Page Two U|l`llI'V'IsS Ill 1913 tho- Qtx nu \. IV The Northern Advance ILJSH I IHUHLIL 3,f.).7.'),()0(); Q; Imv Brunswi.- s estimzm? the for 1U`.Z."p zzi `y. -19- nvu ... :1 nnx. m::2~:' r $321,000.01 ' 1:41 pm ` nm S: ' , KL an (-.\'. hnx. m..!~:r Q)! nnnm Lam"enti: ah`0:1d_\' 21 Iv\n1yIv1n- ni L-Ll u\\`n_\' Jan. ll? ` SI, -h[H)| whvn :1 llId!'|\'<'1. I.` I l\ in in in hn_\'. HI4 I\`.l. ~....\-. ... ...- u HllI1ll)(-'1` 0,! 3. l"1`.l' `kl l;1.\\' p1`:1r*I.i(`r` i _lw bet-nme n :1 lSocir:t_\` and in 1 1501. l3(*.~'iu'v-s 1: I-Ion. ().=.1m' mu 0... . H... ...-. I: i 01e{~. 1 I n .=\t. tho ti-me mi` its inlI'u(lu<`tiun* 501119 or the opponents m` t.h- \\'o1'k- men's Cmnpensation .'\ct, ex)It't'~>s.Ct-(II the opinion that the cost It) the 1 ro\`ince \\'f)1ll(l hp \'i1St1_\'1EI`t*2tI(*l"` than \\'a..< _-.:onm'u.1lty realized. The` increase in the number 01` L(`(',i(lt*l]I'.~,'1 and suabseqtwnt 21d\'z1,nCe~ in thu .-un1 required from yr-an" to _w\211' hnurs; out the View then 0.x:-presezed. In the: year 1921: 61.3 H z1cci,dc=nts \\'m'- 11>- portod, :`.T.`) of them I`P.SllHi]]_L' `mi deaths. as against :1 total 01' 50,-HI riu1'in_; 19:12, or which 415 www- l':1`t:1l. \\'hi1e I-herv were ()\'-1' 11!,- U00 nmro i1(`(`i(14x1)l:5 I-=pr)t'te(1 d11rin',,' 1923 than in 1. t'.Z2, the in(`-l'1`St' wu.=` in (hug-n n1' -1 nninnv n-nan`... 1`Iu.-. l"(lll|_`~f (Ill 'l`m'0n I u frmn 1!` K 'hlL'l. Ile u11_iny(-(I :1rvm- in Hw- -....l..... 1.5 wvac UH an aVl'3I Llgc `RU CHIS IUHK. In all, from Sept. 1 to Dec. 12, 1923, there were marketed in districts served by the Canadian Pacic Railway more than 200,000,000 bushels of all grains the largest quantity ever repnrted since the inception of the road. Taking the cars loaded as more truly representative of the activities of the company in the matter of grain movement, these have been reported at 116,232 for the perio'.',`representing 169,931,184 bushels. Suppose for a moment that all that grain were to be dumped into :1 river bed 100 feet wide and ve feet deep, and that the Grain Movement Over The Canadian Pacific Railway Sept. 1 - Dec. 12, 1923 .("Ilickety-dick, clickety-click. .. it is the sound of car wheels passing over the railroad tracks, and you could land and listen to the same clickety-click for 44 hours on end, if you were to watch that part of the magnificent er of Canada grown in districts served by _the Canadian acific railway and moved from the hn-vest elds hy that company. Imagine. if you can, a train 881 miles long, or as far as from Winnipeg to the upper reaches of the Rocky Mountains. That is how many freight cars there would be. But cars alone cannot make a train. There are the engines, as well, and the road has kept in the neighborhood of 670 freight engines tugging grain trains east and west day and night throughout the season and in addition to these there are 171 switch engines employed at terminals. The season, be it understood. is taken as the period from the opening of the Canadian crop year. Sept. 1 to the oicial (21080 Or navigation Will] regard to shinninn incnrunr-9 nn So much fur x-umputation trains. In point of fact. however, the loge-st train which was made up during the season consisted of 125 cars and was approximately 1 mile in length. lt was operated from Stoughton to Armla, Saskatchcwzul, on ()ctol.)er 5th. The weight`. of the train not including the engine totalled 7,946 long, .of this 5,556 tons lwing freight. The train handled 185,000 bushels of wheat. n'\Y-... ..I.._:___ `L. .1 A\vu,vIIv Irunuvln ul vvnuau. `Now during the season. there were 88 days on which cars could be loaded, for Sundays are excluded. During those R8 days there were trains operated on an average every 50 minutes` day and night, trains carrying nothing but grain mind you, for passenger traffic and other freight business were conducted at the same time, and op uninterrupted schedules too, be it noted. These trains into on an average 45 cars long. `In all 6'.-nm Can? 1 n. n.... 10 100-1 41... . . m . -.. opcnmg or me L_.anaman Sept. 1 to the oicial ' navigation regard to shipping insurance on the Great Lakes, which falls Dec. 12. I-`I-:.=.'a`uII-:ns'mx m.r::: I'.UI{_'\' l.V Nl`)\\ .\l.\l:i\'lC'|': `ll/l2_y Ford Prefiominates I1u_\ |u-ui1.\ heI`m'e 1111- \ sluncus Hm v mm`- than ` $2.00 hv wa Proof that Ford predominates is to be found in the fact that 50 per cent of all cars in Canada are Fords. Ford predominates because it supplies the essen- tials of adequate, economical transportation. Ford has been the pioneer in the automotive in- dustry; has blazed the trial in every fundamentally sound transportation principle. Ford service is an outstanding example of Ford predominance. Authorized Ford service is to be found wherever motor cars are used--valways capable, business-like and prompt. More than 4,000 service stations in Canada are assurance of this. CARS - TRUCKS - TRACTOELS See Any Authorized Ford Dealer 1 I i 'l'hr- xvurld ()\\'-s no man :1 ]i\'in{4'. hnl (`\'L`l'_\' mun mvvs Ihe \\ 0l'1(1 ! n1' :1 plu.c> \\'hL']'(} Ioi1'111_g he m:1_\ get. his 1i\'in,-.:. ` R I I . . . I hw1()\V THE \'(|-I.'\'l`il|-Ill wau WOIIIG ne 12 leer. A particularly interesting feature of the grain move< ment of the present season according to company officials is the increase which had been reported in the amount of grain sent by Canadian Pacic to Vancouver for export. In all there were 6,582 cars received representin 8,087,784 bushels, or a very large percentage of the tota exports from Vancouver whic aggre ated 8,910,966 bushels to the United Kin dom, and 8 ,300 mostly to South America. Last season or the correspond- ing period there were 3,548 cars received at Vancouver and 4,897,019 bushels. exported. _ _ A _ _ _ ` new `river were able to How at an average rate for water, say a mile an hour. then he who stood on the bank and had the patience to watch, might pitch his tent and picnic for three and one half days before this stream would be dried up. A mound trin into the land of imavinatinn and mu- hann itseu is only 4,ouu xeet above me sea. But after all, wheat is of little use in imaginary rivers or even mountains. however high or picturesque they may be. Let us consider what would happen if all the wheat were made into flour (leaving coarse grains aside) and kneaded up and baked into bread. If this were done there would be approximately 104,700 miles of regulation `size, 16 ounce loaves, if they were placed end to end. This tremendous string of loaves would stretch back and forth across Canzula, from Montreal to Vancouver 36 times. If the loaves were laid side by side and end to end. they would form a solid belt across the Dominion wider than the height of a city lamp post. Again if they were piled in a trans-Canada wall one loaf deep, the height of the wall would he 12 feet. A nan-Hnnlu-lu n+nu-cg-Hun (nah.-n of +1-.n again 1nn1rn_ woum be (met: A second trip into the land of imagination and one might put mountains in the background, and might make those mountains up of all the grains kernels which had been taken from the freight cars engaged in their transportation. If the grain were heaped up on acre lots of ground, there might well be three mountains, and each one of them would tower 5,000 feet into the heavens. The Canadian Pacific railway station at Lake Louise, one of the highest in the Rocky Mountains, is 5,044! feet above sea level. In the three mountains would be included outs. rye, barley, ax-~ all the coarse grains commonly grown in the Dominion as well as wheat, but if the latter were to be sorted out and put into mountains by itself, supposing there were still to be three mountains. then each of these would rise 4,200 feet from the ground. Banff itself is only 4,500 feet above the Rut nfter all. wheat is of little use in imzwinarv rivers \\ (ll HUI`-'. |u telmpxeul tn r-I-hnn chnnl H. 311 1.Im'_\`. THURSDAY , J ANUARY 2 4 , l l'2ll|\.V- '(hin_:` (L : (ah:-m:glx.' ` ill) ) Ull ; (Ir-ur '3" the hm` I1(). im; by. am ` --1"`. 1...! .. R Ii.\ 1) "Plri 1'1` I)V\'Vl5R'l`l S 1-2 .\IEN'I`S.. u,\ . 11:11! ..\- ~v nos. I'm \vo1'kin_; night to put Lht` >vh+~n..- Ihx'r)lI:_;l1." 5- -"Ynu'1'- l'(>01i. Do nu- ulmnx il um! 11 will fall 1 Jll |\llU\\ \\ Hill he -ullvr 2l.\'l\'(*(L .<.~" liI;11n~om> who and I.he- rhild :1 tell." wh ut .\ ..-1` ,. lllllllllj-'. ll] \\'2lS :~`umd`- :1n.x'werr-d : llL|llJ.|)l,`l I)! ll ~n11`1'o111)(lixLu 1 Herald su_\'.~', lion. but am h00\`<~s Libvr alike to .: 'I'\ cl. 4 >l|ll' Ulllb {I the hvst. i and evmgx` J I.-nnlvv-3 ru. (I IDLVUH I (l\'\' Simone is Yln-nvinau. -u l'l l)\ llI\'V' I thrve rrprn 'l`he Dmninitm (:mm-mu.-nu will lm asked :11 thus ne.\;I S':~',i()I] oi l`nr1i:1- mvnt to milk: uood Lhn loss SlllT~l`l'd hy Home Hunk depositnm. l (-,ii- Lions are now iwin-.: sigziiml and will he pl'G'St*11:l-(I 10 the ( erzml-in-Coum-ii. 'l`-he ::rounds on which the appeal is niudc: haw a good deal or justiticution and nrv as follows: 'l`ha.t I-ho unstmhln tin- ancial condition 01' thu I-lome Bank was known to the Dominion Depart- ment of l~`inunc<~ for many _\'e:u`s. That no aulequnte action was taken to smfegllmd iho depositors. '1`-hat the charter was renmvc-d just pre- ceding the date Of the bank's sus- pension. Thnt as tho hzmk stzu't9(l as a szu'ing.s institution u largo per- Iilgu lllilll in thnsv l:I1'_<;<. pr '-idranxs \\'; n-up 1 n `ii bo;o;n;oc9or Sugar rvtim f0~u1`t.h 1 (`f1lH`1 1 since the mac: lrr\nnv\ 1. ..c o 'l`h 0 ? llll` `bhis: kn I` `III?-.\"(l4_a'C` Ill (\|'\1 I\,.\ (III (I5 il ' 111:: 10 those W110 1111:.-"111 1):? 1911 >.11111;11'1< 1111 21 life 111` ?s11(1111(1 he 1`0.111(~111`11<-1'1-(1. 11101174117 ` 111011191115 01' his 11111u1`im1.=' 11' 111u_\' 110 1'r 11u ot1Io11. '1`r>11`1 1111` me." suit} 1119 1121111111. try. 011 I110 :=11".1i,:111 111111 11211'1'm\' This r-1'i111i11:11 life (Ines 11:11" I 1'1-211120 it now 100 111111. 1` I nnnhl H -n ch l....~ (. ` l K`ll_\`llliIIl|ll!I'. ilIl(l II D(``` Lilwrzxls. and C(n1sm'\'zni\'vsi .: puny (1iI'l':-:m1o<>.< am]: 1: (-nn.-.1ilum1 We :nI'(:" ; 1ll`I`.'lI1.L'4`llH`l1t will not lw in` illtnn-Sis or either pnryvf '\` nlTnI'1 uhnnlxl ho unvnrla In lHl!'ll`>lg\ U1 l`llXH'l' M'1`m'I shmlld hr.` ma - lhv i(1l`2L\()l' .'\'l|(1h u Ihv ]ul`:.;+sI <-m1nl_\' i ..n.l ...~ _.n:.h llII- |;u_`-;,.sI Ind as :~'.m-h `r-seI1l:|ti\'0s. \\(l"` l'All lll`l [.5 ll` $73.11!; m- fur \'n,.< paid in 19] I. "lic-.'l" Ryan mijqh` 1:4- ' livinar *-nv\_ {nu lllU l U`. p1'm1~uc-is 0|` h n we: ml an 11 WI` iU'l` "-.'|)Hl,'-4 `U Z\lft`|) 5 mecvhzmics in Czuludu we must 1 facturv 5:0()(l.s` hrrv instead 0 po1'* lhum t'1't:m the I'..\`. same applies {O the ( farm, the 01011211-(1, tho _::m1(=n. tariff must 5,30 hi_:'he-r. xn ! slcim-:15 must. of im! uh" l'\` 'l\'.\. Hill lll L`. rm-(ml shun Llw .)n.`V|! IU mlr] buy ]):Ll mud? I|I1|\' V 'thei 'l`he' '1`\IIlI I.` IIIII (III! III '5 |'l.V . hm-n lxlmrniivulv. '0 lcrmwn rm-I. The- \'n| ` . . nu no . lll l.\\HHI ('hlll`(`h ' ; l I't*.~:h_\`l( I {nun '1 Ir'vI1I'u.L:e n1 rlw (l`1)nsit.()rs are wa:.:o- -('I`nP'.H and unublr-- Ilu stand the `n- Iu.~`.<. 'l`h-an hht'- public con- gtimmo in lm11l\'. hevn shanks-n. fund lhc- <.nnnix1,u uf our DeIiti(m I . j.\\'nuhl r-.~;Im'e .~;ucl1 purblxc con- Hlr-nr~c-." i ` l)urinu' his recon! trim to Ottzuvu `l r-~n1i<--1' I-`e-11;-11.~:011 ht.-M a C0l1vf(:`l'L|`I1(?P ;\\'ilh Sir Il2~m'_\` 'J`hm'nmn and 01.-hm (",:|n:1.di;1n ; \".Iliunul oflicials 1in.;' l`1'vi:.'hI rates on .-\1hert`z1 (-0211 `0nIuriu. `survd than the whole qnesvtion would `be n>-up<-ne(l. .-\ new plan was sug- 1._:e.~nLe(1 to Sir Humry Thorntnn by 1.110 Ontwurio Prmnier, xwhich i11vol\'vs :1 rail and \vn1.o1` haul. It is believed that the Hm'u~rn-nxenl is c-m1si`(1erin`g the ad-\'i. of n'zn1sporti11g coal by ship from the head of the lakes alt) Tnronwto. Slnipxnmma for tho nor- Lumrn pal`-Ls of Lho Province could be landed at 1 uI'1'y Sound, .VIid1and and other points on tho Geol`-5.'izu1 Raw. I-`r<>.1nior l<`erg:uson inl.ima.ted that the I"rnvinci:11 ('}4ove-1'n-lxlem was `rr\a1d.\' to stand 1'1'ei_a:h`t mtvs on h:1.H' 21 million tons of coal if the (?..\'.R. am-nptetl the Iutvst proposition. 1'e3.:2\Hl- ; In, l'n~mi-r I-`v1'_u11s()11 \v-an: as-` for a :.:11n.1'a.11-ten of` I L w 1 "rI` IHGF I.-\_TICD BY 72 \'() l`|'}h` 'l'hs- (?n11sm'\'aLi\'e (4-owlrnment of Priluin. heads-d by S1.anlu_\` mu! de~I'ezLt in the House of (f,`<)mn1ou:< on .\[1)l1dd._\' ni_9,ht., and for the first Iinw in the his or Uri- min a. I.-.1bm' (`.0\'m'n1ue-nr. will proh- -.rb1_\' uxke ulcu. '1`he Labor amend-. lhn -nlrlm. . ` 01...! l3:\l.l)\\'IN .\IlNIS'I`IlY IS ` Inunl In nonh- in an I<`i\ft,\' .\`r*2u's ago lu: mun l bushels 01' when! \\'e-ru hilI'\'('.\'-19d` west of Owtario. while lust yvztri 446,000,000 lmshels xvern 11:11-\'esto in addition to the millions 01' bushels of coarse :.:rai11s. During lhv last ten years the acreage 0'1` w:hez1.t in Canada has dowbled. There is no country in the world where farming is ca.r1`ied on under bexter r'.0ndir1inn.<! than in Canada. `. _,4 1 -u.n_\ Lauxr ulucv. 1llt:' uihl)Ul' umenu-. munt U) the :n1(lres.s in reply 10 Lhel .=`.1w<>(-I1 l'1un1 tlw 1`h1'.0nu, im1'()(lm'ed; X11)` lhe dopul,\' ll`-'1ld<`l' of l :11'1iz1-i ;1n(-'m.a1'_\' I.uhm' pz1l*l,\'. \\'z1.`~`. zltloptodg H1) u vntv of 2:28 10 2.36. J. R:1.1ns21_\'] }.\l21cl)m1u11l. tho I.n.bur lrauder. hi-m-"; :\`.` ..... .1 .|.. ..I .. ` u 42|\'Il'l`ll L pnI`hJ(1 1'?-nu. Ill . rIH|`o-1'11! `(V1110-.10` ` puli(`_\'. l\H"!|0lIu l'H'-Zi _-.;"|l IH lh:-- l'r.h_\'xu '.I](-fl its up:-1` `of rlwn10_:,\'. ` In-. l i(l:,"w: "I`hv .\Ivtho( I'm'm r-rhlvali `.`l'Kl|\'Kl Vllllllllll `all 01' ldllrnpu ; mmm will he .t`.1+- Iirst rim. lluin Ilml an I ' 111.1,! v|x.. --..u'n wllllll lllill hvld the \,uu_ .\I<-1 h()(li; [ l'I-SI):-'1PI'i4 >v'1x.` llllll nil.` -whul 114- h1L\`:~' H) pm` Wu 1' :thiH'-11*" .hv nu -01' his prmhr \\':|l` \'u1nu.~ .\.'um ` mlls. : nu p(l_\ nun [H|\,`l'h nu -Hum: Ul nu: thin:-s pun-alum-.~:, \v.l1i.1oH1o pricv ::)1' prndxuw has (Inclined to pm wur \'uIm-.-'. Tlw rm-suit is that 3. m: min'-'. as :1 hu.sim-.s'.s` is 1I1m1`()fi-l'.n|)lv,. 1'I`his is lhv rvul f`:Ill: of `the present 91:11:44-(I1:-(1 <-nmlitiun or the t`n1'mim.; 'timlusl.r_\'. has been nsumnmne-(l to! meet at Oitwrzuwa on l?`el)1'11u.1'y 2Stl1.| The session promises to he lom: and} specially iiitnresting. 'I`l1u rurlistri-! bution bill will provoke much do- bate; the bank act. the .uu-in`, the questions of ta..\'a;tion mnd tr21nsp0r- lation -will .be keenly discussed. '[`.lu` effonts oi the Government to sa.tist`3` the V\-`es-t.e1*11 Free Tmders and the Eastern Pl'OlI3(.'-ti0IllS'lS in its runk.~. will be imeresting. l'hc- nunolunrxlmly l~aLy's have cotnm For him who's nu1.um1ly glum; But for tho nmrn \vh-o's live-r's 1'i;:ht 'I`h0so win`lvr days are pure dw!`ighIt. Motor cars licensed in Germany `last ye-an` numabored 152.068, against 126,405} the ye-.ur before and 53,- HI2 in 11920. H |'|:l-1.\'(; l`H m-' 'l`Hl~2 `I-I 1' IN `H Ids Ohurr-h pnpuln I11 I-HI\`_`H(.` ~ '\\' |i|{l.`\'(.' HY I().\'l` .\nII| |ll ill! lllllll nrch in (,`;m;ulzI, 2 t-.~:h_\7l-rianl (`()H('[.1I'S u Iv \\`m'l\' in xhunluuit To! :11 id<,'1~rm l'1H'th<-r $121.?-`S1 .\I>tho(li.~\t.~' hij.:ho.*l' I r-mu-nIinn:1l stm1du.I' for mu In Ihu mini.-;tn_V 01" -h (,':m:ulu," u1thnn;.;h ;_\`l-mm urn xluing.-, \\'nI`L' in xhnnluninul ntlnn-uh` 111-- .\lot.m-s in Germany A I1l0\'(`l11(`-I1! -has hot-n S[.2l!`l!*(i mg B11 in some xvay 1'eco_2nize the long: zi11 i'a.ith1`u1 service to the c-ounn'_\' 01;? Right Horn. W. S. Fielmling. the veteran FHIZIIICP millister or C;uia.d:1. I 1` One does not have 10 -.L:_:i`e-e with his `' political record to appreciate 11is,'}"`] consistmn desire to do than \vi1i(~.)1""D he b1i0\`o(1 an be in the host inn, lel`esI.< 0|` the c01Intr_\'. and his _ political" 0ppoi1enIs we an: aura '\\`i]l '4 slipport thv move us reu(iil_\' as his; ' poliiticul t'1'i(+n.(ls. ` 1 `rI`(` ' Ill -1.1.5 [U .400. -I. I\,ilvlll5' Id. hi-m- :-sl lhc (~1n. \\'hir:h was ;_ ()n!_\~ nixw l.ihm'nl.~' sup- 1-~ Iiuldwin l11il1i!~`1l`_\'. _\' .\l:u-Ilmnmi. l.21bm' lvmlr-1`. I -Hllvtl upon in i`m'm :1 un.: Inn will h.n-.. 11- ..u...:.-.- V 1:1 /.-Hv H. has bvvn Il)illl_\'! n lh~1's- hu\'o ht-on so 1nuny| In-s in this -ounL1'_v as [hora hvltl this full. 1`he roa- fu 1` In-.41-4'1(. l{Ll`ll|ilLL' lms rnlitzuhlt-. 'l`.his is 21. W0 -1. lrmlmlo is the prit-v :|. 'l`hv `ls mu lilllu fur lu- 11:I.~' In p:L_v mu nmuch for \1y.<. l`.ln- l`' (7()n`lilllll`S an` p1'ic<'-.4 fur -nmsi. of Hm ...I. :1.` 4 I. t\ .. v\u u-I. nun` II) I :- .\I|`lh()(H.\`l` U|Ill'l|`lH'l' (`lllll'('ll hns hiuhor L-tluozl-Iinn. \\'hilv ll'l'i:lll r~hu1'<'h has l`()]l- u-x';tlinn.< In lhu l(':l(?llil1.'.`I~` I III III!` Hlli Iuuhm` (io\'<~rm 6n.- \\'l`}.H"l`i~Jl{.\' (`0.-\ I. ` I"|{().\I l..\l\ l*} Hl<}.\l) :uu> 1* Illu- pm minn us pm" 0|" -rs on 1114 z-hu ."lIl,`Q` I2 buy 1n-( I * unnuu. ah o` Il|lI IIIILI 1sI1'>1LL:ll1 in 1, ;I di|'l'vI'vn(-r- I|U|ll,L', llll` odm-zntinn. .I~)-\_ .m.s',.4 that; uni,` [III I` and- any the `!'ch Quebec city is again becoming the Mecca of winter-loving tnuri. Ar- rungzsments for the forth .-mnin,'r carniml are ne.'u'ing' completion ;m.l sports of all kinds, including `m':u;r- gan sliding on the four-tr.-1<'k chuL on Duff-rin Terrace, are in mi`. swing. The mild weather `px'e\'ui`.Ex1_: in Quebec until recently greatly hin- dered lumbering operations in the provinrce. This situation, ac(-unlin_: to Mr. Piche, Chief Forestur, has been adjusted, however, by late falls of snow, and the total cut has been brought up to normal. There are 300 ports and harbors on the coasts of Canada. The ma- jority are, of course, small affairs, the big ports not exceeding six. However, one of Canada s ports, Montreal, ranks sixth Among the world's ports and third on the basis of export business done during the ; seven months in which it is open. x 'J`.lw {.0121} \`ahw oi` the Iiuhd maps in (`.;nm.d:1 in 192:5 \vus u.ppI'>.(:i~.1.b)._\' lvss than in 1922. .\ stu.t.(=n|enl mm- pzvrutl by the 1)mnini0n Govm'mnm1l` shmvs Ihv 4.*>`.li'IlI:l*i4`1l val-uu of Hm 19:32: (-,mp 10 lw $8.`)`. ..S72.2H)(). :1. ('mn,purx>d with $!Hi2,2!)1l,200 fur 1922. 'l7lw :lv\'(`9l':l_`.:(`. .p1'i(',e race,-i\'o(1 lby llw prmhm~rs in 1923 was (:7! lruunlu In 1111-2 :3... ...m.....m m..., 'I`hL- stuI _\' is given ('I'l`(]2lIl('o\ that the (`.0\'m'nxn-nt`s rodistrib1nim1 hillw whivh will be bmllizht down at Ihe comim: :~'es. Ob1i1(`l`[1N*S I.h- rid- ing of 8011111 Simeon, and im-Inuit-.~'l ve or six tmvnships in H10 0011-: sti1.u(~:-x1(`_v of I)u1`1'e1'in. 'I`hu- id:-:1 up- p2u`e11`Il,\' is U) r)b1it>ruIu> 2| ()m1:<<-x- \'ali\'e vc,-on. by _;i\'inL:' Si-m-; me but. I.\\'() 1-i(li11:.:s. and pu1tin_g u` zunuher or its municipu1itie.< in with rid'in:.:s. .\s the .-\11is1un. "'l`hi.~` is nut I't`(1.~`H'i})ll-` '_ (*l'I'_\`lH&ln(!(!I`. and is buy |\r\r\1':\r- I H\.\.-:.l`- Illill f`.... Newsprint production in Canada for the eleven months'of 1923 end- ing in November was 1,166,225 tons, 3 as compared with 993,988 tons for I the same period in 1922, the increase i -being equal to 17 per cent. The { estimated production for the year is ( 1,270,000 tons, or 189,000 tons over `I that for 1922. ; I2! I`lI|' 3 prom} m-nts. In I!) (Hi conts. so prmlu(:I'i0n on :\.;;n the 1'21: large Aprois. Hn Iill nu... ltlllf `|lIlIlIlI\. a Hp Iill Iho middle or I):-vmnJn>:` `. .S)(),UlH),I)lH) l)ll'Sh(`.lS uh` ;.-;1' had` lwe-11 lnmlml on cars in Hm l miri:- 1 m\`in1*vs. an zumolml ;.-.'I'-ntv-1' than in uny `pruvious h:u'vesI pcriml. 'l`hr- vulunw nl' Wlmut rnmuinim: in the lmmls ul` the l':LI'I1mrs :1! =hh:1l limo was 1U0.726i,0n() Ims|wl.s'. Hur- in--,: .Nov9-Imber exporters (li:~;pu. ut (i4,1(S!),SNi3 .brushels of wthoxu. \':I11I<-1! wt $63,l)!)5,503. In View of Hm nn-- f:womJble ncondixtions in the chin!` im- porting countries `this is (!()HSi(l('l'('U very satisfztotory. A o4).n`dy monchant. of Tornnm ca.pi'taI'ized on the poupnlm-ity 0:!` H10 Fond closed cars by smgur Ford coupes and sedan mvinizm.m-o.-.. This comteconer reports that he sold .hrundreds or the candies, so .119 amrilbuctes this nnazvrecedenled sale on the smzcar cars to the great demand for Fond cars Ulrougbmut Canada. 1'l|C V-l\ILlC 01 uuuurl LUZ-'5 [T8111 crop is estlmnted by ue Dominion ` Bureau of Statistic: at $892,572,300. Of this total approximately 3450.000 E i:=.'cre<*lited to the three prairie prov- inces. It is interostimr to nnfo H12.` is creaneu to me mm: prairie interesting to note that while the figure: for Manitoba and Saskatchewan are below those of the year 1922, those of Alberta are above by over $45,000,000. !\'.\I;l'l'I .\.VI) \`()l;l7I\ll<} Ol 19:23 E (`|{0l S I.I 'I`H:\N IN l!)`. .2! uvraxn nlaruewd along the (ana- dian Pnvific Railway in 1923 totallr.-cl 187,642,224 bushels, an increaste of 333241.619 bushels over any similar i period in the x`aiZway's history. Thu.- increase in bushels shipped was 1.`).- 086,730, or 9.2 per cent over 1922. , and 83.1 per cent of the total amount l marketed hurl been shipped by De- cember 3rd. Govt-.1'nm'nt st:1ti. 5 apple on-up of (`zmada f 10, T94,:"200 boxes, which, nmted 2u:orap:o of $2 a the value :1 little over By provinces the estimzv. [ion was as fol!-mvs: N 5,2:'i0.000 boxes; British 3,)`_ 4,(.`f)0; Ontario, 2,27. hos. 110.000: and .\\.\v :;.3,.300. _\ mall I . mil} 1? 191-1. ` (-rna.<,(- inn 1!: A `nerd of in 1n.|.f'fn1() is sum: 1: be shipped from \VainwTi;:ht I"n'I<. Alta.. tn the Yukon, \vhm`u 21 g;.1'r.u preserve is to be laid out in the :`n-- tral part of Lhe Le'.'ritm'_v. This ura- noum-oment was made here `.:_\' R9`:- ert Lowe, of \`\'hite Pass, Ynkrm Te1`1'itm'y. on his way bzv.-k frnm Ottawa, where he arranged for (`nt- shipment. The Banff \Vintrr Carnival is to he held from February 2nd to Slih. 1924, both dates inclusive, and W?" run vmv.-urrently with the Bani ? Bonspiol, which will be held fun:-. leh2'ue:rj.' 4th to 9th, inclu: A widely varied and attnu-t.0 pro- gramme has been armnged, culmin~ ating in a Grzmrl (varnival cl:n'.cr*. when the Cn.rniv.'al Queen for 1924 will he annnum~:-ll zmd crmvnud. Among` the New Year's honors {'0 1024 one of the most popular is thv award of the C.B.lC. by His ;\`Injvst_\' the King; to Captain S. Robinsmm. I{.N.R.. \\`]`.O. it wiH be remllled. >1!` diStin,2 `had himself in command u. the (`v than I acifi(- SS. F.m; of .\v;v.:r:slia during the Japzux. di.~'u. and is now r-onmmnrlixxp; tlv` (':n1z:.!i:1n I"ac-ific S.S Exnp--es.= of ('una for that ve.~rso1 s `forthc(m.- ` -`,1 ...-..?..n lll.HZLL'lI (\lLl.'lILll)ll `)1 Hire ;n`0 are I-rmtin`iim: draw .<='.<`l1 mm_n:u1ios. The intcwt !v intm '|.'~'L` of this location is the His- 1im-iiw- I ivIu1'r`:< (`orpoi'ati stat`?- invr Minn R`.Ti)(`I'!S and ("nnrud Nagzlo. whim-`n hrls hoen shooting at Gray I{:~v-kn Mn. SLO. Jovito over the New Va-:11` holiday period. A feature of the-ir wurk has been the co-operation of the Vhatmiii Frrmlenav dog to-am h-I hy .\ir)unti=, -2 vets,-ran of fin.- yeurs service in tho North. um` nun: n;_f, ,'A| - Tim beauties of the .\Tm:11tziIxs'_ whioh have 11'zu:t,ed the attention of 1 tum pr0du(-vr.=., /-or '1` .-.1` 61.2.. ln,...Hnn The value of Cuudn`: 1923 grain rap estimnted Grain marketed along the Cana- izm Par-ifio Hailwnv in 1923 tniullr-A [ere and Thyf: ICES [H9 E`SlH}lJlIl_'H pX`()(fL Nova SW`. ('n1umI. - {\u~.0-nu. .-\ |'l`)'.`V\ f\I\- (\~ I 3! I 0 LII!` ilV|`l'il'.|` i wi1.h the high cost wf (~nnnpa.rml with ton yt-:n`s l'21I'nIvI'.~: (`.mIM HUI 1ll2lliL | n.. |Jillt"l`l Hli|_\ Ul' llll _LL(}l`ll'1l. Il`llt them 1:001) pa-lh. pay. wish 1 (`mild live the 1212+: l\vum_\'-I 6-igllt _\`r-211's 01 my 1i~1'o over :1,-_'uil1 and I would 110! D1` in this x nm\'.; The pm'.~'011 who thinks he can hour this bank x`()'1)l)i11: :::1mu has unuxha-`-r think (-0n|in:_' his \\'u,\`. ()n< day ho will he oored."