Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 May 1923, p. 8

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Page Eight '1 rruu . > ' D0211` M1-. Bz1ll-;\ few or the ofllcizils, 111e1111l)c-1'5, iogetlier Willi 1 ` oIl1m's, have me! at your home this` `1m'o11i11:4 to do l1o11o1 to the oldest ':1111~111l)e1' of Collier St- Motliodist H ` cl1111'(-l1 and to \vi.=.l1 you 11121115 l1z111p_v 1'(~,t111'11s of ymn` l)irLl1(lz1y. the cc-le- ' b1'21`1io11 01' which is quite an epocl1, lmving 1'ezu:l1e(l your 11i11eiieLl1 yemul um: wn nnn nnrl all wish that you| the weuzlre or me LOWIJ. To 1112111: the occasion of his birth- day a number of the oiciuis and members 04! Collier St. Methodist -church, of which 311'. Ball has been an active memh01' for many, many years, visited his home on Friday ievenim; and presented him with 90 `;r().s.`es. The following address was 1 . i llE1\'lI1g 1'(?d(',tH:`(l )'uu1' uA|n:Ln:i.n _y\.7u.I,l and we one and all that, you` `t uiuy be spared to see many more 01 and that even the hundred mi1nst.onol iuay be reached. It is not given to '1 overy con;:,regation to have had one in their midst as long as you have 9` been in ours, and what is still more 5` important, few. if any, have.had as `L loyal a meintber. whose activities in the younger years of our church life was marked in a. high degree and whose generosity was `so well sus- tained all through the years, and no appeal ever made to you but what was met in the spirit that warmed our hearts. We ask you to accept at our hands this bunch of ninety roses. from not only ourselves, but those we represent, and whilst the o\vm's may fade and their perfume rgoue, yet, trust. in your heart the perfume of a friendship may ever `rt-tttititl to swr-oton lite t'or you andi t ~_:.'our in this small :.:it't. oi` rmnr-In- 1 ir:mr'u t'rum your t'riumts oi` (_`.o11ivr l_ .~'|. \1<-thm`.ir'.l t'hut'(:h. .~`];:u~! on hvhztlf of the I`m.'n`1 my .`t~\\';mi:< itlltl .l(.~':ut I`.n;irt .= (it tho; 4 u t t ` r GEO. VICKERS, Limited DUHH 111':-h -urn] TYPE CORSETRY MOST IMPORTANT DEIVEONSTRATION Ollio 1 1: Seed (.`m'n, DenlI's and -Flintfs. E\I:mg.;le zmtl l'uI'1u'p Seed, Steele's and Ronnie's. ., -- .. .- u .1 4-, . One of B-urrie s colored citizens` Because the town was unwilling `appeared in the Police Court on to proceed with the case, the ap- tTuesda._v charged with l)eing nnderlpeul of Wm. .\I:1t'shall against his the influence, on Barrie streets. iconviction in Police Court. for 1'eck- The accused one was askecl how less d1'ivinf.:. was ullowc-d and the he pleaded. \Vell, I guess I'w-as conviction qtmsltetl by Judge Wis- drunk, all right." he replied. 11191 in the Division Court. The l\Iagis`trate Jeffs then went town did not o1'1'er any evidence and 1.h1*ong.;l1 the usual L'or1nulit_V of asle- ing \Vhe1`e did you get it," and who gave it to you ? tnutttw drop. J. R. Boys represent- The colored gentleman, who hadied .\1(1l`n.`ll. ' ` ' "'->~* -~`~-` will ls-x vnmrzmhnrm] that ),]';;_r- .\I1'. Cotter inforxned the Judge that he had been instvncted to let the I 01110. , :1 Did you ask for a drink. or \v;\s1 it. n1`l`e1'o(," asked the bench. I710; `offered it to me and I took a (`OIIDIOL lm` shots m11_ of the bottle," 1'op1i(=d: the accused. 1 Only two drinks and it intoxi-1 cated him; must have been :.:ro:1l stuff," whispered one spectzuor $0: I another. ` mun mum-mt rvnnmnnn found`, I D 9 ` had ed .\1m`;~:.u:u1. spent the night in the lockup `and It will be 1'eu1en1l)ered that Mar- had sobered up, seemed perfectly shall was convicted by .\Ia.gist1'ate willing to divulge all the infonnation Jeffs alter l1eax'im.: length) evidence. . he could. Some of the evidence was conflict- Elizabeth street, he said, w:i.s.i11:._:. but the .\Iztgistrzue ruled a. where the wet goods had been par-`d1'i\'m' was xmuligeiit who turned taken of. Questioned as to who was om \\'i1h0l1t lil`.~sI ztss1n'ing.; himself the donor of the 1'el`1'eslnne11t. ll0|I1l:1I'. thi21'e \\'lS no one inllnediately apologetically a.sse1'ied that he behind. really didn't know his name. I In making: their decision not to know him to see, though, he V01-1llll1\'t` lll('- town prosr-cuie the case unleered. '1'urLl\<.'~r. the comiuiltoo composed of | Well, describe him then, said ;\l-.1_\'m' l.i.1Ile. ll-Aeve l"isheI`ur1 Dep.- -- - r - li.~.\.,.v..\ uni-.m-mun, lh()llL`lll. there 1 unleereu. said` .\Iag:isl1'at(- Jeffs. Then followed :1 description fromr \\`l1ir:l1n01.m'e11 Shm'l0cl( ]'I01lllD.H`. would have been able to pick :1` clue. I --nm \'r\II -`=1: rm- :1 rh-ink. m` '2 or two months 111 Jan." Wel1. how long have I got to pay," asked the prisoner, who was evidently without `funds. He learned that the Police Cour!` was run on a. cash basis and that` he must pay at once 01' go up. um um inn vnu mnv use the 1010-1 at or go up. At the jail you may tele- phone to not in touch with your friends. When they pay the money into court you will he a. free man." Thu prisoner was then taken to itho cooler, quite condent. that for an hour he would be the 1.,- u<>st 01` I the town. the pulpit. `rod to tho n..n 1.. cl '|.`U LU In `pull in ch\n'ch. `he .A\d\'u ...L. in n n. Vance joins '. expressing vnnnv IIIFIFQ `Mr. \Vc-Ilwnnd ss1m'1111;..' qualities .,\ ..nn|n1nnH\' nml uuu ..\ nu... .1. 20`. Prunes. fut kind, lb. _ unucn y ytun meets. | conv ied less s com ed. mer tom Mr. L, mat who ed kup It sha] ormation Jeff: Son aid, was 1113;. >een pur- drix ent. he|1h:1 beh mmle. I vol- his m 2 hopv H~.r'ln\'c Sam 1 ;\|u_\u1 ` Reeve )n from I mighi 1-Iolmos if iht :1 .\1.<,n \\'u1l(4 wz1st11v n `. _| .Tr\` n-u- 1 - i have Demnu. In their 1`1xx't1wr. Pishel` and }`m!;or1s0n. thought be [no much expense incurred me ('n1)\'i(`tiU11 were quashed. lhuy 11n(1v1`stood that A. G. \\'u1km', \\'h0.'~`v car was (1zm1a;;e(l by ithv 41111-510d 1'e(-1 dri\'ing,`wou1d : ` pay Hm c().'e1,s if the town did not. l < I110 principal reason for ;th'e>ir' was that me chamge \\'us laid by the town on the in- 'form:1tim1 given by VVa1k(>1'. The town has haul pm-H0113 unt'o1't1n1ate 4*.\p('I`iG11CPS wlu-11 p1'o.~:ec11tix1g one of .1\\'u 0:11` owm-rs whosv cars have col- lidvd and it was 1hm1_L;ht. best to be gtlided h_\' past t-.\'pe1`ienc0. .\t the Council moetin day evmxinf.-`. Md. }y1`11e ques1ion 01` thv _!:I`(`,ilI, 1 ` false zllurms this `\'(i-HI . doubt but what the lire maide mz1n_\' runs whom 211 1n driw 10 U 1` mm H111: and rh-ivn hawk | 1:) lllllmlluun .;..\.. 1.1m11r@'r of jml`-.:1nen lshnuld snop for :1 5 \'. about half thr ,.| ..:n..\.-mt lh-11 urn (l()I1B`\\'il:i In unnw Iu mu. o!\\IL\, un. the fire and drive l)n<-I<.. .\ lire is 21 serinus thing and not to he tried with; iE_zu1_\'0n(= sons a re it is per- lmps only nulllml to call out the n hrifqzule. but :ui`t(=1' all. some a.la1'u1s are made where if the cu]lm- w.'ci1.ed :1. moment no request for aid would be sent in. Chimney fires are nl`Im1 nut almost lwfore the zxlurm ls tiishml. .-\I'te1' all it is really a. .........'.. hr am]-~-unrm nn if nnr-\. l.\ I lS! .\ I A RUB` uncil m0etin_;' on .\Ion- B_\'1`110 miso(1 the the gl'uu.I, mmlber of _\':--.11'. There is no mt re brigade has nns 2111 they have to the sctme 01? 1 re .-.... and nnl On hn h-rrul Ratepayers will be allowed a. dis- count of 1.`_; per cent. on the amount of their taxes if paid in full (in or before 1 Ida`? 444:. dnnn LIIIILIH illlkl H UHU r second and con- H' Um culls would be are being 1`e1;istered `\'|l.K7 u.. . , '\n1 {ho Taxes may be paid by instalments 011 or before June 25th and Sept. 25th. Tax bills will be distributed in time to allow any who wish to take advzuimge of Lhe discount to An on To All \\'hmn This is 10 give notice that .\[ R. EI).\I`UN`D {\`..\.\I[,'I3jT. LAIJLY, of the Town of I}a1`1*ie, in the C0unl:_\' of Simcoe, .\g'ent, W215 by reso1u`iion 01' the Election Board 01' the Cmmty of Simcoe on me `And (lay nt` .\Iz1V, 1322}, appoimed Clerk of the said Boztnl. r u v,\\'m.1 I (.`. .\l. \'A.\'(`E. C]I:1il'l)l:Ul of the l`}lc-cliinn Iir):u'. Dated at I`.z11`r1L- this 2nd .1.1_\' of .\I21_\`, 13:11). uyyunxucru uu;-.. u. ...\. . _v...\.. $ Take notice that the first Sittiiigll of the Court of Revision for the Township of lissa will be held in the Council Room in the V'i1lzx. of Thornton on Szuu1'da_v, .\Iz1y 2G1h, 19`3, at 10 0'clo(-.k a.m., to hear and delr-rmine complaints of avppcl-`w lahts. S0 govern yourself acco.-`tl-1 ingly. \\'. M. Din\v00d,\', ` ingly. | \Y. - (`lcrk i`o\w.'nslnip 01' l~1. Dated Clerk's Oiczg, Crmksmwn, .\lu,\V1 10th, 1.`)?.3. )2-2'~ I l Pember s Hair? Goods % ________________________ For Sale--3-:piece mahogany living room suite, A-1 condition, price rea- sonable. Phone 600-w., or call 72 `William St. May 3rd, 1923. THE 0'.\"l`.'\i}l() l RO\'l.\'(,`I.\h El.I`J(,"l`l().\'!~'. 1l9`. .3 (.`()l'l\'1` ()1-' RH` - J. B. KNIGI-IT will bu :11` the We11ing1'.on Hotel on Thursday, May` 17th Sl1o\\*i11g latest S1`_\'].(:s in Ladies and Gent s Hair Goods. Free :1(1\'i<:e on scalp chseases. Plmnu Mr. Knight "Fm: -.11- pointmmt. - -.-.-an--vxq-n-r\ TOWN or BARRIE WET. PEMBER 129 Yonge St. T01`( ICLLII I|\ spent :1 PaI`l(qs, openim M rs :;..Hn F612 SALE LU .Ll.l:lJ. Store to Rent-On Elizabeth St., now occupied by Keenan & Ken- nedy, possession June 1st. Apply _Jno. Saso. WANTED M.-11' 11th, 1923 TO LET. i and brown spaniel, on neck with bandage ; to name of Chap. Phone It .`!:1,V (`oncvrn ' I'I\`I.\`l().\ NOTICE . Smith, Tre:\su1'c-r. `Giles, who has be` other in Bristol, En \, r...-. Qnnuur 4|` Barrie tn A `W -anted -- Ca.1'etake1' `for Bowling Green. Apply Bri.ckex', Secretary. Goa] Toronto, J n. 10=3 nun.,H.:: no aypuu-ub u. Toronto. a The Misses i\IcLennan were in -3 Toronto this week. 5 D1`. Cane spent the week end in Nexvniarket. Mrs. Clarence Bothwell is visiting 4 Mr. and Mrs. Whiteibread. `: Jnohn Hutchings has returned vfI'01I1 a short visit in Minden. i Mrs. \V`m.` Greaves is visiting 'friends in Toronto.. -Miss Mae Spillzu` of Midland was in town over the week end. Palmer VV':n'dn1an of Owen Sound is home for a. few days. Miss Mabel Hill of Guelph was home for :1 few days last week. `AT:-:< mm-1: is visitins: friends flan few (lays Last ween. Mrs. Geo. Clark is visiting in Toronto. J. Painter was a welt end visitor in town. --' M1`. Greaves of Minesing spent the \v(>ok with his son. VV.m. irezwes. Mr. and Hrs. F1`Z1l1k Goodwin have returned from their honeymoon. ;\Ii's. F. Dobson is in Toronto for a few da_\'.=.. M1`. and Hrs. VY. Long are spend- ing a few days in Ni-uga1'a Falls and Buffalo. Ross Clemens of Loiigufonl is visit-' in}; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. (Hannah: uI,`.', um ] Clemens. \fv~ an Mr. and Mrs. W. Armstrong and T. Armstron:.; of Toronto have re- turned home after attending the funeral of the la-te Mrs. Hannah A1'mst1`ong. F` wI`\L`nl'I` .\ E. .'\_\'`I'S, Armstrong. G. Edward. A. Elliot. .\ye1`s, VV111. L011}: and A. R. \V:L1ker were in Hamilton this week attending the Scottish Rite ceremonies. nu... human: wn: nmarnted on in Scottish Rite ceremonxes. John Clemins was operated the R.V. Hospital on Monday for apgendicitis. He is doing as well as'can be expected. ~ 'I\Tr= T `RnHn7VPH has returned ENLPLOY~.\IENT' VVANTED by elder- ly couple, as janitor, handynmn; womim as housekeeper, including washin_'.;. ./\.rpp1_\,' at this ofce. as"can be expected. Mrs. J. Bothwell has home after spending :3. number of weeks in Toronto. 1 Qnonnn .\ \ViH:in9.nn and .=\. R. Mrs. Royce is spending a Week 5 `nr-nn in weeks in Toronto. L. Speavn. .~\. Wilkinson VVa1ke1` \\'ere in C011iI1`f_ ,"W0Od on Monday attendiny: the funeral of John Gibszon, a well known engineer. 1I vc F F` Xvnrrpn and J. Arm- John Un)s:on. won nuuwu t-u;,-u.L~c.. Mrs. C. C. \Varx`en and strong have returned to Enlsworth, Penn., after spending three weeks in town. r.~......1.- `Dnknvfenn hn: hpen chosen: in town. Frank Robertson has been chosen to represemt the Essa. St. (-.hu1'ch at the coming general a. in Port A1`thur during the first week in June. -1I1 H18 1 ()llCe buun, k/uuunu--a .... . Friday night at 8 p.m. Bzxrrie has entered a team in the South Simcoe League and this yam` ,_ the cup must come home to Barrie. ; I`n hzzve a winuinjz, team we must ;h:u'e organization and support. {\Vr%, thm'r,afm~c. llI`f-ff? all interested in gbaseball to attend this meeting. Burton Ave. Church The Ladies Aid of Burton .-\\'e. ,church held their annual election df ts ofcers on Thursday, May ... The following were chosen: President, Mrs. `J. Patton; Vice-President, .\I1':=.. U. I~I01111es;S(=c1'et:1ry, Mrs. H . Cullen: T1`0?z1S1lI`e1`. .\I1's. '1`. Long- hendc Pinnists. Mrs. VJ. J. G1'zLce_\ and Mrs. W. Park. rm.....n ...m hr: :1 r-nnr_r1*e:z1tionaH lilnu .\|l'5. VV. Lcun. \ There will he EL c011r:regational` meeting: on Tues(l:1y evm1in_':. All members are l``([ll`Sl?Il(1 to he pres- ent. The various departments of the church will be 1'0presente and the reports 2'l\'Pl`|. I l\ n\-f Qunrlnv is Mother's Day. l'0:])UlL.`) jq1\v:u. Next Sunr1`:1_\' At. the mr)rnin<:. service there will be communion and reception of ne-W! xnentbers. In Ilia afternoon the R(=\'.| H. E. XVnI1w0o(1 will ad an open Snnda_\* School .=e.=si0n on |\1r\H\nr : hm-," The pastor will lopen School sessxou uu __\Inther s _Da_\'. pastor deliver :1 special address to mothers at the eveninr; sm'\'ice. Lost-B1ack large lump my nn anc.wD1` In nnm ALLANDALE I`..~\ S EB.-\ LL MEETING .\ hasuball meeting will be hvld 1 me Police Court Chambers on .1-.. ..:..1\4 on 52 nm, Wm. hl`ez1ves. mu . St. nod s. 'I r Nizn to ` . in .lo. C. wss Tue his 7.3 ens. ~ nnrl \h'=, XV. and. '_ as . tsembly irst 4 xual 55:. n : etary, \\'. sm lar nnntv-v`n(r-_1y{nnn] HM co11_zrega1iona1`l nu-(\n;r'|',Y H1 `in -you >e1: visiting I. inden. rwc-n Evel - I Ynhr T- We handle only genuine linoleum and not congoleum. If it's linoleum want, see us. W. A. Lowe & Qnn The vital statistics for the month of April show 7 binths, 6 marriages and 7 deaths. For the correspond- ing month last year there were 8 births, 7 marriages and 7 deaths. Mr. W. J. Johnson, jeweler, is dis- posing of his stock of jewelry, etc.. by auction on Saturday, May 12. Everything must be sold, as M1`. Johnson has leased his store. Sale at 1.30 and 7.30 13.111. \Vhen turning out cupboards, etc., ` in the spring cleaning, 1'en1e1mbe1' the Rummage Sale to be held at the Fall Fair in aid of the Royal Vic- toria Hospital, and leave salemble, n..n,.1M with Nfrs, Millar. 77 Mary! A. KIRKPAIBICK IOTIZI HOSDIIRI, uuu Iuuvc articles with Hrs. Millar, G5 __T__._____ The Simcoe Foresters will train at Nia`ga1'a. Camp this year, June 5th`. 17th.. 'I`here are a few vacancies 3n A (`n`1n.nnn\' .r\nD1\ TO 1\Ta.10I` 177.1`... 'LI1el'8 'dI`U EL Lew vu.L;u.u\.nca A Company. .'\:DD1}' Majol` R. `Kendall, 01` at the A_.rm01n'ies 'I`us\sdzLy or 1`1'id'.1y evenings after 7.30. ll "_" - ` -"'_'4 1` The staff at the Court House has Ibeen increased to handle the extra work in connection with the cominrg P1'ovincia1 elecation. There will not be any Court till after the elections. We are too busy. says Judge Vance. The annual inspection of the Cadet Corps will take place on Monday, .\'Iay 14, at 9.45 a.1n., in Queen s Park. On Monday evening, at 7 ran Hm Cadets will line un with_ Queen 1`a1`1{. un monuay e\'L*uu1_g,`l at 7.30, the Cadets up with their own bugle band and orchestra` and will parade to Drt-\.z11n1z1nd` Theatre, where they will be enter- mined. The euchre and bridge party in`: the Oddfellows Temple on Wednes-ii day, under the auspices of thei` I.O.D.E., for the benet of mind] soldiers, was most successful. 111-5.! (D12) Turnbull took first honors at} bridge, while Mrs. Sutcliffe was best at euchre. A display of baskets a,nu~ other articles made by the blind! soldiers was very interesting. Van) , of the articles were sold. il Vl `of The mini assets of the town of Dawie. Dec., 1922, acocrding to the' audit by VV'olch. Czmml)e1l & Law-. loss. is $96.`1,fH3.~l6. and the total` llal)ilities $4.`)5,3l`9.77. This wlllj leave the town's. surplus as 5467,- 973.69, which is $11-2,022.27 more than on Doc. 1921. This is 21 credit-` able showing. .~\.t the end of'1921l there was a. decit in current ac- count of $2,170.23, and at the end 1922 lhcere was 11. surplus of; -1.72. ~.;- 4,23 The weather has been anything:' but. summer like _ves1erda_v zyici to-ii day. Between three and four inch-% ,es `of sn0w'1Te11 and this mo1`nin_:: ii` `reminded us o real winter. I-Imv-{ ever, the teniperature did not full; very -low and if ne Weathe1"c0mes,1; as is promised, little or no dzuuage; wm hn rlnnn Tin: t`m'mm`s $113` the` is promxseu, tune or no uzulluggxt` I will be done. The t'a1*1nm`s say ` `snow is worth real money, as the, land was vm'_v dry and this will gzive. I Mhe required moisture much better`: `than rain would. ` U11. ullswens 811 or 393. .hr\ done u\'.'uy with and only slender EI.I".("l`Rl(` l.l(iH ,l_` \VllH*)S' .\I.\\' `g BE lNST;\|'ILlGD l'.Vl)ll{( iI{OL'.\7D' There is some liknlilmod of the! Electric Light pulling wires under-; ground from Brad.-ford street to the I Gas `Works. This would mean tha1`t all the uns'1_<.:htl_v wooden poles would rnms used for ligluim: purposes. It would also mean that this would lmve to be done before any perman- ent road in the way of ceuwnt. could he laid. The time is comiu}: soon} when this well have to be done and the placing of the electric wires umlergrouml would be but a pre- pumliou for it. Ql'l'l'.\' T )0] ).N"l`0( `K (`-0| .|Al .(.'F 'l`O .-\(.`(`I`)l"l.` | l{0l~`l`}SS0l{.N'l'llPi Rev. Dr. 'I.`h0m:1s '\Veaa'in:;. prin- oipu1o1`\V0r)rJst0ck College, has texlclnrvtl his rnsignz1l,ion to the :0\'m'n0rs (if .\Ic.\I:1s1er ITni\'m'siLy, having: z1(-coptml the posiiion of Pro- t'u.:. of .\'r.ew '[`r>slz1nn~nt I.i1m`a11Iro n1 (`.u1_::Un l'niv wily, Hamilton, N.\'. I-Io win assnxne his nmv duIi<>:< at Cr)1L'.:1h'- in Octnhmz D113, \\'ozu'in:; has had EL disHn_:11is`11(:t] s(-hnlzl:~`.!i(: career. He. was born in ICn;:l:m<]. but (-mne to Canzulu and se111n:1 nnzn` Barrie, where he at- t.~m1o.(1 Hm B.C.I. He g1'nr1IIzLled rm`... \1'n.\lnuh,n- in 1000 T111 than \\'o:u'inL,-' has mm ulSIli1f.:l11s11<:Im :ur was and nmr ;.:r:u1mued from NTG.\T2lSf.(*I` in 190$). Ho then |m<::Lnm, pastor of E;.-.1int.on Baptist ch\n'ah, Toromo. Followimr a short z.-. .. (`hnnrrr\ r-nnmrp hn hn- (`hur(`.h, 'l`0r0nI0. 1' 0n0w1u;; u suuu (`.l)1ll'St` in :1 Chicagt) collage he hrs- munn pnstnr of a church there and followed this up with two years in Chit-mgo l7ni\ 0n5i1.y. In 1917 he first mum to \Vo0dsl0`ck and assumed tho pastoratn of the First Baptist chwrczh. and about a year later he- (-mno principal of Vvoodstock Col- ](>_L:(-. l1v- \X7nz|rinrY wag mm nf Ihn mns:.t logo. Dr. \Vn:LI`iIU. was one of the moat nmcir-nt principals in the history 01 Woodstock college. (`lmirnnul (M. " .\ntcn Mills 1 LOCALS .-nclr-rs will be ~.1'. up to ni' \T-.\\' `:'|`7.f'. 'l`l<}N DEBS FOR C().-\ L LEFROY, ONT. General Merchant Grain - Seed - C02 Real Estate. Money to` Loan. Special This Week The Northern Advance .&..-zueu uuu 2u1uI t:n:~:u,u .-... uu...-.. `\\'-Hwnnd. mu A. H. \\'ilsnn, Mr. Hall havi , Pruywrly ('nmmiH<'o, birthday. l`h ; l .()., R-.M.I). N0. 1. M1`. Bull form ..., ,_.._, hat younger. ore perman-` Keenly interested in the affairs of the day his time is occu- pied and does not hang on his hands. Mr. Ball has been a resi- i dent of Barrie for the last 75 years and has contributed much toward the we1l'a1'e of the town. I, -,_ K (`.()l.l.lCGF. (ll'Ll1ll{, an Flglll , HU Jes lcyucu. had! L`livrr~. hot h uh-mat ho said. i received by the .\I0n(1ay, the 2151. `., at. 12 o'clock 110\\'in','; supply nf rr-(1 rut the Com`! I{ngi. (mice. as follows: Court Inns of soft coal; ..,.| ..1.....o on 1... 3 5il.luwIJ 1 c; 77 Mary I'Ul]|l'.ll`|l. J\ll and add1~esse.d psaysyv Next Week at V1ckers --- 1 _*_ jmz. (EEO. ]3.\1.L rAs:~u:s 1 THE 90th .\I11.1ss'1`ox1:, " --~ - v I~`riday last, May . .\I1'. Ball is still hale and 1l(`:Z`Ll`l} and would pass for a. man 25 years. in the laffairs spiecl lhnmlg, Mr. Ball resi- TAXES FOR 1923}

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