R'Ul DiLlU"-l'liLpp_\' 1llUU`p;lll, WUUU U1` coal range,-in good condition. Phone 6571`. 36- lLlLl` IH (Ill .- County n1`: hereby LU) ucI:_-3tl nes .\lcC1 chi1dr(,-n illv 4)! 111(- `,....u.- A4` ( `-\|ll|I| un. J4l.'l.ll'lh' ()1; v of the pevson and` 0 above named in1".1nt' Edmuml n'l~`])|1e11s)I1. at ? ` Darrin, in the Coumy lnnvinn |a`.~n-nu... auuu IN 1111. be mauln: to I the Cmrnty nut A4` 1'.. V Lhis S8\'|?11lh d;1_\'I 1' In culilu. ` The Northern Advance . ... _. nut 02' I`) 'l`mvn |l.\ llUlll.'l' the Sur- A`lI'|'l ll 1 Ban`- \' illtm`. Home Saturdays at 6 Char- lotte Street. lHCll.\,' ml):-I11 r n.. .. ` Applications will be received by the undersigned until Thursday. Nov. 22, 1923, ufor Governor and Matron for County of Simcoe House of Refuge, duties to commence on or about Dec. 1, 19,23. The same to be approved by County Counci1,, which meets Nov. 26. APPLICATIONS FOR GOVERNOR AND .\lA [`RON \.lII-[Ill u-an v Newton Robinson, Ont. It Pays to Shop at Vickers ! lliglit at the beginning of the season when a new pillow hero and an artistic drape there go so far to make home so nmch more comfortable and att1.'active, this sale of draperies and ehintzes will appeal to the home maker. Per- haps there is a piece of furniture that requires a little new trimming'-this is your opp'ort11nit_V. 15 pieces lovely` art sateen, ehintz, and art drapery, all in dilferent colorings and designs, priced re,g11la1-l_\;' at 950, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50 and $1.85, to be placed on sale for a prc--holida_v bargain, at _va.rd . . . . .65c Tl10_V are all good designs-good cloths and perfect colorings--are of real worth. See them in centre window. Sale closes Saturday night at ten. GEO. VICKERS, The Hub Boot Shop Here is an Oxford that has been meeting with general approval. It is a. brogue with a heavy Goodyear welted sole -and rubber heel. There s not a better shoe .:111ywhere at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We ve an exceptionally ne Oxford in brown or black calfskin that is win- ning many admirers. It s plainness is expressive of exceptional taste. Goodyear welted `sole, at walking heel. I-Iere s a shoe you ll be proud to wear. Brown or black, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AMONG the now a1'1'iVals is 21 \'(`I'_\' ])1'0tty brogtle ox- ford. It 11:15 21 Gr00d_\'ear wolted sole and is 1l12ld(` in b.r0\\'11 calf. The undersigned has received in-` structions from Tho pnplllzw 1`>11_1'- nos add `:1-(~z1tl_\' to this s11n(".~' :1lro;1d_\' pl(*21>'i11g' liuvs .50 Price AN IMPORTANT SALE OF CI-IINTZES, ART SATEENS AND CRETONNES. Earl Rowe, Chnirnum of Conlmittee A. _--l E VE been successful in obtaining some singular- ly pretty and exclusive styles that fully express the season s mode, but which are surpris- ingly low in price. -$5.00] Night Sclingg! ! I `Paper Hanging and General Housei I | Decorating. Phone 1 A. BERRY 539w. I 01 I ! .... vn-. Q6 |II.....1..ln I I [Monday and .'l`lun'sda_\'. 7.30-9.30| I _ U [21 Guwan St., Barrie - Marble - Works; For Painting B.~\IERv[E BUSINESS COLLEGE FOR MEN SERVICE Allandnle. I 'l`hursda_V, November 8, 1923' I Get your winter apples now. They are scarce. At Sa.so s you will nd spies, greenings, baldswins, king, russetxs and snows. Phone 341. FASHION 1121s fav- ored the log` ( -abin suodo oxford and wc v(r ])l'()('1ll'(.`d 0110 that we know will please _\'0u. It has a low 1na1111is11 heel. l`ong'110s to 1m1t(*-11 .I. IIUIELCIU \.JUW, I )Ull.lb Ulbl, ULIU I31` January. 3 Fat Cows. The above are all good breedy cattle. and any one wanting good cattle to `feed this winter will do well to attend this sale. All will be sold without reserve. fax This Shoe $5.5o| .50 its Memorial Tablets Corner Stones | Markers Monuments _ Canadian & Scotch Granite 1>mc1;.s 1:1;mT(`1':1) : JOHN F. MURPHY, Propd i 7 'J,`(-1(`])1l(1;;g::i; 7!) I-}21}'f'1<~l - I`; Terms of Sale: 12 months credit! win be given to partlns 'L'urnishin{.;' approved joint notes. 6 per cent. off for cash. Sale at 1 pm. `I 1 \l..1v,_._|_.._. 1.. _A:,__...,.. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Elizabeth Semmens, late of the Town of Barrie, \Vidow, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of September, 1923, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of November, 1923, :Ll"`er which date the ICxc:cutors will dis- Lrlbute the assets of the Eszate, having reLrard only to the claims of which they shall Lhen have notice and will not be responsible to any others. T\..6.\,I no T)......l, tl.:.. -u1,.A 1.... .t -i)LlIl`,lB. Dated at Barrie this 31st -Jay October, 1923. 1):.`-n D. 11.... AUCTION SALE OF 65 CATTLE Page Eight Saturday, November 10 good Durham Steers, average weight zubout 1200 lbs. 4 good Durhzmn Steers. average weight about 1000 Lbs. 4 good Durham Steers, a\'ex'-age .weight 900 lbs. Durham Steers. yearlings off. Roan Cow, 4 years old, with calf CI f fnnt 11.1-.'u UUVV. `D )!'.`il.|'5 UILI, Llllt` Dec. 1st. Holstein `Cow, fresh. . Holstein Cow, 7 years old, due in Jannnrv | nuuu pun, ~2 _\t`ill5 mu, wuu can at foot. Durham Heifers, spI`in,'.;ral's. Cows, milking well an-l sllpposed to be in calf. 13...... rvn... 0 .......... ,.|,1 .............. LU `UK : Ill Roan Cow, Red Cow. 'I'\nn 13- Business Opportunities "IlI\I I Il\\('! I '25 mlu-r l'm~'im`~.~ Io sell by Public Auction at .\lzu'rin's Y:u-ll. l.{:u'1-ie, on LOST AND FOUND H. A. HENRY For Sale--Good delivery horse for sale cheap. Apply 11 0 Bayeld Street. 36~2 GEORGE LESLIE .\'OTl(`I`} TO MISS I 5201.!) |'|llll`Il-I |.._\S'l` \\'!-ZIGK you x:w;_m husim-s.-' :~:(*0 iere for Spirella Corsets for Barrie and Allandale V`4'l' .-....., b-C\- - `...... \\'. A. .\[c(`onkey. .~\uc!imu-or. ll(L`|l (iuml FOR SALE The following: TO LET For Quick Sa1e--R pedigreed Oxford Down Iamnbs. Apply H. E. Field- shouse. Midhurst P.O., Ont. 34-2 .750. Boys & 1\lur(:|nis0n. :`0liciun's for Iv)-rzuttnw. \ 4llI|]ll'|\' 'l'imh(-r \ 5`. 0 ,\!`.'nllh V '5 years WILLERS ` Conny-n ll: \lI'(3|'l'I'_\ ~t't('l_\' ('(|lli]))H`(l I` Linuit (`l{ll)!'l`0H.H' IAIIIIIK will |lnuI' Mill . I'rnpn,s`itinn.~` I old, spr:n,:r-r. old. due on I: H. Li {For Sa1e-- I`-wo good Quebec Heaters, -second hand, complete with pipes. Apply Barrie Business.College. ,zne SII'( &L11l 11'. .\lcU.1;;c' {Many a school boy cooled feet in its Il0\\'in}.: SIFPII quunchins. his thirst by I} ` '-\p:-rlinnt or rlI'oppix11.' on 11 [In rs-zmh the xvuxvr in tha- 1 Llltf W|;'Cl\ vnu. Mrs. W. D. Little and Mr. Allan Brunton motored up from London on Saturday. u\I2' A Qvnifh nnrl Qnn pn\' r\F Tn- Mr. A. Jay, S12, spent Tuesday in London. Rev. Roy Melville spent Monday in Toronto. Hr. Jas. l-`ord was in Toronto over the week end. Niven `II T\ I Holn nvir` 1! (Hum IIUIU Llllb WEEK. 'Miss Hazel Patterson of is the guest of Mrs. A. E. son for a few days. all)` I n Vviednnu and llltflllb HVIU E11111 21L 1'lUll_V. Mrs. E. McFadden and little daughter returned on Saturday from a visit with .friends -in Toronto. T\/Tu Avcfhnu Tlnll.-nu uvkn u`n nl it VIDIL WLLH Illllillub `Ill J.UlUll|.U. Mr. Arthur Wal1(er, who is at- tending Toronto University, spent the week end at his home here. `Nnblsv-rs flnn CH-mean nu:-I L`-rut UH 7)i:llLll'u?J.). ~.\Ix'. A. Smith and son Roy of To- ronto are looking up old ~t'rienrls here this week. Iliaa Unwnl T)nMr,n-nnn AP "l'\rn-nnn SUH LU]. H. LUW Llilljb. Mr. J. D. Wisdom and `fa-mily visited at the home of his mother in Singhampton over `Sunday. INTI`: T.nf WpHh nf Tn!-nnfn Fnmn. Dll15lllLlpLUl1 UVCI 'nDLlllull._Y. :Mrs. Lot `Webb 01' Toronto, form- erly of A11~andale, is visiting with friends here and at Holly. .?\rTv: 13`. T\ I'nWnrlrInn and Hfu LHC VVCUH lfllu ill. llL'b ILUUJC IIUIU. Messrs. Geo. Stinson and Fred Bowen left on Monday morning for the north with a hunting party t'1'om Hawkestone. ."IIl`< T nnnnruvl A5` (`Allin n-uvnn -`House for Sa1e-~On Dunlop St., fac- ing the lake. 7 rooms, all conven- iences, manble plumlbing xtures. rand replace, dining room panelled. This house is exceptiolially well built. Price is right. Terms easy. Immediate possession. See Dinning of the Binning Photo Smldio. K_lilWl\CDLUlIU- Mrs. J. Cooper of Coiling-wood visited some friends here on -Friday while returning from 3. trip to Burk s Falls. Mrs. J. O. Bennlon and little son and l\Irs. W. Ports and two children left on Tuesdaxy lfor Montre:-11, where they will sail on the White Star Dominion liner IDoric, which leaves Friday for England. They will probably remain there for the win- ter months. n.. ...u.....ru. Essa St. Presbyterian church wi-ll h-old a Thanksgiving service next Sunday morning and a memorial service on Sunday eveiting. A meet- ing ot the Trail Rangers was held on Tuesdaiy night and oicers elect ed for the ensuing year as follows: Chief, Archie Marshall; Subwchief, Joe Bailey; Tally, Cameron Clute; Cache, Hugh Frazer. ` On Sunday night the members of L.vO.L. No. 432, together with the lady iueiuibers, attended divine ser- vice in Burton Ave. rhlethodist church. and listened to a very in- structive address by the pastor, Rev. S. .\l. Beach. Though the weather was very unrt'avoraible a good repre- sentation was present. Mr. Beach's subject was Things that Make for National Life," and his theme was based upon the 144th Psalm, where are nt'ouud the words Happy is that people whose God is the Lord." Next Sunday morning there will be a memorial service at this church and in the evening the Thanksgiving service. On Monday night -N-urse Leacoclt. ot` the Victorian Order, gave an interesting talk on her work as carried on in Barrie and Allan- dale, at the meeting or the Young People s League. rn.I__ __._-, ,4 ___,__..L 1--.. nu W l\CD : __...,.,. . .\lan,\' of the older citizens of west end (formerly The Com- mons") wvill learn with regret that since the new town well was drilled the artesian Iwel-l on the Catchei property on Essa St. has almost ceased to flow. Thirty years ago the cool, clear water gurgled up in the little green, `octagonal well house hack of the residence and was piped out to :1 wooden box beside the road. l~`i-om there it 0\'-rilowed in 21 ch-211' ;~:1reuui under tlw wzu i11_: :.'russ, \\'z-.tei(-i'vs:.s` and n0 i`urget-ine- unis alrm: h(=si the road to a point in iron! of tho _:;1'0cm'y ston- oi' .\lr. Jzunes .I0hn.~:0n. where it on- \lnnr u qnhnnl hnv nnnlntl i.:.. .1....o.. Allandalt-. and particularly of the` _L(`l'Hl :1 drain whim-h (-rmnnrtt-rl \\`lIh` zillk` sin-zun in I\I(:C.'.`uc'.+ swamp.` The supper and concert for mem- bers of the Allandale L.O.L. No. 432 and their families held on Thursday night in the hall, proved a huge success and the accommoda- tion was taxed to the limit. As usual the supper was excellent. and the concert t'ol1owin}.," was equally good. .\lr. E. A. Little made an eflicient chairman and the following took part: Witty speeches by Rev. W. J. iWatt, Rev. Roy .\lelvilvls~, Rev. )1. Beach and Mr. A. Stewart, of Thorn- ton, District .\`Iaster; piano selections by Miss .\lcCau1ey, solo by Mrs. W. .-\. Spearn, recitation by Miss P. Wilson, violin number by Mr. Ca1np- bell. banjo selections by Mr. J. James. an amusing dialogue by .\Ir;~:. >`. Thomas, Miss K. Wey11iouth,:.\'li's. W. Graham and Mrs. B. Thompson, and a solo by Mr. \Veller. .-\ pleasing feature was the splended juvenile work by the following: Piano nselection, Dorothy Ferguson; violin number. Willie Hagen; tpianc numbers, Rachael and l~Jdd_\' Hagen; solo, .\lar_<.;aret Rayner; recitation, l`}d.:ar I.eGear; violin seleciton. .\'Iaurice Logan; piano selection, Gordon W'oods. .\lrs. l. Rayner. .\lt's. \Voods and Miss R. Lo:.:an were the accompanists. Master Rom. Logan handled the drums like a nizijor. \v..__._ _r- H, .1 ALLANDALE. IIIIIAH hill. nu. LIN, ll cmnpured in :1 lin r-II Strayed-F1'o11} the premises of Gen. L. Davis, .R.-R., Thornton, a two- year-old white heifer with red 'band on neck and ushoul-ders, dehorned. itnformation leading to the recovery of same will be appreciated. Geo. L. Davis, R.R., Thornton. 38- McC.auL< .- 5\\ ump.' his dusty _: slrmlm aflvr st the simple! nu his Iumm,\'=, box and! cnntruvliction H. mm l,`nnt\\':1n-I ill. Oh, how 1'4--` -mi lt\ oI..1 n:.n.n- (I ll! |itIl(- Hr... Toronto . Patter- \\ Elli`! hloclcs nu... -4 W. the Cliff. Carley left on Monday for his annual hunting trip to Trout Creek. Don't forget to go to Trinity Parish Hall on Friday afternoon, lNov. 23. The Women"s Auxiliary of the Children's Shelter will hold their regular meeting on T.ues~day, Nov. 13, at 4 p.m.,_ instead of Monday. Rev. G. A. Bronvn attended the conference at Kingston last week end and preached .in the church which he at-tended when a student at Queen's, on Sunday. The ser- vices at St. Andrews were taken by Rev. A. Armour of Knox College. A special course, to be .he1d'in Toronto on December 18, 19 and 20, is ibeimg arranged Iby the Department of Agriculture and Industrial and Development Council of the Can- adian Meat Packers A~ssoci~ation. A class of nine `boys will be chosen to attend from each county. `The boys to represent Simcoe wi-11 be chosen from those who were present at last year's short course. Arrangements have `been made so that boys with railway fares exceeding $3.00 will receive all over that amount. Corsetiere Alfred Steele, a farmer living about a mile and a -ha'1-f west of Creemore, appeared on Monday, Nov. 5, before Police Magistrate I-Iogg at the Police Court at Coiling- wood to answer to the charges of having in his possession intoxicating spirits illegall-_v manufactured and n1anufacturin'g intoxicating spirits without the license required by the Inland Revenue Act. `Steele was `de- fended nby E. J. Mac'Ewan, solicitor Olf Collingwood. and pleaded guilty. Steele was fined `$300 and costs or six months. Chief Excise Officer Henry Foreman and Provincial Con- stable Gardner made the seizure on Oct. 20. with the assistance of Chief Constanbles Oliver of Stayuer and `Wilson of Creemore. PROV. POLICE SEIZE [LLEGAL SP[Rl'l`S NEAR CREEIVIORE cut lul 2|. Glxurdianship estate of the children to Ed .the Town of ] Inf Qiunnnn Car `r I 16. Ill : deceas: I \'..u: Mrs. Ellen Nloffati passed away on Friday. Nov. 2nd. at `her home at Cundles. Deceased was born in To- ronto in 1855, a daughter of Ur. and Mrs. Roger Power. I<`ifL_\' years ago she xbecame the wife of William Moffatt. of Adjala. :In religion the I [ate Mrs. Moffatt was a Methodist. hnnonnnal In:-n1'ne fn vnnnvn hon Inca -(Rev.) G. l.Crz1-w, Sprin_:;\'ili0; `Delroiz; `Cu . C. of Clive, .\lL:1., and \1!:'d.Lll uzuue Ull UCL. . Dr, I~Ienry was 3. son of the late Jas. Henry of Thur11t~')n. He al.- tended public school at Thormou, arfterwards attending the Barrie Cul- legiate. He then stuczied uu.=dicine and after taking his .\I.D. practised ever since in South Lyon, Mich. He was n1arri+d to Miss Minnie Ball, daughter or the late Henry Ball and .\I~rs. Ball or Bax'ri(*. who pl`el'.=r:e;med him about ve _\'eaI`s 2120. His only (lughter died sewral _\'oaI's ago. I`he1'e is left to mourn his :r..:s one son Lawrence and one sis!`-r, Mrs.` K tl1rw hroxhers. Ur. !"rer1 .\'. 1len1'y,i Jas. W. or 'I`hm'nI0n. E In the .N'ln-rugnlc (,`mu'l of the I (}()l|lnty of .*-clllwm.-.. I IN THIS .\I;\ I"I`I`JR 0:` tho (Hmrd-~ 3 iz1n.shi1) 01.` Roy 1):;-t~'.'u11 .\'(`1I1l1H`IlS and` : iuha-H. Jaum-s .\Ict`.Im11'_\' n`m1Hne11.<, xhu infant .-hi`. l-Ilizuhx-Ih \'.nn.u.n.- Inc`. ..|' l`\.. 'l`.\..-.. ,.. n._.. V` `JU[1'l:'Ll3L'(la ' Notice is h l tho o.\'pi1'uLio11 the Hrst pub} application wi |1'o:.;a.Le Cou1*L I (Inn F1` 1: ,. |:1.tC .u1a. ;IlUlli1.LL Wclb it JLCLLIUUIBL. Deceased leaves to mourn her loss, besides her husband, resid=ing at Cundles. two sisters, Mrs. Wim. Hodgins, Thornton; Mrs. James McLean, Mount Albert; two bro- thers, William Power, Thornton; James Power, Toronto; six daugh- ters. .\lrs. Is-Ii-lligan, Mrs. Wm. Nixon, Mrs. Norman Z\'Ia.rshall and Mrs. Harold ;\nder;~:on, Barrie; Mrs. Wm. .\Iatthews. Collingwood; Mrs. Stan- ley .\`Iars`hall, Toronto; and six sons, Charles and Alwbert, `Barrie: Richard and Robert, Toronto; and James and E-dwward. Detroit. 'T`\r\ 'IIi\r\n-n` o....1. ..I....n .... o.....a.... 1;;u`w`a.1u. 1Jt'Ll'UlL. The funeral took place on Sunday. Nov. 4. at 2.30, from her late resi- dence to the [Tnion cemetery. Rev. E. T. Douglas was in charge of the funeral service. For Sa1e--Happ_v Thought wood or nal 1'.'II`|rrn _in trnn nnnrlinn phnna death came on Oct. 29. His many friends in Thornton, Barrie and surrounding country were shocked to hear of the ac- cidental death of Dr. Dan. Henry, on Oct. 26. The doctor and his chauffer started out on a cail and not noticing a turn in the street the car plunged into a ditch, throwing the driver against the windshield and throwing the doctor out of the car against a post, breaking his arm and leg and fracturing several ribs. On further examination it was found that the lung was purmtured and pneumonia set in, and all that medi- cal attention could do was done, but l Iv- Linn... ml. .. AL` 41.- 1...- ` r }.\'m'u'I: 01-` .\m*2.n'.\'rm.\' l<`()lU I I.l-) l"l'l~Il:..~L m-` (.`l'.\I{l)l.\.\'Sl-Ill` . w x : 1 nuuL'UL*,v hP(:I,l(H1 T)'.11ed *.1t`I3a1'1`ie f No\'mn1>ex'. 192:2` I) .... .. 0. ` MRS. ELl.I<}l\' l\lOFl<`.-\'I"[` OBITUARY VII.`- the LOCALS DR. [);\.\'. Hl:`.I\'l{Y Hlrrl . l;J.'.... liuys & .\lur('hi.smI. ` .S'0licilm's for .\ppliuml.; Ll Llllll U4 publicu ll] uvll l< To Let--Unfurnished rooms, heat, iight and water, central location. Apply 48 Bayield St. 38-`