pun | V\".1n1. 1 e1sL01` I0 Rulnuin 1'01` I I-hnwth Yozw ; On 'l`hur.sda_\' night last the Q1rzunr1I_\' Ofcizxl Board of Bur-1.oIn Ave. .\1et.hodisL chumh met at vhe parsonage wt S pum. `Mt the con- clusion ot` the regular business. Mr. J. .\I`01`1'vison, on bethal-1' of uhe Bo21:r(I. ex.-Landed 2:. heamy im'it2vt.L0n to Rm . S. )1. Beach, Lo remain for a fourth yezur if possible. Mr. Beach |rep1nie-d h1'ie_v, e.\1p1'essim.; his up-l prceiu.Ii0n 01 the l1ea.rt,\' s1I.ppo1't ac-. corded him during his pusi. term] ,and his (lv.~:iI'r4 to remain for an-' `other year shmlld the st:ut.io11i11gf ,c0111.1mimeu- .~'r-(- ILL. At. the close 01' 3the nwr-.iin:. by an r-.-xcvv11omI,\' 121.11- I Inml mnnn -. n-.m.~ ,.r |nrl:;.. .1... IL) and pr; uu_\. n`nu.- nu Iicu12n`:~'. }iH.ln(,v1 o Sllirl 232 .\Ic(il1 81.. .\I0m1'v:1I. 7 DU-lll`1lll1`llH(`|` >l`L' I1'L. .\I [the excev |ued coup. :1 1121111) of :wives 01' l`h(.- 111e111>l1<-1's, Igat.ho1'- at 111: 1101119 f.\I1's. J. 151111111111, 111-ado ;I.hu and while [i11gz1(l4l1'v.=.< \\`; 1`u.z1(l1l1\` .\ '11.. xv 1 n ., , VVomen"s V\"inter Oonwts $3.00 and! $4.00 `this week an \'Ticke1's. I READ THE AD\'I`}R.TISE-.N1-E.\ TS. '..\l.l `.. ..\. (',\ll.\'I\'.\l; LOCALS `III (I |l\'-[ll l| 'l'hv p;1s.I hxhulv .,. SI-I'l' lN)\'\'.\' .\.`~'.\'I'/.I~Ih'. I uu l;'.\l:t"11L`l1LIL\ pum- pa,1`l._\' lvu(l`iv.s, the: 1nen1>lw1's, who mud? lw of .\[1`. mm]; mm, :1 m.id upon` thw fullmv-{ -`:`v.21(] by Mr. W. .\`cmz,` EL('.(.-_\` and M1`. \\'. \\'.| -'4.`Illml MI`. lit;-ur-h with: npi1r)!.~:I4-x'<>(l \\'IIlm\': I}-uvh with 21 l)vz1ut.i-: `mhc-rl .~'I(-I'Iin_: silver ; . l\'|gVA-I` uni` hlu - lIlll' ulpvll Home Saturdays at 6 Char- lotte Street. H. \\'ilA. was lisl 01' (lin-(-.l.0m{ I'i('lIIllH'1l-I h`u(aie'I_\" \\'i1.wn'.~; nzmw The Northern Advance l'l | HI} I..imiIv(l. Im: .s't'<`<'r:.s`.~'} H1 1-us! .\lnmIzl_\' u.u.i.-...- .1` 0|...` nu and [.111- 1Illl'II- the : mud " '. and ; upon ` r.Huu-- Dominion Combing Mills` Presents Satisfactory State-_ ~vv.n-n4- 4|-A Glxn-nn'l\n1,`.lnun x .,. n'uIn. This I-`rid:x,\' 1`.l1(llhr`:' lm-1-z1r_\' pm- `gzr-.unn1n will be ::.iv<-m. J. I}. !I{o_\'nr>I(1s. prosirlent of the 0..\.C., ?(`ru(>1nh, will de1i\`r>1' u s;1101\l, ad- ; (11%-.<.<. I m $.:s:<.r.1u, *` NOTICI-I is l1(,>1'(-,l;,\' L'i\'(_>11 that Nel- son Bald, of HM-' 'l`m\'n of Orill-.iz1. in; tho County or Sin1cnu and l mvin(`e of (hmlriu. In-11:. s1. will z1.ppL\' to` the 1'z1rlimnwm m` Cztxmtlu. at the. noun L`!- nn l`\uI`..:\O' 0'1... .. 11:11 l\( um; uuur-nu:I'.~ fol` \v'0r1c. I-`1`id:1.\ II art-u .5 L \4r.J\4ALur) n;n.vvuu.a.u..vuvv.|.J nauux ment to Shareholders. ('nmp:m_\`.~` |'l.-ml .\'u\\ in (`ump l )||l`l'lI inn .SH()I{'I` (JOUHSI-I S'I.`L'l)ls}.\"J`S 1 `l'}.\'-l()Y I.1'l`l'}l{.\I{1' _-1FER.\'()().\' I I On I<"rida.y last, Feb. 1, :1 literaryl `a.i`~te1~nIoon was enjoyed by the pupils; mtltending the Sham Course clzLsses.a Dhe programi. which was held in -the Pvince of Vlaes school, consisted of 1, debate, Resolved that coiimry life offers nmre a.d\'2Lmtages for (le- volomnenet of mhe mind than city life." The aflirmative. composed of three gIl.I`]S, .\In'ss Jean I-Ivickrlliug, Miss \V~amtie and Miss C. Sl11'l'U1, lt1=iumphe-d over their opponents, :\Valv1er Cook, Koitlh Elliott and (`re01'gi C`umpbell. Ilhe j11d;;es were '.\liss J. M. Jarvis. .\less1`s. 1-2. Smvilhl and livuns. G. J. 'I`vh0n1`ps011 zwtedg us critic. j ...s....,..o:.... ..,1.1.. .. _ uh \.I|LI\.. ; ` A \'vr_\' i11slvx'1wtivv zltltlrvxs was; V::i\'r>n on Opportunitzi(-s for ]"a.1m11 `Girls in 1 011Itr_\' \\'ork" by Mrs. H. `.\'iken of I3(-M011. .\h's. .\i|-zrxn, whol (runs a poultry r-s-1z1l>1Is}111:e11I hm`-i Isell`, told some of her own r~_\'])c-I`-l iir-n(-es, and pointed out scum or thv `m:1.in IR-:m11'es [0 be (-nn.=Edr=1'd when `om: cons"-i(le1's f.',`f)ill`-J, inn) Ihis h1';1n<-.h 3 n0" u'.ru~l.' | ,-H3. For the 5 ra.t'i0n this sl1m\'i1 quillr: 1'u>111urkah~Io. woobem LEG r-~rr-rep To PORTLAND,PA- DEER in) szteluto-mwrll }>in._ Wills. Lil 11:22:, whit-11 \\'0uIrl `two 11111 1110111115` .\'u\\' ()jwI':I.l inn. FLO Q 773 OVERFLOW The cz)ntinu'.nIi< Sale at .\. .1. Tu CI <~-\'|` n:\| `unplm ('11-:n'in:, Ii !.`}1In'(-.h. "'l`h- l'np1. "l`Ill'llHl)\\ , ll~`,l5. Hllu `'\\'u}' to llt-21\'(-n." .\`nnL' .\'vsx`1n until \ Iii Hr. Twms ....., ...... 'ilu]i7.in; l"h,\`. (.`xHIl1l|'v. )1-. ('l'0.'.\l(`.\".~i ('(-It-Inmlt-(I L 1 I Il'l`|II'.ll I Iml l:Il|_\' ul' \\'I'2l).V |`I.\'l).\ Y. l"l`.`l3. `.501 In "I'l'I`}Hl).\ Y, .l-`lll. I!!! In .1(llL` (LL .\ . will r dzl_\`. Feb. '.\l().\'l)`\\'. I-`l:llI_\y, .,_ (`u|np|(-lo . .\'l).\\', I. l.1'(l0l11l}J]I' 1311:1111:-1*.~:.' U1 Ht-H. IJII" .\l:l.\llll.`. `;\|ulls' uml ,\'uull: I"l<}Ii. l7llI . .. .. .....~.u-v w aux-r"I1;.=::>1' 11;! --.-.::n.- or the debmr. .\'uIir-r- is f1x1`thr.~1' r.:i\'en Jun the :I n'.'~'I Inc-r-ting 01 r:redi!n".<:'1: :!:c- `ulmw e.=.tzLtr~ will be held :11 :he (.`r>u1-I House. I3z1.1'1'ie. L-V: zlw eh-lath day of ]~`ub1'ua1',\`, 1!'!:".`~., at '.`!C'\'`I] o'<'1ooI< in the forenoon. To -'-nIiIIe;k you to vote theareat pron!` ox` ynurlc` clusixn n111s4t be lodged wiI.h me h(3f0I`` the Ineeting is held. Proxies `.0 bei used at the xneeling must be 1nrI_:;<=(lI wimh me prior thereto. 1` And l |n-than tnl.-A .-...o:.... .x\,.. :c' Ll L`\`l Ln-Ill ilH1Ull rais-`(I at once. \I` Inrlu uw [)l'lUI' [neI`eI0. ` 5 And further take notice that tiff `you have am. claim LS;z1:ii1Ls`t the1 debtor for xwh-ic.h you are to: rank. proof of such claim must be! led with me xit.hiI1 thirty (iaysi from the date of this notice. for! fxrom and aiter the e.x'-piratiion of the! time xed by subsection 8, of sectiiong '2': no` H. ....:.a A... 7 ..n._n ,1! K -l'll.`L`. IIH` il[l[H*1H pushud by \\'. .\. heard in Aliston Division Court. day. u\.uuu| nu nvuu.1I _\uu ihl(` l.`u'.l'.lx.`(1 10? beg 'xit.hiI1 amter sec.-t.io11{ 37, of the said Act, I shall distribute. the proceeds of the debtor's estate: among the parties entitled thereto.; having 1`eg`an'd only to the claims of! wmich I have then notice. ` r hmfnd mt Tl-,n~u-in thin --uni. ,1.`..i vvuucu 1 nine H1811 I10'Il('`. I)2ut(> an Bzwrie this of J:m1xar,V. 1924. Joseph )lcl)ennott. (`us-m:li:uI. Beetnn, Ont. Donald Ross, Solicilur, Barrie. ".u:h day x I 1 I i ` :;\I l`l~I.\L IS EN'l`l}lFD .\(.`.\I.\'S'l` [ DlC(`|Sl()X IN ]'()OLI{()(').\l (`.\SE .\n appeal has been a-me1'c=d in] thv c:1: of John Rol)(>N.~:on n2 .\I1is-, `ton. who \\':1s n(>d_ $10 and <-nsts` fby M:1.:`ist1'a.:e .Ie`2'`s ins! I-`riduy 1'01 1()D('I'il.lIiIl_'.:' u 1)n0h'0nm without :1 11-] (-.m1. Thu umwzxl. \\'l1i(-h will hr; Ipxlslmtl .\. Boys. is In hei h(\:1l`1l in Aliafnn nn 0|... m 4.... I 1 \ In HH- Tf)\\'l1Shij I-`ill: .\'n'rn'|: THEY LOVE TO HEAR? TH` zap oF STE:`Z!_ . AND FEEL TH` COACHES .S\.\/AV IT ALMOST TENDS To MAKE THEM FEEL THAT THEY ARE YOUNG AND GAV .' "l'ln* l5:IlIkl`ll])I('}' .\t-I `Bel-I. Dominion, DohcnLv and 'Hein'tmu.'u1 & Co. Very :m.t1'aoLive prices, as '0 need to make room {'01 new pianos. Easy Ievvms. $4.00 to $6.00 pm` 111om)1. , . l.--IIIH-. TU ('lHCl)l'l'()5i\' \n~.|IIl)l IIIZIJI 1' tirsi Inoevxz-.2 :~ to ;u1'f'Ui3.::>r `hun- 7-v ~ BROOKLYN BOARDING /VHSTRESS HOLDS BABVAS SECURITY Fc-:2 BOARD em. uuga. Ls ll) nu I on th(- I`(`_L`.'ll]ilI'.' .\lu1`(-11 11. I lllll Ehr- ILLS` ll uhtil x?IL n `I I J cvhn C0l's(`li(`l'(~ for I Dnnnm: our: AA:c-rDx:cr: . ` nun u g-.uuu 1l|.A('||\l(|llK.'l'. AL WILS UL -;m'ded to gin` :1 number 0!` ton cent ,i0:1..=. lo 1';xi.-P 111nm`-`\'. .\I:1m' new ideas l - xvero derivntl from the paper h_v Mrs. -{X01195 on the \\'m'k 01' the I}1'ook1_\'n ujII1sI.it.1lIe. The pzlpur by Mrs. C. 33I}0\\'l0.=. Comm \'r:.u' B'.essix1_srs," 1' g was o.\'ce1h=nt. _\ solo h_\' Mrs. Home- Iwood helped to on1i\'<=11 the nle-3tin_'.;. THURS!)/\Y, I"l'2ldH7A5(Y M. 1924 SATURDAY, MARCH 72`?-th, fIfJ`_ 4-. n1 '1 ]>.m.. at the Wellington Hotel, Barrie the I'01I0wnL South 1121.11` of ` Eeventh Conoe. of Innisl, in 1 ...v, .-u.-/nu- pk!/`I"AA), u.Lu1M_\ . Smith of 1.0: _\'umln1' L in 1110 :1<-s.~'sin11 m` Lhr 'I0\\'n; in me C01l11I_\' or Shut.-09.. ` L'p0n Ilw said propm-:_\' is said to be HT-(`If-(I u hnu. , burn and umar :0uIbui1ding:~:. 'I"h- p:upH`I_\' will he offered for 521.19 subject to 21 1'ese1'\`ed bid and to cm1diti0n"s or sale, mluich will be read at the time of sale. Terms: The ptlrclmsex` shalrl, an the time of the sale pay down .1 de- -posit to the momgagees s01ici-Lo1's of !10% of the amount 01 the purchase I price and assu-me a first momtgmge on lthe property and pay the badavnce of ltzhe p111-chase pnice on the 10th day lof Apr-`L1. Adjustmennt.s to be made las of than dwte. I I '7` .. . . . - x I I u 5 I : For funther pa.vLicu]zLrs and con- `ditions of the sale apply to I 3 Esten & Estcn. ; B:u-rie. Ontmio. } .-\_::,onls for .\lm-t}.-;:1}_,-`00s` Solicitors. : ,1-1 -- \r | \I..1v._ The n1omh1_\' m-`aIin_: of tho Bar- rie \\'0n1vu'.< Inst.i1me was held at the homo or .\Ii. I{in_4 last week, will! an }--.'O0(] nt.Io11(1z111c(-. It was de- cided uivv ~. .,. ... \v..r in {Hominy and I`luIrstl:1_v. 7.30-9.250; IIUIII llllt l'\.lUl,`llL (`Alli-Z'lIl(`Hl'. A mzu'ke clleque for $1000.00. pzwazblo 1.0 the .\IlinisLm' of Public W'0rks and H?ig1l1~wvzL,\'s. On 0-1' :1 (`r114alra.nty Oun1=pa,I1_v's Bid Bond for 1]. similar amount must be ulmaclled to tenders for pzwmnexrt, zmd for tenders on surface treatnmut and guadinug Uhe above condlitions apply, bult the wmounwt of bond or cheque requuired is $500.00. A G-uara.mt.y Cao:m.pa.ny s Contract Bond For 50% of the au1ount of Lhe ten(l<-1` will be furnrl-s-hed by the contra.m,or when con.t1`am is sigzne-.d. win) the excep- tion of Illw (~;|1rl'a,ct- l1'e.>u~t.1:1r-nvl. of m:zLca.dzLn1 roads on whicll contmcl no Comma! Bond is rv-qulm-rl. Matin- tenamce Bon-(ls Fm 50% of the vu,luo of t.l1e- pa.\'m11m1t shall lw furnished to the Depzlmnnxmri wln-n t.h- (E()ll`ll`zL(}l is sigznml. ;\lll bonds mn.'~'.t be mad:-. mm on D0pwl't;|xw11lI.ul l`m'ms. Tlw lowwlt, or any t(>n(l>.x' not. 1lecos.<;u'il_v z1.r-cuptml. S. L. Squire. l)up1I.l._v Minister of lli-,-;|n\'u,\'s. I)epa.I1mne11-L of l lnl)l.i(-. H*lf.:ll\\'1L_\'. ()n.tam'Lo. 'I`o1*0m.0. Feb. 4, 1024. -'rm- ]!.\lHlll`I \\'0.\l l~I N15` l.\'.\"l'l'l`l"I`l<} Valuable Farm Property 1: 1lu- 'l'u\\'n. oi.` .lTm1ish'|, ('uI1n1_\' uf'Si1n<~uc I L-IIHK,` UK for sale MORTGAGE SALE - niuhl nu-4-linux llnix \\l`(`k nil:-mi. . .... -,_,..,.,\ \..; uu-n.avun a. .\. .\lc(`nnkt*y, .-\llct.i0n(`.0r. .... ('n||i('l' (`l{()SSl.l'IY For Sale-Good hquse and large lot at 69 Victori-.7. Sl., Barrie. Apply on premises. bx virt , o r A Ill`?! l` \\ Public H` pl I1ullL'l'll ILL will be 0l'fe1`- ic .\ursio11 on n :L11mly H... 0 :.. In- J. G. l(|<}l'I.\'.-\.\' 0~p-posile Post ()lI'1c .\`quu.1'e .'l h(mo 21:5. I'.(). HOV F()l'l{ l'Sl`}l) l l.~\N()S l<`()l{ .\'.\Ll'} Page Eight. Notice to Contractors .\'()'l`l('l`I ()l<` .\l'|`I.l(`.\'l`l().\' I*'()l{ l)I\'()ll(`E I}.\lll{I I-I l}l'fs'l.\'l-I.\'.H' (`)l.LI`I(il*] .H'III'l':u'v 'l'r0:ItIm~nl of _\I:l(':l(lllll l{u:Id.~.' .'()m.r;1(-t. No. 10154 to Ho1`1;1n(l Riv:-r. `nun-uni \'.. 1 n` ' MISS It is an awful xxustuke to l)(-I.im'e that V)0cnu.=:r- our w`.s`.\es are not ac. oomlplkihed they can do no hanul Ll U lU`L't`-.5>4H i .\ . H) (`ill'1l -)1 pm` (121): \\"1`itu for full pm.`- : l`.iHmrn-n Qhiu-I (`nmn-,unr FOR }<}X(.`ll .\ .\'(-` Ii III .\U. J`VrJ-I 1' I'( }I`z1(ll`m'tl nu1'thr- ot .\'n. `I078 II-`rmn 2: xniles All-:1ud'.L1e s01Mher1_\'. Mile- .\l'l"l`l().\' FOR SALE WANTED Vlllllll.` I "Il"l l':1\`vInont `Q. E. `I N \|. Women ~s $4.00 to $10.00 Hats for $2.00 this week an Vdckers. Spin-Ila (`onsets and .\ll:md:|le WILLE RS p.u:. uuu o p.Iu., om \\'. I}. .\`mith.! of 011.511 must be: .\l(`( `nnkc,\'. .\uc.tim1e(-r. vmlm-.< mz11`l r \'.. "4 H10 moi uncle-.r.signed ` nu '1`ue:<,da,\`, hn l`01Imvi11;;` I Hir,rl1\\'u_\':< : 3 [H H11 and l [V rllzmd hund- \Yi1r,...y.. I 1 V 1c .\u(-lion mi Dunlop, on S1Lt.1II`-t .1 u .. .~. A51: 5.2.1. Plans. spociczLt'xons. inI`n1`11mt.i0x1 to bidders. tender forms and tender e-n\'elo.pes Il1'2L)' be obtuiuetl on and zuitc-1` Tll0S(1,)'. Fe-l)ruur,\* 12th, 1924, wt. the ofcv of the unden:~;igned or from the Resident Em:-im-m`. A In:n'L'n:I nhunnu (nv &1I`n'l(| n I uu pun- C0mp:1.n_\'. 7.1-. Hunt: .\I.'Z`1e- for V ulum *.\ uuUIn;_; a.nu as ;.:1\'en ny MAI`-S. I`1unn:us was w*onnh;v of spc-ciwl me-nation. In a.ddi.t.ion In the play- hat. a wood musioa.1 prog1'um1 was included. Those taking part in 't.he play wr,-re: The Sohoo1m":mn. Miss D. Puncher; Wu Snc.-ckel)y, Mrs. S. 'I`h-Olnilli; I'zL Sll(}Ok(5b}', Dr. `V. lilznkely; .\In.r'uL Jame. M'r.s'. W. (2-1~u.h:un; Ikf4_\', Mr. I-`. \V'ic(>; Gitleon I4ru1:.:1l`z1t'c, Mr. H. Coles; The Minis- Ls-I`. Mr. Ax-I. I 11:-.',1h; BOI`Sh('b(L Blmk, \H.~`.s l.). Henstm; I\I:Lr_\' Brown, Bliss ()l_u`:L .\'iunps0n; J`zLnH,~s I`IlLl.;`hS()I1, Mr. B. Lnu_L:h<-1,-d; Mrs. Crisp, ML-as \'mm. .s`p(>:u`n; Tommy Crisp, I'1d.1;:m' IA, '41-.:n-; .\lzI._\1bP1l(! ]`l`illLl`0.`iC`. Miss M. Luhnsml: HI`(H(} \\'w:u1km', .\I.i:~'.s 1']. IuLi11srn1. 'I1hose lukuing pumt in M10 [)I`l)L{vl`Lll1lllf` were: Mrs. W. A. Spozurn, Mr. J. 'I`reend, I<)(11p:a.1' Le;:ea.r, .\lrs. A. Pa.t;Ler-son, Mr. M. Weller. The .\Lis9es Jr,-a.n wn-d Lilian Kearns and Miss Audrey Clifton. A very effective pztnatomlme deplatimg Narr- rar My (`rod to Thee" and zmottiher of "Rock of .-\.;:es," wore moat :u'-t;!sLi- ca.ll,\' pom-d and acted by the emire 012135. The church was packed as it has uot been for umny it day and {lLll'll'(LlUU. . Mrs. J. Hurst, _ h-.19. been in \`ex'_\` `Ch:-i. limo. 3 1 Sm! isI'ac.eori1,\'. _ _\Irs. .\~11:u;- kn! . .u._v.\ . .-.uuu Au._.u_xu On }1*idu._\` ni_g1ht in nhe Bunton Aw-. .\1r;t.h-ndist ohm'r:'h MW oha.ra.c1er sk utch. `"1711 9 You In: Count ry Sc}mnIm'u,1n." was very ably pm on by nlw `-?iI`1S or Mrs. T. Lour.:heed s class, a,ssistr.-d by se\'era.1 oLhe1~s us- socizuted wirtzh church work. 'I`11oug'h all pu.rt.s were we-II] prnsunmetl and it would he unfaivr to discni.mina,te yet Mm role of Mn Sneckebzv xvms the nmst c-xactxing and as given by M.r.s. S. 'I`hnm:us wns: wvnnmrv ni` cnnniml 'uuu_4I1I Il|`(,'HlI, ll II] l2L\lH' Ul IIIL` &`.HlI'IIl2lIi\`I- as they 112111 Iukr-n ui lym-.1(lm' lie.-Id. ix1(-1L1 t(>lr::_'1`wpI\,_ sto~zuns}1ipszn1(l I1liIH`S. while the} xw}:z1.Ii\'o sirls had laid pzu'Licu1uI" :~;I1's-ss on 1`u.il\\'z1_\ ~s ()I1`I)'. l re\'i0us `no the rlelmle 2L number of laxutern ? slides W('I`t- s.hm\'n and tho Tu.\1is I'm1rt`o1(l prn,<:rzun cle;u`l_\' mmlined in a sreries of talks by .\1-lam .\,\'r(-s,| Geo. .\I(9MIilI1-21:11. Leslie Homer and! G00. .\`e_wm0uvr. Iv(->m.s of Mris kind do much to build up and e-ncou1'a_Lre our bud.dim; o1'whoI's and it is to he regvretltwl t.ha;t several other zunt-rac- Lions on me same xu ;;'lm. xverr respon- sible for only a fair ilJI`l('I1`d1ll1('.O. 1 III _;mlxllIL`.~`. Tm- L`lL' (',()I1('lll(11.-`(1 \\'i!`h I'unu1'u] ll 0 t IIH` hm (hr \\'m`. '01` Cnlwoll. In-run-mu! n n 'l`n L.`- . -1 \l:`J_\ lllLQ:`l'B$-llll_f EIHU `;i.~bz1.le was held on I1'i(l'.1 ithu Mra.1no1'iul Hall unde pir:e.'< 0!" the 'I`ux`-is Squu 2 Gm)I`f:r,-.<. The .=ubj+`(-.1 we . -`iua: for n ':H.-~a=1 (10211 of `re: work and the lm: it well. I{eso]\'(,(l Lhal 1lIi1it.ie.< slmnltl lw mm :'I`he :1Ilirm21Ii\ u was cu p:<~.` by (L 1-.Iv-31 31.. n. [UH l lUI-'.`illU hlll,` I On 1`w11urs(1a_\' | F(l`\\';1I'(1 omcr ih'( 1l)0(>1 ("Iu.:\'s 0!` =p:1N_\ on lhv I ithoy _*::ut11m'e(l :1 Inn '1 runnn run} COI1Il`a.cI Nu. ]06:~1-- \'m1_L::~ 911-eel .%ch()Inbel`}." J~1mcl.ir>n .\"1d(-I`0u(l nm't.h- --1'13`. .\Xi1vuge IL. i , .\l1'. ,\l. Well:-1'. who has so r-:i.p-' ;ul)l_\' ll(`1(l :.li- pmiliuii ml` lllilll:lf.'l'l` 01" itlw lm.-:1l ln'zmr.-li or ill!` llzink or To- Immn lioro for tho pus! _w-21.1` m" ,n1m'n. lias been l1'uii.s`l'e-i`i'erl In 'I`0- .r0nm and ]t*I"l, for the (wily on 'l`l1ui'.=- idziy morning. He will lw ;.:=i'ez1:t.ly lmi <-rl in .\llandiaIv. espec-iall.\' in 'l1lll.~':l(.`21l (-ii!`clr=;<. :1.:~: he was always ;wI'lliu},-' lo (10 his . when called .upon to take part in any ll1llSlCd.:`l e.\'en`t. l-Ir; was soloist of the Burtmi .\\'e. Metliorllist, ohu1`c.h and [was a tower of strengtli to that or- 'gwi1izaiti0n. He also ta.ug1hlt 21 large class in 11119 Sunday School 01' Sat. (`reoi-5_:e's (~.liu1'cli. His sruccessor lmre will be .\[1'. \Vav1'ain. l'ormM'ly of Tl->"Qr'l{"1>!' u) an Victor Dull'."lz1` Ill... I fest 50-11, L u:me!1 I flon. that I fa 1'0('v11-I u c II|n u--rt r\I\ `WIIIII/`IIJJII I 131-own. | Y nn ....... The L..\. to the B. 01' RT. held a. progressive euchvre in the Train- men':s Hall on Thmtsday ni.-gaht. \Ir nnrl `.h-: 7 \Ir`I-`nrirlnrl ms Jll. iJ.llLl in-I`1l(:'(1 on visit with I \,lnn IF . VISH \V'lLll Ll Miss E. 31 laid up for severe cold, I Il'n1\l~ 1 as \ t-rt week. n A .1 LA.\J.1t..`\. Ill uis.--ht. four inmaled. 0 1 `H... 1 n All. .\I. \\ Ull(`I' tubly pm -the [ronm 1 inmrn, Pnnln .....x 11%. 4~-. Conlmot somuh of s0\Hher1_\' ' 4 ..u.~. .. :11 \l"I \v(>ol<.=_ n:..I nrx-'u'| L'.\.llIllI1zH1l)Il \` m.r_:.in on 2111 ten [)21x[)vl` The \\'..\. 01' St. (:00 ucuu'n.n...~.- ,I..n....o..\.\... lVlIA.`lLlL|iUIl]"- :\nj:1Is 1\'(` who has hm-on in H-1'_\ (`.1`iti('z1l cmltliiin-11 |'r)1'.se\'o1':1I '(~(-ks. \\'us taken to Ihu R_\'. ]~[n.~:- ilul on \\"L111t-:<(1:l,\' mm'mix1: 1'm' 'e:mnen:I then-. Mr. and .\lr.<. J. I.Htlo roceix-mi :1 AD&'<:1`n'x.\ yhk u-...,.l.- I'm... n..\.'.- ..!.l lclllh 112111 UL}. .LllU|7bLl.'sl_V lllfgflll. I Mr. and .`.Ia-;~'. W. ;\IcI-`adden re I.|`I)l,nll nu \Inn:Inx- 0'.-nan .. un...l- nnall 'l:`l\. .'\"L the (1 T`. :\ 5 n ALLANDALE l lzLyl6-I I l \n UK h :;utl1e1'e(l 's>nuo and : >Ilr\:\ nu. Ime1'esxi11L' Debate llll .\II.\. J. l1llll(' I` this \\'t.`l`l\' frmn \ John. J12. who g Queen's I'11i\1-mix I he haul .~'1I<-cos: ' 1\\'~| |\\:I\I\ Nig1;tjj%sMhoo1 2; l|l'I|l'l. .\l|Hl >1. lhv _jm1_L'4=s, It: I 1'. Gird wood a mi in l'u.\'m' I|~..o.v h...l A Ll .Vl\l}`. \'\' . .`\lCl' QLU (ICU .\1m1da,\' t'rm11 21. wrwk I1-iends an East Oro. I\[cLe-nnan. who has 1 or some timv with 21. id, is much bexlter A r<=:.;11la1' llle(`lil);<` of the] thu hall on T`hux'sdu_\* new znenrbex-.< \\'en~ Ul .31. \ I VUI (1x~p2m'Imon 1. Hun-nnnn -,1 1 I M uch lL`l`."l. _\' nigllt lusl .\li.~'.~: Junv-I L-!1i'.1.i11-ml hm` .\`und21_\' al` girls 1))" 21 mluuunn hill. l-`01`lm\'fn: - 'xh;.n.n r. 1).... this Hill. I` 11!, In-|"`I1 1 z1l'tr~r'.1 . Ihv 1 hmm of tho (\'IIIr\`1 [H44-lHl`\ !4`1'i(1z1_\' lI(;'llI IH bl.illl.\|.HI1l| : ml lmys hzu1r11vd' \'(,~(i all public! n21,Iiou21liz<~d." I mx1ri11(-inx.;l_\` t-.It<\'-:r dehutinuy 15. ; mo \'..\I..\. 01': :_.;.... ..r .u... .'..n,.... Caroline {\`1.. who poor `nv211`xh siuco is not i1l1[H`()\'iI1f. K n r)I`lh Anlfll U ` ill.` I l>u.\'i 1'] n j 0}" (Ad AL. r .7 and insLrucIi\~'e I-"1'i(lu,\' ni{_r-h-I in under the nus- .~`.qu;n'e of 'r-x \l"I nun. null, . .,..v........ nu. "`Imn1(> on B111`- '.1 1Ilv:\s:11H Iinn AA\'l1I1;l\1r'u 0'.` . l,`|l=ul l'Xl `. and I Immw (,'1uu:.' ..x-$11 \l \\-l .\:|_\ \s:~'I'u1l_\' with en l"L't'l\t thvir I. 1 HI: .\ IH 111 nvh. `\l u-_. T.` l\'|| l`\l' I as been . . Kin: .<- I r pzls:-L-(Ii ,. ..m..1 I H|~\:`L'll ::nod I \\'e;~tm*n C:1na.dzL town lots 01'| fzwm lands taken in pzwl. excl1zmge* on Toronto 01' H-.1mi1~t,on revenuel p1`od11cixL: p1'o`pm'Lies. Write- Centrul Ie:1.lt_\' (`u..-`Box 301, ] Hmniltml, Ont.