I(hu\ (\xI u_s. u um_..- nun-:u.u_.. nu .-u,. p()1'Im'.~' tn :1l'l`m-d px-utnmirm whnn H`-.u.v>1l`in:.:` In an m|.1.-.i(1e point. Ex- oilmnonl r:1.n 1115.111 and H10 `town would :1. 1*x:111z11` h0lid~zL_\'. so than all ould $00 the greznt skaiters pert'omn. ----ulna \\'lI_v l)0(`tm-9: Go Mad , Insunzmce Doclor--Were you ever in the hosphtal ?" V`n.: nnnn '~' Specialist in Embalm-3 ing. Owen St. Barrie, Ont. Plume 2658. ` .\1Ih()1l .. up u 1 1 ca, uuuc. ' What for ? To see my aunt." lI- )l`| ('.-lll|` I ha nl' an I)1n"nu HI :. J. BYRNE |_\ Lltl`. lllllh .5! -stick used at I s m'11dr* in (Ir-xi: i111pr0vr-mmrr r FUNERAL DIRECTOR 75 Collier St. ll .`II|ZHll.\ in \'n_-.:\w. \ hm] (11 ..\ ...:..o H`. `|ilrIllL`.\ (1llI`f.it)I1. I01` mnnih D]'I_\'r*(1 i N` 'l`h'.'uv I no ...4 I1 1" IIl\l' ll'H| rn|)l)<-r mum:-' model of Lhe| tnkv the plan?! -nu 4-.-:1: nu ran.) US I I\, Uill zlv 'I`h s wzns a. Ulll H \\i lho old Hf`l|`l .5 ELM`-I\ and whom I.hr_v l)01.h t.hP bloc-k. I umlor (lis- I h!1\`0 IP11; \r\u .....n .1, I ESTEN & ESTEN D I e..n..n,..... :.. u: BOYS & MURCHISON, BAR ters, Solicitors, Notaries Pu at lowest mtes of interest. 0 13 Owen street, in the pram] formerly occuwpied by the Bank . Toronto. Branch Office, Elmval : Ont.zu'io. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P.. I D. C. Murchison. OVER FORTY TO CHOOSE FROM i I ! | I I I I 1 l)R.hI\I`OI{TI.\I`I'IR LYON, 122 BLOORI St. West, Tommo. will be at 91 Owon S1,, }`.:u`rio, ls! Saturday of oavh month. 1)i:'e1s<-:s'---I'}_\'e. Ear, Nose and l`hrm1I. C011sL1Itatio11 hours, 11 (1.111. `.0 5 p.n1., and 'by appointment. ` DR. VICTOR A. HART. GRADUATE ` nf '1"v-initv `Hnivnv-cv -:.v-nl alum `in any sums at rates. Ofce. 1 Barrie. D. M. St | I ALEXANDER , COWAN, ' 301` to Lennox, Cowan Barrister, Solicitor for probate of wviall, guardia adnltnuisltmbion, and Gen cltor, Notary. Conveyanc Money to loan. Offices: Block. No. 8 Dunlop street I 1 I i IDRS. LI'I"1`LE & LXTTLE, PHYSIC- ians, Surgeons. Otce and Res!- dence, 47 Maple Ave. Olce hours: 1 to 1 . 11,111., 7 to 9 p.'m., or by appointment. A. T. Little, M.D., W. C. Little, M.B. Phone 213. I _._ 1 1 SURGERY AND DISEASES O1" ` VVOMEN Associate Coroner. County of Slmcoe. Phone 61. Ofce--58 Collier St. Ofce Hours : :8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. ICAPT. J. F. ROLLIT, L.D.S., DEN- tlst. Otce over Craig's Tailor Shop, No. 1 Dunlap St., Barrie.` Ont. Phones: Office, 450; House 436. RADE Bawist 1st oox mg. Mono rates. EDMUND HARDY, MUS. BAC.. y TT"1`F Rf l`nnrhnr nf Dlann r. >PROF`. D. E. WEIR. TEACHER OF ` Piano and Violin. Piano Tuner. 21 Collier St. Phone 513. -43 HAMPTON E. J ORY - Klng Block, Barrle I.\'Sl'l{.-\NCl'}-]"ire, Life. (`:1sI1ult.y, l lut- (iluss. .-\utmn0hilo. 'TI('Kl`}'l` .~\(Hu`.\"l`---Cz1n21dizm Pacic Rui1wu_\' and .\`Is,*211n. I,i11n=.s'. Likewise Cu11ar(1. .-\ncI1m' and .-\nchm'-D0n:11ds Li1w.<. I`.on1 to every part of the world. Service 11ne.\'oell-> 'I`m\'o-1 C.l'.R. DO.\ll.\'[()N ln`XI'l{l'ISS .\l0NlGY ()l{l,)I'}I{.\` T`l(`[)ll()llL'.'~`2 ()m('(- 183, lesidence 54!) I3. W. SYI.VT:`,S,"I`I-ZR. TEACHER OF `D!-nun \HnHn and 'f`nHn 190 iPERCY HO.\Dl,lEY is prepared to accept it limited number of pupils in the following: Organ, Voice and Piano. Studio, 461: Clapper- ' vton St. Specialist on voice pro- X duction. Phone 28$-lw. . :__.__.__._.._. [VICTORIAN ORDER 01-` NURSES. I Bztrrie Branch. Nellie M. Lay- cock, 1l.N., C.P.H.N.. 86 Worsley I St. Telephone 751w. 011109 95 ! Dumop Ft. (Ross I`.lor~k). Phnna , 102.3j. Oice hours, 2 1.0 3 11.111. { daily. il}_v-.3 lixmninod (llaxssns I<`it.ted (imdlmlv Cnnadizm Ophthalmic (Jn}1m:e, I`m0n1n. J3 l'}li7;\h:-lh .H'I.. lhxrriu. Phone 1-13 I | 3 v $3. (1. st,/11fjLF1[&Hco. l*`l'.\'l`)R.\I: l)llH'I("I'()l`..*'a Open day and night. .\Ior_gr11e and chapel in connection. 1`, LA1-1:;- .. .1 -1 non 1 1 Plume 32, w yaw -:---`y ----- Fl'NlCll;\L DlRl'1C'l`()ll AND E.\IB.~\L)lER Open Day and Night 47 Elizabeth St. Phone 21 )R. H. T. ARNALL, OFFICE and residence" corner of Toronto and EIi7.zLb9H1 streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. ._ VIUIUIX fa. I`1.'\1\1, kflLl1UlJA1'l of Trinity University and also grzuiuwte of Edinburgh and Gl~a.s- gow. Specialty, SL0lI1LCh diseases. Office, corner Bayeld and War- sley Sts. Entrance off Worsley. Oice open until 8 p.m. THIS IS THE ONLY DRY CLEANING PLANT OUTSIDE THE CITY HANDY TO YOU. ADDLDLV 6. . LDLILAV, Solicitors in Hig Justice, Notaries Pu mncers. Oice, 1st Temple Building, Ba to loan at lowest curre H. Esten and M. H. E Successor to Creswlcke & Bell Bzxrrisler, Solicitor. Etc. Money to Loan Omce. Russ Block, Barrie P.'.:.`...(..3.-. E.-19.39? AJJJIULVIJ I1.`\l`E..lJ 1 , AVLUD. DAV-. F`.T.C..\I. Teacher of Plano, Or- gan, Vocal and Musical Theory. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold medalist of Toronto Conser- vatory of Music and of the Uni- versily of Toronto. 113 Worsley street. Phone 663. V. VV. DKL1\"'1-`,Vll'Al\., l.L`Jl\\_;L'l1'4I\. \JL` Piano. Violin and `Cello. 120 Bayeld St. Phone 974w. l<`U.\'I`Il{.\I. l)IRl<}("I`()l{S D. F. MCCU.-\IG, B..-\. DR. \V. A. I.E\VlS MUSIC LESSONS Dyeing unupx 1 u. \ \...uvu..... Estahlishetl 1`-T-GE). )5) D.` . R. I{l'.\`K. (')l`II.l). OPTICAL MEDICAL DENTAL 1)`! |;:; rrie, 0nt.. L\l;;llI: 218.. 109 Dunalop Street. BAN IQFTORONTO Safety Depmii Boxes l".>\I.L .-\.\'D \\'l\"I`l`IH SUITS AND 0\'ElCO;\'[`S ' made to t Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention ,7 "`1`HUuRSDAY, DEGEMTBIGR 27, 1922'; Clarkson Hotel Stables Allandale G. H. Ilandsor, the Drover. has taken over the Ciarkson Hotel Stables and is now in a position to acconmmdate farmers coming to Barrie. Plenty of good I-lay, (nuts and Bedding always on hand. Prices moderate A. E. SMITH Goods Called for and Delivered [1 V 1]-Ll L `.1 IJJ\\Jl`J1JL' UL LL15 Llldlly advantages aorded by a Safety Deposit Box in our vault for the care of your bonds, deeds, insurance policies and other valuable papers. BOXES are of different sizes to suit requirements, they are accessible at any time during business hours, the rental is moderate, and as the renter holds the keys, privacy is assured. OUR MANAGER will be pleased to explain their operation to you. W. FIRTH AVAIL YOURSELF of the many vanf-nan: anrrinrl Int -2 Qaofv .0 -0 -----CLOTHES = g Dry-Cleaned and Pressed L ITITJTQ `re mum nu _v 'nDv r-171:1 1\'r1'1Jr1 131' x rn E Under New Mamngement Incorporated 1855 BRANCHES : Barrie Repairing Phone 582 Phone 229. Elmvale U19 Cllilll'. - I Co1m11unica~t`i0ns were read frotn 2 The .\`--c1 er~.u'_\' Colling\\'00(l ` and Maxine llospilul, re at,-lion of the 01' Judge; re ren1o\'in:.; briclge. Con. barristers , Nicholson. re re :~;1L:gestio11 Orillia, Council re U .\m0s Train, stagilxg at .\l;1rl Crevk 12; Burk and .\'l_v:ers, etc., on hellalf of Mr. d:1m1z1gx= to truck; C. Burton, l prtmosetl Provincial Hlf.,"ll\\"d,) on .\lil1 lroad; J. W. Orchard. school zu1en.(l- ance ofcer, led his repom; 'I`re21.s- urer of OnI.'.Lrio, enclosing cheque for 1922, less pzrlienlts in I $95.79. $109.50 railway taxes, charged for l rovincial institutionzs; A. G. .\rda;gl1, Town~sl1ip Engineer, led certicate re completion of 14th line and B1'il1i11gex` award (lrain. 1 fhhn I'I\`]r\u'1'I\rr nnnn.nn.t= uvnv--2 n-.1-cc- (:L`11`?l&l1' ,O0000000000000000000 000 0000000000000000000 0000000000: I` The Crmmsil met on the 1;`-rth iu.=:t..| puusuunz to statute, with all its! luenx-l)e1's press-nt and the I{(e\'(-` in; the chair. r`|,.....nnu:nno"nno urnvn vnq I`:-A-n -K :`,'l"rl\t*l lUl' nllnluuiutz ruuu uuu K/llll. (S, $5.55; Chas. I-Ianils. repairing washo-ut Sunnidale mad, $5.00; C. S. Burton, Trems. F105, telephone le\'v_\'. -1923, $42.35; Leo. .\IcLau-gl1- lin. sheep killed by dogs, $8.00; I. .\le.\Iz1s.ter, 1'elpai1`ing ll ovppusitc-. lot 19. Con. 11, $24.50: 'l"l10s. Stokes, I`1'eas111`e1' l'nio11 Cemetery, .\Iin(=sing. ..-:'..n 4'...-.\ hnnnu Q1 l'I- ,1 ! Milfk Hunter, work opposile lot` 18, Con. 4, $58.00; A. B. C0ut.l's_. Sec.-T1'e.a.s. Tele-phone sysxtem. part levy, $200.00; Fred Cole, c1(~anin:.: out award drain C011. 8, $35.00; A. B. Coutts, quamer year salary as clierk and trea,sux'e1', $225.00; Hy. E. I-Izu'1'i.so11, g1`zu'el for Sunnidale road and. Con. 10, $9.75; P. J. Dzlley, g1'a\'r>] for Sunuidale 1`0d(1 and Con. .....- .. c....n:A..1,~. ycnqf` @~'.nlI- l" .,-`nun. u ; ! 0ppn. lot In` Hrn\\ n H3 I` 0. VI . I oic-or V sz11ur_\` | .\1'd:1: ! 1-lxh vuluin ("nu 1 <|'ll|(ll|\ K` .`l`l \ l\ |(-i1 1nmtin_2.` ` bzxlzxnon svrrxc I"nnnn:1 I\|r\( ' \.uu|l\.'1l IIn:r'LIu__;r. an '.`Y`Vv x=u.n.<. .\li1]<=:`, lmlemce S(,`1'\'i(.`(*1~` as Cmxm-illm` and (ionnoil I11e<-tin;':<. $2.\ .un: Dnrun. hulzlm-v S63l`\'if:';~` as Council-1m .I:t.=.; and Council 111(.(>li11.-.~', $27.41!: .\i-: her: Orchard. hu1zm(-s- . :1.< Colmc-illor and Council 111:-min-:.":<. $:`.o;.(m; .-\. D. COIIIIS, teleplmnn L.D. calls, <~t(-.. $3 .213; .-\. B. C0111-t.<, pus-121,49. sIati0ne1'_v, x'eporti11:.:. stzmnps on cheques and n0te:<. and :<>creIa1',\' Pmard of Hozlllh. $!v1.1-l: Mrs. H. I-`ie1(1h0us(>, (`{11`9fZ1kill_L` town hall. $10.00. 'I"|\.. unndinn-. n...~nz.4`l . rnlln. llilll. -P1u.IIU. ` The l'01l0win_: n1oIions passed That lllis Council wisll to $40 on re- (-md as l'u\'0rin:: choice of Mill l'0z1.d for pm'p0se(l I 1'o\'lnclz11 PIi_:ln\'z1y in` p1'el`<=rence to I -x1r~t-.111}; road. as the; .\lill road has a much lwzxrier trallic; and will : :1 much ;-;re21l,er areal 01' collmry, and that a com" or this` rnsnlulinn he sent to l.h(- .\llni. ol`, Public Works and the local me.mbe1'.i The Clerk was instrnctvd to nrtleri 410: tags for m-I.\'t year. That this Council tulle no 1l.(`U()ll! re C011in_:wo0 I-Iospi-1:11. The Council arl_i011l'1w(l sin (lio. : J l .-\. B. C()lllY.S. Cl iTreat Sore Throat: With Vicks V .\Ix`s. I-`. S. .\I_vrz1. Nm'zL Scntiu. \vx'iIrs: ed to lo! you know Yicks \'u.p0Rubhz1s done me. .\; few \voeks 11.3.10 1 had a very |)n.;I_i sore l.hr0a.I. I hazplpenerl 10 have ui s.21.mpIe of Yicks: in the honsr.-, so I used it. and it did my Llrrmm my much good that I l)l')|.l_`.:`hI :1 Imlllv`. from my (I1Iu:.:_:ist. I cannot pmis:-T V'ick.~: \'u:pr)~Rub too Iui:.:I1],\`. `, Tr(`:1I one cold with \'i(-|:.< \':1n:w- Ru!) and you will] utlum this (1.\3II,I'II';L15 11'(*z1t,n1enI I'm` all lI1(- cold ll'!)=IlbI .. I nF ohn rf1:IvI;l\' \'e.r.|-p on... 01' B1'i(lL*6-\\'uI<'~1'. j I am doIwi:_:I:II~* 01` the _;m)(l' - ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouooooooooowua A o ll\`ill,|||L'lll lUl' of the I 21'mil_\'. zuols like :1 lump an srm1)e(1 \\'hc.n ill] lIll' (`UNI \'i(`ks is :1 2 1>1:1. 211111 lhe_ SILIIIP time. and in h2l.'l(}(l. Ohm nhHo`|.~nn .1Ill'I)t`|l (lllll lllllklnllfll. ` Whe-n the ahiltlron co1m= in \\'uI iunri sn`l`l'in:. upvply Vic-ks liberzllly `ow-r throat and (~.h0sL and cover with u \vu.m1 anm-I cloth. I I`mezLt(>(1 at h<*(H.imo. thv child is` H""!\1I1.' hnHrn' nnv! n.nnnn..- -xvsrl nu 1iIt`iLH' `w~".n I..,. f(`lll:lH'l`.\l.\.s` l`}.\"l`l'Zl{ l`.\lN)llN l' IIICLI) `.\'l` H/I`. .\.\'l)l:l<}\\":s' Tl]lll'S(I:l_\' o\`~nin~: St. .\n(lrm\".<` g.\`\Inr1n.\' Sr-html pupils. holtl their air `nun! (i`.hri. 1.11,-o e1mm'Iuin1n:~n:._ .\ S])l('l1(1i(l nx-n},vr:um1w \vn.s _::ivv>x1 my ntho (-.hilch"-n. whilv Santa Claus` |(1iS])(`ll.~'C(1 _;i1`t.< to all. I 'I")wr" prrnx1ises tn hv :1 wumn con-`~ llust in Inni: 21.! the Immic-inn! | r-lectinns. R("P\ 9 Martin and Deput_\'- `Homo .\Ilwn arr in the eld for Iha=,l_ Reo\'a~:11ip. For D9pnty-Reeve (No.3 Lmwliu is in the _eld. and will prob-1 ably be opposed by R. Suthenland. Several new nmnes are suggested for C.o.u11ci1lo1's. HU l.)lll|ll K (`I olV\Llu uluxu. The following accouuuts were pa-ss- ,] . nllmv llw lC\';un]u- of 'l'|Iis .\'()\`:I 1-'o('0ti:1 I.:ul,\'. Hf lUl ..'.l. \.wUl|. ll. -.`d. :)\\ n. phone in town 11:1 O1'(`h211`(l, :<(-`.1001 at $1 .' A\n- \\`n. I.` T`:-r l|J\\l1'\'H1. pit. 311.1 .5 unI`\';II[; .3 1 :).U`V. \\ L: as C011E`L'l()l`. 1. l)ul-mace 01' inv (lruin, $80 : s.l1(.-op killed Vlrnvv-in-hr \\*nv . also Ladies` Tailoring W. O. CRA\VF()RD Tailor `Over Simmons Store. 37 Dunlop Sc. mu, l'.|.{. u_vh \'i(-ks is nmv in Cz1nad`u rmn:1.1'Im.I)1<: sale in the S`:iz1.`O IT millinn ' r:< used _\'<-u:'1_\'. \'|-2.-4m:.\ '(`()l`.\ (_`ll. lihizoctoniu or Black Scurf of Potatoes. r0a.l. ` 21 u C0m,.o1of so l Experiments have been conducted vr 1 , " I . I ` l ' . . _onr]l `l'l`i"xitgtl l>X0':?.7l111] OI` for four years wlth the object of de. "m Mam, .. p ` ` termining if the amount of black . ,, , scurf or rhi7.ocloni:t can be reduced 1 l `1 .`'0 "`~`5 '"`"-I : characteristic little black lumps or `J11 W *1 W "1 """1'M'-sclcrotizt, and it` ll`L ztl.i!1g them with 121`II1il.\'- ii` 5-*l1""` hi `corrosive sublimute and what lit` 11 "WI 9 l strengths of corrosive subliinate, and M lhe_S1I-IIH" Ll i- H:h-3wl1at immersion, gives the best re- inhazlutl. n From results on by selecting tubers tree from the sults. in the control 01' the disease. ` these experiments - `fling. we recommend immersion of seed` ll'()l. tubers before they are cut in corro- IIIVB subllmate Of 8. strength Of 0116 led b<`>(lt.imo. is`DaI`t by \V*-`Uhl 1-0 OHS U101lSi1nd 03 },9m-.1. ex, ,,,,,,.,,;m_.- and ;L11,water for two hours. This trezituient V 1 airfpr p|'f(x(-qg or i])tL.\"l121[ d(,,_,als.> controls p.;x:.iLo scub.--J. E. ,~ :n`oid:~(l. Group uttarclcs 211'!` HOW: 0- A- C"`~`1=7e- G131I 11- \\'z1)'. ton. . ll (lru: storos. Silo u jzrr. l-`or }.'(.au.c,-gas Hc,,_ ms]. S'm:. pH.ml"m,' Wm}: Vhlk I-lens iuuy lose their neck feathers ('I`,"A "H "I" ml 5"` " from it -vztri-..-ty of czulst-,s. Either Hlfllll \\l.`lI ll) f-',U IJII It" 'in:: -n n nun.-uh n`i'r\<\I`r\II nu-nu nuun ()1 L110.` _L',l)'.)(l *4`- t has .\ ; 0-I I i C0; . l ` I hnnmhb 1. I\..vH..` The Northern _.\c`1vance T4 .u_\ -xu- 50.003 - f`n HU. k"HLl-.`. $2.\`.u0; Jams. .\i- , .)d.a)"v \\III.l n hu11.,.$S.2fI; 2lHOH(l21l)('(*; Ilrmvn. part ` nnnn- \ {I v (I nu \.l} mt |\'nn '-R4=0\'u 2 H n - f.`| 45 ' I v)OOOO9000COOOO(*OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0O0909000OOOOQ-2 D. 1;) un. _`.:'S, $1.01); \I :n~;\rv:I\1r K l . nu.-.-u;: nuns Inclin- mites, cliunge in feed, or individual ciissetlxwss xuuy muse t'0:itlu>rs to be reu1o\'e(l fruui the neck. ll` caused by :1 ch:Lu;_.-u of Nd you cuu rectify this condition. lt'_ it is 1!. case of feather pulling this may be overcome by giving the bird more range and it little more zmixuul protein in the ration. If it is 21 case of miles you should plircliuse nu ointment Consist~ `mg of live parts of Vaseline and one part of oil 01 n-z11`:u\'ay. This material .sl10ultl be llioroughly rubbed on the 3 Iparts affected. This treatment should he repeated in three or four days until the miles have disappeared. j.:_.__*. 1 Single Scrotal Rupture Common 1 Among the Ma!es. i I IHERNIA MJULNG P263; I x I (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) \Vhat ls Known As the Covered Methqd of Castration Described and Recommended -- Mouldy` Creamery Butte:--Conlrol of ` Black Scurf of Potatoes. Scrotal Hernia, or rupture behind, is of a very common occurrence in young male pigs. It may affect one or both sides of the scrotum. Single, or one-sided rupture is, however, the one which is most commonly seen. It may be present at birth or make its appearance soon after, and usually before castration. When it occurs ` after castration it is often the result of a poor method of operating. [The presence of rupture in pigs is alzrays plainly noticeable by a tumor-like enlargement of the scrotum and in- creased bulging of the parts behind, larger than is natural. Treatinent. nu, . . belly. The scrotum should be washed i off clean with soap and warm water 1 tle tincture of iodine. .. - .......un.u-.. The best and most successful means of remedying this detect l' pigs is by the covered method of cas- tration. In performing this opera.- tion the pig should be so secured and held that its hind parts are kept at a much higher level. This can be done by holding the pig up by the hind legs with the head downwards. This allows the bowels to recede out of the bag, or scrotum, into the` and the skin then painted with :1 lit- . . . . l An Ihnlulnn 4..." ,\.. n.....,. .__..x.,\_ Lu: |,Au\.LulU UL IUUIHU. I An incision, two or three inches: long, is then made with a sharp} knife just through the skin down to; the inner covering sue, which con-3 tztins the testicle. This inner sac is, easily recognizul)le by its smooth,! ` shiny i1D[)( lI'ElHL`C. The inner sac is not .` cut into but is left intact, covering the testicle. Through the incision in ` the skin, the testicle in its covering sac is drawn out as far as possible. Care is tulmii to see that the bowel is not drawn out, but kept conned inside. As soon as this is assured, 1 :1 string, or 1ig.atux'e, is tied tiglitly 2lK`0Lllltl llll: covering.-,`s and the cord of . the testicle, as high up as posslb1e. l The I1L`t)(HU tli1'ea1(l(>d with the liga-j ture should also be pzlssecl through` the cord and its co\`e1'in`,;, and the ligature tied ti:.;htly around. thus` securing it zigzniust the possibility of slipping off. The testicle: and its cov- ering sac are then removed by cut- ting through the cord about half an 4 inch below the place where the liga- ture is tied. The opening in the scro- ` tum can then be partly closed by putting a stitch or two through the skin. The operation is then com-` pleted and the pig may then be let go. As 3. rule, little attention is afterwards required, other than plac- ing on light diet for that rlay.--C. D. . McGi1vray, M.D.V., Ont. Vet. College, ` Guelph. ...u.u_u x.-rain:-r_y uu'Lu:|'. VVhere cream has been pasteurized, ` moldiness of butter is almost always v due to surface contaminations which take place after the butter has been removed from the churn. The air during the summer is always a. po- tential source of infection, loaded as ` It ls, depending on the surroundings, 1 with a lar;.:er or smaller number of; mold spores. Untreated or ciently treated print wrappers and box liners are frequently the cause. Infection has also been traced in some cases to the unparained and inet- 3 untreated wood of the boxes in which 1 the butter prints are stored. Walls L and ceilings of the box storage space 5 above some creameries, due to the` warm and moist conditions which pre- vail during the summer, are fre- quently green with molds, from which crop after crop of ripened spores becomes scattered around. Until such limp us.- l'\II inI'n1nLvnv-n 7 v Q OQQOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOO000000 0 00006606000-006000609 npulcs ucuunlus scz1Ll.e1`e(1 around. take complete and thorough steps to I I .~ 4 such time as buttermakers` l destroy mold spores, which otherwise 3 would come ln close contact with but- ` continue to nccur.--D. H. Jones, I 0.A. College, Guelph. ter surfaces, moldluess of butter will ' L Farm credits are not a. national `cure-all. Credit c'p.n help only the ` `man who is making money, or has a. good chance to make money In the Immediate future. ` ` 53.. Moldy (,`reznnex'y lilrtter. harm tlrllnrru I`..- um... _..~4.... .. 1 inches? ith sharp} , con-i s is H101` not act, he 1 1' int is 5 00604 I ' p Lydia E. Pinl Vegetable Com- mind is an excellent tonic for the mother at this time. It is prepared from medicinal roots and hex-bs_.and does not contain any harmful drugs. It may be taken in safety by the nursing mother. I I 1 00oooooooooooooooooooooo: ` o o I Z _ TT_ _ I `(`.\.\`.\m.\.\' Inc m>('m:\ ().\'l.Y .\:'.m"r I'|I"r\' \'I<:.\I:.~' nnnl .\llIlUlI_L',lI 3:111 mu) nuxw 3l'l'uy mz1n_\' :1 h0(:|i(`}' :;u1nv. (lmrmless you`; ` hzL\'r,- 1\e\':A1' 1e~urno(1 the mi}.-in m` the; _;`1'e2xL winwr sport. which an `(*\'O1llli()I1 01' the 0111 j.:';1.1m-- 01' Shvi11n,\'. 1\\'l1iUh \\'z1.s' 1)In_\'(>(l on u. \`ac21n'I 1m with u l)at.ter(-(1 tonmto cam, 01' on , 1.119 Ce Will] 21 h1f)(`l( nf wnml, depend- ing on the s(Au,sm1 of the _\'ez1.1'. '1`hn m-umxivmd nl` hrmkn-\' ILL`; U11 U10 SOILSUII UL Hue _\L-11.1. The 01L'n11iZP(1 _`.C'clIltt` 01' ltnc.lm_\' `had its m*iL'.in in .\l011t`t`v-ttl z1'n(1 has now grown into the t)i`_4 g'("S`I spomt in 7(`.ntm(tu. not even 1-.1m'0ss<- or lms(>- `hall a.pp1`o21(`hiu5: it in the nt1m:be1' `c-t tenths which nrv D1;l_\'i11}.'; the f_{ELltle` in the a1't:'tciz1I or lli\I1lI'i11 ice rin ` The origitt of the :;:1111(- was re-` cz1.11ed by :1 prmnihvnt h(>c.I mam- zuqer as follows: In 183-1 21 1m~min5.:' \\ ns hold in `.\I0nt1'ea1 to decide what was the ,l)<>svt method to t'1n'.tt]1<>1` tho _L'zlllIe 0-f sh~inn_v. said Muldoon. .\Ia.n;\' 0|` .n\n inn nl'n11xI'L- hurl lumnunn nrlnnt at Sydenham, Ont. --I took your medicine before my baby was born,-and it was a great help to me as I was very poorly until I had started to take it. I Just felt as though I was tired out all the time and would have weak, faint spells. My nerves would bother me un- til I could get little rest, night or day. I was told by a friend to take Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound, and I only took a few bottles and it helped me any woman. I am doing what I can to recommend this good medicine. I will lend that little book you`ent me to any one I can help. You can with the great- est of pleasure use my name in regard to the Vegetable Compound if it will help ; others take it.---Mrs. HARVEY MILLI- ` GAN, Sydenham, Ont. wonderfully. I would recommend it to TI- is unnnnnipnklnk ........... .....I_____ E11050 S"L'0\'0.< \\`('r(: 1`2.1k<>n 111 (r.\*<-11;111`:;u ml 1E1(}('h'i<- and nI'lw1' R2111.;;'<->1. and any 111211 llcedcd 1'(`]V)zli!`ill_;' lmw been 1 l101-o115_v'M.\ (>\'<-r- hmllod and 2m- _v'11zu'- ulnccd 10 be as ]`("]H'(`- sontod. .l711os<~ wlm em-i11.n(:-odnfzl ('li(`2l]) }z1'I1_:o 01' H0;11'(-1' will save m0nCj' by buy- ing` l1m`0. unn, u_y ucuuuux, un L. It is remarkable how many cases have been reported similar to this one. Many women are poorly at such times and get into a weakened, run-down condition, when it is essential to the mother, as well as the child, that her strength he kept up. 1-urn.` . 5 D I 9006000OOOOOOOOOOOOOO-D0000 KM`-`kit um) Avnnun-1 . nwminar was .\lont1'eal lwsvt Muldoon. glhe ice sl haul l)(`(`()lIl(" adept at ;l1umllii1g tho hlock of wood, and the `po:=.:silln~lli1ies of :1rrzu1i::i11.: Slll1lll`_\ `gamws with (>l.he1' cities close to the l1'e11c~h centre \\'-as f.l1'0l`01lj.;'hl_\' dis- cussed. D1'al'lin(: 01` rules to start a. new f.."d1]l9 was 21 (liflicull problem. Goals had been scoretl in lhe shinn_v _`.','il2llle l)_v slmotingt llw block or wood, nin can or an_\'l:hin:.; a\'zuilu1l)le bet\voen `lwo piles of snow pl :1:l)mnl ten feut apart. ll was (lecidetl to elim- `-in-ll`l(` t.hn- : pilos and lmve two `posts of wootl sot six fnwt :i.p:i.:*e as the 740211. Any time the propelled hlocl: passed liotxveeii l.l1`-so posis :1. -rn-.1 uwuu er-nu-nrl and Hip hlnr-I: u-nnlxl llll"l\ H Ill }Illll.\ .`\\1llf-L i|| l-ll|` |J||IL"|\.| i `l`h(> : H14-n (-u.nu- (sus. .\ Sillldvnll of lh- 5.:zun(> 0|` w. hurl nmdu :\ (l1'zu\'inL` of u. {shit-I< unhih would (>1i-minu1(- 21 Int nfl {m'ncl shins cu.1Ise(1 by being wal- Flnpvrl with I-he (`u`r\'9 limzl) 0|` 2L| H]i(`l{()I'_\' treo. Txhis stick was sinli-1:11-' `tn Ihv stick mp present (Iz1_\'.! If xvne r-vntlrx in nuixrn hull H \\`tIQ -.1 '1I\)Blh U) H UUIA EVA n5l.\ Il`l'L (I-[HILC (Ln jwhe ibloch Kzoul was scorc-:(1 and the block would `he 1'e~.1)vI.z1:(=o(l in the c-m1t.re of the ice. [How to '!`:1cv Ilw hloch \\':1s the next `i.=s'1w. II was I`nm11_\' (leoixlezl that tho 1'efe|'<>o should set the block on the ire and {.119 two p1u.ym's woul-(1 !hri.1 our-h ol.lmr's slit-1c us the r~1'(-ree 1-ountml up In tln->9. \V'.h<-n he said rme." the p1:\.ym's l'ncin_u off xvereg roquir(>(l In hill lh(- opprnu>m's st:i<-.k J1iu|\f]\' -uhmn Hun hlnr-I.` uni] uv.hn.nu {Was Greatly Benefited by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound I Ullk`, l|lt' [Hit-_\l'lB ltllfll oppo 1'}.:htl_\' z1.'b011t tho block, `the 1'ofo1'(=0 said tl1.tw ltnnk 21 h1~;1lth_\' .v\vi1.}; 211 i (-211111 I. \ r. :1! real chrb. `.1 UH ll. h.Ul` ililil kl ll!')|)1 t'z1(-nllrm sllhxnittc-(1 :1. mode pre~=m'.I. day pnr-k to 1 01' 1110 block. \\"hi(.-.11'\\'z1s ml. (~.t:~un1 vi` the w(>i.-:hut. 'I`h`s mlr:ys`o'l. Alf-'.() `.v.hinn_\' on 3 I... a ul. ('4. | l`| H`l "._[iUlHl'.V \\ I1 ! 0.` ]H`I_\ r'|l l.'l lllt" I1`H1(".1 SF-.1:H(#lH(*XH l`h'.'uv }'{i\'m';=. um`. Lhv h'i:a1) S(`?`.1('!Xl(`lH 0:!` Point S1. Charlr-s. of .`.lon.I1'r.-211. 'l`h(4`-`H :11 - l`n`1rs (-.H=~:1.te`-(1 so much _*XI*.i'('*2`.I(*HI t.hn.t it xvns 11r~co. rm` ozvdh to tu.l 2110 In: an lzniuo |'0lImvin_; 0-!` Sup- to Ex- ...nn1r1 pI.xn1u un n | ..-H1. .- I\n1:1.nu nn Used Stoves for Sale