'd.L LHl'.'ll' LllpUhi1l. 1" On the charge as laid M-ag:i'stra.te Jeffs felt ilt was impossible to regis- ter a conviction, and so dismissed it, but ned H-an-t1'o.rd and M-a.rsha.l1 $5 each and costs, aim-ountin-g to $9 each, for t.-respassing on Czunup Bor- den property. When asked to plead, T. W, W. Evans, of Braduford, counsel for Hrartf-ord and l\Iarshal:l, said that they would plead not guilty in order that the ease might be developed. It is just. for the purposes of pro- `tectaion. We admit we had the three muskrat pelts," comtinued Mr. Evans. but as the in:l onm`ation-s are` laid we must plead not guilty to {protect ourselves." At this juncture the 1\La.gistra1e asked Mr. Jais. Mc- Gregor, the gzune .war(1en, ilf he would proceed now that the defence had pleaded not gu-i1`ty. or ask or a. postponement until witnesses could be secured. Mr. Z\lcGregor decided p to proceed. : '1`hn \Iv-qrrlrua and \|'r 17\N.1I\c than , Sale at St. .\nd1'ew's schoolrotml on 1~`ridta_\ . Dec. 21. frmu 3 to 6 ;p.m. Special Chl'i.ll1l{}S shipment `,0! Chinese lrand eml)1*oidered linen, !`ta`b1e, -tea. and tray cloths, d0yl`ies, `\hZ1I1({I'ChJi9'fS, ivory beads, brace- |let.s. pendants, colored beads, ear- *,.~i11gs, na:pwkin rings. etc. Cards and t'cz11endars. All e.\'cepti.on'a1l,v cheap `and just the thing for Christmas. IL: \'i,l1l5. M1`. .\IcG1`(-rgor was then Ithe stand and stated that ( I x I I 1 I " day, Dec. 15th, 4CaJmp Borden to he was take `David Hartford and John I 12 who were on the premises '1 Camp Borden. with skin: th e In fuvn were rrnho nn :1 In the can- three on c uvuus. . called to the on Samur- was called `to Czmnp charge of David Mva1's'hnl:l. "known as they had them muskrat skins. two guns and zt swpply at I aummlnition. wnoa .-u-n.nu By. nrl \I -- .'\.I nf1u-nnnnr U.lll!Ulll1l1LlUll. Cross exa-mined. Mr. -McGregor said that e\'eI'_wtl1i11g in the Way of iapprehending Hartford and Marshall` Ih~ad been done before he arrived, [and that they had shown him their I 1 licenses. , Dan Han Arurnnnn Y`|-swirl `|'JnnM>`nv-:3 lll.'t'Ilbl:"h. 'For the defence, David Hanbford lwas rst caylled. His e\'ic1en`ce-wvzms ` to the effect that he was a plasterer illl l'll \Jl"(lll3,'U Flilll, .'\H5ll, UH ; DhLrrs(1a_\', Dec. 27. Music by Jack ` Doyle's orchestra. Gen-Henuexl $1.00. llzadies free. ' l Ol`I.TRY SHOW NE.\"1` \\'EEK The fourth annual Poutry Show will be held in the A1~mou1'Ees next '.Vednesda_V, Thu1`sda_\' and I~`rid:1:.'. and promises to be bri.g;_.;er and bet- ter than ever. Several new features will be added this year and there are a great number of spcial prizes offered. Barrie district is noted for tine poultry and the display next week will be well worth seeing. I ., Though the \\jeather was not at !z1ll 1`avot_'abie _there was a ne dis- lplay of all kinds of fowl at the iChristvms mzuket to-`_d`a.3`. 'I`u`1~ke_vs so-1d freely at from 20c to 2`5c 9. pound. Geese were there in mbuml- ance and offered mt 20c and 23c a pound, and chviclgens at the same }pric_e. . ` Thn nun-'li.fv nl Hun fnurl AFFAI-n The quwlmyl of the fowl offered `was exceptionally good, there being many 20 no 25 pound turkeys offer- ed. Last year tu1'ke_v`s sold for 45 cents a pound, but owing to the large number shipped from the West and other places the price has dropped to less than half this year. Eggs sold at 600 a dozen and butter at 40 a` pound, with a. fair demand. Saturday's primes or other farm produce pnevalaled. utunuuurtc Le UUlll'd.5lUub uL:UkLat':. The milk supply of the town. which is de1'ived_ from the dairy farms in the sL1r.1`bundi11g coun11',\`,] is safeguarded in every possime way.` The .n1.i1k'.men must take out :1 li- `cenuse, arm the dairy farms and the `premises belonging to the mm<.menv Haare inspected regularly by the sani- \'ta.ry inspector. Over one-`thixd oi {the total supplly is pasturized. A1-fnni-an ur.nl.Lc fnrm tho annmmz nf. The annual Dance and Supper of ..O.L. No. 73, -\n;;us, will be held n Mu: u-nnxrn Hnl! :\ n rue nn Announcements (Continued on page four) CHl{lS'l`.\l.~\ S .\l.-\VR KET Ten Pages i'I.Ile wuu Su.p;plhy L5 pu:LuuLcu. I A.rtesi"an weuws form the sou-roe 01! `the town` water supnply. On the] outskirts of the town a few wells.` f-ree from bacterinzvl invfection. re in use. When a well is found to be vcontanlinated it is at once ordered =-closed. I Qnnnin nnlxlin hqnlfh u'r\v`I: I151: -`CIUSBU. Speciall pmblic health work has `been pmromoted du.rin`g the year inl various wa;\'s. One feature of this} 4 i IIIGIIIHCL (ll. AVCILHALLI llbla -At 21 meeting held at Ne\\'111zx1'l last Saturday a double schedule be- vtxween the three teams. Brad-ford. The group, was drawn up. G. I. I .'Ne-wnnarket, and Barrie. con1prisin:.:{ Doyle, who is managing the Burrit- `team, was t'he town representzmive at ` :the meeting, Ernie Doyle of New-3 market was the convenwor. I .n.,, _I__.I..14. .~~ .... A-..n.\...,. \.. luanncu vvna nu. \,\,..-....v.. The schedule is as follows. .-\ `asterisk denotes a. game in whic Barrie p1ays`a. t home. Dec. 31'--Bm-rie at Newmarket. .Jan. 3--Brad-ford at Barrie. 7-NewIma1'.ket at Bradford. 10-~Brad'ford at Newmarket. *16---Nen\1ma1'ket at Barrie. ' ` 18--Baurx-ie at Bradford. *21-Brad1`0rd at Barzie. . 24- an Newmarket. 29-Bx`advford at Ne\v1n:u'kcI. 'Fefb. 1---Barrie at Bra-d-ford. "~ -l-Newn1zu'ket at Barrie. 7-Newimarliet at Bradford. STEADY l R()Glll*`.S{N' IS BEING MADE IN SHORT C0L'I{Sl'}S 4 Stef.I.dy progress is being made "In the short course classes." stated` Allan Humehinson to me .\dvanc0 10- day. The work in the boys class -on poultry under the super\"Lsion of. "E. S. Snyder, of Guelph, is be-in:.:} rcompleted this week. Inst-ruotion in dalrying started on .\Iond}.y un- -der W. S. Jones, of Belleville. _ In the gin1's class this week con- 6 `mass the tmining being given in ' e nursing.` and beginning on January 3rd :1 class In sewi-ng will take its place. The teaching 0! -domestic science will still- continue. (Continued on page four) @133 Natib mm Ammme Ltfll Cl` 50 cases cases of 1 cases of i cases of cases of cases of '7 A An H1: ;;-w Barrie hock:-.,\` fans will have a! I-chanlce to see the Bzmrie ts-am in] tlon on 'I`hursda_\', Jan. 3rd, wheni `Bradtf-ord plays Barrie here. On. the Monday previous, Dec. 31st, the. initial game of the season will be` played bet-ween Bm~rie and New- manket at Newmarket. I I ,L-,, ,. I...1.l ..A \'.........nl-no V\ D. .`\H w.hic)i TOWNSHIP OF 1x.\'1smr. _ 1-`INANCES IN GOOD SHAPE I Innisi Council held its statutory meeting at Stroud on Sattii-day hast. The time was taken up in passing accounts and closing up the books for the statement which must be prepared for nominaxtion day, Dec. 31st. A by1avw was passed maiking provision for 21. T10`IlliI1aJti0I1 and ap- pointing places for voting and re- tuuning officers. The t1'easuw1'er =s books show that the n`ances4ot' the township are in good shape. Re- ceipts total $128,668.07 and ex- penditure of $126,346.09. The total on the collector's you for 1923 is $65,386.96, of this $57,463.36 has been paid. Assets inclnd-e $2321.98 in the bank and $7,923.60 due from tihe col.1ecto1".s rolsl. '1`-he liabilities are a note for $4,500.00 due bank. Results Show Good \Vo1'k Being Done by Pupils and Teacllers. Reports of the ma`rl made by pupils on the vtemn examinations held d'u1`~ing the month 0f Novem~ bet` have been vsenlt to the parents throug.h the pupils. These reports show the m-atnks made by each pupil in the class and enable the parents to compare -the work of the pupil with the work done by each other n1e.1'mbe`1' of that class. Receip to be signed by the D21I'e11'YS :t.=:e z1t;:m11- ed to the 1'epo1't.s and these are re- turned by the .1)u'pil:s to the teacher. Tho` fnllnu-inu 1nnrh3 r:t (`HIRE turned Dy ule .pwp111s [U Luv: u:u.L:n::1. The following made rs-L class honors (75% to 1U0%). and sermnxl class lronours (66% to 7%/c) : l~`o1`m 1.~\.--li1'st class l1ou0m's, .\[Im'_\' Coles, Elzfeldu. Elaliott. ence Binnilng, I-Ia.1'1`y B-1'0-tller, Rmh Beasley, Ethel Calmpbell, Victol B1'own, Allan Ayres, .\Ia1'y Canleron, Edna Asaph. Duncan Caallvpbell. Runh .-\ll-an, Laura ;\SiL)f)h. )Ia`rj01'ie B_\'x'nes, Kenneth Dench. R=1rl)_\' Don- aldson, Claude Craig; Second class jhonors, .\Izu'garet Blackvstock, Isobel .\l1\\'ard, Vera Baldwin, Leslie Bert- mun. Ben Baer, Hovey .\d-`mus, Jim .-\nde1't0n. . x 1 D T.`h-mi l l;Vn...~.. z-`Inc: hnnnnn-a F101`-` .-xnuerwn. . I }._ Form 1B.-I~`i'1's:t class honou1'.s, Constance Hinds, Jack Leslie, Gladysl Johnson, Catherine Hardy, H'o\\'a1'(ll Guest, .\I-argarei How, Elsie King,i ,l1'ene Iiavanagh, Malbel Hounsoxne,l Williann Hilpkin, Lloyd Henman,' Violet Nixon, Bessie King; Second: Class honours, Wallace Knapp, Rulthl `Livingston, Harold Hant, .\Iarjor.iei 1G1'aham, Harry Hill, Blary Russel,` Edlward Hogan, Beamvice G1'al1a1n, Hilda Grahzmn, Olive Hunter, Jack Kennedy, Walton Johnston. Idra ykett. Wm. Lang, .\I`a~bel Gilchrist. D Wny-m `1("_J`ir-at plan: hnnnnrv: iliELl. \`\' H1. LJ'zl`Ilf~_ ,, .V1iI.'UUl Lfllullllbt. _ F`orm1C.-1`irst class honours, :\Iu1'garet M-c.\Ia1'tin, Ru-th O1chard,, P`lo1'ence ;\IcMaster, Geo. Pearce, ,Josepl1`lne V\'iggins, Georglnzx Moore, Jzunes P1ll`S2111, Lewis Merrick,` Lzllllil Powell, Vona Ness, Hazel ll artri(l;4e. Jack .\IzL11tin; Second Jcllass honours, Alice Robinson, Jack .\l4cI\'in`non, Irene .\lorrison, Mildred; .\lcl{niL:l1t. Richard Powell, Th0IlllS5 `R-oe, Irene .\Iu1`pl1y, .\[-.1x'ion RN-d, EClzu`ence l nll'o1'(l. Osborne Robert- 'l:-on. Wm. Couglllin. Geo. .\lcQuz11'1',v.j g lorn1 1D.--li1'st, class l10n0u1's,3 .lzml< 'l`z1_\'lm`, .\la.bc-l b`1)rot.t, `rordon ; \`n.' in-.unl (`luv-n \`1-iulnv .\ll.'in: \\'i1r..l 1~`UH. \\ Ill. btlllgllllll. KVCU. .\llJ\:{l|(l,||.\. honours, i.luc.l< Gordon `Sa.:je21nt, Clara. S1`i:._:loy, .\il \\'i_L."- igilxs, Dm'oteh,\' Rolfe. Stella Sum- nuu-I-: finnaurn 'I`nnu11'ncnn (Tun!-rrn `HEALTH or TOWN IS GOOD YEAR ROUND; mevrs, George T0n11i11son, George: \\'z11'd1P. Irene Hz11'\'ey, Reta Rand-3,5 M12111 Scott, '\V1m. Tribble; Sec011d{ class 11011111113, C-lz11'ence Smit-11, Bur-I hurzx `\\'ils011. hath Sleesor. Ada `Walker, Eileen '1\'ing`. Hazel Tue}-:. Fnmn 9.\ _.._1It`iI`Qf nl-ac: hnnnnv-Q iglllb, LJUlU(5ll.\ IIUIIE`. Dll`HLl s7(I lll' I Iorn12.-\.-- class honours, Keilrlma Dench. Cyail Everr>tL, L1()`_\'(l .-\-mold. Edna Baull, Muriel Carson. .~\`1rbe1`-t Ba.11ant_\'ne. .\Iar_\' Gilc-.hris.:,1 F.:1v.".'1x`(1 Big_:z1r; Second class hon-| 01113. Leslie Clark, Beth Drur_\',I Ewan Carson. Harold Crumb, Stew-`l `art Bxyson, Aloula Gue-st, Jack .~\'r-. gdell,` Vera Glennie. Mae Enums. `bimnnem C,pu:.;hXin, Lorne I-`arragher,. Aileen Bricker, Frank Craig. Jean Cmvan. Doris Canning, V`aI'le.\` I Drury. Wnunl `)R__T`i,raf nine: hunnnnrra l\\`illl\t'.'J', FAHUCH l\lll;`g . l.'lilLL`l .llll_'l. i X`Ul`IIl 4-D.-`.l` .|'l'3L Ulils ll)UL|Ull'l`i, .\1l;;: Ccorge )Ir:?.I .I!fn, Sey- mour Lee. Beatrice .\IcQua,\'. DOI`lsS Kendall. C. Olive Johnston; Second class honours. Agnes Jamieson. William Ha=1'ris0n, l\'ennetih Mc- l{en7.1`e. Laurene Muir. Olive Hast- in_2;.=. I-Iarold Hill. I(wnh1een Ken- netly. I-I~zu'l'_\' Early, Archie Marshall, 'R(~lzI, .\l`ar1-imt, Orma Lzunke. ` l-`cum 2C.----l-`irst class l_1mmu1's, {Harold Sprutt, Charlotte Wilcox. Victoxiu Quinlan, Annie Wallwin, Elsie Robinson. Jack Walsh. Ottelyn Robinsrm. Ouma. Scythes. Fm11k Shannon. Ethel \Vice, Oscar Thomas, Marion Ross. Villdzt \\'zLlker. Alvin Perkins. Clam Luclg; Second class honours. Arthur Overs. Ira Reburn. .\I`a.rgaret Meeking. Harold Rwnnble. Allan Warnica, George Webb. Mar- iorie West, Frank Spearu, .\Ia'1'gz1I'et ROSS. Laura Scom. I.`ny-nu "1 \ IFS.`-at nlnac hnnnuv-1: IIUJSS, I4illll'H. DCUIII. I-`orm 3.~\.-I-`ilrst class honours. Bertha Allan; Second class honours, Rahea Gween. Eileen G1'z1_v, .\Iu:1'ieI Paddison. Ben Sutton, Ray ;\Ialkin, Rmby Adams. Dora Knigm. :L`rn1n| Q __.T`h~cf nine: 1: Nn nnrc K\.lI|U,V .`\U2tlllS, JJUFH. l.\ll.lgH.`L. IFonn13B.--Fh`st class honours. Jean Gilchrist; Muriel Jpnbbitt. Vi- vienne Jeffs. Jas. Robertson, Allan Chantler, Wel~1es_ley Foxvtner; Sec- l'll I'_\v . Fonnl ., 2.B.-First : - In /".Iv>v\ class h)Ol10ll I`S, Sev- _ \n.n.....- nm.:`..l 1 Sidney, seeing his chum 1_ving on! lgthe g1`-ound, at once ran for aid to 3: me home of Ixir. .\IiI1e1'. They hur-| ,5 ried to the scene of the a,c.cident, bun -{could do nothing for 11'rm. They` I A detailed review of the town's! Theamh is given by the Bo'a1-d 01 .Hea-It'h s annuzal report. It was pre- sented to Counci11 at the sLatu`Io:1'y `meeting on `Saturday morning, andl shows that the ttown has been singul-zuw1y.t'1'ee from a.11 epidemics rcdmxing `the year. Not one case 01 .mea.s1es, diph-therixa 01' scarlet. fevex . has tenninated fatally in that Lime.` Aunnna-rHn.r in {ho 1-nmnnf fhn anti. {Boy Is Killed When Rifle 1 ; Is Accidentally Discharged! A terrible tragedy took place on t S:utu1'day u.t'I1'11Ioox1 about ve o'clock_._ when John Alrbent Welch, sixteen year old son of M1`. and 5 I `Mrs. .~\1`be1't'We1cl1. l et1eatang St., i was a.cciden,tal1_v shot through thei t`o1'ehead while out hunting uezni Midh.nv1 st. I f"'fx1 company witxh nis cousin, Sid- lney Bell. al-so living on Penetang IQ+ A1hnnf hn mnno hnnxn-r nn I18) DEM, ursu ll\lu):', U11 J. C|1t`Ld.115: St., Albent had gone hunting on iS`a.l'11l`di1._\' a.ftern0on. Getting th1'ou_;.l1'} \\'i1tl`l their huniting the boys stepvpedi into an old stable on the farm 01; Williwni Miller, fourth line, Vesp1'a,' to get wranm. As they CIIIIIIE out A]- .bent was ahead and Sidney a foot `or so behind with the twen~t_v-4t.wo rifle belonging to Albert over his` shoulder. There is a little rise in -the ground imiiiediately in front of the barn and A1;be11t was standing on this when Sidney Bell said. I'll can it Hun rlnnr in lnr-lrnri" U4: Ull 11115 V\'lll'.`ll blullli) DUI! sum. 1 ll see if the door is locked." He itvurued with the rifle still on his shoulder, and at tnhe same uromeni Albert also turned. The rie dis- lcharged, the bullet piercing .-\1be1*t`s iforehead just bestweezi the eyes. , . ,_ R0sidm1t,:~: on Elizzrbelh street} !11u1'1`_\=ing home to dinner on Tues-I {day noon. were t,hrown into a mild} `state of panic by the anaics of a! bull which had broken loose while being: taken to the 51-.w5__vl1ta:' house. `.\'het11er the beast, which was bein.", driven along \\'iLl1 some other cat1lc{ ;m the s,1auL'h1m' ho1I.=(-, . `di\'innd the 11`.t.?xnzLLe dc-slilmlion oi ihis prrnnenzldo or um, (-211111-ot he jdelennrined, but it is certain 21!} lleast that when he came oppositci nrhe s:kuli115.; xink he decided he had` nr\n\n fr... nun.-uh nnrl hn~nh1n l`}I\'Ii;\(i| Il'l.l; (`;\l'H| '- S.\l.-\l.l. ` ] .-\Nl(` .\'l.` .\'0().\' ON J`l'I*}Hl).\Yi ju|"ll.`l?IlHl1l`U. LHIL ll lb L'l`I|2llll ill` `ileust VH1? he hadi `come far enoizgh and Ul1`11iILL{! _I)ei'ser.k b1'o1~'.en zu\\'a,\' and piungedi into the swamp. ; It took 11 team of diraugiht ho1'se:=.i just two hours to persuade the `bruite on again take up his journe_v.4 Besides being stuck in the mire the bull held back with all his mighit, and thougrh the houses stmixie-d and. tiiggeti it was two o'clock before hei `was again got out onto the street! i i The owner oi` the hull was Tho.mas Dry`! I was [ Bull. . 1.. k DUI]. | | .In the meantime a clearly dened` !pa1h was opened tlwough the` i.-\;.':1'.ic-11lt111'z1l Park by those resi(1i11:.I.; un,\':whe1'e in its vicinit)'. I Vol. LXXII. No. 44. nnd class honours. I\Ia1'garet Wallace,` Ethel wrigm, `mum metcner, Rub-| lin Milne, Joseph Hayes, Dorothy` Rlllwble. .\Io11,\' Powell, I-Iarold Pear- :-nn l i DUI]. 1'-`orm -I.-\.-l"ix~st class honours. Gordon Tebo. '1`hel~m-.1 Spencer. Amy .\'Ioore ,.~\lice Quinlan. Sarah Wam- wln; Second class honours, Ma.miel Douglas. Ethel Gar-side, Katheriuel Culross. t.1,...... an mime 21...: k.-...m.....l Cu-osS_ - aua.yy_y pu.-ac;/. uuun uuc rusuuuuvulcv 1,101."! 4B__Fh.5t 51355 honours or_:envs a n~u~mber of exhxbition games Gordon Channen, Ru-011 Sarjeant, Wm be P13--Vd bt'Ween the E"99t91'5 Eleanor Carr; Second class honours. and the" tewms 3-"'d "Wn- i Clarence Brownridge,' Fred Glffen, , lLeota. Bauglunan, Wm. Hayes. READ THE A:DVER.'I.1l`\EMENl.S. 1 READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS.` Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, December 20, 1923 I I-IE CIrIR-1'S .l`MA.S SEASON with its feast- '[11g` and me1'_1'ime11`r is with us once again. 'VVc see its inuence reflected from the many l1app_V faccsas tllcy pass us by. There seems to be a subtle magic in the air that is express- ed by ` a 110ar`ri(-1' 11;m,dc-lasp and a wa1'me1.- \\'01(-ome. V VV11ut a jO_\_'011S, gladsome ring `(here is to that good old-fashioned w1s11 of Merry C1u';ist1nas tlmt we get from our friends. a 1 A1 99 ,, 1/n11 n \J1J.J .L.3l.ll.lu.D l.J.1u Lv H u buv 4.; \JLLl uu.4. .L.l..I.\./LL\.A.k.JI T110 same to you and 1nan_\f of them, we cheerfully answer back, with a sparkle i11 the eye. For Clnristxnas is the one season that takes us a\\`a_V from t11e bickerings and cares of business, and lls our hearts with human love and understanding and sympathy; and poor indeed is he \_\~'h0se heart or purse does not respond to its magic call. ' Truly at this season The Bethlehem Message is a living inspiration. `7 \Ve feel we ezumot. better express our feel- ings and wishes to our 11'1z111_\ friends in more tting words than those of poor, crippled Tiny Tim in Dickens (1e1ig11.tfu1 falltasy, A Christ- mas Carol, i . (IBM Glhrittita illrmiagv been 181 births, 10 still! births, and -llll LUl'llll1l1lUl.l l.aLu.ll.)' Ill. Lllial. l:|`|llC`.| Arcconrdimg to the repout the esti- -mated popu1 of the town is `.7216. During the year there have} 17 deaths of children under one 'y{e1ar of age. This \VOU41`d mean ,an mfant mortaility rate of 93 per 1000 (living births. I<`1'o'm all cmuzses the :deaths nuemlbered 124, or a death :rate per 1000 of vpopulation of 17. The vnmnlhnm nf r-nan: in rnanu-rl In GOD BLESS US EVERY ONE. riinnnn nn >915 Sha.reholders representing 721` es` 1 slmres ourl, of a capital stock of 902, ildl were present -at the third general` nlmeeating of the Warren Organ C0.,, ile Limited, stockholders, held in the; se. Police Court Cluvmbens on M'ond2Lyl n5. T evening. President John Sinclair Il( 3 was in `the chair` and presentedm the 1l._\,(lirectm`s' repent of the company's-_ L operations to date. He explained the} i (`Oll(llIIl0I1 of. the company and a,fvLer' at ' the report had been read, moved ital `.it( J adoption. Hill?" .\ rnenlutinn rnnrlincr nu Tnllnuyvcg then phoned Chief Case, who with [D12 Oaks, who knew the way to Mr. } .\Iil1er'.s, Provincial Constalble Rich ` ?and Mr. Bell, farther oi` Sidney, rush-i ed to the fanm of Mr. Miller, to nd. the boy just expiring. Nothing! whzmtever could be done to save him} )and he passed away about seven i'o-`clock. Co-roner Dr. VV. A. Lewis `was called "and after looking into] ithe CiI'CllII119I'al]CeS connected with 1,1119 shoo-ting decided that an inquest '85 11IlI1CeSS3,I')'. i Ahhnrt \K7pIr-`h was H-no can nf M'r . ` nu. llllllt'1CU5ill'.\'. I } Altbert Welch was the son of Mn, ;and Mrs. Albert Welch. M1`. Vvelch is a renturned soldier and has lost a leg in army service VVhiIe over- kseas he was captured and spent over_ a year in a German prison. Return- i11-`: to Canada he served in the To- 11'onto Post. Office Deprbment umtil three years ago when he came to Barrie. I \ kn:-6 `X7.-dnls tuv-nrs :v-\ nl-banal`.-.np.n 1)I.Il|U. .-\iabm't Welch was in attendance at the Barrie Collegiate and was very popular wit.h his many com- panions. He was singular]-y well grown for his age and his untimely death is g1'ewL]_v mourned by his sor- rowing family. 'T`hn funny-n1 fnnL- nlnna nu 'l`noc_ lit) ALI:-3 l lLllI.Il_V , The funeral took place on 'I`ue.s- Eday afternoon from his late home on |Pe.netnng St. to the Barrie Union` {CE`l1letE!I'_\'. Rev. A. R. Beverley was `in charge of tlkre unenal sewice. ()Il(E.\.\' I;\("l`0RY lH<}.\l)Y BY . "_l`Hl*} .\lll)DI.E 0| J.>\.\'l.'_-\l1}.'! _, ,, , I ; kluU])LlUl1. ) 3" A resolution reading as follows? !\\'as passed untaninmously: \Ve, they` is.-I1-.u`eholders or the Warren Org-an` ;Co., Ltd., in regulnar meeting zus-` isemxbled, do hereby express our con-; `Ede-nce in the solriclis and future of `the company and we direct that a` list of shareholders. together with! the amounrts swbscriubed, be prepared: .:1nd attlaclhed to the prospectus as a itestimonial of our condence and, `for the punpose of recom,1nendin_2:! Hhe coumpnnys stock to our fellow` | citizens." 3 I \1.. m......|. ur.......... .....__._-_ __ I | UILILUIIS. Mr. Frank Wa.r1'en, manager, nounced at the meeting that ifzwtory would be in operation by `middle of Jlauu-ary. '18]. Bi.1'f11s and 1231 Deaths I)1n'ing Year; No Serimls Epiclomivs. i INDOOR B:\SEBALL LEAGUE 3 OF SIX TEADIS IFORMED An indoor baseball Ieagvue to con- gsist of six teams, Simooe Foresters. Vetenans, Kirwan`ians, Lawyers and Doctors, Insunance Men, and Clothiers, has been fomued. and a schedule is being dn`aJwn up to-da`y.4 Play will not start um.-il a.I`ie.r the New Year. All the games will be ]sLaged in the Anmouries, where `enough space is a.vai'1ab1e to ensure snappy play. Until the schedule! opens land other around the ` the` LLIKAA v|. ;1./..\.....4..n,. ....\, ..........v.. ...- in good shape. The total 1'.ceipts a;m:ount to $58,810.52, while the ex- pen`d'1tu:1'es aunounted to $68,611.69. mu, A.AL_I . _ _ . _ _ ._ 41.. ..-n ........._.. FINANCES OF TOWN SHOWGO0D SURPLUS The t1'ea.su1'e1"s statement for '[`ownship of Essa sh-ows Ithat at 15th of Decemsber the n-ances ` yu.u.....w....; ...-....,.....v\. .~. .,,v.., V . . . . .,. The total taxes on the roll amoum [to $52,901.26, -and the amount paid to date totals $33,000.00, leavi-n-g $19,901.26 Stillll to be paid. The total assessment 01' the township is .$1,96-5,972.00. AL 41.- _L4._;_.._. .._.._x:...._ ._._ n..L .,,,.,..u...,., . ....vv At the statutory meeting on Sat- urday last p1'ov.isio11 was made fox` the holding of nominations on Dec. 31st, 1.houg>l1 it is lrardvly 1ikEI,\"T.112Lt an election will be held. The pres- ent Councrl has given general satis- faction and they will all pz'(>`ba.vbl_V' be returned by accwmat.ion. 'l`0\\"NSHlP OI" ESSA \\'Il.L SI-[O\\' BALANCE FOR YEAR {commn~.m=s Kept Within Estimates, and VVO1-ked Togntlu-1'. " The Barrie Council is to be con- gratulated on being able to show a surplus on this year's operations. All the committees with the excep~ (ion of the Bqard of Works have kept within their estim-ates. The Boand of Vvorks in all spent $22,390.98. Of this amount $6,982.~. 2:5 was spent on County roads and paid out of County gramt, $137.50 was for removal of ashes and rub-I cbish paid for by citizens at the! time of street cleaning, and $2266.-` R6`. nf 1ha nvnnnrl-nu-ac in n/xv-xhlr. Lliile `per LUUU U'L 'pUpl|ldiLKUll U1 ll. The mnnibenr of cases in regard to 'co1nn1nrnoi~'ab1ie diseases and their ef- fects .is given as otllowsz :01` measles, no deaths; 22 starlet fever, no deaths; 11 d'i.p'hither.ia, no deaths; 6 tmlbercuilosis, 2 dearths; 6 :typhoid fever. 1 death; ';pn~eumion.ia not reported, 17 deaths. `Three of the typhoid fever cases were `railway men, one of these was contracted out of town. while the source of infection of the others is um-known. The 'gures~zLbove show that pneum-on`i`a. claimed by fiair the greatest number of victims, in fact, wover ve times as nmny as all the rest of the cominunciajble diseases put together. Thar-o hnvp hpon nn .-zprinnc mif- L`l'UH U1 5Lf\flfL L3H`.'.i|lIlIl, uuu -)&DD.' ' 66 of the e.\*penditures is pxyarblc. by the citizens for street oiling,` leaving a net expend'i1Iu1'e for pub-E I-ic works of $13,008.00. ,1 This is $1,000 over the estiunaltes. nu ,, 'l . n. -.-.n . | .,-,..V., `..`,- ....- spent on the building of s!(1e\v.'11l The'p1a'n adopted of px'u;'iding`. s0melhin'_s;`.fm' new walks is worth continuixlg. The :=i1e\va.lk.<: in the past have been buih, out of `he gen-' 3 This year ulmut, $1.500 has b(=en~ era} rate and 110'. an the local im- lprovement pl-an. 'I`I1\c: latter plan lcanxmt very,` well be adopts-J nm: Wvith 1-regamd to si.1e\\`:1!.:s and the _LLLC`. desirable 1n-emd is the one. |u:;-(i `this year, 1-) Qt`. aside an lamu-un_t for the 2 .::`.1 .'.~.._.t or new Il'V~11 .-.1 Wiltx. . 1 The ammmi. of mxes olitstandixxgi ,is greater than usual, resulting in; a Larger overd~raft in the bank. It; is a very doubtful kindness to a rate `, payer to `per.1ni.t him to get behind} in his taxes and a determined effortl should be ma/de to reduce the lzmnount of t-axes dma the town. the Council as enljrely responsible for high -Bax rates. A_g1'a-ace through the raport shows that out of an ex- pendimure of $201,192.33. being the almounlt after deducting the bank overdmlft fmnn last year. the fol- lowing items paid by Council were zubsoluctelry beyond its control: De- bemnres, schools, counl._v hates, Parks Conmmission. L`vib1'ar.v Bo2u'd,. leaving $55,65-';).(i3 to pay for all the other services rend-ered to the town, inc1`u(1-in;: Pubic Vvorks. Police, 1 Ratepayers very often look upon Street. Lighting, Hydrant Rentals, Salaries. Fire l .ml<-cIion, Printing, Special Grants, and so on. -n,,:,1,_, ,_,,__,~_.,, __ .x._ L. 1 Besides xvxnding np the or the _vea.1`, a nu'n)e1' of were put, through. n II\Jl\[ I4lll\J\.l`jIlt I A motion sponsm's>d by 2nd De- pu'ty-Reeve Robertson `and Reeve Fisher, that 3. senlexuem. be made in reggard `Lo .\`Ix'. Dobs0n's taxes. ixvas 1'efe1'1`ed 1.0 the I~`in:1`nce Com- lnutiitoe. The motion was rs`: oi'fe2-: npl n\ [N 1. J3`-An! nun '|\ni~ 1 i 1 I zulnnn I\\ nnh Lll`ILLL't2. 111:5 .'LlU.L1UlJ \`Vdh HJLHK Ull|',`" ed as a. direct one. but niister much discussion was reI'e1*red to the com- 1ni1`1.e--. .t\lrn-.-wnun \V'allwin took ex- ception to the motion in that it would be es'tabli~shin::, a precedent tc rt.-fund taxes because a house was under ('onst1'11c-tion. Alcle-1'1nen Byrne* and Coles :a'g1`eed_\\'itl1 .\l(l. Wall- w=in. Aid. Mckininon felt that a re-; fund should be made there was ,nu habitafblve home on Mr. Dobson's `property while the one was being torn down and the other bu'.l~:. anrl iihai 1`ne_iJou`nci should not penalizei in m'tepaye1' for l!l`lpE`O\'(?lllF!llt. or his property. As mover of the motion Deputy-`Ree\'e Robertson e.\*pl-ained {mart `the assessing was done in 1922, `when the house was under construc- gtiou. `Mr. Dorhson was not asking for a 1ed'uvotlon on his assessment.a but a rebate on `taxes as the house -was not hatbitauble during the peziod of building. "Mayor Little explain- ed that the motion if submitted to `Council would require a vote of` i hwo-thirds of Council to cal-.r_v. The; Court of R-ev*isi~on had no power to deal with the matter and it would be best `to refer the maatter to the Finance -Comm it:t-ee. A vnnin-n fn nalr fnv 1>nnr1av~a Pnr l"ln'dUL (5 '\iU'lll.`lllll.L'U!1. | A motion to ask for tenders for} wiring of the Fi~1'e Hall, moved by! Aldermen {Jokes and Lower, was wi thdrawn . "Fla.-\ Fr\`1I\--u:1'|n- 9v\.1\f:nIv\:V inn:-A nnaa, f'anridgc,-Robertson-T11at the aclerk be granted power to have the Cbuncil Chamber furniture repaired. 11_|__...a....._ -nu-..'r7x._...._ :7'l`\I..._L Ll... 1.a\lIAa.nI4I4 vuunu-nu. nu-...uu.u .-.4.-.-.....,.. Robertson--McKinnon---"I\h'at the Mawnr and Clerk be authorized to Issue cheques for wages and salar- :rl1.....Lx_....:I .. .......- AIvt\\ First Hockey Gamey In Barrie on Jan. 31 7lL\1l'B;W U. The following motions were pass- (1 n .. `......,-u-..-u .\.- .-`...a.... ..u.... .. (Cantmned on page ve)_ business motions `l4.U.L. N0. Yb, -\1),`,'llS, Will be [1 De`:in the Orange Hall. .=\ngus, Ree`.!'DhLl`I`S(1i1_\', ` nlade hnvlc- = nu-r-hath--.1 f'!r:n.L1mnnn R` the the {GAME ACT IS VERY . HARD TO INTERPRET The wording of the Gvanne and Fishery Aict came in for a severe sca.tah,ing on Mondxay morning on ac- count of its mnnbignity, when a charge against David Hantford and John Maztshwall of NeMnurarkeL of hav- ing three musltrat skins in their possession contrary to law, was heard. Too muc-h latitude and scope for argrlvment, has been left in the 1`ra.ming of this lanv. {inn an-rtnn nf fhn An)! rnnnirn: t LU [)1'UL'l5tU. -3 The \va1'(len and Mr. Evans L-hen Ediscussed the mamter together for a Mew moments and as 21 result Mr. flivaxzs decided to plead guilty to the 4cl1a1'ge 02' u'espassim.; provided that the Croawn be willl.ing to impose a *`,m.inimum ne. We don't. wish to `flpu-t the Clown to the expense of G i getting witnesses L0 prove than the G bound'ar_\' lines of `Camp Borden aim }pl:aced p1'oper1_v," explaiined M-x`. ` ` Evans. \[u `\`[.~.f`un.-.-n.- u-nu lann nn1l.-u-I On :\[agisf1~ate Dis1nisSes Case Ag'z1i11st M011 Having Rut Skins. 1LllB lI"clAIll`111g UL HLIIS l 2:U\'\ . one section of the Aczt requires that no man shall have in his pos- session arny musknats, and another part reads that no man may destroy wantcon-ly the skin 011' any i`u'1' bear- ing animal he has in his possession. while still another prrovides that ii` a man should nd a n1-uskrat in a trap he has set f0\l`, say, mink, he must make an afdavit to be suEb~ mitted to ilhe Glovermnient, stalting how he came by it, and placing it at their disposal. -5 n H11: nhsn-an oi: In-i R1 -acrli-ufrnfa IIUL LU`t`,'8L'llBl'. There have been no serious out- 'break-s or epidemics tliroughout the gear. 'The only approaches to it _were in June and Jurly when 28 mud 15 cases respectively of measles were '1 eported, and in September and Oc- `tdber, when twelve cases. eiglit in `September and four in October, of scarlet fever were liound in the si.\1th ward among hhe cltild1'e11 atiteuding the King Edlwzwd school. These slight o11t`.bi'ea.lLs were conned la)` ri.g.i-d scvhoorl inspection of the scho0l| mlrse, prompt 1'9-porting of ca.ses,; and (1-1llLl`21l1tll`llng.O`f szmne, inspec- tion of the school ('l1i1`(lI`E'Il by Iohe medical) health olcer, cleansing and. ':lisin;fe-cting of .the school rooms and; infected homes, and by clisnribtition of the Provincial Board of Healthl `iitenature re contagious diseases. 'T`hn vnill: eunnlv nl' hhp fnwn