Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Jul 1923, p. 3

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Phone 441w. Shop 1028. Page TIiree~ ' Dyed COUNTER CHECK BOOKS We can supply them in any style or quantity. LEDGER SHEETS All kinds and styles to fit your binder. We carry a largestock of all kinds of Legal Forms. LAW FORMS JOB PRINTING When you Want it and the Way you Want it. The Advance Office Phone 53 Special Bargain} . Ul Ul(lH_L'.K' i :1 Sh()\\'E`I' and lilies- r, cousin oil 1. and wore lrI\`\I0r\ uvi r In UL `V tulle ELECTION 01'` EARL RO\VE POPUL.-\R I.\' SOI,"I.`H SIMCOE The largest reception` ever given a member-elect in South Simcoe was accorded Earl Rowe in Bradford on .\Ionda_v evening of last week. Start- in_:; from Beeton, they carried him aloft in an arm chair, liolding a large I, n-ion Jack. The procession, headed by the hand, paraded Main and Centre streets. First he called on his mother at Newton Robinson, where a crowd of over five hundred received a warm Welcome. .~\t`ter a pro_:ram of speeches, interspersed by selections by the band, the large assenrhlage left for Bradford, where an immense torchliglit procession marched to the music of Beeton brass band to the town hall. Find- ing it too small, they adjourned to the Queen's Hotel. The speakers oc- cupied the verandah, and the vast crowd (estimated at 2500), which lled the street, listened to stirring addresses. .\Ir. Cooin:hs acted as chairman._ He rst called on .\lr. Rowe (`Earl's father), who thanked `the crowd for the hearty suppont ac- corded his son. Then Earl himself thanked his friends for all their work and h'elp given him in the cani- paign, pledging himself for service to his friends and also his toes. Short, pithy and appropriate ad- dresses were also delivered by Mes- srs. VV. J. Bell, D. H. Coleman and H. \\'. Carter. added much to the happy occasion. Closing , the band played God Save the Kinfz," and all went home happ_\`. Beeton brass band- S'l'.\l.\ll'l` l..-\l)1' (.`Ol.ll<]l{H IHC.\'l` I}.\lil{ll`] ON l.O(`.\L I.lNl{S; D ElC`\'C`1l 121(1) _40lJl'm`s from tho Sunnlnitt (lolf Club, Toromo. visited the Barrie links on I-`rlclay, June 2`, and (lefeated the Bar1'i(- ladies li.'_.~l1.. Lunch was served at one o'clock in the spacious dining room at tho club house and followed by Llu. match. The scores were: Mrs. Mulholizimi 0 Miss .\Irs..\[om'eiiouse 0 .\i1-5'. Miss Mi11s..... .`_. Mrs. Bi}.r_J.Li`. . .. 1 )1 `_ `. .\I1's.G1".1n1. . . .. 1 Miss \Iip-n "r|Y)1-:1 n 1 Miss . \I ig:- ' V J) l.`` \ ?.\Iis:~: S .\1de.`. .\1isS i.\1rs.1 I 1 No wonder the cost of municipal. `provincial and national :.overm11en't [is higher. '9 are getting so much more of it. Summitt 50 Acre Farm, good build- ings, ve acres bush, s_p1'i11g creek, gmrcl well, on main road, miles f1'o1`n I3z11'1'i0. $4,500 takes .fz11'1n, (-101), im- p10mon rs and stock. \Vill take small town p1'0pm'ty in pzn"r lmyment. For `full pm - ticulars sec ` 1 PARTRIDGE & GILROY .\.l'lllH\. . I. .\IcI"h-->r.'~:0n 1 Ca1(1\\ <-I1... 1 Stephenson 1 >.Lz1u1'in. . .. O s Sutherlzmd 1 . Fonwick. . 0 Dunlop St. Jllhb J Mrs. _ Mrs. J Miss Miss 1 Mrs. I . L4ilUl1'd.\\ ... ;\IcC`2u`t11y Elgood S1:-\\'z11'1. . Dz1\ id:~:on. . Lount Bird . . Laidman.. C res\vicl~:0 Le.~tlie . . . .-\1'da_;h Laixll-m\ . .. lint`. 1-A17.:mvI n as Days St. Rohemson port of com the sen-1`u1 to be done 1 and mat thv ask for tend` 01' new side sxruction of Kidd's Creel \Va11win - 'n\'v'nn ha :1. Constzvble Rayner was attending to` his duties. as he should. Aid. Coles did not think i-t fair to Chief Case to becalled. Aid. Wailwin thought it was only right thait the Chief should give his opinion of Constable Rayner. Deputy-Reeve Paitterson thought that (me recommendia-tion for a. raise Should come through the Chief and go to the coinmititee. The -;\Iayo.r said the matter was discus- sed at the last meeting in committee of the whole and turned down. rmm I l\l'I(` ....a ......e. 1Irn1'n r-nlln Fnrl SUH, I(.UU!;'I'l.SUll i:l,llU. UH: mu,vu1. The .\I-ayonr declared the motion carried, but Deputy-Reeve Robert- son reminded him that a two-third vote was I1C8SSZlI`_\" to CLl`I'_V :1 mo- tion in the expendiiture of money. The ;\1':1_V01' decided that. such was the case and then declzired the motion lost. 11.: D.-....u. ..n.n:n.ln,I Han Tr-n-nv I C0l'.\'('IL (YLEANS CI BUSIXESS I l5l'Jl~`ORE T.\l(l.\'(x' HOLIDAYS UK [[18 WIIOIB auu LUFLIUU uuwu. | The yeas and nays were called for and the motion carried 7 to 6. Those voting for were Bricker, Byrne, Fisher, Lower, Pantridlge. Wallwiwn and Wiles. Those against, Coles, Grace) , McKinnon, Patter- son, Robertson and the Mayor. 'l"hn \Irn-nm dcxnlnv-or! the ynnfinn Ofcc, 46 Bayeld St. Phones : Ofce 861. Residence 861w P.O. Box 1011. HlUllUvIl 1U5l.. Aid. Bwne reminded the Mayor that this practice had never been adhe'1'ed to on previous occasions and that it seemed inconsistent to raise the point on this occasion. His Worship said he would consult t`o1'n1e1' Mayors and the Town Solici- tor and it i1is ruii was wrong he would reve/rse it. ' The Council went into committee of the whole to discuss the work to be 11n(lert`ake11 (1u1`in:.; the sun1111e1`.'v H -9: Ilnnidnrl fn Inzrkn rnnnirc tn UIlLltllill\l`.|l llllllllj-f, Llltt auu1u1el'. It was decided to nizrke repairs to .\Ia.1'_v St. sewer, south of ElizzL'beI'h SL, in order to prevent blocking. Liglits will be placed at corner of Mary and Elizmberlh S1s., also at corner oi` .\Iar)' and Sophia Sts. 'I`he Victorian Order of Nurses will be g.:1`anted permission to hold :1 tag day on the second day of the Bz1.r1'ie Fail`, if the Children s..-\id Society do not wish to hold :1 tag (lay. l`hc fnllrnvinrr ciflnuv-,11l:= xvill he \r1U\t` IU LVUILII DL. (-1) South side of Grove St., west! of I3z1_\'e1d, about 200 real. (5) N01`I.h side of John 81., from Sum'o1`(i 10 Innisl Sls. (In East sid_e_.oI' W`111iun1 S`t._,_`[1'opg_ Cumberland to IiiY't<')' .\\'. (7; Temlers will be asked for the cm1struc1i0n of a culvert on Ross :51. over I\'i(`.(I`s Creek. Elimbvlh St. will be oiled as far -) ,- 17ru':~ L`? uug The following built this yezm`: {1\ _1`) (`nor 1 II\. I (2) East side of Owen 81. from . to M1`. Sim's pr0vpe1'-t_\, side- walk will be moved to oux.side ox curb and raised. (3) On Lounl. St, east side from (Brave to North St. South west' n}' nn\":n`r1 a\]\I\\1 |')1'u'\ C'z\: ! Robemson--I"isher-Thz1t the re- committee of the whole re items of work ordered be received and adopted, the Clerk be instructed to tenders for the several pieces siclewztlk, also for the con- a. cement culvert at Creek. `X, -11Iuvn Tfinlxnn 7`l"l~.. (1.1 '1lU. l I-`isho1'--Wn1I\vin-That Council M10 nmv adjourn and stand adjourn- `.L-(1 until the first Tllestlay in Sep- ` lemher. i .\Iemvbe1's present: The lfavor. {Reeve Fisher, Depmy-Reeve: Fut- ;ter. and Roberson, Counv:i!Ior.~: lC01e-s. BI`i(`]((`1', Byrne, Lower, .`.Ic- l\"mnnn, 1 :rm1'i(l:.;e, \Vz1.l1\\'in, Wiles {and G1`zLco,\'. "' UUIIL (1) Blake l u1'k. (0 x LXLLIU D \4l\.`t.`l\. - Fisher -- That Ald. Byrne be acting chz1i1'man of the Board of Works during the absence of Reeve Fishex`. n1*Iv\t\ T)no VTVL.-.6 4.1.- ...:,....\ Gmace church, Waterdown, was the scene of a very interesting wed- '(ling on Sat.urtla)', June 30th, when Beatrice Georgina, eldest dangrhter of Mr. and Mrs. James Higginson, \V'a`te1`(low-n, beczune the bride of Jwnnies Ewart Brown, D.S.A., of Hamilton, and son of .\II'. and Mrs. Wesley Brown oi` D2l1S'tOI1. The chuwrch was beanliftllly decorated with pennies, roses and lllzll`f:l1(`l`lIGS. The clialtming bride, who was <;i\'en aw-z1_\' by her l'uthe1', emereil the c-hn1'c.h to the strains 01' Ilw we(ldin:.: inarch, pIz1_\'e(l by Misy Bonnets. The ct->1'enmn,\' was per- i`o1'n1:~d by Rm . 1-`.z`no:L [\' Tht hritle looked s\\'ceI in :1 simple (lI`z1pe(1 .:m\'n of Prince 0'.` Wales: -..'1 nu-..nn TIA. .-Huh ..u..:I onllr. `- UL 1\E`V:\t EIDHUL. Byme--Patt(+1`s0n-T11at the piece of ground south of Ke1npent'eldL St. be tlesignated as 3. pzxrking ground and that Board o`f \\'orks have grass and weeds out and a. suitzmble sign erected on same. \Tr~k'nnnn T)nhrnv~:nn ,,,"l`~.n1- tkn .l_`-'.Ll Y,`ll`LJLl_`\l UH DKLIUE. _\IcKinnon--PatJrerson---That the request of the Board of Education, ,the Sepzmrte School Board and Miss iB:1l1 be _:ra11ted. hv'1vnn I (\1I-r\vI 'r`1...c .. 1:,.:.. `'r; D1111 UK`? ;:.xuuu:u. By1'nr3---`Lowe-r-T11at a placed on .\lulezLster St. Dunlop and Collier Sts. \lr\I\'innnn_T)n you-ann__'!`h |1_)uu1Up `cxuu bU1lu:'l' DLB. [ .\IcI\'innon--PaIIerson--That leave ube _4rantod to mLro(l11ce a b_\'-lam c0111'u'1m'n_ the a.pp0intn1ent. of Jas. Case as Chief of Po1ice,fo1' the town 01' Barrie at u sa1a1`_v`0t` $1300 prn .'\l1HllH I uuuu HI. I .\IcKinnm1~-l`isher-That lc-ave be Lrraiiied 1.0 introduce :1 h_\'-l21\\' ap- `poin=.inr.: Jas. Case as Tax Collectm 1lt'01' the town of Barrie, to ho 11!1'. lL"l'- xlilliell in connection with his duties as Chief of Police. 1-`isi1er-PaIterson--That leave he gramed to introduce 11 by-law auth- ,orizin5: the construction of a sewer Lon .\Iary S1. from e.\'is1in_-.; sewer at `\\`el1in:t0n St. Lo Dalton SL, said `work to be (lone under the local im- `p1'0\'Elll`ll[ plan. i .\H Hun nhnvo hI'_1nur:< \I'nnrx rriwnn `)_HU\t`XIlt`IlL plilll. l .\11 the above 1 |fn'st. second and ', passed. I F`-nloaznrinl:-nvv guuu .'\ll"-'.ll.3l. ` His \\'or.s11ip the Mayo!` Ilecl.-1red [tho Sf-(`01](] Uonday in ;\l1_J,'ll.':`t as civic holiday for the town of Bar- lrie. v.<:-1..... n'..u....-.. mu.-4. m_..._ ` puauru. ; C-oles-Brickor-Tha.t the Clerk ibe authorized to pnyy all accounts `when certied by the ot the st->vm'a1 commiunees t1u1'in_:; July gand .-\n:.:11.s1. Hi: \\'nv-chin Hun \Tnvn. .Inn1...-rul For Bicycle 'i`i1'es and Tubes go to McKee & McDonald. Clapperton .St. I I Call and see our vomudah chairs `with red, green and natural nish- es. Lowest prices. W. A. Lowe & Son. ,UUl|l|ll{`l. UL Llj_Jlll'Llil. lU.`L`b Klllll lll|\$B'| oi -the-vai1e_\'. I\Ii: Bagel`, of! the briile, was brido: wore it pearl colored French gown with hat to nirurrh and CZ1I`I`it-(1 pink Columbia ro:~: .2. The _L I`O0l11 was supp01`I0d by his brother. Clarence Brown, of Dulsmn, and the llShGI'S` were the bride`s broI`i1m', M1`. Robert; Higginsoxn of Buffalo, and M1 . _-\lex.| Fields of \\ ate1`dow11. .... .. `Hm-,.. .\f:1slm"s Voice" agency from \Vm. Crosslund. Full line of Victrolus and Victor Records. 54 Dunlop St., Lopposite l`.O. square. I J. G. I{e<=nz1n has taken over His 7 n `READ THE ADVERTISE.\IENTS.| (Continued from first page) Committee of the Whole ma 3 can . -120 ken ( 51., east Motions on of south SL $de of Vincent% sidewalks will b_\' were given I third reudizxgs and The Northern Advance `_4l\L`ll u.\\'u._\ U) lit`! lllllllfl, t` the ch1n'c-h `Bennets. was Rev. ~`.me.~;L sweet, in I rince of crepe. I-[er embroidered lull was cau_:-111 with 21 \v1'c*-nth of < blossoms and slw cux'ri4= .'~: bouquet 01` Ophelia roses nl'..H1o-\'s\'|ln\' `\Ti~:u Fawn!` Dru` I light be` between I The attendance at Saturday s market was not as large as that of the week before. Large quantities of green product were offered for sale at the same prices as last Week. Stramrberries were down in price, selling two boxes for 25c. Last week they brought 30c to 350 per single box. Butter, which was offer- ed in large quantities, sold for 33c, 34c and 35c a. ltb. Eggs were quoted at 25c to 28c a dozen. Chickens brought 28c to 320 per lb. Flowers sold at 15c a bunch. Cream sold at 30c pint. $1.00 a bag was asked for potatoes. Prices : Butter . . . 33-35c lb. Eggs . . . . 25-28c doz. Chickens . . . . . . . . . . .. 28-320 Lb. Asparagus . . . . . . . . . . 10c bunch Lettuce . . . . . . . . . . . 5c vbunch Green Onions . . . . . . . . . 5c bunch Rhubarb . . . . . . . . . 5c bunch Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 bag Beets . . . . 200. small bask. Carrots ....25c bask. Parsnips ... . . . ... .25c bask. Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c pint Tomato Plants . . . . . . 2 `boxes 35c Cwbbage Plants . . . . . . 2 `boxes 35c Aster Plants .. . .. . . . 2 boxes 35c Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20~25c lb. Pigs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 pair I A social event of much interestl took place at Stroud on Friday] evening, June 22, when Mr. and! Mrs. Thomas Reid of Stroud and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Smith o:f Ather- ley celebrated the tWent_v-fth an- niversary of their wedding. Mrs. Smith is a sister of Mrs. Reid, and having: been married on the same day. namely June 23, 1898, t1hiS made the celebration of a double nature. The house was prettily decorated with pink and white pennies and June roses. At 6 p.111. :1 dainty buffett luncheon was served. Mrs. Benjamin Lee of Toronto and Miss Marion Anderson of Atherley presided at the table and were as- sisted by Mrs. Uackersie. Mrs. Cock- bnrn, Misses Eva Whan, Marion .\IacLean and Lilian Rt-id. Mr. and Airs. Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Smith \\'(-re the i`(~'Ci[)iQ11KS of many beauti- ful presents. About 50 guests were present, including friends from To- ronto, Orillia and Atherley. I SATURDATS MARKET % DO l'BI.l SILVER \VEDDI.\'(} ..... c)L.UU way, . . . .25c . . . . 35 35 . .. 20~25c '25-23c ' ernn`|'l haul: I Get Your Clothes Cleaned Gloves Cleaned . l\4A\A-J \JL u-u.u........... After the ceremoiiy :1 buffet` luncheon was sox'\'e(1 at the home of the bride's parems. The happy couple left midst showers of con- fetti and good wishes on a motor; trip, the bride travelling in 21 na\':.'1 blue poiret twill suit. On their` return they will reside at Water-l down. Goods Called for and Delivered. Give Us a Trial. 29 Elizabeth Street. C. W. ROBINSON McG1ary s Electric Ranges and Circulating Water Heaters Sold and Installed. House Phone 698. We do everything in the line of Cleaning and Dyeing. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF ELECTRIC IRONS HOT PLATES TOASTERS HEATERS LAMPS BULBS, ETC. Electrical Contractor All Work Done on the Premises H. ELSTON l3RO\\'.\'-H I(Gl.VS().\' FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES It is impossible to say how many res along railway lines are not due to engine sparks, but to the thoughtless smoker tossing away his cigarette or cigar butt. However, there is no doubt a fair num- ber of forest res originate in this way, and such are preventable. Each in- dividual should realize his personal responsibility to be careful with re in any form in northern Ontario. The Ontario re ranger is at the mercy of all types of carelessness, and cannot "prevent res starting, as a rule. He can only attempt to limit the __ consequences. He is entitled \- to your help and co-oper- t \`-\ ation by being careful with X \ re. fx, Saw Ontarids Forests 101 DUNLOP STREET Pressed I-Iats aeaned and Blocked Parliament Buildings Toronto, Ontario Ontario Forestry Branch Repaired GOOD PRINTING!

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