Verandah an-d Living-Room Furni- ture and Garden Seats at Toronto prices. Felggggtwgses A. E. SMITH L)`ollu.WlH. Second Class Hono1`s---.\Ia1'y Pat- ton, Pearl Kochyberg, Victor Berry, Jim Terry, Earl Stevenson, Gordon Wood, Rachael H-agan, Dora Jay. Orville Kashner, George Trimble, Cameron Clute. Dunn T\n..n+'hu 'Dh1:'la1l A nrn U'dU1t`I'U1.l uxule. Pass--Dorothy Ridden, Davis. DnnAv11I\\nmAAl` (`Han Recommended-A1ice Harrisog, Hugh Fraser, Eddie Ambrose. -0n;_;. 1.-I<`i1'st--Class H011- T)nf6o I'1m1o\'i(>\'(-`.- {.-~Ii1`s1-Class H011- .. r\I\ 'I`hnvmn=r.\n Page Seven or 12 days Inn -u r|I'I'\`H1- Pzlrk. Hazeu sk, Ilene F011,. _\I:1.be1 Riddelul. Annie Mr. V. Meeking, children's treat, 51; Mrs. VV. A. Ross, 8 jars fruit, bool:s; .\Irs. Webber, 2 baskets on- ions; Mrs. E. Wilson, books; .\Ir. Harry Smitth, pair rocking horses; Mrs. T. B. Rodgers, 4 jars fruit; Mrs. Webb, Allandale, 2 jars fruit, 2 girls dresses; .\L1's. Sprott, cloth- ing, Ib. butter; .\Ii's. Geo. Brown, jar jelly, 5 jars fruit; Mrs. West, clothing; Mrs. A. J. Sarjeant, cloth- ing; St. Paul's church, cake; Mr. Turner, 3 jars fruit; .\I`l`S. Ross, 1 .jar fruit; R.V. Hospital. S{1l1dt\ViChES and cake; Dalston Ladies Iinstitute, 2 pair mitts. 2 boys shirts, 3 jars t`ru~i-t; .\Irs. Ttlrnbull, 13 jars fruit. The Executive 13021111 'd,DDl`eCl21I0 very much every gift that has made the \\'OI`1( so much easier for us, and the time so much lmppiei` for the children. Lin.-n 1': n anrrvrnann r\I' :`H11hF|l'l DONATIONS T0 CHILDREN'S SHELTER DURING J ENE Some people find sot`-t soap 21 grew help in cleaning up a fortune. You can judge yourself fairly by sizing up your enemies. People never really hate their inferiors. mu _ . -___._:._i.. :._ .....1`:4.'....I A.-.1A;~ utvcn lC(l.lI_y nun uu... ;.............. The uncertainty in poldtical elds may be due to the fact that multi- plication of leaders has left none to qualify as followers. I o.mvv. REIR ITTI 11111 V I\`l"I) It"l`l'\I) C V V U - FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMB.-`LLMER Open day and night Phone 218. 47 Elizabeth St. The Northern Advance UL` llillu LU will mean life, and 3 the lady. I it can be 1-3.. I... .\Ia1`jorie v_\IcBride, Stanley Fitzger- ald, Jean Lay and Lilian Russell equal, Howard Morrison. Qnr-nn (`JAQQ J-T.nnnI'S--- (`,h;1rlle PROMOTION EX.-\.\lIN.-\TlO.\'S BARRLE PL'BLl(.`- SCHOOLS Felt Mattresses, ` $7.00 up equal, howaru I.\10rr1s011. Second Class `I-I.ono1's-- Charlie Hepburn, Jack Beattie, Vioxlet Barth, Wesley . I`ho1nas and Father How. equal, Helen Nixon, Haxrold .VIere- di`th,.Jean Vzanatter, Jim Ca.meron, Louis Vair, Sarah Levit, John Ord, Ruth Brother, Charlie Jacobs, Dick Robinson 1.)nr|3 DnrRnI1 I-Inrcf -And Datrir-in .H.0`DlnSOIl.~ Pass~-Borden -Hurst and Patricia .\Iyers equal, Oswald .\Iil1er, Edna Urry, Gladys -Ma,rrio t, Margaret Big- gar, Claude Sylvester, .\Iary Ferris, } George Hicks. 1 Recommended---Beatrice Urry. 1 Jr. III. to Sr. III.-1<`irst-Class Honors-Vernon Marlale, Margaret Hubcbard, Ellaurice t.\IaoLaren. Lorna .\IcFadgeon, Helen Gauley, Gordon Sylvester, Harriet Hart, Edith Exell and Jean McKenzie equal, David Jzunieson and Esther Luck, equal; .~\rcl1ie Barth, -Lenore Simpson and Lucretia Rowe, equal; Helen Rollitt, James G`0od=win, w.\Ia.ry `Crew and Ida Lipovitch. equal; Jack .Br11mm-91 and Reggie Gray, eqmul; Jack C-a':lighem, Isaac Weldon, ~En1eI`s0I1 'B1,Lnilll1_\'llt . L`(\nI\v\ ( TJr\v1r\!'u_-.nnQQl0 Rvnilh, Isaac weluon, ~tun1e1`suu 'l)?,LHiluI_\11v:. Secon Class H0110rs---Bessie Smith, Beatrice Hewitt, lranl< Gorylwiti, .-\tho11s Bakogeorge and Irwin Jack- son, equal; George R0bm`t.~'uu, (lor- rlon Tomliiison, Jean .\lcDunalLl and Robert t_\larri0tt. equal; Uer)1':.:e .\iay11e, Mary )IcDou:all, Agiles Bavl DoroLhy Te-e.:(lz1le, Norma. Cubitt-Nichols. Pass-Vera v.\Ia_vs, Geo S1)dl1lS. Re-commenrled--Earl Pmiit ti-ll.) S1`. III. .to J1`. IV.---l~`i1'st-Cl:Lss H0no1`s--Philip Beatttie, D0u:.:1zts Smith. Helen '1,\!e\vtna11, David .\I:u`- R16, Fred Baughman, Thelma Tees- dale, Jothn Lay, Betty Nelles, "Helen Dufn, Jean Ba1l21nt_\".1e, Dorothy Scythes, Edith Jamiesurl, Edith Hl1b`bE1l`d, Pliylllis .\icLezui, Harold Torcliff, Gladys Corbett, Lewis Cor- betL . emu ,1 m .1 cc T-Tnn nv~:_-Mz1'.'9a1`et bett. Second Class I-In11ox's-~.\Ia'.':a1`et Walsh, Harry -Burderte, Mac Mc- Corkindale, Geo1'5.:e Jamioson, John Hewitt and .v\H)ert Rir:har(ls011 equal, Wallxvin Fishm`, Victor Hurt, Chur- lie Brown and Clifford 17rry equal, .\I21r_v Irluxtable, Charlie (`.arm,-1'. Home ,,,hnrmhv (`.ns1nn. Olive lrluxtame, Lznzmie .a.1-;u-1. Pass--Do1`oLl1y Caston, O'Connor, Newton Nash, Cora Brown. Doris .\`n1a1't, =.\Im'iel Nash, Helen .\IcConl I-Iz11'\'ey i\Icl\'enzie. Recon)mended--\Vil-lie .\lay110. J1`. IV. `to S1`. IV. First Class Honors-Dona1d Billingsley, Herl3ex't .\Ia1`l Constance Hardy, Stewart, Brown, Leone MacDonald, Lewis Ortl, Neil .\IcBx`i(le, Anne O1`(l. Second Class H0no1's--.\lan Gard- ner, Beirtha Horton, Ruth Bunt, .-\1'thu1' Richardson, .\Ii1(ll`3i1 Hux- tazbile and Isadore Levit equal, Glad,\'s McBride, Mac Wellwood, Hugh \Va1lace, Helen Luck, \Vulte1` Wilson, Violet Brown, Ruth Hough- ton, Arthur Livingstone and Billie Wolfenden equal, Sidney B-all, Isobel Smith. Doa=__Vir-fnr Rich-asrls. Dora Smith. J.'1.&*JUa1| vv Cuu, gym; uu......., Pass--Vict0r RiC11` Jack .\IcDou:.;a1l, Bobby Dyment, Ar- W'est, `Ra;_vm~ond Bishop, Clair Webb, thur Wardman. Lillian Robertson, ClifI'0I`d BI`0W1'1.. Rec()n]mended.__\1a,be1 Foster, A1- Recommended-Haze1 3\IcBr:de, ma Ty;-er, Edith shepperd, Evelyn Tuck. Sr. 111. to Jr. IV.-Sec0nd Class ----- Honors--Gertrude Jones, Winnifred PRINCE OF WALES SCHOOL Apnleby. equal. Pn=:__(`.In~i:1inn. 'I`hm'ntm1. Orma Jr. Pr. to Sr. 1 r.--Li1lian Rusk, Alice Green, Ruth Scott, Jacquiline Stoneham, Helen Stezb-`bings, Pete Penny, Biluly Jacobs, Howard Mc- Keever, Harold Stephenson, Free- man Bumstead, .-mberdeen Bum- stead.- 1.. 13,- ('n .Qr' Pr-,__I-'{p1o.n Urrv. stead.- Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr.--He1en Urry, Maxbel Sugg. Edith Zeihr, Muriel Rainey, Pear] Starr, Eileen Wooland, ` Gladys Grant, Lola Mccutcheon, Ivan Ellicott, Alrphrred Nye, Bo-bvbie Parr, Arthur Craxwford, Eddie Stans- man, Olayton White, Derrick Kent, Lloyd Batlersby, Claude Phipps, Henry Wallwin, Lloyd (Eook, Stan- ley Rommereld, Frankie Glen, , Wallace Coutts. Q In on 11- T._1`h-st (`.1n..=.s-Hon- Wallace uouus. Sr. Fr.` 10 Jr. I.--First Class Hon- ors--Bessie )IcCon1 Rea Kel- cey, )Iar.:aret l3a1lant;.'ne and Fannie Hurst equal, Jack Moodie, Net-tie Butler, Mark Robinson, Ru-th Bed- well and Ernest Wildman equal, Grace lsaacs, Kathlen !Grantan Geo ge Ki5.;l1tIey equal, Eileen God- frey, Verona A-ppleby. Ellen Thorn- ton, Cora Perkins and Clifford Raine) equal, Dvaid Poole. Qar-nn CHIQQ II-Tl10l`S-:ISf]_`hen (Continued `from page six) .|.'.|.1'L1.V.I..r".I.'\JJ.V .111. d\JJ.\a.I. " LX111; LJLUUA, .I.Jcw.:.:.u I.\'.'H`l'R.-\`.\'CE-I`ire, Life. (,`:is;1z\Ity. Plate Glass. ;\ut0mobile. '1`ICKE i` .~\(il.\"l`-~Canadia.n Paciiic Rzxiiwzty and Stezmisiiip Lines. Likewise Czznard, Anchor and .v\nc1ior-Donaldson Lines. _Bo0kinz.s to every part of the world. Service unexcelled. Tmvel C.P.R. nn\n\'In\' I.`\'nl2I.`_Q \l(`I\'l<`.V (IRDRRSI Kinney '(1l1U, uvalu ruuxe. Second Class II-Ionors Isabel! Hobbs, Edna Hawkins, George Cook, Burclett Simmons. n..,....nom1 nn nu-m vnnrL'< honing 15z1l`C1eII. 511111110115. 1 l 1'omo1e(1 on term marks, being ill at time of exami11a1i0n--'\Vil`1iam Stncliffe, .\Ia1`gz11'et Lowe, Glen Kell. Dnnnmnmn:1ml_(Thm1in .'\`immnns_ .S1HC11He, .\1a1'gz11'e.L 1.u\\r:, umu 1\I:u. Recommen(1ed-Cha1'1ie Simmons, Ernest Osborne, Lucille Barkelz ` l.`:nr~.l Dncnhc Q1` 1)!` in II` T__ 1-Jrnest UsDUI'nv:, 1Au:uu.- 1)iu1\t:A. Final Results, Sr. Pr. 10 .11`. I.-- First Class Honors--Velma Bundy, Jack .-\r1ett, Ruth C1`ai:.;, Cecil `Howe, Jack Stewart, Dorothy Fairwell, Ethel Harris. Stanley Robson, E1- don Ie1'.;uson, Roy Grant, Clzlra Stephenson. Qnnnnll (`121-ac T-Tnnnr.:---~(`.:mhutt slepnenson. Second Class I-Ionors--G-anbutt Smith. l uss--E1`hel `Beach. 111 during exuminati011s-E`1sie Gray, Roy Gray. n 1 an RV T--_1`ir, Class Hon- UI`a}', hioy Lxrzly. J1`. 1. to S1 . I.---First Class Hon- o1's~-Vorm1 Aconley, Luella .\lim1i- kin, Ernie Nye, Cleorge Bowles and Hilda Cole equal, Albert Thm'uton, Irene Etherington, George Simmons, Billie .-\i'n0t1, Teddy Robinson. Second Class Hono1's-Ella Sand- ers, Seymour Johnston, James `Har- ris, Helen Sutherland, Francc-s Bat- Lersby, Lorne Fei-guson. TJI-nn1nfn11 nn cm-m mark: hping ill Iersny, Lorne reI'f.;L1sUu. Promoted on term x11arks, being ill during e.\'z1minatious---Jimmie Reyn- olds, Allan El:1icott. Cr 1 on Tr IT __T`h-at l".ln=c T-Tnn- 0l(lS, .;\lll1 LHICOLL. Sr. 1. to Jr. II.-First Class Hon- ors--.\Iadene -Dollery, Dorothy Bro-wn, Margaret McFadden, Albert I\IcP`adden, Billy Girdwood, Pearl Campbell, Fraleigh Jones, Clifford Sanders, Helen Parr and `Chester Lavery equal, Ivy Myers, Richard Heppleston, Margaret Hook, Gordon Armstrong. I Qcmnn Flue: T-1nnnr=__.\/Tannin R10. |A!'mSII`0I1g. Second Class Honors---.VIossie Mc~ Cutcheon, Robert Urry, Frances Bennion and Ruth Johnson. Qh-.'l,- /hn-u'nrr ax-nn1inntinneiQfnn- . HAMPTON E. J ORY King Block, Barrie urn \\'l`1.` 13. .-n I ifn, (`nn{\lt\`. Glass. _-\ut()n]ob uennxon ullu ruuu auuuauu. Sick during examin21tions-Stan- ley Bryson. Do ra rlrnkk Jr. II. to S1`. II.--20 pupils were promoted from this class last Janu- ary--First Class Honors-Nor111an Shannon, Jack Smith, Lulu Hevner, Gordon .King. Qonnnd (".1-ac: H nnm's---Billv Hare. Gordon Jung. Second Class Hono1's--Bi11y Hare, Elmer Stebbings, Albert Theakston, Graydoll Ca111`p`bel1, .\'ei1 Uclnnis, .\Iax Alexander and 'l`omn1y Hare equal, ..\Ia1'ie Battersby and Grant Brown equal, Margaret Jones. `Da::__(`.\hnr1nt1'p Scott. Maurice ):iI`OW11 equzu, mu.1`_`._',un~:L uuuca. Pass--C`har1otte Scott, Kelland, Doris VVinte1'-bottmn, Ina. Stoneham and Norlnau Theakstou equaL T-2 or-nm m on d pd--Ja`ck LOWG. Henb- equaL Reco1nmended-Ja~ck Lowe, ert Dyment, Clark Ayers. Sr. II. to Jr. III.--7 pupils were promoted -from this class last Janu- ary-First Class Honors-C1ara Camubell, Ellen Bowles and Robert O1`I`0C1{ equal, Helen Arnott, Janet Russell, Douglas Czunpbell, Pearl Cooper. Qpr-nnrl mass Honors--Lue .-\(lams, Uooper. Second Class `Honors--Lue Florence Raine)-`, Bert Cook, Ruth Crumb, .\Ia1`y Johnston, Clam Per- kins, Mary .\l`cConkey, Myrtle Rogers, D\ ely11 Lowe. John Lavery, 1-`neda Dunn, Gilbert Bogardis, Jack Rogers, Dorothy Johnston. p-,.==_,.Rv~nm> '.Inhn.ston. Do1`oth_v Dorothy Jonnstoln. Puss-~ Johnston, Bryson, Jack Butler, Luqra Hursl, Alex. Cleland and George Penny and Stephen Steb:bi11gs equal. 1:2m-nmnmndpd---CorzL Quamz, mepneu DLUU:uu15: cqua Recomn1ended---Cora C]1Ll.l`1ie Hurst, Alex. Lowe. an n tn 11- HI__ equzxl, UE`:\V'211(l .\1ct,`1euu1u1. 1 ass~-l"reddie Kelland and Eva Dodd equal, Victor '}0ring, Charlie Dunn, Jean .\I ` Lnrnr-\ Ad-.mus. D nnnvn I\\ an 1] u l)iLl'L UL LHU \\UlllA. I)L.AVl\1\/ uu~...~.\...... D().\llNl0.\ EXl`llls`.SS MONEY ORDERS Teloplmnes: Olce I83, Residence 549 UU1111, Jean .\l`k}\/uL\.'A|\:uu. Reconlmended Lorne Norma Cole, Laura .\I'.11'tin, \Vi1ey. Iv `HT tn Sr, III.-~1*i1'st Wiley. J1`. III. to S1`. III.-~1 i1'st Class H0nors-Ruth _\Io.\Izu'1in, Henbert Foster, Iva Cole, Joe Bailey, Mary \ 1` ubutl , 1 Wallwin. I unnnnn I Wallwm. Second Class Ho1101`s--~Bob Pow- ell, .\udrey Foster, Bob Coubett, Austin .\lc1{ni:.;ht, Edith Hawliins, Lloyd Partridge, Aland )IcDou:.;u1l, Rae Pu1t'o1'd, .\u(.11`ey Hook, Wixmie Smith, Jean Garne-1', Clair Tomlin- nnn son. Pass-R0ss Turnbull, Kenneth Brown. .\larjo1'ie Smith, Clara Dodd, .\1ari0n Twiss, Jean Webb, Eileen .\1'ms11'0ng, Ba1`bz11`a Couch, Roy Kightley, Jean Coutts, Elma .\lc- lieown. n,mnm....3mImI _ nnnv Rnhs()11_ Keown. Recommended Betty Robson. Chrissie Scott, Mary Gofton, .~\.f1'e(l Liscumb. 1.. Hr fn Qv TH ._TTirf Class Liscumb. J1`. III. to Sr. III.-First Class H011o1`s~.\1urie1 Smith, Frank Erh- e1'i11gLo11. qnnnn :1 (Tins; Ho11o1`s---Les1ie eriugion. Second Class Hook, Sidney Patterson, Charlie Isaacs, Rosie Gofton, Bruce Wilson, Kathleen Reid. Dunn Tnnn xvahh npnv Rnwmnn_ namleen nem. Pass-J0an Webb, Betty Bowman, ... '1`\'V9!\I` Vrlith Qhonnnr Apmeoy, equal. Pass~-ChrisLina. Thornton, Orma Johnston, James Hadden. Recommended-Wi1la Jebb. Sr. 111. to Jr. Class Honors-Haze1 Appleby, Fred An- derton, Harry Partridge, Ruth Rob- inson, .\Ii1dred Walls, Grace How- croft, Gladys Keenan, Jack .\Ic- Quarry. Qnr-nnrl (`Jane T-1 nnnr:__T<|:in 1-Truu- SPECIAL} Second Class Honors-E1sie How- crot, Clifford Garrett, Lorne Jacobs, Irene Garvin, Norma Pulford, Thel- ma. Reid, VVil1ie .\IcKeown, Tom Bo- gardis, .\Iona Beat_ty, Howard Craig, Melrose Partridge, Harvey Lines, Doris Lines, Nervile Thealiston, Bert Johnson, Helen Couch, Gwendoline \Vooland, Billie Moodie, Alice Lavery, Esther Gray. 1"ass--Billy Dyment, Alice .\Ieel<- 11ms, .\rt.hur Hclienzie, Mamie Beach, Roy Wiles, Ralph Cooper, .-Xlexander Penny, Archie Tliompson. Goldie Coulter, Ema Watson, Norval Luck. Dnnzunuxnnrln/I 17:1:-In Qvnh T.n1n uucn. Recommended-Ea1'1e Smith, Lola Coulson. 'Dnnnrnvnnv-u`ln:'l nn nnnnnnf nl ill- UULUSUII. Recommended on account of ill- ness--Estelle Gray, Cathzlrine Sham non, Jean Lowe. Tr 1V in Cr 'lV._T`ir=t (Tins: 11011, J82.lI1 .l4U\'VE. J1`. IV. to Sr. 1V.-I`irst Class H0nors--Beat1'ice .\Ic.\IasIe1', Ilda _\IcC1e11and. Qnnnnzl (`Inca '| .Tnnnv-2 LTcx1on (lav- J _\1Ul.z1\'. ll'clIlU. Second Class I-Im1ors-Helen Gar- ret-t, Franceg Hurlburt, Elizaibeth Padglianl, Velma Orok, Enuna Bal- lan1yne, .\Ia1`ion Scott. Neil .\IcKen- zie} Kathleen \Vebl), Allan Tri-bble, Ru-by Hounsome, Thehnu Wice and Angus .\IcNz1bl) equal, Phyllis .\l,\'ers, Ethel Hines and Vera Lyons equal, N01-ma (luthrie, Be\'ei'1e_v Redditt. Ruby Adanis and Donald Janiieson equal, \V'altei' Brown, Annie John- ston. Laura \V,vant, Jennie Dodd. Jean .\Ia1`sh:1ll, Harold Bryson and J. D. Clellantl equal. Doris S`1ewz1r1, Evelyn Aitcllison, Evelyn Johnson. I 21ss---E\'el_\`1i l{iL'liIle_\`. Reconiinended -- .\Iai'y Tribhle, .-\(lznn .\lcl{enzie. `L`)nnnnnuon:lp:1 nu '11-rvnnnf nf mini.`- l;\(lZ1H1 .\J(.'1\(:`IlZlU. Recommended on account of sick- |ness--.\n11ie Russ-:e11. Kinde1`ga1'te11 to Jr. P1`i111m'_V-- Ralph Ambmsc, Jack Arnolt, Rus- sell Bates, Annie Dl'llWOI`tll, *.\Iax`_\' Terry, .\lar:.;uere1ta Gartner, Douglas Harvey. `Frank Hun`, S1)1`ay Kivell. Leigh Keitch, Irene I\'irl<, Eric Le- Gear, Firman .\I:."hews, Kathleen Miller, Alana Riddell, Betty Scott, Cecil Sharpe, George Sntcliffe, Raxllph Tlronlpson, Jean \Va.llier, Les- lle Willialms, Bruce Wilson, Ross Wilson, Laura Calvert. 1 `Dr on Cw D. 13.-z-+,l"`l`n:~;~ Ill. 1'1. lU Cl. 17X.-'1`l|bI.`L;l`Ll Honors--~E1aine White, Bertram Pitchford, Reggis Wilson, Ida Logan. Alfred Lainson, Helen Pringle, _-\l- vin Storey, `Gordon Ferguson, Alllan Park, Edna Kinsella, Horace Barn- ard. Minnie Looker, Vvillie Robins; Ralph Mushette, Bert Fell, Victor Allen. George Kinsella. KING ED\V.v\ RD SCHOOL J 1'. 1I'I.--1i 1'51 Ciuss .1,I umhh T-hznhiu FURNITURE ! llld \./d.l\l'.`l l. 10 Sr. Pr.--Fi1'st-C1wass lninn \`UhHn Tlnuvu-nnu :5 I:'(1u'u. --Cora Quamz, Tilley, 11'ed .~\dan1us,, .\1a3'dee O\\'E.\' SOUND 'l`0 H.~\\'I NEXT I`RESBY'l`ERI;\.\' .-\SSE.\lBLY Owen Sound is elected as the place of meeting of the General As- se1nb\1y of the P1'es'byle1'ian church in June, 1924. The gathering is one of the largest held by any church body in Canada, the usual attendance being about 600. These are d1"1i\\'11 fmni Presbyteries in all parts of Canada from Yukon 10 Nova Scotia. rmm \m:nn\hI\` mm; 10 Scotia. The Assembly lasts 10 and the delegates must be accom- modated for that time. These dele- gates are both nxihisters and lay- Inon and are amongst the inuential ministers anu l'd._y- men and are amongst men in their cominwnities.` Many of them will visit Owen Sound for the first time. . 'T`11n n1:x\l'C v-nnr-had the city early The news reached the on Tuesday evening in :1 te egram `from Rev. P. '1`. Pilkey to .\la_\'01` 1-Iurrie, which stated briey that the invitation of Owen Sound to have the General Assenibiy meet here in 1924 had. been u11anin10us1_v accept,- A/I Second Class H011o1's---.\Iy1`t1e N0- `xill, Eileen Kettle, Catherine l" er, 1so`be1\\"ats011, Clam Spc-urn, I a11'icia. .\la.nn. May Henson, (x'0\'ur 1{usl1nex', Fred >Spea1'n. n..m. 1..nL- 1)',\Iff\I1 \IiMre(1 ~.\IC- l*`1'e(1 >:5\pearn. 1 ussJack Patton. Mildred Gregol`, Marion Clme, (}eo1":._,-`e Pouch- or An up-to-date stock of Sr. 1'1`. to J)`. 1.-~1'1x.m-um..m um. o1`s--Bi1!,\' `Scott, .\I`il,I'011 Tho1n~ps0u.. U1z1d_\`s Thmnpson, ,\1H.vl) I u1'ke1' and Ella .\IcQu:1de gaqual. Hvnbi'e '1-110m.[)- son, .\Ia1',gu1'et \VhiIe and .\Ii1dred Taylor equal, `xrucc C0ckl)ur11, Dun- .\IcQu:1ue ptluzlx. nvmn_- Cockhur aid Booth. q,.,m...: rm. 1-Immr;<;C Booth. Second Class }I0m)1'; .\Innm, Jean I 1'i11.;1e, Gi.`_he1'1 Bum- ton, Irene Storey. nna=,_\1x-an nnwnn, Marion Park. Storey. Pass--.\1\'in -Bowen. Recommpndetl on z`.C('()llnt df ill- `11ess-)1zu'ion Long. 1.. 7 fn Q1` l.._|<`i1'_ J1`. 1. 10 hr. 1.-rx1m--x,m.m um. 01's-Winnifred Potts, Genevieve `Watt and Trueman .\nd-_>1'son, equal; Billie Pratt, .-\1'.l11urler1`y, Bilie .\I:11`sha1], .\l2u'ion Newmzm, Earl Hunter. Cr\nr\v\r` rung; 1,1,," m.S,_Gemu_:E. Second Class 1-1onors~Geor:e Greenisde, Hi`-llis Hamilton, lrone Sinclair, Emerson Reynolds. 1 Groenside. Norman .\I1mro, Willie Poole, C1i1`l ord Sin- clair, Jack (libson. `DDr-nnnnr:n:lr2rl_---l.0l`f1lI1 I{GitCll, Clan`, Jam: \v1uau.u. Reconnnended--rL01'aine .\Iossi0 .\lz1_:10uL:l1l(-n, Bessie B2181 . l~`1'ed Stacey, \Vil2`red Howe. .\Izu'- shall C1'z1.wf0r(l, Jimmy *.\lcl31'idc-. On occounl of illness-Bol) whoagun. Sr. 1. 1.0 .11`. lI.~l~`ir.~:t Class H0n- ors-~G1*ace Wlalker, Jack Hurr and Lavina W21-{son equal, Bessie Blath- ews; ICla1`ence Baldxxi, Kenneth. .\Izmn and Rosebud Ardell, equal; (leor5.;e Walson, Lena Harris; Evelyn Peck, Mildred Gibson and `Lloyd Kinsellla, equal; Lazwrence Green, .\1ary .\lcCausland, Jean Wilson. Second Class \Hono1's--Bertie Hagan, Bertie Wilson, Jianet Warn- ica, Eric Kettle. Edna Greenside, Lloyd Walker, Clark Appleton, Mar- , ion Spearn, Tommy Webb, Helen _ Blain, Bob Semmens, \Valte1' `Ferry. Pass--E(ldie Reid, Allice Barnand, _ Harold St. Clair, Hazel Stunden, Stephen Odgen, Bessie Gibson. , Recommended--G1`egg Coulson, Willie Hogan. Donnn1n1nnr1ca ll E1CCOUnt. Hogan. . Recommended on account of 111- ness~-Gi1bert Lee. 1.. n in av 11 .__17ir=f (";1n.:.=.1I-I011- lJSS---Gil`D`I`L LEG. ` Jr. 11. to Sr. II.--Fi1'st Class `Hon- ' ors--.\Iarion Wisdom, Maabel Wil-- liams, Helena Poucher, 1No1:ma.~ Poucher, Evelyn Hill, Ethel :;\Ic- Quade. Qannnd Class Hono1`s-- Hazel Quade. Second Class Thom.p'son, Georgie Brown, Reta. Crawford, Winnie Blogg and vZ\Iau1'ice' Park equal. ' Qimngnn. Viola H-a1u~- CARPETS LINOLEUMS ETC. FURNITURE l"3.I'K equal. Simpson, Viola i-lton, Isobel Reid, Bert Hooper, Clarence Danvelts, Harold Brunton, Kenneth Mccabe, Dorothy Ferguson, Anneta Scott. Recommended-~Gordon North. Recommended on account of HT- ness-Phyl1is Harvey. Qr 11 m Jr III._T`irst, :(`.121ss ness-rnyu1s nurvey. Sr. 11. to Jr. III.-~First lCIass Honors--`.\Iurie1 Watt, Lloyd Mor- rison, Bertha Hogan, Ronald S1. Clair and `Florence i\Iille1' equal, Idarl .\lz1rsl1all, Jack Clemmens, Jean Shear and Ernest Baldwin equal, Verona Sim-mons and Elsie Ellis equal, Ruby Drake, Arcliie '\V'atl, Garrett Patterson, Norine 1'-`i1`- man, Jack Osborne, Jim Miller, El- mer HO(gS'0I1. Qnnnn (`Inna TJnnnI'=_.\nnpq IIUJY f1UU_. ,SUll. Second Class Hono1's-.-\gnes Reynolds, vBe1'tha Ga1'side, Helen .\IcB1'ido and .\1`f1'e(1 Tomplcins equal. Szlrah \Vz1I1win, Hazel Richa1`dson, Gordon Pratt, Bernice Thompson, Harold `Riddull, .\Iz11'jorie .-\mbrose, G-0r(l Ellis and Eddie I-Iagan equaxl, Elma Henson, Claude Sharpe. Rae Looker, Victoria Bz11'nzu'd and Eva I3a1'na1'd equal. .~\1`11-.111 North. Helen I-Iedgrer, Ellen L0n5.;11ursl, Verna. Green, .-\]ex. Terry, Jimmie Webb. 17:1:-L` r`<.h.n-Inna. T7-11": T-Tn-nan \VU`|)U. P:Lss-C'hzu'lotte Edge, Gem'._:e T1`-ask, 11 Grant .\Im1criel'1', `.(.~<)rgL-na Spearn. Dar-nnnnnnrlr-4L-.'FT\'n TAO! kIL`(JI'{.L`H'd. DI)(."dI'll. Recolmnemlt-d--Eva L _'.:21.n, Elea- nor Brown, Stuart St. Clair, .`.\Ia1`- -?.11'et, Ra)'X]G1'. 'Pnr\nnunn:un!n4l nn vnr-nnnnf n!` H]. 3-;il l L'.`L I111) llL`l'. Reconunended on `account 01' ill- ness~A\V. E. .\IcI{im1ey, L. D0he1'1)', Nommn Bates. 1 `IT! on 31- III Qnnnn.-1Al"luc:: x\UI'lIlilIl 1511185. .112. 111. to Sr. III.---Second-Class I~1on01`s-~.\11hz1. l arker, Everett. Sharp, Campbell .S.po_-11111, L:1\v1'enc2x Ferguson and Genmge Hook equal, Wallace HG(1_ ._0I`, Dorothy Spring- ham. Dunn KY1:-inn I').>.uv-r.lH`|`n TJnr1n1 llillll. Pass-Norine Rowoliffe, I-Iazel C1`a.w1'01'd. `l)nnnn~.~..up....`l~;] -'1-\Is`v Clan`.-. 1 \Jld4\V|Ul|_l- Recommended-Jack Steele, A1- vin I-Iamilton, Kenneth Rayner, Donald Blogg. Q1` HT tn Ir IV'__.TT`ir:f (1121:: uuuzuu D1055 . S1`. 111. to J1`. IV.--First Class I~Iono1's---Haro1d Stacey, I-`anny Kochberg, Pa1~`ker :1\Ic.\Iil1an, Roy Baldwin. L`:-.nnu-`.1 (W14...-. "_Tr\v1r\v~n \T.-nun 1).`! "'!That is beaten, lwzttell 3 \'er_\' ow on:-n pr w0`m(-n | 1w1'ivnc:- (me bub un(_I the