Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 May 1923, p. 1

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Ili`l.\ l3 UEULI Uillllikl uyuu LU UU. A. D. Simon, the Brookdale train- er, predicts a very open race for the King's Plate this year, but while not saying much about the Dymenit entries, he has two good prospects picked for the race in Vespra, a. three year old lly by Heresy out of Solid C0mii"oi`t. and Mzwpole, an- other three _vez11' old lly by Tippe- canoe or Red Fox out or The Belle 01' ;\Iayl`ai1`. ,\11 ohn 11nI*anu nvn in unnd ch;-inn {iG1RL KILLED WHEN CAR STRIKES 1>os'r Ul ;\l2l)'vlillI'. All the horses are in good shape and should easily uphold the honor of the Broohdale S1-aible. Eight horses in all made the trip to the Woodbine. These included, besides the two plavters Vespra and Maypole. the following: Corenzio, four year old bz1,V.colt by Tippecanoe out of Lady Curzon; Herendesy, a brown gelding, ve years old, by Heresy, out of Depends; Aquatic. four year old bay gelding, by Tippecanoe, out of .-\`melia. Ann; .-xnmut, a six year old bay mare by Tippecanoe, out of Solid Comfort; Thornton, a brown gelding, two year old, by Heresy, out oil` Depends (which makes him a. full brother to Herendesy); Illumin- ate, a bay lly, two years old, by Tippecanoe, out of Elfain (halt sis- ter to Broomstick). I Xlfhiln fhn ml:-inrr hqa honn nui- ll{`I' U) 1)l'UUllllIUI\}. 1 Vvhilo the StI'il1 has been cut down from last year, only the best `have been rese1`\`od, and if quality counts for zu1_\'tI1in:: tho Brookdale }Ft:1b1e should win its f;'1.r share of ';the mews they enter in. `)n:<;l`(\F ohnnn u-hu`nl. unnzln than rllllf IELCPH IHU) Ullllfl Ill. 1 Besides those which made the ` tri-p some coming xvinners have been `left at. the Earth. In another year `or so they will be reztdy to make the journey. These are three _\':>ar1ings, 21 buy colt by Spey Pearl, out 01' May Bloom; a bay colt by 'I`ipp(>('un0e out of Elfaitt, and a bay 1111])` by I~Ieresy out of Donation. ' |'T`1\nu-n nun nhvn Hm-nn fnnla n 611 1I1u_\ I)_\ fltiltib) UuL UH uuuuuuu. 1 There are also three foals. u lly `by Heresy out 01 Depends. a colt by llieresy out of Solid Comfort, and a lcolt by Tippecanoe out of Elfain. iThe stable had the misfm'tune to T1059 two foals. one a filly by Tip-pe- P' out 01` .\la_v Bloom, and'the olher :1 filly by Tippecanoe out Hot :\meli:1 Ann. 10` \'n.-nun unfl \Tnx-nnln fln nnl Rn, `.`\HlEHiL :\IlH. If \'e.=,pra and .\Ia,\'po1e do not de- :velop any trmrhle before the day of ;the ]{ing s Plate, as Corenzio did .1ust year, either one should give a lunod account of herself and with a. little luck should probably nose the tape before the rest. H hut nnf hnnn drlrtidn vnf whnf l'(L[lU IJUIUIE IHL` ll:hL. It has not been decided yet what races the horses are to be entered in, a`thou;:h Corenzio has been en- i9I`fJ in the Toronto Cup and the Cuiiaiiglii. Cup races. One thing is sure that whatever races they take part in they will be trying hard from start to finish and the best wishes of Barrie will be with them. When :1 motor car carrying four `pa. m15.zers in it. crz1. into a. tele- g,:,Iz1ph pole on the street of Picker- jinr: villzure on Mondzxy night, Miss `,1\'a1h1een Carponter of Sutton was : i instantly killed. A1'' Jury, of Cruighurst, who was in the car. and L` .\ Ttrrnvn ihn rh'ivL\v' nrn Fhnfh 'Llil|gllLll>L, WIIU With U] LHU 'lJ'.ll'. HJIU. Ii`. .-\. Brown, the drivel`, are both in :1 critical condition. Miss Thelma - Ivlnrbbort, the other occupant, escaped lwilh little injury. nu. .. __ ..._. lll\l.`llK:'\l Llllf l\.AllgUUllL UL flCd.\!`.`ll LU :1 grain `Jf n1;1sta1`d seed that _<.;t`ew till its branclies reached far, He surely meant that His kingdom would extend on et11'tl1 till e\'et'y part` would he bt`oi1;;l1t' in. When He likened the kingtlotn to :1 little levnn that leveneth the whole lump I-le .sut'e1_v meant that evetgx` huniziu be- ing must be touched till all are, broiight in. The whole is not yet levened. There are three i11ca1'm1- tions, said Dr. Simpson, God i11- curiiatetl in Jesus, Jesus i11C;1t`nzlteti in His disciples, and His disciples incz11`nz1ted i11 human society. Jesus is to-tlz1_v 1i\'ill;.:' ill 11111112111 person- ality. It is God's way of extending His l I am He that liveth and was dead; :.:1d am alive for` Q\YDY'111 nro The party were returning to T0- ronto from Newcastle and according to eye witnesses. were trziveliing at {L high rate of speed. At. the scene of the accident there is 'a/slight de- viation in the road and the car swerved into the post, completely` wrecking the car. After the acci~ dent, Drs. Cartwright and Dale, ot Pickering, were rushed to the scene and the injured were taken to the _ Oshawa hospital. A..L\..._ 1.`-.. ...1.- ... __-n I... _.___ ....... .. .. ......,...... Arthur Jary, who is well known around Cralghurst, was visiting with his sister in Toronto, `Mrs. Craig. and happened to -be in the party. At latest reports he is .in :1 very critical condition. He is -badly injured about the arms and legs, as Well as in- | Im`m1]1)'. x _.-._ .\1't111n' In 1 .\cc0rdinL: to -Miss Hubbert, the !s1(-e1`i11q gear was not working pro- `pn-1'].\' and Ihis was the cause of the `!|l'l'i4)1-HI Don't fO1'_Lf Martin Senou I! 4 T.:rln`\I\\ ' Jm'_V, of C1`z1ig11111'st, Il_ospita1 Badly Injllrod. IHRIL l`l_\l aims and Plmne Eight Pages V nu U411 A 111:5 Yarn i shes. 1 O 0 Pzxpcr. SIDEWALK cvcuna E A NEW LUXURYZIE CVCI lll'Jlt'. The speaker closed with : est appeal to all to allow . work in and Inrougl1 them :n,._.:._..-.x _- _- _ a- I T1'{1l1Sf_1`1'(`;\'s(I's .>\ppem* Not"; To Rvzllizu C'r>11soq11(*11r(.`>: (T)-1` Act, .11 (;`;111_{'ht. This is : now-.1dz1_vs 14ll.\\l| l|)|I as well oom1'or\ Take for instance the pergson who suffers from S[()i11aL('.l1 (lll`0I`(l(l'F5 caused by excessive czLn(l_\' ezLtin:.:.., Consider the cur u'.'ne1' who has: nl0l`[}.I1l;. ("(1 his home to purchase a car and later nds himself unable to .meet the pztyments. All these are I1l()(l99- of luxury well known to` the public. Here is one which we believe is new. Last Sz\.t.urdz1y. W. Lount paid $7.50 to the town for the privilege of riding his bicycle on Elizabeth street--only once. That is real luxury; that is paying for the comfort of riding on the smooth sitlvvmllc rather than on the bunipy, rlnclv rnn l`AHI.d.Ut.`tll h|.lUUL`--Uul_Y UHLZU. .lllLl.|. that for (lusty road. From reports we have heard rid- in: on tho siduwzxlk is becoming a \'(-I`_\' _r_'()nn110I1 luxury in Barrie. Fmlw of !h(\.~'-` who onjny the com- fort 07` ('}'C1iIlL on the sidewalk uro Va-1'_v :'r)x`; I11 m` Ihv <-m14fm't of; r=Hw!"<. 'I`h.- v,nwI-~;:ri;nns txfu-21 nrl :. x. ..C X..w`v..1V. l`HL' ])|IlAL'l' ill!` stop this cycling MC ay!:u\L:x \.l\J-`ELL nu (LII C(llH' Jesus to k that His (Continued on page four) RE-OPEN COLLIER sr. | METHODIST CHURCH; ilUil_\b bpl'lHl Lllkil HlUUl _V U I which are not zLhs()lutoL\"; 3.x`sur).' to existence, but which to its comfort and h:1ppineSs.. uri(>u.~; living has its bad effects well as good, and loads to dis- fom as well as comfort. uke are F1-nun ufrunzlnh rlirnrtlnv-c. an age of 1ll.\'1H`_\'. People spond their mouoy on n'nh nu-:2 nnf -:hL~nlufnIr' @133 Nurtitb new Emmmm ALLANDALE EASILY | WIN OPENING GAMEj LLCLIUHE UU i1.uJUlll'HUU hlllli `.115. The action otf Knibbs to secure paywment of $21.13 for rent and potatoes from A. E. Stunden was suddenly ended when J. R. Boys. aippeariug for the defendant, zmnounced that his client would be satised to have judgment given against him. Sumden acknowledged the debt and said that he had 111is- understood the statement of the claim. "FLA nnnn A6` n1r\ wn-< \I nr vwnn lllrlllll. . The case of Dale vs. Marriott was adjourned. A promissory note which has been trz1nsl`erx'e(1 twice, was the centre of discussion. As Jos. Max'riott, the defendant, has `been -adjudged ballkrllpt, Judge Wismc-1` said the best thing to do `was to let the case stand sine die. Rail1'0ad01's Off to Good Start; Outclass Mimic-0 By 18 to 5. Several cases were scheduled tol be heard in the Division Court be- fore Judge Wismer on Tuesday. However, circumstances rendered it a,dvisa'ble that all, save `two, of the actions be a.djoux'ned sine die. 'T"hn at-finn nil `Knihha in `Barrie baseball enthusiasts had their first opportunity of the season to see :1 game on the home lot on h`at111'(1ay z11`ternoon, when the Allan- (lalo C.N.R. team defeated \Iimico f`|\T I ) ninn Ian 10 on I If the `form displayed by the locals is any indication of what it will be later in the season then Barrie teams are in for a good sea- Qnn (111 Q-Jntlll-r'|nv.a3\'nv-\ I1!-|n nn lier St. Methodist church were held on Sunday and large congregations were present both morning and -evening to hear Rev. R. J. D. Simp- .son,D.D., who was associated with the pastor for the occasion. Dur- ing the month of April services were held in the ODtJl`11 House while the church was in the hands of the decorators. and it was :1 pleasing revelzttion to note the improve.t1ent. that was made. Everytliiiig is so .b1'ight and clean and seems to just harmonize with the spirit of wor- I The re-opening services at Col l`hn Y\-1cIr\I- `Dnv Ll` L` t'r.\1]u'nr\(` U(llll\: |L'oLilAD (Ill: H1 [U1 U. t`-3UUll blicl` son. On Sat111*`(lz1y.e\'e1'_v man on the home tezrm socked the ball fre- quently and mi.;hti1y. The `pitchers, Emms and King, each fanned live in thrr-0 innings. King is :1 new ac- quisition of the Allaiidztle team. He was the pilchex` who last year lr~ Aurora. to \'ictor_v in the North York leaggne. Aurora would like to get him back, but as there is no vzicuiicy on the C.N.R. staff in that town, he will likely remain here. As the score indicates, Suturda_\"s gmne was not 21 hard t ou5.;ht affair. _-\r(-.humhunl1, the .\limico pitcher, was not l1zLI'(l to hit, and the elders, particularly the centre elder, _s;'.iVe him but little support. The gaine, as one fan expressed it, was a nnvnnrlv nl' cu-vnv-a " l:`1n-tnnntnlv I MANY A() I`IONS IN DIVISION UOUI{ l` .-\[{.E ADJOURNED UHt`- lil U.\1)l't.hlfl.l IL, \Vd5 211 comedy of eI'1'o1's." ]"0rtunate1_\'\ ~.\Iimic0 provided most of the errors.` Only three out of IL total of four- teen were committed by the Bar- v-h:nun-: "Fhv-nn n6" \Y1'nuinn'n N111`:- lC't'|l HCLU UUHllHlLlUU rienes. Three of were gilfls, tha1 U)" LHU Dill`! .\Iimic0 s runs is. the runner who scoxwl in each case was one who had boen_ given 21 pass to first.` (`mod base running and _\]]unda1e`s three errors (leveloped these passes inin runu, :L1 1 For three and a half innin_:;s the contest had all the e2`tl`IllaI'l{S of a real gaiiie. Kin; pitched the first` three innings for .\llz1ndu1e and only ten men faced him. The bust- up" arrived in the .~\l1i`tl`l(1i1l8 half of the third innings. Louglieod, first up, was hit on tile head by a pitched ball. Gilchrist ran for him. I\ in_.r:, who followed him, was given a walk. Coles was safe on first and Gilchrist scored when the third baseman took too long deciding where to make the -play. Hart fanned.. Gilchrlst. s hit Went for a triple when the left elder mis- judged the ball. King -and Coles scored. Horner poled out 11. home; run. D. Ennns and Travis were. .both safe on outeld errors, and {came home on Copeland's two` iha-.';:er. L. Emms singled. King: went out pitcher to l'Sl.. Coles scored Ennns and Copeland when he got his second hit of the innings. ]I~lai't simzled. `but was loft on second .wlion Gilr-hrist fanned, puttin:.; an {fond to the slaughter. Total, 10 PHHQ 0l`l`{`|7`< l Lin.` :A.\lll illlll ;\llil1llliLH. Ihoir m:11':.;in by four i1 innings. Home runs by l(:iIch1'isL feat111'o(1 these ` ... .. . N .\Iimico collected two counters in! who last innin;:s. \\'ilh one d0wn,L Timmins drove out, a triple. .-\1`ch-` Ianuhauh. was out when D. Emms made :1 dimcult catch of his high! iv, Vnlniz qinrrlml :1-nrinrr Pim-| `r |HliluL' ll. LHIHLZIHL l,'d.LUIl UL 1115 Illglli y. Valois sinr.;1e(l, scoring Tim-[ mins, and made third on Gi1christ's| error. Sharpen singled, scoring Valois. LzLnchuury"wa1ke hruck singled, but all three were left when Wea\'e1' ied to centre field. l .. -- ... `Mimico--Sharpen ss, Lzmchbury 2b, Kruck lb, Weaver 3b, Begonaise cf , Gillet c. Timmins rt`, Archa.m- bunt p. Valois lf. .\ lInv1rlnIn_.f`_n1nu 1h `Hnrf Qh V01 LXXII. N0. 12. Allandale iMimico . . Uclll l 1), V E1015 11 - ;\11zLm1nle-Co1es lb. Hart 3b,` Cilchrisl. c, Hornet` If, D. Emms 2b, ['1`1'a\'is cf. Copeland 99. L. Emms gunrl Lou_:h.--`d lf. king: 1). ' [ mpi1'n----I?d. I\'v:n`m:. . r H|\ IUI rule. r1'IlI`\' \, nun .})1i.`3.`1f1l11_\' nun:-vhl IlIll'l Ill L.'l\,' lllbl IN .\1121nda1e increased 3 in the szune Coles and nzl 1uz\c-A uni (in l I/'llill.'4L' llil\l,' cyclers, love 1.. I\I\ oh rut im1in:'.= .-\l`.zmd'.11r~ and .\Ii1uicr) two. -1' in the 1`SI of nnnln Jun.` 3.111 The regular meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday night and it was near midnight when the session was over. Representatives of the Boys Council were present and His Worship the Mayor in a few words welcomed the boys, S:_Vl11f_',' "VVe are honored to-night by having present representatives of the 1o_vs' Council, whose aims and objects are the uplight of the boys 01 Bar- rie." C. Hunter was asked to take :1 seat on the dias with His Worship I Mr. Geo. Vickers, P. Love and T T. Young, representing the I-I0rticul- tural Society. were present and pre- sented the Council with six waste containers to be placed on the streets. \I.- 1 nvvn 3 n Pnnv uvn.-(In nah`! Ihn ' S|.I`(`,t l5. M1`. Love ill a few words said the main object of the Ho1'ticu1turz11 Society was to beautit`_v the homes and streets of Barrie, and the So- ciety wanted to assist the Council by presenting these waste c(mtain- ers which they hoped would help in keeping the streets cleaner. ,, \.. 1v:-I.,..._. _,_:.: lI....A ...1.,... LI.,` `Chief of Police Job Finally I j Awarded to Constable Case] The pastor, Rev. H. E. VV`ell\vo0d. .in a few opening 1'emzu`ks, referred to the wag. the scheme originated. A few of the fzxithfnl men1.l)ers of the church had met and after n1uc_h prayer and c0nside1`ation had launc- ed the scheme. The whole congl - gation had entered into it so heartily that they could just feel it was .God's leading. Much credit was due the committee who had so ably carried the scheme through. The :np:\l:rn- fnr lhn rlnv urn: fho u. ..\,..`,....C, -..., .;....,\,... v......\,.. , I Mr. Vickers said that when the. Soiceny stzlrted there were only 3 members, now there are 500 mem- bers. The Council had assisted the Society when in its i11t'z1nc_v and, now they were trying to 1'et1u`n"Lhe compliment. I`hn \Tnvnv- nx-nu-raaenrl tho nnnrnr'in- CUIll]Jll1ll\`,[ll. The Mayor expressed the apprecia- tion of the Council in accepting the gilft. and hoped the citizens would make good use oi` the coiitziiners. Pnnvu L`ichnr unit! tho Uni-iir-111-. lllillie f_,'0() US(;` 01` llle l.'UIll2LlIH`I`5. .Rs>eve Fisher said the Horticul- tural Society was doing a _:;00(1 work. Wlie1`evr=i` there is :1 ower there is 21. smile. and wlierever 1he1`e is a [smile there is :1 happy homo. LU ['4 Sit -`.l. I<`mm Bell Telephone Co., asking permission to open up .\1z:1'c11s St. hmween Caroline and G.T.R. tracks. | .\11zu1(1z\1e-. I"1`om .\Ir. Thompson, Dunlop S1. 13.. conrpluininjq of sign erccied Iwar Shoe Iacto1`_v. 1:.-A... 'r~ m \*,..m.. -1;-I.'iI\(r rm- .1 Auditors Report Shows Fi11a11c-cs in Good Shape ; Grant for V. 0. Nurse ; No Action in Regard To Const1'uc`rio11 of Public Lavzltol-y. nuuu 1'zu:lu1_\. 1 I1'om T. '1`. Young, askin_<.: for al E{l`2lI11 of $50.00 to clear debt of! Bugle Band. ' 1 I 1.`.-nu. `LY T T)nI-nu awn]-Innv nnv, `UL|_`-'.lB 1)d.llU. I From H. L. Palmer, askinz per- $missinn to move gasoline tank from i. 3. ) F111 /4z1.heth S1. to 57 I-)1izubet11 St. I 1.`..n.\. LI \ cm!" n..H:.~.,.. flan ... `J2! l`.l1Z2lJ)(`l.I1 BI. [U bl l';1lZ';ll)L`.LIl 3|. I I-`rom H. .;\. Sixxfs. callin;-; the an- tomion 01' the Council to tho d.;n1_;m*- ous condiiinn of the 10:: wall :11, 121 Owen St. and u11:in:.: Ihut the wall `be I'C`D1:l(``(1. l mm... H L` Tnhincnn ncL'1'nrr nnv--| `UU l(:])1ilL't`u. [ From C. 1`). Robinson. asking pm - missinn to instal a _L*as01ine pump at I'3liza,beI11 St. and Mzxplv .-\\'o. ;n I .__.: .,.. ..-...... ..._.r.. .\ petition c0nIaininL: 40 sign:1-| A I _tm'es of the _;mcm's 01' Barrio z1..k- in}: that u b_\'-1:1w be passed to hawl all _;rncr~ry stm-es closed on 'Wed-`` nesduy a!'tr>.rno0ns from June 1st to] Sept. .".0th. I .\ potition from the residoms 011' R0dI1P_\' and Napier streets asked that :1 liuht he p1ar.'cd at the corner of Rodney and Napier streets, also om" at last polo on C0 110211` corner of Rodney. Also that gravel lw put on JHIHPS St. bo!.\vm-n ihr gravel pit and Dnckworth and on Codringzmn between Duckworih zmrll r`r\r\`- nwvonntn I J. DLU1}JUL!. At the morni11_<.; service Rev. Mr. Simpson spoke on The EV'0I`Ii\'iIl_`. Christ. taking for his text Rev. 1- 18, I am He that Iiveth and was dead; and behold I am alive for pvorvn nvn " CUIHCI U1 IXUU Ja an be Cook streets. `Dnthlnn (>'v `L/UUl\ EIICULD. Petition from the residmlls of Innisl and Vicloria. streets, asking Lem Bros., aski11.: permis- move s1:.:n from Gowan St. 91 Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, May 10, 1923 l'.ilt(m. who l`ue.s' ) \\'ill 0.-ulaly I that a sewer be constructed on In- nisl St. from Victoria. to John St. \ nni E 0 inn Pu-nun `LII uh Q0 nnni A petition from High St. resi- dents asking that the sidewzilk taken up some years ago from Bradford St. to the limits of High St. be re- l placed. Unfinn I`:-run v-oeirlonda nn IT`Hvn_ lulblll DL. LFUUI VlULUl'lii. LU -JUHH CL. yuun-:u. Petition from residents on Eliza- beth St. asking that street oiling be continued on Elizzubetli St. from High St. to Boyes St. for 1023 mm continuous there:Lt`te1' till rescinded. Re Mrs. 'I`rave1's-B-uily vs. Town The 1'o1lowin:.; communication was received from the town solicitor re Mrs. 'l`1`z1ve1's-Bail,\': 1 `non. On nrlvhan vnu fhnf 1 hnuvn Rev. Dr. R. J`. D. Simpson Delivers I11spi1'i11g Addresses. Alla. J.lil\Ul"l.)iLll.\ I beg to advise you that 1 have had an\'ie\v with the commit- tee appointed by the Town Council to see me i'ega1'din}.: the lizuhiiity oi the town for the accident occasion- ed to Mrs. Travers-Bail-_v, and having gone into the facts of the accident with the coinniittee, I have conclud- ed that there is no liability 011 the part of the 1ow11 and have conse- quently advised the said committee to contest the action and pursuant to the instructions oi'_the eonnniiitee, an appearance has been entered. _ -.. .,......_-_,\.., .\Ii'. R. I-Ia1'1`ison wrote the Coun- cil staiing that on April 8, about 8.30 p.n1., whvn he was going from Barrie to Allunduie, while CI'OSSin_L', thv sidewalk which passes over Bunker`s Creek, he fell and sus- tained 21 1'x`acl11red wrist and other injuries. He ciiiims d:11nz1ges, con- tending than the accidmit was caused Ihr0u_<.:h want of repair of said side- \\':I1k .u,.,V, ., IIIJLII Nib. t \\'Zl]l\'. , u nu; L)\/|lu\IuA_v .4... I I Mr. A. G. \VaIkot` asked that the botin(lary line between 1015 on south side of Burton .\\'e. and North H01- gute St. be estztblished. as he wish- led to hiiild 21 fence exu--ruling from the t'enc.~ behind Le(?ea1r`s pmperty to Reid St. This fextce wmthl show the exact depth 01` the 10t:<,, which would he of henot to the town it" the lots wer,,- helm}: sold. Motions ColesvBric1 Than the roquesi of the I30_\'s' Dngzle Band ho }.!I'2lI1le(1. `I).1uru.lrIn-.\ I7.-kn..O.--nu l`h.\&~ Ohn 'Ul LHL` DU_\b lJU:>:1(_` liilllkl Ul` .ll'lllllK".H. Pa1'1ridge=-Rnb6>1'ts0n-AT)1at thn re-quest or H. ulnwr, also that of (3. Robinson, be r.;1'z1me(1 umlor super-I vision of the Board of \\'0rl I-`isher ~- lmnorson --- That the Clerk he instructed to purchase a car of Iurviz1 1}. wt :1 cost 01` 15 cents nnu .1 .v..11nn funny vhn T7.` .- (11 U1 l(lI\KiL p(-r_ impe1'i:11 rnif (`n rmv [ill '..'Ill'l'_'. | (`.1'zw>,\'~ .\I:1rs}1::11--~Thz11. the. re- |qLw:~:1 of Lmn 1'3m:<. be _;1'2111l(\.(1 under is'11pm`\'i.=i()I1 or 1.1021111 01' \\ orl \I-.n*chruH ,,_ (`.|v-,ur~r:\ -,V '|"hnf lhn i.\|l1Jt`l \ 1>lUIl Ul [_>Uillll Ul V! U1 l\.\. .\1arslm11 (lr-uct~*_\ That the !B0n1`d 01' \\'m'k.< consider the ad- l\'isabi1it,\ 01' constructinyq rt cement l|`,H1\'(`1't, at the corner of Essa and Un`.(`.win streets in take the place of the presont tile drain. Purtrid:r---Rr;i)0rtsr)n-~ I`hat the I-`inzince Ommnitteo ('0I1. ~'.i(1(-`I tho ad- vi.~;z1.l)ilit)' of placing all _L::1. ptmms and tanlcrs timivr the sinner- vision 0!` the Council and that a tax not to exceed $25.00 pm` annum Ibo levied on all such t:1nk:~'. 1-`ishet`~-R()hv-1`tsr)11 -- That the BO(1I'(l of \\'m'ks consider the advis- ztbiiity of constructing :1 catch basin Fell on Bri go, \\'zmts Dzunages \7.. n 11... ___..-. _ .1. _ n-_... dlfltfu lll|:' 5Clll:`lllt3 lIlI`Ullf-, ll. The speaker for the day was` the Rev. R. J. D. Simpson, D.D., an old Barrie boy, and brothel` of Dr. L. .J. Simpson. A0 fhn nun:-ninzr cor-vinn Dav `\h- VVants Boundary Line II. ill il _L'2I1l0n, ' to be l,'U.Hl UL II) L'L'llL5 , from 1119 B211`- 1'usho forwan`. TWO INJURED IN ~ RAILWAY WRECK Live stock are not allowed to run at large on the Provincial highways. Even if a township has a by-law pemnilting stock to run at large up- on the roads of the n1unicipa.1i~ty, it cannot, supercedc the statutes or the Dvnvi 11 pm Monday, June 25th, has been set as the date of the Provincial Elec- tion, with nominations on June 14. Oicial annouceinent was made by Premier Drury late last evening, following a. meeting oil` the Cabinet. This will leave six weeks for cam- paign work, and all party leaders have :1 full progranime mzirlxed out. When the House rose on May 5 there were 55 members on the G-overmnent side, 27 on the Liberal side and 29 on the Conservative benches. The l"i`i'teenth Parliament of Ontario, which passes out of ex istence, was elected on October 29. 1919, and has held four sessions. I . . ,Pass011gm' T1-a111 Deralled North of Lefx-03'; Engine Tu]-110d OV(3.1`. ONT.-\Rl0 El;E(",l`lO.\'H Jl .\'IJ 25. NOBIINATIONS` ON Jl'.\'l_J 1-lth` `U... H... \4\l --......u...u.. En}.;ineer Spearn, whose engine, No. 425, did not leave the track, vividly describes the details of the accident. We were about three miles out of Lel'ro_\' and trztvelling about 25 miles an hour when the ztccidentl occurred. I looked back and saw the tender of engine 1413 going up one bank and the rest of tlie eugiue go-1 ing up the other. Some of the cars 'hud left the track and were partly lturned around. I thought that a number would be killed," concluded Mr. Spearn. n, -_,__.._-_.N .._1_ A 0:- .4\A1 . x. n ..._.,`,.1. CVBILIIUIU. The x'esurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest event in the world s histm'_v. It is the greatest event that can ever happen, said the speaker. \Vhen the disciples. dis- couraged and disheax'tene_d, were about to return to their old occu- pations after the crucifixion of Jesus, learned of His 1'esur1'ectio11, a new world dawned upon them. That resurrection has taken away the sting of death and proves that life does not end at death. 'I`hn .-.m...~.`m...'n.. ;:< . ..imnm..m ..| .v.. . .,,n....... lmssengers who viewed the wreck (]SCI'il)(3 it. as being, an awe-inspi1'i1Lu si).:ht. Tho shzxtlered en:.:ine ditched on one side 01' the main line. the ruinod lender lying on the other. and the cars at 1`i;,','h1 zmgles L0 1110 upturn track. nu, J .. -1,,` V D The (1m'ai1(:(l en:.:ine was bad]_\' d:ll112l}.:(!d. One side was cmnp1e1e]_\m snipped. The cash was nm.ire1_v (le-` molislled. /What was left of the lender was loadnd on :1 at car and h1'ou,4hl. to /\l1z1nda1e_. m u, u , _. ._,.... ..v .............\._. `nuxili-.n'y crew had the t1':Lc1\' r ml passable within um hours. The pnssemgers on the ill-fated train were trz1ns.fe1*x`e(1 and rerxchetl .\11nn- Idale about nine o'clock. The mid- night passens.:e1' train went around by Georpzelown. Spnedy work on the part of the- i The performance on Tuesday evening next of I-Iia.vwatlm's Wed- ding Feast," the unique cantata to hol given by the choir, will take half. [an hour, and this will be preceded ihy 2; niiscellzmeous p1'0gr:mn11e of ! merit." Of Mr. Billon, 31110 l`m'onm cellist. Augustus Bridle 1`<~1n.'11'l<(~ in The Star": He is `:1 mnsl <=.\'prr-ssivo and clmrmim; ;u1'l'-,: wlgn (inns nothinr: that is not `in pl-1-I`:-t-I In- witliin lhe limits Jr-" ll finv <-x-inywllinz 1~:r-linivgllo. '.\l1'.} liltmfs (--llu numb - will > :I..... 1... .-1...... .1 'l`\.n...\ ...:II= ~I.- , n. 'lJlIl.`. \\l|ll lH|ZlH:hLlill illlt, !on the organ. and \'0(', `duets, elc., will round .;:rannne of unusllal i Jig-(inn! nmnv-:6 S'l`. AI\'l)l{I'}\V'S CO.`\'("-l .`l|l., md nu`, IBROOKDALE HORSES 1 AWAYTOWOODBINE The Broolidale Stable left for the Woodbine on Tuesday wl`Le1' a good spring training. The horses have come through the winter in rst class shape and at present are in good form. They have been just as eager t.o push ahead as the trainer and his assistants, and have re- sponded willingly to everytlling they have been called upon to do. ,\ T1 Qhnnn fho Rvnnlrrlnln train- String of Eight Left on Tuesday; lxlorses in Good .C011diti0n. A1L\: UUCB UUL ltllu Ltl. UUKLLII. | The x'esu1'recliou is a cha1Ien:.:e ml (10 our best. Jesus is just as p1`e.s-i em to-day as He was in the days df' His flesh. but He is w01'1(i11g in and} through His followers. When Jesus! likened the King-`dom of Heaven to :1 crrnin -If 1n'1u1zn~Il cnorl fhnf (rm:-ur

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