but Toner, (1I`a.ggln1g-1'Uu.u, o;.\.'., 37.50; D. J. Jxaxmieson, work on grader, &-c., $14.50; Wesley Cu-lhznm. dragging road sideroad 23, $2.00; 0. G. Lang, repairing scmper and builrding sidevwallk in Plmlpslon, un.:n- Wm. .na.n1\ieson. teams and Si(1eW all`l{ 111 1'uu1p>.um, $10J50: Wcm. .Na.n1\ieson, work on gnader and sonaper. $13.50; ` Alibert E`Ll-iovtt, dog tax sat ruck off, I $2.00; {Harry Guest, 62 rods wire iNE%%TEiUTE TO A GREAT NATION BUILDER Putin; of Lord Shaughnessy Calls Forth Expressi Far Vision and Unfaltering Determination, ' (Tuna!-nnac A: in fht! Ranh 11 December 10th, at Montreal,` Death stilled the keen mind wueh for forty-two years had been over at the disposal of the Canadian} Pleic Railway, the strong hand which for twenty years had held the lover of that gigantic nmcliine. the gdhnt heart which had ever been attuned to the music of the giant company : locomotives. l`aking away lad Bhoushnesey, he took z1w'.1_V with him the last of the old guard of the great pioneers of Canada's pioneer trans-continental. The de- 0 of this monumental man is Ilcnlcant of the changing times, :1 mutt of the Dominion s passing into on-chant` The details of Lord Shaughnessy s truly wonderful career have been re- cutuhtod so often or late that there in 13810 need to run over them here. 111 h 1858, at Milwaukee, of Irish Ioltry, he studied for the law, felt the lure of great railway work. en- tnrd the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. ?Ianl Rdlway as clerk at the age of slxuon. and in ten years rose to the n of General Storekeeper. I n 1882, when Sir William Van Horne inank nirnr Hm management of the Van Home 1 took over the management I &I||dhn Pacific Railway, he at once ensued the young man he had known with the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. ` Paul, offering him the position of - Gononl Purchasing Agent. Two in`): Innr name the `DFDIDOUOD I0 -UIIDYII rurcnumug A5ltuL. Lwu years later came the promotion Amnnt General Manager, in 1891 the Vino-Presidency, and in 1898 the : Presidency. This position he held unt 1918, when he retired to accept 1 the otco of Chairman of the Board ` at Directors, which he retained to the moment of his death. Mean- while come many honours-in 1901, a Knight Bachelor, in 1907 a Knight Olnlnder of the Victorian Order, In 1016 a Baron. and high appoint- ments in the many civil organiza- than In which he was interested. um! hnnrzhnmznv was a man of than In wmcn ne was lnteresuau. lord Shaughnessy was :1 man vhlon, of tremendous energy, brill- Int and lnclnive, 9. great executive," I treat fuuncier-a1most "everything but I politician. runnnn will never realize the full not pouucum. Canada will never realize olhnt at what it owes to the stead- fast mm. Ibuoyant. optimism, fore- Iljht and sheer hard work of Lord Ilnuxhneuy in his desire to build up Canada. through the agency of the vast company he headed. tnnn smmmhnm.-.nv was nnsnrm1ssed Page Four 73` ne neauea. Iudshaughnesey was unslirpussed II an administrator. His discipline vu ntrlct but tempered with justice. kllldlhuau and 9. keen sense of l1mnox' 7 which nude his followers love him. 33 attitude towards Labour was well ` Inovn. Q It was rightly said by the 3 employees that any dis- mu Inirht safely be left to him, and MI frequent pronouncements in fav- our 0! giving the worklngman as trust In opportunity for sel1 -lm- Irwunent and enjoyment as the em- ployer mined the employer of tho -sCO`.[ -- lJT(lBI'|::u Luu. ' -a)ccoum't-s be passed for Cn`dex'e(1 that .....,... pm nc.e=.ml rnr Unfaitering Whose Monument Is As 1v Greatness as in the Railroad He Helped to Build. fence,.$12.40; Jos. 0 wllre fence. $7.00; Earl Conn, 30 rod-s wire fence, $6.00; Alex. Slmtll, 50 rods wirre fence, $1().00;_ Wm. Porter, 30 rods wire fence, $6.00; Wlm. Tripp, 12-4 rods wire fence, - $24.80; Wm. Tripp. 60 rodvs wltre . fence, $12.00; Robt. Oalend-2L1`, 90 rods wiure fence, $18.00; H. A-nsley, dleauing out dltcll, $12.50; Jus. Bea.rdsal.l, inspection and va1ua.t~ion out` sheep killed by (logs. $10.00; Danvson K8111`, 50 lozmls g1'u.\'e1, $7.50; Amos Tmin, services on cmnrlnittee nleevtings, 28 (l1:1_\vs, $1112; Ann-os Trains, services on nm.1'sl1, 10, *I`.A (Hit .1.n.~ Amos Trzxin, ex~1)eI1'so-s, `Neill, 35 rous 5 1 '1`1':1ins, servu.-es uu Illvanau, M, (Lay; $40.00; Amos $15.00; P. A. Coughlin, services on Comnuillve 111(*et.i11,;\s. 2v5 (1`zL_\1s, $100; P. A. C0l1_L`,'h1i11, ser\'icos on nnm'sl1, 5._`. days, $22.00; Wm}. Scott, ser- vices 011 cmmni.Itt>c=s. 17 dnz1._\'s, $68; Wun. Scott. services on 111|:1J1`Ch, 5 d.a.,vs, $20.00; Dm\\s0n Armley. ser- vices on c0m111itle\ 1110:-t`i11:.:s. 16 days, $6-1.00; _I)zu\vsm1 Ansley. ser- vices on 111z1rs1\, A1 days, $14.00; M. IJ:u1g1n-zxn, se\r\'icc,~s on c0r1m11it-tee - mI|I\ nn. \y 1`.-."`,_` Co.. Ail.-uh Dmpeyr ditch. $];`nU.UU. C0ugh1in--A1rs1ey--O:rdered that ` 3. g`1~z1nt ot` $100 be made to the Clerk for ext1'a. work on marshes and 0t.hm' wm'l< :durin:.: 192?}. 1.;.nmmm__'T`h:1.t a grant A n n\ cur ]0t.hm' \\'m'1{ :(1u1'm:.: limo. Ansley--Langmzm--ThzLt grant of $100 be made to g1'av(:41 1'):1.1=1, 01` 2nd line, opp. lots 51 and 52, John Smith to oversee the \vm`k to be per- formed. x....1m-Aer-nH_n1-rlprml that a 1 formecl. .~\ns1e:' Scott-~O1'dere(1 grant of $150 be made to improve Con. line 11, opp. lots 8 and 9, and ihat .\Iel. Rilchie oversee the work to be perfolwmed. 1mum-.mn_r*.nng`n.1in--0rdered that 1= Avo1i{ uomnmn gncnwn 1% perfomned. Langmall Cough-lin-Ordered :1 grant of $150 be ma.de to gm-:1\'e1 s.idm-oad fl. Cons. 2 and 3. and that Peter Ha-yes oversee the work to be pe1'\1'0r1n ed. > nnn.uh1in-Sr-.n1t-~-- Ordered that :1 [ per\1'0r1neu. Coughlin Sc0tt~-Ordei'e(1 21` gmnt. of $1150 he nmdn tn grzwe1| The late Right llonoruhlo Lord` S]llllg]Ill0s_\', First Huron Shangh- xu-ssy of Rluntronl and M` Ashfurtl, (`minty l.hneri(-k, lrolznld, K.(.`.\'.0., F.R.(`.I. old school to tremble. Finally, he : ~ was :1 great (fzmadian and a great _ believer in the British Empire. rm.-um nu nnvvfn nl-` Hm urm~h1 hnvn ` believer m the unusu mmpnru. I lv`1'0m all 1)a.1'ts of the w`.o1'l(l have 1 come stlrrlng tributes to this leader among men. H. M. the King cabled Lady Shauglmessy as follows: "'T`hn Olmnn and I are xzrleved to V p r u may snaugnnessy as luuows; "The Queen and are grieved hear 01 your be1`eavemem., in which we offer you our sincere sympathy We shall always preserve the pleas- antest memories of Lord Shau.L';h- nessy and of his tlnfalling kindness and consideration, both to ourselves and to nmmhors of my family." H R. H. the Prince of Wales, His Excel- lency the Gm'c>1'no1'-General and the Hon. W. H. Taft. ex-President and now (`hief Justice of the Supreme (iourt of the United States, stand out among the thousands who also cabled or xvirod their tributes. ` my-nm fhn I11-nu: z-nmn mmh :nmre- ` themselves 'un .='.`{mrinI:l_v cabled wi1`o.(l tneir Lrinutes. From the l ro: came such appre- ciations as this, published by Montreal Star: "Great builders are few and the British Empire counts: herself fortunate in the long roll of a who have s;.pr-int in hm" terests. . . . These b1ll1(i(`.l'Sill'e few because in them are assenibled mzxny talents, great aspirations (often seeinimrly (:ontr:1dictor_v) nnd idio- syncracies oi temperzunent that, leavened ivith unselfislmess. noblest gift of the gntis. make up that indenahle quality which the world calls gi`o:itne.s;s. They are 'll`.Oll of far vision and of the 1'11}.z.L-.'ed (le- termination that refuses to be balked by imposing obstacles. with an in- finite capavity for work and :1 joy in its accomplishment: men who can ` dream great things and impress their fellow-workers with the reality and ' brilliant servants E1 the b p t l in~ t 1 d r 1 ( the 1 1 t 1 ( Expressions of Admiration and Respect For the Man of ination, Whose Monument Is As Much in Canada : H -I I II, I'J_i_....l I... Du.-I l`Ulllll [ L\mL;_'5.Ic nu &c., Miss Elle! loads Ansley- 11 for J. T. Agm Annos account. 6 . 4 0; `Sco`tt-v< etc.. on is of I oads ciwul Hig,- h.v i.1`1`ing (he now'th` >ra.pe1' Simcoe -.11 9 Co.. whole tel` )1`id.:e location c Clute. road kno` ditch, mencing stone, thence no 4|. ..,... rv`I _:._.__. Provincial Highway Should` . Serve Whole Territory - North of Barrie \ t1mtThos. Shmnuahlaun oversee the work to be penfomued. Lungunan--Cowg1\Ilin--Ondeared that a grant of $100 be made to gnavel xthe 2nd Line, opup. lots 3 and 4. an! that Anmlbnose Momn oversee the Wonk to .be perfornled. Tm n.mnnn---0ndered that | \ n.`1.\l." be pemiornleu. l Anvs1ey-~La.mg`m'an--0ndered a. grant of $150 be made to gnwvel the 8th lime. opp. lots 7 and 8, and that Jos. Manrtin oversee the work. Ans]evy-Langunan-- that Cecil Kird'd'vs taxes be 1'edu`ced by the \ 511.111 0.1` $78.60. ;\ns1ey-S'colt-Ondered tlnat the I extra tn.1xGS ca-used by business as- sessment. be stnuck off taxes cha-rgud m:.rni11~st Leunar.d Bed-1. r1.mmh.1in--Scott --- Ou'.dere'd thumt me:;1iI1~st Leunaitu ueu-1. C'ou'gh.1in--Sc0tt thumt` leave be :.;1'zm'ted to introduce By-1 lmv N0. 923 to zuppohlt the time wmll place for horlding the 11n:In'i1u1tion's for the oivces 01' Reeve, De-puL_v- Reeve and three Cmmc.il1~o1'.s for 1110 Towmship of Flos for 1924, for x- ing the place for holding the poll. Ll` necesszuw. and for mppointihg Do- puhy Returning: Oice-rs -and Poolll Clerkus vfor houldiwg the same. By- mw gpnnnd 1111111 third Lnuy `camp! 0 the practicability of those after dawn. I Am! Qhanuhnnnnv unhnsn ` \;1t:u\Ia uun A|u'AuAAnvh .,.... ...-..._. _ law rea:d a. I'1ans`t, second an.-d time and pzussed. Cou=ghlin-:Scot.t -- Ordered that the taxes clmrgetl against Mi-ss ;\1u1g-g.ie MeGinmi.s. Philiip Doyle and Ellen Grzvy be struck -off roll. A n :1` nv %T m n.mn1-9 11--4nI`d ered t`1i2`..'. after dawn. Lord Shaughnessy, whose passing ljauada mourns today, was 9. man om this calibre, and because -of the in- tangible nature of that essence which memes for greatness and crystallizes leadership, the record of his char- acteristics, his gifts and his achieve- ments must leave much untold. Yet in the qualities that were revealed to his friends and associates, in the [irnmess of purpose and the strength oi` Ch8.l`8.Cl.eI' displayed, in the very ascent of the ladder of success, rung by rung, Lord Shaughnessy has be- (llleutlled a heritage to the youth of Canada of splendid inspiration andto the men \vho have lived through the historic years with him he has left a glad remembrance. . . . ~-u h:a\1n .-.-m Ill) a monument more account. `Scott-Cou`g`l1l-in-Tl1:at this Coun~ of the o.pini~on that a. Provin- Higlnvay should be built tlmoug-h nolrthern part of the Counttv of and to properly serve the whole tenri t|o1'y north of Bamrie `tlhe of such noad should Ibe the known as the Miulol Rolzud. com- .,.,.....:..., ...+ um 'l`rmn1 nf Barrie. \;_4liL(1 rellleuluruuctz. i "1 lime set up a monument lusting than bronze" wrote the great Horace two thousand years ago. The words might be carved upon every line of railway of the system which Lord Shaughnessy did so much to bring to greatness as an epitaph of his life. Himself of strict Integrity, he carried the principle of the st.ralt- est code of ethics into the adminis- t1'u.tion of the road he loved so warmly and for which he laboured so untlringly. . . . The Empire mourns : u greztl pro-consul. Anti mm from the London Times. great ]_)l`0-COIISUI. And this, from the London Times, ever the spokesman for the heart of - that Empire: 'l`h`e\romance,imagina- ' tion and fine courage of the Empire builder are blended in the life story of Lord Shaughnessy. Himself a native of the United States, he lived to become not only a citizen of the Dominion of Canada across the bor- dcr but most essentially a citizen of the British Empire, for his whole- henrted and efficient work was not merely dedicated to the service of his country. Under his administra- tion, the double track branched and extended so as to carry new settlers every year into the farmlands of On- tario, through the gateways of the West into the wheat-fields of the prairies, and beyond the Rockies into the valleys of British Columbia. In building the greatness of the com- pany he served, he helped to build the greatness of his beloved country and of the Empire as well. . . . Oi Lord Shaughnessy it may be said that he was a living instance of the manner in which Britain's overseas domlnious assimilate the many ele- ments of which they are composed. 111: came to Canada from a foreign country as :1 servant; he remained to be honoured by the King, to whom he gave such loyal allegiance, and to be recognized universally among his fellow-countrymen as the first citizen of the Dominion." .... u AA 1.. LI... ......1... Ad 4...... [O bll"L5. 114. vvuA1x5u- or this resolution. n 9 y-Avucmn. Coughs!-in~-Scott t-he Iollouwing wccoua payment : DONu\LDSON-In loving mvemory of Mrs. Jane Donaldson, W-ho depart- ed tihiws liwfe Dec. 21, 1919. It is not nthe tears at the ni~me that are shed, That tell that the heart is mrn; But, the pagssionate tears in the after. van 1': U|LlI.l1u UL LII`: llullllulvnn. The gap left in the ranks of true (`hristian gentlemen by the sudden and premature snapping of this steel - - link with the old railroad builders in ...u.u `la y-an lI`uK wuu u. very large. years, And 1-emelnobnance silerutly borne." Sadly `missed, ..._hn n :11-1m` .\Im`v. IN .\lE.\[0Rl.-LVI HINDI] C. S: Burton, Clerk. The Northern Advance n xsseu, --Da ugh-1 err Mn ry. dreams `PURSE OF GOLD GIVEN TO ` RE'l`lRI`N(:`r SUPT. OF R. VJ |IB]'l.|-lCuL . D. Buckley, inspection .a-n.d w11*11n.- non of sheep killed by dogs, $7.00; In vf`nI1n-mnhlm, wank on 8th line. On Friday evening last a num- ber of the graduate nu-rses of the Royal VIlCU0I'la. Hospital and fniends gathered mt the home of Miss Me- Lennan, retiring .super.int.en`dent of the hoslpnimal, and presented her with a. purse or gold BJS a slight token out` the esteem .in whi-c-h she is held. The nuurses in tmininvg also present- ed Miss MleLennan writh a silvex tray. `.3: \r..*r ......... has knnn nnnnanf- tray. Miss M`cLenn.1n has been ~connect- 1 ed with the Royal Victoria Hospital ` Em` tlhe last twenty years and many mre sorry to see her sever her con- nection w'L1.~h the institu-tion. Her work as suwpesr.in`tendent has met 1 with a large measure or success turd` she .will long be 1'e1mevnnbered, not only by the nu.x'.ses, but by pzutientsi and oathers.-who Ira.-ve come in close! touch with her during llhose years in Ba1'1`ie. Moiss McLennan .has sev- enznl tempting offer-s fnom other hospiml:s., but she `willl take a. rest bet -ovre taking another posiuuion. The Iolloxwling address was read w-hen the presennaztion was made on Frirday nigh-L : 1-.-- van-.. 1\.r...1n.-.n:.n xxrn fhn 1' 1 Luay lllruh . Dea.r Miss MoLennan--We, gradtuzalte n-urses ot' the Lorin. Hospital, Barrie, Ont., h-ave learned with deep regret tha.t yiou lmve severed your connection Wli-[Ill tha.t instiitttlmlon, being for so many years .it=s honored and esteem- ed superinton-dent. We look back wit.h pleasure upon our years of t-ralining which we spent. unrder ytonr capalble sutpenvinsion. Your good ml- vxice. your wbilitly to innpart knowl- edge, and your patient imstructlion have so ttted us -that we hu.~ve gone out into the world more capable of tultlling life's duties. Your Wonk and assocllzution wittuh tlhe nurses year after year as sueperlntendent will long be ronieunbered. As you go forth into a. new sphere we know tdrmt the stenllinyg qualities which have chamcterlzed you in your so- journ with urs will shine tlortth with even bri'gl1~ter Lustxre ms you enter :1 larger eld of usefulness. We ask you, tlherefore, to accept this purse of gold as a `slight token of our mp- precialtilon of and goodwill toward you. May knintd Provtldence ever guide you. A merry, merry Christ- mtaa and a Happy and Prosperous New Year is our united wt-sh. th e Royal V.ic- u,.._-u- _n u... ........:....s.... nil mm LVUW Juan Ia uun uubluu n. On behabf of the grmdllates of hhe R. V. Hospi-val (signed) : Ahberm Bmwn, Mary A. Train, Ed-ith North- gnaves. . 4 A gentleman had sent his `rmieand, 4 the minister of his church, a present I of a. bottle of -pickles. in -Scotch V whniskey. Amer 11 l~a.-use -1f a day or * two he received the following letter from the clergylmanz "DE9'J.'.` Mr. Jones---Many thanks for the pickles. which I have not. yet eaten; but I very much appreciate the spirit in which they were sent." Fono `Mo-1*oR"'EoMpAuv" or BARRIE MOTOR CAR CO. COUNTY TO FIGHT` .\C(`IDl'`..\"l` { (`LAIMS ON COUNTY l{0.\D.H' A special meeting of the Roads] and Bridges Gonniiiittoe `oil the` I I I Coumty Council was held in the trea;sau.rex"s oice on Honda-y to con- sider the various claims for dam- ages for accidents on the Coumy r-oads. It was decided to gqlit all claims made as the comnn.ittee can- not see where the County is lizublev in any ol't1he cases. It ma nlgn rlxmizrlecl in resist the in or {me cases. I It \v`as also deci=de(1 to claims of Vespra townslni-p for :1 Hr- fund of school taxes on me 1'e1'on~sI.u- tixon lands in that t0wn:~vhirp. i R11`-lea nny `uugs, .p..uu, F. `Cola-mubus, w`or.k $5.00; Juhn Gillespie, 85 rods wire fence, $17.00; Amber: Stone, (30 was wire fence, $12.00; A-ljben-t Stone, 4 days, Imam and team (l'i=ggin~g ditch and dnawlng gnavel 5t-h Com, 4 days tor man, $30.00; '1-I. Easton, clean- ing out Monaughlin divuch. TWID. 1`l-oe portion, $50.00; John Mulroy, work on road 5th line, $1106.00; M. J. Kenney, wonk on si-derozuhs 20 and 21, Guns. 4 and 5, $419.15; John Main. 74 loads gravel, $11.10; Geo. Tnaln, draxgging road, 3 vh01I`SeS, $5.00; Pe4t-er Hswyes, dragging rouzd, $4.20; John B`naim\v'.a'i>Le, .d1`wgg'i11g road, $3.50; ChJa.s. Vax1S1sa.n1b`1'm1ck, on contract Phellpston nuzu'sh, $1700; John D. Wright, work on siderozuls '10 and 71, Com. 2, $134.63; S. E. Calm-plbell, ma.i1s, mate1"ua;ls, &c., -....n. r-.. `Dam-xrn1xn11 nlpnwinz SHOW fji \ EARS - TRUCKS - TRACT ORS Barrie, Ontario l`H E \\'I*`..~\'l`H Ell Low Hixgh Rm `!`) `H: n 9 CANADA, LIMITED. FORD;`. ONTARlO 0.0 (3 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1923` Snow n 0 E )!;\IHlIAGE.o b ` '! .\Io.\IINN---AH`\-R-RvI'S--At the Methj I isl l ;1:'.=:;11z1:.:e on Satllrday, II I` 1.3. 1: 23, by Rev. H. Wellwd I \\"wmm' MoMim1 to Elizalb 'nu.~.iA\ TI-,n'ui: hnth nf Essa. E ':u anu u $9.13; Jaa In-nm I-mu! . \\"whtm' .=\m.\111111 I0 Jun`/.wu ` .:es.~:io I-Izu'ni.=., bath of Essa. . lion. AND E R SON---`.\I~O RR I:SON--A;t C liar St. .\IeI n(disI 1 u1`son=:1ge, Dec. 13, 1923, by Rev. H. I \Ve11\v0ud. .\l-iss A-llison Patte1's~ I .\mn-mm ur Orillin. 10 Mr. A1) zmdvr _:\m1ers0n 01' Orillia. ,; `:\SQI'I 1"I-I-~On Sunday, Dec. | .\1i.c(> Borllm Asquith. inf- d`E1ll_2."11l(`1`r()I' Mr. and Mrs. Bern- .\squit-h. Ilm-`ml took place in I z1u1's (-m110lo1;\' on M011d'fl_V, 1 17th. 'SCO'I"I`-On Mond-ay. Dec. 17, 19 I He-len Alien Scnlut, in:1'm1t danlgl of Mn`. and Mrs. Alton G. Sc mriu.l took place in B`m1`rie Un (`0l)1(`t(`X"}' on 'I`ur3'sd:z1y, Dec. 18. DI-3.\'l'Hh' Caim-plbeu, maws, utuuvn L-um, J88. Bowmnan, clewring nrom road, $5.00; Wwal-ter Rowley, grant for A`grixcu1tura!1 Society, $100.00; Jas. H. Johnston. sheep lnkleld by dogs, $10.00; John .\. \\.\4., `O'Neill, dragging road, $4.00; D. Ke-nnay, 1*28 loads gravel, $15.36; Robt. Anderson, 60 loads gravel, 36.00; J. T. Simpson, l`1os shame caretnlkinvg monulm-ent at VV'z1ve11le_\'. $36.00; Mnumrcilpal Wor-1d, bmlvance account, $7.93; S. L. .\IcEhvain, ovematain-g gmader, &c., $16.00; W. I). Ritchie, (La.y*s rwonk on grader. $3.50; F. Loftus, work 1`epz1iI'ing 2nd lime, $30.00; Wilufred Blow, d.i_:;- sing ditch sideroads 15 and 16, Con. 11, $15.00; Ered Moclung, work team and `grader, $16.-50; John Inakle-y, cleaning out dri-toh townlline Fine and Vespra, $10.00; Eel-morl Sndlder, dragging -road, $2.50; Jas.\ Kenwell, work on road, $51.50; .-\1- Toner, dnagginrg -road, &c., 0" =n- h I .1.mnaiesnn. `F103 Go-uuchl met at E1Imv'a.1e on December 15th, with all mem'be.rs auuaasvmb