Page Two the (ln1~ Every- nn If 3 OOOOOOOOOOCOOOOQ-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO =CLOTHES---=- g i Dry-Cleaned and Pressed 1 A. I-I1-I-I"!-I nu 11- 1'\`1'I'(1' ru1-'r.1A1.1'1"|1' 'kTl'I'I THIS IS THE ONLY DRY CLEANING PLANT OUTSIDE THE CITY HANDY TO YOU. Dyeing 109 Dunlop Street. Lumber and Wood W. GRACEY & SON ALLANDALE Phone 404---A TruckbWill.Be at Your Service .n.l`l.LVl..f .L\l.l.` .ILl- U\JJ.\lJ. " ALLALS JJJ-UULL .IJuu.J.J.v IXSUR-;\NCE--Fi|-e, Life. Cnslmltyv .l lnte Gloss. .-hltonmbile. '1`ICKlJ'l.` .\(:l~]N'1`--C:Lnadian Pacic Railway and Stezmxship Lines. Like-wise C=.:na1`d, Anchor and .\nchor-Donaldson Lines. Bookings to every part of the world. Service unexcelled. Travel Ill`-.R." D0.\l|XlO.\' EXPRESS HONEY ORDERS Telephones: Olce 183, R(3Si(]L`llf".`: :1`-i9 ' I OPTOMETRIST 38 Elizabeth St.. I'2nw-min AUTO RADIAL SERVICE Thornton, Cookstown, Bond Head, Bradford and Newmarkggt Will leave Cookstown (3.00 .p.m., 7.15 p.m. 1`.`).A 'I`hornton to Newmarket . . . . .. Cookstown to Newx11a.1'ket . . . . . Newton Robinson to Newmarket Bond I~Ieau14 to Nowma.1'ket . . . . . Brmlford to Newmarket . . . . . Ne\vma1'ket to Toronto Tm-onto 0 `I0 9 Goods Called for and Delivered Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention Local and Long Distance Moving ANY\VHERE---ANY TIME O--`IU il..IlI. 5.40 p.m Thursday, Aug. 30, 1923 HAMPTON E. J ORY - King Block, Barrie 2111) .\\'nv_I7i.-n tin-, Pncnnltv. Plate Glass. .~\utmnnh Phone Barrie. 1-13. Next door to Singer Sewing Machine Co. OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE Inch Lumber, 2x4 Scantling, 2x4 Plank, Hard and Soft Wood Returning according to following schedule: -v , ---._-_.`___A. 'ST;\N.~\RD. TIME Thornton at 5.00 p.m. instead 01' 1.00 11.111. .~\1'1'i\*e 5.30 p.m., Newton Rorbinson 5.40 p.m., Bond Head Bra.d1'ord 6.20 p.m., .\'c-\vn1arkel. T00 p.m., Toronto W. FIRTH Newlnzwkct, 9.45 21.111. 7.05 p.m. F.-XRES Th1n'sd:1}', Sept. 13, 1923 Repairing Phone 229. FAIR DAY SPECIALS J.1.`iD d.-Ill. 9.00 pm. Thornton .4: n 1\\ .$1.00 '7: 1*`ren<:-11 Chocolate .1. I \,;u.;. \.;;u~.\_,.\.-.\, Sundae . . . . . . . . .1 Pineapple Fruit Ice f`.., .\1'\'\ r`.x1\nL*1 .1. L1lL(l.lI1ll.\J .L .Lu.Lu .n.\,u Cream Cones . . . . .:)c Uuple Fudge .. .30<: lb. Peanut Ta'y ...i25c lb. ED. BRYSON S Confectionery Barrie store phone 125 Allandale store phone 770. Real Estate Y0u 11 enj0_\/' our French Ice Cream ]3et ro1' be<:2'111se it is made better. H. A. HENRY lhe NrnthvrnAhuann> lwnlunnd 1951} : .\ssm'tcd Chocolates 400 lb. llO.\| l'l>'a - I-`.\li.\l.\' .\l ;\ lll |`I'|` (.'.\lRl)I1}.\'h' Smm- lieu! (inml Buys You n:\tur:IH_\' think 0| \\'|l|`I.\' l'l` I-`.\ Ii.\I.\' .150 may be, he is always ready to give advice. I No matter how shiftless a. In-anl .`l 1:711 pleads : as the The foot that rocked the cradle is now generally found stepping on the accelerator. ` vv`-V -.~v V-`-vw --_ (Founded 1851) - H Published every Thursday morn- ing at the office. 123 Dunlop Street, Barrie. Subscription $1.50 per year in Canada and Great Britain, $2.00 In United States. Subscriptions payable in advance. Advertising _ I'a.tes on applipation. Morrison & McKenzie, Publishers. Traffic noises get on one s nerves, but it isn t the electric horn that affrights us so much as the green- horn. ' ' It matters little to the mine own- ers or the miners how long the coal strike lasts. The puvblic have to pay zuryway. Witli the year ended August 31, 1923, the net debt olf Canada has in- creased by sixteen million dollars. Every known form of taxation is now in force, but still the Govern- ment. is going behind. It is several n10nth~s yet till our hmnicitpzil election takes place, but already we hear street 1'un1o1's that some of the old gang are going to seek re-election. We wonder whether their p1at;f01'm will be What they have done, VVhat they have not done, or What they intend to do. ENTS U - V ? ,._.______._-__-__.._..:.._.,,:. In Great Britain the Government Committee recommends longer hours and smaller pay for civil servants, soldiers and sailors. In this coun- try every few months it's shorter hours and more pay. In Great Britain the national debt is being reduced, `but in Canada it is in- creasing every month. The cause is not hard to nd. The gap between ex-Premier Drury and J. J. hlorrison remains unhritlvged. The Secretary of the U.F.O. is urging the farmers to or- ganize for business purposes, but to drop politics alto:.:ethe1'. Mr. Drnry and his followers are strong on the broadening out progimlt and for political action. It would zuppear that a new party will shortly be or- ganized which will not be in the best interests of any class. As an evidence of what some people go to church for, we cite :1 case from \Vashin:.:ton. The regu- lar Sunday attendance at the Cal- vary Baptist church has fallen off conside1'a.b1y. That was where the Hardings worshipped. President Coolidge, however, goes to the Ii-rsi Coiigwegaiiotial church, and the trustees have had to buy extra chairs to take care of the crowd. Washingtonians never get tired oi looking at the President, regardless of who he is. A leading politician is a man who 1onzla fnr rm:-trv nnitv xvifh himselt. Speaking of the general business outlook in Canada, E. VV. Beatty, President of the C.P.R., sa._\'s: There are some things that Can- ada will require to do without be- ing in any degree pessimistic. One is the most vigorous Govermne.nt economy. The public expenditure must be reduced to a Illlllillllllll in order that our taxes may be reduced and Canada. becomes. 11 more invit- ing country to those whom we ex- pect to attract here." Instead of econom_\' the Government of Canada] is steadily increasing expenditures every month, and instead of taxes being reduced they must increase. _'I`HURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, 1923 Ba1`1'ie's annual fall fair \vill be held on .\Ionda_\', Tuesday and Wed- nesday of next week. The secretary and the directors are busy arraiiging all details to make the fail` a big success. It needs the co-operation oi` the farniers and the business men of the town to make the fair :1 real success. This district can p1'oduc.e the best in live stock, _`.!,I'ZliI1 and \'e_:_:et:1lb1es, well as fruits and flowers. ll` you have anything, in these 01' any other line which you think is sup(=.1'im`, l)1'im.: it to the Barrie fair next \VE()1{. Bring the whole family to the fair, and don't be in a big liurry to get hmnt-. See all tlhat is on exl1ibiti()n and talk to your nei}.;h~b0i's about the best way to improve your stock, etc. It is in this way that the fair nun hn unruln u.'l\I'fh xvhilu ':lC. 11 15 H1 U115 \V':l_V' Lllul can be made worth while. ' elsewhere. The farmers or the prairie prov- inces are endeavoring to institute a new method owl.` n1t1rketin_:: their wheat in the hope of ol)taininr.: more t'a.\'oral)le prices. The co-operati\*e pool without (lovernnient aid, whi'ch is adopted, 111:1) not. have the sired effect of hritiging better prices. The countries that need the wheat t'rn:in the prairies may decide to do \vith less wheat, or tliey may get it There is `.1 movement in the lfnited States to withhold 2t)tt,00n,l)tt0 lnislit.-ls of wheat t'rom the market so as to maintain prices, and the Australian (lovernnivnt is : thinking of hu_vin_: all the (l()lll(-`Slit ! wheat. It is not eucoura5.:- ing to see countries conipztratively pro.=p(-rous trying [0 make it more tlitlleult for less fortunate c.ountrie.< to secure the wheat they so badly need. There is need of more eo- operalion in l)l`lll,L{lll_L{ about a de- mand for our food products frmn the densely povnulated countries of liurope. This alone, will help more than anything else to stabilize prices. (1 0- t l.'n tho Special War Revenue .\c1 -.1 special excise stamp has been issued for u.=.ov on cheques. These are for sale at the customs house and at the bunks. Cheques and re- ceipts will be permined to carry postal stamps until October 1st next, but uftc-r iilmt date no postal stzuiip will be good on any receipts or on any clioqile. The postal auth- orities will not carry letters bearing revenue two cent stamps. These zaumg DO11I1C1aI1 15 2!. 1112111 WllU' for party unity with himselt unit. would be cancelled by the Post Office andthe postage collected on de- `livery of the letter. The banks take the attitude that when the Revenue Act says revenue stamps, it does no.t mean postal stamps, and it` cheques are stamped with a postal stamp after the rst of October, the stamps will be cancelled and the two cents reven-ue stamp collected for each $50. The sale of these excise satmps is at present conned to the banks and the customs de- partment throughout the Dominion. The question of placing them on sale in the oices of other parties with a view to facilitating purchase, is receiving the attention of the Department at Ottawa. It is ex- pected that denite advice will be received belfore October 1st. Any applications by vendors for the sale of excise stamps is being held in abeyzince. They expect, however, some a1'ra.ngement will be made un- der which these excise stamps will be obtained at all stamp vendors. \'IC-TORI.-\.\' ORDER OF NIJIXSES,` BARBIE BRANCH l The usual monthly meeting 01 the Viclorizrn Order of Nurses was held in the Police Court Cl1a1nrber.=_ on Monday, Sept. 10, at 4.30. Dr. Turmbull, president, occupied the chair. There was a. good attend- ance. Receipts from the golf match amounted to $130, but as all the aocounts are not in it is not known \Vlhd.t the proceeds will be. It will, however, leave a. good surplus fO1 the Associzl-tion. 1+ u.-an rlnnirlo H121} rural 'n1nH1nv'c [He .-\SSUC1il'Ll.UIl. It was decided that rural mothers be allowed to and encouraged Lo take advantage of the child welfare clinics every Friday. hr TiH1a ndviand thn nu:-minxv UllIll`C5 E\'Ul'_y 1`lllliL`_Y. Dr. Little advised the meeting that Dr. .\IacDou`ga1 would judge the babies at the fair aI1d that the Vic- torian Order of Nurses would be in charge, assisted by nurses and by zulxiliary helpers. It was arranged to take advantage of the offer 01 space at tihe exhibition for demon- stration ptwposes and for the distri~ bution of literature. Mrs. (Dr.) Turmbull briey re- vit:-\vorl the nI`rnn ulhirlh hn l;ARRIE S BEST LAUNDRY ULILIULI Ul ll\Cl(l.LlIlC. \'ie\ved the arrangements which had been made for Tag Day on the sec- ond (lay 01` I119 fail`. It was decided to have lunch for the taggers in the rooms 01' the Association on Dunlop street. so as to save time and inake it more convenient for the ladies. \H;-u Tnlnnnb 1-nnrl `hnu nnnny-Q fnm ll, IHUIU l.'Ull\K.`llltfuL 1Ul LIIU ldul. Miss Lalcock read her report for the momnhs of July and August as follows. Com~pa1*z11i\'e gures of FSIQDQ ' Bliss Laycock attended the tuber- culosis clinics held at the Royal` Victoria. Hospital. Child welt`z1rc clinics were held each lriday. There was an attendance of 57 bzrbies and tit) molhcrs. She gave lectures to the Girl Guides and addressed the Women s Institute. Miss Laycocl: stated that she had never had a rebuff at any -house she visited. The work is growing steztdily and the number of monthly visits n_1ade answers the question as to whether Barrie needs a Victorian Ordei" Nurse. 1. Complain because the minister does not call as often as you think he ought to. ]<`m';.:(+L that he must prepare two sermons each week, must Inurry the living and bury the (lo-ml, and be all l11i11gs to all men. 0 F`:-Hinivzn hiu l'.nnH\- nunnr-i1|ll\' 1101111, 111111 In: 2111 l11l1I_L',.5 LU 1111 1111111. 2. C1'iI.icize his fami especially his wife. S-.1y she 11111 up too 11111ch 01' his time, she tries 10 run Hm ch111'ch. she is not in sy111`pz1ti1_\' with his w01'l\', she has 100 1111111)` huts. slw 11111 too well 01' 1101 well 0110111411. `E Dnv him :1 1inl:n1"c w:1srp nnrl UllUll_L ,l|. 0 ... Pay him :1 tinker's wage and expvcI a ']`itun`s work, and he sure Ih-.11 hi1'c" is nhvays months he- i him]. 1 I`..H :\ll\1\vV(< Ihul \ l\l| Jinn ! ~l.- Tvll mhors that you don't like him. but Imvor tell him wh_\'. It you mid him, he mi:.:ht show you `wherein you were. mistaken; then .y(m wmlhi hood to iLDf)10_{iZ(.` to him for l2lH(iI1,L hehind his hack. 5. Ci-itici7.o his se1'm0ns. .\`:1_\` 110's I00 old-1';|shi011e(l in t11v()l0g_\', or hv's 100 iihorzil; his sermons are 100 long; hn's too closely C()Illl(.*(1 to his nntvs; hv's tireso-me, stupid. monotmmus. Novel` tell him his ser- mun In-lpnd you; that might I]1(1I\'l' him pul'I`ml up. I: (`.n 1n ammo nth:-1' !'hlll`f'h Im- IIHII ])lllll*ll llp. Ii. )0 10 some othvr churt-.11 Im- causv you don`t like your minister. and heczuusv the other minister is more S(`:XlS:lUOH1l], more tlrmna(i(', more 4-(luculod, more orthodox, nmrv lIOt91`(,)(l0X, more anything else that suits your fancy. H()\V TO KILL 'l'l-ll<} .\I|Nlh"l`| 'I`l1etwe1ve- hour day is wrong in principo. It allows practically no time at allfor the movies. Phone 616. - Five Points Laundry called for ' and delivered ` Prices reasonable .\Vo1'kma11ship guzwanteed on all fmnily washin` UL` ilh Ill` weather. Life is about equally divided be- tween wishing for something you can't afford and wishing you hadn't spet so much last month. | Medical . . . . . . . . . . . Surgical . . . . .. .. . .. Prenatal . . . . . . .\Iiscar1` Obstetrical . . . .. ... Infants of obstetrical An unc- Visits made during H1 nn H1 32 Vlbllb llldklli uunug, month... Infants of obstetrical nnona Ud.bC'I5 Prenatal visits ... Infant welfare Social Service Post natal ... . . . . .. Tuberculosis .... ... Connements attended Operations Night visits Free visits .-\n0ther r\ nu um vn thing: that is goHin_-.; to - as :1 day In June is June The No1'thc1'n ;`Xd\*a11ce July LEM BROS. .319 I 41. .110 August n O 61 1;) 120 l 0660060060000060660006600000060660660660 6000006000000060000 0066060060 0006000060; In the Matter of the Estate of Hanorah Buckley, late of the Village of Phel-pston, in the Coun- ty of Simcoe, Spinster, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 56 of the Trustee Act, R.S.O. 1914, Chap. 121, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of tihe said Hauorah Buckley, who died on or about the twenty-second day 01' July, 1923, at the City of Toronto, are required on or before the {it'- teenth day of October, 1923, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the un- dersi.,-`ned solicitors for the executor of the last will and testament oi` the said deceased their Christian names and surnames. addresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars in \VI`itil lg of their claims and trhe na~ Iure ot` the security, if any, held by them. \...z mi.-.3 nnfina that after such And take notice that after last mentioned (late the said execu- tor will proceed to distritbute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that_ the said executor will not be liznblel for the said assets or zmy part` ._L ;- ......v .-\...:-nu nu vsru-ennc mt` '|`l Shall H1811 nine uu|.u;v_-, uuu \llLt\.: part thereof to any person or persons on whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distri`bution. 4. 0. `I.l.....n-nu`! bllcll ulnllauuuuu. Raulonlnxrst. & I-launmond. Solicitors for Daniel Bucklc,\'. Executor. : Dated at Barrie this tenth day Of "September, .\.D. 1923. 30-3 `umleisignetl on or before the sixth] NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons; having claims against the Estate 01' James Boake, late of tl1e Township of Essa, in the County of Simcoe, Retired l<`arme1', who died on or about the Twenty-Seventh day 01 April, 1923, are requested to send particulars 01' their claims to the rlay of October, 1923. after which (late the Executrices will (listritbute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, ll21\'illg regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and that they will not be responsible to any person foxw the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been re- ceivetl. Tlnnnl lls. . `Dated September 7, 1922!. l`I.|`ZI{K`h' 3 IXG 4 of 192: of lnnislil \'otcr.~.` List Municipality Notice is hereby given that I have transmittetl or (l8ll\'(3l'L`(1 to the pur- sons mentioned in Sec. 9 oi` the On- tario Voters List Act, the copies rc-(1ui1'c by said sections to in transmitted or (l01lV(`l`G(1 of the list made p1n`suanI to said .\ct of all persons appeai'in:.: h_\' the last revised assessment roll of the said n1unici- pality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections 1'01 inuiiihr-rs ol` the Legislative .\ssem- bly and at Municipal Elections and that the said list was first posted up at my otlice at Slrond on the 28th day of .\u::nst, 192:}. and remains there for inspection, and I herel)_\ call upon all voters to take, im- mediate p1'n(-eotlings to have any errors or omissions corrected accord- ing to law. . . ,. n.`.,...1 n.:.. 1001-. rlnv nt Hl;.'. IU Iuw. Dated at Stroud this 12th day of Septumber, 1923. I) \l \l.-l`nnIn.u- A.l`te1' 2111, the designs on 1:11` doesn't matter so much. body has his own designs 0 The Chinese hold travellers to collect. and F1'm1ce hold the Ruhx to collect. but all Ifnce Sam hold.'~ |'1s the bag. NOTICE TO CP-l`}DlTOI{S AND OTHERS to a. bright future must do so with undimmed vis- ion. If his eyes are not per- forming their functions proper- ly he should allow our opto- metrist to test them. Whether they have become weakened from age, from use or from abuse the re111edia1 lenses that will be prescribed will again let you look on the world with the all seeing eye of youth. B MAN who looks fo1'wa.1`d Barrie Gas Company, Ltd. N|)Tl(.`E ' Clerk of nn 1`1-nnr-:1 hnld '- .\'() l`l(`l'} OF I<`ll{.`-VI` l`O.\"|'- 0| \'()'I`l`]l{S' l.IS'|`h' i TO ( RI Donnhi litmus, E.\'ccutriccs' Solicitor, llnrrio. Ont. We beg to inform our customers that Mr. Mccutcheon has resigned as manager of the Barrie Gas Co., Ltd., and that we have appointed Mr. E. A. Hills of Toronto to that position. . M. .\l('.(`onke,v, the .\I11nicipa1i1y at E2: 2` islil. Mr. Hills has had a number of years experience with the Consumers Gas Co. of Toronto and has been Secretary of the Canadian Gas Association for some time, so that with this ex- perience we anticipate that- the good service we have rendered in the past will be improved on in the future. 0. R. Rusk, QPh.D. t\I'\VI'Il'\I rrnnirr I