Page Eight [ILLS 511106 YCSIUEU. His wife and six sons survive. The boys are Norman, Arthur, Rus- sell, Gordon, Roy and Bob, all of Allandale. He. is su1'vive~1 by two sisters, Mrs. Deacon of Midlzui-J and Mrs. Robi. King of Barrie, and one brothel`, J. Semmens, Collingwoorl "Flu: fnncn-nl rnniy nlnnn on An IJIULHUI, J. can The funeral (Thursday) to cemele1`_v, the officiating. 1:. LI: nu.-;.u-unz.1n VVil1iam Arthur Semmens passed away at his late residence, 248 Bradford St., on Tuesday afternoon. Deceased had been in failing health for seven years, but was not seriously ill until three months ago. Born in Englanrl in 'lRR ho mnnn Dill'Il`lU. The service was held at the house on Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock by Dean Sweeney. The body was taken to the church, from which inteurment took place to St. Mary's cemetery. Thn nnHhpnr'nI'c \l7DI`D T 1\1 n`k'nvn-n .\1iJ.1')` D cuxucu-:1'_y. ' The pallbezxrers were J. McKez1rn, J. Murphy, F. Travis, J. J. Moore, |P. Daley, G. McDonald. m:nuu'51y 111 uuhu Luree IIIUIIUIS ago. Born in England in 1863, he came to Canada as a. lad and lived first at Collingmwood. Twenty-six years ago he moved -to Barrie, where he has since resided. 'LTh~ uvH`n nu : ..:.. ..,\..... ........:-.. .\l;\lH.-\ H ;\ \'l`IRll.h \V. A. SEMMEXS A11, LIIIIIUIIL3, KJUIIIHE took place the Barrie Rev. S. M. At the Sunday '1norni11g seervi('e, June 10th, the various railwziy or- ganizations will parade to Burton Ave. church under the direction of the Order of RV. Co=.1ducLo1's anti Brotherhood of Ry. Tminnien. n___ n 1! `n.,..--_ _.:n ..u.-._,: AL- I5 \\ UUU to-day T7ninn l. H IULI Bench JOHN F. MURPHY, Prop. i Tch;-1)l1011e 734: 17$) 13:1_\'<-hl - Ba1'n'c; Barrie - Marble - Works Memorial Tablets Corner Stones Markers Monuments Canadian 85 Scotch Granite PR ICES REDUCED Your fare allowed if rou . 3 purchase 11m'0. Olce 11ours-2 to 5, 6.30 to 8 p.m. land by appointment. Phone 1003. Qf Barrie, and was predeceased by a sister, Man , 3 yeanrs ago, and a brother, Tho-1113.5, 13 years ago. The funeral N').01\ nlnrn Frnln hnr .\lR. AND MRS. S. J. M;\I\'.\'ING CELEBIKATE GOLDEN \VEDDIN( A very happy event took place in Elmvale 011 Tuesday, May 29th, when Mr. and Mrs. S. J. -Manning cellelbrated their golden wedding. A nunrbe1' of relm-ives and friends from Toronto, Umbridge. Muskoka and Elmvale were present. Mr. and Mrs. .\I\ann4i11lg were the recipients (if many costly` and useful presents. A wedding hI`Pn.kf':1:f urn: cm-vml on ,...v.........uv.. u.. -..,v. -..,... Rev. S. M. Beard will attend the Conference in Toronto next week, returning F1`-iday nxorning to take charge of the Sunday services. 15.... (I \r....::.. ..n r1 .....I.,..L`..- Next Wednesday afternoon Ivy plays the Barrie team in the Agri- cultural Park in a South Simcoe Lea}.-,11r game. !Dr. .`I.ean qohpstor; Announces the opening of an af uxuuxur, 1I1D'111a.S, 125 took place from her late residence, 22 Sam`pso11 St., to the Strond cemetery. Rev. H. E. Wellnvood, pastor of Collier St. Methodist church, conducted the funeral seuvices. many cusu_yaL11u uselul presents. wedding breakfast was served at which Rev. Mr. |.\Io1'ton proposed a toast to the couple and was replied to by Mr. Wm. Mzmnning. A pleasant hour was spent and reminiscences of fty yeams ago were reviewed. For they are jolly good fellows" was sung heartily, while the couple were showered to the satisfaction of all. Heintzman & Co. Pianos. A large stock to choose from. Exclusive represenmtive. A. E. Patterson, Allandale. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hutchison spent over the week end at the former s old lmolne at Mount Forest. Mr. Hutchirson says that seeding oper- ations are somewhat bacltward all along the way, especially so where underdvaining has been neglected. Don t forget that we handle one of the best lines of ready mixed paints. W. A. Lowe & Son. ace Luu uesL quauty xuwners and Rubber Boots for men and boys at McKee & McDonald :-1. See the best quality Rubbers and Enhhm` Rnnfa Fnr vnnn and have no Rev. S. Martin of Hanvliestolxe supplied Burton Ave. pulpit last S1lI1(la_\' evening, the pastor taking anniversary services at Shanty Bay. _-... cw.....z.... .1... 32 FR.-\;\'CIS VSTREET. Barrie. Chiropractic Specialist Phone 74 office Beginning Burton A-ve. meet in the 1 READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS} BURTON AVE. CHURCH 1Klu".l`L*'l} NED SOLDIERS FOR SALE WANTED ........ ..... .....,...,_, ....._,. with next Sunday the Sunday School win moruin,.; at 10 o`clock. For Sale-4-piece upholstered pam- Ior suite, also two wolk skin parlor rugs. Price rea.son~a.b1e. At 51 Collier St. or write Box 821, Bar- me. Bell, u1,`._:, Lu Luwu. 1 -Dalton White is spending a Lew days at Bala. _ . Miss Bessie Reid has returned from Toronto. Miss Vera, Spearn was in Tovronto on Wednesday. Kline I?nJ\\r Q-nnrlnra nf 'T`nv-nnfn ur-Ac LlUlll LUIUHLU UVUL Llll: \'VI`:Ul\ EMU. Mrs, E. )Ic1.\Iillix1 visited friends in Toronto for 21 few days last week. Mr. and Miss McGi-11 of Toronto spent the 24th wiLh Mrs. E. Srigley. Mr: 17. Flefnn hng rph1rm=d tn ALLANDALE o p.|u. Mrs. B. A. Green was in the city this week. Jack Marshall of Toronto is visit- ling in town. .T)::lrnn \.Vh.ifn in ennnrlncr as (am uu VV cuucauu; . Miss Ruby Sanders of Toronto was home on Sunday. _ Ahhm-t l`nvInr AF \TirHnnr'\I viaifn (H5 pu.l'9:llL'b` Lilla WEEK. Mr. and Mrs. Kohl of Collingwood were here for the holiday. .\lu*s. Dewey of Toronto visited Mrs. T. C. Royce this week. Miss `.\Iy1't1e Dunnelt was home from Toronto over the week end. \Y.a T7 \fn4\fHHn x-n1'(>orl F:-ionrlc spun LUU .2-nu wuu .u1.u. u. .au;._;1::y. Mrs. E. Elston has returned to `North Bay after visiting Mrs. A. Jay, E: -Mr. and Mrs. J. .\Iin5.;ay of Wind- sor spent 21 few days in tov.'11 re- ceutly. \Hr-n `l Jnwn1 T3n0fnv'Qr\I1 nF "l`nrnv1|n LLUIHU U11 ouuuwy. Albert Taylor of Midlimd visited his parents this week. \h* and TU!-: I\'nh'l (VF f`.nHirurnrnnr`l Wanted-rG-ood general, amily of I two. Apply Mrs. O. H. Lyon, 91 Owen St., Barrie. Iceuuy. Miss Hazel Pattersoll of Toronto is visiting her brother, A. Pat- terson. \r..:. Nrnbknil Hy-n r1 fnv If hut: ILI`S0ll. Mrs. McPhai1, ]31':1dfo1`d has returned from <.'i.siri-1;; her daugh- ter in Sudb111'y. lhv and R11`: R Pith}:->H nf 'I`nf- mule nus ween. Caupt. R. M. Uelville, R.N.R., of '1`-0-ronto, visited his son, the Rev. Roy Melville, this week. Mr and lfrx, Mnsplpv and Mrs. Ker 111 m1un111'y. Mr. and Mrs. R. Riddell of Tot- tenham visited M1`. and Mrs. \V. D. Little this week. (`hm-\ `D NT Rfnhvin W N P nf ttoy .ue1vu1e, 1.1115 Wt:t l\. M1`. and UPS. Moseley and Mrs. Wzurd of Toronto visited their father, M. Bl'0-W11, on the holiday. .11.. nvsl` `H.-5 D ("nun-in AF 'T`n_ AH. DI'0-\VH, U11 U18 11uuuu',V. Mr. and Mrs. R. Comrie of To- ronvto visited the latter's sister, Mrs. J. Arn1st.1`ong, on the 24th. Juice 1: `Knnnodv was nallpd fn J. Arn1sI.1'0ug, Uu Luv: (nun. Miss K. Kennedy was called to her home in Acton on Wednesday owing to the serious i1`1ness of her mother. .`\A'.- nu.-1 lm: A TI`cu-n-nunn xxrcn-n IHOLHBI`. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ferguson were in Coldwmter on Monday attending the funeral of the `formeI"s sister, Mrs. Ball. RH:-n V! A `Drnurn xvhn ha: hnnn Mrs. nan. Miss M. A. Brown, who has been on the staff of Simcoe Hall for some time, leaves this week `.0 take a. position in one of Dr. Grenifel s mission hospitals in Labrador. '`.\-nnvnnnc nm hping made to mission nospltals In uaoruuur. Exczwations are being made put a small basement under St. George s .\Ie1no1'ia1 Hall. A furnace will be iustarled shortly. The A.Y.P.A. are nancing the project. is _,. `I ..- 1'i.......,.n \I'ur~ A. KIRKPATRICK n.1.1..n. an: u..u.un.....=, \.A4l\4 k...._,-.,... M1's.Bam`on, Mrs. Pearce, Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. \V~.1tt. Miss E. Catcher and Miss Ross repres-ented the W.M.S. of the Essa St. clurrch at the annual Preslwterial held` in Elmvale this Week. . _._,...:..._ ...c ti... uxrn ,.,,_ .... n Lynn! zuc Luna u \. - u. The first practice olf the Y sen- ior church leagtle team will be held in the .\g1'iculLurz1l Park on Tues- day at 6 13.111. All old players and any new ones who would like to catch a place on the team please be on hand. xn._.= 1.-em: T.n\\-'0 whn has been hand. Miss Lorine Lowe. who has been with the Adams I`urniture Co. of Toronto for the past two and a hallt years, has returned home, and has accepted a position at Hubbard s hh1_ S.O.E. meets I:1riday evening all For Bicycle Tires and Tubes go to McKee & McDonv_a.J.d, Clapperton Street. Dr. Jean Johnston, chiropractic specialist, has opened an ofce at 32 F-ra.nci.s St. See advt. Bayview Tea. Rooms, 194 Dunlopl St. Teas and lunches served. Ac- com-moda.tion for guests. 15-1 Limolewm Bugs and Linoleum by the yard at reasonable -prices. See W. A. Lowe & Son`. Phone 333. Buy your Straw Hat Ito-`day. Showing all the new `braids and shapes. Sinlmons & Co., Men s Hatters. Monday, June 4th, will be 0-b- served as 21 holiday by Go\'en'nmen1 oices, banks, etc., but the day will not be observed as a general holi- rim`. Wanted-_-A msilch cow, subject to tu-bercul'ar-test, state age and price. Phone 811, or Write 48 Ba.)/eld S`t., Barrie. Heintz1i1an,& Co. Pianos. A large stock to choose from. Exclusive rep1'esentatxive. A. E. Patterson, Allzmdale. HUL day. Miss C. .\I`cDougal1 addressed the annual meeting of the Px`esby~te1'ia1 in Elmvale on `\Vednesda.y. In the co`uu`s.e of her address she e.\*p1`a.ined the pre-sent Clvinese situation. Those from Bamie attending tne Barrie P1'es\byLe1'iu1 of the W'.;\'I.S. at Elmvzxle are Mrs. (Rev.) G. A. Brmvn, Mrs. T1105. Sinclair, Mrs. J. l\IcI{night, .\I1's. J. Newton and Mrs. M. D. Morxrison. J. Harold Couch, gold medalist in medical science of the Torontd Uni- versity, and son of Rev. Isaac Couch, M.A., B.D., Strathroy, has gone to South America on medical work entrusted to him by Dr. C. K. Clanke, the eminent psychistrist. He will be away about a month. A meeting 011 the Women's Insti- tute will be held in the Com-munvity Rest Rooms, above I-Iul.buu~t s shoe store, on Tuesday, June 5th, at 3 p.111. Miss E. Chazpman of Toronto will address the meeting. A ques- tion drawer will be conducted, and all interested in Institute work will be welcome. A pretty wedding was solenmized at Collier St. Methodist church on Satunrday, May 26th. when Dorothy Jane, second daughter of hit". and Mrs. Walter Sarjeant, became the bride or John Henry Rodgers, son of Air. and Mrs. J. D. Rodgers; The ceremony was conducted by Rev. H. E. Wellwood, assisted by Rev. Dr. E. B. Luncely of Toronto, with Mr. G. D. Atltinson, of Toronto, at the organ. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, loo-ked charmin_<.: in her gown of ivory at crepe, with pearl trimmings, and long court trmin lined with shell pink geor,-.:eIte. Her veil of em- broidered Brussels net wus becom- ingly wreathed with orange blos- soms and pearls. She carried a shower boquet of sweetheart roses and lilies of the valley. I-Ier nt- tendnnts were Mrs. Hanry Arm- strong, her sister, as matron of honor, and dressed in bobolink cun~ ton crepe with brown picture hat, and carr_ving a. boquet of Ophelia roses. The bridesniaidws were her two cousins, Miss Olive Sarjeant oi` Barrie and Miss Lucile Sarjeant of Orillia. who were dressed in green and orchid taffeta. with silver, and were black hats, ostrich tipped, and carried coxszrge boquets of pink and mnunn. sweet npns, 'l"hn rrrnnvn urn: L.Lu1u:u UUlbil'b' uuqut-:Ls OI. pun: E1110 mauve sweet pea-s. The groom was mbly supported by Mr. Havelock Graham of Toronto. The ushers were Mr. Harry .-Umstrong and Mr. Gordon Reeve. Ducting; the signing of the rezister Mrs. Lnirhnnn snnur xruruuu. neexu. ulurulg rue slgnmg register Mrs. Laidman szm:_.r Oh Fair, 011, Sweet and Holy." At`-[er the m=.rr>n1nvn- :1 rm-onnnn uu. run , uu, oweeL and 110132" A1`-ter the ceremony a. reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, 18 Wellington St. The bride's mother received in a. grey gown with steel and French blue trimmimrs and black hat. and car- ried Richmond roses. Mrs. Rodgers, who received with her, was gowned in :4:-oy canton crepe with -French him. I \Y.- ...`,1 \r.... 71.1 -~ I M - LEi'RoY, ONT. General Merchant Grain - Seed - Goa] Real Estate. Money to Loan. 1914-1918 O1)('lIilI,'.`; of Park Lloyd (ieorge. It's` :1 \\'au'-.\lcm0ri:1l. You will honor its memory by Mtcmling June 2nd. I ' Hum. .\h'. and Mrs. Rodgers left by moron` for :1 trip to the South. On their retum they will reside in Barrie. A. Ki1`pzLtmick, popular merchant of Lelroy, has set aside a. War .\Iem'o1'izi,l Park, composed of seven aches, adjacent to the tom'n._. The opening of l:h'lS park will take place on Saturday, June 2nd. A splendid progranime has been arranged and a big day is anticipated. Park Lloyd George is the name given to the new park. Jas. A. Johnson was ned $10 and costs, amounting to $21.50, in Saturday's Police Court for allow- ing a menace to the public health to be on his property and for refusing to abate it when ordered so to do. Johnson, through his solicitor, Alex. Cowan, alleged the land was not his and, therefore, he was not liable. It is understod that there will be an appeal. ' )Iur. Chas. E. Wright, of Penetanig, the Conservative candidate for Cen- tre Simcoe, was in town for. a short time on Tuesday. He had just re- turned -from Toronto. where he made a1'1'angements for speakers for the campaign. Among those who will address meetings in the riding are W. F. Nickle, K.C., Kingston; Hon. Geo. S. Henry, E. York, and Chas. .\IcC1'ae, Sudbury. Dates are being arnanged. Mr. Wright is meeting with a splendid reception in every part of the riding. He hopes to spend a few days in Barrie this week. RODGERS--SARJEA NT LOCALS The Northern Advance J.J'u.ll.ll1. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon and was one of the ]zL>rg- est seen in the district for some time. The. service was conducted by Rev. Somerville of the Presby- terian church. of which deceased was :1 member, assisted by Rev. Thos. Dew of the Anglican church. The text chosen by Rev. Somerville was from II. Tim., vi., 12. Fight the good fight of faitlt; lay hold on eternal life." These words. said the speaker. brought great comfort to Mr. Brown in his last hours. Life is likened to 21 ba.ttlet"1eld and the Christian must fight on till the end. Eternal life is the reward. H T`hn A r11'nnnr\ 1`.-dun In n`-bnnahum lhltilllitl LLLU I5 1-HU l'U\V'tll'U. The Advance joins in extending sympathy to those who are left to mourn. For many years Mr. Brown was our Tho-rnton correspondent and his weekly budget of news was a]- ways looked forward to by our Thornton subscribers and others. ulL`ll, (nu uuu5I1U:I'5 uuu lulu` 50115. The renmins were brought to Barrie on Tuesday evening `to the home of Frank Czlrpenter, Owen St, who is :1 nephew. and the funeral was held on We(111esd:1:' Hl()1'l1il1f.','IO S1,. I :1u1 s church and cemetery. _ha1'(1ware. Before leaving she was :[)I'_0Sntl'}l1 with a morocco leather purse. Miss Lowe left her former position that she illigiht be with her mother, Mrs. C. Lowe, who is in poor health. A pm'ticuiari_v impressive cere- mony was held at St. George s church on Tuesday evening, when the assistant Bishop of Toronto Dio- .cese, the Rt. Rev. W. D. Reeve, ad- ministered the rite of c011i'ma.tion 0 twelve adult candidates. The Bishop spoke to the candidates on The Pu pose of a Oh1`istia.n Life," and emphasized the value of prayer as a S'.l`feg1la`I`d against temptation. n-L- nun ._c u.` `I)..,...L...L....2.... John Nally Carpenter died at H'z1mi1tou on I\IOI1dZl_V. May 21st, from heart faxilunre. He was :1 resi- dent. of BlI`I'!`3 for many years, but left here abotlt twenty-\'e years ago. He was 75 years of age and is su1'\'i\'ed by his wife and six chil- Llren, two (langhters and four sons. 'l`hn un-nah-..,. nu`...-. I-...n..nI.+ 6,. The citizens of Innisl and Essa were grieved to hear of the death nif Samuel R. Brown on Wednesdzw, Rlay 23rd, Mr. -Brown went to Cookstown on FI"id'8.}', 18th, to undergo an operatioii that was not considered serious, but being affect- ed with bronchial trouble, pneu- monia set in and in spite of all that medical skill could do he passed peacefully izuway 011 Wednesday Avon in 2', U\'CH.l1l_`-_;. ! Mr. Bro-W11 was born on the ocean `May 1, 1855, when his parents were enroute from Ireland to Canada. The fanrily first settled in .\Ia1-kham township, Ibut moved to Ivy in 1865. As a lad he worked on tl1e farm, but succeeded in getting a short time at school each year till he got his entrance examination. He then attended High School in Barrie and Orillia till he got a `teacher's cervi- cate. He then taught school for many years at Ivy, S.S. No. 8, Innis- l, Grunnble Hill and Cherry Hill. From 1912-1914 he was employed hv the (`.nvnr`nninnr nu hnnlirrrnnn 'd.`|, LUUYULUII. -Mr. Brown was a man of strong convictions. He was ever ready with a. joke and made friends wherever he went. In politics he was a staunch Conservative and was not afraid to express his views. `He read extensively and was well in- fomed on all local and national at - fairs. Airticles from his pen `fre- quently appeared in the Buffalo Courier and other dailies. Toff fn vnnnnn Lnmlna his uvifn lbUll1'1b`l' illl Left to are three Sandy in 1 Barrie. 'T`h l\ (`u n n 1` |'Ull1 J.3LV4'lUl`t I18 VV`iJ.`S eu1`puU_\/eu by the Government as inllnigration inspector at Fort Erie and Bnidge- burg. Tn moo 11:: m.......:,.,: :5. m:... ours. In 1892 he m-arried Miss Nixon of Ivy, who sumvives. many years they made their at Thornton. .`\I'.. Dyan-uvn u...;. .. ..,.;... lsb .- JOHN .\'.\Ll.Y At Home in our NeWSt0re Premises, 15 - 17 - 19 Dunlop Street XVATCH OUR VVINDONVS AND SEE THE DISPLAYMOF DRESSES FRESH FROM THE MANUFACTURER Please con1munic.ute with \Vm. 7 Owen St. Phone 193. SAM UEL R. BRO\\'X OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT nu ULHBF Uillllf r mourn, besides his wife, brothers, 'Thn1nz1s and the west and Stuart 01" \Ve planned to have a formal opening a June lsf, to receive our friends and cust0n1e1's, but owing` to u11fa.V01'a.b1e weather conditions earlier in the season, which 1'etm'ded our building p1.-egress, we 11:,1ve found these plans ilnpmcticable. 30-aclljusl1nen r. of every` depart ment has been 11e(:ossm.'y. Some wonclorful pllrcllascs have been made by us and these will be pnssocl along to our customers 011'Fri(lay, June 1st, and fol- lowing` (lays. ' VVO are, however, in a. better position than ever before to serve your needs and we 111V1te you to buy at this store. We again invite you to buy at the brightest and best store in town A s11ip1n011t of over 100 of H1030 go ons`L1e, every one di: e1'e11t and the price will please you. I L ; 1 o Hnn- n ohnvl S. W. MOORE S no u. nu;-.5;-u,.u ...Du......... ..v...,_;u......v.... The C.E.S. of the T. resb,vterian church is discon -uiug the 1'eg11la.1' meetings for the summer months. Occasional out-of-door meetings will be held. . V ` S. W. MOORE Eliza Tnn nu:'pn.zu uu Dlllluiby, may ZILH. Miss Smith was born in Florence- eld, England, 85 years ago. t.he eldest dzulghter of the late Thomas Gzun-ble Smith. She came to Can- ada with her parents in the early fm-Hes and settled at Jefferson, on north Yonge street. Deceased was` an ardent church \\ 01'l-Z(-V1 and ;;1'ez1t- ly esteemed for her good works. Rho 3: mIv~\'i'L'Arl hv urn hi-nfhnrc UL J.Ul'UllLU. The funeral took place from her late residence, 52 Ellen St., on Monday, May 28, at two o'clock, Lo St. Paul s cemetery. The service, which was held at the house, was in charge of Rev. Roy Melville of St. George's church, Allandale. MISS SARAH A.\'.\' SMITH Miss Sara-h Ann Smith. who has been a. resident of Barrie for 1-5 years, died at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Sunday, May 27th. \fi=c Qnfh wnc hnrn in Tlnv-onno. l_\ l.'blU1ll\3U LUl' MEL SUUU \VUl'l\5. She is survived by two brothers. John of Toronto and W. L. Smith Icauut: 111 Du1'1 u: t:1guL years ago. Deceased is nsu.1-vlved by two bro- thers, Hugh of Churchill and George `of Toronto. mkn 4`...-.m...1 ....1. .1... 4..-..- 1.-.. Miss .\Ia1'i`ah Averill of Barrie died on May 26th. Deceased had been an invalid for eight years and the end was not unexpected. Miss Averill was born in Churchill, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Averill, 67 years ago, and came to lesvide` in Barrie eight years ago. Deneasprl i:|:1i.1-vivnd hv turn hrn- )1 RS. )L~\RG.~\RE .[` MCBRIDE On Monday, May 21st, death call- ed Mrs. Margaret l\IoBride, who was born in Vespra on I<`ebruary 28, 1863, the fourth daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. John Copeland (nee Maiz- garet Murphy). Death was due to pernicious anaemia. Thirty-six years ago she married Mr. McBride and since then they lived on their farm on the 12th concessiion of Vespra. Mu`. .VIoBride predeceased her by 19 years. Deceased leaves to mourn her loss six daugl1te1`s, Mrs. E. Ritchie, Toronto; Mrs. Rob-t. Cum- ming, Longbutte; Mrs. Charles Douglas, Longbutte; .\Irs. Emmet Kiely, Barrie; "Mrs. Joseph Quinl-an, Crown Hill, and Katherine at home; one son, Johnfat home; thuree bro- thers, William at home, Jeremiah, Orilluia, and Joseph at home; three sisters, Mrs. Hinds, Soo; Julia, Cleveland, and Mrs. Mary Mumhy, Barrie. 'T`\\n I!r\I\v`:nI\ hp-.11! at 411A "nun ' The Y.P.L. held their last regular meeting for the season on Monday evening. A closing picnic is plan- ned for Moxiday, June 11th, a`-. Miners Point.