uv \`xLl'\ ilU, uuu :U Hit` 1 much, l1(`l_\' had 10 _:1) `the i(ia1.=~Lr's I0 0 " IL... r. ... 9.. ..: .. J u": true 1'l.tu\: wuulu Ut u`.:..1t; cu:- n1e1`ci:1)]_\' su:l)se1'\`;u1t 10 N19 (Tu.-tel `. and most 01` Hit` pcuple know L11-mt. II ixmzeud 0|` 1)11(lin_{.-; Iho knee to Ilw L'niI(l >`.l;'.;e*.~' and Imm- ing out thv |)e,;:.-i11:: hum! ct` reci- pI`0c-i>L_\', we \\ (-.1'- to cuiii\`.1'.L- our natural I1`-adv with the halzmcv or the Buitish ]3`.I1]rDizl'E Ihruu;,h :1 rea- $0I1Lble pre1 eI'e11ce. then Lhme would be that hope 01' u.d`\`a.nce for which the people are 1on._:Jn:.;." Mr. l\'ix1g and his l'01owe1's had been most severe in their cri!.ici.'~2u1 or the ;\Ieighe11 admi11isl.1'a:t.ion, hut. instead of r(+du11c~in:..-' 4-x'p--11'dit1m-\s they had stmceeded in two years in piling up an '.Ldd.iIlio11;1l debt of $100,000,000. ;\Ir. .\tei::lwn said he 1`-D1p:1'E`(!i`dt(3(1 the dilcnlties conl'ro1min:,- tho (}ov(J1'11- ment, but these could be ovnrcome. M1`. ]\'in`}.-,` might h:1\'(- 0\'e1'co:n1e them in Ilw mt year 0|` his 1'ag`in1e, but had failed to do so th11'0u;.:h \vav`e1'- in." and (Hr-lcurinxr nnrl nnuv hn hall I r llxltll lil-HEN IU UU bl! L|lJl'UlI3.:ll \`V`d.V`J"' in}; and tliclwrixlj,-', and now he had not the spriril or courage -to ght lhrougll the l)u.tvt1e oi redtuction 01' empen(li`t1n'(-. so the people of Canada. could 11evm' hope for anyth-ing in the way of reduced t:axz1tion from the presm1~t Gm`m'mment. The old Lib- erals had been severe in their ori- iicisml oil` the ;\leighen s:,\ stlea11 .0!` sales and other taxuntion, bwt not only had m'e"v0ne ol' tlmsn s_wste-nls lwe11 kept in xnncv. but new ones had been invented. otlxers had been increased. Now. if mlyone knows of 1!. Ia.\a.Lion method not inve.n~ted all he has no do is to wire to Ot\ta.\va and it will be inlx`odu('e(l on the next lm(l:.:(--t. ` old 'l`O (`l"I` (`v()h"I` Oli` R0.-\I).S' $100,000 Yl4};\l!l.Y .-\ 1'e~t)1 oil` the system mt` 1i4i_:h\vz1_\' aduttiii-ismation whereby over $100.000 yez11'1`_\' will he S2L\'(1 is be-in:.: 4-\ffe~cat.e(1 by Hon Geo. 8. Henry. NY `The initial step was taken on 'I`h111's- dz1_\* last when si.\1t_\'-~ti\'e of the en- ggim-e1's in tho ('.in\'ei'11.tnet1t s employ wore ztsked L0 resig,-"n. The plan which I-Lon. Mr. Henry is putting into el'l7ect is to i`(,`(1ll('P the numubet of units into which thr- Pi-o\'i,n`ce is di\ idf3(l 1'01` the purpose of road ad- mini.=.t1`uti0n. .\t present Lhoro is rt <-inint` C*1)}J.?illf.`(*l`, an tu. to him, and II11-cw (livisionul m1:.:inoe1's in (:h-:u'_:u- 01' tho whulv of 01)t.m'.i0':=_ 1'Ii_LZi1i\V':l_\'S. I-I-.t(-h di\'isionu.l ~u_<.:.inee1 hd.$` his (i`iHLri(`t (ii\'i`(i=.(i in-tn smb- urdinzite (1.i9l.I'i('IS lutmvn as `resi- dencos." I*}=a.Clt I'(*.'s`idH]C)' has its own local otiic-o, an (`,I1f.'. il10eI' in Ch:Li`}{l. . and two 01' three junim`-5 who urn also qnztlim-d (_*.i1`_L',`-il`l(`0i`S and who receive mninnm'zt=tion as such. This t_\'iDC` nu` ()1':.rai1.izat.i0n has hoen 1'9;-`ztt'(le(1 by the .\Hl1iS'i(-Z11` as un(1*u1_v (`.\"|l2l\':1I;.',"Ll1Il, in View of thv numbt-.1 of 1-(. that a:rt- being main- t.-aim-d. At DUPSPIII th=ru are 2: : in l1l1`lIl.})(`l` .zmd :1 (`m`<-*:t`1i1 snr\'(-_\' has shown to him that. tm(I(-.-1` an eic-iirmt SHUT the J m\'im-,<,e (321.11 -hv z1(l+.*u1t'.Lte- l_\' t-m'en'-(1 hy '12. I-in has, t het'u- I'm-x. 2l(`C0i`(]iI1Lf1}' 1*:-r11xust<(i the re- . 01 I119 ('Il_L`,`~iI1F`PlS in Lhv ~'I~l'\'i(`l" in UHIPI` that zt.mz1Igzmiiu-t.'i.0i1 and u f.'.`t nF`I':l] l'(}-()l`f.{1l1i7.uIii()il he llHld('. 'I`h<- .\litii~:~t4t<-I` . that well 0\'m' hull` of thv $225,000 which lius linen spent un(l<.-1' the :tnnuaIL\' .<.)'. can he .=`.a.\'e(I. \\'il.h the-, :mn1m.l 1m\vtin}.;' 0!` . ,:1`i(-111 Sm-ietie-:~; }w.in_q hold this \\'-wk amt! nvxlt. in many p]u.rrr>s, ithv wm'k 01' tho 1;?! _\'(-.~uI' will lm l`(`- [vim\`v(l um! p1`e'p21t*21ti'011s mutlt-. for Ithe 1924 ml] l'zli1`.~'. l)n1`in:.: the 12119.1. . .\'l|LIl` nunnr I -J11 I`nhe \I`nIn nut in ;-utn,. 'l`hv 19232 iuir .~'(`;l5`Ull is U\'l*I` r\.nrl} `:1 SllI`\`I*_\' 01' Hm ::i.luu1irm l'l,`\'1'2l]S lilo! l ;numbm' will snl`l`vi' iinzu1ni.all_\', :~'.0'me ` m:i._\' iutinns umil tinws gm `si(lorin:.: the fact. thzul (L IIlilI`l\'(:-(l (lu- - lugricullinrn. it. is remtzn-k:ui)Ie limit so `comun-uniuty, resulut.ing' in poorly lled u.~:1I:1l nlnmht-1' 0|` 1-\ <)nl.s which \V('l'(`l lIu,1npm'v(l by lnui \\'4`:lnllll*l' nml pnnrl lnml x-u11(li1inn:<. l,'n(luuhI.(-(ll,\` :1 run he l`m`(~4-(1 In cvzmsv l)(-EH01 . mp<.-.1'- Con- pwssirili has tln`0Hl(--,(l `bu-simass and m:1n_\' l'z1ir.s ll1L\'e been able oin-my 0-n successl'ull;\'. The local fairs play an innportanl, p:u`t. in the liiife and impmveniemt. ol` the conmnun`i'ty, but wwhen one glances ovur =lhe total List it seems than. we are possibly L00 well served by such inustjtutions. Unless a fair is sell`-uspporlin-g it is (lollbtful whether its vnlvue to the coimumunily warran-Ls another yea:i"s operamion; a h:u;:,e grant. of mon-ey is set aside each year to assist fairs and exhiubitionis by the depanbmenet oi` a._L{l`liClllIll]I`(*,, this -money omnves out of the public purse and vine dds- tri:but.ion should be camfully schn- tinized .50 that it is placnd where it will do the most amount. of good. I m;cti.cal u-safulness is the only excuse for rthe existence of any fair and if any instiumon has lost its grixp 011 the public in:1:<-rest of the FIIIQQLIQ nil !`I_<"l`l*l"IIlfIIl`A'.h nnn(hLn9iu nu` ` lJUllllIll'lllllIL_V, lL'hl.ll'l:lllf5' U1 }JUUl l`_Y lllllll ;r*la. 01' 2L`,`;`l`i`Cll1tlll`e p1wod'u~chs or iu,ni.n1*ul~s of n1edi(-.ore q uznlily M. ceases {to ho an inspia1'at.ion ~10 t`hr> visi1.o1`s ;4pa,sszi11:.: 1.hro\u.:h the t.urnst.ilns. In `1n:ux_\' xvuys such an =\'hi=bi'1.ion is `\vm-30 thzzm 115010.35 and slH)1:ld he [)I'I')'!1)I)-U3 (1is(:()nli1med. .\1an.y Pairs `are just uhe same t.u~day as they lxvoro twennty yt-ars zugn. they hzwe 1 a.i1ed to keep in '1.on~L*h with chang- linug conditions and `n.'1'\'e descended limo muthinug more than cmn-mon ?\"Lsi.tixrg gvolmds which -serve no pur- `pose in aiding and aclmancing `,tLgnicu1ture. Before another season `slams 21. r,-:u'eful sn1'\'e_v of. the .'=;ixtu'a.- tion should be-. madv and only fairs I*`.~\ LI. l<'.\ I RS I lwl-ll'.\ \\l'l\7 HUI H. 5|Ul"' v or ulhorwise and thni v\\'h(*lL h(-1' sur-h fairs i xlinnnal nu |\l-H L. .1 .. I l Ukwuull.` L'La'u|" he 1.t;'.:e*s ;' 1\ nu .-u~ I usH'1>lI Irvinu. I \\"lL1i2t II! J owl \\'l '1.-.. IH HIN Iunmliu n _,...\,x, v:. nu. nu 111') In perm-ii C=.111z1d'a. un-1 In - H. .u. . :D'L2 d. puuuu. Beef sold ant. 9c and 120 a lb.. and pork 21.! 12 cm 15c 21 pound. Vege- tianble prices were as usual. C1'r\,21:i11 bro-ught, 300 a pint. Hay sold an $12-$13 .1 ton and wood 21'! $12-$14 cord. Buvistei` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.`)--150 lib.` uggs . . . . . . . . . . . ... 50-60c doz. Ducks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c 1b.! Chickens .. . . . . . . . . . 22~25c 1.1). Geese . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26-27c lib. Turkeys . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 32c l-b. Beet`, front . 9c lrb. Beef, hind, . . . . .. ... ... 120 lb. Pork, vironl . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'2c l'.b. Pork, hind . . . . . . . . .. ... 1.50 lb. Lamb. front . . . .. . . . ... 2-ic lb. L'unb, hind . . . . . . . . . . .. 30c lb. Celery . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-150 bunch Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c bunch Apples .... .... . . .. 5(|-70cl)z1sl<. Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 bag. Onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T00 bask. - Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for SC Beans . . . . . . . . . .. .... 10c pint Beets . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1i0-v.5"c lmsk. Carrots ... . .. -. . . .. 210~10c bask.` Parsnips . . . . . . . . . . 250-40c bask. i Czvl)l)21ge . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 each! Czuiliilowm` . . . . . . . . . . . 150 each I`.-1...... `H -- -S--5 bl L" You 11:: Ha\' [Tun-n Sun lwzxnoisco, Jan. z'.~--I~Iu.\'in:: to` cure for -two dozen c11iI(lx`e11 (=xcus(+.=| an trcczmionnl drink of 1iqum' as :1} stivnnlmm. in HIP upinion 01` Policei J 11(i._'.:a'| M c.:\ Lee. T! Lrlux \ f-u-vnnnic unnn-n-or} nn u Jun, 13. Iwfidw) .\Izu-mquis a.pp<-urea on a ' 0'! |.'.`\ Llflf. |(`.}]HI\_L'(? or violzming the prnhihininn unI`m'r:e1m-~n1 1101. H9 (li(1_`nn`I hesi- Iaw to explzuill L0 4110 00111 why `he, was cz\1'1'_\`in;: liquor. .\l_\' xv-ialv must h:1\`- this liquorzl it is :1 g1`!-ml 1w(*=...sil_v in hl`I' IMO." I I BI'in_; on rlhn \vi`I'\," said vthe nun.-v I Conshhwnhle prodnov was ovrod for sae at who Inarkem on Samurdu}: Very Nmo change.ir any.c0u1d be no&dced H1 pxces. I3unter rem1ained rn1 at 4?-45c a pound. ule eggs were quoied at 50-600 a dozen. Chickens and mher fowl br0u_:;lrt 25c a pound. Tlnnf cn1rI 4.1.} On and 19:1 1: 1h nnvr] 11 u_\ Hogs. I Wood H.\S 'I`\\'I'}N'l`\,'-l()l'H (`-I-llLl)Rl<).\' i IS I;.\\\' lilHa`;\l(l<}I}`S l`}X(`l'.N'|'II I Ullllll. 'I`hi.< is iI11.p0.=.sih1e.' .\I21n'mr1uis` al.l01`ne_\'. siolc." nu .. tn- )1] U751 \\ '. ' I`.w0 nxexlxhor Rnivv, Am. I.` ll'x:u4l||I ..-\...-.. ..u- Inn his ,\'rnl11.slm`:< :1.n(i lh .th:11. 1h<- l~.1l(=.<.1 H-.n1uin< h(*( 2HlS(' the pzuwlls ha itlvsxst 'l`x. ,..,.... .. I'\P\l~Au ..,.,l .1 llll';l.\. 'l`iw (-mu`! :1pp<`::.rer1 (lzlzml. >`~ex1l(*IH:- s11s1)v11(lv(l. I mm liquor won`! do ;m_\` 1121 H|v`\'|)N S (`I-l.\\'(.'l~1 |.\' .\'.\.\lI .\ .'>. .1 rlisinn or pull in l'xln'i(1:.:e 'l`uwn.s'hip (.I in<~ (`.rm':->) .\`\'(_EIll.\ ht-n1 on p1'm.`ixlE11_:. in1c~:'v.~'.ti11_: :~:inI:\~Iim1.~: 21,1 4'11 -CHI)-11$. N01 }on:.: 21540 n S('Pl1( <)(-.(-11-I'M-ml am 1114- hnulh when the nu-n zlml womnz-n :01. in an 2111c-I'c.;1li0n with Hm pol] clr-x'|< nr somv mhel o'1(-,i:1I. and int. wmlml up in (-.0m l. .-\Il Hm 01u(u1.ion 1:151 .\Im1du_\'. Mu nzrme 0!` Annie Ym'l< was (m1i1:1r-)(1. from Hw vohixns 11-51. but an .\nn-it E Pork apqpeaaretl `thereon. With the high funsion .t,1mt. runas in tho sec tion an. nlemion timre. it mus 21:1 gre4z1I risk of creatin.:.-; unothor ``sume that the deputy asked Annvie York 1.0 declare she was .-\nn`ie 1 m'k" ml she couhl nut vole. .141` the Yor)u=.1' 1'ef1m.ed being cna.l'led n P01-km" in u. sirenuous nmnner there will be anodher chapter `to wvitte about hex lama)` 0n.-SLo\1f[\'i11e 'D1'ibune. SATURDAY S MARKET vv4un . . .....,-......... ....v.......... The re nlemcllaxrls 0!` OI)ltJ?1lll0 are planning rep1'esenl.z11'i0ns to the lovernnmnt I0 n11 pc+rl(11m's take om. licenses nndenr a.n1endm1e11`ts in the 'I`m.nsie111 'l`ra(lers Am and` Hzuwkers` and I 0d.dl(>1`s' Alcl. "I`ho revs they a.sk are $100 rm` 11. m0:l.m' veh.icl(~. $50 I`-or a Lwo horsv \vu_:0n,l $25 for :1 one horse rig and $5 for! 2: push cart. lxzmlmt or m1_\'tl1in_4 el-st.-. Prnteactn rs . Relie\'r.\rs . . Builds-us . . V'ote1`a1xs .. C.0rln.'f(,mte11-; 1~`o1'(st.e1`s . . grhich are white to stand on their own feet s.hm11`rJ receive the support of the 1'ate~paye1s' m.0ne_\`. 1 h'()l'l`l S.\ I J. I. I<`..\ L`ll`l Hlllh No. just :1 hz1:b_\'." II~n\\' man) h:x;~`. the (It-1':-nxlmxl 'l`\\")1`1`_\'4J'()l|1'." _\1 the L1-011r1'.s` invil-utiml 4110 (1 tl:m1 r(-oixnd Ihv nzmws not` 22'. `:4 .-,.un....0nu. nnol hnn nu-nluin. C-\N'l` l ICI)l)Llu`R.h' Ll(`:l'}I\'SI}l') next four ,`.{2l.l11(`S were piu.\'v. .:1t ,\B-eile Ewart on the lake, with u::'ui.l- 1'1. .\lU\/Ullllt'll. hhillfl. -I. ' A second gzizmiie was playeil :11, the sa'm-e plaice a few (laws luzute-r. The 3' zrhmrt six asi(l<-',-. Albout this time a. club was i'm'.med :11 Hello I`}\\':lN, and M1`. hvvin;L: Johnston. :1 iiwciuuiic now of Miidluntl. mzulo a \'m;\' fine so! of blocks turned in :1 turning l'.1.the and nicoi-_\ finished. Sonic 01' thoni had a band or iron -to give thmn wo.i:.:11I. Sonia worn loaded wilh lead. and smno warn painted re-(1, white mid blue. .\ (`1izl.HI`Iif;(` was sent to tho Chm-<-hill r-lnl). mm rink` 21 side. which msiilimi in :1 very close :.'uin(> : Chux'c.hii1- ~\\'iilizi.m R<-ivo. N-mhi Grose, David I}0_\'1~.H`. John I.om1u\'.` skin, 25. nrxilixx T-`uvnni ,_\V'i|liun. I uiiinnw : The Simcoe Marble Works 20 Owen St. - Barrie, Ont. Choose y 0 u r 1\Io11ume1Lt now and have if set in mu S[H'ill`.,". Om` stock is now \\=e1'1= assort- ed. Special good stock of imported granite. (1. W. J. EASTMAN Prop. Phone 277 l\. Serimls 1\Yn I Prices Right 1-3 ll|\ Il'(l~l|lJ numvs then rm-.n1uin<-'-(I --;.u\9n hurl u |`..\(:} l' Id . Ju nu.` .... . 1.5c1b. 30011). : 50-70c bask. ' I!l']-J \(I hnzlr I '4. \ . 1'1zlAlIlH'I', JUIIH I l|H`IllIlll. . ~`(~0`m. .lw:Lmes Johnston. A1'1`z111uu(m1om.s ware Inmlo to Inulw hlm-lis out tn` :1 bevnh log" n lherollgh. Th:-3' \\'v1'r- c-11'. znhoui, i!1C1lE`!~`. devp. and iron hunrlh-.< pm in sun! `tho rlzmn cu? Ihnin nu! J 21$. fnv mm ! 6 I JUU `::'0'-.4 c 1) 1) b 101': ( ( 220(- \1"J I ... .3.) $12-$11} as`: :n 11). lb. '. n [k V (>x(-luimetl ~th<+ \\'i1 +- is` IM .2; U1 v.\'p1;Li1w(1 nun-nnml :- pintv each! 1. Ion} I c\\'t.`| mull .l'U.. 10m 1000 .500_ 0 ..;. 3 .000 .000 `-79.3~ L... o llllllltlfll. lll( _} \\|`ll' l'I I in and the damp set for game on H`ElUfJ,'l1t()I1`S n .la11u:r:'_\'S:h. The 01.. 1110 p1z1ym's : urn an Dnivn .\ nrl vu , . . I (Founded 1851) Published every Thursday morn- lug at the office. 123 Dunlop Street, Barrie. Suvbscription $1.50 per year I in Canada and Great Britain, $2.00 ln United States. Subscriptions payable in advance. Advertising rates on application. Morrison & EMcKenzie. Pwblishers. Barrie - Marble - Works 1 BARRIE S BEST LAUNDRY I O3 heNn rtherqhuang ! I`I~L[?RSD-AY. J~.-\ 17, 1924 Memorial Tablets 5 Corner Stones ' Markers Monuments `Canadian 85 Scotch Granite ! PRICES REDUCED EJOHN F. MURPHY, Prop. ;L1~:M BROS. 1 Telephone 734 US) Bzlyfield St. - E L Phone 616. llll` pm.\n-1'.~' : \\'il'1ium Rnive. .-\ndre\\' P:1.l,t(-r- son, Jauws Johnst.-m1. Jzuuus Mcl\'ay. James SCOM. John I.euno.\'. skip, 15. Tmvid Rnvnru .\nrh-nu (`.|-mnr H Wm-I g11:u'antced on all 1 .-unilv \\':1. AUTO LlENE_S Debentures of the Town of Barrie. 5; Per Cent. Issue. Good Investment. It Pays to Attend the Best BARRIE BUSINESS COLLEGE Member of Business Educator's Association of Canada. Graduates assisted to positions Begin any day. W. A. 1`[,.'RN'ER-, - Prop. W. BELL, ISSUER di`UlIll.`5 DL'Ulll. JUHH hl*!lHlU.\. Fl(l[), IS). David Bayes, .-\ndre\v `.1'e,=_a:, I). L\IcNo.i1, Jool \V'LI;s`on. \\'. \\-'i1s()n, H. .\IcC0nnol1. sloilp. 1:. /\ cnrnnnd mnvnn wnu nlnrr.-1| -II vhn EST.-\m.'Is1u:n 26 YEARS Stenography, Book- keeping, Banking Higher Accounting and Auditing, Add-` ing Machine, Dicta- phone. :: :: :: La11Hd1`) called for 7 OWEN S'[`REE'l.` T.L1.suuic T'mp1e Building )21V .4-Jgxnun un,-uu J.\l.L and delivered Prices `re:1s0n:1ble Successor to .1. Arnold Insurance Free Information. R. G. MANUEL Mgr. Phone 721 FOR SALE [V . f1illl`l|H`l, .\I\l[J ' On the `.`1st I two rinlis 01' pl: "haul a. f1`i-l1(H_\' with tho s'ton(~s: f"hu.-nh-H! 1')..I Page Three Five Points Barrie. hl\l|), Li). 1 Hello Ewam ~\V'il1iu1n l.z1.limm',i linln._v .\I(~l\'uy. |1'\'in:.: .Jnhn.=.t 1'2. V. I~Ian:mor. skin. 23. On of 1-`nbrmwg.-_ 157$, of pmyers wont, up and 11ml :1. fnimnv lvzmnn u'Hh Rum-in] nun llll' S(l)ll(P.\'Z ` Churchill. Rink 1---Wi11iu.m Rvivc-. Noah Grose. Da.\'.id Bayes, John l..en nux, skip, 20. .\l(`.k/ )lllll'l 5.; -.1 ` : ..\B-elle ( i Imin ~\nu- AP ":rI`4- Dry-Cleaned and Pressed THIS IS THE ONLY DRY CLEANING PLANT OUTSIDE THE CITY HANDY TO YOU. Dyeing 109 Dunlop Street. Goods Called for and Delivered Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention `l.S \\ !"I9' l"l'| I`h0n121s Rt.-i\`v `ant-' '3&H(`l:l_\'. nu [Ina-n \ `tn Illllxlllldll llillll, l'll`,|llAV Bill! 1 R:-i\'c=. .\n(]n' (:: I). McNeil. \\'. \\'iI.s-on, Ii mil. John Lmumx, \\'il1i-4.1 on. I $101111, Jnnnlhu I);n\'id O)'(`.~L. .-\nrIrm\' lrc,-_L: 1 Rvivv, .\m!I'(-\'.' P21-tn-I'. .I... v,.n, I I~`_'E door of our Savings Department opens up the field of protable investment. Money makes money. Are you losing this great privilege that possession of money gives? Start a savings account now. and in good time it will be available for investment. Our Investment Department will assist you in selecting good securities. Capital $5,000,000 Reserves $7,000,000 Early History of the Churchill; Curling Club 1 I 11191 W mokomo 13;n'rie Ill` l\)Ll|J. Lil} I . you :1 fm` l)set1m' _'.:un1c: ) they went up to John , where lhv Chu1`r,-hill \\'asr)r:':111iz(;-(I, with I\\ .unkn.... . `x. . mun .-\-u_-. u. .x. nun !`. .\l<-x:m Cm John l`ruom:1n. nhnctnn W. FIRTH =CLOTHES= lUf il llllll I 01' [ht-`il` ['1 PHI 5 1 pnml on I _,uvinn- urn:-u VI'lIl, up auxu ' with 1}a1`1'ie 0 00000000000 0000O000000000`0000000000000000 00000600000. 1b_\' 1). \\'. I.0n1mxI BR.-\NCHES : .-\1'la11d:1 1(- IJ`;L1'rir>. kink 2 C. H. Rn.~'.:<, J. R. 1 C-unkey. skin. 13. (`lmrr*hill. Rink :=I0n. J-`inln_\' .\[(-.l\':1 \\' wn.-.... . ]nIr_\I`>. JU'Hl l4l`IlIlU.\'. slibl). ). B1-110 1~I\\'z1rl - .<;umlel H2l_L 1lI'. Geo. .\l0nteLth, l~`1'u(l ;\I1~Ku.\'. Ii. \V. "\\'h`il`f(\11. skip, S. (`.hIm-r-hill ninl: `) 11 \\r 1.\.`..,\.. >Il`i IH'|l"l Kit-.h2u' I: I01'eslin_2 Churchill In n Iinnuv . .)lllllilll'_\ .;`.Jlll. I512): ` Chllrchill. Rink 1- R0'ln~1~I pa,-11512110. .\I1(1I't`\\' [":1H(}IS()!1. I30_\`r-.~', John [.1-nn0.\`. Skill), 21: 111-110 ]`..\\'n 1-: .<~,.m.unI . nHw1Ht*Jl. SKLD. 6. ! Clluwthill, Rink 2 D. \V. L(>nn0_\'. J-u.me.~; Scott. \\'z1l:!er l ut.lm`s()n, 1). .\IcNI.eil. skin. 15. Bvllo Ewzml. Rvink 2--(`oo. Ha_:z`u1'. ll). .\Ic:.\lullen, .\lm. I`hmnbm-, 1-1. V. I-In-mner, st-kip, 15. l .\lujm'i'l_\' for Ch1n`c`hiIl, 27 shots. On .\lu.r(-.h 5th, 1879. Churcllill .pIz1,\'e(l :1 fric-11(l`1.\' 3421:1110 wiLh Barrie: I (Thm-r-h`ill Rim.` 1._,nnIm..a nu: n Du1'i11_': the \\'i11:ic-1' 111` 1877-78 .th'ere was \`e1~,\' libtlv snow, but good _\_v11ov1i11g 11ea.1'l_v all \\'i11Ie1'. 011 1111. "f'11'sIt of Jz11111a1'_\`. 1:478. the lulu John! Lennox. 111_\' 1111:1191`. went up tn. Chu1'0l1i11 for his 111z1.il 211111 111111111 the village spn11t.s p1:1.\'i11_: ho1'ses11r>v.< :11 the sidv of the road. )0. " .<;11i In I nun u..I 1- ... .1 4... I pm;-.-11 :1 1r1e11(1`1.\' with l5:11'rie: Ch111'ch1il1. Rink 1--AR0ber1 Reive, Noah (H'()S(`. Ii):1\'.id I}t(1)'(=.s, John L1.-n11(1_\', skip, 17. ! Il:11`1'iv. Rink 1.\. .\'1'11`z1ll. .\[1'. a(f.1.1'111-:.:iv, H11111 L01111-I. T. .\I1r'Cm1l{e_\', mu-;1. . C`hu1'r,-hill. Rink l u.!.Ie1'suI1, Wait I Neil. 15. n ! numw, nun: lJiLlll(`.'s' ]}0l(!_\', .([ll1\I`$`,()11. s| }?L\\'lI]1 -.u tin R0.-ult :1 Ho, 1`l:L\'o(1 four hours. In the winter or 1879-80 the curl- Anrs \\'m1'I lo the bush and wok out limlwr rm` :1 (`llI`HH:` rink. which was iopenc-d for play I)c,=(-nmnlmr 10, `I880. I1-i:.:'h1 pairs of (-1ur1.in:.: stones .h:Lv- U 1[uu|.~,uIl. Mxlp, I1. I in: boon rvcmntly p11rc1m.<(~ On Du:-, QR 1R.Qn l.u'n ,-an:-.. In: uo-4'11 l'(`C(`l]H_\' pu1'ch;1.< On Duo. 28. 1880, 1-we ri r.-11r1~1'.< \'i. 13ru.dl`:0rd. l t'0l1mvin;: F0811: (`hnnn|.H1 D |llIl|)\V lll_L'. IVVSUII: Churchill, Rink 1..`\. I`-1'r.>:.",:`. J} W. Wilson. D. .\Ic1\'eil. John L01 nox. skin. 133. nurllll. >l\1[,`, H. Eurrie. Rink 134- John .\l(:L(-`an. I.`e=l(]i11:. Tlms. :w`hm'I.1'm`-(1. R L(Pi[)o~l' :-`!\'ip. 28. .lujm`iI for Barrio :11! s'huI.~'. m, , u u VVIIBIIII, U. .\l(3x\8H. JOHII skip. 15. (Continued on pzige six) Repairing Phone 229. -'.llHIl'.\ \\\'Il and In-He I v:3)Il1.1H7!) ill I):..l- I 'I`hu1's(1ay, January 17, 1924 1`) 1 m V21] 0 l Ll Unllll UH I14` wlow (`,hur(-hill. ihv purpvn. i {i~l(l. um! .'~'u\-M .4 \\'<-rv plz1_\' bu Htslln l`.u--.--I 1)]-. 1~ 2- -.\Ir. ;\1l:m. .-\.! :1.l."?1`.s'()n. 1.). Mc-1 - Donn . Wt-1l.~'., ~I r\' i 113- Rnht" 1 vhir=ll_\' nu`- MncI<.~'. I I`)... l.\l`U -inks of our . with the L.l\s`. . V I'.I1`-H11]; mnlock '20OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO6 O O I-Iep ` I)u\'id i\\':1s bl Counci :.'on1~z1_; lo dun and 2: .-\11,\'1hd ` (:}1il(lH:' health: Who , or (Ian /sit)`. In 1` 00113111! 9 -.~'.:ll`_\' 1: would \\\'e1`r- i vs.-riesl `and in lurid s an ail wins. be in lmm! (` I"0~:~1 1 R:1ue~_\' at line which Hv hu: 1'e'.1su)11; the HI Hon. 3 iLvl_'v `I "l'()'\l]') l " When we consult 21 lziw_\`<-r. doctor lynx` (lontisl. we do so nndvr neces- but inun_\' people never think 0! (`()1lSll1llll`f; -their `l)il1ll{Pl' when neces- -to in\'e-..s1 any money. We {would non 3.10 to any (]1lELC|( lif we `warn ill or in t'rouble, but let the l financial (]1li1.Cl\' C0lll(-` along iinn1ediu.tel_v inany will listen to stories 01 \\'(>n(leni'nl cnrers` 1'01- ailing purse and the wild cat, Fewnr \\`Ol`Hll(`SS SCI`ipI would r:\`i(len(-- ii` the l)ai1l{e1' had lmvn (-onsulvletl. The new sz11e`stax means. another source or` woI:`1\_\'. Where will it all end. Women seem mo have developed m=enL-ally zut least since a yea!` ago `_No`\v they `buckle their :,o1g;.<:`.1es;. I NOTES AND COMMENTS , _: i The rs! Ixneetizmg 0' `rnuncil (bid not :1ugu:' we-ll ha1'.mm1y and peaca Ll:n.n_: which we haul hoped 10 see. -_" 1 `Church union semns to be as live an issue as the W211` was live _vea1's 21},-`(). am! y(-at some say the war bmu.:ht people closer togelher. | '[`ha.l 5:1`oal.<'-1* cure and re(1'uc:*d speed am dmnanded f=1'01n all new- sons who d1"1\'e nmlor cars is furn- ished b-_\` -1119 record 01' deaths in .\lm1Irc\u1 1-:LsL _\'uea1', when no 1'u\\'`1` than se.\'onII_\'-se\'en persons wore killed by motor cars. 01119:` Cities and towns could tell the smxw I-ale l"r;vmnm' .\l.Iorney-(}mie1'u] \\'. E. wii nm lead tho l u'n5.-1':-sssi\'<-.'~: |u.I session of `the Le_"iS]2ll1ll'E (.`[)PJl!~` in three \vveks' Limo. has a11n0unco(l Milli for persmml |`9ilS()nS he will be u1m.b1- I0 zwcepx HOIISU 111d('l`S1li[) Leiidered him. .\lunnin_-.:` L)ohm'1_\' SI.z1-Hid den- ~thuI hv \\ l)llI(1 not lead the Lf.`l'()`d]) ihimizh 1119 session. 11 is likvly that i.ha- I`1't);:2es.'\'e:< wiiii .\ 1.... .1 I .1`. ' _\vhm-ling '1's:t 1 o T nunnv nu`- Don't rm ure. lhK' no-.\\'. Iukws or The .L'e11i-.11 sec1'ext=:11'y m` the Board 11' [`:(1`l1(`{1`Ii()I1, .\h'. l"r(-(1 .\Inn'. is 10 lbw ('.0x1.:1'a1111`2me(1 on 11n\'in}.r 1'01 `t;\vv11t_\'I'1\'e _"()ill. served in than (:21- `puc-iny. The honor con1'e1'r--`(1 on hfnn. |b_\' the nnemtbers 01` the Board on .\lundIa_\' evening. was 21 just lr1i`l)1m= .tn one who h'.1.24 rendered good .`m'- Miice to the lawn. I nuulu I)!` 1llA1JU.\'HLl)lL UlHllLL', UH` St`-S" sion to lhI'0\\' open u c0ns;Ii1uenc_\' and elect I-Ion. 15. C. I)ru1g\' or :1n'_v- body else wilh :1 \'in\\' In nu1l\'in:.j, him lomim`. _\I)U. I-\'|l Inuu_'.:n _\uu nit.\z- tum e\`or_\'Ihin',- you had in the \\'m'1(l. Inalm H m\\' . .\`11m-uss drws not :!~pM1(1 uqmn :h(- d.i: you hz1\'L~ !rn\'e11 but thv way you are hund- ed. Nu Imltwr hu\\' (lis(t(;l11'u.gi11,Lw [ho mltltmk. In-up h`:ll1( (l I0\\'zu'(1: ymn' _;-0'41. .\ stun! hoznrt, an indom- `ZIu.h](= will and un\\'u\'<=rnhl<~ faith in! the p()\\'-I` ihzn su. you will win. -111 in . ml the Im).v:I unI'mVtu11-3 HM.` and (li: (-nntlimmxs. 3 The 1m1.Her 0|` p1`()\'idi11g propel for we children 01' the town !\v:1.< hroughzt, up at .\`I`(n1-day nigh`l`s |C0un(-il nneuting and should be en- I I-nun-.1 Hut` The I-hrh-an u 1 u L\\'Y\f\vEK)l` |\_MJlI|l\.'l| llIC\ 1l.lU\` llllll bllUlll(l UL` lJ.l' c01mz1:_'.e(l. The children aw exposed danger on the streems vve-r_\' (1vz1._\' z1ccid(>x1 l'roq11entt1_v hzuppen. .-\11_\`1}Li1u: mm can be donv for -the children in thv \va;\' oil` pmviding l1esu1thy -mc1'eu.I.iL11 should be (10119. I 4 ~_.I\l|I]) |HIlII|-'.ll lllt` .`|`..hlUll. ll l:| lnwesr :1 | <-\\' (1u._\`.~' h(s|'01`e Ihe l)pe1liI]`_Lf[ `n! thv l.v_;I.~sInI111'-~ and appoint :1 Iezulm` rmm -.nnwrmA; the 1'a11'l It would he Ill1D().\`HU)]O during the ~'.nn In lhmnv nnnn an nnnmhnnnr-u~ ` 4nr- 1'11] \d(1I)l|I}' ])('I` can >1-In n|'I' ;I4l|Il III! II I \\ll yum` plan-:- whn run iHHllllL'l' l|l`illl H1; (10 ii." H(`lHl~: it)!` l~`u\\'1(~1' suit] Ihs-rv \\'m'o men in Ihv t-ivil S(*1'\'i(`0 l`(`(`,<'i\'iI1_`.:' $8.000 who (-mild not _'_"l|I $120!) in `Dl`i\'wl('5 0Il1`[)l()_\VIl1!'l]I. II \\'2l-S hoped that wiih tho :l.D])(>il1-M11011`! 0.1" the Civil Sr.=i'\'i(:o Cmiinilsszion that p2Ll,I`0na,_L:c woilld be abolished and vificieircyl iii(rrvn. and thus 21 saving al`i`ect- 1-(I, hut mzittm's:. hu.\'<- gone 1'1`-om bu.d to worse. In (.`\'91'_\' depmmiiient. of the service limso in a position to knmv (leclmw that \'er_v often twol are on-gax;'ed where there is not sumcieint to emp1`o_\' one iefci-ent man or wmmm more than half time. No one has in mind the 4I)2l._\'il1}.`{ 01 iI1'Slli('i1`IH Q5] In I'il`oQ V\'h:|I do. in lIL`dll Ur V\U`|lliLll IIIUFE lllilfl mu! lhllle. iIl'S1lHi(`i1`nI sztlat'ies. V\'hzLt. is de~ sired .is tho tlistnissul of the thous- `.111-(IS 0!` ttttttorossztty BlIl.pI()_\'(-`OS. the p2lI)"Il1'Gl1'l. of H10 eicient for :1 fair dn_\"s wm'k-~- it day that covers 'more than tln-t-v nr rout` lmurs actual \\'m`1:. hk`, I I'll]! _`gI`l. than l11a`t.." so G:`0_.:2's hotel. C1n'lix1_:: Club ihv f0110\vin,:` l)l'(:,;rluILl Hon. ;\1'll1ur .\l in :1 Shir-W ring :ul(l1-nss at London. Onl., on I-`ritl::,\' lust, tlmmnmrell `the l\'in.g1- lovm'mn<-n-I for its l`:1il1I1' to give' . :.:m'v1'mnent. m` to reduce e.\`- pt-ll(liI.lll'(`S. .\ -Iwn and :1 h:1,1l' per cent. r(~:lnmion haul been ll1`f1.(ll(3 in th rAI:n'.i1`l' un wnollens and I`-.u'm n1ucl1in<~ry. hut this had not heme- llttml the woollen inrlnslr_v or the fzlmners. On the c(m:1na.r_\' the wool- len in(lu.'~'4lr,\' had sul`I`eI'ed, l'act0r.ies hud lwt.-n ul`0n'ced to reduce their nrmrminns. and wo1~l\'ing men had} been obliged to join `the great anmy! or i1m1x:i:.;1`:ml.s. lo the United St,a:1_es , l`ho l':unnms had not been able to pul'L'llu.s': farm lmplelnen-Ls any In L'i\'i1 `\'l\(lll|.`\ lll ::J.:`nIJ2. In Ihwl me :1 '(`El(`h(`(l [hr- Iil 1 I`) n...X 'nl_1\\` 1:151 31- ``'l`h<- (- -r.:l In 19.1 _\'0111' past spoil _\'()lll; Don`! 191 the old _veu.1' spoil; N0 lll2LlI0l' how 1112111) -mix 1' 1':1iln1`z-S you Im\'(- mzule. mu i.:I`n1':1nws 1121\`-- ()\'ex'L21lien \'(`l1 Iim11:.'h you h:L\':- losn 7 int. I'l|I| l....l in 1|. u-nnl/I > lI||uW \\` ITl\ llllll I Mill zmmunl. pz|.ir1 mi HH- Ihv 'l)mniniun \v;1s?viv\\'v(l pre' 1503;` the rcxpnrtl the mu fzl zmnounl. pzml lhu.I.: _\'vur lmmy fall - n-nm'nm1ls'. tutu! ()1`Icr*: finum-.mll_\' . wlnm '10`)?! ['|u`lH'1.s :nnnuHnn ml` u The Northern Advance 1 the Io l'm' Lh.a.tl .`... .. ..-I _\l'xll IllilIl_\ lilll Lil-IVS \\ cvss uIh~ q1m. .041` v\\'h(*lL`h(- silmuld he (`U111/il]llI`(1 (-1155621] thus in C: n .- - cheaaper, bult the price had gone up}. and the reason had not been ha-rdl to nd. For the reduced tariff had meant lowered sales in comvpeatirtion lwhh goods 1'u~om xhe l'nited States, `, n=:Iwc-e(l u11:.;)1M had .meant. in:-reas-etlh ()\ 0rh-(*z1(1, and .-:0 the price 01' l'a.'ml v .49). "H," l l:\ ...\ no. 0.. .. \/unnnnxrq V...-, II(\s) u--.uuu.x.u, H: f0110\\ -ing` Inc-n1;be1'.<: I l'(`>',5.(lt*I1(, John Lenno.\': Vic I res.i(lont, \\'-Ilingrlun Wilson: (`ha lain. I)0lHL1(l .\lc.\'<:i1: .\'r-<*1'(-~lur I,'J;n'id Bnye.~7: '1`rr;-zmxxrm`. \\'i]Iia. 1".1.Ltox'. ()ommit.t:-9 of .\Iz1m1: me -nt. .I0n:1t1mn Irvinz, I'I9nr)' Slou \\'-illinm (::<:` .\Imnlw-r:<, I). J I\H(,'.'u1nell. \\'ilIiu 'h..u.\.. Ll,....... uI.`....